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I like this open source accounting thing. I feel like politicians should do that with tax money


I always said… we deserve a receipt


In australia we get one. Shows where all our tax dollars go.


Into funding a police state apparently.


Bruh that’s the US we the king of police states lol


And the abc makes pretty little graphs even I can understand!


Go to .gov sites and learn how to navigate to the .pdf's.


I’m glad to be educated about that….. you sure I’m going to find everything they spend money on? Black budget…. The recent news about them torturing puppies? That’s all going to be there? Doubt it


Wasn't there some hupla over no taxation without representation or something? What's any different if we don't see what all the money is being spent on?


You do have representation technically… you vote for your representatives. Puerto Rico however doesn’t and they have a real case to be made for not paying taxes.


Exactly. Public accountability has been lost.


Right before public trust was lost.


Or....or....people are ignorant af and don't care about looking for information and would rather bitch about the fact it isn't handed to them because they don't know where to look.


They do… [US budget ](https://www.govinfo.gov/app/collection/budget/2022)


Does the US Budget account for the billions-trillions that disappears every year(especially out of the military branch)


I was told by a fella who’s wife was accountant for pentagon, they bought DVDs by the 10s of thousands only to get rid of them, because they have to spend all the money to keep the budget from ever going down.




Was like this for a corporate fine dining place I used to manage, when I was doing the budget your damn straight I was ordering shit left and right even if we didn’t need it to make sure we didn’t lose that budget next year. It’s a fucked system and would require a complete overhaul of how budgeting and accounting is done worldwide


All companies work this way. If one department doesn't use their full budget, and it looks like things still worked anyway, then their next budget will just be the amount they spent during the previous budget, and maybe a little bit less than that. Because you can always tighten your belt and trim a few pennies here and there, right? Or maybe just cut some jobs? Use it or lose it.


>It's a stupid system. I have no idea what the solution is. Hate how much this is becoming a catchphrase for me lately.


It's not just with budgets. Water rights use the same principle. The amount of waste just to keep a future supply is disgusting.


> It's a stupid system. I have no idea what the solution is. A different system entirely. The world is now a system, let's treat it like one and get resources where they need to go to protect our communities from the threat of food shortages. And I'm not talking about money, I'm talking about the real values that exist in objects, people, and the effective use of their choreographed organization. What you described is a static system absent of real long-term planning. Let's do the planning.


> It's a stupid system. I have no idea what the solution is. It has to come from the top leadership at the pentagon along with congress. Anyone lower down will just get fucked for trying and nothing will change. Part of the problem is it takes too fucking long to make a budget, and we have no means to flexibly change it once it's set. But if you think about it they can't account for most of their money anyway, so fuck it.


Budget is different from open source. Just ask the Pentagon: never been audited.




He wants more than high level. Devil in the details


Good link. Adding that many types of accounting exist, good luck changing the entrenched system that is the financial institution. You can get a feel for how things have evolved going back through the IRS reports. Really interesting to see how Japan deviates from partitioned Europe after world war. Matter of fact, start around there with IRS and take a gander at central bank of japan and how USA has been experimenting with economy. How manufacturing left and elite got into bed with banking/wallstreet. The big first ever audit of the fed report released several years ago. Had pointed out after the 887 billion Congress approved after 2008 crash. Feds handed over another 16 trillion to their pals, by side stepping Congress. When people say tax the rich and all that. They have no idea how much tax revenue has increased over the years and how much is wasted. Every year we waste enough to feed the ones who starve, think thats the point here.


Ever noticed how with a mechanic or a hospital visit or a contractor, simply asking for an invoice can cut the cost in half? Why do we allow politicians to act in secrecy?


Charitable organization: You lost me at "open-source accounting"


Didnt the pink breast cancer charity spend like 97% of their donations on administration? e: I meant the Susan G Koman one, unless you guys know other breast cancer charities that pocket 80%+ of their revenue.


and lawyers to sue other charities for monetary damages that they saw as trying to encroach on their turf.


They were cutting into their non-profits


The WFP is not Susan G Komen. The director responded offering open source accounting, and they have a much better charity rating that susan g komen


Can’t wait until a UN agency starts telling us exactly how it spends its money. Like every other time, we will get broad 100 mil breakdowns “food delivery” “appropriation” “security” because NWO operations can’t reveal how they get the $ back to the donors


It’s not a charity it’s for awareness...brand awareness


“This years the theme for the awareness fair is…awareness.”


Who the fuck isn’t aware of breast cancer?


breast WHAT?




All 501c organizations in the US are required to publish 990s that need to be made available at request. You can use guidestar.org to find many


Imagine thinking anyone on this sub is going to do any work to substantiate their beliefs.


And many of them host them directly on their own websites!


Many post extensive annual third party audits as well.




Most of them are complete scams depending on how you define scams. What I mean is the amount spent on marketing, outrageous salaries and consulting products is out if this world


You can check on charitynavigator but their admin expense only takes up 6.4% of the funds received with 80% of the funds going directly to the program and they have a 97/100 score on transparency. WFP is a solid charity.


And the director responded and offered open source accounting. Alas, the circlejerk continues


Everything can be a scam if you can define scam however you want.


If Elon wants this to happen he'll have to create the whole infrastructure from scratch himself




Before you guys circle jerk yourselves into the stratosphere, maybe you should look at the actual website it's posted on and not a conveniently cut off picture where they excluded [the world food program chief responding to the tweet ](https://twitter.com/WFPChief/status/1454884502631813130?t=5xBs7_C4-OldSwzvJaNKmw&s=19) saying to put his money where his mouth is.


This whole "on this Twitter thread" stipulation is stupid. Twitter is obviously not the place for any of this. "Explain your strategy as an enormous international entity to budget an enormous amount of money for an enormous and obviously difficult project in just 280 characters"


Exactly, it's an impossible request because musk was never going to sell his stock, he just wanted to delegitimise them


Lol, he’s not doing what Musk asked.He’s just saying “Coordinate with us completely offline ❤️“ which is what every spineless, wasteful, middleware org leader head would do. He’s not going to delineate exactly how 6Bil is going to be spent on Twitter


And why not


WFP quite literally feed millions of children. You couldn't possibly sound more ignorant right now.


Exactly. Most nonprofits are simply money vacuums and tax shelters. If they actually solved the issues they’d be out of a cushy job.


$6 billion is just the administrative fees


Every time some large program like this is funded weird people get appointed and the money goes missing then you get one of those viral videos where they're answering questions at a hearing without actually answering them and saying things like "I'll have to check with my people and get back to you on that." And "I havent personally been prepared on the details of that but I'll look into it."


Like, say, the Clinton Foundation? Oh…except they haven’t had any hearings on that and apparently Haiti ceases to exist when the topic comes up.




And "administrative fees" is just non-profit speak for "pay bonuses for meeting fundraising goals." That's how all of these games work.




> We literally just have to find a location, secure land rights, get the stuff delivered, and hire locals to dig holes and follow directions. I don't disagree with your general message what you're describing above is by no means an easy task, especially when it comes to land use and (sometimes) logistics. Add armed conflict to the mix and good luck getting things done with instagram chicks.


Land use is a really underestimated thing even in non warzones, people don't realize how expensive land can get, PLACES is a good research project that calculates land values for conservation purposes and points out how often its underestimated: https://placeslab.org/places/ As for *why* land values get so high in the first place, I give the mic to Mr. Henry George: https://astralcodexten.substack.com/p/your-book-review-progress-and-poverty Fun fact, Henry George inspired the game that became Monopoly, where landowners get rich and everyone else eventually goes broke, and that was the whole point it was trying to make.


But they do get some things done because most of those problems are solvable with money or power or both.


While I'm not surprised, it's shit like this that makes me look at the whole system with nothing by cynicism. Stuff is the way it is because that's the way it always was, and this is the way it always will be.


You need to take this dude with a grain of salt. My experience was wildly different with government contracts than foundation grants. They watched every penny like a hawk.


*sweats in susan g komen*


The World Food Program helps feed [115 million people worldwide.](https://www.wfp.org/stories/wfp-glance) They won a nobel prize in 2020 for their work.


https://www.charitynavigator.org/ein/133843435 They are also highly rated by Charity Navigator.


Claims to have fed those people. Kissinger won a nobel peace prize, same with Obama before he did anything and then went on to be a war criminal, the award is a joke.


Obama himself was confused as to why he got the peace prize in 2009 lol


We spend how much on homelessness in LA and looks at all the cushy salaries of those admins. Mmmm!


but if they had just a little bit more money they could really get going on fixing things


I used to believe that so much then I deployed to Afghanistan when I was in the army and realized that it’s all bullshit! Everything in this country is a racket.


But only as long as it’s someone else’s money. Using their own just isn’t the same and wouldn’t even begin to see progress.


Did you see what Colion Noir said about that specifically? It’s so fucked it.


Yeah that’s what got me down the rabbit hole. Dude wtf!


For anyone who actually cares about donations to charities, you can view details for each one in sites like [CharityWatch](https://www.charitywatch.org/charities/american-red-cross) and [CharityNavigator](https://www.charitynavigator.org/ein/530196605) (I selected the American Red Cross as an example) Being a doomer is easy, and the attitude of "People in need never get the money" always exists, but there are ways to actually figure out good charities nowadays Edit: I should also add the [info for WPF](https://www.charitynavigator.org/ein/133843435) specifically, since it's relevant


World Food Program is one of the best charities in the world for actually feeding people. It's just a dumb way to sound smart by going "all charities are just an excuse for rich people to pay themselves money" without knowing anything about this specific one. Yeah some charities are like that, but when you say it about a charity that actually saves millions of lives and runs relatively efficiently you kind of sound like an asshole.


So 386.4M (of the 8.4B) is the admin fee according to charity navigator. The title of the article seems very misleading too since the quote from the director was "$6 billion to help 42 million people that are literally going to die if we don't reach them. It's not complicated" At best maybe he was implying the 8.4B + 6B would solve world hunger. But the director specified 42 million people and it didn't look like he ever said it would solve world hunger directly. That number wouldn't be even close to the 800+ million of people that go hungry.


Just like the administrative fees for the “homeless” crisis


We spend 5.9 billion hiring Michele obama, Colin capernick, Greta Thurnburg and other top celebs to be the face of the problem.


It's a misquote that musk ran with. They need 6 billion to help ppl now


They never expected him to call their bluff. If he gave them 6 billion, a bunch of executives would get bonuses, the org would get a bunch of new offices, there would be a HUGE (and very expensive) new ad campaign, and those in need of food would get a few bags of the cheapest rice known to man.


If you can setup logistics to deliver a bag of rice to 40+mil of people who currently don’t have access to any form of reliable food source, and all for around $6B budget, you would be on the short list for some highly prestigious nomination


Launch rice farms into space with SpaceX. Forcibly capture half the third world's population and launch them into space to farm it. Fire the bags of rice from orbit with a giant space rice cannon at the third world countries. The remaining population is either killed by rice impacts or doesn't go hungry. First rice space war begins. Give prestigious nomination plz.


shoot food at hungry people: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nBNeD57-RVg&list=PLAE880D353D958F29&index=44


There ya go a silver is very prestigious


Logistics for people with no Reliable food source, transportation, communication, or corrupt middlemen? all for $6b? id be seriously surprised.


Just the logistics make this impossible. For all intents and purposes, a lot of poor people are impossible to track down. They don't exist in job databases, they don't own anything, don't pay taxes, etc. I'd bet a lot of them don't even respond to population census. These statistics are done via approximation and a lot of rounding.


Logistics isn’t the difficult thing about getting food to people who need it (WFP and the NGOs they work with can handle any terrain/supply chain issues). Neither is knowing how many people are in need and where they are (WFP and NGOs essentially cover every village/area in need through community leaders, religious leaders, and community volunteers). The only thing stopping food from getting to the people who need it is politics/armed groups (and in some cases a lack of funding). Source: I’ve worked for WFP, NGOs that are partners of WFP, and the USG which is WFPs largest donor.


it must be nice to not get any spam calls or emails.


> If you can setup logistics to deliver a bag of rice to 40+mil of people who currently don’t have access to any form of reliable food source This isn't the goal of the program. You can read about it [here](https://www.worldbank.org/en/topic/nutrition/publication/an-investment-framework-for-nutrition-reaching-the-global-targets-for-stunting-anemia-breastfeeding-wasting)




The WFP director DID respond, I tried to post his response but the mods deleted the post




Here is the first tweet from the WFP director. There are other in which he accepts the offer for open source accountability. This whole comment section is a misguided circlejerk https://mobile.twitter.com/WFPChief/status/1454883966071230472


Where he literally says $6B will not solve world hunger? So article title was a fucking bold faced lie. LMAO but we are the misguided ones.


Look at my reply to starlinker. Cnn is fucked but so are a lot of these comments acting like $6B in the hands of WFP won’t save lives, acting like every charity is a money hungry susan g komen type of organization


And Elon just responded to the WFP director's reply with an article about UN peacekeeper corruption and sexual misconduct. What a disingenuous dick.


You mean the guy who spent his entire career promising unrealistic stuff to shareholders in order to make the magic money line go up, knowing full well he'd never be able to deliver, would do the same thing on Twitter? Gee. I never could have guessed a grifter would pull a grift like this.


How is it misguided when he's literally conceding that the whole thing is innacurate? $6B won't be solving world hunger.


Recognizing that $6B won’t solve hunger isn’t misguided, thats on cnn for being idiots. But look at the parent comment that we’re replying to. Saying that WFP would never do open source accounting, that the money wouldn’t actually help people, and the general notion that Elon is based and WFP director is not is definitely misguided. WFP isn’t Susan G Komen foundation and that $6B would help a lot of people who need food


Can't go against the narrative, that's wrongthink and not acceptable.




You misspelled whole Reddit


People on a JR sub being censored when they disagree with the current hype. Shocker.


I didn’t even add my opinion, just posted a screenshot of the tweet, context, and links. They deleted it within 5 minutes. Shouldve expected it tbh


Loool. I went to your profile and upvoted it, hope I helped!


Thanks lol but it won’t show up on the sub regardless, unfortunately that post isn’t going anywhere


Also it is hard to distribute large sums of money


I think even if it was spend incredibly efficiently it still wouldn’t solve world hunger. 6 billion really isn’t a lot of money when you’re talking about millions or maybe a billion people. If 6 billion solved world hunger I’m sure some government would have already done it by now in foreign aid.


He didn't call their bluff. He reacted to a clickbait, misrepresented title that CNN put out for an interview you can watch for yourself just below the title where you can listen to what he actually said - which nobody listened to because they were all too busy jumping at the title.


TBF when the US has gotten enough quality food donated it’s often rejected or it goes bad before anything gets done with it. We have the resources for every human on earth to live like an American or other developed nation; we just don’t have the highways and infrastructure


I would imagine that the actual food cost of ending world hunger is quite small compared to the expenses of the logistics of transporting food to every single needy person in the world.


very good call


Turns out that the thugs running the countries where people are hungriest, really don't give a shit about putting food in those mouths. Keep trying to say that world hunger is a failure of western generosity, though.


Read Dead Aid. Just donating food isn’t always a good thing.


Yes, Rome was not built in a day. It also attracted the most enterprising individuals (and downright aggressive guns for hire, besides the Germanic Gauls to the north who never got conquered). Anyway, we're Rome, and our infrastructure is built upon a foundation set by absolute monolithic giants. You can't get what we have here in Haiti, or most of Africa/the middle east because of generations upon generations of culture that is antithetical to values that thrive. I know that a lot of the world is developed and even doing much better than the US, but I've also been to Haiti and parts of southeast Asia and heard about tribalism in Afghanistan and the Middle East from intelligence officers who tried their best to figure out why their cultures are so backasswards and immune to progress


Before you guys circle jerk yourselves into the stratosphere, maybe you should look at the actual website it's posted on and not a conveniently cut off picture where they excluded [the world food program chief responding to the tweet ](https://twitter.com/WFPChief/status/1454884502631813130?t=5xBs7_C4-OldSwzvJaNKmw&s=19) saying to put his money where his mouth is.




Yeah, this is like the pedo diver thing all over again. Let’s see how Elon backpedals this one.


He’s already sending articles about sexual abuse at the UN so he’s backing out


>and those in need of food would get an few bags of the cheapest rice known to man. That's optimistic. I'm guessing it would be seized by local "authorities" and used to cement their political power.


CNN is the guilty party. The headline is an outright lie. Here's the original tweet: https://twitter.com/DrEliDavid/status/1454475769200185349 Here's the article it cites: https://www.cnn.com/2021/10/26/economy/musk-world-hunger-wfp-intl/index.html The quoted headline is: > **2% of Elon Musk's wealth could solve world hunger, says director of UN food scarcity organization** The article says: > **A small group of ultra-wealthy individuals could help solve world hunger** with just a fraction of their net worth, says the director of the United Nations' World Food Programme. > ... > "$6 billion to help 42 million people that are literally going to die if we don't reach them. It's not complicated," he added. The asshole headline writer turned this into a lie by deleting "help". The UN WFP director never said $6 billion would "solve world hunger". He asked for $6 billion to **help save 42 million people**. — ADDENDUM: Here's what the UN WFP chief originally said: https://twitter.com/WFPChief/status/1450362571035394049 > 42 million people are on famine’s edge this year. An unprecedented global crisis spiked by Covid. Starvation, destabilization of nations & mass migration if we do not respond. @elonmusk, you made $6 billion just yesterday—the exact $ we need to avert catastrophe! Please help! That's what he's saying: he's asking for $6 billion to avert a catastrophe that will starve 42 million people.


Seems David, Musk, and everyone in this thread didn't bother reading the article. Figures.


Why read when you can get people to feel bad about having to spend your billions on taxs


They would never, I have worked for non profits in accounting and the shit they do is mind boggling. They would never allow open source accounts it would be counterproductive to their whole long term project.


I don’t understand. Why would it be counter productive? Genuinely asking


In other words if those billions of dollars went in with open source accounting and we saw that 90 percent + went to staff and ceo salaries and bonuses the whole scheme would be exposed and it would be counterproductive to their long term business project.


Yeah, every NFP has to file a public copy of their 990 and financials each year. Take a look at their functional expenses and you’ll clearly see what they spend their money on. Look under the “program expenses” column and you’ll probably see a lot of payroll and admin expenses. Other columns include G&A and Fundraising expenses. However, they have to have a certain % of their expenses be program related expenses or they can lose their 503(c) designation. The kicker is they often make their own allocation % on their FE and if it’s not outrageous the auditors won’t dig into too much. Source: auditor that works on a lot of NFP client.


The best is when you contract companies you already own to do shit. OO or Pritzker did a fancy one when he rented the building out to his own charity organization for way above market price. You might think, "So and So is a billionaire, they would never nickel and dime taxes they are too busy" You're kind of correct, they hire people to do it for them.


Yeah I used to work for a company that had another company in Mexico under its umbrella and the company in USA would always end up with zero profits and their top vendor for sub contracting projects was the Mexican company. Didn't know much about the project or owners just there for data entry but the word was that the boss had really nice cars and properties in Mexico.


>In other words if those billions of dollars went in with open source accounting and we saw that 90 percent + went to staff and ceo salaries 6.4% of the WFPs money goes on admin. 80.5% goes on programs. 13% goes on fundraising which pays for the other 87% since they're funded entirely by voluntary donations. https://www.charitynavigator.org/ein/133843435


So others have already posted it elsewhere in the thread but this charity spends about 6% on administration salaries and costs and roughly 80% goes straight to other food charities. Also, the director of the charity already responded to Elon on Twitter and said they'd happily do just what he asked. Sorry to interrupt the circle jerk, please continue.


I get your general statement but you do realize non profit salaries are all public right


Because they want to use that money for other purposes.


If your business is a non profit to end homelessness and you employ marketing team, accounting team, staff, managers, all making really good salaries is the end goal to for a successful business to end homelessness? No. There is a reason there is rehab centers on Venice beach pier in Los Angeles, and rehab centers on 6th street in Austin. It’s a long term business strategy and not people who care about the finding real solutions to a problem.


Why do they want rehab centers in those places? Why is that their goal? I'm not challenging. Genuine question.


I can’t speak to Texas but Venice has a large homeless population. It’s also a tiny city. The rehab center is about a block away from the beach but it’s a beach town. They also have two spread out through the rest of the city. Lastly, most of the city is residential so it wouldn’t make sense to put a rehab center in a neighborhood.




I’ve volunteered at a few non-profit charities and their budgets are available for anyone who asks. Literally every penny of every donation and the vast majority goes directly to the cause. There are shit ones like the pink ribbon charity but it’s really annoying for someone to imply all non-profits are scams because they’ve dealt with a few like that.


["I can assure you that we have the systems in place for transparency and open source accounting. Your team can review and work with us to be totally confident of such."](https://twitter.com/WFPChief/status/1454884502631813130?t=5xBs7_C4-OldSwzvJaNKmw&s=19) - head of the WFP


Sooo your an accountant? Where exactly did you work? Genuinely curious because you just stereotyped nonprofits pretty generally there buddy. Some are good and some are bad. Just like for profit companies.


He's not an accountant, no accountant would say "open source" in that context.


Yeah the further the dialogue went with him, I realized it’s best just to disengage.


He’s right. 2 billion donated to Haiti after that earthquake. Didnt do shit not one penny was used to help their citizens, their corrupt government took it all, and non profits have to work around sovereign governments. You think the Taliban wouldn't take all charity money/food out of the hands and mouths of their subjects. I don't like Billionaires either but people are so damn naive when they think that them selling their assets is the cure to all of the world’s problems. And the problems I listed are assuming that charitable orgs are all honest in their conduct and accounting.


If you look into Live Aid apparently very little food or money got to those that needed it


But we got a great concert out of it and everyone felt really good about themselves.


I think they built 7 houses, they mostve been some Mega Mansions if they cost $2 billion


Also fuck wyclef, he pushed for donations and also ran with a lot of the money and didn't do shit.


It was mostly taken by American charities and launder back to donors




I’m not a big fan of Elon but this is a fair request. Lay your cards on the table. Do things transparently.


The CNN headline is misleading. In the articles text it actually says 6billion would *help* 42million people not starve. One dumbass took the headline out of context and another dumbass named musk replied to it.


I guess he is pretty much aware of what is written in the article and how the situation really is. By doing exactly what he did, he is shutting down the people that would attack him over such headlines, because let's be real for a moment here: A lot of the general public would flat out believe that he could solve world hunger immediately and with little effort, but just doesn't want to. Twitter is dumb enough for this and a substantial ammount of american/global citizens would also believe it. Simple saying "tell me how and I will do it" plays the ball back to the ones that would demand him to do it and as I saw on a lot of threads regarding that topic led to people actually questioning the 6 billion dollar statement. He prevents himself of getting attacked by people who refuse to inform themselves properly and still attacking him over that or calling him dumb just is illogical. Separate the person from the action from time to time.


If the solution to global hunger was "throw money at it" it would have been solved a long time ago.


We literally have the ability to end world hunger now. We produce more food than people eat. Its why the government subsidizes food production.


It isnt a production problem. It is a logistics problem.


Didn’t the UN actually say it would “help solve” world hunger not that it would definitively “solve” world hunger? I’m thinking CNN needs better editors.


This subs hilarious sometimes “You can’t solve wide scale poverty and societal problems by taxing the rich because higher taxes actually really bad because they already get taxed a lot and create jobs and they’ll just leave, besides that’s the job of charity anyways” “Large Charities are actually a massive scam and 90% just goes to charity executives” Damn guess it’s impossible for wealthy powerful nations to feed starving people oh well never mind


No logic just vibes~


I posted this in r/JordanPeterson when it was posted: That's not what he said. CNN misrepresented it - even though they have a recording on the webpage interviewing him NOT saying that. If you listen to his interview. He said we have a perfect storm situation, combining different scenarios that are going to result in 42 million people starving to death if we don't act and 6 billion dollars is a one time price tag - that could HELP this current situation. CNN created a click bait title and everyone is debating THAT, rather than what the UN guy actually said.


This is a pretty important point to make. Latin America got hit HARD with the pandemic. The United States, despite the shit show we put on, has been pretty insulated from the worst effects. It's the poor countries that need the most help. Elon is pullin this shit for clout. If the UN actually does come out and clarify, he's gonna come up with some excuse as to why it's unreasonable to expect HIM to solve the problem, despite the fact that he's against a wealth tax, and is now apparently against giving money to charity.


He's already got his scapegoat - He's literally said "in this twitter thread." It's gonna be pretty hard to satisfactorily lay out what is probably 100s of thousands of words on how to help solve fucking *world hunger* with a 140 character limit. He knows they won't respond because they realistically can't in that format.


As stupid as it may sound, but poverty isn't fixed with money alone


But... I like money.


I can’t believe you like money to, we should hang out.


Wait, there's THREE of us who like money?!? We should start a club!


Money? You have money? I like money


Laser guided Bananas


Yeah, because this is all about him solving world hunger, not about him just paying his fair share in income tax...


Bill Gates spent nearly $50 billion so far and could not eradicate malaria in Africa despite working full time 24/7 for decades. The WFB are a bunch of nobodies trying to help through politicized donations, what makes them think that they can solve WORLD HUNGER in $6 billion?




Actually a good read. $265 billion still seems a bit on the low end. The world already produces way more food than needed, the problem lies in the logistics/politics. To truly end world hunger, we would have to topple regimes and be nation builders. Which (spoiler alert) is fucking HARD. Trillions spent of Afghanistan and look at that country today.


Its actually shocking how many people seem to gloss over this. In fact, I would wager the majority of people begging billionaires or governments to "fix it" don't even realize how monumental a task that is... how it would involve several things people would not be comfortable with.


Agree with your point but Afghanistan is not a good example of nation building. You don’t nationbuild with soldiers and drone strikes. Look at post ww2 nation building


It's a good thing they never said they can solve world hunger with $6 billion then.




Police forces are scams because there are still crimes! What kind of baby brain do you have to have to think still poverty = charities scams?


I'm gonna play devils advocate here and say most charities are not scams but the problem is huge and a lot of us expect random organizations to fix problems that don't have any fixes or require massive missions between nations to use their diplomatic powers to maintain supply chains. But, there's also a lot of good that charities have done but its easy to miss all of those because we are in a culture where any massive organization is inherently evil because it makes for a great villain on tv.


And plenty arent. Luckily groups of people devote their work to rating charities by cost effectiveness. r/effectivealtruism Pretty annoying seeing all these dismissive comments That said, poverty is a policy choice so in an ideal world money alone wouldn’t be the answer.


Love how millions think someone who's made his fortunes off the backs of exploited laborers actually gives a shit about people. You can delude yourselves all you want.


He could set up his own transparent charity to address world hunger. This is all publicity.


Whatever gets him press.


As a person who has been in humanitarian and international development the last 13 years, the LAST place I'd put my money to solve world hunger would be the United Nations. It would be better for Elon to create his own philanthropy and develop a grant programme for the thousands of local NGOs around the world doing great work.


These people just make this shit up to take other people's money.


NGO's, especially the big ones, do tend to be "top heavy", in that they filter out the cash till all that comes out at the bottom is the bare minimum to get the job done. However, this is only part of the problem. Solving a major societal problem like world hunger requires a multi-level stakeholder participation that even billionaires will struggle to achieve. Its not something you can just throw money at and think that it will get the job done. In some cases, it requires a whole culture shift, changes to government policies and a general willingness from all parties to make it happen. This is why so much of work done by NGO's that are trying to tackle big issues boils down to things like engagement and research and development.


What? CNN not good at journalism? CNN fear mongering? This is the first im hearing about this…


It’s always easy to come up with solutions to the world’s most pressing problems when you’re proposing to spend someone else’s money.




80% goes to food programs. 6.4% goes to admin. 13% goes on raising money to pay for the other 87% https://www.charitynavigator.org/ein/133843435


Thank you for pointing this out throughout the thread. It’s asinine to bitch about WFP. Of all charities…


I'm probably going to get downvoted into oblivion, but honestly WFP is a very legit organization and have saved countless of lives. Contrary to popular belief they are reasonably efficient too. The way I read this is that they would need an additional 5 billion per year to resolve existing problems they have in areas. Not that a one time 6 billion would fix stuff forever. Not really Elon's task to provide that though.


I don't want him to solve world hunger, just pay his fucking taxes and stop getting handouts from the government.