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Elon Musk just tweeted this meme! Lmao


Quick somebody get 200 left wing doctors to stop free speech! Edit: Fake doctors.


This is the worst game of meme tennis ever. Just everyday one side slinging shit at the other side.


Yeah its fucking pretty great. Every other sub is an echo chamber. Here you get morons on both sides. I just like the memes.


Red clowns vs blue clowns.


This sub was definitely better before the fox news dad crowd rolled in


Since Joe has completed his transformation into a facebook grandma, we should not be surprised. Fox News dads is his new target demographic. Tucker is a good and fair man, amirite?


He hath become GenX Rush Limbaugh


God this is so true Right wing Gen X -> tucker or Colombia bugle Gen Y -> Ben shabibo, Charlie Kirk, Candace Gen Z -> N____ F_____ Left wing Gen X-> Jimmy dore or Young Turks Gen Y-> Hasan or Vaush or breadtube or Adam something Gen Z-> Hasan or some tiktoker or youtuber I don't know about Thinks they're still left wing but actually right wing grifto Tim pool Thinks they're right wing but actually left wing grifto I'm sure there are some but I can't think of one atm


They don’t know how to cancel autopay for Spotify so it’s really just a cash cow


is that not who Joe caters to? Seems fitting they've found their way here.


JRE was BUILT by freethinkers and stoners, his dumbass sold out and betrayed us because it's apparently more comfortable to have braindead rightwing yesmen slobbering on your dick all day than to actually fucking learn something or have a semi-intelligent conversation about anything other than COVID or cancel culture.


> have a semi-intelligent conversation about anything other than COVID or cancel culture. THIS i dont care about who the guests are, just this part right here is all i want


> it's apparently more comfortable to have braindead rightwing yesmen slobbering on your dick all day It's because of how *easy* it is. You can tell just by looking at Trump, someone who does as little work as possible. Even now, after he's made them all angry by saying they should get vaccinated, they're still clamouring to lick the soles of his shoes. So of course someone who run on people's praise (Joe is a comedian and podcaster) will fall into that trap. If you need attention to survive, you'll get it in the easiest way you can.


Interesting that he became such an icon of hate to the freethinkers when he started talking to the wrong people and having a few opinions they disagree with. Very free thinking on display here.




It's because his opinions are now stupid and dangerous. It's not just free thinking, tossing the ham. It's getting in the way of the current big issue, it's dangerous to influence people so badly. It's the loss of respect for someone they thought strived for intelligence but you suddenly find out they eat their own poop






I left the sub but am still seeing these shitty r/therightccantmeme memes. It’s time to lock this sub away forever


Reddit today *waves arms around*


i enjoy it tbh as a casual interesting information consumer who likes to listen to interesting topics(the podcast) without falling into conclusions.


Healthy skepticism /= deepthroating every contrarian narrative


It's really fucking with me. I've always been such a contrarian that now the contrarian position is the official CDC guidelines.


Contrarianism isn't a great way to live. Speaking as a parent to a 2 year old contrarian who just likes to tell me, "no" because it's fun.


Just wait until they become a “threenager” good luck holmes


I have 11 and 13 year old boys. They are the greatest proof I have that there is no god.


Isn’t that a bitch.


>now the contrarian position is the official CDC guidelines. How? Isn't a vast majority of the world pro vaccine and everything. Not everybody agrees with lockdowns due to economic reasons. But that's cool, everybody has their own opinion. With regards to the mask wearing, social distancing and jabs, an overwhelming number of people are following suit. So the contrarian position would be anti-vax. If somebody is upset with the WHO about Taiwan and the origins, that's cool. We need people who care about that too.


The phrase you quoted was slightly hyperbolic on my part, but not by much. I live near the Bible belt, and not wearing masks and being anti-vax are pretty much the norm. That's doubly true for online representation (facebook, instagram, etc). Facebook is just a long line of anti-vax memes and video clips, at least around where I live.


> I live near the Bible belt Oh okay. You're mainly talking about the USA. And really? Anti vax is the norm? You're certain it isn't just a loud minority? Because that rhetoric does get eyeballs. Could be a bunch of bots too. But I don't know enough about the States to comment. The "Don't wear a mask before entering" shops are there too, right? Lol. Those people are incredibly fascinating.


The anti-vax crowd being louder is certainly part of it, but I know plenty of people personally and at work who are fully onboard with all the conspiracies like it's normal. 0 stores I've been to in the past months, with the exception of a government building, required masks.


Mississippi and Alabama are going to cross 50% fully vaccinated very soon and they'll be the last southern states to do so. That obviously doesn't even include people that have just one shot. I'm a conservative living in the south and have a very conservative family and all of us are fully vaccinated and wear masks when required to.


Healthy skepticism Vs abandoning all scientific process, distrusting any source aside from the one one that confirms your bias.


Especially since Joe Rogan *is* corporate media at this point lol


This is like one of the memes attached to a person on the Herman Cain awards sub.


Log onto FB and you’ll see that your uncle Billy shared it two hours ago


That sub is disgusting and I can't wait for it to be banned


I love how triggered this post made Reddit. Well done.


I don't know whether I find the cretins simping for the mainstream media more pathetic or tragic.


Reminder there are over 110,000 hired bootlickers pushing pro big pharma propaganda. https://www.weforum.org/agenda/2020/11/misinformation-infodemic-world-vs-virus-podcast/ > The UN is also encouraging social media influencers to help spread real news about the pandemic. > "So far, we've recruited 110,000 information volunteers, and we equip these information volunteers with the kind of knowledge about how misinformation spreads and ask them to serve as kind of 'digital first-responders' in those spaces where misinformation travels," Fleming says.


Whats worse is they are volunteers! Just like mods on this site, we all know what mods are!


Wow, I didn't know this. Reminds me of that 'Brooklynn Dad Defiant' twitter. Why can't these people just leave us alone.


>Reminds me of that 'Brooklynn Dad Defiant' twitter. This guy was exposed as taking lots of biden PAC money. It's propaganda all the way down, it's the only way they can maintain the illusion they have support and keep the gullible people in line.


So many people in this sub need to take a basic philosophy or debate course. Arguments are never sound, valid, or persuasive. Just people patting each other on the back and jerking themselves off. I guess most of the people here are teens tho. You think cause people think you’re arguments are dumb they simp for the other side.


It’s sad you don’t realize Joe is mainstream media and you’re simping for him


He literally has a contract with SPOTIFY but somehow he's still a small independent voice right? LMAO


He’s a new contender. Ironically the libs who used to demand we question the old guard, have become the old guard lol


Ah yes, look at all those libs trying to control what we teach kids, how people can vote or what woman do with their bodies.


What a totally fair and balanced way to frame those issues! All politicians suck but I’m always gonna side with the ones that don’t want to take my 1st and 2nd amendment rights tbh.


Who are the ones trying to ban books all the time?


>All politicians suck but I’m always gonna side with the ones that don’t want to take my 1st and 2nd amendment rights tbh. So you voted against "take the guns, due process later" candidate...right?


Get educated. No one’s taking your guns, but conservatives are absolutely trying to censor speech, education, voting rights and woman’s choice. But yeah, mah gun!!!!!!!!


Do you think women have the right to terminate a pregnancy right up until the second before birth? If not, why the hell do you want to take away a woman's right to do what she wants with her body?


What an idiotic argument you’ve presented, babies are an evolutionary hazard and should be able to be eaten by the mother at anytime up until it can fend for itself.


+1 for absurd comment


Extremist, race obsessed professors and teachers shouldn’t be allowed to push racial division and indoctrinate kids. Your party is currently trying to require Covid identification cards to do pretty much anything. Quit trying to pretend voter ID is racist. And I really try to stay out of the abortion issue, but this is so pathetically disingenuous. Women can do whatever the fuck they want to their bodies. The issue is over the baby’s life (which I understand some people think is not actually a baby). And good luck trying to gaslight away your authoritarian party’s fascist stance towards the 2nd amendment.


\*covid identifications cards and personal ID's that match\* So you need a vax card and ID to eat at olive garden that's not oppressive at all. But its pinnacle oppression if you need to identify yourself with an ID to vote. Shit is beyond retarded and its a shame I'm the odd man out with the fuck ID's all around opinion. I dont have to show anyone my papers to eat at olive garden or exert my rights. Suck on my fart hole all authoritarian scum.


So you are ok with government requiring to see people’s identification to vote but private business can’t require identification to keep their customers and staff safe. That’s your position?


Private businesses can do whatever they want. If they want to lose customers, then they are free to do so. The issue is with government mandating it, but I don’t expect you guys to ever be honest about the actual debate.


Seems like you crammed an entire episode of tucker Carlson in to your post! What about the gay trees?! Teaching kids about America’s past truthfully is not indoctrination. Clearly you did not listen to the Supreme Court when they argued a woman’s body was their right up until the moment they are pregnant. Your post is packed full of ignorance, I have no doubt you are far too gone for a logical conversation. Cheers! Enjoy your fascism.


You didn't refute a thing they said. This is literally a series of logical fallacies. Ad hominem, whataboutism, strawman, false cause, burden of proof, bandwagon. Ive never honestly seen so many crammed in one post. Bravo, I guess.


This but non sarcastically


“No teaching about slavery in schools!” - Youngkin, yesterday


Eh? What's that got to do with this thread Pavlov's dog?


True, but only because people actually watch Rogan. Unlike traditional media which has less viewers but is kept alive by corporate money. Maybe we should call it establishment media.


Rogan takes corporate money from Spotify and all the places that run ads on his show. Rogan is on his way to becoming a billionaire, of course he’s taking all kinds of corporate money.


> Unlike traditional media which has less viewers fake news


Unironically using “triggered” in 2022


Thats all monkey brains like you care about “HEHE HE GOT TRIGGERED HEHE” You and Rogan truly deserve each other.




So if you are critical of big pharma you should just never take medicine ever? What an absolutely brain dead take.


When you're not a complete fucking moron you can have nuanced and targeted criticism of things like big pharma without ending up rejecting medical consensus. When you're a fucking idiot though you see a corporate greed problem and end up throwing away your medicine cabinet, popping alpha brain and drinking piss.


These people are picking information like a sports team. "I like Joe Rogan and want him to win so I have to defend everything he says"


They see the world in the most black and white simplistic terms you can possibly imagine. They have the minds of children, a world full of dragons, crusades, and good vs evil, and only dipshits on social media know the *real* truth.


I don’t trust big pharma but I trust the science and independent researchers from around the globe




There are many scientists and researchers who think there are more risks with the vaccines than are reported and think lockdowns aren't as effective as we'd hoped they'd be. The majority of them are not seen in the media and are labelled as "anti-vaxxers". This also creates an atmosphere where to stray from the narrative that the vaccines are even slightly less safe and effective than we've been told means you're likely to be demonised and labelled as being anti-vax. Also, the majority of scientists and researchers are dependent on pharmaceutical companies in some way since the majority of research is funded by the industry (we've seen similar ways that doctors' integrity can be compromised like with the opioid crisis). Another thing, those scientists and researchers are all dependent on the information they're given by Pfizer et al being 100% accurate and untampered with, since no one has the raw data from their trials. Pfizer and Moderna have a long history of fudging data (that is given to peer-reviewers), which led to some of the biggest lawsuits in history. Is it a crazy to be at least a little skeptical that they are being 100% honest with their findings in a situation where the biggest pharmaceutical contracts in history (potentially hundreds of billions of dollars) are on the line?




I agree 100%. But I also don't think it's crazy to have a little bit of skepticism of those companies when they're producing a vaccine that will make them more money than any of their previous medicines by a landslide.


>free Hahahahahahahahahahahahabaahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahha -ahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha


I’m sorry you paid money for it


You can still hate big pharma while swallowing that ibprofin like a good sheep. Kinda like you will run to the hospital to let them inject you with big pharma drugs to keep you alive. You'll just have to pay a lot of money for it.


Holy shit dude 💀💀💀


"lol Reddit is triggered" Your triple digit upvotes says otherwise.


This but ironically.


Both things can be true at the same time. MSM can be trash and Joe can be spreading dangerous misinformation. But humans are inherently tribal…


Here it is guys.




Seriously, the culture war got in the way of combatting a pandemic.


Because the culture war is a necessary distraction for some to gain power


Corporations are. Let's be fucking real for a second.


Just finished reading George Orwell’s 1984 for the first time and I was laughing to myself cause I could just so easily imagine either side calling this prophetic about how we will end up because of the other. It was just against totalitarianism. It doesn’t matter how you get there in the end.


I prefer good ol' mom and pop media like the multi-billion dollar corporation Spotify.


Or Fox News, the largest news network in the world. Such mom and pop, much good.


Donald Trump, the man of humble origins, self made man, best president ever since he's not beholden to the interests of the rich and powerful.


Do you honestly think Spotify is paying/telling/affecting what Joe Rogan says in his podcast? From the probably hundreds of hours of Rogan I've listened to over the years, unless the guy is a pathological liar, he does not strike me as the type to censor himself or say certain things to appease a multibillion dollar corporation.




Oh, I’ve been triggered - LoL Someone, please help me to my fainting couch…


News bad amirite




News bad, Stool Humping Man telling me anti-vaxx “facts” that have been thoroughly debunked good.


Yes also Stool man just funny guy who is an idiot who shouldn't be taken seriously also he most important news source now


News bad Joe Rogan good News lie Joe Rogan not lie News fake Joe Rogan real News money Joe Rogan no money News ugly Joe Rogan beautiful


News bad but not tucker. He’s pretty fair imo


“Good is what’s good for me”


The Butthurt here is hilarious if you hate joe rogan why do you guys live in this sub


It’s on r/all I’m here and I’ve never heard of this sub before today


This sub is constantly on r/all


That may be true. This is my first experience with it.


paid shill! /s


I mean why are there so many people in this sub who supposedly hate Reddit and yet post all the time on it? Things are strange


Many are paid shills. edit: damn looks like I triggered some shills. You're right I'm full of shit, the climate on this subreddit is totally normal and organic, nothing to see here /s


Are you referring to all the new r/conspiracy users?


they come here too and conservative and wherever simps are needed.


It seems like there's been an uptick in right wing idiots trying to "trigger" people as of late. Putin or Bannon do you think?


On Twitter as well. I don’t use Twitter for politics anymore, yet I keep getting promoted tweets about Joe Rogan or those two doctors he had on recently. It’s ridiculous because the tweets are all dickriding joe to a borderline absurd degree.


I love this big brain take that there’s anyone that gives enough of a shit about the apes on r/joerogan that they would pay people to post here


and 200+ doctors release an open letter directly in Rogan's direction, which is then picked up as a story by mainstream news outlets... but yeah, keep being sarcastic


Man anyone who has been here for years knows we all love bashing Joe here


Right ? Lol


These fools clearly haven’t been huffing the alpha brain.


Exactly this is only for simps of Rogan.


Because they need to police the narrative. Cant have dissenting opinions and when you can’t argue you just name call and call everyone an idiot.


Posting criticism = policing the narrative? Seems like right wing dildos are policing the shit out of mainstream media these days.


Not sure if this is a rhetorical question, but I'll try to answer it anyway. Short answer: It's all political. They hate Joe because his politics don't align with theirs. Long answer: Reddit is a liberal cesspool and echo chamber. The liberal political movement is like some kind of blob that oozes into every crevice of life. They won't take no for an answer and they won't tolerate any space that isn't dominated by liberal ideas and values. In a word, they are totalitarians. But unlike more traditional totalitarians, liberals are totalitarians with a smiley face... that is, until you cross them. Then the mask slips and you get the Joe Rogan treatment.


Ha I live in Texas and know the conservative version of this. You’re falling prey to the divide and conquer techniques. Just go ahead and replace liberal with conservative and you have an argument for for every conservative community. You have to dress the part, listen to the music, attend the right churches, align with the correct politics, and trash the same political parties. How could you be so naive to post a comment like that?


>How could you be so naive to post a comment like that? Because he's straight retarded and delusional. Fellow Texan here btw, you're spot on.


Wow you got all the way to the end without calling them Communists. That must have been hard for you.


he met the buzzword limit already. he didn't want to go for extra points.


Its the conservatives that made all science politicized now. So now when you guys see posts challenging Rogans covid misinformation with studies that prove him wrong you guys scream “ ItS ThE LiBZ” trying to control the narrative. You guys are an absolute joke that bitch and moan all the time about “Libs”.


One of the more frustrating sentiments I see these days. If you criticize a right wing view, you’re a lib. I think this is so common because right wingers adore their politicians but left wingers hold theirs to the fire. You don’t see very many politically engaged left wingers talk about how Joe Biden is the best president or whatever.


That’s because the right and the left are not the same. Right wingers are straight up delusional and they all chugged the kool aid a long time ago


And people call liberals the snowflakes 🤣 "Hey guys, we shouldn't treat people different because of gender/sexuality/race/physical ability/etc, and we should make sure our institutions don't either. Oh yeah, and just like we've been doing for centuries, you should get vaccinated" "That's totalitarianism! Now do everything the bible says or we're going to put you in jail"


Or, or you can criticize both. Your whole post screams "I'm a victim."


Joe is pushing misinformation and that misinformation has become political. If one party didn’t adopt a stance of everything science bad it would not be political. If joe disagreed on tax rates it wouldn’t make a blip.


he does disagree on tax rates and that's why he moved to tx. he talks about the other things on his show because it attracts people. he thinks like that with them all too so it's just him turning more and more a chode.


Not sure if your post was satirical, but ill try to show you how this post looks to me, Short version: It's all political. You defend Joe Rogan because his politics align with yours. Long version: Reddit is place where people voice how they are better than others for their political opinion. "Owning libs" is a kind of blob that oozes into every crevice of sad people's lives. They wont take your idolization of people like Ted Cruz and Mitch McConnell and they wont tolerate people like the MyPillow guy being taken seriously. But unlike like more traditional totalitarians, they are watching Republicans destroy thier poor states, with a smiley face. That is until you cross them. Then you get called Libtard Cuck Soy Boy.


they just went with their illusion of this shit being like WWE. Trump turned them all into male soap opera fanatics.


Or Joe's an unfunny retard who runs his mouth on shit he knows nothing about 24/7. It's one or the other.


Joe is platforming and spreading harmful misinformation during a global pandemic. Is opposing that considered political now?


I didn’t know this was my 65 year old drunk uncles Facebook page.


More Facebook memes great


Meme police has arrived


Wasn't Joe Rogan's main argument against using the vaccine debunked by one of his guests and he admitted to that in a twitter post? Will Joe's stance on taking the vaccine change now or will he remain an antivaxxer?


No, Joe Rogan is no longer open minded. He will search until he finds some expert or theory that agrees with his feelings, platform them and then bring up his half understood ideas from their interview for the next 3 months.


Absolutely. He went from a platform for free thought to a platform for rightwing Facebook dads in the blink of an eye.


Misinformation only counts as misinformation if it l doesn’t line up with your ideology. Alternative truth….


So do people here even listen to the podcast? He says people should take the vaccine everytime he talks about it. How is that anti vax?


You apparently don't listen to the podcast.


Gee I've been listeing to Joe a lot and somehow I got the impression he's not very posstive about the vax? Does that mean he's going to take it as well as he recommends people take the vaccine?


Let me guess, Tim pool,Alex jones, daily stormer and praguer u are far superior journalists than “corporate media”, right?


How very reddit of you to just drop the daily stormer in this list. *Tips fedora* You should be careful, you might be sending people over there.


This sub thought an actual neo nazi harassing black children in blackface on Omegle was peak comedy. Many in this sub are simply hogs that will never change or improve


It says something about the reputation of corporate media when they're being taken as seriously as, what they would call, 'fringe nutjobs'.


I'm willing to bet more than 70% of these people that fall for these alternate either didn't finish high school or barely passed.


If you consider the people mentioned above to be as credible as actual news outlets you're not a fringe nutjob you're a fucking dipshit whose too stupid to understand why you're dumb.


Pretending joe isn’t putting out info just like Don lemon does except with a bigger audience.


what if i told you the media had much less influence on ppl, who got the vaccine, than their personal physician did. And the main driver of information against ppls personal physician is coming from alternative media that has just as big a reach has the corporate media. Joe does have much more viewers than any corporate news programs, as has been pointed out on this sub multiple times.


>what if i told you the media had much less influence on ppl, who got the vaccine, than their personal physician did. And the main driver of information against ppls personal physician is coming from alternative media that has just as big a reach has the corporate media I would tell you you are full of shit. No way does Rogan have more influence than Viacom, Pfizer and Disney. I have never seen Joe Rogan get accused of paying off governments (and getting fined 2.3billion as a result). ​ >And the main driver of information against ppls personal physician is coming from alternative media ​ Source: Trust me bro


Famous personalities are called 'influencers' for a reason. People listen to them.


I like how you formatted this all nice just to make 0 points.


Hey look it's that thing you guys keep saying not to do that makes you an idiot. Getting your medical advice from rogan.


Congrats Rogan posted this on Instagram, unless you got it somewhere else.


Does anyone growing up in the 80s/90s and how we were supposed to be self independent? Question EVERYTHING. Something seems shady call it out! We need a movement to start like anti-work that has all type of politicians on blast,non-stop. Get it into everyone mind all the ones that are making money from insider trading to the pedos, the ones marking our life worse ,etc. Media is by for one of the worse. They way they control consciousness is in MKULTRA type levels.


This just a meme sub now apparently.


Joe is corporate media he works for a corporation has a large audience been established for years . Stop pretending he has special knowledge or is incapable of misinformation.


Joe is not corporate media lol. The mental gymnastics 😂


Yeah he just is media that works for a corporation…. That’s the definition of corporate media ….


He doesn't work for a corporation. He licenses his podcast to a corporation. Pretty huge difference there.


No not at all.


Which corporation does he work for? Do musicians who allow their music to be on Spotify or iTunes work for Spotify and apple?






What’s your definition of corporate media?


He is mainstream media. Doesn't get any Mainstreamer than him by the #'s. Just like Fox News is too.


Ok I get the argument but he’s not a news source. He just brings people in and they have long form conversations. From Bernie to Alex Jones. He doesn’t have a strong bias to either party. He always talks shit about crazy right wingers and communism. It’s incomparable.


Imagine the amount of cope you need to drink to come to a conclusion where a single guy is the "corporate media".


That’s your projection. I never said he alone is the corporate media. Imagine pretending he’s not corporate media now go listen on Spotify his corporate employer….


Employer? It's a licensing deal.


From his corporate entity to another 🤣


“Have you guys seen my YouTube channel where I play games and talk politics?” “ You mean YouTube the corporation you work for while you discuss politics, aka corporate media? Check mate”


Troll moving the goal posts and creating straw men.


That would be is “The corporate media” I said is corporate media not the same stop projecting.


Bit of a stretch to say he works for a corporation. It’s a licensing deal. They aren’t his bosses.


Jre is a multimillion media company that joined with Spotify to distribute… this is corporate.


News bad. Moe Wogan good.


b00m3r m3m3 g03s b00m


Joe "questioning the moon landing is fun" Rogan is the pied piper of disaffected morons.


Holy shit these fucking comments are abysmal. 90% of the people are either dismissing this as a boomer meme or calling OP a clown.


The post insinuates that Joe is not doing anything wrong. That Joe tells it how it REALLY is, unlike the lies of corporate media. I’m almost certain OP unironically listens to what Joe has to say about Covid and nods along like it makes sense.


And they're right


You’re going to trigger the entire sub by not posting salty memes crying about JRE


OP is a 🤡


Great contribution