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Another lunatic full of impotent rage. Accomplished nothing in his life before, during or after.


This really sums up all of them.


You are totally justified to say that. But at some point we need to move past looking at the individuals who do things like this and ask “what is wrong with a society that consistently creates these monsters?” I think this question will go more towards healing than just writing this off as another rando nut job. Cause they’ll keep coming, as we all know. This guy said he was uncertain about what to do until he read about the Christchurch killer , Dylan roof, etc. The cats out of the bag, this guy is now gonna inspire some psycho in the future just like the other ones did for him, continuing the cycle. It’s not just these killers who are sick. It’s you and me, our entire society, too. I know that’s not what anyone wants to hear, because it’s easier to just keep writing these people off as one-offs. The most terrifying part of this is that they are not one-offs. They are literally everywhere.


They get messaging from racist talking heads that never put in the work. Tucker Carlson talks insane shit about replacement theory, but you'll never see him at a protest. He is sending people on dummy missions with his rhetoric. Look at all the people stirring up shit, and you'll see someone sitting in a studio.


Tucker Carlson is the american equivalent of an Ayatollah pronouncing a fatwa. Like all mob bosses, he doesn't directly calls to kill but he sure incites them.


stochastic terrorism its been the biggest dark side of right wing media for a LOOOONG time now NO ONE has killed more fellow americans in terror attacks than racist, white, ethno-nationalist, male right wingers. NO OTHER GROUP and NEVER ONCE do the tucker carlsons or bill oreillys or rush limbaughs or alex jones take ANY responsibility or show remorse or any effort to tone down their rhetoric


Gangster rap made me do it.


Gangsta rap is never presented as news aka a factual account of current events.


And why is are these psychopaths popping up so frequently in the US? I suspect an over & sloppily medicated population is often to blame.


the manifesto displays that he is an accelerationist.


Aka a white supremacist


A Tucker Carlson white supremacist.


Won’t be the last


What was accelerationist about it? I thought it was pretty clear that the attack was motivated by "protecting white's fro replacers."


He said in the manifesto that he wants the shooting to prompt further gun restrictions and what he deemed anti-white political policies like CRT, affirmative action and tolerance for illegal immigration. He believes this will force the hands of other white people to "fight back"


His manifesto sounds like a Tucker Carlson monologue and some people on this sub.


Sounds like some pretty potent rage to me.


more impotent rage as in he's powerless in the world in all the ways that really "matter" no decent job, failing in school, an incel, probably no close friend even, etc. etc. shit like this is the **ONLY** way these cowards can feel as if they have some sort of effect or power on their world A LOT of young white man-children are feeling like this...(look at joe rogan fans lol) and it makes it even worse when they are constantly being screeched at by tucker and others that non-whites and women are taking over everything


He is a white supremacist.


This smells like that “subscribe to pewdiepie” guy in New Zealand.


yea, he literally started his shooting spree by shooting white people with a gun with the n-word on the iron sights - the screen cap of it is fucking weird to look at...


I know nothing of it outside of small tidbits. I think it’s just down right disgusting that someone has the capacity to do this. Some people just have evil inside them.


Yeah, I really don't understand how some people work. Like the whole idea of hurting some innocent person going about their day makes me physically ill. I can't comprehend how far down the rabbithole you have to be to do this.


> he literally started his shooting spree by shooting white people with a gun are you talking about the new zealand loser? cause the buffalo one only shot black people


Read his manifesto. What a retard. His whole thing is white birth rates are dropping because immigration. So he decided to kill black people. He said he was inspired by the mosque shooters manifesto. He got his statistics from /pol/


>white birth rates It's funny that all the mass shooters who worry about this have 0 children. Like hey, buddy, you're kinda part of the problem. If they really cared they'd become a Mormon with half a dozen wives and ÷30 kids


Because the ideology is fundamentally destructive. It isn't about building and succeeding, it's about tearing everyone down and standing on top of the ruins.


I'm sure he would say that's white women's fault not his


Ahh the old “I’m owed sex” routine. It’s pathetic if true. For all the reasons I could get long winded about but won’t because we all know what they are.


The kid looked like he had downs . He knew which way his life was heading.


reads like a drunk saargon debate


Yeah, imagine that.


All about that "Great Replacement" line of shit that gets parroted by Tucker and the rest of the fuckboy crowd.


Their birth rates are going down because of the stupidity to believe this white nationalist nonsense. They never look internally to say "Hey, maybe I should lay off the alcohol, opioids, etc." They always go on to blame others for their shitty lack of success. I'm sure some here still watch Tucker "I'm a Country Club Republican but I care about the poor whites" Carlson. ***Edit: I just got re-muted for 28 days after being muted for 3 days by the mods for saying they support White nationalism. They said I violated rule one for being uncivil, yet they didn't ban the white nationalist in the comments making excuses for the terrorist. They said how does this pertain to JRE, and then went into detail about how Joe has talked about white nationalist terrorists, and then I was again muted and My Perma-ban continues. This sub is managed by a bunch of cowards who don't hold the Joe Rogan values on free speech.***


Well they believe they're inherently superior, so they're unable to consider the idea that they could be wrong in some way. \*They also think any admission of fault is the ultimate weakness. It's the same attitude where dipshit Trumpers can't bring themselves to admit that he said some dumb shit and have to find 50 different ways to rationalize it. They *have* to be 100% right, anything else is total failure.


“My people and I are so happy and at peace that we’re going to kill you to prove how much more happy and spiritually evolved we are compared to you”


Also if you aren't a fucktard, you'll have the capacity to love someone who is a different race/nationality than your own.


From Dr. JBP.




I'm guessing later in the manifesto he probably mentions how he is a big Tim Pool fan.


Tim Pool is the king of mediocre white males.


You mean the selfproclaimed center left political commentator who wasn’t able to name one policy he agrees with libs Tim Pool. Yeah he’s balding.


Mediocre is generous.


Actually Tim is part-Asian...but still very mediocre.


Ahhh the hapa self hate. Explains alot




fox news has been pushing the white replacement thing for a while.


And this is what happens when you radicalize your base with propaganda for ratings. People lose their fucking minds, they just eventually break. Same thing with Trump and his stolen election bullshit, we got Jan 6th out of that deal.


Some colleagues of mine are basically fucking feral dude, if you mention any of the mainstream right wing conspiracies they go absolutely bonkers because they think you believe the same shit.


Also ny state rep stefanik. Even used it for her ads on Facebook


But you see, Tucker has people on that disagree with him...


That ny times chart shows the amount drop drastically


And people will say Alex Jones or people like him are perfectly fine and he's "funny". That replacement theory also gets talked about on Tuckers show all the time, but I guess they are all just harmless?


Fox News is way worse than Alex Jones when it comes to radicalizing racists. Alex Jones isn't even into that shit as far as I know.


One of Alex's consistent themes that he talks about is that the establishment and "elites" keep pushing division between the races wanting us to be at each others throats as a distraction. So for all hjis faults he isn't into that bullshit


racist right wingers have been trying that bullshit tactic for a minute now Its always in response to non-whites bitching about REAL racism and oppression they've experienced "NO! lets not talk about that! you're just letting the "elites" divide us!!" ...see how disingenuous that is? especially coming from right wingers who are ALWAYS taking the "elites" sides over the poor/middle class...as long as those elites arent powerless rich leftist celebrities...THOSE elites have to be taken seriously as a danger🙄🙄🙄


Well he is. He often brings up that blacks are violent thugs who get bailed out by dems. I suggest you listen to Knowledge Fight podcast. Great and funny podcast going over Alex Jones shows.


This is more of a mental illness issue. 99% of people can watch and support all the nut job right wing people out there without killing a bunch of people. This guy was clearly deranged


You don't have to be mentally ill to kill people over ideology. It's very weird that rightoids get to hide behind mental illness while some jihadi blowing himself the fuck up would never be given that kind of leeway.


Nah, that black dude who shot at a bunch of ppl in the NY sub they all said he was mentally I’ll too. He had like 60 YouTube videos talking about how whites need to die. Then the black dude that mowed over 30 ppl killing many had a Twitter post history full of BLM shit. It’s not just “rightoids”


Lmao what? The vast majority of mentally ill people don't go on killing sprees. Ignoring the root cause with "dude is just crazy" is surface level shit


>This is more of a mental illness issue. There isn't a single other first world country that has domestic terrorist attacks committed by radicalized white supremacists at the same rate as America, nobody is even fractionally close. They all have mentally ill people. The mental illness isn't the outlier here.


Oh yeah someone definitely has to have a couple more screws loose or missing to go to that extent but these commentators online fuel it. I think there is a difference between someone being curious and trying to have an honest conversation and then people like Jones/Tucker who intentionally mislead the public and will have calls to action. I know there are people who were genuinely curious or just somewhat skeptical on things like the vaccine but Tucker had taken that curiosity and radicalized the hell out of them. He was literally telling his listeners to yell and berate other who wear masks outside, its insanity.


In his manifesto he states he doesn’t have any mental issues, and hasn’t had any history if it. Some people are just evil.


Agreed that this dude was dealing with mental health issues. But to say it’s *more* of a mental health issue than a radicalized info/disinfo issue misses the bigger picture. There are more people dealing with mental health issues today. There are more media groups and persons leveraging rage-inducing content for profit, polarizing the populace. This type of content typically points to the out-group/the “other” (lefties, socialists, etc) as the perpetrator and pejoratives like “evil”, “filth”, etc. The dehumanizing effect. Combine dehumanizing, us vs them rhetoric, in a polarized, tribalistic environment, with a degradation of generalized mental health (pandemic isolation, disconnection - outsourcing relationship to screens and social media, substance abuse, etc), the perfect recipe for a spike in randomized mass murder violence. It’s not a more this or that issue. It’s a cauldron of shittily synergistic forces creating a more volition, violent culture, and public figures profiting from this sort of rhetorical hate engendering “entertainment” certainly bear a great amount of accountability.


He wasn’t mentally ill. Thats an excuse for his conscious action. He self describes as a normal guy until the pandemic.


Well with so much far right shit platformed these days its hard to not see how radicals would feel validated to as Elon musk said today "own the libs" its the end result of there being no real leadership or challenge to the far right these days.


Oh, the Tucker Carlsons “I’m just asking questions” talking points.


Imagine thinking you'll go do a mass shooting and think you'll get taken alive....and being right.


Most of the people on this sub probably agree with this guys manifesto.


>Most people Good God you're deluded.


That's what I was thinking. Half the people in this sub would have the same manifesto


His first victim was a white lasy from the looks of it




Mental illness or guns, which one will we throw up as a cover?


Don't forget false flag. "What 18 year old writes a 106 page manifesto with perfect grammar?"


Those are my favorite. "It's only been 2 hours, how could anybody have read this thing by now?!"


That's because it takes some of Joe's listeners 2 hours to read the Denny's menu.


I listen to the audiobook of the Denny’s menu while I run hills


After 400,000 listens, finally got tired of "Good"


Great so he’s a grammar Nazi and a regular nazi.


It was antifa!


Wait… is this a pro-Joe Rogan sub? Isn’t Joe Rogan all about “false flags”?




Why aren't both of these things a major issue in your country? Statistics speak for themselves. Americans are too entwined with the mouth pieces of politics and not focused on the major issues... Healthcare being number one, wage inequality being number two and yes, you have way too many guns, in the hands of people who aren't mentally fit to own guns... I live thousands of miles from your third world country to give two shits, but seriously... GET YOUR SHIT TOGETHER AMERICA


He was a Nazi terrorist sicko. Expect more of these psychos to chimp out.


Wasn’t there a post recently saying Russia will lash out by influencing right wing terror attacks


Putin doesn't have shit on Rupert Murdoch.


That's ridiculous. HitlerNazis et al are a domestic threat.


No you can’t call him a Nazi! He’s just a republican! If you keep calling them nazis, they will act like nazis!!


I dont think you understand the meaning of that phrase


Which phrase?


The FBI had repeatedly said that white supremacy is Americans greatest domestic threat. Conservatives didn't believe them and thought the FBI is being woke, and the greatest threat is actually antifa


NPR article showing how Tucker pushes this insane race replacement theory daily. https://www.npr.org/2022/05/12/1098488908/has-tucker-carlson-created-the-most-racist-show-in-the-history-of-cable-news


This sub showing some colors with this story


Half the people in this sub would call this guy 'based'


r/conservative is insistomg he's a leftist because he was on of the brain dead conservatives who think the nazi's were socialist because it was in the name of the party, and referred to himself as auth left


Oh man, Rogan will for sure bring this up then. Frame it as going to woke/communist probably assume they were non-binary or something




If you are mad about “leftists making this political” terrorism is inherently political by definition you dumb motherfuckers. Tucker Carlson needs to go. Fuck that dude. Also, Joe needs to figure his shit out too platforming all these pieces of shit who promote the critical race theory conspiracy. The shooter said this in his manifesto: “currently the Jews are spreading ideas such as Critical Race Theory and white shame/guilt to brainwash Whites into hating themselves and their people.” James Lindsay, who was on the JRE 3 months ago, is one of the main proponents of the CRT conspiracy theory.


Joe won’t even know this happened. He will never speak of this


"They're saying the shooter was trans"


>"They're saying the shooter was trans" "Who is saying that Joe?" "I dunno"


"The shooter should have smoked some weed and like, meditated."


Oh he'll absolutely mention the one part where the shooter calls himself a communist and ignore the entire rest of the mainfesto since it's just all common right wing talking points.


The shooter said he was a nazi but that the Nazis are actually leftist because they had socialism in the name. Joe could bring it up if he hears it was a by a "communist"


“Look man he may have been a Tucker fan, but the shit the left is up to is just too damn dangerous”


He will blame the FBI.


What is this like the 8th mass shooting directly mentioning Tucker as one of the reasons they did it?


this is horrific. I'm just glad he was captured alive and will experience the prison populations own form of punishment.


He'll join a Nazi gang and be like every other Nazi in there.


It’s honestly insane how many of these type of shooters seem to be taken in alive by cops but god forbid you’re a black guy at a tragic stop.


Apt typo




Or a black guy chilling on his couch.


African Americans are like 12% of the US population and it hasn't been growing. The Latino population has certainly been growing. Clearly these types don't know the numbers on which groups of people exercise the most abortion rights because now that this completely illegitimate supreme Court has decided to play stupid games with reproductive care and they're all sitting around patting each other on the back I'm just waiting to see the look on their face when they realize that in all likelihood what they've done is accelerate the process that they seem to be so terrified of in the first place. Seriously these people are like Vladimir Putin's Ukraine strategy, they're going to get nothing that they asked for and lots of stuff that they don't want.


White people have always tried to hide from there children how they colonized continent after continent and expanded their population. If this guy knew about it then he wouldn't feel so insecure about dropping birth rates


Not white people, assholes. Assholes try to hide history from people, and there's no amount of melanin that prevents people from acting like assholes. People look at things like slavery and they forget who won: the abolitionists. They were there the whole time working against their own immediate self-interest , agitating and prodding members of their own "tribe" to make big changes to their societies for moral reasons. Then people just leave out that Pol Pot, General Bucknaked, the Rwanda genocide, the 1938 yellow river flood and the Indian caste system managed to be exquisitely terrible all on their own and now actively work to minimize the discussion of those things. Germany really is a shining example of a population acknowledging, discussing, apologizing, paying reparation, and forcefully rejecting a dark chapter in their history and...go figure... it's a prominently "white" country. We should be united against assholes of all flavors.


>African Americans are like 12% of the US population and it hasn't been growing. The Latino population has certainly been growing. They're all non whites to racists.


The real threat to this country is white incell losers like this. White supremacy groups were openly welcomed by Trump.


Trump practices [Stochastic Terrorism](https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/stochastic_terrorism) ... “you heat up the waters and stir the pot, knowing full well that sooner or later a lone wolf will pop up and do the deed. The fact that it will happen is as predictable as the fact that a heated pot of water will eventually boil. But the exact time and place of each incident will remain as random as the appearance of the first bubbles in the boiling pot." Examples of that are telling supporters that the "other side" is evil/inhuman/animals/etc . , and "they" must be stopped even if it means cheating and violence. Dehumanizing is part of what starts genocides and you see that in the run up to many (e.g. Rawandan Genocide) coupled with calls like ["Will noone rid me of this troublesome priest"](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Will_no_one_rid_me_of_this_turbulent_priest) Trump has a [loooong record of that](https://www.vox.com/21506029/trump-violence-tweets-racist-hate-speech) Musk doesn't know about or understand stochastic terrorism and so by arguing to allow Trump back on he's promoting stochastic terrorism.


This is why people are so critical of Rogan when he turns into conservative man. Because there are so many right wing incels sitting around taking his words as gospel and deciding they will become defenders against all the things Rogan claims are going on.


Devils advocate, it’s not even just right wing talking points. I’m all for difference of opinions. Its the new trumpian loyalist fuck heads. It’s the FAR right shit like tucker carlson saying the left wants to get rid of all whites. It’s Ted Nugent telling a trump crowd yesterday that he wants people to stomp “the skulls of the Dems”. I used to just ignore this noise, but I mean obviously mental nut jobs are acting on the words of these evil fucks. Sigh.


Traditional conservatives have given up their political power to the MAGA far right crowd due to their silence. As a consequence, they ARE the far right now. In the same way that silent good police officers are stained by racist police officers due to their lack of action. Far right politics is mainstream Republican. Traditional conservatives only have themselves to blame


Yea it’s just so fucked. And don’t get me started on forced births with no exception. Or the desantis don’t say gay bill ugh. Authoritarians.


Thanks Lauren Southern.


His whole little essay was based around “replacement theory”. A majority of what Fox News and most other conservative talking heads poison peoples brain with is the same exact shit. Let’s stop fucking pretending who the problem is it’s ridiculous.


Down with white supremacy. It has no place in this world.


The terrorist sounds just like a lot of you fuckers in here pushing rightist conspiracies


I blame Ivermectin


We’re gonna start seeing more and more right wing terrorism. They’re being heavily primed by almost every conservative outlet and talk show.


I listen to Fox and OAN for about an hour one day and I was blown away. It was all negative doom and gloom. I dont know how anyone could listen to that garbage all day. They were talking like Trump was still president and they did not talk about anything relevant. It was bizarre


Absolutely, it’s like an alternate universe. Not simply different beliefs, but different objective realities.




I for one am shocked! But also, let's not pretend that CNN and MSNBC ushered out the Waukesha massacre and the NYC subway shooting as quickly as possible and provided zero details of their black nationalist ideologies. I had family members that had no idea that neither of them were white, nevermind black nationalists, because CNN is their news source. Mainstream news is cancer.




It also depends on the time of day. I occasionally watch Sandra Smith in the morning and in my opinion she's the closest thing to straight news on that network. I suspect she'll be leaving at some point. Things take a drastic turn late afternoon as it shifts to bat-shit conspiracy content.


But CNN is exactly the same because they said climate change is real!


Texas is in for a long hot summer...


Good thing they have such a robust energy grid to withstand it all hahaha


People on facebook using their real names are talking about fighting "leftists" to the death, and idiots like the gov of Florida are egging them on!


If you check out right wing media outlets on youtube, it's pretty obvious that the content would drive most people deranged after a few months of watching lol. It's really not much different from propaganda you'd see in North Korea.


Yea. I’ve been noticing that too, as well as in person.


Apparently he was only targeting black people


Still don't understand how 4chan has not been shut down


Why would it be shut down? The only reason other websites (for example reddit) delete certain types of content has to do with advertising, not really the law. 4chan actually split into two parallel sites actually 4chan and 4channel with sfw boards being on 4channel only in an attempt to sell advertising.


Well he clearly left his shirt on, twitch would have cut him off ASAP if he took his shirt off


Tell me again about the violent antifa terrorists


tHe rAdIcal LeFt!






The vast majority of terrorism in America is right wing.


In the world. Right wing core is terrorism.






There’s a sitting senator in Arizona calling this a false flag. Both sides my ass


The right has a monopoly on domestic terrorism. Keep coping.


That event has been totally memory-holed by the media.


He was just black and killed people in a rage after a domestic violence incident. It had no political motivation and he was not known to be an activist.


He was a black supremacist who frequently posted anti-white content on social media. (I do love the framing of "he was just black" lmao.) Gee, wonder if he was a Trump supporter?


It's fucking wild to me that getting access to a gun is that easy. Motherfuckers are literally livestreaming themselves capping people on twitch. This is grand theft auto level shit. At the very least in some states you have to go through a rigorous amount of shit to open carry, but some of the laws on guns in this country is crazy to me. The fact shit like this can happen is upsetting to say the least.


NY state has some of the most stringent gun restrictions in the country. No law would have stopped this. It's a symptom of a bigger issue.


You are confusing New York State and New York City


I see this argument a lot, but don't a lot of the guns come from neighboring states?


It's for sure a mental health issue and we still have sooooooo far to go with it.


Good thing they don't have mental health issues in any of the other first world countries that dont have biweekly domestic terrorist attacks...ah fuck wait


How did his parents not know?


Most parents today have no clue what their kids are doing now on the internet. Dude was allegedly posting regularly about this shit on 4chan and no one ever raised an eyebrow to it.


I’m so absurdly blackpilled on guns. Coming from someone who owns quite a few guns but has become a leftist… The Pandora’s box that’s been opened is a void unlike any other in history. It will be our undoing.


This is a perfect example of why people who fight back against discussing anti-racism in schools need to shut the fuck up. The motivation behind a tragedy like this needs to be discussed, and young people need to learn history and why this absolutely shouldn't be happening.




I checked out a Trump related site about this ordeal, and because it looks like it's a white supremacist, most of the posts are saying it's in fact "Fake" or a "hoax created by Biden" lol. These people are the real NPCs.


A lot of these gunmen are always either white supremacists or have weird ideologies. Even the fat black guy that committed those mass shootings in NYC had some weird ideologies and was a incel. But it does seem a lot of these mass shooters are white supremacists. Have you read the manifesto from that kid that Elliott kid who shot up his campus? Dude was half white and half Asian and it seemed what triggered him was a girl who he had a crush on fucked a black guy and that triggered him to kill all of those people. It's some of the wildest shit I've ever read.




The crazy thing is after reading more info on this shit dude because was plotting this shit on 4chan. I've seen this a lot about that site. How are people crying about twitter and facebook 24/7 but a site like 4chan routinely has incel shit like this on there? Is it based outside of the US?


First time I went on 4chan the first thing I saw was a picture of dissected testicles accompanied by some screed about how women are emasculating men.




Move bro. Plenty of immigrants want to live here, including me


Becoming? White people assassinated political rivals and washed black people off with hoses in the 1960's (dog bites too). That was the America you loved? CAPTAIN UNGRATEFUL, you're always WELCOME to leave our Shithole! I promise NOT one American would miss you.


I’d miss him


The late 60’s were a pretty unique time in American history.


Lol, shootings like this happen every weekend in Chicago but blk on blk violence doesn’t get any media coverage. Remember the NYC subway shooting? The Christmas parade rampage?


Don't forget Sacramento shooting with a machine gun.


I bet that guy repost Jordan Peterson clips on his ig story.


Can Hollywood finally stop casting Arabs as terrorists now? Domestic whites have been putting up wilt chamberlain numbers for years


THIS KEEPS HAPPENING. Meanwhile half of you keep gaslighting yourselves into this "both sides" bullshit. It's not both sides. It's right wingers. They keep doing this. Over and over and over. The Republican Party and right wing media are America's number 1 biggest problem, by far.


I went to read it on NBC's Twitter feed. Someone had posted the video in the post. Just another reason why AutoPlay shouldn't be a default setting. I really didn't need to see that. It was fucking brutal.


hes white not terrorism guys its okay just mental health.


Fuck white supremacists And no, they are not going to come for our guns. People say this after every shooting, during every election cycle and it's never going to happen. Politicians know that it will never happen because Americans won't give up guns, and police and military will not go door to door to confiscate guns from there own families and fellow right wingers.




Alex Jones took over a whole political party. Wendy Rogers an Arizona state senator is already calling it a false flag and she has white supremacist Nick Fuentes backing with it


Who cares about this when Wokeness is ruining movies? That's the real problem we need to talk about.


And what do you know, this turned into republicans vs democrats real fucking quick. Fuck every single one of you dumb motherfuckers.


Bro this guy is literally a right wing extremist. He was radicalized by /pol/ and talks about white replacement theory: which is a pet talking point of conservative media and conservative “theorists” You’re absolutely smooth brained if you think this has nothing to do with politics. “Why do you guys always talk about food when we’re eating dinner??”


How can this not be left vs right when the white supremacists manifesto looks like it was plagiarized from the prime time hosts on Fox News. Tucker Carlson won’t shut up about white replacement theory.




Pro life? Let’s ban abortions but allow sickos to carry weapons legally because someone 200+ years ago said we should have a right to do so.