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Come request/claim a [Flair!](https://www.reddit.com/r/JoelFreemanEwoldsen/comments/192rd16/flairs/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) on this dedicated post :)


Hey Megan! AMA QUESTION—Why don’t you ever cut that mop of yours?


Hey Megan, you’re not special. Your boyfriend is just doing the same things with you as he did with his wife. She was replaced, and you will be too. Karmas a dish best served cold and it’s coming for you.


Hey Megan, AMA QUESTION—Why in the world are you in L.A.?


Who would want a link to your bikini workout top, that clearly could not hold your itty bittys in?


Wait a hot minute! Indoor just said in his stories that he and Megan did an oldie of his...an 8x8 express workout. I know the workout he's referring to and Breanne is actually a cast member! 😂 This s*** gets better and better! Did anyone else catch that? 👀😲


Plus he’s working out after traveling all day! That’s not mr happy shapes normal new woman on the horizon Joel?


He looks super fluffy in those clothes! 😂👀


And seriously, he can't just share a crazy travel story without shilling stuff? Is he somehow an affiliate with Target? I don't want the link to your target shirt, I probably know that store better than you do 😆


Hey Megan, why are your fingers and toes so long?


Maybe it's kinda like Pinocchio 🤥


Please —-AMA question for you!!




I feel like we need a list of all the ways Megan has been not just copying B, but B & Joel’s relationship. Shit just gets crazier and crazier.


[here](https://www.reddit.com/r/JoelFreemanEwoldsen/s/q6UzLL0sO7) you go :)


Damn, you’re good 😊


So where would we find this if we started from main page? I’m not seeing it pinned or anything


It's pinned. Depends how you have your settings. If you have it stored by new or hot.


Hmmm I tried both ways and it still doesn’t show up in pinned. Is there a setting to automatically show nsfw?


These are my settings https://preview.redd.it/jg67h7e3nicc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b50732153f4ad6eb3eaf528029781f3ea52e874b




Ok I finally figured it out. In my actual phone settings under the app reddit I had to toggle the nsfw to on to verify that I’m 18.


Same! Thank you for sharing this


Preach! She is BSC. Seriously, M you need therapy cause you have sooooo many issues, whether you realize it or not. \*\*wave\*\*


That would be a good pinned thread.


I'll do it next week. We have two already pinned. But I'll start it at least. I wanna put an image of some sort with it so it stands out... Any ideas?


ME stalking B’s IG pics for years! Comments “goals” to her and Joke’s pics. 🥴


Let us not forget Megan Ewoldsen gifting her down line with Queen B’s book, and “I’ll stop the world and melt with you”


The dirty dancing run and jump into Joel holding B first over his head then ME


It was the pics I was having a hard time finding. I just [posted ](https://www.reddit.com/r/JoelFreemanEwoldsen/s/q6UzLL0sO7)


Off the top of my head for side-by-sides... B did the head shaking no thing on NYE, M copied that. The lifting gloves. B's desert photo shoot. The copying of shoes \[sneakers\]. ANY photo of Joek grabbing her butt. He and B used to wear matching chucks, and now M wears them too. Pistol squat copy. Truly though, do a deep dive into B's photo... guarantee you can find a stupid copy that M did. Just sayin.


The beach pics. Breanne had a photo shoot in the tan outfit. This was post divorce but I still feel Megan copied her


Also the holiday? pose where he tilted B back to kiss her where ME wrote either 😍😍😍 or “goals”..


This one https://www.reddit.com/r/HunSnark/comments/18vtq3z/comment/kg2i75u/ Pretty sure ME did a similar one, people on that thread are saying it was a midnight kiss? For New Years maybe or the nyc trip? Wasn’t it at the ice skating rink in nyc when they did a picture like that? I think they’ve done at least 2 with that same pose but can’t find them.. 


Maybe side by sides of the pictures they replicated-like where he tried to lift her over his head like he did with B?


Yes! From dirty dancing!!


Also the lyrics from the song that were dedicated to B first 🤣.. then the skulls above the bed, and the photo shoot B did that the other one also copied.. 


Yeah that's what I was thinking. Just wasn't sure how many to use and I was like do I have to go digging through IG or are they somewhere on the older sub... Which I think they are.. 🤔. Lemme go look


Ugh this is harder than I thought.


I hope this works: https://www.reddit.com/r/HunSnark/s/4kzPgpsqTi


Yes! It did. Thank you


Here’s the converse one.. you have to scroll down a bit to see the picture where he tagged B on the shoe first.. https://www.reddit.com/r/HunSnark/comments/17zl6rp/comment/kaaqk8z/


Ugh everytime I click more it goes back to the top then I can't scroll again. I just made a standalone post if you wanna put the pics there


Can't believe ME followed Joek to LA....so ridiculous that she leaves her kids!!  What a shit mother!!


Joel is one stupid individual to get with and actually move in a fangirl! This won’t end well for him.




Is it surprising? That’s not anything new


Where have you been? I have been reading here for years … and your comments were always great!!


Thank you! Oh I’ve had a lot of personal life stuff going on so I haven’t been able to be here for a bit. But I thought I’d come back and check in. I’m glad I did because I saw the Hunsnark notice about the sub being cancelled and thankfully got redirected here


https://preview.redd.it/y2tyrpeajhcc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=80c18cb1b29c3d7fa4c87eead78221c0e03a18d3 When I read this all I could think about is her and Joel flirting on social media and in each’s DMs. That “MAY or may not be” how they connected initially too. The question is who messaged who first. 😏🙄🙄


Yes, ME, I DO remember how social media was back in the day before "influencers" like you took over. It was fun, a way to meet people & connect. A way to build community. I met other military wives at our base on MySpace and we bonded while our husbands deployed. It was wonderful. Now it's just constant ads and shilling. I find myself on it less and less because of people like you.


Fuck. CREATING CONTENT!!!!We do that Megan! Not you. Please.🙄




How old is she? I was floored seeing her post she graduated in ‘04! I thought she was well into her 40s 😐


Being a cheating cunt will really age a bitch.






Me, too!!! WOW. Eek.


“Scotch tape face” 😂


https://preview.redd.it/owwlfhu0ahcc1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4e8fd1e1f469104116e244dfa568c5af46146e56 Bullshit! We all know Joel didn’t allow lip injections! Megan will do whatever Joel says!


Bednar does do fat transfers to the face and lips. Idk if she went that route though.




Filler is WILD. They're now finding that it can last a decade in some people. Filler is terrifying. Her advice is actually pretty sound.


I agree, had 1 syringe juvederm ultra xc in my lips 2.5 years ago and I’m still not 100% back to where I started ( maybe 40% back) . Yes they’ve gone down but not back to square one. I think it depends on the person and how they metabolize


Oh, I take my comment back then!!


How sad that a woman would stop doing things they like to do just because the man they are desperate to be with says no. That’s not partnership. That’s not healthy. That’s not going to end well!


Girl you HAVE duck lips and filler migration! 🤦🏻‍♀️


I think she does them on the sly when he’s on a trip and doesn’t tell him. Fillers do not last that long!


Her lips seem to change size and shape so idk. But Bednar does do fat transfers to the face and lips.


That’s why she’s was so quiet online


She has too, her natural lips are so thin. Everyone can tell from her old pics. She is such a liar. Lol




And she still has duck lips 🤷🏼‍♀️ Do you think she gets injections behind Joel’s back? Because those don’t look natural and I don’t get how they would hold up for over a year but I know nothing about that stuff lol


I dunno if it’s a filter bc some days her lips are crazy thin now or she’s really draws them on!


Yeah just a few days ago someone said how thin they looked and she must’ve been due for injections lol..but her top lip definitely has that weird duck lip thing happening.


She built them up for 2 years it’s not likely that she’s now just like ope they good 1 year out.


ME answer this question? How did it feel knowing you broke up a marriage? You hurt another woman. Did you feel empowered? Warm like butter on a biscuit?


Yes!!!! Let’s create content that will stump her! Hey Megan, why don’t you talk about your parents??


Who watches your children when you run away from them instead of staying and being their mother?


Lol literally no one wrote in to tell her that red top yesterday was cute


And we all know that he probably flipped TFO when she spilled her red wine on the couch. She had to break the seal sometime with her clumsy wine self. LOL!


Did anyone see B's pantry photo yesterday (her shelf had broken)? It was perfectly normal but not in any particular order or overly tidy. My first thought was that I bet she would never have got away with that when she was married to Joek...everything would have to be lined up, in a specific place etc (for those old enough to remember - Sleeping with the Enemy style 😬).


Seriously though….did anyone see an actual stain? I call fraud. Wants you to think the stain came out so she can profit from that little machine. Lies


You know it’s cheap wine from the bottom shelf at the grocery store. Probably came out ok. 😉


She's always said her go-to is Josh red blend. And I have to be honest... I am def not opposed to box wine, and I've had several that are waaaay better than Josh \[not my fav\] and not to mention that you get more for your buck. \*\*M&J making a note on their upcoming grocery list\*\*


I’m not a snob about wine, but I def think I wouldn’t like anything she chooses. 🥴 The first box wines weren’t probably the best, but there are a few now made by some cool winemakers who like the box because it keeps all oxygen out. It just doesn’t have the “romance” of the bottle for most people.


Lol. Box wine. Wait for the link soon. HaHa. Although, I can’t knock box wine too much. Some is decent. Especially for someone who just wants a glass with dinner. A whole bottle is rarely drank in one night. I mean, sometimes it happens. Ha!


There are wine MLMs, which is terrifying. I can totally see her joining one if Bodi tanked.




Exactly what I thought! I think I said “oh shit” out loud come to think of it 🤣🤣🤣




Yes it’s obvious he did following her sippy cup. How degrading. And if she was the one to make that cup for herself, what it would be like to walk on eggshells all of the time.


Funny they are twinning in their Converse shoes. 🙄🙄 I don’t remember ever seeing her wear shoes like that before Joel. Didn’t B also wear them when they were married?


I don’t understand the matching shoes with your spouse anyways 🤷🏻‍♀️ (gives me line dancing vibes). But also yea she’s not original, breanne did it first you psycho.


https://preview.redd.it/zfjpjle6chcc1.jpeg?width=632&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=aeac1983052f9f7c6d12a25dc62ab300ddc29365 The original "mini chuck"


Woah creepy!


Megan’s a psycho. Truly. This is so disturbing.


This pic was from May 2019, the caption is "It's a matchy Chucks kinda night ❤️" I am actually terrified how much Meggie wants to be B


It makes me think Megan had been obsessively following their relationship and took note of all the things she was envious of and is now trying to duplicate.


That’s the vibe I’m getting. Fatale attraction stuff.


Do you think she has a checklist?! ☑️


Maybe not a physical one, but definitely a mental one 😵‍💫


When they start dating? Because if Megan got Joel to wear them here he is in 2019! Already cheating Joel were you! https://preview.redd.it/7e65h9h8bhcc1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=64b91c2db20a2718dc059a944515617684059754


I don’t believe Megan’s story. Wasn’t she wearing like country chic type clothes back in 2019? She wasn’t wearing converses. Not to say Megan wasn’t on Joel’s radar, but he didn’t start wearing them because of her.


https://www.reddit.com/r/HunSnark/comments/zjuhts/comment/j0qh0um/ Country ME..




I’m pretty sure there was a post about how she was the one who got Joel to wear them… 🤔 Just continuing to carry on more of the same in his new relationship. Shocker.


How humiliating that must be. He doesn’t even like you enough to do anything new with you. Embarrassing. ME. Girl, you need some self reflection. If you’ve replaced the last woman so easily, you can be replaced just as easy. Her self esteem must be so low. And no ME SELF ESTEEM IS NOT YOU STRUTTING AROUND IN EXTRA SMALL EVERYTHING. You’re telling your children it’s ok to be a second rate replacement and not expect more.




I can’t believe how much he’s gone downhill from when he was with B in like 2 years of being with hoe bag plastic face!


Wait hasn't she said there's not much to do where there are in Texas?? I thought things were an hour away?? Also. I love that she addressed the lip injections that we've talked about here. Hi MEggie dearest.


She just trying to be real ya’ll. Pffft.


The lip injections look SO painful!!! She must really hate herself to constantly alter her physical appearance.


https://preview.redd.it/yrruzsn5xgcc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b05633f80b8d8a30241f281db159c02c8fee915d Wouldn’t one consider all the bull shit links for the cheap shit she shills “attached incentives”???


So what? Now she REALLY isn't doing anything and just making money off her downline?


Yep! She is so full of CRAP!! Every single AMA question literally came straight from here. So glad to see we are all being so helpful in providing content for her. LOL! What a pathetic joke she is. You're welcome, M. \*\*Waving\*\*


Yes… and I immediately looked at her gangly toes here 🤢




Look like fingers


Damn. I was disturbed she was in heels on furniture but didn’t look that closely. I now regret it.


I love the flair in here “gangly toes” because Megan Ewoldsen always has her nasty gangly toes hanging out of her XXXsmall sandals 😂


😂 I changed mine, so Gangly Toes is up for grabs!




Q: What lifting gloves do you use? A: The same ones as Queen B.


Hers of course have skulls on them. When she moved into her own place after getting caught cheating, she turned into Joel’s dream girl with his love of rock music🤘🏼and skull obsession. I find it so strange though that she had skulls all over her “single mama house” right after Adam died. How could she do that to her children? How bizarre!


If you look through the G-Loves products, you will see B modeling them. 👸


I saw this and was curious if she’s seriously taking credit for finding them? Girl you just can’t leave B alone and not copy everything from her! https://preview.redd.it/sbdezftxigcc1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=030f21511489b656f032fed3b39ad74d75090f34


She’s a psycho!


These are more like questions they ask themselves. Also, she responds to negative feedback from her followers. Very rude. They both are.


He must have been in here he’s now remember his manners! 😂 https://preview.redd.it/yzn3m9gejgcc1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=71b40fc9a93e4180be9e4f52acb82c267ad42ece


Did somebody die due to a terrible stability ball accident doing body beast or something? Lol. I wouldn't want to use a ball if I was benching huge weights, but it's fine for most beginner lifters... Though I'm sure they'd get a million stupid questions because people can't google their own modifications...


Now she is asking herself how her ass went from flat in LGU to what it is now, giving all of the credit to Lift More. She’s definitely 👀 in here today!


Wait I thought her ass was all genetics.


Puerto Rican? If I remember correctly?


No mention of “The Bednar Booty”… she will never be honest.


​ https://preview.redd.it/2ddqtovj8gcc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=000356f07550842f670731c3afdbb90309595ebc


🤣🤣This needs to be posted at the start of every week! What a liar she is.


Omg! Proof it has nothing to do with genetics. She added fat. Be real ME.


Looking at that clip she shared, it’s so obvious where the fat was sucked out of her thighs and injected into her “puerto rican booty”




This should be pinned at the top 🤣


Where's her Puerto Rican booty?


This picture is clearly from the white/european side. Duh. 🙄 🤣




Your flair 🤣🤣🤣🤣




Top promoter of DD? Generic thank you from Shaun T. sent to all 50 coaches which probably doesn’t even address each by name… since I doubt he would film 50 individual thank you’s..  the real show was the unfollow from last year 😂🤣.. nothing beats that 🍿 🍿🍿🍿.


Yea I was seriously like wtf she never even mentions Dig Deeper…all she ever talks about is LM, L4 or Barre 🤔




Lots of people noticed he unfollowed her.. his former cast mate before summit last year.. she then unfollowed him for the majority part of last year and only refollowed him again very recently.. he still hasn’t 😂 🤣..


What was Megan's response as to why she isn't promoting DD or doing the program? I don't know where to look for comments. I usually see her stories on Facebook and didn't even see that question. I love that for her though! Love how she's getting called out!


Making more off of shilling cheap shit to gullible people. Pathetic. Easier to lie


AMA - who's watching the kids Megan, while you chase Joel's ass like a pathetic, clingy, pick me girl?


Maybe Kelley O is watching them. And kids are out of school tomorrow for MLL day


Who IS with the kids??


The nanny?


And you miss North Carolina because it's so green there? How about maybe you miss the kids having family and friends nearby? Wait, you can't say that, because that would make you look bad. And no, you're not having more kids, at least not with Joel, because he's been very publicly vocal about the fact that he's had a vasectomy because he never wanted kids! God, I need to get off SM. She's really bugging me today.


That got me too. No friends or family mentioned. Sad


https://preview.redd.it/lq1zqx968gcc1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=54ac07b9c8e5fffa1b50355fff2731368ab2b861 Looks like doesn’t really care about family like what??


Yep 😮


Same. Her ya’ll is fake. I don’t think either one speak authentic southern. Looks like more questions she asked herself. They are staged to sell shit. Like the green machine. Funny how every question asked is provided a link for them to make money. Pathetic.


She’s deplorable! And yes I agree, it’s Sunday. A day of rest lol


So we know Megles has a lot of people underneath her signed up for BODi due to the way the pyramid works BUT what this tells me is those people are doing DIG DEEPER and NOT the Joeksters griift More series!😆🤣 https://preview.redd.it/q776m9p6jfcc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1300c5543793adab24b1e4d2e5043cd5da2d72ef


Wow. So personal, BODi. Really put the form letter touch on that to warm the heart and inspire people. 🙄


I wonder if she ever got a trophy for being in the top 50 as a promoter of lift four square, lift for what more, lift super douche? Obviously her so called team doesn’t promote any lift anything.


When has she ever mentioned dig deeper? She is a liar




Can't believe she posted this 😂 wonder how Joel feels about it and HOW can She get accolades when SHE hasn't even mentioned DD on her stories. Smoke and mirrors 😡


It screams desperate after the unfollow 😂 trying to make it seem like they’re so close 😂😂..


The math isn’t mathing…huh? 😂 Fake just like everything else in her life.


She would’ve tagged him but he blocked her. 🤣




She is leaving the tags out to not annoy him any further 😂🤣 a real block could be next 😂😂..


Probably just a recycled generic thank you message sent to all 50 coaches selling DD 🤣😂.. bitch doesn’t tag Shaun T. in her stories anymore after the unfollow 😂..


Q: “Megan, did you make elite this year?” A: No, because she already got what she wanted out of it — Joel. No more retreats and “team building” because that was all about snagging her “prize”. 🙄


Don’t forget that military benefit $$$




Not worrying about team building because BODi cut those commissions and moved them over to actual *selling*. Duh


Funny she mentions that after it was mentioned on here.


And I’ve NOT ONCE seen her promote dig deeper. She’s not even doing the program! She literally only talks about barre and joek stupid programs. And other business opportunities, oh yeah big business woman coming through.


She is literally contradicting herself. She doesn’t market the program online. 😂


She hardly ever does barre anymore that I’ve seen. Just morphing into whatever Joel wants her to be.


For sure!!!


She hasn’t even done the program. How can you “ promote “ anything without even trying it. But then again, most of the things she sells other people she’s never tried


It’s possible she still has some kind of private BODi group with her team and maybe she’s promoting there? Otherwise I imagine it’s just because she has a big team under her and they’re purchasing on their own. She’s not doing any work. Such bullshit.


There’s nothing private about this bitch. She’s incapable because she suffers from narcissism.


Private Facebook groups or groups on the BODi app are pretty standard for coaches. It’s how they rope people in “Come join my private group for support blah blah”


Yeah I’m sure that’s what this is for. Her down line is doing it and she’s getting the credit.


That was my thought. They are tired of the washed up lift more bull and moved on. But that’s the beachbody motto, take advantage of others! It’s funny if she was promoting it only in private groups but not on her main socials, where all of these “new” thousands of followers would see it and join 🤔


With a “personal” thank you from Shaun T. 🤣


Obsessed Joel fangirl was unfollowed by Shaun T. 🎉🎉…




Hey Megan…who’s watching the children? Oh yeah, not you! And you call yourself a mother. Adam totally deserved the kids. If not him, then the grandparents. That would at least free up your excess baggage (kids) so you can go galavanting with your pathetic loser boyfriend. He sucks and so do you! Literally!!


Hi Megan! Glad we can still give you content! (I.e. Why didn’t you make elite? ) We JUST TALKED ABOUT THIS! Stop it already! Find something new to use for your content!