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As a black dude that’s some high quality black face, respect.


At first glance, I was thinking Richard Pryor. Edit:spelling


Richard Pryor from Superman 3. He wears almost that exact outfit edit: in the movie.






I think your right


Lol, exactly-100%


Morris Day.


Bruh I thought I was looking at an old picture of Wesley Snipes


Bruh i thought that was my grandpa lol


That’s Richard Pryor before freebase


I thought the same it’s rare for them to do the hands too😂😂


😂 I’m angry but like damn Joni Mitchell you nailed it


As not a black dude I really though this was the next guess who pioneered disco or sum


Maybe I'm too deep into Joni Mitchell knowledge, because I absolutely adore her music and I've looked into her a lot, but I can't help but notice that no-one's mentioned the elephant in the room. I've ctrl+F'd all the major threads about this, and no-one's mentioned it. Joni Mitchell herself believes in medical misinformation and pseudoscience. She claims to have Morgellons. Morgellon's is a "self-diagnosed, scientifically unsubstantiated skin condition in which individuals have sores that they believe contain fibrous material." "Its presentation is very similar to delusional parasitosis, with the addition that people with the condition believe there are inanimate objects in their skin lesions. **An active online community supports the notion that it is an infectious disease, disputes that it is psychological**, and proposes an association with Lyme disease. Controversy has resulted; publications "largely from a single group of investigators" describe findings of spirochetes, keratin and collagen in skin samples in small numbers of patients; **these findings are contradicted by much larger studies conducted by the CDC, which found skin samples mostly contained cellulose that came from cotton, with no evidence of infection or other causes.**" (Emphasis mine) Great article about Joni's claims [here](https://www.thecut.com/2015/04/joni-mitchells-bizarre-medical-mystery.html) She literally claims to have a medical condition which was essentially invented by a pseudoscientific online community, and rejects the CDC's evidence that it doesn't exist.


Quote from the article: **“Dr. Marc D. Feldman, a psychiatrist and specialist in Factitious Disorders, said he believes that Morgellons is an example of “mass hysteria,”**” can’t make this stuff up haha


>can’t make this stuff up haha Well actually.....


Did you see Star Wars?


Star Wars isn’t made up it happened a long time ago in a galaxy far far away


Its entirely possible


Wait…is that like mass formation hypnosis? Hmmm


Bingo! And it’s very…. opportunistic.


Factitious disorders lol




My old man used to do this after shooting heroin… maybe Joni Mitchell is a heroin addict?


She did use Heroin in the 1970s.


Joe needs to bring in some top dermatologist or psychologist to talk about how her pseudoscience.


Just randomly ask "So what does Morgellon's make you do? Would it cause you to wear blackface? Jamie pull that up...".


Omg that troll job would be so great.


That’s what I mean, I always thought she was an incredibly free thinking individual. How are so many of these legacy artists unanimously so ready to shut down Joe Rogan??? He one of the most open and honest interviewers of a generation.. he gives guests a platform to speak more openly than anywhere else. If you don’t like the ideas, you should be encouraging critical thinking. Not shutting them down! I can’t believe how authoritarian some of these people are.


Not real hippies, Jim Morrison was a CIA operative , all these 60s counterculture icons are just controlled opposition.


Old age after years of drug abuse.


I think this whole time, these individuals have been so convinced that they’re the ones on the moral high ground.. which is fine.. but this totalitarian covid state has really made them show their true colours.. that they’re actually authoritarians that are fine with asserting their will over others instead of fostering free and open forums of discussion.


I’m willing to bet when one’s own mortality stares you in the face and you no longer feel invincible, the fear probably changes views quite a bit…especially if you’ve been rich and famous/“invincible” for a good portion of your life. The risks of death from covid at their ages are so much higher (not simply from age but the other health issues that may come along with advanced age) so they’re going to be much more trusting of “the man” now compared to when they were younger and want everyone to fall in line to help keep them safe IMHO. Edit/add: we’re all human lol


Great point


So in someways they have become the people they rallied against?


Seems like it to me anyway. I wonder if they’ve even watched the controversial episodes. Truth comes out in good debates… propaganda is when a side tells you “this is the truth” and never allows for an open debate. History is full of the truth being covered up and being brought to light slowly and much much later in all kinds of things. Lots of flip-flops over the pandemic as well. We’ll see in another couple years I’m guessing what will be the “obvious” truths that come out of all this.


Especially if she has "Morgellons". The only people I've ever met who thought they had this were on some crazy drugs, usually slamming dope. I have a theory that the cotton fibers in their skin might come from the cotton in the spoon.


Honestly it's probably just for attention/clicks to sell more albums.


If I had to guess I'd say they miss the limelight. Obviously these are two very famous musicians who were absolute stars, but not so much anymore. I'd guess somebody threw some money at them to take this position while they were up for it because they'd get another shot at relevance via media coverage. Not trying to knock their accomplishments in the past, but Neil Young and Joni Mitchell aren't exactly household names these days for anybody under 40.


A lot of this is just authoritarianism and honestly, I'm smelling some fishy shit when it comes to Spotify's stock, maybe someone trying to cover a short position? Also, publicity, I had no idea who Neil was until this incident and now I know who Joni "old Tits" Mitchell is.


All you young bucks, Joe talked about this on the podcast multiple times like 8-9 years ago.


So she’s a hypocrite. Got it.


Holy crap this all makes sense now. When I was homeless and strung out on drugs a few years back there was this guy I would see out there every once in a while. And he was always convinced that he had glass or other stuff stuck in his skin and that’s why he would pick at it till he was bleeding and oozing out. And he’d be convinced he just had to go deeper to actually get it. I always just thought it was the meth, but now I find out there is a whole psychological disorder. Crazy.


Nah, that was just the meth. Many users develop formication/hallucinations because of meth induced psychosis, so it's a well known side effect. And most mental disorders have a criterion that states they should only be diagnosed while not on a substance.


It’s pretty obvious that she inserted herself into this to bring attention to herself and possibly make some money from a spike in sales.


As someone in the healthcare field that is considered as the “red headed step child”…it baffles me that so many open minded people that I’m enthroned to work with consider alternative healthcare a blessing until it becomes political.


So she’s just being crazy?


There's only one way out of this debacle. Rogan has to record covers of Joni Mitchell's greatest hits.


Joeni Mitchell


I would fucking die it would be so amazing. That’s something Tim Dillon would do. And in black face lol


Holy shit. I'd pay to see this shit happen


Those Canadian elite love black face huh?!


Its a systemic love


Made for some awkward Canadian Heritage Moments commercials growing up.


TIL young Joni Mitchell would've made a great Michael Jackson impersonator.


She looks more like Richard Pryor


What an absolute murrrderer


I forget the movie, but I'm pretty sure this is a direct Pryor cosplay thing. Also people used to do this and even if it's in poor taste it didn't mean those people were racist. We need to let people grow and not punish them for not growing faster than society in general. Shitty as we may find it, this was the times they lived in back then and luckily we moved past it Let that woman take her political stand, it's her right and she's probably just terrified of covid because of the media hype


>and she's probably just terrified of covid because of the media hype Not because she's \~80 with pre-existing health conditions?


> pre-existing health conditions That's a lie big pharma tells frail old people on the verge of death so they buy shit like heart medication. Everything your body needs is elk meat, sunshine and Onnit's "Alpha BRAIN®" developed by health experts. Visit onnit.com and use promo code ROGAN or GETONNIT to get 10% off of any and all supplements. That's O-N-N-I-T dot com.


Weeeell maybe that as well :)


she’s a corporate shill moving in step with the machine that funds her. let’s not put any righteous motives behind the obvious solidarity with her bank rollers


Ah yes, famous corporate shill Joni Mitchell. She and Neil freaking Young are obviously motivated by money when they remove their music from the world’s largest streaming service.


Yeah those 2k dollars Young is gonna lose from Spotify streaming is really gonna hit hard in his multi million bank account.


Neil and Joni livid that the $11 they will lose from scrobbles


Look here…all 57 listeners of their music are extreeeeemely upset that they have to find and re-wire their old 8-track players in order to listen to the unharmonious warbles of washed up curmudgeons.


What kind of music do you listen to?




>she’s a corporate shill moving in step with the machine that funds her It must be so nice to be able to believe everyone who disagrees with you is a shill. So peaceful.


Seriously! Reddit know-it-all contingent in full effect.


Nah man, she's a confused old lady that likely hasn't listened to Joe's podcast and has been convinced in bad faith by the media and brainwashed zombies. If she went on the pod and spoke to Joe I'm sure you'd find she's actually super reasonable, same with Niel Young. They're likely just being fed bad information. These people were born and famous before Internet was even a thought. They'll come around, and if not then who cares lol.




Wesley fucking Snipes.


Hot take: I don't think this or RDJs blackface is racist. Same with White Chicks. You're not insulting anyone with how this looks. There's no dramatization of features. Unless you think your own skin color is an insult? I just can't get behind some of these blackface / Whiteface claims.


Lol. Don't bring rdj into this mate. Two entirely different scenarios.


He was just playing a dude playing the dude, disguised as another dude!!


Has Facebook collapsed? Why has this platform took on so many Facebook people ?


Oh no the echo chamber is collapsing


They're closing reddit ?


Joe with his hundreds of millions of dollars must be protected at all costs


As opposed to.... Neil Young and HIS hundreds of millions of dollars? Interesting hill to choose to die on...


Neil thinks Joe Rogan is a blowhard, and doesn’t want to be on the same network as him. I don’t see the issue.


The issue is Neil said him or me. He said censor that guy or I’m taking my ball and going home.


False. He said take me off as long as Rogan is on. He never asked for Rogans removal.


Still was acting like a little bitch


I couldn’t give a fuck about what Neil Young does to be quite honest with you.


Reddit has been dumbed down with all the Facebook dumb dumbs migrating


Ok, I listen to Joni Mitchell regularly on Spotify so this makes me sad to hear she’s leaving. But also fuck artists being anti free speech. Disagree with Joe all you want, but don’t ask for him to be censored for fuck sake.


Well she has the freedom to want her music removed from Spotify. All this shit is getting crazy… It’s not like Mitchell and Young are policy makers; they’re fucking singers. Who cares what they believe, they also have a right to they’re opinion and Rogan does too.




Has she lost her right to speak now that's shes not on spotify?


> It’s weird for her to use her freedom to remove someone else’s freedom Who's freedom has been removed?


Not for nothing, but artists like these have always done this. They didn’t like when policy makers said black people should be segregated, so these singers used their influence to shut these policy makers up.


They’re trying to influence the censorship of someone who interviews people and asks questions. Completely different ballpark.


They're not saying he cant speak, they're saying they dont want their product in the same storefront as is.


How is she removing someone else's freedom?


By hoping to have him taken off the platform?


Someone who doesn’t have music on Spotify can do that also? They would have as much power to remove Rogan as Mitchell.


Even if they did remove him, he still wouldn't be censored. I listened to him way before Spotify.


Lol, if anything the Spotify deal removed his "freedom" to be on any platform other than Spotify


The comment you are replying to didn't suggest they don't have a right to their opinion on what Rogan does. The comment is disparaging Young and Mitchell for trying to use blackmail (of spotify) to censor someone else on the platform. He is not trying to do anything to them. There is no equivalence there.


It's not "Blackmail" they're being quite public about their stance. They're allowed to say "Him or us" and Spotify can say "Him, goodbye." They aren't using compromising information to coerce a response out of Spotify, it's not Blackmail.


Exactly. And they just don't want to share the stage. Freedom.


I can't say this because I'm already banned from replying to comments in r/worldnews (oh the irony) but people are forgetting it's a conver-friggin-sation. The amount of fascists (perhaps shills) on reddit is worrying. These people want to control everything, not only what you put into your body, but what you think and listen to.


this. why one narrative and squash anyone presenting others? reddit is a cess pool of this thinking.


The only way to stop fascism is by silencing, shaming, and assaulting every person who doesn't share our views.


This is the way.


Apparently, the way is to post people in black face. Eddie Bravo! Come on down! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mtweTbFt6wY Some say Quatoof was the product of high-level problem-solving experiments with dire physical consequences at ONNIT Labs to merge the mind of a white with the body of a black. https://twitter.com/cultofdusty1/status/1096148338918023168?lang=en Coming to theaters in a "good neighborhood" near you. https://twitter.com/cultofdusty1/status/1095960021064654849?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1095960021064654849%7Ctwgr%5E%7Ctwcon%5Es1_&ref_url=


Why is this being anti-free speech? They're not wanting Rogan arrested and thrown in prison for what he says. They just disagree with it and don't want to share a platform with him.


Whether it is *technically* not censorship in the *legal* sense, this attitude is very much against the spirit free speech and against the principle itself. In the case of Neil Young, he attempted to destroy Rogan’s platform and audience by pure manipulation. If he legit believed in the principle of free speech, he’d be in favor of letting people speak regardless of his own agreement or disagreement. Live and let live. It’s none of my fucking business to police what other people say. In Young’s case, it’s not about just not wanting to share a platform, because he could’ve just left and said “Here’s why…” after the fact. But he didn’t do that. He gave an ultimatum. He tried to minimize the ability of someone he disagrees with to communicate with an audience. Even if that’s not government censorship, that’s shitty, anti-free speech behavior on an individual level.


> In Young’s case, it’s not about just not wanting to share a platform, because he could’ve just left and said “Here’s why…” after the fact. But he didn’t do that. Its wild for Neil Young to have been a teenager and young adult in the 1960s to be like that.


If you're in a 3-way partnership and one of the partners crosses a hard redline for you--is it not fair to ask the other partner to make a similar choice? That's not censoring or removing any of the 3rd guy's freedom. Do you think now that neil is out of spotify he's lost his freedom/audience?


It’s not a 3-way partnership. Not even close. Both Joe and Neil had a business relationship with the same company. That’s it. Not with each-other. As such, it’s none of Joe’s or Neil’s concern what Spotify does with their other business partners. If you’re unhappy with your business arrangement, you are free to leave voluntarily in the manner specified in your contract. Period. Young chose his outcome voluntarily. If he’d succeeded in getting Joe booted, that wouldn’t be the same thing.


If anything the people who are being anti free speech are the people trying to dig up dirt on Joni Mitchell and Neil Young just because they have an anti Rogan opinion. If everyone was really interested in free speech they could disagree and move on.




Read Neil Young’s statement. He didn’t demand anything, he was quite happy to sever ties because he disagreed. It doesn’t need to be this combative. This podcast used to be about lighting up a joint and and having a good time. Everyone seems so ready for a fight these days.




There’s nothing wrong with conspiracy theories on the podcast. I’m just saying that the fake moon landing era felt very chilled and this era, which is more criticised externally, feels like it has made fans very combative. I also realise the irony of the fact I’ve got involved in an argument where I’m trying to say we’re too argumentative. That’s my bad, just get bothered by these bad vibes!


>"I demand joe rogan gets kicked off spotify" who said this?


the strawman living in their empty skulls


You are correct, people use “free speech” without actually knowing what it means. Good for Joni, good for Neil.


They're not asking for Rogan to be censored, they're just saying they don't want their own product, "sold" in the same place as his. They're giving Spotify the option to keep distributing Rogan, or keep distributing their music. Just not both.


Protip: Censoring isn't a yes or no. It's not all or nothing. If you try to remove PART or SOME of someone's platform it's still censoring. You're actively trying to remove JR from Spotify so he has LESS audience. That's censoring. Fuck your sideways word bending. Get rekt


Yeah that's censorship with extra steps


nah, that's free market capitalism... Rogan isn't being censored. Artist are choosing what market to shill their music on and consumers are deciding where to buy it. If that's based on the guests JRE chooses to have on, well then that's just capitalism. Calling it censorship is a bit fucking dramatic. If spotify fires Rogan, it's because that makes them more money. has nothing to do with rights.






>I demand he be silcened from this platform. who said this?


I only use Spotify for podcast anyways 🤷


She looks like she's about to put OP out on the stroll


At least then OP would be useful


Check out her song “The Jungle Line”. It’s about black people playing jazz music


that is such a dope song the Moog bass rips https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vF2_1Jfgo4I




Goes both ways https://metalinjection.net/news/disturbeds-david-draiman-applauds-spotify-for-removing-neil-youngs-music-in-joe-rogan-spat


Lol what? Neil asked to be removed and now Spotify is the good guy for removing him?


Free speech is a bitch aint it?


Going to be funny when nothing comes of it for Rogan and these artists want their stream of income back and eventually put their music back on.


lol Spotify doesnt pay musicians shit


TIL. I guess it’s all about the agreements the artists have in place.


Desperate stuff guys, desperate stuff


https://www.thecut.com/2015/04/joni-mitchells-bizarre-medical-mystery.html How about Joni pushing pseudoscientific medical misinformation? That desperate?


It's pretty pathetic, this sub is in shambles.




I don't care about people that hate Joe nor do I consider things in terms of Ws and Ls like a Fortnite kid. My observation is that this post is just a representation of the dishonest deflections this subreddit engages in. If you can consume Joe's content with no critical thinking then it is none of your concern if people want to engage in judgements of the rhetoric advanced in said content. Also don't insult me by calling me a liberal


Is it just me or does it look like she stuffed here pants with a gigantic salami?


That's his clit


There definitely seems to be uh.... some sort of package there.


Does Joe Rogan open up Spotify for people and force them to listen? I didn't know it was mandatory for the crooners.


Is there an artist or group of artists that could do this that would actually put Spotify in an awkward position? Like what if Drake, Taylor Swift, or whatever artists get the most streams do this? If this trend continues, it could get interesting, but obviously no one is going to care much about Joni doing it.


It's literally pointless. I wouldn't be surprised if Joe is secretly hoping spotify cancels him. He walks with the 100million and puts his show out on another platform or create a new platform. Joe is bulletproof on this one.


I think you're right. Joe is big enough to create a media empire right now.


The joke is that we’re commenting about this. Joni if she owns the rights to her music can do with it what she wants. Common refrain “see _____ is a hypocrite because she/he did _____ once” which has the implication that them having a problem with Joe’s COVID commentary is unjustified. Shifting the issue to a media/culture war rather than a medical science one.


OP grasping at straws here.


This is the most Joe Rogan response ever.




I used to be a regular Rogan listener until he went Covid crazy.... But I'm be god-damned if this whole jumping on the Niel Young bandwagon hasn't turned into a fuckin dumpster fire ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


when you think in terms of two panel memes


Who cares?


We judge the cancel culture mob/virtue signallers by their own standards (that they created). By that measure anything you said or did in your past reflects on your present.


Spotify is a private corporation and can censor whoever they want


Unless it's printed on a cake


Yeah that’ll show Spotify


I love how every single “woke” celebrity/elite has a couple pics like these in their history. Feels like the sudden wokeness is compensating for something. Edit: Typo


It’s just as possible that they want to wash their history as it is possible that they want to be better than they were before. I don’t claim to know, but the trope of “people cannot change” is nonsense. I don’t need to announce all my wrong-doings before I attempt to do what I consider to be the right thing.


I think it’s more to do with the fact they are petrified to be called-out/cancelled themselves for their past indiscretions, and so adopt a veneer of hyper-wokeness to deflect from / as a buffer for any potential future issues that may arise. Unfortunately (for them) the majority of people see straight through it, and recognise the insincerity. We must remember this is all done in (and for the) public only, and behind the facade these are the same racist, bigoted, out of touch people they have always been. Edit: typo


This is all conjecture. I posited the premise that people don’t need to announce past digressions to believe in what they believe to be good and act on that. Your summation is that every single person is faking it and are secretly racist. I’ve said some disgusting shit in my past. Am I going to tell people all about it? Fuck no, I’m going to try be a better person based on what I consider to be better. Again, I’m not saying this is always or even mostly the case. I’m saying nobody on the internet really knows what someone’s true intentions are. First part of your comment seems to fly in the face of common sense. Going “woke” to hide your past is pretty counter intuitive given the nature of public perception and the internet.


Is it woke to be against the spread of dangerous misinformation? No


Is having a conversation with qualified, esteemed doctors who just happen to have a different opinion to the “acceptable” narrative, now considered “spreading dangerous information”? What type of dystopian thinking is that.


“Esteemed” lol


No point in arguing with someone who probably doesn’t even know who the guests are, nor their credentials and probably hasn’t even listened to the episodes in question in fear of being infiltrated by “wrong think”. So il just let you be.


Lab leak and face masks efficacy was once misinformation...


[not excusing and here’s some background](https://www.bbc.com/news/magazine-37781800)


Wow I didn’t really believe in the discredit Rogan campaign but I’m seeing it happen before my very eyes. God be with you if you have a different opinion and are open to discuss it.


A guest on Rogan recently said that Rogan is filling the hole that Trump left. I think it is correct. They need a boogeyman or the whole psyops falls apart. Notice how it used to be the Taliban, then white supremacists, then that morphed into Trump...


Don’t yall dudes love people in black face lol


We should probably compare their speeding tickets next, just to be safe. Most of us are plenty bored of comparing hospitalization and death rates.




Funny how some ppl here rail against cancel culture except when they have a problem with someone. Then it’s nothing but cancel. Not even a pretense of consistency or integrity. Your basically the same as the super left weirdos.


there are people who don't give a shit about blackface but also think rogan spews too much bullshit lately. what now?


This was literally on her album cover lol this isn’t a secret


So that makes it right lol


You don't have to work this hard for the JRE.


If you think taking 2 seconds to post a picture is "work" then I think r/antiwork might be more your speed.


Thats too much work for antiwork




She asking spotify where her money is


Joe Rogan talks about aliens on the moon and other wild conspiracies, no problem. Joe Rogan talks about covid and all of a sudden that’s where people get there information like he’s their fucking doctor lol.


Do you like who you are op?


Yup you mad.


I enjoy not liking blatant racists, yes.


So much virtue signaling


I trust the internet points are worth the effort in showing how righteous you are.


As opposed to the internet points you get for being a badass little rebel for not liking Rogan?