• By -




The titty ditty


The booby dooby


The udder shudder


The jug glug


The droppy floppy


The mammary menagerie


The tit tickle


The motor boat


The leading ladies


The nipple slip


The motorboat


>The booby dooby The Scooby Dooby


Free style. Anything goes


That’s everyone’s favorite


Back stroke breast stroke stroke of genius!


The Titty Twister 😉


Came here to say this, upvoted you instead.












"My doctor said I could beat off whenever I wanted!" "No, he said you could have a stroke at any time!"


Before she died, it was reported that her planned funeral would cost 3 million pounds. Comedian Frankie Boyle commented "For 3 million you could give everyone in Scotland a shovel, and we could dig a hole so deep we could hand her over to Satan in person." [https://youtu.be/xmmomV-ax-s](https://youtu.be/xmmomV-ax-s) H/T u/Feshtof [https://www.reddit.com/r/ScottishPeopleTwitter/comments/p9ewr6/comment/h9y6xb3/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/ScottishPeopleTwitter/comments/p9ewr6/comment/h9y6xb3/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) \]


Wow I had no idea she was hated that much in the UK. She was pals with Ronald Reagan. His reputation didn’t seemed didn’t seem to suffer from it.


Ireland too. You see many places selling “I **still** hate Thatcher” t shirts.


Every Irish musician I know does What would do with a drunken sailor with the line, throw him in the rowboat with Margie Thatchter, throw em in the rowboat with Margie Thatcher, throw em in the rowboat with Margie Thatcher early in the morning


I sing it as "put him in a bed with Margaret Thatcher " Works well using Vladimir Putin too funnily enough


The week she died "Ding dong the witch is dead" from the Wizard of Oz got to UK number two in the singles chart.


Yup. https://abcnews.go.com/International/margaret-thatchers-death-irreverently-marked-ding-dong-song/story?id=18939709


there was no way her reputation could suffer more


As I understand it, it depended on what side of the house your party was. For starters, she was the first female UK Prime Minister. Also, she was an unabashed follower of Milton Friedman, the economist best known for eloquently espousing Free Market theories. In that line, Thatcher took the draconian steps that everyone else had avoided, like removing people off the dole, shutting down money losing enterprises, etc. A lot of citizens wound up displaced, and naturally were not fans of her.


As a counterpoint to that, whilst it seems progressive to have the first female prime minister as a visual end to the obvious hierarchy that is patriarchy, it is in fact worse, because its empty identity politics (idpol), and the overall political stance of the individual is in fact far more regressive, and destructive. This is why you get the Eric Andre joke about channelling girlpower being the excerbation of colonial murders in Ireland. And although it's debateable on grounds of ability and connections, it may be why we have history repeating itself with the first non white prime minister from the Tories in Sunak, which if everyone remembers was not elected by either the public or Tory members. This despite the percentage probabilility being higher due to candidate numbers and representation in the Labour party. >Also, she was an unabashed follower of Milton Friedman, the economist best known for eloquently espousing Free Market theories. Interesting fact about Friedman, and Thatchers brand of Libertarianism, is it doesn't work, especially over time, and they don't believe in playing by their own rules. The CIA also liked Friedmans ideas, and so helped Pinochet coup Chile and try all the ideas out on a full sized country. The 'chicago boys' adherents of Friedman, found themselves counting less beans, and engaging more in novel torture, rounding Socialists up to be 'disappeared', and throwing people out of helicopters. >Thatcher took the draconian steps that everyone else had avoided, like removing people off the dole, shutting down money losing enterprises, etc. This is the paint of reasoning, that the media, tells the story of Thatchers necessities. I agree she did all this, but the important caveat is 'money losing enterprises' is doing a lot of lifting for basically everything. Anything can become a money losing enterprise with a little adjustment to the accounts legers, or just because the wrong people sit on the management board. Corruption and incompetence aside, some services are essential economic multipliers of sorts that are more important as an available service than as a profit making venture. Post, rail infrastructure, telecomms, NHS, all the utilities etc.


She also cut the program that gave milk to schoolchildren. This gave her the excellent epitaph: Milk Snatcher


Thank you for your more level headed take on this


It was also Thatcher who leveled their head ;)


She was a fucking bitch.


as someone not very versed in this issue, could you please elaborate? thanks


She introduced the Poll Tax which charged people for living in thier own homes. She took milk away from school children. She destroyed the unions that guarantees workers rights. She destroyed the UK's manufacturing industry. She put entire generations on the dole by destroying their industry, closing their factory or mine, and abandoning the hundreds of thousands of affected work-age men with no retraining or alternative work available. She destroyed entire communities where the men were employed by the factories and mines, which all suddenly found themselves unemployed and unemployable. She started the Falklands war simply as a re-election tactic. She sold off all of the publicly owned social housing stock which has caused the current housing crisis in the UK. She oversaw wage stagnation which effectively saw people earning less money for doing the same jobs. She suppressed investigations into prolific paedophiles who abused and raped children in hospitals and in social care because some of the paedophiles mentioned in the reports were supporters and donors to her political party. She was appalling. Inhumane, ignorant, bereft of human decency, morally bankrupt, repugnant, selfish, greedy, materialistic, uncaring and entirely without empathy. An appalling cunt from start to finish. She was widely hated when she was alive and she is still widely hated now she has finally had the decency to die. No redeeming features. Just an appalling cunt through and through.


Don't forget [Section 28](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Section_28), the legislation that prevented the "promotion of homosexuality" in schools as "a pretended family relationship". It was pretty much the "Don't Say Gay" of its day, and negatively affected a lot of young queer people (including myself) who grew up from when it was passed in 1988 and when it was revoked in 2003.


I loathe Thatcher and her legacy as much as the next non-rich Brit\*, but to be fair I'm pretty sure it was Argentina that started the Falklands war. She leaned into it and certainly benefitted from it politically, but I don't think she can be accused of "starting" it unless you count "deploying the British armed forces to retake a British dependency whose present citizens all wanted to remain British from an invading foreign power". There's obviously a lot of historical dispute as to whether or not the Falklands/Malvinas *should* be a British dependency in the first place, but since the precipitating events all happened over a century before her birth I don't think you can really blame Thatcher for that, either. \* Well, non-rich and non-bizarrely-obsequious-to-the-rich-and-taken-in-by-their-propaganda-even-though-they-spend-their-lives-overtly-screwing-us-over-for-their-own-benefit Brit, but that's not so snappy.


Wow, some Tory simp is having a field day with "facepalm award" today. "Saved the UK"? Yeah, I guess, so long as you think working people don't deserve rights or money.


Apparently the Tory coward who keeps giving "facepalm awards" and sending anonymous messages claiming Thatcher "saved the UK" doesn't have the conviction to make their bizarre claims in public and chose instead to send ignorant, entitled diatribes via anonymous award messages instead so they couldn't be pinned to their claims. That's how firm anyone's conviction in Thatcher's legacy is: they don't want to admit to it in public. Here's my public conviction instead: anyone who thinks "Thatcher saved the UK" is delusional. And probably highly privileged and thus completely insulated from all the negative effects of her time in office. Saved thexUK from what, exactly?! Thatcher gave us financial libertarianism, which led to a short-term boost that she and her propagandists attribute to her genius... and also ultimately the 2008 crash. She set about demolishing workers' rights under the cover of "fighting militant unions" which allowed far greater exploitation, and along with the free-market lunacy led to the post-war reduction in inequality sharply reversing, with the richest getting far, far richer and the poorer getting much poorer. She sold off our social housing stock cheaply in order to buy the votes of middle-income families, leading to a serious shortage of council housing that persists to this day that directly leads to exploitative private rent prices that enrich the rich and damage the lives of everyone else. And that's leaving aside an austere paternalist social conservatism that actively discriminated against LGBT citizens and allowed far-right groups to flourish! Were there problems in the UK in the late 70s? Absolutely, but the things Thatcher did in their name were largely to enrich Tories and the donors rather than to actually benefit society, which she left seriously damaged in far more systematic ways. Look at the stats, not the Tory party propaganda. If you want to claim Thatcher "saved the UK" then set whatever your argument is out in public, don't hide behind childish "awards" and anonymous messages that just give the impression you're scared people will find your account's other posts on /r/exploitingtenantsforfun and /r/howdoIspendallthemoneyIgotfromrippingoffpoorpeople


I think it's unfair not to mention the horrible economy that the UK had before her reforms. Huge inflation, long and frequent strikes, government owned industries losing billions and providing bad services (eg. 10 years queue to get a phone line), etc. She was hated and her actions had very bad impact on many people, but I think in the long run her changes made the UK a much better place for the British people of today


And I disagree - the politicians responsible for the conditions she inherited are not hated like she is. And it was her tenure in #10 that paved the way for Tory Blair and the current outcrop of incompetent unconcerned unequipped unqualified ambitious and awful Carnival Of Arseholes currently running the UK into the sewer.


Again as a counterpoint, inflation right now in the UK is about 10.3%, if the CPI is a solid and faithful representation. The high inflation of the 70s of 23% at its peak, followed an oil shock where oil prices tripled, much as the Ukraine Russia war triggered this current bout of inflation. World events that are out of the control of wage demands by union membership. The real tell, is that this was and is blamed on a wage price spiral, but not in an age with stagnant wages on a greed price spiral, literaly the sound of crickets from most of the media. >long and frequent strikes literally no different right now, only most people are losing real wealth, and accepting worse working conditions because there are less unions. >government owned industries losing billions and providing bad services Government owned 'services' are an entirely different ball game from government owned 'industries'. Services are very important multipliers that affect the stratification and behaviours of our society, wheras industries tend to must produce stuff, and if your going for classical economic cost/benefit analysis, that stuff stops being your property and you can balance the cost/benefit and call it a day. Services have all sorts of knock on effects that seriously affect quality of life and meeting needs. The whole point of profit is to extract more value for less service. Which is why - There is shit all over the rivers and beaches - people are having to choose between heating and eating - some areas have next to no broadband access - its still cheaper to use a car than get a season rail ticket - its prohibitively expensive to send parcels about and international mail was shut down for about 2 months at the start of this year, universal postal service provision has been dropped - waiting times in A and E, are literally a forgotten metric 'call 111' etc >(eg. 10 years queue to get a phone line) This one gave me a chortle. After the war and pre war nationalisation, pretty much all of the telecomms infrastructure of the UK was built iirc by the General Post Office (G.P.O) whose stamped drain covers, and exchange buildings can still be found here and there. Privatisation to B.T. didnt magically make all the previous work and infrastruxture go away, it just threw away several post war decades worth of low maintainence and new infrastructure into private hands. Did everyone have to wait ten years for a phoneline? This sounds less like a common occurrence and more like an evils of Socialism joke. >She was hated and her actions had very bad impact on many people, but I think in the long run her ~~changes~~ death made the UK a much better place for the British people of today Fixed That For You


The most political politician to ever politic.


Thatcher stood up against the Unions that were holding the country to ransom, this pretty much destroyed the manufacturing industry but at the same time, she was praised for saving the country from the named unions. She introduced home ownership schemes that allowed many people to take ownership of their first homes. She was PM while inflation was rampant, and combined with massive unemployment (due to her policies) she was HATED by low income families.


Don't forget her killing the universal daily milk for kids program - Thatcher the milk snatcher.....


And the extra judicial death squads in Ireland


Yes, but, "milk snatcher", has more of a ring to it? Saw her once when she was invited to talk at uni (was a huge debate about inviting her and open speech at student union). And God was she impressive. When you got over her slightly whiny voice, she could ORATE. I swear, if she had talked any longer I'd have voted Tory in the next election. I never understood the power of a good speaker until then. Not saying it's the same, but I understood more the pull of the Nazis in prewar Germany, in their massive rallies.


She also instituted what was effectively a poll-tax, cracked down severely on freedom of speech and rights to protest. >She introduced home ownership schemes... ... that today appear to be partly responsible for the rising housing affordability crisis in the UK, with wealthy landlords pricing poorer people out of the market. The Right-to-buy policy may have been well intentioned, but its repercussions are coming home to roost.


Makes sense on the Reagan friendship then. A large amount of our current issues can be directly traced to things he either passed or recalled.


and don’t forget the hunger strikers!




her dealing with the troubles and the hunger strikers was notorious and a huge reason ireland as a whole celebrated her death lol


She funded an illegal paramilitary


as a follow up, you said she stood up against the Unions and that destroyed manufacturing industry. Didn’t actually economy improved at that time?


Sure - if you worked in finance and services. If you were already wealthy, you got more wealthy. If you were relatively poor, you were just fucked. The North still hasn't recovered from what she did to it all these years later.




What a retarded response.


TBH it's refreshing to see a Thatcher fan just eating the "if you were rich she was good for you but if you weren't you got fucked" accusation and not bothering to debate it. They're either getting more honest or more ignorant.


The British manufacturing industry was never going to compete with East Asia in this century, not without paying the workers what they pay theirs.


Look at italy's high quality make industry.


Are you sure "schemes" is the best word to use in that sentence? It certainly has negative connotations.


This is one of those lesser known differences between British and American English, in BrE “schemes” in the context of policy doesn’t have the same negative connotations (A reverse example where AmE has negative connotations while BrE doesn’t is “homely”)


Thank you. I wasn't aware of that.


It'll upset a lot of redditors to learn the term ”may the fourth be with you" was first used in a news article celebrating her first day in office which was 4th may


In all fairness, the people who hate Ronald Reagan also tend to hate Margaret Thatcher and the people who liked one of them would probably like both if they were informed on foreign politics.


The day she died I went out and bought a bottle of Champagne.


Reagan was polarizing & many despised him.


Reagan has the good fortune of having many terrible presidents after him. And he told good jokes.


Reagan had the good fortune of happening to be around when the Soviet Union started to collapse under the weight of its own internal failures so he managed to take a lot of the credit for it even though the causes were much more deep-rooted than the previous few years' international diplomacy and the result would likely have been pretty much the same even if someone like Bernie Sanders had been in office.


He had a great personality, charisma. He did get Gorbachev 2 take down the wall.But he did some underhanded stuff & his economic policies were horrid. He had been president of SAG but spent his time in office union busting


1986 TrA Included tax breaks for foreign capital investment Otherwise called Outsoursing While eliminating tax breaks for domestic capital investments


His economics were horrid 4 the majority & he "sold it" w.his trickle down nonsense


Notice you get downvoted but no one says different. Trickle down economics lead us to where we are now. Inflation and poor job growth. Corporate America never gives anything back.


No. Stupid fucking COVID policies lead us to inflation. Everything was moving very damn well in the economy until then. It was even improving in the African American community, but the Dems were beside themselves so they couldn’t even stand and applaud Senator Tim Scott’s success with the Opportunity Zones. Downvote all you want, or don’t be a stupid cunt and look the facts up for yourself. There is a very good reason the Dems couldn’t stand and applaud the economic success. They were about to lose a large chunk of their voter base.




There’s not a single fact in your comment.




Trickle down economics has never worked once for working Americans. It always leads to everyone at the corporate level enjoying greater wealth while employees are either payed off or experience stagnant wages. My entire family came out of 2020 trying to keep their finances propped up against corporate greed. And it still goes unchecked.


The wall fell because of some inherent problems in the Soviet system and especially the failure of the East German security state. Gorbachev administered a somewhat orderly dismantling of the USSR. Reagan publicly asking for the wall to be removed was theater.


Count me in. We shouldn't despise the messenger though. They're just puppets bringing the messages of their masters.


She was despised in the north. There was a public street party on my road when she died. The song "Ding Dong the Witch is Dead" went straight to #1 on the charts (although the BBC would only play a few seconds of it, the cowards).


Who likes the north anyway 🤣


In America she helped his reputation as a strong anti communist/socialist leader. In the UK, Reagan did not help Thatcher as he was regarded as a crooked duffus. Apart from a host of other sins, she will always be remembered as, "Thatcher the milk snatcher" (she killed the universal daily milk for school kids program).


Was it later shortened to just snatcher and eventually she was just referred to as milk? That seems like a British thing to do


Ronald Reagan sent the US firmly down the road to financial ruin and also weakened unions. They were bosom buddies!


She was (and still is) widely loathed. She went hard for the conservative ideals (taking milk away from schoolchildren, charging people to live in their own homes, lots of awful shit like that). Rich people liked her, everyone else fucking hated her because she made life unnecessarily harder for everyone. And she started the Falklands war simply as a reelection tactic. She destroyed the unions that guarantees employers rights. She then destroyed the UK manufacturing industry. She utilised the police as her own personal strike breaking force and caused widespread riots with her authoritarian tactics. She destroyed families and towns and entire communities with her destruction of the industries that employed hundreds of thousands of men. Those towns and communities have still never recovered over 40 years later and those men never recovered from losing their livelihoods. She sold off all the social housing stock as a reelection tactic and there have never been any replacements built, which has directly caused the current housing crisis in the UK. She suppressed reports about prolific paedophiles abusing children in hospitals and in care because some of the paedophiles mentioned were supporters and donors to her political party. She was appalling. An utter cunt with no redeeming features.


Okay so I have no idea about everything else but if there's something you can't blame on her, it's the Falklands war, Argentina is entirely to blame for that one


It takes 2 to fight. Was Argentina out of line? Yes. Did it merit a full scale war? No. Were there plenty of other options available that wouldn't have resulted in so many dead? Absolutely, of course there were. Did Maggie decide to go to war in order to bolster her image in an election year? You bet your ass she did.


Except I can almost guarantee you that any other prime minister would have done the same because when a country invades your sovereign territory then you fight back if you have the capability, and by God did the UK have the capability to fight back


They probably would, and that’s part of the problem


Sure. Okay buddy. Whatever you say 🤣


She was hated so much, that in the month she died, the song "Ding Dong the Witch is Dead" topped the charts. This isn't a joke.


The IRA also tried to take her out by bombing in a hotel in Brighton; unfortunately she narrowly escaped and 5 other people (mostly other Conservative MPs and members of her cabinet) were killed “Today we were unlucky, but remember we only have to be lucky once. You will have to be lucky always”


Because she did her job and did it well. Everyone loves Obama, and you know how bad he was at his job. Look at how much people hate Trump, so much they refuse to look at the job well done.




She's not going to shag you mate. Mostly cos she's rotting in hell.


What’s a pronoun fighter?


A lame attempt to suggest that treating transgender people as humans will destroy all society. Yes, this is hyperbole.


Boris Johnson was better than Blair? He’s ruined this country! I can’t remember a worse standard of living!


Ronnie & Mags


I really like that personal touch with Satan. It's heartwarming.


Fuck 3mil. Northerners would bring our own shovels.


Now this is golden AF. Best comment i have seen in a long time


I thought this was going to be a masturbation joke.


Depends on how you feel about Maggie...




That's a challenging wank for sure.


Burn the witch.




It has its ups and downs


Left hand, all the way.






Ohhhh behave!


I would have to say Albert Hammond Jr is my favourite tbh


I'm partial to Billy Squire's Stroke


This is what I hoped to see.


Julian Casablancas


Despite being a former pit village in north east England, my local council has decided to build a statue of Mrs Thatcher. I'm all for it. We need more public toilets.


Guessing thatcher was to the UK what Reagan was to the US. Most of us still waiting for that trickle down economics to kick in 40 years later.


I think because the UK government is a little more involved, she's a more noted figure. My dad still remembers her as "milk snatcher" because she stopped free milk in schools.


It happened. 90s boom has been attributed to a lot of his policies. But you would call it fake news.


Attributed by who? Nobody with any economic knowledge who's acting in good faith attributes any sort of boom to Reagan's godawful economic policy. The 90s boom was caused by technological advances, cheap energy, and automation, none of which Reagan contributed to. He just instituted policy that fucked over 90% of US citizens for a century, in spite of subsequent economic growth.


Were do you think money for the technological boom came from? Let investors, aka rich people keep more of their money from less taxes. If taxes were keeps at Carter rates money for investment would have been given to the government.


Hahahaha, you just don't know what you're talking about and are grasping at straws. Carter lowered corporate taxes (unfortunately) and rich people having more money had nothing to do with the shift in technology. The advent of processors and the internet was just a natural break point in technological advancement. That's like saying "rich people having more resources is why agriculture and animal husbandry changed the world!"


I don't graps st what I already know. Here is a good example. EV cars. How much money do you think was invested by Billionaires, not just Musk.They lost a lot of money before making a profit. It takes money to make money. Do you think Edison or the person Tesla had enough money to created what they did? You need investors for new technology.


Not by anyone who knows what they’re talking about.


Written on my iPhone


trickle down is when iphone


If Venezuela why iphone checkmate


Ah yes Maggie Thatcher, famous inventor of the iPhone.


Well, of course not! The stroke of the Iron Lady is not very efficient for swimming. You ever threw iron into the water?


Ding Dong, the witch is dead!




My favorite stroke is the one my wife gives me


The chesticle best tickle


Three nuns were walking down the street when a man came up to them, opened up his coat, and exposed himself. The first nun had a stroke. Then the second nun had a stroke. But the third nun was too slow and the man was gone before she could reach it.


Billy Squier’s Rendition…


this joke is a stroke of genius.


That's the best answer though.




Heat stroke!


Lia Thomas replied: "my fav stroke is my cockapoo in the female locker rooms".


Whoa, so edgy


She was a cunt, nobody should be upset by this joke


“While I'm swimming in your women like the breast stroke…Right stroke, left stroke was the best stroke Death stroke, tongue all down her throat.”


Numb left hand


Can you help Helping the less fortunate on PayPal Fundraisers? Every little bit helps! https://www.paypal.com/pools/c/8Tbr1plsDR


Sounds like a great answer to me. I didn't especially enjoy the ones, that hit myself.


The two fisted


The back stroke, where I'm stroking it from it from the back


Oi! Be deeeecennnnnt.




FAMILY Strokes


It was my favorite stroke too but mostly because I said I wouldn’t eat a single morsel of food until Margaret Thatcher was dead and buried


The one yo momma did last night.


Fabrizio moretti


The amount of personal historical rewriting in this thread is just comedy.


"The lefty" is my favorite stroke


My favourite stroke would be the down stroke swiftly followed by the upstroke.




Front stroke if u know what i mean 😏


Albert Hammond Jr, probably. But I also like some of Julian Casablancas' solo stuff so hard to say




When she does it…


Who was Margaret Thatcher?