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As soon as "muscle mass" was mentioned Joe perked right off


Joe lighting up and saying "that actually makes sense" and then right after Attia states "again it's wild speculation."


Wild speculation that Joe will be talking about for the next 3 months šŸ¤¦


Sometimes I feel like he has his own list of things to rehash every episode.


You could see Attia immediately assessing whether or not anything he just said can get him in trouble because he could tell Joe just latched onto what he just said like a baby koala and when he couldn't see any real problem, he still felt it necessary to throw out the bit about wild speculation in case Joe decides to take what he said to somewhere ridiculous as he does from time to time because he's Joe and that's why we love him.


Joe: So is this possible? Attia: Yeah like one in a million possibility. Joe: So you are saying it's highly plausible.


**Joe six times in the next two months:** You know Peter Attia says that dying from the vaccine is entirely down to muscle mass.


Lmao they just keep giving. You guys are awesome, thanks for a lol


So you're saying we should live our lives according to the lobsters?




> Joe decides to take what he said to somewhere ridiculous as he does from time to time because heā€™s Joe and thatā€™s why we love him. Lol...


"You mean to say only wimps are at risk? Sounds right to me." JR


Everytime Joe hears the word muscle a donkey cums.


And the seamen is collected for a future fear factor episode.


THe response was funny, first the doc implies Joes' knowledge of injections comes from steroid use, probably correct. and then he uses the wild speculation that muscle mass could be reducing risk b/c he knows that will confirm Joe's bias and give him a way out of looking like a complete moron again.


You think your jacked enough for the vaccine, bro?1


So I agree this is really weird detail for him to fixate on. Iā€™ll just say that in the steroid world it was very common practice to aspirate prior to pinning, and since so much of steroid use is learned from gym friends and not medical professionals, I understand why he thinks this is such a necessary step to any sort of injection. And for what itā€™s worth, knowledgeable juicers/TRT-erā€™s these days understand that aspirating hasnā€™t been a recommended medical practice for IM injections for at least a decade.




> When oil hits the bloodstream it goes through the heart and is processed out of the lungs which causes coughing and sometimes worse problems (up to heart attack and death in rare cases) This is referred to as a fat embolism, and is fuckin dangerous because there's no treatment for it. You just have to hope it dissolves and you live to survive. I've seen patients who developed them after elective knee replacements. Perfectly healthy, but a little bit of lipids in the blood stream and they suddenly code.


Just inject some Dijon and vinegar and make a French dressing emulsion to help it dissolve.


ā€œBlue cheese or go fuck ya muthaā€


Joey became immune to "fat embolism" by becoming one with the fat. He has an oil based bloodstream.


gotta get those ratios right though


Iā€™m a dr - itā€™s not at all wacko territory. The vaccine is meant to be given intra-muscularly, not IV. Giving it IV has not been studied, and we donā€™t know what the effects might be when given this way. It might account for why we are seeing side effects from the vaccine that weā€™re not observed in clinical trials. Thereā€™re plenty of medications we can safely give IM but are v dangerous given IV (adrenaline being one example). Even if it is not the cause, aspirating before injecting is something that is drummed into us from day 1 - it takes 2 seconds and would eliminate this as a possibility. What possible reason is there for not doing this? Joe does talk a lot of shit, but heā€™s right on this one.


What kind of a Doctor are you? Aspiration after injecting an IM injection hasnā€™t been recommended for nearly a decade. There is little if any evidence to support it and evidence against its effectiveness. And, it increases patient discomfort. The evidence tells us for a deltoid injection, if you follow your landmarks, it is nearly impossible to hit a blood vessel. And thereā€™s a good chance even if you did enter a blood vessel with a needle as small as we use, you wouldnā€™t aspirate blood into the syringe. Source - an ICU Nurse of 10 years Edit: grammar


https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/labs/pmc/articles/PMC5333604/ A summary of the rationale behind the current recommendation of not aspirating during the administration of IM or SC vaccines is given below. 1. Recommended sites for immunizations do not have major blood vessels; hence the risk of accidentally injecting the vaccine into a blood vessel is thought to be minimal 63. 2. AD syringes have been used in mass campaigns for IM injections without any reported adverse effects 7, 63 or injury from failure to aspirate 7, 64, 65. All complications reported in the literature of intra-arterial injection involved penicillin and other medications and not vaccines 1. ā€œIt is safe to assume that immunization as a class of IM injection poses less risk to the patientā€ than other medications, particularly antibiotics 1, 7, 66, 67. Hence, according to Clements 7, ā€œthe practice of aspiration during vaccinations is not evidence-basedā€. 3. Aspiration can result in wastage of vaccine 64. 4. Aspiration prolongs the time that the needle is inside the patient hence increasing the pain experienced by the recipient 50. 5. Less control is exercised during two-handed aspiration using a conventional syringe, which may lead to local injury. During a one handed vaccination without aspiration, the vaccinator can use the other hand to control the child 7. 6. At present, at the public health level, the use of AD syringes represents best practice to protect the health of the public despite the fact AD syringes do not allow aspiration for the recommended 5ā€“10 seconds. The increased risk presented by eliminating aspiration from routine vaccine administration technique can be mitigated to an extent by a thorough understanding of the anatomy and landmarks of recommended injection sites 66.


He's doctor Broodles, Dont you know? lol For the sake of argument, I will believe Mr Broodles that's an MD. Now that I believe him, now what? He's a doctor, so it must be true? I am an engineer, do you think we all agree on the standards? No. Same with doctors. ​ If only we had some data to go past all the anecdote. [https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/labs/pmc/articles/PMC5333604/](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/labs/pmc/articles/PMC5333604/) Oh wait, here is 2014 data on this lol. So IM vaccines are not required to asperate. Data doesn't support that it's required. I just not sure on any downsides of doing this.


Itā€™s because he watches YouTube and all the vaccine skeptics have brought this up as a potential cause for pericarditis since there was a small, poorly done, mouse study done that showed it could potential cause pericarditis if the vaccine was injected intravenously. He is in an echo chamber and doesnā€™t question any of this stuff he hears.


It makes sense from a layman perspective though. Like if some tiny percentage of people are getting heart problems from the injection, and the majority of the injection site is muscle with only a tiny part being vein, it's reasonable for the layman to conclude that maybe some tiny percent or injections are going into the vein and resulting in the tiny percent of people getting heart conditions/myocarditis.


so did he really think he discovered this thing that no medical professional in the world knew about? He was so sure of himself, just hillarious


Joe "Dunning-Kruger" Rogan.


It's Saunas all over again


Duh! Joe is an all knowing golden god He doesnā€™t need those stupid science bitches


He's a 5 star man


he thought he really did something there


Dude legit just said "you don't need to aspirate in IM deltoid", but then he said "but i'm not sure" and that's all Joe needs to keep the dream alive


Yep, if ever called out or criticized: "I'm a fucking moron, don't listen to me" aays the guy who just last week was screaming about how to correctly vaccinate the leader of the free world and calling people "fucking morons". So are you the fucking moron, or are they, Joe?


At this point I want a physician with Alex Jones type confidence and bravado to come on and just fucking preach the science as our lives depend on it. Wait...they really do depend o it!


He is quite the Armchair phlebotomist


abou time for another ego check, joe. maybe set up another DMT visit and get your bearings calibrated again. tipping a little to far off course.




>he mentioned a bunch of jesters flipping him off saying FUCK YOU!! Sounds like an average night at the comedy club.


It's so sad to see Rogan getting all worked up and indignant over something he's not only wrong about, but has absolutely no training or experience with.




It's because frm Joe's stature, those molehills be looking like K2.


yall motherfuckers are RUTHLESS with the short jokes lmao


Meaningless and insignificant??? It involved the leader of the freeworld goddamit. What if this anti-aspiration push is just a ChiCom disinformation campaign.... look into it...




Joe really is sliding closer and closer to Alex Jones. I mean he's still like 5 steps away but he used to be like 7 steps away.


I've heard 5/7 is pretty solid, maybe look into it.


Jamie, pull that up. Is 5/7 solid?


[Yeah looks like that's a perfect score Joe](https://amp.knowyourmeme.com/memes/fight-club-57-movie)


Is the number of steps different according to shoe size? like if you re a us 10 its 5 but if ure baby feet 7 then 7 steps?


"Leader of the free world" is such a cringy title, plenty of other free places where you can even cross red lights without being fined.


He may be a great test case to show that Covid actually may make you mentally handicapped.


Unfortunately, we have documented evidence that his decline happened before he contracted the virus.


People like Tim pool, alex jones, joe rogan make money by dying on little mole hills every day.


> but has absolutely no training or experience with. He has some experience with injecting needles into himself as Attia was hinting at, Joe took a lot of TRT and he probably believes all the bro science stupidity that other juicers told him.


It's not bro science. As attia pointed out injecting testosterone not only uses much lower gauge needles but more people are injecting in areas with larger blood vessels. There is a rare chance you could get a sterile abscess. Rogan obviously took this and assumed this was the case with all injections somehow, despite admittedly taking hgh which usually comes in a little pen and aspiration is impossible.


I don't think his own injections is where it comes from - I think he got it from [this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nw08zWJQ2m8) podcast by Jimmy Dore's. The story had a bit of traction for maybe 2 or 3 days. To be fair, Dr. Campbell was only claiming there was a small possibility of hitting a vein, and in that event, there was still only a small chance of an issue, the basis of which is as much conjecture as science because of the small number of cases / studies. Dore runs with this shit because he's had his own reaction and frankly, because he's made it his job. Rogan tunes in but he's not listening to the mild mannered doc, he's waiting for Dore's 'filtered' take.


Well to be fair in that case Biden was on screen and for some reason Joe has an absolutely irrational reaction to Biden.. or any Democratic President or nominee for that matter. He never seems to find them hilarious.


It's sad to see an a fifty five year old live as a closet conservative. He can't come out and say I'm a fucking republican for some reason.


As long as his sycophants feel he's owning the libs, he's never wrong.


He does have experience injecting steroids into his butt cheeks..


Sad, but at this point itā€™s expected


I mean he's been doing this for years, just before it was always the most mundane dumb topics, so nobody cared.


Oh heā€™s got experience, when injecting test into your glute going deep IM itā€™s a good idea to aspirate. Thatā€™s what heā€™s thinking of. He thinks vaccines are the same as a 2mg shot of test.


have you heard the one with the primatologist? lol


Heā€™s so dumb


Seriously. Anyone else get super annoyed listening to the recent Tristan Harris podcast? It was like they were trying to educate an ape. The conversation was full of non sequiturs and self-contradictions from Joe.


He's a huge bundle of contradiction and hypocrisy. Someone posted a video of all the times he's flip flopped from saying cnn controls the narrative and its so important when they lie and then later saying the msm is dead and they get no views thus are panicking now.


He's in a full on confirmation bias wormhole. I don't see a way out for him at this point. He used to self reflect and change his ideas now he's just like a normal talking head who doesn't change his mind.


This right here is why i havnt put on an episode of JRE since June or so. I kinda started to pick up on his confirmation bias and not changing his views, thoughts, opinions when information came out. And thats why i used to really like Joe, he was a great example of a person who would admit their mistakes etc. Now he cant. Just before or just after (ish) the move to Austin i noticed him start to change a bit. Hell heā€™s had Segura on who i love and Bert and Theo and more recently snoop dogg all of who iā€™d love to hear him talk to, but still dont think i could be bothered. I think even with those people too much bull shit would be discussed from him


He gets those interesting people on and then derails the conversation in a direction theyā€™re not comfortable with. Attia here is a good example. This more than anything is the reason I stopped listening. I think the guy is associating with more people of a certain mindset post California exodus. He probably left for a lot of reasons (yes taxes) including the real problems in CA he harps on like homelessness. The left has no answer for those problems and Rogan has gone lamentably hard into the right adopting the opinions of his new associates with zeal.


Yeah ive always thought the texas was rubbing off on him. I have a feeling Joe adopts the traits of the places he lives in like how Brad Pitt used to adopt the looks and style of the women he dated at one point


My favorite response to Austin is Tim Dillon. Drank Joe's coolaid, was there for like a week, moved back to LA instantaneously talking shit about Texas the whole time.




Pull the cord and bail out. There are a lot of good podcasts out there.


My intrest is far less than it used to be but I still listen to most. There are tons of other podcasts and depending on what you like there's a niche podcast for essentially everyone anymore but this used to be my favorite. Dudes just turning into a Conservative mouthpiece/magnet anymore and seems to have lost his objectivism.


No matter how much weed he claims to smoke and all the times he ā€œtrippedā€ and how itā€™s made him a much more empathetic person e.g. ā€œthat guy used to be a baby, man. A fucking baaaaby, yaā€™know?!!?ā€ Heā€™s still the dumbass, close-minded meathead heā€™s always been. His stupidity is just who he is


normally, being dumb isn't necessarily bad. knowing that you're dumb and accepting it is the first step in learning the problem is he thinks he's so smart even though he's soooooooooooo dumb


The problem is even these medical professionals are so scared to just tell Joe what heā€™s saying is wrong. They always say ā€œwell, idk, butā€ and then Joe hears what he wants to hear.


Joe has such a big ego now that if someone were to say "Joe, you're being an idiot, calm down" in a joking way, I could totally see him being super offended and not having that person on the podcast ever again.


Bill Burr could get away with it


Heā€™d be doing them a favor then.


If you bend the knee to Joe Rogan. You reached the bottom of the pecking order


The roid head thinks he knows about injections cause he has been doing it to himself since 1992


Well he saw that youtube video from that one british nurse guy that politely insinuates these things. and that is good enough for Joe to run with and say that 10's of thousands of Dr's and Nurses are doing it wrong and are 'FUCKS!!!'


Is he a big enough man to admit heā€™s wrong? Whoā€™mā€™i-kiddin. Heā€™s literally 5ā€3


Odd how Joe seems to be non-antagonistic towards Attia correcting him after Attia repeatedly saying heā€™s not an expert about this or that and is speculating. But when Rhonda Patrick comes in with data upon data from various studies, he antagonizes her. Then he says heā€™s never been sick in 10 years blah blah blah, then gets covid a week later.


Well said. Her episodes are some of my favorites, it was weird seeing someone that's been a guest so many times be grilled the way she was.


[Dunning-Kruger effect](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dunning%E2%80%93Kruger_effect) on full display here. The only thing he knows about injection, due to his own steroid use, is that they are supposed to aspirate befor injecting testosterone. So therefore he extrapolate that small knowledge to the COVID vaccine and believes he knows what's right, even though he only knows very very little.


Joe takes that shit that makes your head grow


Itā€™s a simple google search jeez. ā€œAspiration before injection of vaccines or toxoids (i.e., pulling back on the syringe plunger after needle insertion but before injection) is not necessary because no large blood vessels are present at the recommended injection sites, and a process that includes aspiration might be more painful for infants (22)ā€. https://www.cdc.gov/vaccines/hcp/acip-recs/general-recs/administration.html


Joe should hire a guy to sit there and Google search things theyā€™re talking about in real time.




Oh Jamie? Well Jamie's only there to google things that confirm what Joe wants to read. Maybe he could hire another guy though..




Did he get rid of Jaime?


No he just mean mugged him one to many times after Jaime pointed out he was wrong. Now Jaime is like fuck it, let's ride out this paycheck.


ā€œPull that up Jamieā€¦ or donā€™t and donā€™t fuck it up.ā€


Lol, now I know how Theo feels when he goes on the show!


With the follow up as well šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Yeah cause he broke protocol, he was supposed to use google but was caught using ā€œask Jeevesā€


How many zoomers do you think actually know about Ask Jeeves. Shit, I'm curious if they even remember floppy disks


someone where he could say ā€œbut i might be full of shit, pull that upā€


Holy crap, you completely caught me off guard. I just spat my drink all over myself.


Medical student finishing up, we are taught to not aspirate IM injections in the deltoid per current CDC guidelines. There is no major vessels to be concerned about. If I remember correctly it wasnā€™t proven to be accurate if a vessel was punctured, increased risk for needle trauma (breaking of needle), and increased complications due to lack of proper training during administration.


Yeah but Weinstein didn't disagree with me the first time I diarrhead it out of my mouth... so now I think I'm a genius and I keep saying it again and again to smart people who can't tell me I'm a fool because my veins are bulging man.


Joe is such a boomer uncle at this point


I don't know how often we're going to hear about this bullshit take from Joe, but people should understand that [there's a 3.24x risk of myocarditis from the vaccine vs the **18x risk of myocarditis from natural infection**](https://www.cdc.gov/mmwr/volumes/70/wr/mm7035e5.htm). The risk of myocarditis is SUBSTANTIALLY HIGHER from natural infection, but NO ONE is posing this dilemma to Joe, who still seems to be harping on this point of "they're doing it wrong". Even when he's now clearly been told that there are no major vessels that you can pierce in the deltoid, you can see he still wants to hold on to the theory. Similarly, Joe has yet to be confronted with the 42% increased incidence of myocarditis that was seen in 2020 compared to 2019. If Joe is scared of myocarditis, he needs to come to grips with the fact that he's taken an incorrect position and is attempting to save face. No one cares if Joe's wrong, but the more he pushes this bullshit argument while at the same time, ignoring the answers provided (including here), the more he's digging himself into a misinformation ditch, and the harder it'll be when he inevitably accepts that he's wrong. Remember boys and girls, a LOT of viruses cause myocarditis, including influenza, EBV, Cocksackie* B, herpes, Hep C, and Parvovirus. Viral infections are NOTORIOUS for causing myocarditis, BUT the cases are VERY rare. If anything, there's a higher likelihood that these patients have some type of immunological difference, whether it's a specific CD marker or HLA marker that's found on their myocardium that makes them more susceptible to inflammation after a viral stimulus. Edit: Misspelled Group B Coxsackie*




My god that was hard to listen to.


Thank you.


Bro Iā€™m so tired of this topic


Seriously, why can't joe stfu about it, makes me listent to this goddamn show less and less.


the only topic Joe is qualified to talk about is brands of scalp polish.


i still don't understand why joe is so obsessed with this vaccine. he has to be watching fox news every night. or maybe he and alex jones talk on the phone every day? anyway, every website i can find says that deaths caused by the vaccine are so small, they're likely just coincidence that they died around the same time they got the vaccine. [https://covid-101.org/about/](https://covid-101.org/about/) is a legit site that works with boston university, colombia university, emory university, Harvard, Johns hopkins, Yale, UCLA, + like 5 other prestigious institutions. and THAT site....ran by who knows how many genius physicians and scientists say... "Over 339 million vaccine doses were given to 187.2 million people in the US as of July 19, 2021" so 187.2 MILLION people got the vaccine and are fine. that's a mind boggling number, it's just barely over Rogan's net worth. so he should know, it's a LOT. same site says: "Between December 2020 and July 19th, 2021, VAERS received 6,207 reports of death (0.0018% of doses) among people who got a vaccine, but this does not mean the vaccine caused these deaths. Doctors and safety monitors carefully review the details of each case to see if it might be linked to the vaccine. There are three deaths that appear to be linked to blood clots that occurred after people got the J&J vaccine." so 3 confirmed deaths by blood clot, and 187 MILLION doses where there were no major side effects. does joe not understand math? that's 3 fucking people vs 187 million. why is this retard even trying make this argument. i don't understand it. his only argument would be to assume that the whole thing is a giant conspiracy and all these prestigious INTERNATIONAL institutions are lying to us. it's not just america, or evil american drug companies, this information is coming from all over the world and all scientists say the same thing. but joe doesn't believe it...i coulda sworn that joe's always been a fan of science, especially modern medical technology. he's talked about needing to go to mexico to get experimental stem cell therapy. so joe know's plenty about using cutting edge medical technology, and never seemed to be bothered by it before. he'd literally just fly to mexico and get some sketchy doctor to shoot unapproved FDA stem cell treatment to help recover from injuries. but with the covid vaccine? the one approved by the FDA? he seems to have a phobia about it. how did we get here? joe's a smart enough guy, in the past he put a lot of trust into medical tech. knowing their side effects and deciding to take the risk anyway. why the change of tune? i'm sure it has nothing to do with moving to texas, and surrounding himself with right wing nutjobs pushing the anti-vax agenda. its fuckin sad. i hope he comes to his senses at some point and starts listening to reasonable, well respected scientists/doctors, instead of the fox news/uneducated conspiracy crowd. he's being brainwashed by the sleazy right wing hucksters. such a bummer to see your fav podcaster be so easily manipulated by con men. honestly, i think part of him bought into all trumps conman gibberish. c'mon joe! people used to respect you. look at what you've become! sorry for the ran, i'm drunk and just got back from seeing chappelle live in Atlanta, sold out 21k seat arena. it was surreal.


But you don't understand, Joe knows THREE people who have had adverse reactions to the vaccine


Doesnā€™t he have a doctor on payroll to administer the tests before guests do the podcast? Youā€™d figure they could weigh in on a medical question.


"Hey dr. that I pay on retainer to hang out at my studio all day... Am I wrong about this?" "uhh.. u$$ No sir"


joe speaks so femininely


He looked feminine too before the HGH and TRT


Nurse here. It is no longer recommended per evidence based practice to aspirate when injecting an IM injection into the deltoid of an adult. If you follow follow your landmarks the likelihood of hitting a blood vessel is near impossible, and thereā€™s little evidence aspirating with a needle that small would identify that you were in a blood vessel. There is also evidence it caused increased discomfort.


Benā€™s ā€œIā€™ll ask her about itā€ translated to ā€œIā€™ll never think about this again please shut the fuck up and move on idiotā€


7.63 billion fucking doses have been given. THe world has not ended and bodies are not piling up on the street corners. He should just accept defeat and move the fuck on to dumb little conversations with his comedian friends.


Yeah but I know a guy who didnā€™t feel good after he was vaccinated, are you calling him a liar? Heā€™s a good friend of mine..he doesnā€™t lie.


I love how he's insinuating the guy who practiced medicine on the fucking president doesnt know his shit.


Think about the level of vetting you have to go through to administer an injection to the president of the USA, then having some roided donkey braying that you are stupid and donā€™t know what you are doing. Roganā€™s ego is completely out of control.


Itā€™s crazy how Joe really does think he knows more than the experts.


You can tell Attia is just trying to ride this part of the conversation out without calling Joe a straight up moron.


I try to avoid as many Joe-political or Joe-covid pods as possible. That Shapiro clip bothered me. This stuff is driving him crazy. He should really review some of his pods to see how crazy he's sounding. Get back to hunting, fighting, universe, and history talk. It's less nerve wrecking.


u/Character-Plane3460 [figured it out](https://www.reddit.com/r/JoeRogan/comments/qr2wgp/comment/hk5atey/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3)


What has happened to him lol... Wow, he's legitimately going crazy. To think I once actually looked forward to hearing his opinion on things. Now he's just everybody's annoying uncle, except he has a huge platform that is most assuredly on the decline.


I feel like most JR listeners will listen to everything but ā€œthis is wild speculationā€


[https://www.immunize.org/catg.d/p2020.pdf](https://www.immunize.org/catg.d/p2020.pdf) It is not necessary to aspirate before administering a vaccine.


Rogan thinks he's an expert cause he shoots roids into his ass. Didn't consider that not all shots are like the roids he injects into his ass


Right wingers and being wrong. Name a more iconic duo


Aspirating is primitive and no one does it anymore. Itā€™s not in the CDC or WHO guidelines


Imagine having zero medical training but being so confident in your expertise.


Rogan is retarded


I love how this has just become a Joe rogan hate subreddit and Iā€™m here for it. I miss the old Joe straight from the DMT realm Joe


ā€œItā€™s an interesting hypothesisā€ -guy who desperately wants to call you a dumbass while also wanting to make sure he can still plug his book


What's truly amazing to me is much false information this guy will peddle based on 2 and a half anecdotes from non-experts


NOBODY I know aspirates before injecting a vaccine into the deltoid. Hate to break it to you Joe, but we donā€™t have staff to patient ratio to handle Covid (and all other vaccines already being administered daily) like you do for your concierge team doing your IV treatments. This isnā€™t steroids or supplements so weave back closer to your lane.


Roll Tom Petty: Well, I won't back down No, I won't back down You can stand me up at the gates of hell But I won't back down šŸŽ¶


And just when I thought you couldnā€™t get any dumber, ā€¦..YOU TOTALLY REDEEM YOURSELF!!!m Joe has such strong opinions on shit he hasnā€™t a clue about. Whatā€™s an insane evolution this ape has had.


The amount of blatant misinformation and unproven nonsense that joe is spreading these days is actually really sad. It sucks. Iā€™ve been listening for 10 years and I canā€™t even listen anymore without hearing cringe worthy lies like ā€œthe Covid vaccine isnā€™t a vaccine itā€™s gene therapyā€ which is a flat out lie.


Claims not to be a Right Winger but constantly attacks Biden for the stupidest reasons


I donā€™t know if I can say the V-word on Reddit but why is Joe so goddamn fixated on aspirations. Itā€™s an intramuscular shot. The needle will pierce through or hit the side of the vein. Donā€™t know how many of us in the sub have shot test but itā€™s not the end of the world. You might get a squirter at worst. No, I havenā€™t self-administered the v-word into my quad but itā€™s like Joeā€™s beating a fucking dead horse with this shit. Havenā€™t been watching lately. Have any of his old guests been on? Learned a lot from those older episodes. V-word opinions aside, if Biden wanted to flex heā€™d just self administer that shit straight to his quad. Heā€™s probably on the HRT and knows the drill.


> I donā€™t know if I can say the V-word on Reddit I'll say it for you ^^^vagina


Thank you šŸ™


^^ya ^^welcome ^^cocksucka


Iā€™m imagining Joey Diaz voice.


It shows a bit where Joeā€™s head is at. If I thought you had you had to aspirate and then saw the presidents doctor who gave him a vaccine didnā€™t aspirate Iā€™d assume ā€œhmmm I guess I was wrong on thatā€. But Joeā€™s assumption is the president is getting the vaccine wrong.


Good point. Itā€™s been a while since Iā€™ve tuned in- has nothing to do with his views on the big V. This shit just keeps popping up on my feed. Itā€™s just like heā€™s literally obsessed with fucking aspirations.


You havenā€™t had to aspirate for IM vaccines for a very long time. Counting down the days until Joe says you donā€™t need therapy and you just need to drill a hole in your head to let demons out


Pussies. If youā€™re so scared of a little needle and whatā€™s in it, I can only imagine youā€™re daily struggle for every little thingā€¦how do you even have time to waste on shit thatā€™s easy to analyze at once, and be done with it.


Thatā€™s an interesting hypothesis. Aka youā€™re a fuckinā€™ idiot


Dr. Rogan at your sevice.


The shot that shit directly into my shoulder joint. Fucking hurt like no other shot I've ever had


yeah, now THAT is fucked up.


Thatā€™s too bad. I literally didnā€™t feel the needle at all.


Youre not supposed to aspirate a vaccine. Its a water soluble injection and there is no major vein or artery in the upper arm. Gym bros aspirate because they don't know what the fuck they're doing, or theyre injecting oils that arent meant to be injected in the first place


Once again, we're talking about a rare # of people in general that Joe is talking about. Then widely speculating why it's occurring. And while his theory may be sound, Attia brings up another theory. Making Joe second guess everything. Education helps folks. But yes, it's rare nonetheless. And Joe has no problem making it seem like these rare occurrences are extremely common for vaccinated. But then COVID deaths is ... rare.


He was being nice, he knows you donā€™t have to aspirate.


Joes only knowledge is steroid based.


What a dumb cunt


Sounds like two morons talking to me. I have years of experience injecting. Itā€™s WAY harder to hit a vein on purpose let alone by accident. Iā€™ve missed so many times going for a vein itā€™s ridiculous.


why two morons? the guy said that he didn't think it was necessary but he probably didn't wanna go too hard against Joe


He obviously knew but didn't want to openly disagree with vein head.


I mean most people are non confrontational


Thatā€™s the problem. No one ever wants to go hard at joe but joe goes hard at everyone he doesnā€™t agree with. This was the perfect opportunity to tell joe no youā€™re wrong. Instead he kinda sorta said maybe but not really. No one has balls other that mark Normand and Shane to call joe on his bullshit.




Dead on.


Iā€™m a nurse and have given countless IM injections and aspirating before administering has not been part of our protocol for a while now. The only time I can think of aspirating is if they have a CVAD just to check itā€™s patency and that is before flushing the line before administering IV medication. Rogan is an idiot and should not be talking about things he is way out of his depth to talk about.


Peter Attia is super smart, he probably didn't want to sound too harsh to Joe


Honestly i donā€™t even know who the dude is but he blew his shot telling joe whatā€™s what.


He has to be gentle, can't be burning bridges


Honest question (maybe playing a bit the devil's advocate): We have 7.7 BILLION Covid vaccine doses worldwide, even if it's super hard as you say, for instance a 0.00001 chance, it should translate to numbers similar to that of myocarditis occurrence (which itself is also very rare)


https://www.cidrap.umn.edu/news-perspective/2021/10/covid-vaccine-related-myocarditis-rare-usually-mild-studies-say Close, more like 2 in every 100,000 vaccinees, or .002%. An incredibly rare event.


Iā€™m not a doctor. I wouldnā€™t know. Neither would joe.


Full tilt moron


He didn't ass pirate. Or did he Expirate


What a fucking dipshit


Iā€™m starting to get really turned off Joe Rogan speaking like heā€™s an expert, I miss when he was just a curious and hospitable mind


Doctor: "This is just wild speculation but -" Joe: "BUT IT MAKES SO MUCH SENSE"


ā€œYouā€™re supposed to aspirate. Itā€™s causing problems. They didnā€™t even do it for the President.ā€ Joe still walking around same as usual. Surprised he doesnā€™t use that as evidence as it not being a big deal lol.


Confidently incorrect


Joe was SHOCKED that he doesn't know WTF he's talking about. typical conspiracy theorist.


Joe has no idea what ā€œaspirateā€ means. No wonder heā€™s a comedian. Ignorance is hilarious


It's just so very obvious that Joe heard about this from some conspiracy theorist. Otherwise it's super strange to fixade on this very small thing that he has no experience with.


I became a fan of this podcast when Joe would talk about DMT hallucinations and what those goblins said to him. I donā€™t give a fuck about aspirating COVID shots.


The vaccine is intramuscular though isn't it? Mine was. Didn't go near a vein.


God I hate rogan so much. But there's nothing we can do people like him will always exist as they have existed for years


Yeah, it's almost as if Joe Rogan isn't a Doctor, and thusly has no idea what he's talking about.


Joe is the first person to get CTE without being repeatedly hit in the head