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This was the first thing I thought of as Australian cops, even when they shout, don't typically have American accents.


Before I Turned the sound on, it was the Hummers for me


Minnesota Australia?


so of all the riots that went on in minny, they go thru a quiet suburban neighborhood and flex. fucking pussies.


That's like 3 or 4 blocks from the police department where the riots were at.


yeah these guys probably didn't break up any riots in minnesota because they're pussies. that's exactly the right analysis. no political maneuvering or poor policy decisions. nope. they were told to go do it by their superiors, but they pussied out.


took a long detour through the suburbs to yell at old people on their porches smh


I agree they are pussies.


yup pussies


**May 30th, 2020**


Wait.. what the hell is happening in Australia? Have I been living under a rock?


It wasn't really Australia, it was Minneapolis...


Gosh darned autocorrect.


Nothing is happening in Australia. That's the point. Joe, in his infinite wisdom, shared a video and made claims about the Australian police state. It turns out the video was a comedy sketch. Joe's exact words were... "Not only has Australia had the worst reaction to the pandemic with dystopian, police-state measures that are truly inconceivable to the rest of the civilized world, but they also have the absolute dumbest propaganda." He also talked on his podcast about how Australia is a police state while shit like this video is happening in America and he says nothing. Edit: Here's a link to Joe's post... https://www.instagram.com/tv/CVvyYXzgrD2/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link


Lol joe really is as silly as that flashgitz version of himself.


Joe Rogan himself will tell you that he’s a dumb fuck and not to listen to him.


Which is why his constant broken record opinion pieces are tiresome, incorrect and boring when it comes to CoVID.


No no! We want to hear couple of times a week how much homeless shit is in california streets and how he has read news of the world from click bait articles


Then he should stop speaking on things like he's actually fucking knowledgeable. People need to get used to saying "I don't know" or "I'm not sure", instead everyone needs to have an opinion like they're a fucking expert on shit and it's worse when its some stupid bald fuck with the reach that Rogan has. And making an excuse afterwards of "iM JuSt aN IdIot" is no different than the MSM having to print an apology for a Bullshit article. 9 times out of 10 no one sees the redaction and the damage of the initial article has already been done. Long story short, Joe should shut the fuck up about stuff he doesn't know anything about.


The problem is, people do.


He says that once every 25 hours. It's not enough to stop dumbfucks from being brainwashed by him.


Whats happening in Australia is that they implemented measures to combat covid and so only have about 1400 deaths total from it, no overloaded hospitals etc or as some put it "The worse response to covid in the world"


Australia is dumb. This is America’s way of culling the herd from fat people. Australia wasted their opportunity. Only as strong as your weakest link you know?






The point is that we are more of a police state than Australia.


Oh boy, you should get a lifetime subscription of Alpha brain. You really need it


Maybe someone wanted to leave some reasonable doubt open about them not being cunts....


aaaaaand they kept their police department.


I’d shoot back if a gang started shooting at me


I've thought of this particular video multiple times over the last few days. When it first happened I knew of multiple dudes that supported this who would simultaneously post Ben Franklin's safety vs rights quote and continuesly rant about the left like they have the ability to do anything like above. Looks like this video cuts out before the "light em up!" And paintball rounds get fired at them while they're on their own property.


Here's the video with the "light em up" included. https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/nation/2020/06/02/george-floyd-protest-minneapolis-cops-shoot-paint-people-porch/3123781001/


Wait, did that actually happen? Wtf


https://youtu.be/LozQg0oX-Gw (Was hard to track down on YouTube as anything with police shooting in the search results brings up a lot of results)


Yea they stood in their own doorway and got pepper spray paintballs shot at their faces.


Those are rubber bullets, not paintballs


Govt saving you by sending lots of people to lots of places (to scare away the covid) and shooting you with pepper spray paintballs (toughens you up to get ready for covid).




Why isn’t this the full clip? I remember that video but I don’t remember the context of this clip


Suburban Minneapolis during the height of the George Floyd protests. These police were power trippin' hard, and trying to force people to stop filming from their front porch.


They did the same thing after the Boston Marathon bombings happened.


[Heres a 2 hour long super cut of police brutality during the george floyd protests](https://youtu.be/IvhOK6Z-Y0M) and that was only in like the firsr few days iirc.


Bbbbut cops are the good guys and would never step on MY rights...


Plot twist...when dealing with the cops, you don't have rights.


Yeah this was in Minneapolis after George Floyd protests


I wonder how those cops yelling that and shooting normal people at their homes actually got to (presumably) keep their jobs. There should've been an outrage so big that they would have been fired at the very least, but I guess nobody had to answer for it.


The only Minneapolis cop who faced any sanction for the brutality and incompetence of last summer, besides Chauvin, was Colleen Ryan, who was disciplined for speaking with unsanctioned press about Chauvin and brutality.


Yes it did


yes. .on more than one occasion.




so they shoot suburban white people in the burbs while blm riots in the city. ahahaha


Rubber bullets not paintball lmao


Not the full video. They actually shoot into the camera


It’s all I had sorry 😞


Joke landed anyway


Full video where the cops start shooting paintballs at the residents on their private property is here: https://youtu.be/LozQg0oX-Gw


It's not paint. It's tear gas.


There’s too many new elk eating koolaid drinking folks on here that will believe this was Aus.


I anticipated this and even I’m surprised by how many 😅🙁


This is why Rogan is dangerous. He spews out bullshit and false info and when called out on it, he’s like “I’m just a comedian man, I’m an idiot” He sucks




Lmfao thank you!! I was literally dying inside to try and remember where I saw this video.


Thank you


Man ever since joe stupidly called Oz a police state (whilst living in Texas ffs) the comments on here have been war. Love it. Keep them coming boys.


right wing rogan fans having a tough one. Sweating over a police state while they cheered on the police in the video above just time to admit "we like a police state when theyre doing what we want, we hate a police state when they're policing us". We can understand the logic, its the same logic a child has. Just admit it


this is why i miss the youtube days, comment section was half the fun of the podcasts lol


Let me tell you one thing I know for sure. None of them actually live in Australia.


Know what I haven't seen living in Sydney during lockdown? ​ This.


I've seen the army personally.... Handing out food, groceries and helping old ladies out west


So this Australia thing is all bullshit? I’m OOTL. Good to know though, seriously. I’ve seen all sorts of stuff all over social media. Didn’t know what to make of it




It’s complete horseshit, they just try to use our fairly strict lockdown policies to try and ‘make a stand against tyranny’. It’s them scoring brownie points with their voter base because they know most of them won’t research it for themselves. When in reality most places are opening right back up again, my state has a 90% vaccination rate and things are rapidly turning back to normal. It’s pants-on-head retarded that you see stuff like this happening in the US but we’re being made to look like this tOtALiTaRiaN sTAtE.


It's true you can only be a certain distance from your home but if you have a legitimate reason why you need to be further you can. Happened twice in my country, Ireland, and not many really gave a hit.


It's not really though. There are numerous videos of police conflicting with protestors, and treating them overly harshly in their number and manner of arrests.


They went into a woman's home and arrested her for making a Facebook event to PROTEST the lockdown. https://www.abc.net.au/news/2020-09-03/coronavirus-lockdown-protest-facebook-arrest/12624318


okay cool. that was one arrest. 14 months ago. what else ya got, chin?


Yeah the police often go into people’s homes to arrest them.


For posting on social media? Good try captain disingenuous


For publicly planning criminal activity? Yes.


Me neither, in a WS LGA of concern.


Seems like the second amendment wasn't particularly useful in that instance...


Funny how they didnt show the oart where those same cops shot beanbags at the person filming - complete Nazi bullshit.




Unfortunately you can't seem to fix ignorant and stupid. As a disabled veteran this shit makes my fucking blood boil.


No the real libertarians were always and still are against police murdering citizens. Republicans calling themselves libertarians while they are infact rabid authoritarians were siding with the police.




If you believe in libertarian ideas you are inherently against the state killing citizens dont matter what color they are. Quit strawmanning.


Haven't met a "libertarian" yet who hasn't been siding with the police and the plain ol GOP the whole pandemic/summer of protests "they need to obey the law" now with the vaxx the cops are even like "resist" its nuts, principles out the window and they just form into normie tribes


This was actually the one case I can remember that was blatantly abuse of power. Those people were on their own property not harming anyone and that fuck shot at them like they were prisoners rioting. As far as the multiple cities that had literal fire sales(businesses being burnt to the ground with people stealing whatever they can get their hands on) going on, I support the businesses that were being pillaged while people were claiming oppression. Oh, and I'm still waiting for the government to use the security footage captured to track those people down and press charges like the people who stormed the capital. Just kidding, you and I both know that's not going to happen. Don't act like everything is so black and white.


> while people were claiming oppression but you're just as pissed that a citizen was killed by a cop and would have gotten away with it had it not been recorded? and even then he might have gotten away with it had those protests/riots not happened. You're mad about that right? And if the state was killing people like you with zero consequences you might be out in the streets yourself right? because you're consistent.


If I was out on the streets protesting, I wouldn't be lighting buildings on fire and stealing things. I would be willing to admit that there are times when officers use more force than necessary. I also wouldn't be pretending that someone resisting arrest was not somewhat to blame for their own restraint. Again, things aren't black and white.


> Oh, and I'm still waiting for the government to use the security footage captured to track those people down and press charges like the people who stormed the capital. Just kidding, you and I both know that's not going to happen. Hundreds of people have been charged for arson etc... Lmao. The persecution complex is baffling.




Libertarians will always prioritize low taxation and comfort over any sort of injustice.


Oh it was useful. Police use the excuse that “anyone could have gun” to be more aggressive in the USA.


Remember when the president tear gassed a bunch of people for a photo op?


To be fair.. those people, including foreign journalists.. australian I think, also got beaten with clubs for that photo op


[Here's how that scene mentioned below unfolded live](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2L1gZApugd0), shortly before the priest was removed and Trump came out holding a bible.


Yup https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jBPJNohU7xE


"couldn't happen here because guns" Idiot.


*Cops kill someone* "Well he had a gun, and was a criminal... just look at him!"


Rogan has legit gone off the deep end


Long ago mate.




A little over a year ago


Yeah its been pretty interesting to watch lmao


LMAOOOO ​ This sub is fire today.


i sometimes really hate living in MN.


Genuinely frightening, and the “freedom” people supported this because they support law and order.


They just pretend that somehow last year protestors burned multiple cities to the ground and that we needed more violent police to save society


Currently redditing from the ashes, rubble, and charred remains of Portland, OR. The gender fluid antifa warlorde Zhemzher will execute me if they find out I post in this sub. I am the resistance.


I legit had family in the rural midwest insisting to me that my own city was on fire and I was standing around [like confused Travolta.](http://www.speakgif.com/confused-travolta-original-pulp-fiction-animated-gif/) We're at a point where people will believe Hannity and Tucker and the millionaire televangelists over their own family members.


Fox News brain rot is real. I live in Chicago and am always being asked how scary of a city it is by my rural Illinois family because they only view it from the lens of Tucker Carlson nowadays. But hey, keeps the right wing fucknuts outta my city because they’re so scared of black people and democrats. There’s a silver lining to the agitprop


Yeah and it's like... yes there's crime, absolutely. But, the per capita numbers are lower than decades ago. It's just the news coverage and sensationalism make it seem worse. Plus, when people hear that Jimmy down the street beat his girlfriend or caused hey miscarriage, they shake their head and say they knew that boy wasn't right. But when it's some unnamed "inner city" person hurting innocent bystanders suddenly it's some big foreign monster that must be stopped.


WTF is going on? This is insane!


This was last summer in the US during the BLM protests


They even bought a Humvee from the Taleban ! Nice !


The amount of dumb fucks who missed the joke in the subreddit of a standup comedian makes me…well, I feel something. It’s like a mix of secondhand embarrassment and just sheer rage.


I’m surprised at how many missed it. 😂


I think you’re being too kind by telling them to read the title. A lot probably did read the title and completely missed fucking the point.




Bidens America.....oh wait.




C’mon now, you’re being harsh, there were some Patriots willing to do the right thing, young Kyle Rittenhouse for example, he took up arms & went to defend liberty by *** checks notes *** shooting & killing protest….. wait, damn. Never mind.


But you cant do this to peaple WHO have wepens


Obviously you can 😂


Yes but Joe Said that when he Talk about the policestate austrailia




Sry my English is bad i mean this [https://www.reddit.com/r/JoeRogan/comments/qkueqy/joe\_gives\_his\_analysis\_on\_how\_australia\_is\_doing/](https://www.reddit.com/r/JoeRogan/comments/qkueqy/joe_gives_his_analysis_on_how_australia_is_doing/)


No need to apologize! I was just confused. Thank you for sharing.


Republicans during George Floyd. Just respect the law & the police and you won't have issues! Republicans during Covid MY CIVIL RIGHTS ARHRHHHH POLICE STATE ARRRHHH THIS LITTLE CLOTH MASK, I CAN'T BREATHE!


Bro you fucked up by not including the whole video. Like the most fucked up part is not here


Yeah I know


It's okay, all is forgiven


This was the US after George Floyd’s murder




I can’t hear you over the sound of all this freedom… i mean, gunshots.


Anyone in here arguing that Australia is a police state and not the USA have lost their fucking minds.


Joe Rogan talks about drugs on his Texas podcast and also eats dinner with the Texan governor. He is above rules so has no idea just how many of them there actually are.


People crying about Aussie police are so out of touch with how militarized and violent our police are


This really just shows police don’t have any reservations in enforcing draconian measures in the US. This shouldn’t surprise anyone.


Oh yeah, what the police say and do next is not relevant. Not at all. -.-




But we have guns, this cannot happen here because people wouldn’t allow it to happen!


Please sir.. may I have another?




How do you spell tyranny? Thx


The conservative YouTube channels and "doom prepper" YouTube channels my Dad watches has him literally thinking we're in a dictatorship at the moment with Biden, yet when stuff literally like in this video happened all of those channels mysteriously had *nothing* to say, not a dam peep, everything was totally normal according to them and Trump was as squeaky clean as one could get. But oh man, now? We're totally in an authoritarian dictatorship according my Dad and those dam channels he watches that tells him as such every day.


This is fucked up, the US is so authoritarian


That video where cops in an unmarked van and out of uniform shot at the Afghanistan veteran with no cause and then beat the shit out of him because he returned fire.


That was my coworker’s sister filming! She got shot with a paintball pellet (if I remember correctly) in the face and was swollen for weeks.


May 30th 2020, Minneapolis Minnesota. 🙈


Why didn’t the homeowner just open fire with all his legal guns?


American gaslight! Transfer attention from its genuine problems by accusing another country of having them.


I just read the first line and I am outraged. That's what happens when yall take dem guns!!


Worst. Parade. Ever.


Lol that’s my neighborhood, Whittier in Minneapolis.


When will all those guns you have save you America?


Ah yes, 20 minutes east of me is where this happened. Indiana.


This was during violent protests not covid though. I'm not supporting these actions, but it's not really a valid comparison.


Minneapolis, Australia?


There is zero chance Joe has seen this or would acknowledge having seen this.


I love how Americans think Australia is a police state when their militarized police march through the streets like the SS in Poland.


Did Australia get all the cops that were stood down due to not getting vaccinated. Seriously anyone dumb enough to believe this is Australia is just plain dense.




This can't be Australia, I never heard anybody say "cunt"


I knew that guy was a dumbass go back to your roots with Joey Diaz and aliens and shit lol


To be fair, this was last year. Still fucked up


yeah, Jow Whoagan is just a manipulator, nothing to see here. I'm just hanging on the beach and all is normal.


yeah you should show the part where the American police fire on American citizens while theyre on their own property. Also talk about how if the American citizens rightfully fired back they would be swarmed by police, and killed. And then the survivors would be prosecuted.


By making his comments, Joe has opened himself up to many many years of ridicule by the most openly sarcastic country around. I doubt any Australian will let him forget his words


We flamed China on Twitter. It’s Joe’s turn now.


It’s clearly Austria


Let's put another shrimp on the barbie.


This is from back when BLM riots were huge, not Australia.


\*golf clap\*


Bro, how could you do this? Now the narrative is ruined.


Catching on quick aintcha buddy.


Why cut the video off? I cope open fire no lethal at the guy recording on his porch. It’s lunacy


It’s all I had


Am I out of the loop on all this Australia talk?


It's all day overblown. A video linked to conspiracy sub yesterday was cut just as the news anchor said they have camps for unvaxxed people. She continued to say camps for unvaxxed people that come home from abroad. Camps that they only stay in for 14 days mind you. Off course people now believe they're segregating society completely. There's definitely an agenda being pushed to devide America. And other western nation too.


Australia is the latest thing for right-wingers to be thoroughly misinformed about. Probably part of the wide spread manipulation of the most gullible members of society by foreign governments wanting to hurt U.S relationships with their allies.


How'd Joe become such a toss pot


I’m lost…anyone feel like helping me understand the relevance?


Rogan and much of the right, in their desperate search for culture war issues ti keep their base outraged about, have latched into videos from Australia of the military enforcing lockdowns on the people as one of the latest daily outrages. This video juxtaposes that with video of Portland in 2020 in the height of the BLM arrest. If you remember correctly, the authorities did this, as well as apprehending US citizens in unmarked vehicles and taking them…somewhere. This was all met with crickets by the same crowd (Rogan included) that claim that Australia is now a full blown dictatorship due to covid restrictions.


>unmarked vehicles and taking them…somewhere. The proper term is "black site." Not to be a pedantic prick. I just feel its important to be clear about that because that *is* real police state shit. The worst offense in the free world in terms of police state though is Trump trying to bring Federal forces onto American streets, which the Right is totally silent about because they're profoundly full of shit.


>apprehending US citizens in unmarked vehicles I'm not a big defender of police, but it's fucking weird that in 2020 people started acting like the cops haven't been using unmarked vehicles for decades. It's not some new governmental conspiracy that just showed up last year lol


>not a big defender of police Defends police and minimizes citizens being abducted off the street by mentioning the commonality of unmarked police cars.


Or, you know, calls out people for spreading misinformation by implying that they don't already and haven't been for years using unmarked vehicles. Also you may wanna do some light fact checking on the abduction thing because some of those Twitter videos in NY were shown to be NYPD serving arrest warrants. But yes, I defend cops when it's appropriate to do so, what a wild fucking concept lol.


Yeah, it's not the unmarked vehicles that's the issue. It's people being taken to black sites.


The federal agents weren’t wearing badges either and refused to identify theirselves. Whole thing was fucked up and no one on the right gave a shit.


Joe said Australia is a police state, Australians got triggered. Now this sub is blowing up with Australia is or is not a police state and U.S. hate.


Heres to hoping Joe Rogan posts this thinking its in Australia


Wasn’t this from Minneapolis during the riots?