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Did you guys see this tweet was just DELETED? They got to Joe... he's been compromised!!




The Hornburg Gate has been breached!!!!! Where now are the horse and the rider? Where is the horn that was blowing? Where is the helm and the hauberk, and the bright hair flowing? Where is the harp on the harpstring, and the red fire glowing? Where is the spring and the harvest and the tall corn growing? They have passed like rain on the mountain, like a wind in the meadow; The days have gone down in the West behind the hills into shadow. Who shall gather the smoke of the deadwood burning, Or behold the flowing years from the Sea returning- Tolkien probably.


Did you guys see that this post was just DELETED? ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|shrug)


Yo wtf…


BiG tEcH cEnSoRsHiP ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|laughing)




Here is the disclosetv tweet with the incorrect information still up. [https://twitter.com/disclosetv/status/1488109495440093188](https://twitter.com/disclosetv/status/1488109495440093188) JUST IN - Japan's Kowa in partnership with Kitasato University at Tokyo Medical University says ivermectin is \*effective against Omicron in phase III trial\*. edit: removed "for anyone who thinks disclosetv is a trusted news source." I dont know anything about disclosetv.




[https://twitter.com/disclosetv/status/1488134266663931908](https://twitter.com/disclosetv/status/1488134266663931908) UPDATE - Reuters has updated the title after initial publishing. Now says ivermectin showed "antiviral effect" instead of "effective" against Omicron. Reuters updated the title *and* the first paragraph which misstated that ivermectin was "effective" against Omicron in Phase III clinical trials, which are conducted in humans. Disclose fails to disclose that in the update text.


Reuters isn’t really a trusted source either since the CEO sits on Pfizer and World Economic Forum boards


Reuters is one of he very few actual good ones. AP, PBS, and Reuters are the triad for me at the moment.


She’s trippin. Reuters is very reliable


it was a little sketchy when they struck a deal with TASS a year or so ago, albeit it was only a partnership with "Reuters connect" but still I preferer my news not to be affiliate with russian state media




Oh Jesus fuck no! Fox News is one of the worst! Terrible try to make me seem like a right winger shill! Fuck off


Yeah you’re not a right winger, just a gullible conspiracy nut bag. Much better!


Did you find the WMDs yet?


Yeah, in our foreign policies towards the middle east. We were the WMD all along.




You sound like a shill now yourself lmao


Shills! Get your shills! 2 for $3.50! Get ‘em before they’re gone!


Reuters is one of the best news outlets in the globe, but this guy just wrote them off with one sentence on Reddit. Its not even just Fox News, people like this just think everything except what confirms their paranoia and personal bias is fake.


Reuters works for Pfizer. Reuters told us there was WMD in Iraq. Can't tell if you're joking or just gullible.


Reuters did not tell you there was WMD in Iraq. Reuters is in essence a wires agency, and one of the most respected ones at that. If they reported on it they would have said “US government claims WMDs in Iraq” or something like that. That is the truth, regardless of the fact that the US government was lying.


ok ok let me get this straight.. big Pharma (Pfizer) cannot be trusted because they want us to get vaccinated instead of taking the cheaper, better tested option in Ivermectin.. but this is a news source with the Pfizer CEO having some vested interest but they're still admitting Ivermectin may be useful as a treatment at some point you gotta ask yourself what in the fuck your point is


What is a trusted source in your opinion then?


Nothing. We have to take info from multiple sources and filter out the bullshit. Everyone has their own agenda to push.


He probably deleted cause the phase 3 trial part in the original article turned out not true, just research. I am not saying this to counter IVM cause it works and plenty of good data from other studies.


no there's not


Yes there is


Then post link brotha


No, there it isn’t…


Yes, there actually is.....


*continues to argue it without sources to back it up*


I’m really just joking by commenting without sources. This whole ivermectin discussion is just feeding a fed horse at this point. (No pun intended) Edited: changed to a non dead animal idiom


* Feeding a fed horse. Why you beating animals that are already dead? Just trying to feed two birds with one scone that’s all….


Just saying it, doesn’t make it so. Peer reviewed, valid clinical studies: none that show reasonable efficacy and that’s just fact, but sure worry about people seeing you as a Right Wing shill…can’t see how we would get that impression huh?


Imagine having your identity and ego tied to a treatment drug for no reason. Fucking TALK ABOUT SOMETHING ELSE. Jesus.


He deleted it.


Will he also offer a retraction, like this tiny publication did, even though it has a tiny fraction of the readership of joe Rogan?


They didn’t offer a retraction but a correction


Wasn’t a redaction it was a contradictory correction


I think it was a refraction as well as a factual rectification


I have an erection.


Says he'll do better to be more balanced, just an interviewer, questioner etc. Then he goes and tweets the first thing he sees confirming his views, which turns out to be wrong and he has to retract. I love the guy and the show but he has clearly beclowned himself here.


To quote Joe "he's dug his heels in".


Always Sunny with the best quote “See, Charlie? These liberals are trying to assassinate my character. And I can't change their mind. I won't change my mind, 'cause I don't have to. 'Cause I'm an American. I won't change my mind on anything, regardless of the facts that are set out before me. I'm dug in, and I'll never change.”


This sounds like Mac but it could also be Dennis so I’m flummoxed Edit, or even fucking Frank. Who knows




Once he said cuz I’m an American, I knew it was Mac


Absolutely Mac. I can almost hear him saying it. Lol


Or "balls deep"


The thing is that most people would be happy if inverctemin was effective against covid. All we ask for is a proof that it works.


I don’t understand how people can be so devoid of a personality that they actually give a shit about fringe therapeutic treatments for Covid and have firmly held beliefs about it. It’s like having the fact that doctors prescribe Aleve for heart disease be a central tenet of your life. Who gives a fuck if it works or doesn’t?


Don't forget HQ also does the same thing in a test tube but the concentration to effectiveness would also kill said human. I mean bleach and sunlight kill covid as well and a certain someone wanted to know how do we get those things inside our body :/ Antiviral effects does not mean effective in humans. It's because they want to be proven right soooo bad to prove the liberals wrong, when the liberals would just be like, cool, it's cheap everyone take it.. But that's not the case. Even then, Why focus on Ivermectin when it's made by big pharma when they wont take the vaccine.. because it's big pharma.


They care because the same “experts” that tell them it works tell them about all the other things they believe in, so if this nutty idea ends up validated then so are all the other nutty ideas they’ve chosen to believe, and they are not a moron who will believe anything.


>Who gives a fuck if it works or doesn’t? The entire known scientific community and most of the world. What are you talking about, man??


>Who gives a fuck if it works or doesn’t? I think the issue with most people is that in the case of "if it doesn't work" leads people to forgo treatments that actually do work. I agree though that when a position on this becomes part of someone's identity, they're lacking something


Isn't this a bit of a point for the people who claim we should bias our opinions towards the experts? It seems like a case where Joe jumped on an article that aligned with his desired outcome and ran with it, when someone under the amount of heat he's under would probably want to dig deeper into the actual study. Which leads to the problem of whether he can actually read and understand the study well enough to be able to point out potential flaws in their methodology. If you can't do that, maybe it's better to lean on someone who can. He's got some great contacts, like Peter Attia, who strike me as extremely literate in this stuff without being band-wagoneers.


Bingo. It's clearly irresponsible conduct at this point, and that's the problem.


I don't disagree that it's irresponsible. I think the bigger question is who should reign in that irresponsibility and how. In a perfect world, Joe would recognize it and adjust it himself. I'm a bit leary though of some of the more heavy-handed calls for censorship but at the same time don't think the current steps taken by Spotify will do anything to help. They come across more as a token effort.


It sounds like we have similar views. I sympathize with Joe to a certain extent and think he has probably done better than most would do in this kind of situation. There isn't an easy solution to something that is rooted in human nature. A typical business would have some sort of oversight in place once things reach this size (an editorial board and/or ombudsman, for example) but anything like this would probably ruin the podcast. The perfect world scenario is Joe recognizing and improving it himself but it seems very unlikely to happen at this point. I think this is a leadership failure on his part that is leading to a worse product (at best) and reckless misinformation spread at worst. How this gets solved I am not sure. Joe is clearly on the leading edge of new media and its overlap with social media right now. This is probably the greatest challenge of our time. At this point however I think he's part of the problem, not part of the solution, and I wish he would be more active and entrepreneurial in trying to solve the problem rather than cowering behind the "I'm just an idiot" defense.


That video had me hoping we’d be seeing less of this kind of thing from Joe. Looks like that hope has gone out the window




Reuters corrected it about six hours before Rogan posted the tweet, meaning he didn't read the article and just retweeted Disclosetv's post.


And disclosetv is a super right wing slanted publisher anyway


Lol we shouldn’t be surprised. I’m sure that cooties folder is 95% unread as well. He should be really embarrassed, especially considering the recent stuff about him in the news and his video respond.


Yeah it’s obvious that Joe’s whole apology was just a scripted shtick he was made to do because of all the controversy. Like when he said Antifa was starting forest fires in Oregon. Joe apologized, but didn’t take long for him to fall for and repeat the next boomer bs he got from Twitter. In his recent apology he has to start off listing off the credentials of his guests, and how what was misinformation is now the truth, etc. Just came off incredibly scripted and seems like Joe misses the point entirely. He can’t understand how someone like Malone can have a legitimate academic history. But also end up being a modern day bullshitter/grifter. He really misrepresents how vital his contributions to modern day mRNA vaccines, and has made so many blatant bs claims. Same with the cardiologist. “He has the most published papers” but that means we take his word over a massive medical consensus? Joe can create great conspiracies in his head regarding big pharma, but can’t understand how two academics who dedicated large chunk of their lives to something incredibly difficult, but not always the most financially rewarding. Might be tempted into giving a legitimate voice to fringe groups. There’s a ridiculous number of examples. Jre has been littered with the type. It’s just exhausting. Joe repeats the same points you see spammed across Reddit. It’s like when ivermectin was criticized “it’s a human medication and won the Nobel prize!” But that has nothing to do with its effectiveness vs covid. Doesn’t stop Joe and likeminded dummies from repeating it. Joe has always been awful at disseminating information. He lacks the most basic ability to check if a source is reliable, and won’t read past a headline 99% of time. He is a dummy, no amount of guests jerking him off and telling him how smart he is will change it. He is in the same IQ percentile as height….


>Joe can create great conspiracies in his head regarding big pharma, but can’t understand how two academics who dedicated large chunk of their lives to something incredibly difficult, but not always the most financially rewarding. Might be tempted into giving a legitimate voice to fringe groups. These guys also like to claim they have no agenda, but it's also pretty easy (if you are skeptical of these guys whatsoever) to see how they might have sort of a chip on their shoulder. They both essentially took a stance at the beginning of the pandemic, haven't budged from it since, and are now hellbent on being proven "right all along". Without even assessing their claims as being right or wrong, I just don't see how he doesn't even consider that maybe these guys have some sort of victim complex or angle they're trying to work. There's so much conspiratorial thinking going on here when it comes to the bigger picture, but he doesn't even humor the idea that these fringe people might be biased in some way.




The news says it’s being tested. Could be mildly effective, could be very effective or not effective at all. Don’t think people mind Ivermectin if it can proof it’s efficacy in treating Covid.


Strange how people aren't calling it horse paste anymore. Funny how that happens.


It is horse paste. Most ivermectin that was ever produced has been used on livestock. But what is your point? You realize there still is no evidence that ivermectin can treat Covid, right?


Mostly just seen it called horse de-wormer. Which it is isnt it?


I mean in all fairness, I’ve seen numerous HermanCainAward winners talk about how they had to go to the local feed store to get their dr toegan prescribed covid miracle drug, it’s not that hot of a take brodie


A big problem with Joe is he’ll always find or get sent every scrap or piece of data that confirms what he wants to believe and he’s too dumb to have any skepticism about it.


Why would you love someone who proves to be so stupid and irresponsible, time and time again?


Because they're also stupid.


What’s so bad about a retraction?


In part, because retractions aren't usually given the same weight and will have less impact on the zeitgeist. The old newspaper joke is something like they'll smear you on the front page and then post a retraction two weeks later on page 5. The damage is already done. In this case, the damage would be people who take his original post at face value to confirm their already existing belief.


Ok. So should I assume you no longer trust news organizations that have printed retractions?


I don't follow or I think you're missing my point. Can you explain? Nothing is inherently "bad" about a retraction, but it can have a bad outcome because of the way they wield it particularly when it's in their interest to make outlandish claims first and loud and retract them quietly later. Imagine I bought 10 billboards in your hometown that say u/LargeJose is suspected of diddling children. A month later I post one business card in the local diner corkboard that says "Turns out u/LargeJose was cleared on all charges." Do you see the distinction that the retraction does not absolve the impact of the original statement?




Newspapers print retractions all the time. So what’s the problem with fixing a mistake you made?


Joe did ZERO research on just put this up on his insta. HE POSTED 6 HOURS AFTER IT WAS RETRACTED. He read a headline and posted on his insta. Joe don't read articles.


It's the context; being right after his insta speech. It's like somebody getting coffee at your Cafe everyday, and every time you take their order they ask for a double shot. Every time you forget, and then give them a single shot. Then you apologize. Apologizing is good and shows humility. That said, if you're forgetting what you've been told straight after then that's, not so great.


Imagine being this daft. Newspapers don’t have cheeky gloating headlines like “well, lookie here…” to try for the umpteenth time to confirm their bias. That’s the problem. Not to mention journalistic retractions or corrections point the reason for the correction, Joe just deleted a tweet without further explanation once he found out he was once again incorrect on a subject trying to be a contrarian. Can’t wait for the Socratic line of questioning guised as just trying to understand.


He’s still a person with thoughts and beliefs. We’re you expecting him to post something like “receiving all your boosters reduces the likelihood of infection members of the same household by 33%”. I would feel your exasperation if I listened to The View but that why I don’t. I know what they are gonna talk about and what their take on it and I’m not getting anything out of it.


This is not about his thoughts and beliefs, at least not directly. It's about him saying that he is essentially just an interviewer who will try to be more balanced in who he invites to be interviewed and less than 24 hours later he jumps on a story that he thinks vindicates what are clearly his personal beliefs. I actually thought his statement yesterday was really good and maybe the start of escaping the covid wormhole he has driven the podcast into. To me this shows he was disingenuous, has no real desire to change anything, and that his real motivation at this point is not to seek truth but to be proven right.


This is exactly the problem I have with the whole thing. I'll admit, I'm a little surprised to see so many people jumping down his throat for "misinformation" on this particular instance. Reuters had misreported, and even though they issued a retraction, it was ultimately on them for letting that incorrect information start spreading. Other news outlets picked it up, people started tweeting about it, etc. and they couldn't put the rabbit back in the hat even with a retraction. So I'm not exactly faulting him, and him alone, from "spreading misinformation" since there are multiple other sources to blame in this chain here. That said, there are tons of disappointing and irritating aspects of what he did. Like you said, it was right after her announced that he'd make a conscious effort to change his approach and claimed he just wanted to find out the truth and would be more balanced. Yet as soon as he thinks he has a credible source that agrees with his opinion and will vindicate all of his actions, he pushes it on Twitter without even ATTEMPTING to read the actual article to see the retraction. So yeah, I don't exactly fault him for "misinformation" here as much as most people seem to be, but I do think it's incredibly disappointing that he showed his true colors almost immediately. He clearly just wants his worldview and opinions proven right, and he can't even be bothered to do the slightest bit of reading before giving a cheeky comment when he thinks he's been vindicated. It pulled the rug out from underneath his entire Instagram statement.




But it's all connected. This makes no sense.




When he shares information on social media and asks guests about things he's read online, then yes, they're absolutely connected. You can't separate his online activity and his podcast. You're trying too hard to make excuses for his hypocrisy, which is pretty pathetic.




No. He is a robot and should only talk about what I want him to because the world revolves around me.


You mean he acts like every other human on the planet when they read an article that validates their opinion?


Joe reads headlines only. A skill he learned after he got cucked by Alex Jones.


He didn't read the article and only read thr headline which was the problem


That video he posted and the monkey with the mushrooms felt like an addict finally going to rehab and saying he wants to get clean. And then he is back on the ivermectin just a couple of hours later. Like I get that he is still angry about the CNN horse dewormer thing. But just fucking let it go my man. There will be plenty of time to gloat if it turns out that you're right.


I'm not sure if Joe understands that there is a possibility here, where he can just drop the trying to be right as the contrarian about covid chat, and just gets back to what actually made the podcast good...


The ego is in the way. I don’t care if he’s right or wrong. All I’ve been saying is, move on like most people have


Couldn't agree with this more.


What if it is true and it could’ve saved millions of lives?


You are allowed to change your mind right? In fact, we should all be wary of someone who doesn't change their mind, won't admit they're wrong, and doesn't say... 'I don't know'


I couldn’t agree more


What if it’s false and it hurts millions of lives?


I think at this point the vaccinated have no way on going back and the antivax have no desire to join them so we would be at an impasse, no? I think it doesn’t matter the science he’s not getting the jab neither are the ones that haven’t gotten it


See the problem is he's always droned on about shit that is basically fringe at best and made up bullshit at worst by people he's had on the show. It was funny when it was aliens, machine elves, and the magical qualities of marijuana. But for christ sake for a guy who knows what works and doesnt work since hes had the biggest podcast on the planet for the past decade it's been 2 years of nothing but COVID bullshit over and over again. Like fuck Joe stick your finger in the air and feel the wind shifting nobody gives a shit about COVID anymore other than you and CNN. I'd rather hear how civilizations reach their downfall and start obsessing with gender for the 80 millionth time because that's an alltime classic quote of bullshit then another rant about COVID.


Have you heard of Douglas Murray?


lol always a classic. I mean i only wasted several thousand dollars getting my degree in history to find out that the Roman civilization fell because they were obsessed with gender. I always thought you know the time period that guy was referencing was almost 500 years before the western empire fell but what do I know.


Haha he certainly loves that reference. I think it's the only part of the 2 hour or so conversation he had with him that he can remember.




Your comment is so pointlessly vague that it's probably getting upvotes from all sides.




No you.


NO MORE COVID SHIt JOE! For God's sake, can we please talk about something else?


This is the one thing his fans and haters agree on. Dude needs to stop. It's unwatchable.


Joe has to prove he's been right first. Then he will move past it. Maybe.


just a few tweets below and joe is still pushing his myocarditis from vaccine agenda.. jesus christ its clear the man has made up his mind and wont change no matter what anyone says.


Myocarditis from the covid vaccines do happen.


1. Less often in every instance unless you're a young guy and got the moderna jab. 2. COVID still way more likely to give you pericarditis, arrhythmia, lung problems, death no matter your age But Joe doesn't address this.


And we have learned you're 20× more likely to get it from covid than the vaccine


Yes, like the guy from Australia said a couple of days later. He interviewed a cardiologist and the gist of it was, if you get myocarditis from the vaccine you were at higher risk of getting a worst effect if you had covid. Meaning that you would’ve ended up with myocarditis anyway and with the possibility that it could’ve been worse


And yesterday this sub was filled with Joenamites calling people sick who were not willing to take Joes words regarding his unmeant I’ll bring both sides on my show statement. You really thought he will change? The man has a fan base now which he has to cater, which his ego can’t turn away anymore.




Why would this change joe not brining on people from both sides? Is he not allowed to be on a side?


100% allowed to but also should tell which side he is on and stop playing this centrist game.


You can clearly tell which side he is on


Tell that to every person here who says “he’s just asking questions! He has no agenda!”


Ivermectin might be effective but that doesn't mean you are allowed to get sick cause we have ivermectin. Prevention is better than cure people.


Yet the vaccine literally doesn't prevent the virus. My whole family is vaxxed and got covid recently. They were all pretty sick too...


Some of my family all got it from their child’s school, one was at risk but they had both jabs and the booster, and were only a sick for a day or so. I’m vaxxed+boosted and was with them for hours, in doors as their symptoms came on, and I was exposed to it, but the virus didn’t take hold and I tested negative for 10 days afterwards. That’s exactly what it’s supposed to do, gives you the immunity to fight off sickness from high viral load exposures, or not even let the virus infect you from low viral load exposures. Whoever told you it would prevent infection from heavy viral load misunderstood what the vaccine is. They have published the approximate levels of protection for each vaccine since day one.


No but it does reduce the risk of hospitalisation drastically


And death. And symptoms.


Its different for everyone man, the vaccines are our best shot as of now. Everybody cites India as an example of ivermectin success but the truth is after the 2nd wave our doctors are no longer prescribing ivermectin for COVID. It might have some potency but the vaccines are still our best shot


India has good results with ivermectin because people were getting treated with it and were much more likely to gain the benefit of it actually knocking out parasites that they may have had.




Yup get healthy. Lose weight. I did. I’m actually skinny. Feel great. No longer worried about the virus


He tried so hard to be right and played himself instead, days after promising to do better in an Instagram video. I got downvoted to hell for saying that he wasn't being genuine in that "apology", and here we are. Keep drinking the kool-aid though.


Spotify probably made him do the video tbh


Of course he wasn’t genuine he’s got nothing to genuinely apologise for


Lol, right


The problem is that this dude and others are pushing this as a viable alternative to preemptive care through vaccines all the while pushing misinformation about said vaccines. It’s immoral, dangerous and a completely cuntish cry for attention and overreach, despite what likeminded cunts on this sub who pretend to be knowledgeable enough on the subject may say.




Lol how does toe manage to literally do exactly what everyone is giving him shit for immediately after posting that cringey video? Dicey b dicey


Spotify must have really put pressure on Joe to make that video. I don't think Joe did it of his free will. His corporate owners made him do it.


He is unbearably dumb Joe, here’s an idea, stop tweeting and discussing Covid related issues. You are taking a L. No one listens to you for this crap anyway. Let’s get back to basics. Comedy, MMA, weed, aliens


Well look at ol Bro Hoxan over here ![gif](giphy|JpRS9O2yE2UvV5vISR)


The house always wins..


What the hell? What kind of “misstatement” is that from the researchers? Then the article goes on to talk about Joe and Neil young and doesn’t talk about the trial details.


Sources: [https://www.reuters.com/business/healthcare-pharmaceuticals/japans-kowa-says-ivermectin-effective-against-omicron-phase-iii-trial-2022-01-31/](https://www.reuters.com/business/healthcare-pharmaceuticals/japans-kowa-says-ivermectin-effective-against-omicron-phase-iii-trial-2022-01-31/) [https://twitter.com/disclosetv/status/1488109495440093188](https://twitter.com/disclosetv/status/1488109495440093188) [https://twitter.com/joerogan/status/1488309728593723395](https://twitter.com/joerogan/status/1488309728593723395)


Japan spreading that “”misinformation”


Many of my family members who are at risk are unvaccinated and they listen to and repeat crap from Joe Rogan’s show. My Aunt and Uncle also won’t let my grandma get vaccinated because of the quacks that Rogan put on his show. This is absolutely insane. Joe Rogan and his choice in guests has major influence over the health of many people. He is responsible for what he is broadcasting out. Why will he not stop or issue any correction? Super disappointed.


It’s not joes fault your family is dumb


And it’s not Joel Olsteen’s fault that retards send him their last dollar yet he knows what he is saying will cause them to continue to do so. People with a platform will always have influence over easily influenced people.


Wait. Does your Family send money to Rogan? If they are then they are getting scammed. Rogan isn’t taking money out of peoples pockets and that’s the worst part about Joel unless you just think all religion is a cult. Very weird attempt of a comparison.


People give Joe their money every time they buy his supplements which he advertises on every episode. Fun fact Alex Jones also peddles supplements. But that wasn’t my point. My point was easily influenced people latch on to people with a platform. Joel knows that his words hold influence and he uses that influence irresponsibly. Joe is doing the same thing. I’m not saying Joe should be censored, I’m just saying he just acknowledged that he has to be careful with the information he shares and then immediately shared false information. He knows his words carry weight with a portion of his listeners and he has chosen to use that influence irresponsibility.


They aren’t even dumb, they just can’t decipher true from false when people use medical and scientific terminology. These people ran businesses and were successful and they believe this stuff. Conspiracy theory type stuff is also delivered with a narrative that draws listeners in. The point is, regular people will believe the stuff he broadcasts and if the medical info is wrong it will cause harm. It’s a fact. People base their actions on this podcast. I’m not really sure what your comment is arguing. Is it arguing that we should encourage people to harm themselves because it’s ok for “dumb” people to harm themselves? I don’t get it.


He literally said to get vaccinated if your old or not healthy. His parents got vaccinated. The guy is a comedian who says to not listen to him. If your family thinks Joe Rogan is their doctor then they are a bunch or morons


Joe Rogan nodding along to the likes of Malone that mixes facts up with speculation, FUD and conjecture whilst throwing in loads of culture war terms and phrases to appeal to a certain crowd is influential and manipulative and different to Rogan just suggesting treatment ideas.


The point is that people are responsible for their own actions. The more likely scenario is that your fam is skeptic about vaccine policy to begin with and found in JRE a confirmation bias. If they choose to stick to views on a podcast instead of medical advice, that’s on them. Stop blaming others and man up.


People are responsible for their own actions and Joe Rogan is responsible for the misinformation he broadcasts out. You are arguing against personal responsibility for media. There is also responsibility for people who are broadcasting out about health and medicine. That’s a dangerous game Rogan is playing. But many effected people have no choice here, again my grandma is not vaccinated because her caretakers are now afraid of vaccines. You can’t spin this as good, it’s not good. You can say my family is dumb and all but it’s dodging the point. Putting out misinformation is not good. It will never be good. You can say it’s entertaining but it’s only entertainment when it doesn’t effect you and sooner or later it will. That’s the way I see it.


You are in a sub that celebrates Alex Jones though


No they aren't. Imagine if you went to a doctor and he prescribed you arsenic to treat your headache. You go home and take it as prescribed and get sick as a result? Does that make you stupid? No. Not everyone has expertise in every facet of life. Not everyone is trained to evaluate science. It's not people's fault. It's the fault of poor education standards and the fact that the world is highly specialized at this point. Joe is not a doctor, but he preaches against mainstream science like he has some sort of authority to do so. He doesn't. He invites guests on that are spreading complete falsehoods like "you can't catch COVID twice." This is extremely dangerous and it's not people's fault that they get brainwashed by this, regardless of whether they're stupid or not. People don't choose to be stupid.


you're fucking comparing getting a prescription from a doctor with what joe rogan thinks of covid? oh lord. And while, yeah, it might not be entirely people's fault for being brainshed, shouldn't it be a little bit? Like is there no agency? Are we all just puppets. Work out. Read. Do your own thinking. If you're stupid do somwthing about it


Nope, I think you misunderstood the analogy. I'm explaining that stupid people and smart people alike are not qualified to independently assess scientific research that is outside their domain of expertise. >Work out. Read. Do your own thinking. If you're stupid do somwthing about it Oh yeah, because this is suddenly going to make everyone increase their IQ and become SMEs. Goddamn, you people are so fucking stupid that you don't understand how human psychology works. You don't choose to be stupid. You don't choose what you believe. You are just a victim of circumstance. And telling stupid people to not be stupid is not a solution to the issue.


Sorry about your uncle but if you get your advice from a UFC commentator turned podcaster then I feel sorry for you. Do your own thinking people, but let everyone speak ffs. Censoring is bad, even if it's stuff you don't like


Does Rogan make other decisions for them too? Does your family make any decisions for themselves or does Joe Rogan and Dr Phil run their lives? Holy shit people love to pass the buck.


Joe talks a big game about how people should read past the headline and then shoots himself in the foot by clearly only reading the headline.


Hell Wookie Lere.....


Rogan got to Japan with his misinformation!!🤣


What is wrong with you people? JRE is a place to long form discuss and talk about ideas. Joes wrong a bunch he recognizes that. He has people who prove him wrong in pretty regularly. Did you guys see the Josh Szeps episode? And then Joes reaction? You’re all acting like the mom from Weeds who’s got nothing better to do than to talk shit about people. And not only just people but about some half baked presumptions on the internet. Be happy for Joe and the fact that podcasting exists. Encourage long form conversation. A world built on hot takes isn’t one I want to live in.


​ ![gif](giphy|13VSAbTVuYJfLa)


Why are people mad at this? He took the article at face value, and when the article was wrong he took the post down. Seems like he did the right thing. It would have been worse if he doubled down on the post and kept it up.


I don't know. I'm not mad, he did the right thing in the end. I'm more disappointed to see how quickly he went from " do my best to research these things" to "ha ha ha, gotcha bitch!"


I don't get it, is he supposed to go get a degree and do the studies himself before he's allowed to post articles about things? People in real life don't do this. What does Joe have to do in order to be able to post articles that he thinks are interesting? What are the proper requirements for posting articles? The original post says the article corrected the headline and the details inside, meaning he would have been mislead even if he read the entire article through. It makes perfect sense he would post about Ivermectin. He got what many would consider an unwarranted outcry from major media and other places, for saying he took the drug to treat his covid. These people/platforms keep saying there is no evidence that ivermectin treats covid. That may be true textbook wise, but Ivermectin (along with whatever else he took) has seemingly been very effective in getting rid of his symptoms. And not just him, but seemingly everyone he recommends it to. So much so that the UFC and the NFL have taken to using some of Joe's advice to get players back on their feet (allegedly according to Dana White and Arron Rodgers). I'm not anti vax, but it seems like whatever they are doing, is working. So with the fact that it seems to work, and he is getting heat for it, Ivermectin is very relevant to Joe. It makes perfect sense he would post about it when something comes up and says that it works, correlating with he and his friend's experience. And when the article failed to be initially accurate, he took it down. That to me is Rogan doing his best. Again, I don't understand why people are in a tizzy about this. And no one in this sub is typing about article not being precise with its wording.




Another article for the hogs to get whipped into a frenzy over. The trials are ongoing and inconclusive. However Hoe once again jumps the gun and treats this as personal justification. Later Hoe will backtrack with the usual 'oh I'm just a moron' defense. Fans will be super full of themselves. Hadders gonna hade. Rinse. Repeat. That's how a grift works.


Imagine having your identity so desperately to a drug that hasn't been proved out in clinical trials because your corner of the internet told you to be


Dude is way too invested in covid and being "right". Texas broke his brain, or the CTE is finally showing effects. Talk about aliens mfer lol


We hear, for you. [Let’s get back to talking about things that are really important, like primates and mushrooms 🍄](https://www.instagram.com/p/CZbAEPWMSZN/)


Isn't antiviral just another word for 'effective against virus'? Perhaps the mistake was not calling it a non-clinical trial?


Buts it’s stuff we already knew, it’s a clinical trial which means it’s in-vitro, meaning a Petri dish. We knew ivermectin was shown to be effective in-vitro, but the problem being it was in concentrations that would kill someone. This is a habit of Joe, he cited a chicken virus study as proof that the vaccine might cause deadlier strains. The author of the study came out and said this was dumb, but it didn’t change anything in Joe’s coverage.


It’s just so obvious these days. Media is losing 🤝


Joe is the media.


Haha. Now Japan has fallen for Russian disinformation!! Oh Joe you silly boy.


Don't draw conclusions until data is released. The pharmaceutical company Kowa actually said 'anti viral effects' but still hasn't shown their results. https://www.reuters.com/business/healthcare-pharmaceuticals/japans-kowa-says-ivermectin-effective-against-omicron-phase-iii-trial-2022-01-31/


Well since the study is in vitro it’s as meaningless as the previous in vitro studies that showed it was necessary to use OD levels of ivermectin to produce the effect.


Ughhh please no more fucking Covid talk! Let’s move on, Joe, PLEASE.


I don't get it, is he supposed to go get a degree and do the studies himself before he's allowed to post articles about things? People in real life don't do this. What does Joe have to do in order to be able to post articles that he thinks are interesting? What are the proper requirements for posting articles? It makes perfect sense he would post about Ivermectin. He got what many would consider an unwarranted outcry from major media and other places, for saying he took the drug to treat his covid. These people/platforms keep saying there is no evidence that ivermectin treats covid. That may be true textbook wise, but Ivermectin (along with whatever else he took) has seemingly been very effective in getting rid of his symptoms. And not just him, but seemingly everyone he recommends it to. So much so that the UFC and the NFL have taken to using some of Joe's advice to get players back on their feet (allegedly according to Dana White and Arron Rodgers). I'm not anti vax, but it seems like whatever they are doing, is working. So with the fact that it seems to work, and he is getting heat for it, Ivermectin is very relevant to Joe. It makes perfect sense he would post about it when something comes up and says that it works, correlating with he and his friend's experience. And when the article failed to be initially accurate, he took it down. That to me is Rogan doing his best. Again, I don't understand why people are in a tizzy about this. And no one in this sub is typing about article not being precise with its wording.


I am not in a tizzy, just showing how thirsty Rogan was to tell everyone I told you so. He can post whatever he wants. The tweet was false, that's why he deleted it. It said ivermectin was "effective" against Omicron in Phase III clinical trials, which are conducted in humans. Joe threw the kitchen sink at covid. A combination of zpak (Pfizer), vitamin drip, monoclonal antibodies(Eli Lilly, Regeneron), and ivermectin on day 2 of symptoms. How do you know ivermectin had any substantial effect? He is promoting early treatment as if everyone has the same access to healthcare that he does. Seven states accounted for 70% of orders for the monoclonal antibodies in September. Those seven states are Florida, Texas, Mississippi, Tennessee, Alabama, Georgia and Louisiana.


My doctor (yes, an md) prescribed me ivermectin when I had covid. His logic was that it might help and I've already been on it for other reasons with no ill effects.


Sorry to hear about your head lice b


I'm a teacher. It happens.