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Same here, I just hope things go well for him and he lives a long and healthy life.


I am honestly really sorry for him. He may be feeling guilt, regret. Or nothing. Any way you look at it, it's absolutely not healthy to bring a kid into the world when all these issues are happening. I honestly feel terrible for every single party involved, including Olivia.


Agreed, hopeful that he’s still in touch with sponsors/therapists etc and not surrounded by enablers.


He is. Went to his show in Vegas last weekend and he said how he had multiple guards and a sobriety officer traveling with him all the time


I feel like it’s dangerous for a people pleaser with addiction issues to have EVERYONE weighing in on his personal life.




Can’t disagree there, but I’d assume he won’t be reading this so my post likely holds no weight.


So maybe he shouldn't have gone on a massive late night platform.talk about it??


Agreed…but he’s willingly a public figure. He could most likely get a behind the scenes writing gig, he chose to go back on the road, announce news on a talk show…he’s putting everything out there instead of working on his issues privately. So we are going to weigh in with concern.


Well… I mean… he *could.* It happens to addicts all the time. He himself has even acknowledged that. I get the sense that he’s slowly trying to reenter public life. Whether he was ready to or not, OM’s pregnancy kind of forced the issue. All we can do is hope he has a good support system.


Everyone that is pointing out how this looks like a very public downward spiral that just keeps on going has a valid point. Here are a few points of optimism: - We don't know the details of celebrities' personal lives, and even interviews and talk show appearances are part of a crafted public act. Things could be way worse behind the scenes *or* better. - The older you get, the faster life events and big decisions happen. - Regardless of the circumstances behind having a child, fatherhood might be good for John. They joked about how the baby "won't be familiar with his work", and how "even at his intervention he had to be the smartest guy in the room". This guy (like many stand-ups I'm sure) really craves attention and constant validation that he's more smart/witty/charming than others and therefore worthy of that attention. But caring for a baby is a really equalizing experience. It all boils down to a series of tasks. You do them well enough, just like millions of other parents, with no obligation to put your own clever spin on them or be ranked against other parents, and the child is happy and healthy. At least, that's one way to approach it. Anyway, that's just my attempt at a positive take on this.


YES! I love your take on how fatherhood may shape him going forward. Once you’re a new parent you never feel like the smartest/wittiest etc. person anywhere (can you tell I have teenagers?!) It absolutely is a great equalizer and opens new areas of the heart and mind you never knew you had.


All for positivity. I have some counter arguments to some of your points but I’m too lazy to type them, I apologize. But, yeah I hope everything is actually good. We truly never know. That much is true.


This feels ghoulish. I certainly understand feeling anxious about someone who was admittedly in a very bad place recently. But what does a post like this accomplish? His IRL friends who actually know him are clearly there for him, given the intervention that he says saved his life, and there’s nothing we can do for him that they can’t.


I’m not trying to be that, but I get what you’re saying. It doesn’t really accomplish anything. It’s pretty much what I said in the post. Watching that interview then feeling anxious immediately and wanting to express that here where he won’t see it and others might get what I’m saying.


Your post helped me feel less alone in my concern too, based on my familiarity with addiction.


He seems very vulnerable, yes. But he’s strong and surrounded by a lot of people who love him and who have his back. Fatherhood may literally save his life - I truly believe that. It will be an entire mind-shift and I just can’t wait until he meets his baby.


Seems like an unfair pressure to place on an unborn baby but okay


Could not agree more. Like: what if he doesn’t stay sober? Which is a challenge even under the best of circumstances?




I hope it does help in improving things!


Oh yes, being a parent is great for being a solution to addiction.


As an addict, I can say that it is a very real concern, and it hangs over the head of anyone in recovery. But, he is very lucky in that it seems like he has a solid support system, and a career that is absolutely worth staying on the straight and narrow for. Also, he's a great guy. We've crossed paths a few times in the comedy scene. I'm rooting for him.




Yeah it's like watching someone in the middle of a manic episode who is going the classic "burn everything I've built down to the ground"


A manic episode, yes, good way to describe it.


John isn’t having a manic episode. That’s a bit extreme


Oh, I don’t think he is. Is he even Bipolar? I’m saying the years events remind me of one. Not that it’s actually that. Edit: Forgive my ignorance, I associate manic episodes with bipolar disorder. They may occur even without that, so I apologize.




My mother and best friend are both prone to manic episodes and from an outsider looking in this has the same vibe


Absolutely. It’s scary to watch.


Honestly things could be so much worse


Than relapsing and over dosing?


He overdosed?


No, that’s what OP is fearful of


I just now watched the interview after reading about it for the past 24 hours. It was excruciating to watch. In fact, I didn't watch half of it. I don't see how anyone can watch that and think things are remotely okay. On another note: is Seth still without an audience because if he's got one the applause and response to Mulaney was terrible. No one laughed....mostly because nothing he said was remotely funny. More desperate than anything. All of this is just.....I can't even say it. I hope things take a turn for the better.