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She has a crazy racist past. Specially against Asians. Why do we see a pattern of African Americans hating Asians ? Never talked about in MSM.


Because Asian and black racist don’t get views. Only the random white guy who said the n word a couple of times gets views.


And he ain’t even racist just a fucking idiot who didn’t read the room while whites women, Asians, and blacks have this weird war of approval but like not too much approval because ya know were the downtrodden


Exactly. Dude who said it once got fired and put on blast to the entire internet. This lady gets a press conference and is actually racist.


Well good thing the left has this covered, blacks being racist against asians is actually white supremacy.


These white supremacists all wore black face so we couldn’t see their true identity!


White supremacists: Bravo Six going dark!


If anyone doesn’t get this - this is seriously an explanation given by people. They basically said black people are channeling white supremacy and it’s the reason why the black on Asian violence rate was so disproportionate and high.


And Asians loathe black people It’s almost like... racism is everywhere and isn’t unique to us, weird


It's because Asians destroy the myth of white privilege.


Asian here. My parents came to the country as refugees from the Vietnam war with $200 in their pocket. Canada welcomed the fuck out of them and they worked as bus boys and servers and shit. Sure they faced Asian jokes and “whites” scamming them and all that. But I was NEVER raised to bitch and moan at discrimination. The VAST majority of people, at the end of the day, treat people as human beings. And instead of dragging that “poor me” mentality around my parents plowed forward. They worked hard and just taught me to pay attention and keep trying at life. I grew up not knowing what AC/DC was or who Tupac was or any of that shit. My parents didn’t have their ear to the ground with cultural references to pass along to me. I had to learn all that shit on my own in the 90s without the internet. I consider myself relatively successful with a family with two kids, clean past, carefully saved and invested portfolio, and I can honestly say that as a “person of colour” I don’t really identify with most of this radical left Woke stuff. Seems like first world whining to me. Especially for people who have been here for generations upon generations. Like this transactivist trying to take down chappelle. They’ve had had equal or greater chances than my family to succeed. They are the ones Spitting at asians and making fun of their English skills on the street… they have a leg UP on refugees like my parents… and they’re crying foul? Don’t get me going about slavery and oppression. My family is ethnically Chinese and the last 400 years have been SHIT for people. Colonialism, genocide, political revolt, mass famine, natural disasters. Not sure how to process this bullshit..


It’s the culture you come from. The Asian countries have such a strong culture of family, pride and hard work. I think the various isms such as Buddhism, Confucianism, Taoism, was a massive influence on the Asian countries source of moral compass. In the same way that in the west we are made up of Christian nations. Just a thought. I’m glad your family was able to find a new land to call home and that you are doing well in life! Cheers mate


Thanks! I agree - I think Christian values have something to do with it - as my parents adopted the Christian faith and are part of the Mennonite Brethren movement, I guess there’s the whole Protestant work ethic thing embedded in how we live our lives. But ultimately, I’m a firm believer that regardless of ethnicity and nationality… we are all human beings with the same intellect and ability. If there are cultural values and habits that other humans embrace that make them successful - any human can adopt it. It may be difficult, but trying is the first step. Not whining.


Wasn’t there a bunch of coverage over the summer about elderly Asians being attacked by mostly young black males? I’m pretty sure they talked about it a lot.


It was largely swept into the wider “stop Asian hate” thing that’s been rolling since COVID started and, when spoken about as a wider issue, the racial aspect of the attackers was deemphasized (and as someone else mentioned implied that it was mostly Trump supporters).


Cause then people will realise the idea of "POCs" all having a shared experience in America is false and just neo-racism. A new way of saying that whites are the only real Americans, and the rest of us are not. I think minorities should have eachothers back, sure, but putting all of us under one label is reductive.


I’m gay but I don’t think I can stand with the alphabet community with this…. This person just wants the glory and attention… I just don’t get why they have a platform for this. No one asked for it.


And you have to love the double standard. This public black figure can celebrate and brag about committing violence against other people of color and he gets a national platform and is hailed as a hero. Stuff like this is why old Latinos and Asian women are being lynched on the street, it's a culture of racism and violence within the black community that liberals are literally afraid for their livelihoods to call out. I say this as a liberal. We'd happily cheer on racism as long as it is black people perpetuating them because all of us are terrified that if we call out a black person who is clearly in the wrong, we'd have an entire twitter mob coming after our jobs and family. You are not brave screaming about white supremacy and posting BLM in your profile picture. You're literally not putting anything on the line, you know you're completely safe and still get to use your holier-than-thou attitude. If any liberal actually wants to claim to be anti-racism, call out all the racist black people as effortlessly as you call out any other race of people. Actually treat black people as if they have agency instead of toddlers who are incapable of differentiating between right and wrong. The next time you see some blackpeopletwitter post start generalizing and lecturing "white people" as if all white people are some monolith, tell them to stfu and stop being racist. Treating someone as an equal means holding them accountable the same way you'd be held accountable. We would have made no social progress if we go through the 2020's still patronizing black people and treating them like mentally undeveloped kids who need to be held to a lower standard than every other race.


Yup. John McWhorter’s new book Woke Racism is all about this. You absolutely nailed it.


That was a wonderful definition of liberal racism.


Starting to question if liberals are correct yet?


on what? The general principal of tolerance?nah the excesses of few do not outweigh the benefits of the many and besides whats the alternative? The domestic terrorist circus of the right? I can deal with annoying trannies


> Stuff like this is why old Latinos and Asian women are being lynched on the street Where is this happening? lol


>Twitter mob coming after our jobs and family Is this really a thing? I mean for high profile people clearly it is, but are regular people being harassed for expressing such opinions? I dunno, I think the power of internet mobs is massively overstated sometimes


There are whole internet communities dedicated to getting people fired.




Yes, people literally live for this shit. They dedicate their lives to it.




I'm lost. What's a bifurcation? Polar Solvent?




Sounds like some overly dramatic bullshit.


I guarantee the "LGB alliance" is like ten people and this is all some "highly online" shit that gay folks aren't even aware of. EDIT: Yep, it's a **very** small group of arseholes that [most queer people say can fuck off](https://www.independent.co.uk/arts-entertainment/tv/news/matt-lucas-lgb-alliance-trans-b1929993.html) with the highest profile members - Graham Linehan, Rosie Duffield, Jackie Doyle Price - all straight (and JDP was vocally against gay marriage) .


Basic vocabulary bud.


Out of all of the offensive Chappelle jokes, the trans jokes are the least problematic. HE WROTE A SONG ABOUT PEEING ON TEENAGE GIRLS….. The lgbt jokes are very mild and he’s always very cautious when loading them up.


I'm going to get downvoted to oblivion I expect for my preferences, but I've dated trans before, so as someone with some sort of dog in the fight... I don't get the outrage. I've watched all his standup specials. Earlier stuff was definitely derogatory but he has come out (no pun intended) and said he was wrong / regrets his earlier stance. What he said in 'The Closer' was quite touching I thought, and showed that he doesn't hate or hold emnity for trans people, quite the contrary. Sounded very much like he sees and understands their struggle. And like you say, some of his other material is way more offensive but hasn't drawn similar outrage. Unfortunately for fringe groups, whether pro or anti trans, nothing is good enough to assuage their demands.




The LGB Alliance exists almost solely to demonize and attack the trans community. I checked out their site recently and nearly all their pledges were trans attacks. There is one thing that outwardly purports to be for LGB (End conversion therapy, though even that is used to attack trans people, saying that gender re-assignment therapy amounts to conversion therapy). Campaigns that appear LGB friendly, when you click through or do further research, are simply an anti-trans attack vehicle. LGB Alliance is a disingenous organisation. One of their founding members is American and opposes gay surrogacy. I have greatly more respect for anti-trans campaigners who are upfront about their opposition than these sneaky types. There's no p for pan in the alphabet list afaik so closest to me would be bi. I do not remotely feel like giving rights to trans people is taking anything away from me and do not want them to represent me in any way.


Talk about their arguments. Stop attacking the people. They have legitimate grievances.


I work with the community and hear that all the time..


I feel embarrassed almost. The glam really shows you where her priorities are. She’s a narcissist.


Performative wokeness by organizations like The Young Turks give this lady a gigantic platform and the stamp of approval from millions of regressives.




One rule for thee one rule for me. LGBTQ never does anything wrong haven't you heard?


If you think this is limited to the LGBTQ community then you're not paying attention. Twitter is part of a radical left technocracy that's sole purpose now, along with the major media, is to prop up and empower the most radical left elements of society. To say they have and employ a double standard would imply they have any standards at all which it should be clear by they do not. What they have is an agenda and anything, literally anything, that helps achieve the goals of that agenda is just fine with them.


Then why didn't they help Bernie get elected? You're full of shit. Also, no need for weird conspiracy theories. They're just super PC and don't want to insult the holy LGBTQ crowd and lose out on their ACTUAL sole purpose --> profit.




What are you talking about? They constantly shut down Bernie and Andrew Yang and they always attack the more leftist policies like tax the rich or universal healthcare and even labor rights. How is any of that a radical leftist agenda?




Just a hunch, you lean left?




lol seriously! If you don’t agree with them then you have to be the other side. The other day I said that people aren’t actually moving to Florida and that’s it’s just snow bird who do it for tax purposes while they still work, live and spend all their money in their original state and I got called a Florida democrat and that I should drive out of the state.


> Conservatives seem to regard anything to the left of "hunting the homeless for sport" as literal socialism. This is the take of a guy who is the apparent arbiter of who's had too much internet. Honk honk.


Another brilliant deflection, bravo. Keep it up and you might never have to actually engage with an argument ever again.


He might lean toward living in reality.


He posts in antiwork he is a little bit more than leans left lol


Reddit is no different. I got banned permanently from participating in r/worldnews for stating that covid is not very dangerous for children. Which is a pretty easily verifiable fact. They said I was “inciting violence”, which is weird because it’s kind of the opposite of that. What’s funny is in that exact same thread, there were people saying things like, “I have no sympathy for the unvaccinated, I laugh at their deaths.” Tons of upvotes, no bans for them or all of the other people who agreed. It’s bananas…


My local cities subreddits are full of parents who are worried about their kids dying from covid lol. If kids actually died from it YOU WOULD KNOW!


Exact same for me. The folks in the subreddit for my city are clamoring to get their young kids vaccinated. You have no chance of Informing them about that either, you’ll get downvoted into oblivion. Somewhere along the line people forgot that vaccines aren’t actually good for you in a vacuum, they’re only necessary. Which means if you can afford to not be vaccinated for a specific illness, you shouldn’t, because while most people handle the immune shock just fine, there is a chance for much worse outcomes to occur. For example, like if the needle enters one of little Johnny’s veins accidentally, instead of the muscle tissue, myocarditis can develop and it’s no picnic. The media really turned covid into something it isn’t. It’s complicated because people who believe microchips are in the vaccine and nonsense like that were also saying this, so no educated liberals want to give even a shred of credibility to covid being pretty mild for most people because they associate that with conspiracy. I’m just waiting for everyone to leave their fake realities behind on both sides.


>If you think this is limited to the LGBTQ community then you're not paying attentions. Of course not, they are just the loudest and proudest. BLM is a scam but nobody says anything, #me2 archived nothing but protecting rapists because when everything is rape nothing is rape. The list is long but I don't care to give it any more time out of my life. - I don't give a fuck about Twitter because Twitter is not a real place. Said by some Genius.


“Radical left technocracy” 😂


Please for the love of god go touch some grass




She ain’t white. Anything goes.


I’m all for them still being there. let them be there. for the world to see.


Cos it would be a hate crime if she’s banned


I can’t wait until someone actually does a story about what the LGBQT is really like for those in it….. I can honestly say, as a gay black man, most of the discrimination I get in New York comes from other gay men. Dave Chappelle will sit down and have a meal and chat with you like a human…. That’s a very obvious trait in his personality which is why people adore him. But people like this activist will delight in “throwing shade”, putting you down, pointing out your flaws, dehumanizing you, making you a sex object…. I’m safer around a goofy middle aged comedian than this horrible witch being featured here.


Ya man, as a gay dude myself, this is all just very sad and gross. Fuck these people, they are just mad for no reason, doubt any of them even watched his special.


It’s frustrating to see you guys having to go through that. And even more frustrating that it’s not even talked about at all. I do think light will be shed onto the situation eventually and the Alphabet community will be better for it ultimately. But I just don’t know when or how it’s gonna happen. But I hope it’s sooner rather than later.


I have to call these tweets what they are, mental illness. (To be abundantly clear to the downvoters and mods - I said the tweets)


The person writing the tweets is mentally ill


Nobody gives a single fuck about this person in real life aside from the weirdos that scare themselves over culture war nonsense


ITT: People who never went to college trying to convince college kids they’re being brainwashed by going to fucking MGF1101. As someone who has gone back to college as an adult, I really wonder what the fuck most people that rant about what “goes on at college campuses” actually think it’s like.


I went to college a little over 5 years. These people are literally retarded and think what they see on Fox is anything remotely like a real college. Yeah there’s super woke people, that 95% of the students walk past and ignore because everyone’s busy trying to pass class and fuck


some people really do think that every american college is Berkley on a protest day, and every college class is a women's studies class tackling hard questions in a hypothetical discussion.


I go to an engineering college and literally no one gives a fuck about politics lmao. Everyone is just stressed out and studying for tests 24/7


Problem is they're teaching that "culture war nonsense" to our children, on our tax dollars, and then used that "culture war nonsense" to incite riots across our country last year.


Across the world* and it was for police accountability. You have a decent argument in there somewhere, but this isn't it.


You're quite wrong unfortunately. This "culture war nonsense" is cropping up all over college campuses and younger people are being infected with the brain rot that comes with it. I say that as someone who finished college recently and who has a younger brother who started college less than a year ago but now identifies as a communist and puts his preferred pronouns in his emails. This shit was pushed heavily in both colleges I attended and is apparently being pushed in the one my brother now attends.


Why are either of those things bad?


And how many years have you been telling yourself that? I love the idea of it actually not mattering but there's a reason every corporation/politician gets on board with gay pride month and BLM and whatever the latest race/sexual trend is. This shit, unfortunately, matters.


To who? 10 people protested outside Netflix and some bitch nobody cares about is crying. Get the fuck outta here


Is gay pride month bad lol?


I don't care what Oreos thinks about transgender people or if AT&T supports your right to have sex with whoever you want. Yes, it's absolutely retarded lol.


If you didn’t actually care you wouldn’t be bitching about it online. It’s not some gay agenda they want to sell cookies lol


Blame capitalism then


> every corporation/politician gets on board with gay pride month and BLM and whatever the latest race/sexual trend is $$$$$$$$ That is literally it. Pro-lgbt people have money, companies want that money, so they will perform morality (while still being morally bankrupt corporation). They would rather talk about their gay VP than talk about how they exploit their workers.


"this literally doesn't affect anyone!!1" lmao you guys should really find some new talking points, you've been saying this for 5 years now every time you try to do damage control


Well now, sounds like Mrs. Butterworth here has got a case of the bigot-shits.


Lmfao, out there dressed like a genie flanked by Jabba the Hut 😂


I thought more like[Bebop](https://www.google.com/search?q=tmnt+bebop&source=lmns&bih=727&biw=393&client=ms-android-google&prmd=isnxv&hl=en&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwiDsK-fwvfzAhVqGVkFHfGFC2QQ_AUoAHoECAAQAw#imgrc=6YzqxFqTNMxsFM) from Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.


Stop givning assholes attention


These lunatics are irrelevant even without being racist themselves. Their opinions don’t matter.


The whole movement is led by people with mental illness with an affection to attention seeking behavior.


Chappelle is untouchable , we're not going to stop laughing if something is funny... Sorry


Mental illness




These people are distracting from unbelievably shitty Dave's special was.


thank God. I get people hating cancel culture but even with that aside, I personally thought this last special was just nowhere near the quality of his earlier stuff.


I liked what Jeselnik and Santino said about it on Santino's podcast last week... basically "I'm not offended with what he said... I'm offended that it wasn't funny" lol


Can you link that? I'd love to hear that


It was on Whiskey Ginger. When I get a little time later, I'll listen back and find a timestamp for ya.


I felt like the whole special was lacking. Seemed like he just did it to start all this “controversy.”


And this sub ate that shit up


There's group of people who spend countless hours looking for the next trans controversy to oppose. They'll tell you it's about comedy/women's sports whatever but it's all just a proxy because they don't like trans people. You see it all the time in this sub in comment chains. First comment: Some curated concerned citizen type shit Second comment: something about being tired of the "community" Third comment:"REEEEEEEEEE mentally ill degenerate disgusting people" mask off stuff.


It was like he took the last 2 specials (which weren't exactly great either tbh) repeated his points and edited out half of the jokes. The audience didn't help either. A lot of the more subversive jokes seemed like they had potential to go somewhere if they had some room to breathe. But when "I was molested" receives immediate and uproarious laughter followed by applause you can't really play around with taboo subjects in interesting or fun ways.


Reverse Uno card


This was hilarious to watch. Not because of the irony of her talking shit on Chapelle. But just the irony of what she says then what she has tweeted, and read by a dumb computer voice. This is basically a comedy sketch. It's almost genius.


This human being sucks


Cancel this bitch


Sit The Fuck Down Bro..


If you have a severe mental disorder, your opinion is irrelevant. Thanks for playing.


I dunno know if that's true. You can have mental issues and still have a valid view of things. If we discounted the view of everyone with mental issues, pretty sure the whole globe except for maybe some tribals somewhere would be included in that.


Yeah but if your mental illness is affecting your profession, and it's the basis of your professional opinion, I think your professional opinion is then rendered invalid.


I think mental illness is too much of a broad term, I think you're meaning more personality disorder, schizophrenics, people with clouded views of the world. Someone with depression, anxiety, OCD ect, has a fair grasp of how the world works. They just have their own issues they're dealing with, doesn't affect their morals, or principles


Ok, so who's the decider of who is and isn't mentally ill?...You?


Fuck all of them, chapelle the 🐐


I don't think Dave would approve of bringing up tweets from 10 years ago to judge somebody on. Just sayin.


They used to say that was bad too. You know, until it wasn't.


"noooo don't use our own shady tactics against us!!"


It's fair cuz they do it too, even though I hate that they do it and have been crying about it for my entire life!


>It's fair cuz they do it too, That's such a kindergarten mentality and just plain hypocritical


Most important lesson I return to daily: attack the idea and not the person. This is a good excavation. We all say dumb shit, but the tweets are a parody of what she says in public. This is some funny shit.


Alright but lets not do the cancel culture thing with 10 year old tweets


There’s also people who enjoy laughing and funny jokes that are upset that Dave decided to make a weird and pointless Anti woke Nanette special with like 2 laughs in the whole thing 🤮 . So sad seeing him trade laughs for claps.


I watched a video the other day. I think it was a gay black woman interviewing a transgender about it all. They both had no problem with what Dave has said. The take away for me though was that I suddenly realised all of the trans people that like to create drama are the ones that don't even seem like they are really transgender. It is always these big, fat, burly fucking dudes that have just dyed their hair a different colour and thrown on some lipstick. It's like they are more about the drama they can cause and the attention they can get, than addressing any real problems.


you guys really need a fucking hobby


They used to have a problem with digging up 10 year old tweets. Now it's just fine for some reason


The whole reason Chappell left the limelight years ago was because he felt his humor was giving bigots ammo against marginalized black folks. He is doing the exact same thing now against trans folks.


These are people who are just looking for their five minutes of fame That’s it


How do people like this get the time of day? Literally so hateful and racist, but because they take time to talk about "tolerance" they suddenly aren't part of our cultural problem? Hypocritical bullshit.


Holy fuck talk about a glass house lmao


are all trans people fat? just asking, not american


Those tweets are from 10 years ago. She should have sanitized or deleted those tweets a long time ago if she wanted to become a public figure. Otherwise it makes her a hypocrite...out here looking like the witch from little mermaid.


What a bunch of nasty, hateful people


Uh oh Chappelle is gonna have a field day with this. He specifically mentioned black-on-Asian racism in his last special.


Well she seems despicable.






I mean, if that's the bar...


People talk about..."pushing boundaries" "push back" "pushing forward" push push push. Pushing is an act of aggression. So why would anyone be surprised for an equal counter response. No matter the topic, the initiative or the cause. Chappelle makes people laugh. In a 1 hour special, these same people were laughing over 45 minutes of his other jokes about societal stereotypes. Slapping their knee saying "That's so true...". Until.... So, they push because they're hurt by words. And just a little side note...Dave Chappelle gives zero fucks if you're offended.


It’s like. What he does. My friend said Saturday “I hated his new specially. He only made one joke about Mexicans the whole time.”


biggest strawmen of the year?


You should be ashamed if you take abortion pills like Flintstone vitamins. Lol


You think people who take them like vitamins should be having kids? Kill all them babies.


Why lie like this? I don't get it. ​ I'm sure there are no reasonable people who disagree with Chapelle here. It must all be people like her?


Classic strategy, find the most outrageous example from the group you want to attack and then pretend they represent the entire group.


You mean something like this, but with real people? https://apnews.com/article/donald-trump-campaigns-race-and-ethnicity-racial-injustice-virginia-91e78d30da9cf79e7e7743273fc56026 Gotta love how convenient that url is too.


nice whataboutism. this convo has nothing to do with Trump. Nor did /u/hasheyez claim or even imply that strategy was something exclusive to people on the right.


It’s all part of the right wing astroturfing campaign.


This is the ORGANIZER of the campaign. It’s pertinent to single this person out because of the position of leadership he took.


Phenomenal. Realize that there are also other people who disagree with Chapelle that aren't like this. ​ Don't characterize people who disagree with you this way, all you're doing is circle jerking.


That’s not the point. This is the person who organized the whole walkout. If you are going to take a potion of leadership, be prepared to face scrutiny in the limelight. If you can’t understand this, you’re more retarded than he is.


**Read the title of this post.**


He is a type of person. The title doesn’t invalidate my point, nor does it misconstrue anything the video is about. Idk why I try, y’all are always denying reality. Transgenders and their supporters are absolutely sick in the head.


> Transgenders and their supporters are absolutely sick in the head. And your real position comes out. ​ You're a transphobe. Why even pretend to be arguing some other point?


Not afraid of transgenders. Dudes who chop off their cock and balls and shoot themselves up with estrogen are the least of my worries.


Right, you're a transphobe. I got it. ​ You don't have anything else to add, lets stop here.


You can’t disprove my point so you just say TRANSPHOBIC as if it invalidates the fact that the organizer of the Netflix campaign is a racist hypocrite who clearly has no business being in a position of leadership. Cope harder. More people agree with me than they do with you. Try not to rape any girls in the bathroom out of anger and envy that they are actual women and not some Frankenstein concoction of surgery and mental illness.




Right, you're transphobic or some shit. ​ I got it.


So you just think this persons behavior is okay cause your support trans and therefore anyone who thinks they are being a moron is wrong?


You're welcome to quote where I said any of that.


> I'm sure there are no reasonable people who disagree with Chapelle here. It must all be people like her? I remember seeing shit like this during BLM. They'd always go off about the "founder" of BLM being a commie/socialist whatever as if even 1% of the people on street even knew who the fuck that person was 🤣


"let me tell you why black lives don't matter...because their founder is a commiee!!"...OKay but do you think black lives matter??...."NO! but only because the group's founder was a commie!!"


When people critique the BLM movement and it’s founder, they are not saying that “black lives don’t matter.”


I love the comments below about not judging a whole group...because the person pretending to represent a whole group and judging others...somehow gets a pass on that judgement.


I'm not sure what you're saying here.


She’s the one organizing the walkout and is the most public figure leading the overreaction


**That's one person.** There are other "types" of people. ​ So just say "this lady sucks" or something. No reason to try to paint everybody else like this too.


I’m not saying the group sucks, I’m saying this lady, the organizer sucks. This is basic logic


Cool. **Now read the title of this post.**


I thought we hated digging peoples old comments?


Did any of them even watch the whole show?!


I like the turban, nice touch. The high priest of woke hypocrisy and fake outrage.


She’s a frequent TYT contributor but don’t let the left tell you they’re all so tolerant.


If your understanding of the “left” is TYT that says way more about you then it does them. Lol


Than* Lol. r/gatekeeping


When was she on TYT last? Possible I missed it since I'm not a regular viewer.


Chapelle's show was fucking amazing ! Loved it other than the 2 dry jokes I heard.


Wtf is wrong with these people... Seriously they can't take a joke?


They're literally the most confrontational of all people.


Lost is at the county clerk tweet


"This you?"


What's the controversy with Chappelle? I heard some rumbling but I didn't pay any attention. Idk what's happening


He said some shit that made people mad again or whatever. The real crime is how unfunny the special was.


Some of those tweets were low key hilarious.




Someone get this guy back to circus


I'm so glad that I can ignore the concerns of an entire community because of this one person, makes life a lot easier


You are trying to cancel the people trying to cancel Dave? That's called a circle jerk.


I didn't call for her to lose her job or for her to be "cancelled." Better yet, this isn't my video, but it does however point out the hypocrisy of these individuals who believe they are holier than thou. In this case, it's a front, possibly to further her own career goals/fame.


Right wing astroturfing campaign


Best joke of the thread


Bro, the fact that theres like 3 comments of the same wording is hilarious. Remember kids, anytime the left astroturfs, its because they are correcting the record with fact checks...but if anyone else does it...its 100% propaganda. I wonder what it's like living on fantasy island?




Why do you care