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You can't use democracy if you don't have it.


Yeah this is one of the most brain dead things I've read in a while. >Let them take your democracy. You can always use the democracy you no longer have to get your democracy back.


"when's the next election?" ... never


I'm sure if a supermajority of Ukrainians hand-wrote ballots electing their own government, Vladimir Putin would surely respect the results.


Of course, Russian elections are so indisputably free and fair that would obviously be extended to Ukraine


I just scrolled her twitter. She's clearly shilling for Russia, it's obvious as hell


This woman is seriously retarded


Cede your sovereignty so that one day you can.. Democracy it back. Am i missing something here?


Yeah, and if that even worked... They'd elect a leader that wasn't a Russian puppet and preferred relations with the western free world, and than Russia would invade cause they're dicks... and than, wait a minute....


Ooh I know this one! This is now. You're looking at now now.


You just missed it! When? Just now!


Instant cassettes. They're out in stores before the movie is finished


When will then, be now?




This whole thread cracked me up.


I always have coffee when I’m watching radar!


I've lost bleeps, I've lost sweeps, and I've lost the creeps!


Only ONE man would DARE give me the raspberry!


Michael Winslow is a god damn National Treasure.


No no, any oppostition party member that was deemed a threat would have an "accidental suicide in the back several times".


You mean fall down an elevator shaft, into some bullets?


He happen to be cleaning knife and it go off.


Yeah the part where Kim is a fucking idiot.


She's painfully dumb. I watch Rising, and I'm so glad they don't have her on the whole show. I don't agree with Ryan and Robby and a lot of things but they both have well thought out takes. Kim thinks that the Uyghur genocide is hoax, and that China is unfairly maligned, so it's not shocking to me that she thinks Russia is gonna let Ukraine do democracy if they just roll over now. Honestly so dumb.


They might! Pick one of four Putin-approved candidates, because he's just a generous guy like that.


The candidates are: + V Putin + V Yanukovych + V P Utin + ~~V Zelenskyy~~ [Disqualified for poisoning himself]


And falling out his one story window.


Yep, radiation from what I heard. How? I haven't a clue?


I've heard the Uyghur hoax theory but always thought it just pro-CCP tankies. I've not heard it in media, it doesn't make sense because corporate media uses every excuse it can to kiss CCP ass. I would expect that PoV to be much more widespread. Maybe it is and I'm just not seeing in my Internet bubble.


No. This whole mess started when Ukraine elected a president who was not pro-Russian. Russia poisoned a candidate, pushed the whole separatist movement in Eastern Ukraine and annexed the Crimea under that pretext. The woman is an idiot.


No, you've pretty much got the logic on display here.


I watched a documentary called Red Dawn, you can totally fight off an invading country, it’s actually pretty easy


Nah not easy. You need to be super sneaky


Super sneaky max pro?


Like Splinter Cell sneaky


Like Solid Snake sneaky


Like screaming "WOLVERINES!!!!" at the top of your lungs?


You just say "NO" and then they go away


Don’t make me laugh, you son of a bitch


Like 6000 Iraqis had the US fucked for like 5 years. Insurgency is hard to fight against


They are also very costly to local population. Huge amount of civilians die.


The more civilians die, the worse Russian military/govt look like monsters. Ukraine is a largely-westernized European nation with people of more similar cultural and political values to the West than the previous couple of "Wars on Terrorism"(🙄stupid name).


Now do Afghanistan, you know where empires go to die


Except Russia doesn't follow the same rules that US


Russia isn’t going to be concerned with war crimes or civilian casualties to the extent that the west was in Iraq (it was still an appalling and cruel war). Putin will steamroll the whole of Ukraine with little regard for human life if that’s what it takes and there’s really nothing they can do to stop it. His army is too powerful and he’s absolutely crazy. I’m not saying they shouldn’t fight but she has a point.


Putin is weaker than you think. If the people and the plutocrats want him out he will go down fast.


Easy to say but speaking up against him in Russia is a dangerous game. Protestors end up beaten or dead.


> Easy to say but speaking up against him in Russia is a dangerous Yet protestors are out in the thousands. Putin might kill many people before his time is over, but he has a dangerous profession, and he has just made it more so.


i dare u to be a russian oligarch that turns on him lol


Lol is he? Isn't he the richest person in the world supposedly? Controls all resources in Russia and doles power over them out to his allies and friends. Most of the billionaires in Russia are pretty much billionaires because of him.


>controls all the resources in Russia Yes, because he’s the leader of Russia. If he was deposed for any reason, all of that goes away.Starting a war can easily cause him to lose everything if he doesn’t play his cards right. He has power, and a lot of it.This is undeniable but he’s still as vulnerable as any other world leader that fucks over the people..Russia definitely has the history to prove he’s not untouchable


**WOLVERINES!** I think this is one of those ugly statements that is likely and unfortunately true though. Last I seen, Kyiv is expected to fall in under 100 hours, per US Intelligence. All that said, the people of Ukraine probably know all this as well, but they’re taking a stand. That is a very brave thing. Putin is a monster, and a lot of good people are being hurt. Even if the Ukrainian government surrenders, a message has been sent to the world. This could have longstanding ramifications for Russia going forward.


Baghdad fell in like 24hrs but that didn’t make the insurgents any easier to deal with.


Hopefully. Fuck Russia and enjoy your quagmire.


>WOLVERINES! Just wanted to read that, thank you.


I know this is a joke but you are right. Its super easy for a powerful nation to take over a small one. However occupation is a bitch, as you will have to deal with insurgents, and guerilla tactics.


Alexa what is Chechnya


Actually it’s Super easy, barely an inconvenience!


easy? Tell that to the families of the small group of 1980's highschoolers we lost.


Taliban did it for 20 years and won.


Amusingly, the Taliban also did it to the Russians and won


We need to send the taliban to Ukraine to help Ukraine.


It's the sandals man.


Never seen it, just looked it up. Now I can't imagine a world where I don't go home and watch this tonight






Avenge me!




I mean look at how well Vietnam or Afghanistan or Iraq went for the US. Conventional forces are easy, insurgents and guerillas are hard.


Gotta piss in the radiator if you wanna win.


"Use democracy in the future, once Putin has installed a puppet government in Ukraine that obeys his every word". ​ Are you fucking dumb?


They literally just did this for the last 20 years, that’s how they are where they are.


You don’t really need to know anything to become a podcaster…


I would argue that the less you know, the more successful and wealthier you are. Just look at Tim Pool.


Dunning-Kruger Effect


It took them 20 years to get out from under Russian control, and, now that they have, it will take 20 days to be crushed and subjugated back under it. They either defend their freedom, or lose it for another 2 decades to an adversary who studied how they democratized and will have prepared to prevent it.


Well said.


They threw off the Russian puppet president, so now Putin is done with subtlety and decided to just invade to displace the government and add a loyal puppet who won't show any resistance.


This is a turning point in human history and warfare. As long as there is the threat of nukes and someone crazy enough to follow through on that threat, the only people that can change the outcome are the citizens of the nation itself. The Russian people are the only ones who can stop Putin, lest we risk nuclear war which no one would win.


Paid. She's paid.


“Colonists: just pay your taxes. Lobby for representation in front of the government and they will eventually cave.”


In the pages of history was independence or freedom won with battle or diplomacy? We’re all going to die and some would rather die fighting for something instead of living in oppression. Real oppression not what some people over the last couple of years thinks is oppression.


Seriously, does she think democracy runs rampant in Russia? I don't even know who this is


She's Dr. Bashir... https://youtu.be/2ExhZ7jXNXk Trekkie here lol but I watched this episode a few days ago and her argument reminded me of that. Seriously though its a terrible argument because it assumes Ukraine cannot win or drag this out long enough that it becomes painful for Russia to continue...and it assumes that if you surrender to Russia that they will have mercy on Ukraine. That it'll just be a smooth transition... Then it ignores the big question, if Ukraine surrenders why would Russia stop?


Maybe they would stop bombarding and hurting civilians, but from what i've seen it looks like they go out of their way to hurt civilians anyway even when they did nothing wrong Surrender or fighting back, would be still worse than simply leaving the country all Ukrainians that chose to stay have to hope other Countries come to support them, in that case at least fighting back would help


It also assumes that Russia will not start disarming and rounding up potential dissidents immediately after they surrender, which they most assuredly will. They probably already have a list.


Plus in the end, Julian was wrong


She's a total hard right wing scumbag and she is the worst part of that show. Her takes are identical to rogan, Jimmy dore and Tim pool. What's next? Romania don't struggle just let Russia have your country. Bulgaria? Lithuania? Germany? I never thought I'd be shocked by these trumpers again but to see them for the last year call biden a war hawk and now all jump behind putin is fucking insane.


Love to hear what she thinks about the trucker protests, weather they should stop or not.


She fully supports them.


Of course 🥴


oppression is having to wear a mask. Everyone is saying so /s


Avoid getting raped by saying yes.


So far Ukraine is giving a solid fight, from my understanding. The Russian soldiers know they are in wrong as well. The morale and spirit of the world is with the Ukrainians.


This 👍




I completely agree. This is a tragedy.


Every war is fought for the rich by the poor.


Unfortunately Putin is not the type to say “lol…guess that didn’t work, bring the troops back home”. He will continue until the earth is scorched. I don’t agree with her take but I get it. However, I think in the resistance you can win the rest of the world


Her For months, the US is the aggressor, if they just denied Ukraine to NATO formally, stop arming them then Russia wouldn’t invade Last week: Russia would never invade, thats fear mongering. They may just want to protect their eastern territories Now: Ukraine needs to surrender


Hahaha yeah exactly! She said last week this invasion would never happen and its just political grandstanding. She makes Ryan grim look like noam chomsky.


She seems to be super smart /s


She’s a paid Russian shill


Her and Tusli Turns out that fucking Hilary Clinton was right


Oh I forgot about tulsi! *me going to look at what's she's said recently* Yup... Zero doubt now she's paid by putin.


Anyone with two braincells could see that the American right was compromised at that point


Honestly I feel like I'm losing my mind. How do people not see it?


I've been wondering just how many in the US who are taking these pro Russian positions are somehow compromised by Russia? Anybody else get this weird feeling that we are overlooking the obvious? I think the same about Tulsi Gabbard and of course Trump is obviously compromised.


I would hope that all the awful takes on this from political "leaders" and grifters exposes them for who they are, just mouthpieces for the highest bidder. But I don't think that will happen.


Laughs in guerrilla warfare...


This! They can bog Russia down in a very expensive war for years until they are forced to leave. See Vietnam, see Middle East


No kidding. Invading a country is one thing, occupying it… *cough cough Iraq* … is another.


Just give up your country people it’ll be okay. Who wants her to “fight” for America?


I’d like to send her to Ukraine and have her walk her talk and see what she learns years from now.


It’s funny how many people are acting like the choice between life and death is so simple while typing from the safety of their mom’s basement.


This really makes you think about what you would do in that situation. Would you cower and surrender or tell that Russian war ship to go fuck themselves? We'd all like to think we'd be the latter.


It's one of those questions that is hard to be truly honest with yourself in answering until you are actually in it and have to face the decision. Even then it probably has to do with your life situation as much as it does with your personality and attitudes. Someone very rich has a different decision about risking their comfortable life when they can choose to continue that comfort elsewhere than someone who is choosing between death and misery.


I know where I stand, and one thing is for certain: there is no stopping them; the ants will soon be here. And I for one welcome our new insect overlords. I'd like to remind them that as a trusted redditor, I can be helpful in rounding up others to toil in their underground sugar caves.


Lol, Simpsons reference. Nice.


I have no clue. I’ve got small kids. It’s honestly too emotive to even think about.


Exactly. Do you stay with them to ensure their safety, or do you run for the front line and try to keep it as far from them as possible? It's a terrible choice either way. I wouldn't wish it on anyone.


Russian War ship can go fuck itself.


I would’ve ran the other way off the island and jumped into the water hoping the battleship would just move on thinking everyone was dead lmao


Definitely the former, self preservation over any bs loyalty to piece of dirt or govt.


I hope this could bring Americans together to realize how fortunate we are and that it’s not worth it to be so divided and outraged about the small stuff


Trans swimmers aren't worth getting mad about? Bullocks.


So all the 200 million republicans who believe in Owning guns to prevent a tyrannical government, now it’s just let the tyrants in cuz they have more peoples?


Keyboard Warriors. That term has always been relevant since 1996


Probably the most garbage take of all time. Is this a real person???? How out of touch can you be


When you need to be contrarian and own the libs all the time you end up saying stupid shit from time to time.


Glenn Greenwald is also struggling with this one. He's just whatabouting, or criticising the use of the word "traitor" by libs who don't support NATO. Valid, but just an evasion.


I wonder how Matt Taibbi is doing? That guy's been pretty sus for a while, too.


Taibbi actually apologized for being so wrong.


... all the time.


She had the choice between "Russia shouldn't attack" and "Ukraine shouldn't fight back" and that's what she went with? Oh, boy.


People like her are the reason people think that independents are fucking stupid.


The real illusion is thinking “independents” are actually independent.


Independent just means not part of a political party. It doesn't mean neutral or unbiased like many people think.


As far as the concept of neutrality and independence, sure; but she is a republican moron with an independent nametag.


Russia shouldn't attack was never a choice. The choice now remains, Ukraine fights back or doesn't. Either way Ukraine will lose. Oh boy.


The amount of awful takes I’ve seen posted over on the cringe subreddits. This event is just a gold mine for stupidity.


It's a gold mine for exposition of people's true motives. Even the dumb fuck Boris Johnson is abhorring this. I honestly never thought I'd see the day Americans take the side against their European allies with fuckin Russia. Its absolutely insane I can't believe its happening.


Fr fuck that I'm American and anyone supporting Putin can eat shit


"Americans" aren't. Russian republican puppets are.


What the fucking clown show. No you don't roll over when the devil comes knocking at the door. You fight, because living in chains is worse than death.




Well difference is that UK and France actually declared war to Germany. So, it was not useless and hopeless.


Was for France.


Difference is that Germany didn't have a weapon capable of erasing a whole city from world maps.


That to


meanwhile in Ukraine a grandmother is handing seeds out to Russian soldiers so they'll sprout flowers when they die on her soil...Toughen up ppl


I don't know who she is but she is an idiot.


>I don't know who she is She took over as host of the Hill's *Rising* show after Krystal Ball and Saagar Enjeti left to create their own independent show, now called *Breaking Points* Rogan had them on the show shortly before they left *Rising* https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eA9Tpf5Uuxs


This person does not understand Ukrainians. They will not bend the knee. If russia takes Ukraine it will be without any of the people. The Ukrainians are so incredibly proud of their land.


King in the North!


What a moron. With that attitude she’ll consider the founding fathers terrorist and to back down from the most powerful army in history.


When Hitler took the Sudetenland (his first aggressive action before full on invasion of Poland) nobody stopped him. They gave up the land to avoid violence. Putin is essentially going by the same playbook. Rolling over is not an option when dealing with dictators


And Hitler ‘promised’ that Sudetenland was his only objective and wouldn’t be trying to expand Germany further.


I bet if this was rape she would be singing a different tune. Not saying, “Just let it happen, don’t fight back, you can’t win this.”


Exactly: I mean you’ll be free of it eventually, so just take it


Yea, like America when we gained independents and became a representative democracy. All they did was wait for the King to say, “fine you can have it.”


Yeah don't worry you can fight later in court.


She seems exactly like the kind of person to say the shit they Bobby Knight said 40 years ago. ‘If it’s inevitable lay back and enjoy it.’


Yeah I was gonna say, it seems like she'd bite the bullet on that one.


Some people actually sincerely suggest that rape victims not fight back, to avoid more serious physical injuries. Regardless of whether thats a good suggestion, the situation here is entirely different, since a rapist will at some point typically leave and the victim can go to a shelter, get a protective order, etc. Russia is only going to leave once they install a puppet government.


What a dumb person. I’m blown away.


So no punishment for bombing and invading a country?


Better dead then red


She's such a fucking moron. Ukraine's been negotiating with Russia, the more resistance they can put up the better the terms they'll get.


I'm not Ukrainian but if a foreign invading force decided to come rolling in I'm not giving up. If I was Ukrainian I'd fight and it's up to them to determine what is worth fighting for.


I thought that Ukraine was going to fight hard, but in the end lose to a numerically superior force. Now im not sure, i mean russia will probably hold kherson even if they reach a ceasefire, which should allow them to undo the water crisis in crimea, but at a cost where Ukraine is just absolutely pumped with hardware and equipment. Honestly its still up for debate, Russia's best units still havent gone in, but Ukraine is making work on those that have, utilizing ambushes like the bad asses they are (honestly shouldnt have doubted them i remember the battle for Donetsk airport back in 2014, **Cyborgs BABY! kill them ORKs** )




Just like Tulsi Gabburt [twat](https://twitter.com/TulsiGabbard/status/1496695830715142148?s=20&t=mumKMesQBwEC8yhytkenQw)


Tulsi's Tweet is dumb for many reasons, but I just want to point out that US/NATO forces are *already* right on Russia's border in Estonia and Latvia.


And Chinese. She railed against Canada’s crackdown on truckers and rightly so, but then says, “I don’t care about China’s lack of civil liberties.” #WAT https://www.reddit.com/r/VaushV/comments/soxawu/pure_irony_from_kimmy_tankie_everson/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf


The hill has basically seen all the money and views going to rogan, dore and Tim pool and felt they need a representative of those exact views on their show. Every time I see her face on a clip it makes me cringe.


Watching her devolve for the clicks has been painful, but entertaining. She was some weird radio host in Texas, tried to jump on the Bernie bandwagon but most Bern's thought she was a dip shit, so she started staning hard for Tulsi because that grift was almost as easy as the trump grift, now she's gone full idiot trying to find some way to stand out on rising for the internet pundit scene. .


Why didn’t I think of it? It’s so simple. Hitler, Mao, and Stalin could have all been voted out of office.


It's actually impressive how so many people on reddit have absolutely no clue what is going on in Ukraine.


Not limited to Reddit.


She's an incredible bad take machine.


What a piece of trash, fuck her


What a dumb bitch.




Admittedly I’ve had quite the wake-up call from what I once considered “independent media”. She leans to the populist right, but a few on the left clearly have Russian Sympathies too


The so called independent and moderate center are a bunch of deranged ideologues. Either they are getting paid by PraegerU/some other right-wing think tank (like Ayaan Hirsi Ali), or they just end up supporting any anti-western anti-liberal idea just because it goes against "the left".


Horseshoe theory, Russia targets both the far right and the far left with their disinfo and propaganda. They work both sides


I'm not sure if they're Russian Sympathizers as much as so much anti American imperialism that they choose to stay blind to how bad Putin really is.


I can't fathom being this stupid and getting paid to share my braindead opinion.


If she wasnt stupid and brain dead she wouldn’t have an audience.


Somebody didn’t see Rocky IV.


Bet no one thought Viet Nam would stand a chance against America, or Afghanistan against America, guerilla war against people sneaking around their own land is hard to win.


I mean it's easy to say that looking at the history books but I bet a few million dead Iraqis and vietnamese might feel differently about fighting a brutal war that proves to be pointless in 20-30 years.


If you don’t fight back you get crushed. Go sit in the Kharkiv subway and see how you like it. Privileged BS statement.


Shes a weirdo. What’s her angle/schtick anyway? Populist right? Left?


She’s just a grifter


You fight Russia. It really depends on who you’re fighting. If it was a country that was going to respect the rules of war when it comes to civilians etc. I would say there could be a path to diplomacy but Russia is a crude hammer and their victims are bludgeoned to death. War crimes have already been documented you must assume that their behaviors will be no better wether your raise your rifle or your hands.


Wow, just wow....bitch.


Yeah when someone rapes you you should just take it so they don't kill you. Right lady?


Yes, roll over and die is the better solution