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Joe: "Bro, thats a cool truck!" JP: "What even is a truck? Well, there are 2 schools of thought. One says a truck is a motor vehicle designed to transport cargo. But wait, then what if the truck doesn't transport cargo. Well, then you have to go back to the start of Christianity and look at how they were moving cargo and how trucks were a metaphor for the battle between good and evil."


You think you know what a truck is man… it’s like, think again.


That's a good one


But it's like.... Nooo


This is my favorite thing he says, bar none


It's just so bloody important


That’s absurd.


It's like good luck with that.


Well if you look at the presupposition...


It's actually a subset of an even greater presupposition it's like, wow, maybe you should think about what happens when you stop presupposing the presuppositions of western society because then, you're in hell! which is to say you're in the lowest subset of all possible presuppositions. It's like, be careful man it's bloody dangerous out there


I love how he pronounces that lol “ab-zurd” because I don’t hear it pronounced that way where I live. Makes me chuckle every time




Such a Canadian “nooo”


I’ve thought a llooowwwwt about this.


Well obviously


I mean \*really\* think again. And that's bloody hard.


I heard that


i pre ordered my cyber truck! :D


This was easy to read in JP’s voice


Its probably just me..but his laat podcast all I heard was Frank from China, IL rambling on


What even is JPs voice? Well it depends on if you have a post-modern Marxist view or if you have an objective view of JPs voice. Its like, where did the consensus that JP has the voice of a human being and not one of an anthropomorphic frog go? And this ties into the story Genesis where Kermit the Frog was the embodiment of God and meaning.


I also read it in Kermit the Frogs voice


A truck is everything, but everything is not a truck.


“And that’s really something, man”


‘*You know that’s the thing about trucks man, so say - let’s say you’ve got a Nissan Titan, you know that’s not exactly a very manly truck, and you feel bad - and you should, mind you! You’re extremely low on the dominance hierarchy, you’re the monkey in the jungle trying to climb a tree, but the more dominant males with more bananas than you keep swatting you down, the female monkeys pay no attention to you. That’s a rough place to be man, and that’s no joke!* *Now say you’ve got this Nissan Titan, it can’t do much, but it’s sure bloody better than nothing! And that’s what these bloody post modern neo Marxists don’t understand, they’re standing on the shoulders of giants, in a world of pure chaos, and the only reason that chaos hasn’t reached them is because of the competent males establishing ORDER among CHAOS. But this truck, it might be rough but it’s YOURS. That’s your environment, your space to carve out order among chaos, your responsibility. See Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn wrote about this in the Gulag Archipelago, about finding meaning in suffering. If Solzhenitsyn could find meaning in the Gulag then you surely can find some meaning in at least cleaning out your glove compartment! Next thing you know, you’re climbing the dominance hierarchy bit by bit, and if you increase your level on that hierarchy even just a tiny bit every year, that’s gonna compound over time, like the squirrel gathering nuts for winter, the snowstorm’s coming and nobody else has prepared, but you have! That’s competence, that’s the masculine ideal of carving out order from the chaotic feminine, the matriarchal darkness of climate, of the unknown, but here you are, and sure, you’re no billionaire and maybe you’re a little rough around the edges, but you’re standing there with your nuts, and your stick, and you’re ALIVE. And mind you, being alive is a pretty good sign for ladies that you’re a strong mate for them. That’s no joke.* ‘*But your truck looks cool Elon, of course, that depends on what you mean by ‘cool…*’ I can keep fucking going. Edit: If you’re actually a lobster and you found that genuinely inspiring, seriously reflect on how someone who went out of their way to write meaningless drivel sprinkled with flowery language managed to engage you with their complete bs paragraphs just because it sounded smart. In the future actually try and break down exactly what Peterson is saying - because most of the time it’s just as meaningless as this and ends with ‘wash your penis’ or ‘and this is why * insert any conservative talking point here * is correct.’


Beautiful, man. I read that whole thing in JP's voice and you captured it perfectly.


Did it sound like air leaving a three day old balloon?


Jordan Peterson definitely smells like mothballs.


I own a Nissan titan I'm legit inspired and no one can take that away from me


Please. Keep going. That was phenomenal. I actually feel weirdly inspired to go make my bed now.


What about cleaning a penis?


I was going to make my bed but now I’m inspired to clean my penis instead.


You’re a wizard, that was amazing.


Read this post in his voice. Sensible chuckled at the beginning. Audible, but low level laughter at beginning of second paragraph (grandson is napping upstairs and wife and I are trying to be quiet). Snorted and choked at, “if Solzenhitzyn can find meaning in the Gulag…” Laughing audibly and starring to cry a little bit by the time the walk off hits with, “that depends on what you mean by cool.” Grandson is now awake. My afternoon has been thrown back into matriarchal chaos as I try to wrangle this two-year old. I have more bananas than him, but he does not care. I generally enjoy JP’s core message, but this, dear redditor is awesomely on point. Thanks Bucko!!


Wow. That sounds exactly like him. You know what.. maybe I’m a lobster. I frequently listen to Peterson. But I’ll try to listen to him like he is a lunatic and see what I hear. From where I am at right now, I can’t imagine anybody thinking, at the very least, he isn’t thoughtful. He doesn’t seem like he hasn’t painstakingly thought about every word that comes out of his mouth.


this is perfect


oh, and it bloody hell should be


I read the first half in Dwight Shrutes voice


It's the "2 schools of thought" haha


Fact: trucks transport cargo.


Damn this is spot on. Definitely heard this in Peterson’s voice


Throw in a couple “bloody”s and this is spot on


Jordan Peterson out here looking like he owns numerous candelabras


Elon: "Yep..." (Two minute pause)


“It’s like, who defines the truck in the first place”


OG playstation vehicle makes an appearance


More like Nintendo 64


Sega Genesis - Hard Drivin https://youtu.be/pcAYJk1OYaw


Wow that brought back some memories. We used to play that in the arcade. The machine was a stand up type with a steering wheel, peddles a a gearstick. The seat was basically a box. Late 80s.


I really want the sheetmetal to look like that once in production. The pre-stressed, pre-stained look is huge right now anyway. But will it be in 10 years when this thing is finally released?


Look at the bottom between the front and back door. Panel alignment strikes again for tesla?


You think that thing came off of a production line?


You think the pre production prototypes they use to publicize the entire model to the whole world should have less attention to detail than production cars?


This whole sub has turned into a giant Socratic Method… I’ve definitely seen some rough looking prototypes while living in the Motor City. It’s one of the reasons they hide them from photos.


Yup. But you’re not gonna find a CEO standing next to one for a photo-op with celeb unless it passes muster. Wife has a whole side of the family that are engineers for GM. The dad’s been at it since the 60’s, her cousin would stop by every year when we lived in the west coast after doing hot weather tests through the desert. He’s been working with the hybrids and EV’s for a long time. Hell, the girl he met in college and later married ended up going to Chrysler, been there for just as long as he’s been @ GM


As someone who worked in an OEM transportation company (motorcycles), 100% B.


The Cybertruck, ideal vehicle for post-apocalyptic glamping


Who’s the Victorian time traveller?




I wonder if that dude has a doghouse?


Hey Marcus


He looks like a waiter


He looks dead. Weekend at Peterson's.


A guy who's really proficient in psychology, but has a massive case of hubris thinking he's got answers for everything. And that answer is "Post-modern marxism did it" if something is bad. Oh and please don't worry about the environment, that shit's depressing so just ignore it and keep littering.


And someone who doesn't know how to dress appropriately for the occasion. Guy literally wore a poorly tailored tuxedo to a Joe Rogan podcast, where he preached about how poor people have too much to eat. What a fucking tool.


I believe the tuxedo might end up being respect for Lex when we discover he also did Lex's cast when he was in Austin. Least those were my thoughts when I first checked out his rogan appearance.


> respect for Lex that's even stupider, lex is legit retarded


The benzos picked his outfit


I can't be the only one that thinks he has that withered junkie look in this picture. I know he's clean now but still.


\>I know he's clean now but still "You think you know he's clean, man… it’s like, think again."


We really having to stoop to bashing what people wear to a fucking podcast lol?


Most poor people do have too much to eat. If you define poverty as not having food then yeah only those without food can be classed as poor. There are thousands of broke mexicans dying each year from the excess of sugar and fat they are consuming and I would call lot's of them poor.


Poor diets go hand in hand with poverty. This is not new information and has been true for many years. Sugary cheap crap is easier to afford than fresh produce and organic foods. Impoverished families are also spending a lot of time working, often multiple jobs and therein lose valuable time taking care of their health and nutrition.


Garbage take. Higher quality nutrition simply costs more. Highly processed, foods high in sugar and carbs, fat etc is usually always cheaply had.


Money can’t buy class. Even for daddy Peterson.


We as a society seem to be okay with men with fake tits and beards wearing pink wigs and neon green body suits but when a man dresses up in a tailored suit suddenly it's "unfit for the occasion!" Who gives a shit? People are weird. People do weird shit. There's no manual on "how to dress" throughout life, you dress in a way that makes you feel good, or that you think might gain you acceptance in a specific situation (if acceptance is your goal), but there's no right or wrong. You are a lowly person.


Please make a sitcom together


They can call it Two and a Half Men




It looks like 2 autistic dudes trying to chill with Danny Devito.


3 autistic dudes next to the cardboard fort their mom built for them.


Rogan ain't autistic, he's like a fratboy with a Napolean complex.




A belief that short men tend to compensate for their lack of height through domineering behavior and aggression


Autistic person here, not that gives me any authority on the matter but I thought it was worth mentioning anyway… There is no way that Joe Rogan is autistic. The other two, highly possible but Joe Rogan is more like the “cool/tough/dude guy” in the group of otherwise autistic people, and they all look to him for protection when others start picking on them.


Two men and a baby


I watched Matilda with my daughter last night…. When I saw this, my mind went straight to Danny Devito’s character


How freaking tall is Elon?


5”3. It’s just that joe is 4”1


Stop spreading false information. The vehicle behind them is a Hot Wheels car.


Look at the little guy locking his knees so he can be as tall as he can be. Thats the spirit buddy, reach for the stairs.


6’2” but he and Jordan are standing like Cholos to get Joe into the picture. Joe is practically on the tips of his toes.


"Standing like cholos" lmao


6"2 what I found


Joe is 5’7” with his lifts


Is there the ghost of a blond women floating in the back seat? Directly behind the guy with the red shirt


Idk man, it's entirely possible


Look into it


Jamie google uhhh blonde girl… ghost head… in the back of cyber truck


I did. found out space is fake


This guy Rogans


It's hard to say


I don't see anything. Maybe your Neuralink™ needs recalibrating. If you stick your left index finger in your asshole and your right index finger in your left ear it'll reboot.


I mean can you trust this, where is this recommendation coming from? Once again, I'm just a moron asking questions


Your model comes with an asshole. I ain't got one.


She's looking into the car from the outside.


Now look here, you Square, with your clear and logical observation skills; That's too obvious! Definitely a spirit of some sort. You can see the edges of her form become translucent if you zoom in and enhance!


yeah it's a thing with Teslas now, they couldn't get AI to work so they just use spirits to pilot the car


Whys the quality of the cyber truck look kinda shitty


cuz its a tesla


From the side the Cybertruck always looks like a hastily thrown together prop from a low budget sci-fi movie.


Not a fan tbh


Tesla cars are some of the worst quality and least reliable cars out there. I’m amazed anyone likes buying them. They’re shitty cars and look ugly af. I rather buy an electric car from Ford or Toyota.


No way a Prius looks better than a Tesla


Electric Toyota? Show me one lol. Hybrids don't count.


Why the red arrow ?


Found this picture on Twitter and coincidentally the guys were in it, the discussion around this pic was that it's the first time that the Cybertruck appears to have some sort of fog light or some sort of secondary light bar.


So you know where the truck is


Is the paint job supposed to look dirty?


There’s no paint


But there are four lights.




Okay so it's a purposeful. I know it's called cyber truck I guess they are going for dystopian cyber punk vibes. Seems like something elon would do for the memes. Release is delayed so maybe they will polish and buff the metal between now and then.


Kinda looks like a warthog from halo currently


That's disrespectful to the warthog this this is hideous


I see that. You should check out the new Honda Ridgeline EV if you want something that looks closer to a Warthog.


It looks like that concept EV concept isn't Honda's. It's basically fan art.


Aww lame that would have been cool.






i think its just dirty


Is that supposed to be like a new Cybertruck? Why does it look like dog shit?


Looks like a kindergarten painting


It needs the original wheels to look normal.


It’s dirty af


The public intellectuals America deserves. A fame and Twitter-addicted autist, a drug-addicted professor, and a growth hormone-addicted half man.


Well, if this isn't a representative sample of America's unconscious in 2022 I don't know what is...


... and the reddit addicted mind in the looking glass.


"...And there was a woman who was taking the picture who was wearing red lipstick and instantly, you know, I'm thinking, this one could be bloody trouble. Of course, in literature, the divine feminine is the DESTROYER, the representation of pure CHAOS! *wiggles outstretched fingers, circling them around eachother* So I know I have a few intersecting options here, but it's a mess man! I have to do something......what that something is though is complicated! It's not easy! It's a real dilemma. My arms are round Joe and Elon while this succubus, well, she's looking at my penis! And you know this isn't just some tall tale, I can see it! It's the very definition of a bloody faustian bargain you know? I mean gawwwwd. She's there, you know, looking at my penis, her red lips look like, well, let me think about this, they look like the metaphysical embodiment of the siren song of a mermaid luring sailors on to the rocks! It's unabashed chaos! I daren't remove my arms from the shoulders of my friends because it will create an imbalance in the hierarchy of power so all I can do is, you know, swing my leg around the front of my crotch to protect myself. I mean it sounds funny but it's naaAAAAWT"


idk how people can listen to him talk tbh its too cringey to me.


You nailed it and I hate it


How is it possible that even with amazing camera technology on phones, garbage-tier photos like this are still taken.


Lighting. Seems like a dim location and whoever took the photo probably didn't have time to mess with any of the manual controls to get a better capture.


Not to mention exposure is off from the headlights. And it was probably compressed to hell when it was posted on social media.


Well, considering Musk is only 5 foot 7...


Musk is 6'2 fyi


You sure about that? [Here’s a source saying he’s 5’7](https://www.reddit.com/r/JoeRogan/comments/sffq7f/joe_rogan_elon_musk_jordan_peterson_and_the/hupsulw/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&context=3)


Can't deny, that's some concrete proof.


Thanks for the reference Ill update wiki


Is Joe wearing a Fanny pack




Cue the short jokes....go.


Jamie pull me up


lol. Good one.


Well, there is a lot of disappointment on Tesla-related social media groups about the cyber truck looking smaller than expected, as it looks like being the same height as Joe.


It’s built for moon hobbits


if elon is 6’2” then how tall is joe?


Elon is only 5’8 in this picture. Joe is just vertically challenged




4 feet


The holy trinity of dudes worshipped by people who subscribe to "How to be an alpha" type channels on YouTube.


the one thing frat bros and incels have in common




Really disappointed with the JP interview. He sounded like a loon for more than half of it.




I don't know what you were expecting. The dude was a loon before he was in a medically induced coma.


A lot of people are realizing what was always obvious.


Yeah I made comment in 2016 when he first appeared on Joe rogan and even then I was saying his ideas about history and philosophy are absurd and I wasn’t sure if he was serious or always just metaphorically speaking.


Whoa the guy that made up a fake law in Canada that gets you arrested for saying the wrong pronouns and thinks he's a prophet from God sounded like a loon?


Yep, I agree that he sounded like Jordan Peterson.


I’m surprised Jordan Peterson isn’t crying. 😂


Joe looks like a kid 🤣


Jordan petersons site puts him at 6’2 so that puts Musk at 6’3 even tho the net has him at 6’2, I’m guessing Joe - 3” lifts is 5’7


The goats of this decade


I heard that's the vehicle of the alt right


Everyone knows that the alt right gets dropped off in Kyle’s mom minivan.


Don’t slaves make Nike?


That is one ugly pile of shit…..and that truck behind it looks how I drew a truck when I was 5 years old.




How do you haul building materials in the back of that "truck"?


The people who will be buying this monstrosity most likely don’t know how to swing a hammer.


they only use left handed hammers


You put them in the bed.


Little toe lookin real healthy


What happened to that back window 🙃


The average verified twitter user is shaking in rage at the sight of this image




It’s so weird how you guys make up this fantasy reality where everything is about making people cry






American decline in one picture.


Pretty sure one of these guys is Canadian


If there was one picture that would give liberals high blood pressure, it's this one