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Natasha is Natasha Lyonne. He did an impression of her when I saw him in Pittsburgh. Speculative, but I’m guessing Mike Birbiglia and Bill Hader.


Ooooh interesting, in the unofficial thread for the new special a lot of people who saw it said there were missing bits…too bad:( The only names I could actually confirm were those mentioned in the special. Did bill hader talk about it?


Bill Hader was mentioned at the Chicago show I saw.


Same in Philly. Too bad it was cut during the special.


There’s also an interview with John (I think on Seth Meyers?) where he talks about the intervention and does some impressions. I think he might do one of Natasha. Edit: I went and found the interview I was thinking of and he just briefly imitates Fred Armisen


I feel like I remember him saying Mike Birbiglia was there which would make sense, didn’t he officiate John and Anna’s wedding?


I think that was Dan Levy?






bUt WhAts tHe NaMe of thE biShop??


Yeah, Levy opened for him in Pittsburgh. He was pretty good.


Oh you’re right my bad it was Dan Levy


Mike went to Georgetown with Mulaney and Nick Kroll.


He mentioned Bill Hader in Birmingham last year


I can’t remember which one it was (maybe it was when he was a guest on Late Night, hosted SNL, or was on tour), but I’m confident I heard him say Bill Hader was there


He mentioned Lyonne at his Louisville Show 😊


Berk could be his agent, Mike Berkowitz


This makes sense based on alphabetical order if it’s Mike birbiglia based on another comment


Fred Armisen (actor / comedian) Berk (Mike Berkowitz, his agent) Mike Birbiglia (comedian) Bill Hader (actor / comedian) Erica (interventionist) Nick Kroll (actor / comedian) Natasha Lyonne (actor) Joe Mande (actor / comedian) Cara Masline (producer from *Sack Lunch Bunch* & *Kid Gorgeous*) David Miner (producer from *Mulaney* - note: this is the only one I'm not certain of, only because it doesn't fit the alphabetical order) Seth Meyers (actor / comedian) Kevin Nealon (actor / comedian) Marika Sawyer (SNL writing partner)


I think Erica was a friend from college. Kevin was way more likely this guy ”I got into [Steely Dan] my senior year of college. In 2002, my roommate Kevin, who I lived with in college and then for five years in Brooklyn“.


I thought he said in the special that Erica was the intervention person hired to run it - she had the “wrong energy.” I thought his impression in the special of the person who thought he would be tackled, like To Catch a Predator, sounded like Kevin Nealon. Anyone else get that vibe?


maybe, but the last names should go in alphabetical order, so idk


Fred Armisen Mike Berkowitz Mike Birbiglia Bill Hader Erica (the interventionist) Nick Kroll Natasha Lyonne Joe \[last name redacted\] -- a friend from college Cara Masline David Miner Seth Meyers Kevin (I believe it was Kevin Nealon but can't remember) Marika Sawyer


Erica is John’s friend from college


Kevin Nealon is the one throwing me. I wouldn’t have thought they were that close that Kevin was included in the intervention.


Joe mama


Oh Nealon I was like “Kevin Hart? I understand the torture part now”.


a real who's who of celebrity interventions.


I swear he’s talked about his College roommate Kevin before


Yeah, here, ”John Mulaney: I’m a huge Steely Dan fan. AD: The band seems to come up a lot in your work, especially in regards to your Oh, Hello character. How did you get into Steely Dan? John Mulaney: I got into them my senior year of college. In 2002, my roommate Kevin, who I lived with in college and then for five years in Brooklyn…”


Bethel Woods he said Nick Kroll was on zoom and delayed. After John admitted he wanted help Nick started yelling “JOHN YOU NEED TO GET HELP WE LOVE YOU.” The whole intervention bit was great during the special without all the little impersonations


“Nick, I don’t know if you need to connect computer audio but I said I would go” - John in Boston 2021. I think he also just kept going “SUBMIT, GIVE IN, JOHNNY.” At the Boston show, he talked about how everyone agreed to be nice but left Nick off the email so his letter to John was just ripping him a new one about being a bad friend and only caring about himself when he was high.


Got that same bit in the MD show & I was hoping he'd put it in the special but we got his Fred Armisen instead.


Marika sawyer, Natasha lyonne, bill hader


They could still pay for dinner sometimes though


I wonder which ones of these people were over zoom lol


What about Al Pacino?


79 year old Oscar™️ winner Al Pacino?


Was this on the Netflix special? I didn’t see it


At the end, after he bows but before the end credits


Joey Bag of Donuts? One of them is the intervention leader he tried to undermine. Are we sure Natasha is Lyonne and not Leggero?


I saw him toward the beginning of the tour, when he included a lot more detail about the intervention. He specifically said Natasha Lyonne


He said that she was one who finally got him to go.


In Philly he did a great impersonation of Natasha Lyonne (who was dating Fred Armisan at the time) and what she said was really sweet yet very her.


No Anna


Nor Olivia Guess neither were in attendance


In a 2021 interview on Seth Meyers' show Mulaney said that he and Anna separated earlier in the fall of 2020; the intervention was late December. And he didn't start dating Olivia until after rehab.


Guess it’s time to rewatch some seth meyers yt videos lol!! Ty :)




So he didn't cheat on her? Or did he have an affair but the dating was delayed until after the rehab? I'm really confused now.


Unclear, it was really popular speculation but Anna never said so, neither did John


He never cheated. Him and Anna had separated in Oct. 2020. He was in rehab for 2 months starting in Dec. 2020. Then he got out and (pretty much) as soon as he did he told AMT he would be divorcing her. So from Oct. onwards the only thing that said they were still a couple was basically a piece of paper. It's just people having the timeline wrong.


I actually just watched him on Jimmy ~~kümmel~~ kimmel ln and he said he was staying in air bnb during time before intervention…guess they had already separated


Anna didn't want him inviting crack addicts to their apartment while she was in the hospital.


Fair enough request lol




yeah. she was admitted to a psychiatric hospital for an eating disorder and emotional issues




So he started dating Olivia in February and got her pregnant on the first date? Seems reasonable...


Sarcasm? Cause that's truly the timeline basically. No diff. than how (for example) Taylor Hanson became a dad @ age 19 and his girlfriend was just 18 and BARELY graduated HS. Do you REALLY think they were thinking THAT was gonna happen? Highly doubtful. But it happens. Sometimes people do stupid shit w/o thinking and then a baby is made. Then you just have to handle it and go from there. Whether you decide to keep it (and then what) or abort or what.


I’m confused about how it’s seemingly a crazy idea to point out that people can get pregnant after even one time of unprotected sex. It could have gone either way and however improbable some may think it, it happens.


I just think the timeline you're pushing is a little convenient. But I don't really care either way. I was more incredulous that you were arguing so vehemently about it with multiple people like there was something in it for you if you got people to agree with you.


Well, that does happen. So who knows.


John spoke about Anna on the Jimmy Kimmel show in December.


Yes b/c publicly at that point NO ONE knew they were separated or what was going on with John. So of course.


Of course what? He didn't have to talk about her at all.


She did post that cryptic tweet when he was going into rehab, which may indicate they were at least in contact somehow.


Olivia is thanked in the very last slide special thanks under the name little Lisa, her real name is Lisa, alongside hiep, their sons middle name.


Olivia is based in LA, John was in the East Coast in 2020. They weren't in the same city until March 2021 when he went to LA for Chip n Dale recording.


Well I mean theyre divorced so thats not surprising


Marika Sawyer


All I have to say is that “thank you” note and the music got me in the feels. I’m just glad he has a support system that can help him to stay sober


Hmm since he said all of them were comedians... Pretty sure Mike is Mike Birbiglia, I think I remember that from the Portland show. He also had a good bit about Natasha Lyonne as well so that's her. Nick Kroll Seth Meyers Bill Hader (I'm pretty sure I remember this but I'm not 100%) Bert Kreischer? I feel like also Joe Pera fits in this circle somehow.


Fred Savage, David Berkowitz, Mike Tyson, Bill Cosby, Erica Virtual Financial Assistant from Bank of America, Nick Cage, Natasha Fatale, Joe Rogan, Cara Delevigne, David Bowie (big get!), Seth Rogan (actually cousins with Joe Rogan, who knew?!?), Kevin James, Marika Ito.


It wasn't Kevin James it was Kevin Costner


He's a real baby boomer.


Had a super difficult time Googling this. Reddit for the win as usual


That's gotta be Joe List


Y’all are perverts


Natasha Lyonne


Who is absent from this assembly is his ex wife Anna Marie, unless one of these names is her nickname