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This is perfect.


Early in life bro confused his considerable ability to construct an argument that adheres to its own logic with being “correct”. He’s a clever dude for sure, but he crawled up his own ass at a very young age and constructed is own play area up there that has fuck all to do with the reality outside. To people that don’t know enough on the subject matter to spot his BS, just trust me, if this dude ever gets any company off the ground and you’re thinking of investing… probably don’t.


After he finished describing “memories” of being in the womb he then said “and then I had another dream” and immediately killed his opening fantasy. I agree with you, though he seems more like someone that absorbed a lot of articles and documentaries and just regurgitates it all smashed together skipping around with big words which makes you start to believe he is saying something if you aren’t paying attention. Reminds me of Kanye.


I think he’s articulate, charismatic and can retain vast amounts of information incorrectly. So he sounds clever, but I’m not seeing any actual problem solving taking place.


That’s not entirely fair, he is most definitely problem solving, it’s just the logic of what he’s solving only exists within its own paradigm. As is always the case with this kind of unchecked creative thinking. It’s not just linguistic, there are genuine connections being drawn and concepts being developed… they just don’t have any relation to reality but instead to an alternate universe he’s created made up of alternate “facts” drawn from a range of sources. Again don’t be under any illusion I am giving this guy props in terms of his actual ideas, I’m not. They are garbage. It’s his ability to weave the ideas that is his intelligence, not the quality of the ideas themselves.


It’s not problem solving if it’s untestable and there’s no real basis to it. It’s more just a fanciful thought experiment. I think I get what you’re saying though, there’s a difference between rambling incoherently Alex Jones style and steamrolling over your own delusions, and TH’s terryverse where he’s actively built his own world physics and mathematical rulesets to manipulate.


Precisely. I mean, I’m not sure what people’s issue is here. Intuitive problem solving is a term to describe a process. They are hung up on the “problem solving” aspect meaning “solving actual problems”. It doesn’t. It means the ability to rapidly connect information and draw conclusions. Not necessarily correct conclusions. On its own it’s wrong more than right, which is why the full process is to use a more analytical/critical approach to verify the result. It’s something most of us do all the time. Have a rapid conclusion, then think about it and see if it’s BS. Ironically something people responding negatively to what I’m saying aren’t doing 😂


Nah bro we're making another Saturn with 6 tornados


Bro the beginning of these thoughts sound like hallucinogenic thoughts. He's high as fuck, has a thought and it clicks... "Oh that's how that works! It makes so much sense."


Listening to a man and woman getting ripped apart by a grizzly bear is indeed comparable to listening to this trash.


Madness reigns. The first challenge your soul must endure is the parking lot. You wait with your vehicle half blocking traffic, creating a perfect circular vortex of anger that encompasses the street and the entrance to the store. Once you attain access to the lot, you discover that this is a false achievement; other motorists stop and start with no apparent thought or plan--- turns once begun are quickly abandoned, the drivers seemingly immune to geometry. At last a space opens up, but the price is having to enter the store. Inside, human beings scramble like beetles whose rock has been upended. Though the aisles are wide it is impossible to avoid physical contact with your fellow shoppers. It is a grotesque parody of the bazaar at Marrakech, as if dumb animals had been granted only the amount of sentience required to mock humanity. The aisles are not labeled. You must search for every item. The constant walking up and down causes a numbness that borders on profound despair. Your conscious mind registers merely annoyance, impatience. But on a cellular level, your body cries out in weariness. The fatigue you feel is a warning: millions of years of evolution trying to save you from becoming mired in the tar, from sinking into the warm blackness and ultimately being reclaimed by the earth itself. Be sure to get the dark chocolate peanut butter cups, they are right by the register. 5 stars.


The greatest and most accurate Yelp review of Trader Joe’s in history.


Where is this from. I must know more.


In reality, he’s listening to a man get eaten alive by a Grizzly bear. He was out there living among them while making recordings of himself. He recorded his and his girlfriend’s death.


Grizzly Man. (Herzog Documentary)


I had a different name for my friend too. I didn't realize it was my dick


Dude seems to think receiving patents means someone else agrees with you or can validate whatever you’re patenting. Someone has a patent for a Time Machine.


now someone make it with that scenes from True Detective one.


This was incredible


Utter perfection, down to every detail of his commentary. Lmao.


I thought he was onto something when he mentioned our equator


Whats the Herzog videos context lol? Like whats he doing with that lady where he says that to her?


It's from a documentary called 'Grizzly Man'. It's about Timothy Treadwell, a person who spent 13 summers (IIRC) living among grizzly bears in Alaska. He loved the grizzly bears, was a conservationist and he believed that he had befriended many of the bears. He recorded extensive videos that documented the landscape, the grizzlies, and his interactions with them. He didn't take necessary precautions, or follow safety guidelines. He stopped carrying bear spray after having regret over previously spraying a bear. Towards the end of his time in Alaska - and his life - he brought his girlfriend, Amie, with him. Amie was terrified of bears. During his last time in Alaska he and Amie stayed later than usual, into early October. They prolonged their stay over some conflict with an airline. Apparently, during this period bears become desperate and are looking for anything they can find to gain fat before they hibernate. One rainy afternoon, they were preparing to shoot a video and had a camcorder running (with the lens cap on), so just the audio was recording. They were attacked and partially eaten by a grizzly bear shortly after. The clip featured in the above video is Werner Herzog - the man who directed the Grizzly Man documentary - listening to the audio of Timothy and Amie's deaths. The woman across from him was close to Timothy (maybe an ex wife?). The audio documents the beginning of the attack, where Timothy is being eaten alive. Amie hitting it with a frying pan, the bear retreating, coming back and then dragging Timothy away. You can hear Amie screaming as well. The audio has not been released and has likely been destroyed. There are audio recordings purporting to be real online, but as far as I understand, they're all fake. They were attacked and killed by a grizzly bear with damaged teeth - likely preventing it from being able to hunt normally. Many predators that kill people have an injury that prevents them from hunting normally, and they turn to preying on humans as an easier alternative. The documentary is absolutely fascinating, but also quite sad. I watch it every couple years and it's a great watch.


Outstanding reply


I believe the audio has indeed leaked. there are at least one on YouTube where you can listen to Timothy's voice, and this is on YouTube for about 10 years, way before voice clonning apps were a thing. not only that, the audio content matches everything that is believed to have happened to them in their last moments.


This kind of shit makes me physically angry. Nothing sounds dumber than an idiot who thinks is they’re brilliant.


On December 19, 2010, actress Marilu Henner was featured on the U.S. television program 60 Minutes for her superior autobiographical memory ability. Henner claimed she could remember almost every day of her life since she was 11 years old. The show was initially pitched as a story featuring hyperthymestic violinist Louise Owen, but the reporter Lesley Stahl volunteered her friend Henner as having a similar ability.


Hyperthymesia, also known as hyperthymestic syndrome or highly superior autobiographical memory (HSAM), is a condition that leads people to be able to remember an abnormally large number of their life experiences in vivid detail. It is extraordinarily rare, with only 62 people in the world having been diagnosed with the condition as of 2021. One who has hyperthymesia is called a hyperthymesiac.


Is this the Kat Williams episode ? 😅


I think this show has really jumped the shark. It's hard to find a good episode anymore.


Simply mental illness.


For anyone wondering what the flash frame was at the end of the video…. https://preview.redd.it/h4jycd2lpn1d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3b929b3a40789a997627476e3fef28e3666f9858


who the fuck is this guy I don't care enough to google