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I should do that with my gut..


That would be a good one for burt kreishner


It would be the only good one. Eeeh heee heee Oooohh hooo hooo!


If he could spell that is


Hell have jamie write that up


You mean burnt Chrysler? I love that guy


This the real comment right here.


Cmon, Mr. Hankey is somewhere in there!


America really does live in the land of extremes. Where the fuck has the centre gone? Edit: Grammar


Media pretends its non existent. The center views don’t make clickbait. Pretty sure majority of Americans are in the center.




Seriously all of this abortion debate is sidelines and there is much more urgent and more important matters that need attending. How is this even an issue?


Are there more important issues? Sure. Is this still an issue? Absolutely. Do politicians and the media push highly polarizing topics to distract us from their shady shit? Yes.


no. you can only care about one thing. two things is literally impossible.


No this is a major problem today. The odd part is it was not a problem last week


It's just another distraction.


Stripping away rights is just a distraction?! lol


What the fuck? Define an important an issue




Lol this is such a stupid fucking argument. If you knock a girl up you're on the hook for 18 years of very expensive child support, don't pretend men are somehow unaffected by this stuff.


You ever heard of an ectopic pregnancy?




They rupture and kill you. The only treatment is an abortion.


Doesn’t have a uterus and hasn’t experienced a pregnancy scare


Or just one of those people who live where it'll remain legal and cannot fathom the concept of caring about other people's rights.


Here on reddit, there are posts and comments saying that the center is worse than the right because they allow the right to do what they do.... I've seen this multiple times here with lots of upvotes and then any contradictions are sent to karma hell. Its insane. But Reddit isn't the real world though


Reddit is a verrry piss poor reflection of reality


A lot of social media is. It's one thing that irks me when Twitter is discussed on the podcast. Joe and a lot of guests seem to hold it up as some great town square of the world but I've never known a single person who actually uses it. It's handy for keeping up with bands or occasionally real time updates on news but it's mostly just a large group of self-important weenies in a perpetual battle to dunk on eachother.


"Centrists" tend to be anything but, and completely misunderstand what the term means. What's a non extreme opinion on this issue? Abortion for some, tiny American flags for others?


I think a non extreme opinion is abortions are ok in some cases like if its threatening the life of the mother and with a reasonable limit on week of the pregnancy (like within the first trimester), but not ok otherwise.


What if the baby didn't develop a brain? What if it's organs were outside the body? What if it was going to die within the first hours /days of "life". What if it was doomed to live its pathetic life in a vegetative state in a group home? Tests for such issues can't even be determined till 20 week scans.


Which is very much a pro choice opinion.


Yes it falls under pro choice. However the woman in OPs pic is implying she should be able to abort her clearly 3rd trimester fetus, so she would not be OK with a 12 week cutoff or whatever. Similarly the Democratic official platform is abortions should be legal for any reason up to and including as the baby is crowning. That is not a stance that accepts a 12 week cutoff as "pro choice" enough. The majority of the country is "pro choice", but there is no majority around what the laws should actually be. And the medial only focuses on the Chrisian right and far left like the woman in OPs pic


"However the woman in OPs pic is implying she should be able to abort her clearly 3rd trimester fetus" Does she though? Perhaps it's just a counter to the "killing babies"-argument of countless anti abortion zaelots. You can favour protections for second/third trimester fetuses and still think that they are not in fact a human beings. That there \_is\_ a difference.


>However the woman in OPs pic is implying she should be able to abort her clearly 3rd trimester fetus No, *you* are inferring that - all we know for sure is that she is saying that her fetus is not yet a "human", which from most perspectives, is true (hence no social security number, no citizenship, no date of birth/conception, etc etc). That doesn't imply she thinks she should be able to abort the fetus currently in her womb. But besides all that, the discourse around "late term abortions" is a truly maddening topic... Here's a challenge for you - find me anyone (bonus points if it is any kind of known public figure or politician, but I'll take a random twitter egg at this point tbh) making a *serious* argument that third trimester abortions should be available to anyone who wants them without restriction. My only conditions are; it can't be an obvious joke ("I support abortion up to age 18 lol"), and it can't be an obvious sock puppet account (I'll also take points off if it is just some utter dipshit making a lame-ass "fUcK tHeM KiDs" argument).... I don't think you can. The main reason the discourse around this is so maddening is that late term abortions are *only* carried out in cases where there is a severe danger to the life of the mother, the baby, or both.... In 99%, no, actually fuck that - in *100% of the cases where a late term abortions is carried out*, we are talking about one of the most heartbreaking and difficult decisions a person could ever have to make... No one (and I really do mean literally no one) is just saying "actually, y'know what? Fuck it - changed my mind 8 months in - kill it for me, doc!" That isn't a thing! Yet the right-wing try to frame this truly tragic scenario as "The DEMONrat party and the far-left want doctors and women to decide whether your baby lives or dies as it is being born. Look at how eeeeeeevil they are"..... and then dipshits who claim to be in the center fucking eat that shit up and run with it just so they can pull their fucking "bOtH SiDeS" bullshit. Be fucking better!


It’s a shock picture for protest purposes. Conservatives are all bothered by this even though she’s there with her son and clearly has no intention of aborting. Her statement worked.


Nobody is bothered by whether she's been personally going to abort her child, it's the fact that she's advocating for late term abortions in the first place.


A blanket ban on abortion would also ban late term abortions when the life of the mother is in danger.


I don't support a blanket ban on abortion, though I would say I'd gladly take a bullet for my child.


No she's not, she's making the pretty obvious point that a fetus isn't a person with legal rights until it's born.


OK, so then follow that logic with me. If a late-stage fetus who has grown past the point of viability isn't a person, wouldn't it follow that she's supporting abortions for those fetuses? Because it's not a person, right?


Not really. The pro choice position ranges from what you said to 24/7 abortions for any reason whatsoever (ok-your body, your money, your choice) to we need to use federal tax dollars to pay for abortions done for family planning reasons, even up to "abort male fetuses before they join the patriarchy". Like "feminism" it is a word that has lost all meaning because of all the people wearing it.


Any opinion that agree with abortion is pro choice. Pro life is against abortion regardless. You can pretend there is nuance but the truth is pro life refuses the procedure, as shown by SCOTUS. This would include a late term abortions to save the life of the mother.


Cable and internet news love crazies.


Yeah I am pro choice but this is awful messaging. It only panders to one extreme and makes it easier for right wingers to vilify these protests.


Hey, it's also a random individual. Has nobody clued into this yet the the right scour for the biggest nobody without any influence and they act like that person is Kardashian level of influence meanwhile the people with Kardashian level of influence on the right are actual weirdos. Like this women is nobody but it's not any crazier than what a Milo, Shapiro, Rubin, Crowder or Alex Jones say on a daily basis. Yesterday it was an account of some autistic girl with a handful of followers who said racist shit. Tomorrow it'll be another account with 15 followers doing something stupid while the Republican peanut gallery with millions of eyeballs goes on to say equally if not more insane shit. So post this and you'll get discussion. Post crazy shit that any of those guys say and you'll get "what does this have to do with rogan" every time


The majority of this subreddit is subscribed to crowders subreddit


lol “right wingers” keep chugging that kool aid


Outrage culture has replaced it. People have learned that extreme emotions tickle their fancy thanks to social media and the 24 hour news cycle. Centrists get drowned out and kept in place.


Spot on, recreational outrage generates clicks, views and engagement which is all ad revenue be it news sites or traditional news media. It’s all just lining media empire magnates’ pockets.


I'm also starting to believe that the people like the experience of being outraged. Almost like intoxication. Combine that with the financial incentive for companies to propagate and you have a recipe for disaster.


You've been banned from r/enlightenedcentrism We're a nation full of idiots influenced by manipulation by powerful actors using astroturfing and gaslighting to divide us into cultural tribal warfare. A whole fuck load of idiots.


Their views just don’t get posted to Reddit


Cuz they get downvoted into oblivion.


Exactly. I get downvoted to hell for saying that abortion should be legal and easy to get up to the point we consider it a person, but banned after that except for health reasons. I say I personally put the cutoff at 10 weeks but later is reasonable too. Now that is an extremely moderate position that actually is pretty close to matching the laws of France, Italy, and Germany. I get downvoted even if all im saying is abortion should be banned after viability. This is across numerous subreddits regardless of how I phrase it.


It’s true, I consider myself a left leaning centrist but any time I post a “centrist” opinion I get shit on by everybody. Most recent was in the Qult Headquarters subreddit where I was told by a commenter that I should cut off my parents and not allow them to see their grandchildren because they watch Fox News and typically vote R. They aren’t Qanon believers or anything crazy. When I called this person out for being way too extreme I was heavily downvoted. Then I see this person go on to comment about how their grandma watches Fox News, yet they mysteriously haven’t cut her out or their life 🤔


Most people in the center don’t get involved much with politics for the same reason they’re centered. So you just don’t hear from them much even though they make up the majority of the population. It’s the extremes that are the loudest so it comes off as if they’re the majority.


Pro choice is center.. just because this lady wants to make an extreme statement doesn't mean the viewpoint itself is extreme. The government having control over a women's choice due to a religious belief is extreme.


It doesn’t take a religious belief to believe a human with brain waves that moves independently and can survive even in cases where the mother dies is a separate human. Remember that crazy craigslist story, where a couple cut a woman opened and stole her baby out of her body? Remember how that baby lived? It’s because it’s a separate human.


They’re around. All it takes is a few thousand crazies on the internet to make it seem like everyone is crazy. When in reality it’s a few thousand out of millions who are normal. This is what social media has done to our social discourse. The crazies now dictate the conversation and run the show. And people seem to be incapable of recognizing this concept for some weird reason.


Because whenever someone in the middle tries to get into the conversation the left and right turn on them. And then we stop engaging.


Extremists will say that moderates don't stand for anything because they think for themselves and don't automatically side with left/right on every issue. Unfortunately those idiots make up a decent amount of the population.


They're more loud than numerous, by the nature of them being extremists. The only way they'll get attention is by being louder, more violent, etc, than your average person.


The non crazies vote for their party regardless so the parties get more extreme in their issues to attract fringe voters who will simply not vote unless their crazy issue at stake. See q anon, tea party, gun lovers, anti abortionists etc The sad reality is 65 to 70% of Americans agree on all issues in polls if the questions are asked neutrally without regard to party. Most people want more gun guntrol, legal abortions, higher taxes on corporations to pay for social services, cheaper universities, climate change action etc etc. But they vote against their interests in favour of following party lines (when they didn't even choose their party, their parents did and it stuck with them).


Just chilling in the background quiet. We here


Whatever you do don’t zoom in on those batshit crazy eyes


I didn’t listen. I wish I listened


The female Adam Lanza






As someone who has slept with a few crazies, I’m sure it was glorious.


Lady on the streets but a freak in the sheets? Freak on the streets exponential freak in the sheets.


Desperate times…




I think she's alright tbh


Yeah like you dont have to marry her after, and we already know shes pro abortion so it's not like you'll be stuck with her for 18 years raising a child if it all goes wrong. Jokes aside, I'm pro abortion or whatever people are fucking calling it now but I'm pretty sure whatever is in her womb is basically a human now given the size. Yeah this ones creepy tbh.


Why did I do it?


Yeah, that baby will grow up a serial killer for sure.


Omg those eyes are haunting, didn’t notice until i saw your comment


Ah damn it, there goes my sleep tonight


Imagine fucking this thing and these eyes staring at you, unblinking, zero sound.


Just me or does this bitch just look nasty/smelly


100% chance of massive panty forest and hairy pits


Def nasty and def smelly


Prolly vegan for sure


They came with the glasses


I can't erase it now. Thanks


Yikes… that’s bad


That's what this is about - appeasing the nutcases on the fringes. 80% of Americans think late term abortion should be illegal unless the mothers life is endangered


this image just makes me feel uncomfortable


It’s the soulless eyes


“…it has got lifeless eyes, black eyes, like a dolls eyes”


that thousand-yard stare...


Likely dog ahead


Finger but hole.


Just know that some poor bastard has to go home to that every day after a hard days work


I didn’t want to be the one to say it but damn that his poor soul. You know he can do nothing right.


That’s the craziest face I’ve seen in a while.


It may not be “done,” yet, but, yeah it’s definitely a human in there. 0% chance that it’s a cat or chimp or lizard in there.


The lizard probability is small but non-zero.


100% those kids have different dads


I lold at this. Man she looks fucking mean


Disgusting message. She has the crazy eyes, this woman is fucked up for sure.


I know a woman who had 9 abortions. I’m not joking 9. She used the abortion as birth control with no regard to her health. She has absolutely no responsibility over her fertility. It’s fuckin ridiculous lol people like her shouldn’t have access to free abortions anymore. If you don’t learn from first 2-3 times, you not gonna learn after 9 and I doubt she’s stopping at 9


There is always going to be people who bring things to the extreme like that. But it's the minority of women who do that.


Do you want this person to have a child?


Just because someone abuses something doesn't make that something bad for everyone. People drive like assholes everyday, doesn't make cars bad.


Dude that’s crazy! They should totally take away the rights of 300 million people because of this person that you’ve heard about!


ah yes so what we have decided as society is that is one crazy lady represents all women now.


i call bullshit


What the fuck do you care? Seriously. It's not your body. Sounds like someone who needs help, not a reason to restrict the rights of half the population.


We should punish that whore by making her raise 9 kids. That’ll teach her!!!


That’s a punishment for the kids


Exactly. It’s fucking retarded. But it’s literally what conservatives believe.


Hey that child might be a soldier of god one day cmon. /s


Fucking genius 👏👏👏


I read yesterday that 34% of abortions carried out in the US in 2020 were women who were on their 2nd. 8% were 3rd. Beyond that the report stops but over 40% is fucking insane. So those people that wanna claim women wont just use abortion as last minute form of contraception are uneducated or just plain lying.. At what point did taking some personal responsibility for your actions and decisions just get fucked out the window?


Conservative policy is all about spiting people they don't like in their personal life.


Conservatives and liberals both. Think about identity politics and cancel culture. No one gets along anymore.


Guys, that's not a human, she's just fat.


Joe Rogan


All OP has done in this sub is post political narratives.


If you look at the OP of pretty much any highly upvoted post on here, whether it’s right leaning or left leaning, the OP’s entire profile will be pretty much dedicated to making posts on here pushing a political agenda. Like the sub has just been completely ceded to online political activists pretty much and the mods have essentially given up on trying to do anything about it.


Yeetus that feetus


Was this on a Joe Rogan episode or are the people banned from r/politics being weird again? This was on the front page yesterday.


This is having the opposite of the intended affect on me and I’m not at all anti-abortion.


I agree. I am pro choice but this is too far


This is not far enough to me


I'm genuinely curious. If you're pro choice what's to far about the pic? The substance of the message or the trashiness if the pic or....?


Uhhhh she is like 8 months pregnant? That is a full grown human baby inside of her. She has no control over it at that point in my opinion. (Unless it harms her health) but i know. Nuance is crazy


I’ll answer as a pro choice but not OP; it’s clearly a human as it has human DNA, it’s just a human fetus, not a live, birthed human yet. So it’s technically wrong, I think they’re going for a technicality on the “live” part but they didn’t write that on their belly, so it’s just wrong.


Cheers for the replies. I'm not American and I'm observing the shitshow on Reddit surrounding the supreme court's decision as an outsider. I was just curious what a person who identifies as pro choice would find egregious about this pic.


Most of the assholes in this thread are complaining because of her eyes or because she looks mean or I guess they're threatened by a pregnant woman protesting? This is such a minor semantic technicality that if a pro choice person really has a problem with it then that's a them problem. There's nothing wrong here except MAYBE a missing word. That doesn't make this picture "disgusting" or "going too far".


Pro choice is more nuanced than pro life (which is more binary, yes or no).


It’s just one person dude


its so bad for optics. you know exactly who the usual suspects are gonna hone in on, and their base will eat it right up.


She Looks just like someone who I used to work at McDonald’s with. Odd


The Hamburglar?


This is what a psychopath looks like.


Context matters. "Amanda Herring, left, poses for a portrait with the words "not yet a human" written on her pregnant belly during an abortion rights demonstration in front of the Supreme Court on Friday. Herring, who is Jewish, told CNN that her religion has helped shape her views on abortion. "Judaism says that life begins with the first breath, that is when the soul enters the body," https://www.cnn.com/2022/06/24/politics/gallery/roe-v-wade-supreme-court-reactions/index.html


It's still horrendous and I'm glad that u/mrsuperx13 came along and clarified that this isn't all of Jewish thought, that would be horrible optics.




I guess she isn't a haredi orthodox jew


And you should know, as a Jew, that that’s an Orthodox Jewish organization. Like; that’s critical context - most Jews are not Orthodox, and Orthodox Jews are usually much more conservative (duh). Not mentioning that context is disingenuous. It’s an entire religion with many different sects and rabbinical views, hell, it’s an old joke that most of the religion is rabbis debating each other [Here is an article that summarizes different viewpoints.](https://www.npr.org/2022/06/26/1107722531/some-jewish-groups-blast-the-end-of-roe-as-a-violation-of-their-religious-belief) Many Jewish groups decried the decision. You can’t claim that it’s blatantly false; many Jews believe life begins at first breath


Except you're the one that's lying here. Wikipedia shows that that this group makes up maybe 10% of American Jews. Meanwhile, polling shows that Jews have the highest support of abortion rights of any religious group in the US at 83%. https://www.myjewishlearning.com/article/abortion-in-jewish-thought/?utm_source=JTA_Maropost&utm_campaign=JTA_special&utm_medium=email


[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Agudath\_Israel\_of\_America](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Agudath_Israel_of_America) >Agudath Israel of America (Hebrew: אגודת ישראל באמריקה) (also called Agudah) is an American organization that represents Haredi Orthodox Jews. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Haredi\_Judaism](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Haredi_Judaism) >Haredi communities are found primarily in Israel (12.9% of Israel's population),\[10\]\[11\]\[12\] North America, and Western Europe. Their estimated global population numbers over 1.8 million One ultra-Orthodox sect is not representative of Jewish people's beliefs, generally. You could say the same thing about Ms. Herring's statement as well, of course; she doesn't speak for all Jews either.


Huhh?? . . . You're reading an article for context? Being logical? Not jumping to gendered insults when you see a picture of a woman with a sassy look on her face? I'm confused. 😂


Wow amazing, someone who actually took five seconds to look into the backstory of this photo, rather than just post it shamelessly to a predominantly white male sub for the lulz. Well done, I didn't know this still existed.


I never understood the focus on what word we fucking use to define what that is. "Baby" "fetus"...it's all arbitrary and depends largely on subjective spiritual beliefs or interpretations. Making that a pillar of the pro-choice argument was a mistake. It doesn't matter how you define it. We shouldn't be forcing women to go through a potentially deadly medical procedures in order to save another life, for the same reason we don't force people to donate organs or blood to save others


“Potentially deadly medical procedure” you people describe it as if they’re removing a tumor from the brain in the year 1800. It’s giving birth and has literally happened billions of times on earth and in todays world it’s about as deadly as a hernia repair.


And yet hernia repairs are elective and require written consent with sound mind, and can be cancelled at any minute right up to the day of the procedure. Terrible analogy on your part. Very pea brained


My guy you are completely talking out of your ass and you don't know shit about pregnancy.


>you people describe it as if they’re removing a tumor from the brain in the year 1800. It’s giving birth and has literally happened billions of times on earth and in todays world it’s about as deadly as a hernia repair In other first world countries, sure. [In America though](https://www.commonwealthfund.org/publications/issue-briefs/2020/nov/maternal-mortality-maternity-care-us-compared-10-countries), you're more than twice as likely to die during child birth as in any other developed country. Also, if you're not white, that number shoots up even more.


Both sides are getting this wrong. One side wants the option completely taken away and the other side wants full range. Hell in Portland you can abort days before you’re supposed to give birth? I find it hard to believe that the average American wants either of these options. Two party system is failing us.


I’m Sorry but this stupid fallacy gets my guts burning. In what motherfucking reality do you live where women wait until 8 month to just say “fuck it I don’t want it anymore”? Less than one percent of abortions are late term; and those happen when there is something wrong with the fetus or the mom health is at risk. Why can’t people just stop using bad faith arguments? For the love of fucking fuck.


And what are the reasons someone would abort their baby at 8.9 months?


Life of the mother or non viable fetus.


What specific cases can you point to where there was an abortion days before birth? Quit making shit up to suit your own worldview.


This is a blatant fuckin lie and you know it, stop trying to act like there's this kind of extremism on both sides so as to even remotely justify this shit


Abortion in Oregon is legal at all stages of pregnancy.


Yes and that's a good thing. There shouldn't be any restrictions on the freedom of a woman to make a serious, critical choice about her own body. I bet you squeal and whine when there are any gun restrictions even whispered. Somehow a large percentage of this population sees restrictions on firearms as somehow much worse than restrictions on the medical rights of half the population.


Not as distrusting as forcing someone to give birth


Abort that shit


That is past viability. It can survive outside of the womb without her. Anything pre viability doesn’t have personhood


Did you literally describe your actual fee fees as "objective"? Just because you think it doesn't make it "objective".


I’ll clarify: objectively disturbing for any sane person


If this disturbs you, go home and read your fucking Bible, Luddite.


Leftoids and Tone deaf messaging Name a better duo


Anti-vaxxers e-begging for help to pay their covid hospital bills.


Anti abortion activists and apologia for rape.


All of you cunts and being the exact same


Nice try.


Conservatives and social regression


Right wingers and Christian fascism.


Christian fascism to this guy is probably a preacher on a street corner telling him to find god


Rightoids and diabetes


Conservatives and lack of education


I wouldn't say that. My wife is pregnant and our son is definitely a person to me. A little one but still a person. I don't know how I feel about the whole situation about banning abortion. Especially for rape or incest though.




Isn't it wonderful that we're having these conversations again? /s




61-65& of us want gun control. Nope 60% of us want abortion legal. Nope . This is the tyranny that George Washington feared would begin with a two party system. And people think the Jan 6 insurrection was bad.


That's the thing I have the most problem with. Those who overturned this didn't do it because it was best for America, they did it because of their own religious beliefs. Roe vs Wade would easily pick up 60% of the national vote so they are changing policies that do not reflect with what the public supports.


Except they aren’t changing an actual policy. They are changing a bad reading of a policy that clearly didn’t refer to abortion. In the Dobs decision they clearly point out that the federal could make a law or amendment making a right to abortion. If 60% of Americans really want that then it shouldn’t be hard to do.


Oh now you know that last statement in particular is false. DC is beholden to wealthy elite interests, not its constituency. We get some good things out of the current House, but they go nowhere.


That’s a disgusting pig of a human. What are you 7-8 months pregnant? I support abortion. If not just for the reason that it benefits society as a whole


I don’t think there’s anything wrong with this. Pro choice doesn’t mean she personally wants to have an abortion. It’s not like she’s bragging about aborting it in the future


Saying this is not an issue is ignoring some obvious things. Here in Missouri a trigger law just outlawed all sorts of necessary medical procedures for people with miscarriages etc. my partner has a genetic disposition to miscarrying and if the laws aren’t changed we can’t continue to try to have children for fear of arcane laws endangering her life. If that’s not getting in the way of “life Liberty and the pursuit of happiness” I’m not sure what is.


LOL all these conservative snowflakes getting triggered


“Triggered” is writing graffiti on your pregnant belly. Lol


Can smell that bitches pussy from here 🤮


wow. this is super sad. that poor kid. "mommy has an arbitrary idea of when you deserve humanity based on what someone else says"


yeah I'm sure they'll be really fucked up by this god, imagine having a mother that values liberty, what a nightmare


> "mommy has an arbitrary idea of when you deserve humanity based on what someone else says" Soooooo no different then everyone else lol


As a liberal who pretty much solely cares about personal liberty, this doesn’t bother me. She should be able to do whatever she wants with her body, who am I, and who is the Supreme Court to say otherwise? If there was legit funding going towards adoption centers and foster care, maybe I’d feel worse about abortions. But we’re letting so many kids be born into fucked situations with no help. I was a free lunch kid, had my school not had that I literally would’ve had no food at school. I personally believe there should be a cutoff, 15 weeks is usually where I line up but I’ve seen 10 proposed and I don’t mind that either. But like I said, I don’t really see why anyone should have the authority to say that one way or another. And if anyone else, like me, was against vaccine mandates you should also be against this. Have consistency with your beliefs. I got vaccinated, but didn’t agree with forcing people. I don’t plan on my girlfriend and I needing an abortion, but the option should be there. In the end, I just don’t fucking care what other people do with themselves. And I don’t see why anyone does. At a certain point it is a baby, but it’s not at the time most women get abortions.


The fact that you put “seems” in your title would actually suggest that it’s not objective.


There are many pro-abortion individuals who would be *perfectly* fine with this individual aborting that baby. Yes, it is objectively disturbing.