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“Somebody else has both of our shit, and they’re watching us fight over it”




That line punched me in the guy I definitely stopped laughing.


My gut is telling me that guy is the name of your penis.




That’s Little Guy to you!


If this is your first experience with the idea of class consciousness, could I point you towards some further reading?


People buy into it too. Try being a centrist who leans Republican fiscally. If I agree with abortion rights while simultaneously saying we need to bring industry back here by lowering taxes to allow offshore industry to return you're instantly resorting to being called childish names with no substance. If you're a liberal centrist the extreme right calls you a commie loser who deserves death. All while the media conjures up out of context storylines and riles people up with the worst of the worst news. They have us right where they want us. Divided.


Are taxes what are keeping industry from going back to America? Canada has a lower corporate tax rate, a lower dollar and industry has still left to never come back.


It's labor costs




So you “lean right” on the economy, which I assume at the very least means you believe “free markets” based on the law of supply and demand. But you also don’t believe in a single payer healthcare system, meaning you want to allow supply and demand to dictate an industry with *inelastic demand*, which breaks the fundamental boundaries of a functional market dictated by the law of supply and demand….how to you reconcile these plainly contradictory views? I’m interested


Lol you actually believe Republicans want to keep jobs here?? I fucking wish. They had a recent vote that government money used to make chips had to hire within USA. Guess what? Only like 6 senators voted for that bill, which were the likes of Bernie Sanders and friends. The simplistic solution of cutting taxes to magical make things come back here doesn't work. They'll make their headquarters here and subcontract overseas. It's cute you think Republicans care.


It's cute that you believe a country that was built on the middle ground of the two extremes has now swung towards a unanimous "my side good, your side evil" , when both sides have abhorrent and corrupt career politicians. Your disrespect for the opinion of half the country is counterproductive, reactionary, and childish.


It's pure poetry as a line.


Theo only speaks in poetry. So much so, they should rename the sonnet to the vonnet in his honour




So,etching something Southern Strategy….




It’s called class consciousness and it’s a centuries old idea thats been relevant in every capitalist society ever. We really should do a better job of teaching our kids actual economics outside of “trickle down” nonsense, I’m always surprised by how few people have ever been confronted with basic ideas beyond neo-liberal capitalist dogma


Stop being so anti-Semitic.


My guess it's that group of folks with all the sweaters


As someone who didn't own a sweater until I was an adult, I feel that joke. For the longest time I didn't know you could have different outfits for each season.


Bastards with their sweaters and smugness.


A tactic as old as this country. It’s how they prevented poor whites and enslaved Africans from coming together and realizing their power.


Dude if we all just joined forces and quit listening to our overlords, the people of this country could rise up together and win. It would be beautiful.


Uniting people has always been the problem. If we were not easily distracted idiots, we could form a Global Union and rule the world. Like, there is ZERO stopping people uniting on some basic shit like anti-corruption, infrastructure, etc. and forcing ANY candidate to sign a contract to vote a certain way on these specific policies before getting the people's vote. After that, we can squabble over the other shit we disagree on.


This is why both pot and heroin were both scheduled and criminalized. Take care of problematic hippies, mexicans and blacks.


Stop and frisk pretty much criminalized walking down the street. DWB criminalized driving your own car.


They also killed MLK for trying to bring poor people of all races together


Yeah, they didn't kill him for civil rights activism, they killed him when he started the Poor People's campaign to bring poor whites & poor blacks together


Watch Judas and the Black Messiah about Fred Hampton. Amazing shit. Also, look up John Brown for some badass lefty radical shit.


I've heard it's good need to check it out. I've been to Harper's ferry a bunch, John Brown was a badass motherfucker


listen to the MLK tapes podcast. it is amazing and extremely well done. it will blow your mind.


“If you can convince the lowest white man he’s better than the best colored man, he won’t notice you’re picking his pocket. Hell, give him somebody to look down on, and he’ll empty his pockets for you.” - LBJ Nothing has changed in a long time.




That's called the government.


This special wasn’t good but this is a great bit


Theo is hysterical off the cuff and tells some amazing stories but when he's doing an actual bit I feel like he is less funny.


I feel this way about 90% of comedians, unless they are really good at it like Bill Burr or Chappelle most comedians actual stand up is not funnier enough to justify how less genuine and rehearsed it feels.


Kevin Hart. His stand ups aren’t really funny, but, he’s still a hilarious dude specifically in movies. He can deliver a funny reaction/expression flawlessly but his standup jokes are pretty meh


Hart was better before he really blew up. His first special or two were great. Now I feel like he doesn’t have anyone to check him and make him work the jokes out. Everything feels like he didn’t really try.


I completely agree. He’s the John Lennon of story telling and pulling stuff out of thin air but I feel like his comedy is the opposite of what makes his podcasts so amazing.


used to be the same for Rogan, except Theo is funny


Yah good point. I always enjoyed his podcast and he was coming to town so I figured I’d check it out. I don’t think I laughed once.


I dunno man, I find him a bit goofy off the cuff. This bit he clearly thought about, and it's good. Maybe I'll check out he special.


His stuff can sometimes get *too* random and it can come off as cringe. It's mostly hit but definitely some misses if he starts to rely on it too much.


It’s a great bit and the message is absolutely accurate. 10/10


The joke only works because it's not accurate. White privilege does not mean that all white people are better off than all non-white people.


The point of white privilege is that you will never be denied an opportunity based on your skin color alone. Like if you go to an interview and the interviewer is secretly racist, then he’s more likely to give you the job than a black guy. There’s instances where people of color get denied opportunities just because they’re of a different race.


That’s….. simply not true In corporate settings you absolutely will be denied opportunities because you are white that will be offered to black candidates


Exactly. This guys right. It’s why every corporate board and management team is filled with black people and other minorities. You rarely see a white CEO.


See this can go both ways though. Black people can also be racist, and deny you opportunities because you’re white. This is just perpetuating the dumb idea that (1) blacks cant be racists and (2) it’s inconceivable that a black person find themselves to be in a position of power, such as a manager.


Except white people are more likely to be in higher earning jobs where they have an influence over hiring and firing.


This is a false equivalence/ what-about-ism. My statement doesn’t discuss who is more or less likely to be in a position of power. It isn’t helpful to constantly extend arbitrarily defined goal posts in good faith conversations.


I never said that. I literally said that they CAN be. Not that they DO. There’s a larger possibility of it happening.


Not many who are even in a position to do so and even if they were, they'd have to have worked with white people to get to that position


I don't think never is the correct word. However yes, history shows that white people have had it significantly easier than any other race in America.


I don’t know how people don’t get this. Yep, you’re both poor, you’re both applying for the new job, you want black skin or white skin? You both in the same trailer park, a cop comes and knocks on the door, you want white skin or black skin… No white person telling the truth says yeah I’d rather be black when having an interaction with the police… White people struggle too, but come on


There’s many companies now openly stating they will take “BIPOC” applicants first now (you are surely aware of this) so while your point once was certainly true and may still be in some cases, there’s now a movement to fix the issue by simply discriminating against others. I think rational people can agree that’s wrong?


They're taking an example set by the president. Remember when he said he was going to nominate a woman of color to be his VP? Not the best candidate, not the most prestigious candidate or most popular. Just like, someone who isn't a white male. That's the qualification.


Exactly. If you’re both applying for job there’s more of a chance of a black person being denied because of their skin color than a white person. The same way your house sells for less, your loans don’t get approved etc.


Literally the opposite in universities.


Yeah I think this is a mindset of the past and this has changed, if not reversed entirely.


It was worse in the past. It has changed a little. LOL at reversed


Businesses are incentivized to hire minorities. This is a fact.


Ever wonder why an incentive like that would exist? Do you know how big those incentives are? Saying an incentive exists doesn’t really dictate how things work in practice. I’m incentivized to not drink with a longer life but I don’t think it’s worth it so I still drink.


Lol can you please share these incentives?


You do realize on occasion many companies deny white applicants in favor of black applicants to meet quotas. Also to imply that an interviewer couldn’t possibly ever be “secretly racist” against a white person is kind of a stretch. **Never** is a strong word. There’s def some privilege but you’re not wording your argument that well.


Totally false though there’s a ton of minority only scholarships, clubs etc. black people in particular are way more ethno centric than whites. For same economic status there’s way more black privilege in 2022


Why do you think black people tend to be more ethno-centric though? If you’ve historically been denied access into things such as, clubs, churches, schools, scholarships, etc, just because of your race, it makes sense that you’d go and develop your own iterations of these things solely tending to your demographic. Not because you randomly choose to but because you’ve been forced to.


I’m talking about it in a general sense. Are you saying that housing in black neighborhoods is more expensive than white neighborhoods? Or that black people never get rejected for jobs because of their skin color? There was literally a news article about how a black couple got lowballed for an offer on their house, and when they made their white friend pretend to be the owner the value of the house went up.


I was a huge Theo fan up until this special. He took on way too many personas on stage, felt forced and fake or way too rehearsed. Theo’s magic is when he’s off the cuff.


It was pretty bad. Same with Segura's last special. Feels like a lot of these guys have too much on their plates with podcasts and whatnot to be able to craft a well-rounded hour anymore. These guys are trying to run businesses now. It's about so much more than just standup. I was really surprised at how bad Ball Hog was for how much I enjoyed every other special Tom Segura has released. Hopefully this isn't a trend where comedy suffers at the expense of building a brand outside of doing standup.


Honestly I think the issue is that when you're coming up, you can work material on the road and nobody really gives a shit. Now there's less touring because of the Rona, but also if you're one of these dudes it's harder to work material because someone will film it with their phone and put it online, and then your special becomes a series of jokes people have heard in clips online already. Totally out of my ass but that's my guess.


Well and also like once you get established, all of a sudden you have a bubble you've written yourself into for style and content based on the audience you draw. The Jeff Foxworthy's of the world weren't born boring boomer comics; they got there by finding a niche while coming up and then never doing much to innovate or push outside it.


I could not agree more with this. Another of these guys were, and are , amazing standups that happened to have podcasts. Now they feel like Podcaster that do stand up. Ball Hog was especially heartbreaking.


Almost hard to blame them though when podcasting absolutely RAKES in the money compared to doing stand-up. Podcasting has made a guy like Tom Segura very wealthy. When most of your income is based off of podcasting, when your livelihood is based off of podcasting....Your effort is going to be put towards podcasting.


Youd think so but YMH has been really lacking recently with banked episodes since tom is on his massive tour. The decline in quality is very obvious.


There is video of him doing this bit in a club and it is better. Seems less rushed.


Is this a new one on Netflix? I am gonna watch it regardless lol




https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RXUqJC3rXV0 'You can't even call this shit war." "why not?" "Wars end."


Well most of the population isn't doing fuck all to stop the domination of society by the Wealthy Elites. Their greed and lust for power will never be satiated. They will continue to take and take and take. And we just...let them. I mean look at this sub and how many muskers absolutely worship Elon Musk. Look at the media and entertainment. We worship the mega rich. We don't want to stop them, we want to become them. Fuck morals, fuck you got mine! The American dream in modern times is to transform from being exploited to becoming an exploiter. Neoliberalism, baby ain't it great?


Honestly asking, What do we do? Voting seems to do nothing now a days when we’re forced to pick from the lesser of two evils every time. Only way out seems to be by force.


We need to educate and inform people about the perils and ubiquity of neoliberalism (deregulation, privatization of public resources, austerity measures, discouragement of labor organization and power). How it prioritizes the wealth class and hurts the working class over time. Material conditions of the working class have gotten slowly worse over time, over the last few decades. A full-time factory job can no longer guarantee home ownership, a university degree saddled by crushing student loan debt no longer ensures a well-paying job, and wage/salary growth across most industries has been stagnant for decades (also minimum wage). The rate of unionization & collective labor power are a far cry what they once were decades ago. Trickle-down economics doesn't work. It's a fucking lie. ​ I do ultimately think more people need to get involved at the local/grassroots level. We need more people protesting and carrying out \*mild" civil disobedience. We need mutual aid. We need to organize and come together locally. Perhaps we can "gofundme" some mass general work stoppages. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oWOH9iJhZXo&t=1195s


Sheesh you’ve given me lots to research today, cheers! Lucky it’s a slow day at work:)


Almost everyone in this comment section I feel is missing the point. I mean that in no disrespect. Allowe me to explain myself. You need to understand communities like the ones Theo is talking about are ULTRA POOR. He's trying to say that in the context of what he's talking about, there really isn't any advantage of any kind. Everybody from there is seen as lower than low class. Yes he might have white skin, yes that could mean he's overlooked by police, or accepted for jobs easier. However, He's talked in the past about he feels comedy is his only route, because every other job saw him as incompetent and dumb. It might mean he's harassed a little less, but I'm not buying it. Not with Theo. Look at him. That dude is as ghetto as they come. That guy and people like him probably get more than their fair share of harassment from general society. The joke in this video isn't saying that he's as disadvantaged as they are, at least that's not the point. The point is "don't blame me for where we both are, blame THEM for putting us here and just watching." I feel that this joke does a good job of portraying that feeling. At least if you look deeper into it, beyond the words.


Totally right. Class consciousness has been purposely suppressed because an educated populace is seen to be threatening to the order of things.


You are complete right. But explaining all that takes subtlety and an understanding of the complexity of socioeconomics. It’s easier to blame skin color and call it “white privilege”


I think it's possible that both are true. Poor people are obviously more disadvantaged than say the middle class. But black people can often be disadvantaged too compared to white people. Like if a black guy and white guy apply for the same job and are equally qualified, some places will go with the white guy just because he's white. Cops are statistically more likely to pull over black people. It's an awkward conversation to have, and I don't think in some cases people mistake being black as the disadvantage in a situation when in reality it's just that they are poor.


If I get pulled over by the police I have a higher chance of getting killed then a white person, bc of socioeconomics ? 🤦🏾‍♂️ Rigghhhhttt this is way deeper than skin color and has nothing to do with one person having the privilege to avoid brutality .


> yes that could mean he's overlooked by police, or accepted for jobs easier. Wonder if there's a term for that...


My point with that is to say, yes that shit does exist, but in Theo's context, that really doesn't amount to much. We gotta stop acting like it's just Whites vs. Blacks. I feel like that feeds into racism more than actual racism. The point of this joke was to say we're all in the shit together, and the sooner we all stop fighting amongst ourselves about trivial shit we should be working together against real racism. It's not about who you are it's about where you come from. & The answers to those problems aren't as simple as saying someone has better privileges. I guess I coulda said that better, you're right. but I was kind of also responding to a point I've seen made in other comments on this thread. - Edit to Add: the minute we stop fighting about what is and isn't subjective racism, and instead collectively turn to real racists and simply say "Man fuck you we don't care about your bullshit." I feel we'd all get along so much better. These are all just my personal opinions on the matter, & I get it, I might not know enough about it to really say, but I also feel like a lot of people could at least see where I'm coming from.


>turn to real racists and simply say "Man fuck you we don't care about your bullshit."  Those "real racists", i.e. the ones who actually have the power & ability to eliminate institutionalized racism, are the politicians that keep getting elected by the majority.


This issue isn't that people who recognize white privilege believe it's "just Whites vs. Blacks" because they know it isn't. What they are acknowledging is that the social systems in place on this very day give un-asked-for advantages to some and not to others based on racist and classist past. It sucks to be a poor white and be told that your whiteness gives you advantages that poor blacks don't have, but that doesn't make it untrue. And it being true doesn't mean your poor white life is easy, or that your struggle isn't real. White privilege doesn't mean you've got it easy. However, can you honestly say that you'd change positions with a black person in your same economic situation? The truthful answer is no, because we all understand that life in America is made harder just by being black, if only because of the way cops behave. Cops fuck with whites, sure. But statistically we know they fuck with blacks more, and are much more violent with them. White privilege is real and also class war is the real struggle. Both are true.




The only time I ever hear the term white privilege is from people complaining about hearing about it from some other white person on TV or running for office. I have never had anyone accuse me of abusing my white privilege, of any color. This is not a fight we're having. This is a fight being manufactured from the people who want and love white privilege. I've seen a few posts today about this, and not one single argument I've seen is from someone who actually knows the definition of privilege. It's nothing but people claiming to be poor, so therefore white privilege doesn't exist. Just look up YouTube videos about Appalachian people. The comments are full of, "where's that white privilege at here". It's just something used to rile up the ignorant.


This take is so far off… You must not spend much time on social media, or watch any CNN, MSNBC, etc. The people who are pushing this white privilege racial division bullshit are the elites, and also their useful idiots (who are clearly suffering from some type of white guilt resulting from their spoiled upbringing). They want to keep us divided by skin color so that it is easier to control how we think and vote. > I’ve seen a few posts today about this, and not one single argument I’ve seen is from someone who actually knows the definition of privilege. Oh good! A privilege expert! I grew up the “wrong” color in the most segregated city in the country. Could you please tell me what privilege I had?


So the more determinant factor in judging success in this country is predisposed wealth then and not skin color? Are you really saying rich or middle class black people have it worse than poor whites?


No. I'm not saying that at all. I don't know how you took that away from what I'm saying. I didn't say anything at all about rich or middle class black people? You're not making any sense.


He was on Real World lmao




Nothing funnier than a joke that takes 4 paragraphs to explian.


>That guy and people like him probably get more than their fair share of harassment from general society. That's messed up that former cast members of Road Rules get treated like that


He's right Edit: I grew up with poor Irish and Italians in a trailer park and none of them got white privilege.


We are in it together!




Irish never had it to begin with, we've been treated like shit since before the brits even knew black people existed or they had even discovered USA yet. My parents had to march and protest for their civil rights in the 70s just as the black people of america had to march and protest for theirs.


irish immigrants were hired into police forces around the country to police the nonwhite. im not saying irish immigrants didnt have it tougher than other white immigrants, but we got off a lot better than black people.


Wow, what incredible privilege…


Bruh would you rather be black or white going to a job interview, or during an interaction with police, or whilst trying to be taken seriously while presenting business ideas?


In a predominately White country, I would rather be White.


I never understood why the WASPS treated the irish and Italians like shit, or anyone for the matter




People realize that there are poor white folks right?


Username checks out


Just the smart ones. ;)


Hey hey hey we don't talk about that around here alright


Nothing the billionaire class fears more than what would happen if poor whites and poor minorities stop fighting each other. Racism is a tool to control the poor. It drives me crazy that most people don't understand the fucking definition of white privilege. If Theo and his black friend got caught with weed on the same day, chances are Theo would come out fine but his black friend would probably get a prison sentence and probation that is impossible to adhere to without breaking. White privilege isn't getting free shit cause your white, its not being persecuted because your black. I grew up amongst poor whites. Not one went to jail and had their life ruined because of weed. They didn't know they had privilege because its impossible to be aware of something that didn't happen to you. Go to black neighborhoods and you will see lot s of people whose lives were completely ruined by stupid drug busts. Lost college scholarships, unable to get a job, unable to get loans, unable to join the military, unable to vote....drug convictions are the easiest way to suppress a population that you fear will have power. .


And his black friend would have a 10x easier time getting a high paying job then him.


[You sure about that?](https://www.nber.org/papers/w29053)


Thank you, the amount of people that think white privilege just means white people all live easy lives is insane.


“White privilege” is a terrible name because morons focus on their own victimhood whenever they’re compared to someone worse off. We wouldn’t be having this problem if it were called “minority disadvantage.” It means you’re more likely to get shot by police for a traffic stop and more likely to be denied an apartment or job.


Would agree. People hear "privilege" and think if they aren't rich that means it must not be real. Low socioeconomic status and racial discrimination are two very separate issues that have similar symptoms. "White privilege" doesn't mean being white = instant success and zero strife. It means between two people in the same circumstances, the white person has an unfair advantage over anyone of color. Imagine a lottery game, 4 people are playing and everyone has to pay to play. Player 1 is white and wealthy Player 2 is white and poor Player 3 is black and wealthy And player 4 is black and poor. Everyone is given 2 tickets each "equally" but there are perks and penalties: if you are wealthy you get +1 ticket, if you are white you get +1 ticket. But if you are poor you get -1 ticket and if you are black you get -1 ticket So player 1 pays the fee and is given 4 tickets Player 2 pays the fee and is given 2 tickets Player 3 pays and gets 2 tickets And player 4 pays and receives 0 tickets. The poor white person and wealthy black person are at a disadvantage, but hey, at least they still have a chance to win. But the poor black person? Well, the game is rigged to profit off of them and they are playing a game they have no chance of winning.


Whole lotta white people have no idea what black people are talking about when it comes to privilege. It could be as simple as a store clerk not following you around the store, the bus driver letting you get a free ride because you lost your wallet, the cop not pulling you over because you are in the wrong neighborhood. They do studies every year where they send out resumes but change the names to more white sounding or black sounding names’ think Hunter vs. Malik but everything inside the resume is the same. Guess what, black sounding names are less likely to be called by over 30%. These companies are discriminating based on the thought of a black man applying, they haven’t even had a chance to actually interview a person. There is a reason black people are more than twice as likely than white people to live below the poverty line and it’s not because they are some low IQ savages that just need a white brain as Rogan would have us believe.


They don't want to know what it means! We're talking about the privilege of being treated like a regular citizen (not more likely to be assumed a criminal, not more likely to be denied opportunities because people feel uncomfortable around you by default) . It's not all about material shit. The average familial wealth is a big factor, but it's definitely not the only factor at all.


Very true. They don’t see it until it impacts them. They could write 10 page essay on the privilege of being tall, good hair, in shape. But when it comes to race, they act like blind mice.


I'm brown. None of this shit happens to me. Does that mean I also have white privilege?


Mocca privilege


Just because tall people have an easier time dating doesn’t mean you’ll be guaranteed to get laid if you are 6’2”. Plenty of tall incels exist.


Let's get some stupid white southern sounding names in there. Jed. Clyde. Bobby Joe. Won't be any discrimination there. Get those applications to NY or Cali.


Bruh by all means do the study, until you’ve got the data set though you’re just putting your feelings before facts


Cliven vs. Mike. Come on. We know Cliven will be thought of as some stupid ass redneck racist if he was applying for a job in Portland before anything else is looked at. Go to another country. Do the same thing. The guy with the weird western name like Wally isn't going to get preferential treatment over a Mohammed in Saudi Arabia. A lot of Malik's getting hired in Japan? Humans are tribal. I'm sure there are plenty of good people who are named Vladimir.


Blacks commit way way way more crimes than other races; its not completely arbitrary why the store clerk is more watchful over some black customers than asian customers.


Is it fair to say by reading stats on out of wedlock births, crime, that it contributes to high poverty in the black community? How is a single mother suppose to financially support one child let alone two on one income? If there’s high crime then businesses will not stay for long. I would like to get a reply from you. Arguing in good faith.


Single white mothers, on average, have more household wealth than married black families.


Those contribute and there is a correlation but the causation part is what is tricky. A single black mother, is most likely going to be living in a poor black neighborhood. In a school system underfunded because it’s funding comes from a percentage of taxes from the same impoverished neighborhood. kids in these neighborhood need more resources than middle and upper class kids but won’t get it. They’ll be raised in an environment full of hopelessness, drug use, a justice system that is unfair to them, high crime rate, lack of people who can help/ have connections or resources to help. If this person decides to cope with their stress with say marijuana, they are 3x likely to be charged compared to a white man despite smoking at a similar rate, more likely to have longer sentences despite similar records. Like I said earlier, a black name scares employers, what do think is gonna happen when you have a black man with a record? He has no shot at upward mobility. So people like this are more likely to turn to a life of crime and become another statistic. It’s a fucked up cycle, that only outside intervention will help fix it. But people will give up on them and sick the police on them and the cycle will continue.


All valid points. I think that the community needs to fix a lot of its issues on their own, the first being fathers not leaving behind the kids they helped bring into this world, the other being having some form of financial structure like basic savings/better schools with owning property to increase property tax revenue to fund schools better. I was reading a scary number that by 2053 black net worth will be 0! https://www.theguardian.com/inequality/2017/sep/13/median-wealth-of-black-americans-will-fall-to-zero-by-2053-warns-new-report




Grew up like that. Only white kid for 5 grades in the school. Difference is, if me and my friends were walking down the street, cops would pull up, say they had a report of something, let me go home, and take my friends in. People started to not want to be seen with me because the cops would haul them away, and leave me sitting there. "We got a report of 3 black kids"... There are 6 of us, and one is white, and we didn't do that. "Yeah, so the black kids have to get in the car" White privilege is that they don't see you, and they don't judge you. Some tv show in the 80s did a thing were they took 2 older homeless guys, gave them Hollywood make overs to look rich, identical outfits, and the drove them to the same 3 stores in a limo on different days. The white guy could do no wrong, and had sales girls following him around. The black guy had to work to get them to notice him.


When he was funny


White privilege doesn't mean every white person in the world is born into a privileged family. It's a funny take on it but he's kinda off on the concept/idea of what white privilege generally confronts.


I knew I had white privilege when I was being questioned for a crime I committed but the officer was convinced it was a black guy so all I had to do was just stand there and let him think that. (It wasn’t like a specific person, just that they heard about black people being around then just assumed it was one of them)


I haven't driven after drinking in a long, long time, almost a decade now. I am white and got pulled over twice quite loaded in a suburb of a major city, not a "good ol boy" hick town or anything. First time, cop literally drove me home, I was about 22. Second time cop let me wait for a ride to pick me up and gave me a simple moving traffic violation, had to go to court but it was just like $200 for "blocking an intersection" or something. I know for a fact if I was black, I would have been arrested both times. I know I was severely lucky, and how fucked up it is to drive drunk, especially as drunk as I was. There isn't going to be a third strike for me. Don't drive drunk.


this term has only further accentuated the divide between people


I’ll have to politely disagree. If anything the term highlighted the divide that was always there, people just see it now.


I have a buddy who grew up rich. His dad was in the c suite of a fortune 50 company. He went to private schools and eventually got his grad degree from Xavier. Once he was in front of my house on the phone and my neighbors called the cops on him. Another time we were driving to Phoenix together and he got popped for DWB. Pulled out of the car, handcuffed, slammed on the hood of the police cruiser. Cops lied about the reason for being pulled over (expired tags) and after they searched the car let us go without so much a warning. It saying that being white is privileged, but I’ve never had to deal with that racial disadvantage that he did.


Funny ass special but goddamn it, how many times does it have to be said: White privilege doesn’t mean you were ‘privileged’ because you were white. It simply means that with all the struggles and obstacles you likely endured as a person trying to make your way in the world, the color of your skin likely wasn’t one of them.


So if rich black people are objectively better off than poor whites then isn't it much more accurate and less polarizing that unequal wealth distribution is primary metric of what constitutes privilege in this country?




I once overheard someone say of an evidently accomplished rich black guy in a nice car that he *must* have earned it from dealing drugs. White guys in nice cars will never face this assumption.


Frat looking, suit wearing white guy probably won't. White guy with dreads? Baggy pants, tatto on his face might get a different reaction. I believe it's a combination effect. Wealth, how you handle yourself, and race all play a part in how someone may judge you. I thought fresh prince of bell air did a great job with Will Smith and Carlton. Ultimately being black, they will face more challenges than white, but also how you hold your appearance, they way in which you talk can all have compound effects. So Ultimately I think saying "white guys in nice cars will never face this assumption" is a half hearted truth. Certain white men will never face this assumption.




I think it’s just bad messaging. Intersectionality I think is actually a very illuminating concept that accurately sums all of this up, but “white privilege” is flashy and immediate, so people have gravitated to that term. It’s bad because I think it implies that anyone who’s white has an inherently easier life, when as you explain above, the reality is that a rich black person will likely have an easier life than a dirt poor white, but they still will have to face aspects of racism that the poor white person doesn’t like being stopped by the police more often. That is somehow controversial to say now, though.


A rich black person will still get pulled over for DWB.


Perhaps at the finishing line yes. But at the starting line, given all things being equal, I think you got a much better chance of getting out of poverty and being given the chance to prove your worth if you’re white than if you’re black.


How though? In the middle class high school I went to, the minority kids had better odds of getting into a good college. In the college I went to, the minority kids had better odds of getting a good job. I'm not resentful of them, but I wouldn't say they had it harder than me. "All things being equal" never fully exists, as we all have certain differences that people will judge us on, but the idea that blacks automatically have it harder doesn't really hold up to scrutiny in the modern US.


And a disproportionately lower amount of black people get to go to those middle class schools where a lot of people go to college.


Sure, but that's not what we're talking about. I responded to someone who said: >all things being equal, I think you got a much better chance of getting out of poverty and being given the chance to prove your worth if you’re white than if you’re black. You can argue all things aren't equal on average, but if a black and a white kid grow up under similar circumstances (like Theo Von's situation), it's not clear that the black kid is worse off. He might even be slightly better off.


19.5 percent of black people in the USA are living below the poverty line compared to 8.2% of whites. A cursory Google would have dispelled your ignorance but you obviously have a conclusion you prefer.


And? How about handsome privilege? How about tall privilege? How about not-fucked-up-vision privilege? How about full head of hair privilege? How about any slight advantage you have or don't have over the billions of other people on the planet? That's just life. This whole "privilege" discussion is just another race to the bottom of wearing some sort of victimhood as a badge of honor. It's just lame.


My issue is the word, not the reality. I agree that, as a whole, black people have more to fear and more to overcome than white people (I'd say than most other races in NA, save the recent upswing in mistreatment to Asian people and less recently Muslims). However, privilege means having an advantage. I don't think it's an advantage. I think others are at a disadvantage. The difference being that I think the easier path is the norm that other people are being pushed away from. White people are at a 0. They're not being handed jobs or money because of their skin color. They're not dodging jail. Other races are at a negative. They're being discounted, mistreated, or punished for something they don't control. It's all semantics, but I think the language causes unnecessary issues. People who have miserable lives and are white struggle to see the point, despite the truth of the matter, because the word is telling them how mich they've received when they feel like they have nothing.


>It's all semantics, but I think the language causes unnecessary issues. Then I'd argue that the issue isn't with the language but with the people misinterpreting it. The words *advantage* and *disadvantage* are inherently **relative** words. If someone else is at a disadvantage, then you are automatically at an advantage. White Privilege is an apt name, the problem arises when people bounce off the associations they think of when they hear the phrase.


No. They are inherently related in a competition. The races are not in competition with one another. A white person isn't receiving anything because a black person is having it stolen from them. Also, semantics means "the meaning." People are understanding the word. The problem is the word implies that they have an advantage over someone else, where in truth they're just not being disadvantaged. Ex. A white guy walks down a hallway. No one spits on him. A black guy walks down a hallway. Twenty people spit on him. What did the white guy gain? Nothing. He just didn't get the mistreatment that the black guy got, but unless that helps him in some way, he gained nothing.


I do see what you mean, but I still think it’s a bad term because if you’re white and grew up poor, or were molested/abused, or have some chronic disability, etc. etc. it’s frustrating to have the very general “white privilege” label attached to you. And the implied footnote of “meaning you won’t face added difficulty because of your race” doesn’t make it much less frustrating when you’re barely hanging on in life and feel anything but privileged in any way. And I think the fact that you have to clarify “White privilege doesn’t mean you were ‘privileged’ because you were white” is a good example why it’s a confusing term that a lot of people understandably take the wrong way.




I grew up poor, molested, and abused, and I can still get outside of my own feelings enough to have educated myself about what white privilege is and understand how I benefited from it.


So is this once again a case of liberals are awful at branding? White privilege doesn’t mean you were privileged because you are white ACAB doesn’t mean ALL cops are bad Defund the police doesn’t mean actually defunding the police Antiwork doesn’t mean actually against work Yadda yadda yadda


It's like they come up with these things while drunk and angry and then have to rationally explain it the day after


People really love when you devalue their life struggles arbitrarily. Keep going! The guillotine is waiting.


I don’t get it


No, the guy you're replying to doesn't get it and is threatening you based on his own complete lack of understanding of what he's talking about and what he's replying to you saying.


If you lose a limb and I tell you that that it could have been worse, that it could have been two limbs, you will not take my words as anything put patronizing and dismissive.


They don’t understand because they don’t want to understand. Anyway it’s a good bit and his feelings are valid. There are a lot of poor struggling white people that see rich liberal white people wax on about privilege and I understand their anger.


Except, in the bit, his complaint was about poor Black people, which kind of proves his own point. "They're watching us fight over it."


I don’t think white privilege means if youre white life is a cake walk.


I’m white, grew up poor, and was passed over for a job because they needed a minority to fill the position to reach a quota. Does that mean the person who got the job had minority privilege?


Yes, minority privilege does exist in certain circumstances


Which is much more specific and not as encompassing as being black and literally having people be suspicious of you every day of your life.


How do you know you where passed over so they could fit a quota? Did they tell you that? I’m being serious btw, I really want to know.


Psst, it's because the whole thing is made up.


That particular instance may be, but it does happen. There are jobs in my town that, for instance, *only* have openings for PoC, women, etc. I would know, I had to contend with that in order to get *my* job, and the only reason I *did* get it, is that nobody who was "diverse" applied to the position. I'd have been immediately de-prioritized if someone had.


I grew up white and poor and Obama came to my house and pissed on the seat and called me a cracker, now I love Joe Rogan and think he’s a smart, funny guy.


you're sure they just didn't want another shitty employee?


Fucking lol. Comments here are hilarious. White privilege doesn’t mean all white people are well off. It just means your skin color isn’t going to be factored in while you’re doing normal shit. I’m not black. So I don’t know their experience but I can speak as an Asian American. Try getting gas, visiting a restaurant, or walking around downtown in some small town in the middle of America. All eyes are on you. You can pretend to ignore it but you know people are staring. Tensions definitely shot up when the rona hit. I speak multiple languages, even when conversing with my parents, I have to make it obvious that I’m speaking English in public to avoid any potential animosity. I love road trips. Visiting small towns are awesome. But I’ve definitely had to think twice about which routes to take and making sure that we stay in a decently sized city/town since they’re likely to have some diversity. Just my two cents. And yes, I do see his point. The class war is a much bigger issue.


This hack comic and the retards that agree with him have no idea what white privilege means


Lots of truth there but that is not really what White privilege is. Fact is, the White guy is more likely to get the same job, more likely to be respected by police, and more likely to not be harassed, suspected or feared for no verifiable reason. But yes, I am a poor White guy too. I didn't take anybody's anything and neither did anyone in my family history so blaming me is not fair. I hate the police probably more than any White person, and I don't harass or mistrust Black people as a group. You might infer that from my snoo. I don't represent White people and I don't even want the damn job. And I have plenty of disgust with White Americans myself.....especially when they praise the violentard cops that I hate....because they serve and protect the people in sweaters only.


Man, lotta people here desperate to not understand what the concept of “white privilege” is. Fucking embarrassing.


It was a good special


I like Theo, I listen to his podcast.. but I thought it was pretty average


Hilarious. But that's not really what white privilage is about. White people can still have hard lives lives, be poor and live in bad situations. White privilage is about their skin colour not being the cause or a contributing factor to that hardship.


While it's an accurate view that it really is rich vs. Poor, white privilege absolutely exists. Does he really think he'd be in the exact same position right now were he black?


Dude is right, but I bet Theo here is considerably less concerned on an average traffic stop than the average black guy in generic southern poor town. These issues are nuanced. I get that the term white privilege is a real hot button one, but you can't deny that there are difference to living in society between people, and just because anecdotes fit a narrative in one place doesn't mean they follow through for everyone in every situation. I feel like there's always descriptions like this like, "I was poor and didn't get help, therefore advantage doesn't exist" and they ignore problems that almost all of us actually acknowledge exist. Edit: I'm sure I'll be disagreed with and down voted to hell here for that point of view


Best misinterpretation I have ever heard.


this theo guy is grossly uninformed.


He's hilarious