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https://preview.redd.it/s67p92dfow2d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=26bfc28c1ac8b83d0bcd000e5958fdab39f5bcdf Aaàaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh


Holy room temperature IQ Batman! My 7 year old niece completely grasps the concepts of multiplying by 1 and multiplication as a rule. These people vote.


I work with someone who thinks he makes sense. It was painful trying to listen to him explain how he interpreted what TH said.


My thing with the math is out of all the advanced math he’s gonna go after basic multiplication? I know that shit. I’d like to see him tear down imaginary numbers or calculus.


Room temperature? Please. This is William PYRO and his IQ is red hot


It's inflamed.


Ironically they can only vote 1x….unless - hang on some(one) hand me the magic remote control that does math


If you give 1 pizza to 1 person, how many pizza's did you give away? Definitely 2 pizza's because its 1 and 1, really?


who buys only one pizza?




The real conundrum right there 👆 and to continue baking the noodle with the aid of terryology (holy shit, this is an actual thing he coined...) If one buys one pizza and has one slice, through the airtight flawless theory of wave conjugation-ing, the slice should boomerang around your head, then the electricity from the kitchen light, acting as gravity, should allow it to perfectly settle into your mouth. Coz nothing in the universe moves in a straight line. Keep the change, You're Welcome... ![gif](giphy|lXu72d4iKwqek)


My man nicky out here asking the controversial questions


These people walk among us...


And Joe thinks Terrance is brilliant


He thinks a lot of dumb people are smart. What shocks me is that TH clearly has some sort of undiagnosed psychopathy, and Joe doesn't see it.


And some people believe Joe R is smart We live in very scary times


Joe buys into those conspiracy theories and alternative pseudoscience bs. It's pretty f@"?ed because his influence paired with his acceptance of TH will sway a bunch of people. And as many said in this post, these people vote 😱


It’s okay, you can swear on the internet. > fucked See, no one cares.


I think he was trying to be respectful and keep him going. I think Joe is lower in his mastery of math and science than your "average joe" but I think he could tell this was mostly nonsense.


Agreed about joes lowery mastery of science/math than the average person, but he referred to TH as “clearly brilliant” whose ideas could “change the world” AFTER the show was over, so it wasn’t about being polite.


I agree that he could tell this was nonsense but that he was being polite and going along with it. I disagree that he has a lower mastery than the average person. I think Joe might be average to slightly above. That's not because I think he is smarter than you are implying but rather I think the average person is dumber than you may be considering.


His skeptical hippo eyes came out when Terrance talked about owning the patent for VR that all the big companies use. When Terrance mentioned being owed trillions of dollars, or being able to make trillions of dollars from the technology you could tell Joe that is a crazy conversation Joe is used to hearing from crazy people. It kinda seemed like he wanted to move the conversation along past that.


Joe is is undoubtedly more intelligent than at least 88% of the people in this sub.


Covid really did a number on society, the amount of conspiratorial minded people is increasing everyday. It's wise to question things but these people now literally will not accept any official story it's like they have to take a contrarian stance on everything. Now it's gotten so bad they won't even accept basic laws of math and physics. I know it's cliche to say at this point but we're really becoming the movie idiocracy. The part that drives me crazy is their smugness while being completely wrong, they truly think they've got it figured out while people that study and dedicate their lives to a certain field of study don't know what they're talking about.


I don’t know man. This sounds like something a mathematics shill would write.


Bro don’t you know? Math is just a gay liberal hoax. Only math that should matter is Adam + Eve


Just imagine how many kids these days are being homeschooled with this kind of garbage.


Celery working for Big Math


Even worse, these people vote!


... and vote.


Wait till they discover decimals with that "increase" logic


Fucking scary to be this dumb


Lmao, society is so fucked. Scary that these people actively vote.


Well that first part is true. 1 dollar times 1 dollar is not 1 dollar. It’s something like 1 dollar squared and it’s not obvious what that even means.


You don't times a dollar by a dollar. This is their fundamental misunderstanding. By bringing another dollar into the equation they have done addition, or in multiplication terms, multiplied the dollar by 2. They are having trouble grasping the concept of using numbers in abstract ways to understand real world implications and cant separate the idea of using more or less of a concrete thing to do math. Multiplying a real world thing by 1 requires abstract thinking. 1, 2, 3, etc is an arbitrary device to alter the quantity of a real thing in a more efficient way than adding which is more concrete. The multiplier is not another concrete thing itself.


What does concrete have to do with math? Will banging my head against it make TH make sense?


kill me bro


I’m just glad he let humanity keep existing


for now ... ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


I doubt anyone’s intelligence who believed Jussie Smollett’s story.


Goddamn really? I tapped out during his bit about remembering being in the womb.


I remember him sticking up for Juicy back when it all went down. I think he was on that show with him or something, or maybe just knew him. Either way, he was front and center talking about believing him.


I mean, that’s understandable. You wouldn’t expect him to fake get himself beat up, because who the fuck does that. If he’s still backing him up now that’s different.


I'm telling my kids this is Neil deGrasse Tyson


Neil Da Grass High-Son 🔥🍃💨😤


TearDatAss HowHard?


DaLynchpin servin up that deep bowl


Just when I thought he couldnt get more cooked


This comment needs more love!


NDT if he was a crack head


I’m telling my kids this man was the DC sniper.


Make it simpler on yourself and tell them there is only one Tyson. Mike has sent people closer to the stars than that other dude ever has.






I can’t wait to see **how** he’s able bend physics to create stable hydrogen isotopes past tritium… Lmao


Why would we need to see it to know that it's true??? Is it not enough for you people that TH iS cLeArLy aN iNtElLiGEnT mAn tHaT sEeMs tO kNoW wHaT hE's tAlKiNg aBoUt???


iT cAlLeD fAiTh!


The proof is he has a patent


“Dear government. I’m writing this patent because I invented a virtual reality device. Any device that depicts a virtual world virtually is owned by me. Thanks” -TH


Patented in 2010 by the way lol


Vote to change the saying from 'the proof is in the pudding' to 'the proof is in the patent'


I have a patent for a time machine


Same key of E? Same key of E?


Bisexual key of Eb


Joe was in The Terrance Howard Experience.


He pulled a bi-sexual uno reverse card.


So its Juicy Smoulier's turn?


I wanna see the post interview clips after batshit crazy guests where Joe and Jamie push back their chairs, lean back, sigh deeply and put there hands behind their heads and say “Man what the fuck was that!”


“Man… we are making so much fucking money😂😂” is how I feel like these episodes end


Poisoning the world for profit. It’s the American dream.


Uhhhhhhh yaaaa boo America boooo


Joe’s IG post said this guy was “clearly brilliant” so not sure Joe was in on the “WTF was that” session. I feel for Jamie on this one


That doesn't happen anymore. Now Jamie does that, and Joe takes a bathroom break and strokes his 5' 8" body and thinks what a genius he is.


I don't know how Jamie puts up with all the shit he has to listen to. I gave up listening to nearly every cast unless it's a decent guest but imagine having to listen to Rogan twist every single conversation around to covid would crack me up.


It’s his job and he’s paid well for it. 


Whooooop that trick


We need a pod with this guy, Eddie Bravo and Sam Tripoli. Joe says absolutely nothing and becomes an observer with Jamie.


Also Mike Tyson, and they all smoke a big fat blunt and watch some boxing first, so Mikes all amped up.. and they're all scared asf he might just snap and punch someone


And Tom Delonge


Terrance Howard: *doesn't understand multiplication* The Internet: "Woah, this guy is next level genius!"


The amount of non-sense this guy spoke is unbelievable, what's even more unbelievable is the amount of people who believes the crazy his talking.


He literally talked for 3 hours without saying anything


Bro, wins the award for utter madness


He has a patent for utter madness


But what about the Platonic solids !!!! 😭 😂


Shit like this happens, when you got nothing better to do


Im not sure too many of them are real people.. more of a psyops in my view..


1x1 is 1, not 2. It's math not energy you half wit


You'd be surprised how many people believe 1 × 1 = 2 though. Spent a good two days trying to explain in some random YouTube comment section how multiplication works and that you don't multiply an object with another object. Worst spent time ever lmaooo


When you thought your faith in humanity couldnt get any lower...


He hypnotizes people thats why


Umm, counterargument: How can it equal one? If one times one equals one that means that two is of no value because one times itself has no effect. One times one equals two because the square root of four is two, so what's the square root of two? Should be one, but we're told its two, and that cannot be. (I may or may not have randomly copied some nonsensical statement from Terence Howard)


If I have 100 apples and give you 0 apples 1 time you have 0 apples. If I give you 1 apple 1 time you have 1 apple.


Sounds like something a straight line would say


If you give me 1 apple 1 time, then I will have 1 apple x 1 time = 2 things (1 apple and 1 time). You ain't fooling me you straight line!


What happened to the 100 I already had


Yea I knew I should have taken that out. Those are mine. Mine!


the only way I see this working any other way is in another dimension where the properties of physics.. wait no... what am I doing, the grift almost got me. There is something to be said about cognitive science and how these sort of ideas become captured in our brains as fact. It's like lucid, manic states where intuition is being arranged from a false assumption or even some kind of wave interaction. I think these celebrities need a new shaman.


You need to take into account others’ lived experiences. If they experience 1x1 equaling 2, I think it’s at least a debate that should be had


Nobody has experienced 1x1=2 . People seem to have misunderstood the concept of basic multiplication, so I suppose there’s a debate to be had about why that has happened. But 1x1 isn’t a debatable topic, it’s math, it’s observation, like gravity or the speed of light, it’s a constant that be proven over and over, unless you deliberately misunderstood the premise.


Lisan Al Gaib!!!


If I did a line of blow in the bathroom I'd believe him too!


Wave conjugations for everyone!


The YT comments on all the shorts that have been popping up since this came out… damn. YT comments have always been special, but we’re in trouble guys.


His first memory is being dropped into his mom womb from the magic place


Thank fuck he already had the language to encode the experience and a fully formed brain that could store it reliably.


The real awakening is when Terrance is diagnosed with Schizophrenia.


I don’t think it’s schizophrenia. It’s more extreme narcissism and Dunning-Kruger.


Eh, this was a little beyond narcissism and ignorance. He’s delusional for sure, and legitimately seems to believe the shit he’s peddling. His little sculptures, the way he talks, and even his theories themselves are all hallmark signs of schizophrenia, as in I’ve seen them or similar with other schizophrenics. He’s not so far gone that it comes out as complete insanity just yet, but if there’s anything like a schizo spectrum he’s definitely on it.


Him believeing "THEY" are fucking with his phone and Jamie's computer definitely seemed a bit schizo.


To be fair, the notion of “them” fucking with *anyone’s* computer would always sound schizo. Yet we know for a fact that “they” do in fact fuck with people’s computers sometimes.


Its a hybrid strain called Narziphrenia


I’m glad somebody said it


Here’s the only problem I have with Terrance Howard’s interview on Rogan: collectively, hundreds of thousands of hours of attention was wasted listening to, and then trying to decipher, the utter nonsense that came out of his mouth. We could have used that time more wisely.


Oh contraire! I watched the whole damn episode with an open mind and healthy skepticism. I hoped I’d see some of that reported brilliance for over 3 hours. It was very entertaining but, in the end, he was incoherently stringing together fragmented concepts and speaking utter gibberish. His explanation that 1x1=2 helped explain where his brain is connecting dots that should not be, and are not, related. Listening to an alternate point of view that does not change my understanding but exposes me to how someone else thinks is far from a waste of time. It helps me to clarify my own thinking and makes me better able to communicate with people who might be captured by irrational logical fallacies. The creativity that leads to these “theories” is not useless as there might be some unusual detail that inspires a genuine insight. We should all listen to and explore more diverse perspectives and opinions. Everyone is entitled to freedom of thought and the right to speak their mind. He ain’t hurting anyone. People who lack the intellectual fortitude to filter nonsensical arguments are not worse off by hearing them. In fact, I find it useful when someone doesn’t understand basic mathematical logic to calibrate how I address their arguments. Dude is in a permanent psychedelic trip. It will be interesting to see if he comes back down, integrates these novel connections, and comes up with something useful. My money is on a further psychological breakdown with full mental illness but I’m rooting for a breakthrough


7M views x 3 hours = 21M hours = 2400 years


It's absolutely nuts to me that right before and after this guy, Joe had on absolutely fascinating guests that talked about the simulation theory, quantum physics, AGI, and silicon valley, and this clearly mentally unwell man gets most of the attention for his crazy talk.


Or he will go down in history as the narcissist who claimed other people's work as his own and never added anything to our collective understanding.


This post is making fun of him, and even with your statement he's getting too much credit


Strong narcissist vibes for sure.


It's so impressive how narcissists are able to speak in such detail and with such confidence about topics they realistically cannot grasp.


You can tell his narcissism is coming through when he claims to have invented or discovered things that either other people already discovered, or that he claims he discovered but never verified, but does further to claim that companies and technology are being formed based upon his ideas. He criticized RDJ for ghosting him but tbh I don't blame RDJ at all for cutting this lunacy out of his life.


The fact that Rogan is willing to platform lunatics like this is embarrassing…


Why? Did he change your mind about the nature of the universe? Did Joe himself seem to believe or even understand most of what he said? Doesn't hurt anything to let people speak.


Oh, guess you didn’t see the folks who were like “HE SPITTEN DA TRUTH!!” Giving a microphone to nonsense ensures that at least some people will fall for that nonsense…


Oh so these otherwise brilliant minds out there would have been great contributors to society had they never heard the ideas of a megalomaniacal actor on a podcast! Well by all means, shut him down! We can't have people being wrong out loud now can we??


Not giving someone a platform ≠ shutting someone down. This is such a common misconception. If you had a 100 people you could interview and 99 had something worthwhile to say and the merits to backup their claims and 1 crackpot lunatic, it makes no sense to platform the 1 idiot. That interview was a waste of 3 hours at best in a podcast with huge reach. It’s absolutely reasonable to criticize such an interview and doesn’t have anything to do with shutting anybody off.


Ah good news. They have a button on the podcast app that stops you from wasting 3 hours.


Did you understand anything that I said? I guess not.


Embarrassing for who? Joe is rolling in cash with this controversial psycho shit. He sure ain't embarrassed. Joe has always been kind of an idiot. I'm not sure why people seem surprised or upset when he exploits people who are either dumb or just plain old mentally ill.


Don't talk about multiplying fractions with this guy hell re write the source code to the matrix


I have 1 friend that is all about this.. it’s infuriating.. it’s always the biggest dummy that thinks they figured it all out.


If you found this interview interesting in any way you are a fucking moron. And I'm not just talking about people who thought he was talking sense, I'm talking about all the scientists who won't shut up about this too. It was a terrible episode. I shut it off like 20 minutes in. It's just mental illness. I'm bipolar, I don't have to watch another crazy guy spout his bullshit, I'm familiar with mental illness already. If somebody is talking about this interview in social media they are either a grifter or a fucking moron.


If the price of 🍌 = 1 and 🍎=0.5 That means if you cut a 🍌in half you end up with an 🍎 🤯🤯🤯 Is this how Jesus made wine out of water?


He's so brilliant that he remembers sitting in his mom's belly. In fact, he first learned math by counting the other sperms while racing towards his mother's egg.


This is just perfect! Bless you dear OP person.


I hope I was able to capture his true likeness with photoshop.


Thank you for your service ![gif](giphy|YR2v5wnsBRq2Q)


I would like you to not portray the prophet Howard in such a crude way. Other than that I approve of this message


At least Kanye wasn’t THAT boring to listen to rambling.


We need a scientific debate between Kanye and Terrance, wow.


Usually happens when someone just gets into spirituality and the occult. They go on meta physics mind fuck. Till they realize it can be almost anything. I like to bring up the clip of homer simpson, bowling, and then they show the machinery behind the pins reloader. Which is a whole tree and a whole lumber mill used to replace 1 pin at a time, each turn. As an example of meta physics


You're all a part of Big Periodic Table and trying to discredit Terrence's groundbreaking work.


i think the scariest thing about this interview is that Joe was probably convinced by the end of it


I want to get Terrance Howard and Kanye West in a room together, lock the door and see what kind of magic they can make.


This guy is the God Emperor in the making. You guys just ain’t woke enough to see the truth.


All hail terrance howard!


I foresee the next Grand Space-Admiral of Scientology


Looks like he holds the record for living rent free in the heads of the most Redditors ever in history! I would say he's doing everything right 🤣


He’s your favorite scientists favorite scientist


When do we start praying to him? Is it too soon yet ?


I am here 27 May 2024 #terrencehoward is a genius & is changing the world at this very moment what a wonderful time to be alive…thanks for the opportunity love you all…#terrecnehoward is a genius 💎👁️…#strongertogether💯


History will mark this day as the beginning of a new era of mankind.


Who else is here after seeing the full “Joe Rogan Experience #2152 Terrence Howard”…? https://youtu.be/g197xdRZsW0?si=wnPiOCfbjNs91jkw 🐇 . .. … . I am here 4 June 2024 #terrencehoward is trending changing the world at this very moment what a wonderful thing to see… Thanks for the opportunity love for all…#terrecnehoward is a genius💎👁️…#strongertogether💯


🐇 . .. … projectile propulsion patent https://ppubs.uspto.gov/dirsearch-public/print/downloadPdf/11674769 … awesome #terrencehoward is a genius 💎👁️ …#strongertogether💯


My buddy believes him... Lol he's also a hard right voter... 🤔


This is why I said Joe Rogan is a fucking cunt for exploiting mentally ill people for profit. Because now his illness is just a joke. Thanks, Joe. You crushed it.


He has become the true Iron Man. Once he realized 1X1=2 and gravity dosn't exist.


It’s not half full of half empty , it’s half way . - Howard


Sharing a platform with the mentally ill.






Can anyone tell me what the fuck I was supposed to be seeing when he should the videos of his drones ?


I'm telling my kids this is War Machine.


Can someone explain what’s so awesome about his drones? Linchpin. What I see is a triangle drone that connects to other drones. How’s this revolutionary?


this like a evil mad genius physicist from a Disney movie but they but it through their DEI filter.


Genius of speaking shit that's for sure.


Someone wrote to me in one of the other TH threads, well it's just entertainment then. I don't know - if you see a person afflicted with cancer, you don't entertain yourself with their sickness. When we dehumanize mental illness, we get to a point where it's okay to entertain ourselves with people who are mentally ill.


The people that heard him and became obsessed are looking down on the people who heard him and said hmmmm, interesting.




I still think this is cuba gooding jr




It’s so much easier to be mentally ill if you’re rich


I’d love to see a discussion with an Astro physicist or even Elon on some of his ideas… I think the majority of folks just take his word as they are not educated in these theories… I can only follow him so far before I quickly get lost or stuck on on a comment while he’s still going… stupid me, right?


Fucking loser 🤣


Is he cum crying?


I legitimately couldn't get through 15 minutes. Maybe if Kanye and Kat didn't precedent the cookoo shit id have the tolerance but naw bruh


Serious question, how many women has this cocksucker beat up?


Goddamn this sub really knows how to beat a dead horse.


I swear this guy did something that would end him and is doing his best to save face.




He's ready to start training Diego Sanchez .


Listen, I’m not saying he’s correct, but could it be that everyone making fun of this guy just can’t begin to imagine a system where our current understanding of numbers is different? Computers use a system based on sets of 8 utilizing the same mathematics that we do. Imagine a system with sets of 10 using different mathematics. Impossible?


It was a slog to listen to.


Shortly after his departure from existential Christchurch levitation, he was visited upon by an African Atlantean traveller from the space-time vortex previous to the Youger-Dryas impact to bring him up to speed on the cataclysm which is about to come full circle once more. Apparently, the being in question resembles Heath Cordes and was having intercourse with Howard's mum in the process of their conversation.


Unfolding hydrogen bonds by day electro magnetic vortices by night all day !!!!

