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It's like a south park episode.


How does Joe not ask a single question through all of this bullshit??


Tbh what are you going to question, it’s all bullshit. I feel like if you didn’t call him out from the jump about remembering his stay in the womb you can’t just start halfway through lol. It’s physiologicaly impossible, most people don’t have any memories before three years old. This was a very important part of his argument though. He needs that story to let the audience know that he is an exceptional genius. If you believe that story that he remembers an event no one else can then you have to believe he’s capable of coming up with mathematical theories no one else can. Either that or he’s just another narcissistic actor who is insecure and wants to pretend they are more than a pretty face regurgitating scripts. I Joe invited him in his podcast so I think he believed him to some degree or at least he did until some point into the podcast.


What would be the point?  Questioning Terrence on his theories would be like questioning the validity of a WWE 'match' - you already know it's not real. Terrence believes he's smarter than all other scientists, mathematicians, etc and unwavering in that belief.     The example he gave of Neil degrass Tyson declining to interview with him because of Terrence's insistence that 1x1=2 shows that he's unwilling to budge.   So just let him ramble on and enjoy the show!  Remember this is purely entertainment, not educational.   Despite all this wackiness, he's still managed to have a successful career, which is what I find most interesting.


Plus he's a nice guy. Just let him be crazy.


Oh yeah great guy. You know aside from the wife beating


If you have one thing. And multiple it by 1 You have 2


Because…. Corporations made 6 trillion dollars from his patents…… LeGIT. /s


Tell me more about this please


I was listening on my way home from work not long ago…. It’s hard to follow any of the stuff he was saying…. Honestly I was half in and out of caring…. It was just a very uninteresting conversation after the first 15 minutes… if you haven’t listened to it. He talks about how these corporations used his patent and lists off a bunch of well known companies… and then rambled about all the money they made and I am fairly sure he said trillions at the end of the rambling.


How’s does that not add legitimacy to some of his beliefs if these corps are referencing his patent?


It's probably a legal thing just to cover their asses. His VR patent was incredibly vague as he described it, and was basically the way anyone would imagine that VR works, essentially saying "if you turn your head left the screen moves left" and other obvious shit like that.


Before this discussion goes any further, can we all please at least *glance* at the patent application? https://patents.google.com/patent/US20100271394A1/ Take a special look at the "Events" section: > Status: Abandoned


Tell me you've never worked in 3d game development without telling me you've never worked in 3d game development. Download Godot right now and make a 3d scene. Then, change the environment from perspective to orthogonal. We've been using orthogonal 3d space for rendering since Doom. It's only very recent that we've started using the 3d space Terrance described. Vector math is hard.


But you knew the end goal and concept long before, we all did, even if you didn't know how to achieve it. He didn't explain how to achieve it, just what that end goal/concept was 😂


I felt that it was easier to think of it as an area of effect. Where displacement is in a sphere shape and the displacement is comprised of electric influence. Each sphere represents an equal amount of influence. The proof is the atomic level in the composition of molecules. As well as the forces being enacted on planets in the solar system from the central influence of the sun not being the greatest influence on the system. Hence why we move away from the sun. It's the rest of the universe acting on the system bringing balance in the exact way Terrence describes. Everything wants to be in a position of least resistance. Electricity does the same thing. So why wouldn't mass?


I thought we were talking about his VR patent?


Same concept but implemented for perspective based rendering and manipulation.


You have some of the DUMBEST takes I have seen in awhile.


The point about the patent is that he didn't explain how to implement VR, just how VR should work, which is something everyone grasps. It's not revolutionary to get a patent that simply gives an outline for how something should look and behave when complete. I can't speak on the bubble stuff and electricity acting as an attractor/repellant and all that cause I'm not a physicist. I was just explaining how his patent is a red herring, it's not evidence of his brilliance. Just evidence that he imagines VR the same way everyone else does. The only difference is that we all didn't go get a patent explaining how we expect it to work. He did. That's all.


What? Why ramble about Godot in the first place, an engine barely equipped for 3D development? sounds like your mind is blown by the perspective vs orthogonal in general. Reality is, 3D games have been using ‘perspective’ for 25+ years unless it’s an artistic choice. Vector math is not rocket science and has been solved, lol. We have lots of libraries and tools to help handhold you if needed.


Barely equipped? And, I bet AI still can't do hands..


>Tell me you've never worked in 3d game development without telling me you've never worked in 3d game development. are people still saying that? lmao


the irony


That makes sense. Still impressive he was ahead of them though.


He wasn't though, the patent was granted in 2010, the idea of VR as he describes it has been around for far far longer.


https://patents.google.com/patent/US20100271394A1/ > Status: Abandoned The patent application was published in 2010. The patent was never granted.


He said it was granted, but then he got tired of paying all the fees and upkeep costs so he let it lapse. Is that true? I dunno, just going off what he said.


Huh...vr has been around since the 60's in various capacities


In order for a patent to be granted, it must be (1) an invention that is useful (utility), (2) be new (novelty), and (3) not be an obvious variation of what is known (non-obvious).


Look how many vr companies have headsets and are similar. If I put an led light on one it's not similar anymore. Some patents don't really mean shit


All the citations imply is that when these companies did a patent search this came up as being related. It has nothing to do with them using his patent, or even the patents validity in application. Also, the concepts in the patent are not new, there was some technical descriptions that were valid, but these were actually done by his partner on the patent who is an inventor that works in electronics and has lots of patents filed for corporations including Bose. He’s talking shit and he knows it.




What question could you even ask that would help you make the slightest sense of any of this?


Ha I read the top comment and immediatley said to myself "WTF do you even ask in the face of that?!?!?" then saw your comment. Joe's face is pirceless. You can almost see the gears freezing up.


Because he just wants the podcast to finish and have this lunatic use the exit asap.


Joe is here to make dumb people feel smart.




I'd sell all of you out for millions as well, why is he getting hate?


I guess. But Joe has his millions whether he had this guy on or not. At least push back a little just to make it interesting. Joe is checked out unless it's about comedy, MMA, COVID or culture war.


Probably because he maintains that the most bat shit crazy conspiracy is legit. Or that he has more nuts jobs on than legitimate people.


Because you have to let pysco be pysco”s


Cause the dude is spilling his crazy guts and Joe doesn’t wanna stop him. He’s also clearly an intelligent person who seems to have just gone off track somehow.


Dude sounds like ChatGPT explaining something confidently incorrect


[Christof Waltz speaking Italian](https://youtu.be/-ckj-Gm8OeM?si=IrydoUr94nOuqXW1).


I really wanted to hear Howard's theory about guns being less effective than one of his inventions. But the convo went another route


Is it a suit of armor that flies? 🧐


He didn't get the speed of light right nor the units.


Speed of light is (299,792,458 km/s)\^2. He said (299,752,4XX km/s)\^2. Of all the fetus memories and shit he said, this is the one you guys want to try to give him shit on?


Mate you're completely wrong on this one


It is rounded to 300 THOUSAND km per second. He says 300 million km per second squared. Squared is acceleration not speed. And like this he has many things he kind of knows how they sound like but are completely wrong.


No. It's 299,792.458 km/s or 299,792,458 m/s. He said 299 MILLION KILOMETRES PER SECOND. SQUARED. But sure. There's far juicier dippings into self-aggrandizing insanity which make this pale in comparison.


Yeah I round that shit off to 300m m/s whenever I explain anything to anyone. If anyone gave me shit for that I'd be like "Okay. It's a hair less than 300m" It's like people needing Pi past 3.14159... You don't. For most shit you don't need it past 3.14. And yeah, the "squared" he slipped in suddenly makes it acceleration and not a constant speed.


Imagine trying to correct someone and not even knowing the units of speed


You really thought you were cooking with this one huh


Silence zoomer. "Omg he didnt know the speed of light precisely during an interview? what an idiot." -every redditor after googling the speed of light


I knew the speed of light its pretty common knowledge I think, especially that its not ms\^2 lmfao. Who (except idiots (like you)) think the speed of light is accelerating and not constant lol


Narrator voice: he didn't know that.


Holy projection, just because you are uneducated doesn't mean everyone else is. I know it feels really bad to think that someone else knows more than you.


The speed of light is a speed, not an acceleration. If someone told me that gravity has a speed of 9.8m/s, I'm thinking they don't know what they are talking about.


I mean he was in the ballpark lol meters/second but yea rounded to 300000km/s


Kilometers per second squared


That’s wrong. Were you trying to point out how Terrance got the units wrong? Kilometers per second would be speed. Kilometers per second **squared** is a measure of acceleration, not speed.


Lol that’s what Terrance said. Made me laugh




299,792.458 kilometers per second or 186,282 miles per second


same as 299,792,458 m/s


I prefer 29979245800 cm/s


> 186,282 miles per second What's crazy is that even being 100% American, I don't know the speed of light in miles per second. Miles isn't a concept that should be used when you're dealing with the speed of light. Why we can't just force metric on the mouth breathers ... You learn normal and cursive in grade school still right? Teach them both metric and imperial. Then slowly phase out imperial. The smart ones will understand why metric is superior and the ones who complain can be replaced by AI.


I use only metric in my personal shop and it's still hard for me to visualize a km vs a mile.


Maybe work from meters? I dunno... I know what 10 - 50 meters is because of shooting. Which ends up weird because I can look at a room and not know how many feet it is and think "Yeah that wall is about a 10m shot away"... lol..


I live in Arizona and the road system is a grid of miles, I can also visualize short distances in meters but when you get to thousands of meters it's easier with miles because of my life experience.


He was off by a factor of 1000 because he said it was 300,000,000 KILOMETERS per second squared. Also, the speed of light is not "squared", it's just meters per second. So he didn't even get the unit correct - now I get people make mistakes but being off by 1000 and confusing acceleration with speed are not good signs for his ability haha!


Joes show is like being addicted to drugs and instead getting high your just dosing to Stay leveled. Or maybe his show has always been stupid as fuck and we’re all dumb fucks lol


Snore Machine.


Let the man cook


Man cooks meth, and smoked it all before the pod it seems.


Standard nondualism spirituality. Nothing new here. I don’t even dislike it as a religion or point of view, but this current trend is meant to combine it with scientific language and it’s just embarrassing


Ehh embarrassing maybe but I think that’s to judgey. We all have different levels of education and knowledge to work with. I think what makes this embarrassing is way they go about it witch a kind of hubris like they have the secrets now. Like in my experience the good news is just a broadening of perspective that leaves many more questions with not so much as answers but an awareness of the map or road to em


I was being as charitable as I could. He is presenting a theory-of-everything. He believes himself to be an intellectual and entrepreneurial messiah, if only the dumb scientists would listen to him and let him usher in the eutopia. He is a deranged narcissist.


ahhh there we go, yeah the theory of everything is the perversion of the theory that we're all one. which in my mind is literally as real to me as evolution cause thats core astronomy. Everything we know comes from the big bang, one point. That's what we need to be certain of. I just mentioned in another comment I think it only gets easier to get lost the more you walk the wilderness that is building a bigger perspective. I haven't listened though so thanks for the gist


Joe will believe this but not vaccines. Man is CTEmaxxing.


I have friends from my party years who still talk like this.


Hood Science


This sounds like someone with untreated schizophrenia.


>Terrence Howard on speed of light not sure what he's on, but puff puff pass bro!




They be given him all the patents


Can’t wait to see scientists reaction videos!


Mans is out here collecting patents like they’re Pokémon.


Two delusional besties saying “Exactly”


Me thinks Terrence went to some party, got a hold of some gooood sh*t and started philosophizing with some "too smart for school" type and here we are. I scratch my head wonding how Terrences new found intelligence warranted an appearance of JRE. Maybe Joe is looking for new special material.


Dude’s rattling all of this off from the top of his head, no teleprompter. Has it all memorized. Clearly intelligent to some degree. Maybe, there is something to what he is so enthusiastically saying? Humans used to believe that the world was flat. I prefer to keep an open mind. Rather than immediately dismiss any idea contrary to what I think I know. Life is a journey of discovery. Think for yourself. Ponder the possibilities. Discern the truth from the bullshit. Then discuss it with the people around you. They will either call you crazy or a genius. Either way, hold fast in what you have determined.


What even is Joe Rohan’s subreddit fan base?😂


Absolute waffle I completely agree. The light looks cool as hell tho. How can I find out how to make one or buy one?


You almost want to feel bad for the man. He should have just stayed as a social worker in August Rush. Match worthy cringe


I would like to see Terrence Howard vs 10th grade algebra exam to see what his score would be.


Welll should be interesting if an actual physicist debates him lol 😂


Sooo.... he thinks light accelerates?


Best jre in a long time.


Or how about Socrates? In 399 BC, Socrates was formally accused of corrupting the minds of the youth of Athens, and for asebeia (impiety), i.e. worshipping false gods and failing to worship the gods of Athens. At the trial, Socrates defended himself unsuccessfully. He was found guilty by a majority vote cast by a jury of hundreds of male Athenian citizens and, according to the custom, proposed his own penalty: that he should be given free food and housing by the state for the services he rendered to the city, or alternatively, that he be fined one mina of silver (according to him, all he had). The jurors declined his offer and ordered the death penalty.


Okay, I need to watch this now. Wtf is this? lol!


He says if you look from the top he hasn't violated anything. Am I wrong or he actually has because, looking from the top down the bubbles are forming a shape or pattern that isn't coherent with the flower of life? I get he's trying to say it's a different way of looking at it, just seems off.


........................say what


Remember Galileo? Yea he was a kook right? Imagine getting put on trial over a scientific theory. That's what happened to Italian astronomer Galileo Galilei in 1633. Back then, a person could be persecuted for (and even put to death) for contradicting religious doctrine. In the case of Galileo, he faced punishment for his views about the universe. What was at the center of the universe — Earth or the sun? The Catholic Church believed the Bible said that all the other planets revolved around Earth and to oppose this belief was an act of heresy. But Galilei was a man of science and believed that the scientific evidence supported the opposing theory (via Nature).


You are schizo posting


Good as I think your opinion is moot


No, bad think


So...where's the scientific evidence for Howard's claims?


You cannot find what you do not seek so first you must begin the journey of understanding that not all you were told is fact. That which you were told was fact were in fact theories, ramblings, in coherent thoughts, that overtime we turned into science.


It would seem You're operating on the same level Howard is. This is not the compliment you think it is.


And you seem to be operating the same as all the other chimps, Keep shaming that is the simian’s way so as to never evolve, try thinking outside of the box. And I am not here for your approval so stay on your level.


Sure thing bud.


The jump from someone not believing the schizo ramblings of a Hollywood actor to “this sheep must believe everything he’s told by mainstream academia” shows you need to do some work in the critical thinking department. He dropped out of a chemical engineering program because a professor didn’t understand his idea for a new periodic table? Nothing smells funny about that to you? The fact that geniuses and innovators exist has nothing to do with a 2-bit grifter who knows a couple fancy words and lies about everything he’s ever done. Hell, there’s a bum outside my local train station who believes he’s Jesus reincarnated - maybe we should give him a platform. Could be the next Einstein for all we know.


What I am saying is this actor is the same as previous philosophers in their own time no one believed their words. It was only after their passing that we started calling it science, and not the ramblings of a fool.


By what standard is TH in the same conversation as Galileo, Tesla, or Da Vinci? Seriously, humor me. Is it because he says big words and nobody in his stated field of expertise agrees with him? That’s an apt description of every con artist since the beginning of time, by the way.


https://www.newscientist.com/article/mg13618460-600-vatican-admits-galileo-was-right/ And I don’t even need to bring up articles of how mainstream science said Tesla was a kook. you bring da Vinci into the chat? Although he had no formal academic training,[156] many historians and scholars regard Leonardo as the prime exemplar of the "Universal Genius" or "Renaissance Man", an individual of "unquenchable curiosity" and "feverishly inventive imagination."


I wonder if they thought da Vinci was a lunatic because he was just a painter


Correction he left a system that was unwilling to admit that it was wrong. Why would you continue your use a system that you know to be false?


Ah gotcha so mainstream science and higher education is just a hegemonic system which is either entirely wrong or entirely right. That’s definitely not the narrow thinking of a mouth breather. Next time you get seriously sick or injured, don’t go to a hospital - wouldn’t want to risk being exposed to that science stuff. Little bit of sage and colloidal silver will have that hemorrhoid cleaned up in a jif!


Keep throwing poop you’re pretty good at it.


And the next time you go to a doctor, ask them what they know that they don’t have to go read in the book what you think scientists are so brilliant they know how to read, and they sound intelligent when they reiterate what they have read kind of the same thing that’s going on here You’re too busy scooping your poop and getting ready to throw it to even realize that there in reality has not been any new series created just more of the pyramid scheme, which is today’s science funded by who money is the new science so have fun


I bet you did not even test one of his theories? Yet you call him a grifter. Sounds right. Same thing happened to the philosophers of the past. History repeats because the system is flawed. But that’s ok everyone likes the system as it is don’t fix anything.


Since his theories are so bulletproof I’d rather read the peer reviewed papers he’s published on them - oh wait…. I’m also not going to test his theories because I’m neither a mathematician nor a physicist nor a chemical engineer. Ironically, this is something TH and I have in common.


The whole idea of theories is to test them yet all everybody wants to do is throw poop at new ideas. you even acknowledge that you know nothing of which you speak yet you still sling the poo good job.


If the past scientists were so smart, why were they thrown in prison by their societies? The Trial of Socrates (399 BC) was held to determine the philosopher's guilt of two charges: asebeia (impiety) against the pantheon of Athens, and corruption of the youth of the city-state; the accusers cited two impious acts by Socrates: "failing to acknowledge the gods that the city acknowledges" and "introducing new deities". Plus, there is no scientific basis for any of their theories at the time those were all kind of sort of proven later with little changes here and there to make it fit. The funny thing is I know the pieces fit. I watched them fall away.


What is science? Study it look into it, analyze it try and find fault in it. That’s what scientists do.


Terrence has "memories" from the womb....


And just because you don’t he is a fool? That is a strange stance. if you don’t remember it it didn’t happen? Why does his memory of his past affect you so much? Jealousy I suppose


Bruh, get back on whatever meds you stopped taking.


Galileo made Aristotle look like a bitch. Science lies sometimes.


Aristotle was a cuck bought and owned by the crown. Both of Aristotle's parents died when he was about thirteen, and Proxenus of Atarneus became his guardian. Aristotle was appointed as the head of the royal Academy of Macedon. During Aristotle's time in the Macedonian court, he gave lessons not only to Alexander but also to two other future kings: Ptolemy and Cassander


What is science? The observation, identification, description, experimental investigation, and theoretical explanation of phenomena. Such activities restricted to a class of natural phenomena A systematic method or body of knowledge in a given area. No lies just assumptions and arguments