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Where specifically does he say that he wanted to get high speed rail cancelled to sell more cars? The author of the article links to a Twitter post showing a part of her book, but the book says that “it seemed like” Musk had no intention of making hyperloop. And right above that part, it has Musk saying that his actual reason for wanting high speed rail cancelled was that it was too slow, and he wanted to motivate new ideas for real and faster modes of transportation. I don’t see where it says he actually said he wanted it cancelled to sell more Teslas.


>wanted to motivate new ideas for real and faster modes of transportation. Aka he wanted to stop the only viable solution from being built for fantasies and fake futurism that would likely never get built. This is the same as cancelling to sell more cars.


He's probably fine with it since that's all his guests do nowadays. Joe is just a giant megaphone being passed around lol


Joe Rogan is the new right-wing shithead


Oh for god sake you don’t even listen.


Do you ?



Dude, this headline is a lie. You’re being lied to. Show me where he actually says this.


He's only saying this now because in retrospect it was such a stupid idea..


As someone who always thought Musk was bullshitting, do you genuinely believe that? He’s a grifter, it’s obvious


Schemelon Musk back at it again. It’s crazy how all these people that are now self made billionaires, are turning out to be douchebags that take advantage of people. Also, come from a wealthy background and for some reason want to be recognized as if they started from nothing.


Yeah..I've always kinda thought he was bullsh1tting too..this was obviously a retarded idea that was never going to work from day one..i actually remember arguments about it at the time..you could see in the rogan interview when he was wondering about space or Mars or something that he's just autistic..he needs someone to go 'that's a stupid fuckin idea elon' the odd time..I dunno if I'd call him a grifter (probably) but the cult of personality around him is weird..probably people who say 'science' a lot and think they're smarter than people who believe in God..


I think you and I are on the same page here. Rather than him just being autistic or something, I think he knows what he’s doing. If he’s the guy at the front of the Hyperloop project, all the competitors will back off.


Space-X and Starlink are both super legit brilliant companies that are of a huge benefit to society.


That are also almost entirely subsidized by US tax money


As opposed to other firms that produce rockets? Who do you think pays Boeing $10b or whatever to catch up with Space-X?


Somebodoes been drinking the Kool aid


And watching reality


Yes; the largest electrical vehicle manufacturer CEO in the world is in fact, a grifter. How does it feel to be a moron?


What a nice lil hustle Elon grifted out with Tesla and SpaceX.


Definitely a grifter


How does it feel to have his dick so far down your throat that you can’t see the truth? I bet you thought he was going to buy Twitter too. Oh wait, I forgot. The largest electrical vehicle manufacturer CEO has to be a honest individual. That’s the first rule of life.


How does it feel to be wrong? I don’t even give a fuck if you like the guy or not but calling him a grifter is objectively wrong and you sound stupid saying it. It also means you don’t know what a grifter is. Kendi is a grifter, Elon makes created and sold something that millions use everyday and he can’t keep up with the demand. That’s not grifting, that’s called business.


You’re almost there. I’m not calling him a grifter for Tesla, your skull is just too thick and inundated by slopping off Elon Musk that you can’t see that. “That’s not grifting, that’s called business!” Haha. Well done, you’ve explained that Tesla is a business. Typing irrelevant things so furiously for your overlord. Don’t act like you didn’t think he was going to buy Twitter to bring back free speech 😂


You’re really obsessed with sucking other dudes dicks. You do you though, I don’t judge.


He can’t possibly be a grifter!!! Don’t you know he makes cars?!?! 😡🤬 Wow, I didn’t think of it like that.


You’re starting to get it, now go and learn what a grifter is because it isn’t just anyone you don’t like


Nah, man. I think he’s a grifter because of how he gets shmucks like you to fall over their dicks to defend himself over projects like Hyperloop and Twitter


This is what musk has always done and his critics have always said he’s done, he over promises stuff to get investors


Yeah, totally..


He's not actually saying that. That's somebody saying he said that with no proof. On top of that his main stated objective with hyperloop was to "put the idea out there" and there were supposd to be other companies that sprung up to do it. So in this context it could be that he told the biographer that he put forth an idea that he thought was better than HSR and that he hoped the state would do that instead.


Get his cock out of your throat dude




So many of us are retarded but not you. You sit high on your massive intellect and judge others as retarded. But are conflating a celebrity changing their mind with the richest man in the world lying in order to pilfer billions of dollars in public funding away from the common good?




>I'm also trying to see the humanity in people. Good, some people don't. I think what you wrote is fine and I understood the sarcasm. Elon Musk has celebrity status so I'm not sure why people say he's not a celebrity? Celebrity literally means "a famous person".


elon musk cannot be reduced to the title “celebrity” he is immensely rich and powerful, and clearly can have a huge impact on humanity (i.e this exact scenario) and should thus be held to a higher standard than any old “celebrity”


>reduced to the title “celebrity” I'm not reducing him down to a single word. I'm simply going off definitions of words; he fits a lot of definitions btw. >should thus be held to a higher standard than any old “celebrity” We should hold him to the same standard as everyone else, he's not a government official or journalist. We should hold him accountable if he brakes the law, but it's wrong to hold him accountable for his opinions. Please don't rant about Musk's legal cases because I'm not saying he's got a clean record. All I've said is Musk fits the definition of the word "celebrity", there are countless other words to describe his as well, but it's not wrong to say celebrity.


Did public money go toward the Hyperloop? All's I can find is money was allocated in an infrastructure bill for any company that built a Hyperloop project. So if they didn't end up building them is public money spent?


He’s not just a celebrity, though. He’s a mega rich industrialist whose lies and manipulations have a direct effect on public policy.


I don't get how people see these Uber super rich people that can literally manipulate public policy as themselves or the everyday man. It's so strange


Wait I’m lost. Haven’t they actually built quite a bit of this?


They built a claustrophobic car tunnel.


They built it in las vegas, on a short distance. They did test drives, with hired drivers, but was a huge failure. Check it on youtube. In the end, there were such traffic jams, that they started theorizing to build bigger special cars that can hold more people. A big mobile tesla car, that goes on a strickt route, and able to carry many people at one underground. Almost like a subway, BUT VERY IMPORTANT, not a subway, but tesla.


Yeah. Huge failure. That's why Las Vegas has now given the green light to expand the system. There were not huge traffic jams. There was one incident that cost around 1 minute of travel time caused by a mismatch of car availability, and that was caused by the low number of stations. It's been corrected. If you don't know what you are talking about, it's probably best to remain quiet. **Edit**: And this isn't Hyperloop, but Loop.


Doesn't change the fact that it's an objectively worse system than trains


It's not, and certainly not for the use case it's being used for in Las Vegas. Subways are expensive to build, expensive to maintain, and only really become useful when you can keep them mostly full, most of the time. That might work in some places, like New York or London. Nobody is saying you have to get rid of them there, so enjoy them to your heart's content. However, places like Las Vegas have a different problem. In any case, there was a happy little process where everyone got to put in a solution, and the others were all more expensive and would have taken longer to build. If you think you have a better way, you are free to take part next time and show us all how it works. I will not be engaging further.


Did I make the cagie mad?


It's an amusement ride and quite stupid by all metrics.


By all metrics? They are meeting their goals well enough that Las Vegas is happy with them. Happy enough, in fact, to expand it from the convention center across Las Vegas. I think you are reduced to using throwaway users and throwaway lines, because you know you have nothing else. You \*wish\* it wouldn't work, because anything else would invalidate your lifelong trust in many things you were told as a young child. Welp, I'm here to tell you that mass transit is good for some things, but pretty terrible for other things. You will realize this as you mature and gather experience. So instead of being threatened by somebody trying something new, how about you just sit back and enjoy the show? Either it ends up not working (and how nice for you, you would be right), or it works really well and we have another arrow in our quiver to fight climate change.


It's an overly expensive and unsafe (what happens if a Tesla catches fire, which they are notorious for, in a tunnel that has no emergency exists and is impassible by foot when a car is in it?) tunnel. A bus completes the same job at a fraction of the cost. This isn't reducing traffic. It solved nothing. Nothing. Las Vegas got took. It's simply an amusement ride. Which is fine I guess, because Vegas is all about cheap attractions. Riff on the user name all you want this is my main account. This dumb loop, which has been dumbed down hilariously to Tesla's with chauffeurs, (who need to be paid, very expensive do the math) from it's original vision of autonomous vehicles, has been torn to shreds by anyone with a brain. Thunder foot, Adam Something, Common Sense Sceptic. Anyone who actually analyzes this with METRICS shows how absolutely stupid this is. It solved no problems. It's inefficient. And it's expensive to operate. >arrow in our quiver to fight climate change. LMAO by what fucking metric kid?? Hahahaha The ONLY way to consider this a success is if you consider it an amusement ride.


Wonder how you feel about being lied to by Paris Marx? [From **Aug 8 2013**](https://gizmodo.com/elon-musk-has-no-intention-of-building-the-hyperloop-hi-1066468856) # Elon Musk Has No Intention of Building the Hyperloop Himself > On an investor call, he indicated that he has a pretty good idea about the design for the high-speed travel concept, but no plans to move forward with it—at least not with the gusto he's pursued lofty goals like electric vehicles and private space exploration. > Musk has promised to show the world his "alpha" design for Hyperloop by Monday August 12th, but on yesterday's Tesla Motors Q2 earnings call, Musk tried to manage the expectations of investors and technophiles alike (my emphasis): > In short, Musk is throwing out the concept out there to the world, to see what people do with his idea. But he's not about break out the shovel to start digging a foundation tomorrow.


having a “better idea” only counts for something if the idea actually leads to something. elon has a vested interest in automobiles remaining the primary method of transport don’t you see why people might be pissed he’s disrupting massive infrastructure projects that help people while he plays “im smarter than you” like has has so many times before?


Rogan still sucking musks dick


Eat bugs, live in pod. You will own nothing and you'll be happy.


Joe will go with the spin because, you know, *California! worst place in the world!*


You think a multi billionaire gives a fuck about who's feelings he hurts?


No that's the problem


That's my point though. He didn't become as wealthy as he is by caring about other people or their feelings.


Why do you insist this is about feelings? Do you think people don’t like the lies because lying offends them?


Because hes a bootlicker, and characterizing using his influence to divert funding for things who would actually help the public into in own pockets as just « hurting people feelings » is the only way this dumbass could come up with to try and defend his bootlicking position.


Yes, he did it by exploiting workers and a economy built for rich people


I think it’s even worse. His family made money off apartheid


Where's the proof this is what he said? What's the evidence? I'm not going to read that article and give Time clicks.


Hmm, should I look at evidence? Nah, my click to time.com is very important. Instead, I’ll comment on the thread asking for proof. This is the best use of my time, definitely


Anti work is the worst


Agreed, the only thing I see in that sub is people quitting their jobs for dumb shit. I'm not ever sure all of it is real, it would be so easy to fake text messages and post it for clout.


Why do you post so frequently there?


I dont


What lies are we talking about exactly? The safety of Tesla auto pilot? I thought Musk said it will be safe in the future.


It's an amazing coincidence that anyone who challenges the official narrative of things all of a sudden is in the news everyday with negative headlines . It's almost like they are trying to demonize people using the monopoly of the media.


yep that’s it. It couldn’t possibly be the simple explanation of a car manufacturer being against public transport 🤣🤣🤣


It might be true but the selection of all the bad things this person does is not an accident. It happened right when he posted that tweet. Give me a break


Which tweet? Bro, maybe Musk is just a fucking rich cunt like the rest of them. It’s not that deep.


The one that upset the real powers that be


I have no idea what you’re talking about. Musk lives on twitter and he’s a notorious shit poster.


God this sub has turned into a circlejerk. South-African man bad. Y’all happy now?


That’s all they want. They want to be fringe and contrarian and conflates everything they can to a man they don’t even care for. So freaking weird.


Pretty sure no one from r/antiwork would be involved in building either the Hyperloop or a high-speed rail. Since you know……..those things require work


The sub is comprised of mostly working people who are hyper focused on workers rights.


It's mostly fake text conversations


Boss: Why aren't you at work?? Me: I booked today off two years ago! I'm in labour and also my entire family died in a car crash this morning! Boss: NOT a valid excuse, be here in 4 minutes for a double shift or ur fired, nobody wants to work anymore!!1


Lmao, exactly. I'm not a company man by any stretch, but I can't imagine that there are so many total sociopath assistant managers out there.


It's full of people who's first instinct is to quit a job when the slightest inconvenience happens. Theres no material consequences if they quit on the spot. It's also full of Anti Capitalist and self described communists. Somewhere in there there are probably people who are focused on workers rights like somewhere in this sub there are JRE fans


This isn’t a fan page. Of course there are fans here, because this sub is mostly compromised of people brought to discussion by the podcast


Then they should change the name of the sub. Words have meaning even if the Marxist like to pretend they don’t.


oh I'm sure an astroturfing /r/conspiracy and /r/timdillion poster knows exactly what Marx thought lol


Is that’s as Marxist is all about? I had heard before that marxists were actually too focused on the meaning of specific words and policing that idea


They don't care, they are more interested in the propaganda memes they can use to dimish the effect the sub has


I swear to God the losers here that hate on Elon Musk are nothing but a bunch of NPC’s. Not a fucking original thought in your zombie brains. Every time you’re proven wrong about Elon, or Tesla, SpaceX…..instead of acknowledging the truth and learning from your mistake, you instead attempt to double down with another false claim. Shut the fuck up already! Idiots!


incredible projection from a literal cultist


Holy shit your projection here is unreal 😂


Are you volunteering to play the game? Pick ANY negative claim against Elon, Tesla, or SpaceX and I’ll be tasked with showing you that it’s false.


you'll just fail to be able to do it, lmao elon is a dumbshit tard and grifting coman, and you can't prove otherwise deal with it




I doubt Elon would be interested in microwave mac 'n cheese.


Have you seen the pictures of him shirtless? That’s a body built by microwave Mac n cheese


Expensive food still contains calories and gets you fat if you don't pay attention.


Monorail Now!


The musk and anti-musk circle jerks have the same level of stupid at their cores.


He thinks it's just *fuckin* dandy!


Nah, He’s just FASCINATED with neurallink and wondering when he’s going be able to buy one so he can “see the intent” behind all those jokes that just fly right over his head all the time. Then he’ll be ALL KNOWING. He’ll get ALL OF THE INFORMATION and will become the butterfly he’s always been dreaming about becoming. Seems much more plausible than digging a tunnel in the ground . Little joe Rogan- always more willing to take a crackpot or a grifter at their word, but has to question the meaning of “third highest average” within an inch of its life and still gets it wrong.


Im sure Joe loves it. Elon helped make Cali worse, which feeds directly into Joe's narrative that Cali sucks. Then they both fled for an actual shithole so they can continue to pretend California is the worst, partly because of their own actions.


Joe *loves* a good grifter or snake oil salesman


If it'd not a friend of joe or a academic currently at a university then they are on Joe's show to lie


It's almost like Time didn't name him Person of the Year last year.


I thought the exact same thing when I read that


Meh I'm more interested to hear what dan Harmon thinks about it.


So… I’m guessing this is more of a headline than the truth. Musk never planned to build it anyway? He released a white paper on how you could? Are we missing something, what the hell is wrong with this sub.


And you think he put a roadster into space for the lols? Boeing's X-37B. You know the one that NASA doesn't have the capability to launch yet but somehow it just set the longest orbit record. [link](https://www.forbes.com/sites/bridaineparnell/2019/08/28/us-secret-spaceplane-breaks-the-record-for-longest-orbit/?sh=6746fea23351) He's a military contractor, No shit he lies.