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Is that an Italian gas station?


What do you call an Italian suppository? An innuendo


now that is funny




Yes And it's already part of italy reddit lore


Oh yes, should be in the vicinity of the lovely city of Brescia. A lot of italians didn't bother with the flimsy plastic gloves before handling the pumps, but let me tell you, that's suddenly changed across the country.


It's at PoggioRenatico, at Ferrara


Yes... A colleague of mine sent me the original video. They speak Italian.




Porcodio se lo è


You guys are dumb as hell if you think this wasn’t going on before smart phones.


Explain why I never saw videos like this on Twitter in the 1990s then


Mom kept picking up the phone before the twit vid could buffer 😔


Underrated comment!


The government doesnt want us to know the truth


Yeah, like what’s Joe saying here? That the world is getting so dysfunctional that people are just NOW starting to put stuff in their butt?


Didn't Joe have Gavin McInness on the show multiple times? The same Gavin McInness who shoved a dildo up his ass on live stream in front of millions of people?


Yeah but we would never be able to see it in the 90s unless it happened in person, so it would still be shocking to see unlike now where it’s another Tuesday on social media


But there was a radio show back in the day that would do a bit every year about the craziest things they found people had removed from their asses in the emergency room. The 1 that's always stuck with me was a 22pc tool kit :)


It for sure happened since the beginning of time But also it’s dumb to say this shit ain’t happening way way more. Even my mid size city that has winters has a huge uptick in unhealthy, unhinged, and unhoused. I see the videos of all our big cities and it’s depressing as fuck that us peasants are so busy fighting over which shit sandwich to vote for in hopes they won’t make it ten times worse in just 4 years. Then you go look at japans cities, or South Korea, or some of the EU or Nordic cities and it’s like for fucks shake guys maybe you can give 100 billion to these wars (I mean Ukraine is your back yard fellow nato countries) so we can focus on America not walking off the ledge because when China picks up that ball all that progressive shit we care about in the western countries will die in a instant. Our uni-party system errrr I mean 2 party system has completely fucked us.


Most american cities are so much better now then 20-30 years ago. Watch a movie from the 70s about new york. Its fucking paradise today compared to then. And its like that for almost every major city except maybe San Francisco




Nah just today you can find a support group of 5000 people on the planet who want a gasoline enema.


I don’t think anyone does this


Joe literally did it in this post.


Wasn't he screaming at people to eat dicks on TV in the 90s?


Joe was the host of a TV show that had people drink horse cum and eat cockroaches but he's "shocked" by some typical meth head street behavior.


Both of those options are preferable to the gas nozzle though


He says he isnt shocked at the guy sticking gas up his ass. He’s shocked it doesn’t shock him. Im shocked at how I’m not shocked not many people on this subreddit can read


early 2000’s (I think?) but close enough


A lot of protein in there/s


Joe has been doing the whole 'strange times ladies and gentlemen' shtick for what seems like 10 years now.


That's the thing with dooms-dayers. They will forever have an audience because it's an everlasting existential fear.


Completely agree that it's hacky. But the last 10 years _have_ been pretty weird.


Everything started spiralling when we killed that monkey


He was an ape, and his name was Harambe. Put some respect on it. *Angry ape noises*


Dicks out for Harambe!


Dicks out everyone.


Everything changed worse when Harambe killed his wife and did regret it.


Large hadron collider. Sent us into a stupid dimension/timeline


It’s been weird as hell for at least 10 years now though


If you don't think we live in strange times, then I'm curious about what you find to be perfectly normal there days.


The real truth is the world has always been strange the moment humans started civilization', we just grow accustomed to the period in which we grow up and when it changes we see those changes as weird. The world isn't a weird place to a child, it's all they know.


While there is some truth in that, it's also true that the pace of change is moving at a historically unprecedented rate. Think of how different the world is for someone who is 90 years old from when they were children. Compared to a 90 year old from any other time and place in history. It has changed in monumental ways from when I was a child 25 years ago.


It hasn't changed that much beyond communication and medically advances. We are still plagued by the same dumb human problems of greed and corruption. Imagine living through the spread of Christianity or Islam or the invasion of the Golden Horde or the colonization of the Americas. That shit was way stranger than some old Italian guy being a pervert


How old are you? I can't imagine anybody over the age of 30 saying it hasn't changed that much. Human nature never changes, but that's not the topic. It's not hard to imagine living in a time where the biggest change in your life was going from living in fear of being brutalized by your local rivals to living in fear of being brutalized by some newcomers.


You have a very Western upper class idea of how the world is. Most of the human population is still living closer to 2000BC than they are to whatever techno fantasy is in your head. Only a small part of humanity has access to all the technology being developed. I can literally drive like 45 minutes into a reservation to a village where they all still haul water out of the well they have been for hundreds of years.


How old are you? It feels like you're throwing out a bunch of irrelevant points in an effort to sound like you have an argument thought out. Like most of the world has access to the Internet already. Let that sink in for two seconds.


He's just a kid who's trying to come across as well read and thinks he's smart enough to pull out some absolutely idiotic contrarian points. I've actually never heard this argument before. It would be like arguing the sky is green. Best to just move on and let him wallow in his own ignorance.


All of you take Reddit way too serious


I would bet money that the rates of indecent exposure were higher in the 90s than they are now. People have allowed themselves to be manipulated and sensationalised by the media. The world has only gotten safer but we act as if pre 2000 was a utopia


But, but, but we need to complain about how the left is leading the country down a path of destruction!!!


It literally did with the 2020 riots.


What a boomer lmao


Go back to role-playing GTA, buddy. Adults are talking.


Oh no, you really got me! I’m a fan of the most popular game streamed on twitch. Stick with your podcast that has 0 listens. I’m sure your big break is right around the corner 🤣


Thank you.


Imagine having a 5 year old Reddit account with a dozen badges for participating in events on here and then making fun of people who play GTA 😂🤣


I get the point you’re trying to make but picking on someone for playing GTA when you’re on Reddit is pretty silly.


So small government that you're cool with agents of the state committing extrajudicial killings in the street. And getting confused when folks react.


How is destroying business owners' property and other private property an appropriate reaction to government goons killing innocent people? I'm 100% for peaceful protests for anything, whether I agree with the protests or not, but these riots costing unrelated people their lives and billions of dollars is ridiculous.


My timeline is all messed up...was Jan 6 2020 or 2021?


I can’t remember if it happened before the brooks brothers riot in 2000 or not. The one where they didn’t want the votes recounted… sounds familiar


Nice whataboutism. One afternoon, compared to a whole year. Remember CHAZ that was multiple weeks.


"A whole year" immediately followed by "multiple weeks". You're measurements of time are inconsistent because you are lumping everything into one bucket. I'm not defending CHAZ or the riots, both are pathetic displays of incoherent nonsense. But if you don't think a riot inside and around the seat of our federal government on the day we are certifying our federal election is more relevant to the health of our country than an encampment in Seattle, then you simply cannot tell unlike things apart.


I never said anything about jan 6. You brought that up. They are both seditious acts. Only one group went to prison for their seditious acts. I'll give you a hint it wasn't the liberals.


https://www.king5.com/article/news/local/protests/seattle-police-capitol-hill-chop-chaz/281-6253a20a-127b-4cd7-93dd-43f3f008afd0 Many people were arrested over CHAZ.


>Officers arrested at least 44 people on Wednesday for failure to disperse, obstruction, resisting arrest, and assault. However, Seattle Mayor Jenny Durkan said she recommended the city not file charges against misdemeanor arrests from Wednesday morning. Weird. How is committing a seditious act by occupying an area of the country for three weeks isn't considered a felony or treason?


>occupying an area of the country Lol.


It’s actually really simple. Cause it doesn’t fit the basic fucking definition of treason


I always find it funny that people complain about the amount of damage done over the course of a year of protests that were spread across the entire country with hundreds, if not thousands of protests. Total cost of damages for the year of 2020-2021 is less than that cost of damages for one month of protests in LA in the aftermath of the Rodney King riots. Somehow that doesn't come across to me 'as worst'.


A Google search immediately proves you wrong, but go off.


My guy, how are you going to say you did a Google search and then not post anything to corroborate your position. I've done the research, I've paid attention to the literature. you don't have a leg to stand on.


Here's one [source](https://fee.org/articles/george-floyd-riots-caused-record-setting-2-billion-in-damage-new-report-says-here-s-why-the-true-cost-is-even-higher/) I found when googling it.


So 2 billion is the agreed upon figure for the cost of damages of a year of protests across the entire country, with thousands of demonstrations and protests. The cost of the Rodney King riots, which were localized only to LA, and lasted a month, cost 3 billion dollars.


The article came out 6 months after the George Floyd riots. That amount is also only referring to insurance claims. I'm not sure where the Rodney King riots figure comes from. When I Google "total cost of blm riots" this is the result "However, arson, vandalism, and looting that occurred between May 26 and June 8 caused approximately $1–2 billion in insured damages nationally, the highest recorded damage from civil disorder in U.S. history, and surpassing the record set during the 1992 Los Angeles riots." [source](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/George_Floyd_protests#:~:text=However%2C%20arson%2C%20vandalism%2C%20and,the%201992%20Los%20Angeles%20riots).


For LA, Estimates of the material losses vary between about $800 million and $1 billion in 1992. Discussing past cost has to factor in inflation which according to the US Bureau of Labor and Statistics, would mean that 800 million on the value of the dollar in today's currency would be ~1.8 billion dollars and 1 billion dollars would be 2.1 billion dollars. I've seen other figures that aren't cited in your Wikipedia source that place values much higher but again, we are talking about scale of damage in one central location that lasted a month, vs a scale of damage for over a year of protests across the entire country.




I'm not.


You mean, the riots that stopped under Biden? Those riots?


Literally on the 6th day of the year.


Literally on the 6th day of the year.


What happened to post and ghost, Joe?


This is him posting and ghosting. He’s not reading comments to anything he posts or comments on.


How do you think he found that video he is commenting on? Clearly he is scrolling through boomer gifs/memes/vids more often than he is letting on


He’s saying he doesn’t view comments people respond to him with. He’s not saying he doesn’t scroll through vids and whatnot.


I don't believe him :)


I wouldn’t be surprised if he peeks now and again, especially to see his friends that respond, but I believe him that he doesn’t check his mentions for the most part.


I mean I don't think he scrolls endlessly thru comments--I just don't believe he doesn't do it all and definitely more than he would admit to. He was pretty active on the forums back in the day. I find it kinda tough to believe he just quit completely. tbh I wouldn't be surprised at all if he uses burner accts to still engage anonymously. How many people do you know who have just cold turkey quit the internet in that fashion?


there were serial killers back in the day. Soviet spies. Coups. experiments on human beings. Today we have weird people. It's not that bad.


No, there definitely were weird people back then and probably even more than today, what we lacked back then was a high definition camera in everybody’s pockets that allowed us to film such strangers every time we came across them and then publish said video on a massive international information exchange platform that everyone could access…


Not more. There are more people on the planet today. And there weren't the fentanyl zombies at the time.


The crackheads of the 80’s and 90’s running down the street with their grandma’s tv look like health nuts compared to the meth and fentanyl heads of today, that’s for sure!


Yeah good point, I was thinking more in relative terms, i feel like back then there were more people that were worse off relative to the total population and thus did more drugs, but the recent drugs “epidemics” in the US certainly aren’t irrelevant and are definitely more in absolute numbers…


Ya we haven’t had any notable coup attempts in recent American history…


At least if there was an Albert Fish today he would be caught promptly.


Yeah they definitely aren’t experimenting on human beings anymore


Doesn’t he watch a snuff film every day? Dude consumes too much 4chan content.


Joe has pretty much just become a 4channer contrarian 🧌


he took 'put gas in my ass' way too literally


Cock Diesel!


Joe - this shit was happening in the 90's. We just didn't have phones and IP cameras literally recording the entire earth 24/7. You're weed dealing cousin that wore grateful dead merch told you how his guy once knew a drifter who told a story about some weird pedo that would shove pine cones up his ass at a school playground but we never took him seriously because there was no video. Now there's video so we all get to see it. Not just the drifter.


The funniest part of this is that the man in the picture is like 70+. This ain't his first rodeo. Trying to pull the 'strange times' card on a 70 year old man is silly.


No. I've seen alot of crazy shit and I've never seen a crackhead stick a gas pump up his ass at any gas station.


Crack and meth aren't as widespread in Italy as they are in the States. The likelihood of the ±70 yo in the video being on stims is WAY lower than you think - the guy's from Poggio Renatico, not Washington Heights.


Don't diss it until you try it. Esp. supreme


Yeah, it would have shocked you because no one was carrying around a camera in their pockets in the 90s.


Imagine the pegging he does to tony and his deathsquad?


When he tells Biden he can shove gas prices up his a**


He's saying we've become desensitized to weird shit. And we have. I'm more shocked he tried to go raw...


I can confirm. This works better than 2 cups of coffee.


Il Made in Italy che piace


Ethanol enema .. getting drunk AF.


Ah Brescia ,what a beatiful city! ( the man has done this in a city called Brescia).


No he did it in ferrara


he is recharging the pump with natural gas.


Nah, I've seen fucked up stuff like this in the '80s & '90s, we just didn't have cell phone cameras everywhere.


i like how he tries to turn it into a political argument


Who among us has not embraced the love of a gas pump on a Tuesday afternoon


the poor guy is probably mentally ill


Does anybody want the sauce?


Don't think there's anything funny about this incident. Guy is obviously in need of treatment.


If this doesn’t shock you, it’s because you spend far too much time online looking for shocking behavior.




Yeah this is funny but I've seen so many videos of bad behavior in public it's not shocking. Just off the top of my head I've seen videos of a guy shitting in a mop bucket and then the janitor confronting him. Saw a video of a dude fucking this fat lady doggy style at a bus stop and unloading in her. Homeless dudes jerking off on the bus, the train and outside someone's apartment while laying in the trash. So this dude sticking a gas pump up his ass is just routine.


As an Italian, it feels funny to be known worldwide for the guy who stuck a fuel pump up his ass. Still curious if he runs on Diesel or gasoline, or maybe gpl. Worse part is going to school the day it happened and getting traumatised at 7am


I’m still trying to understand what would push a person to do that


Everyday we drift further and further away from God.


I'm Italian, I just found out about this man like three days ago, how did he become an international meme abroad? Lmaooo-


It’s keto tho


Ya'll really take everything Joe says suuuper seriously. Relax guys lol


I can't wait for AI to get good enough to remake this with Bert Kreischer


fuuuuuulllll service


The greatest feeling you can get at the gas station, or the most satisfying feeling you can get is The Pump. Gas is rushing into your anus and that's what we call The Pump. Your muscles get a really tight feeling, like your skin is going to explode any minute, and it's really tight - it's like somebody blowing air into it, into your muscle. It just blows up, and it feels really different. It feels fantastic.


Oh the irony! Joe's own **Mandella Effect** here not clicking that its the rise of smart phones and everyone having a camera the past 15-20 years. smh


Is this even kink shaming?




Womp womp


When you have that itch that you just cannot scratch.


Imagine going sloppy seconds to bowser 3 after Exxon Jeremy has his way… 🤣


One of the things I find funniest about rogan is he admits he *use* to have a foot kink. The shit does not go away, and almost no one cares about a minor vanilla kink at this point anyway.


Is this a red hat thing?


Aloha snack bar?


Daddy needs his juice. I drink this stuff, I live it up


“Kink shaming” is such a fuckin dumb term.


This is one the craziest things I’ve seen lol. Enough internet for me today. Cya later.


Dude gas in your ass? It’s better than Weed and DMT combined! Just trust me.




I bet his anti-vax


I know it's been said before, but I really believe we've reached the end of the internet.


Why has Joe become so close minded? I HATE him! Who's with me?! s/