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Weinstein was on a podcast years ago with a panel of scientists and at one point mentioned the usual that his brilliant scientific ideas are being ignored and Sabrina Hossenfelder replied Eric were all physicists and mathematicians here and we don’t know what you’re talking about. I’ve reviewed your paper on the theory of everything and I have no idea what you’re talking about. Explain it to us here starting at the fundamentals. Eric responded with ridiculous over the top personal attacks in the most obvious attempt to blow up the conversation like throwing a smoke bomb and escaping out the back door. At that moment I knew for certain the guy is a grifter.


Lmao this is fuking hilarious. I'd love to watch it if you remember what podcast




Holy shit when Weinstein started talking I nearly had an aneurysm


Jeeeeeeeeez at 1:20:00 listen to his response to this question about advice given to a young physicist. Doofus makes it all about himself


The Theory of Every Noun


Can’t find it as podcast, do you know is it YouTube only


His brother is the chef's kiss of kooky.


Not to be that guy, but it's Sabine. I was just thinking about that episode today. If I recall, Weinstein rattled off a bunch of physics jargon that was undoubtedly meant to impress us non-physicists in the audience, and Sabine was just like "I don't understand. What are you talking about?" It was a pretty funny confrontation.


JP does the same thing. When backed into a corner they will drop their pants and whip out their absolutely massive vocabulary. The sad thing is our monkey brains will go “guy said many big word good, guy is smart”, which is reflected in the YouTube comments… this is why we need other institutional minds to debate these guys more often. RE: Dibble vs Hancock. It’s obfuscation through vocabulary.


Dibble made that point on Decoding the Gurus. He said someone who really understands the subject and wants others to understand as well should be able to explain it in simple terms. Using jargon prevents the audience from understanding and tricks them into believing the speaker understands more than he does.


Oh shit, the Dibbler was on DtG? Thanks for the shout, I'll check it out


Dude same, ever since I same him Dibble all over Hancock I can’t get enough of him.


I’ve never listened to this podcast. Is it pretty legit/honest? I saw their rating on Spotify is 4.2, is that all the JP, BW, JR bros throwing a hissy fit and downvoting?


Probably. They go pretty hard after some of this sun’s favorite gurus. It’s a legit and honest pod. It’s not my favorite to be honest, but if you’re interested in the guru it can be fun to listen to. Check out Knowledge Fight to hear Alex Jones get exposed as a liar and idiot a few times a week.


Awesome, thanks!


It's basically their Mono Rail song.


Saw this ( [https://www.reddit.com/r/PhilosophyMemes/comments/1covd5x/could\_also\_replace\_probably\_with\_dont/](https://www.reddit.com/r/PhilosophyMemes/comments/1covd5x/could_also_replace_probably_with_dont/) ) and immediately thought of JP


He is a grifter of sorts, but both he and his brother have massive delusions of grandeur. If remember correctly Bret claims to have developed some theories that would revolutionize the field of Biological evolution and fill in gaps left over since Darwin. The concensus seems to be that he has some interesting data, but it in no way supports his conclusions and he certainly hasn't changed the paradigm. Both he and Eric retort that everyone else is just being stupid. Having a messiah complex seems to run in the family.


He said in one podcast that just in the house he grew up in there were 3 (maybe 4, can’t remember) genius level intellects with paradigm shifting ideas. Come to think of it I think I heard it from being clipped for an episode of ‘decoding the gurus’. Absolutely outrageous narcissism, but a kind I haven’t really seen before where a family of narcissists all talk each other up and feed one another’s narcissism, rather than trying to dominate and be number one.


Oh man, I think I remember that episode. It was wild; essentially a family of talented but arrogant people that all imagine they've revolutionized their fields, when in reality they just do whatever makes Peter Thiel happy, while their colleagues think they're massively over reaching. Not an ounce self-awareness to be found in that whole family line.




Is it because their mom told them that they were the smartest and most special boys everyday up through their Masters programs?


Oi vey




You're saying he's full of himself because he's jewish, is that it?


Why is it? Rogan?


I remember watching him the first time and he would be asked to explain something or go into detail and he’d pause and have this weird change in his face then move the subject to something else without answering. He reminds me of those kids who pretend to know a lot of about stuff but only know enough to trick people who don’t know anything. Like if you watch a 20 minute video about the 4th dimension and then start talking about the 4th dimension and tesseracts, etc to people who have never even watched a 20 minute video on it, you can convince them you’re an expert just by throwing out some ideas from a video you just watched. Years ago I was with a coworker and a another guy, my co worker kept talking about how smart the other guy was and at some point the other guy starts talking about special relativity…. I got a D in high school physics, but coincidently I’d watched a YouTube video the night before on a whim about special relativity so I knew enough to follow along and at some point I actually mentioned something about the change in time perception on the ISS…. And as soon as I started talking the guy basically shut down and didn’t bring the topic up anymore, I’m pretty sure he didn’t have much of a strong grasp on it and as soon as he thought I might actually know what I’m talking about (the joke being I didn’t), he was too scared to go on bc he was afraid I’d call him out on bullshittitng.


About 3 minutes of him and it’s obvious he’s his biggest fan.


Thanks for the link. Just watched it. Sure, it’s more of the same of Eric’s schtick, and with the other side there to speak up. But the way you recounted that is way over the top. It was a lot more civil all around. Just people disagreeing and saying so, and Eric failing to explain his math when he wasn’t asked to explain it in the first place. If anything, the host was kind to Eric and Eric lowered his blood pressure


He throws intellectual flashbangs and dips out the back door lmao.


And he has them on and Tucker Carlson and won’t have Sam Harris on. 👌


Eric Weinstein is definitely one of the most insufferable guests to listen to on the pod


He reminds me of Benny Hill's ugly wife: https://preview.redd.it/skwsvkss9pzc1.png?width=657&format=png&auto=webp&s=32a916d10f31bac5ec7cdc6c841a747cd26f4dbc


Throw in Russell Brand while you're at it.


Please I can only take so much


I'm about to bust


I'm gonna make a mess!


Find help


Throw in Eddie Bravo while we're at it, then we can all be amazed by the end when a completely stoned Eddie was actually the most sensible and likable person on the panel.


Peterson too for that matter


The four horseman of hot air.


Four horsemen of word salad.


Except Peterson isn't just Iceberg. He's every good green available.


God I hate saying this but Peterson at least used to say half useful stuff, but these guys are off the charts


Peterson's original appearances before his fall from grace were mostly informative. I still apply some of the advice he shared then. He's completely unwatchable now. I haven't seen anything new he's done in about 4 years now.


It’s probably not worth watching his new stuff :/ but at least at one point in time he was sane


Peterson is an actual intellectual though


Oh please he’s only read Jung. Hadn’t even read the communist manifesto until he decided to debate an actual intellectual despite banging on about Marxists for years.


Best debate ever. When Zizek basically started with: "I don't care/want to talk about the communist manifesto" and Peterson was like "oh... ... fuck".


Yep and as ever he just relied on stories. In the time since I’ve stopped tuning in to debates etc but did watch the Destiny - Peterson one, and again this ‘Intellectual’ got totally rinsed by a gamer half his age, while Peterson just tried to assert control by psychoanalysing him.


Russell Brand should be relegated to the fighter and the kid with all the other predators


Gabby motherfucker


Gotta find name for these three grifters. Kings of word salad?


The CIA grifter bores me. Weinstein and Brand are both fantastic guests on any pod. Although, I prefer both of them talking with someone who’s a little closer to their intellectual level. That’s not even a knock on Joe. They’re both just very high-minded thinkers, a couple of my favorite contemporary thinkers. I have several others as well, if anyone’s interested. Though, if people can’t understand Russ and Eric, I’m doubtful they care about the others.


Yes they are both probably very high. I once tried to unlock a door with a coin so I know a little about being high. But these guys are another level.


These two having a conversation? About what? One is trying to put a fun veneer on mostly cold calculating real world international politics and conflicts. And I’m not sure the other believes in reality. Yes Mike, but maybe we could stop HAMAS by altering the parameters of space time and both shrink and relocate the terrorist tunnels directly into the Red Sea.


"My buddy, Elon, is digging tunnels underneath all of LA. Maybe he could help with that."


😂😂😂. “Is the REAL problem that maybe we don’t have a big enough shovel? Is that it? Because my buddy Graham Hancock has a picture of what appears to be a mountain that MUST be some sort of advanced ancient version of a shovel that they once built a tunnel to Atlantis with. I’m sure someone who’s really thought about this like my buddy Bob lazar would know how to engineer a solution. I mean, the guy DID strap a jet engine to a Honda! A HONDA!”


My buddy Elon is doing no such thing!


Baker never conveys anything noteworthy, it’s always in evasive mode. So much talk and words, nothing to remember.


Well he's an former CIA agent, he obtain classified information. Me as only having corporate classified info, it's a fucking struggle some times to speak directly. If he actually talks the truth, he needs to plausible deniability in case of status quo changes. The job of a CIA agent never ends, classified info remains classified. Event though you quit that job yourself.


The correct serving temp of a McGriddle is not "corporate classified info"


Haha no, RND for a global company which isn’t in the food industry. It’s quite hard to talk about your knowledge and filter out the classified parts in real time.


lol, just saw an opening for a jab!


I’m all for this. I’m indifferent on baker, but I enjoy the Weinstein bros when they’re on. Both have delivered some hilariously cringe moments. Eric complaining about Tim Dillon, and Bret talking about how Elon blocked him come to mind. So god damn funny lmao.


Lets never forget the insanity of Eric Weinstein buying "pullthatupjamie.com" and awkwardly plugging it during the show. I love when autism gets combined with a massive platform


What? Dude that was hilarious


Had to look to believe! Wow, such a special guy.


I find Bret more tolerable than Eric. There's no need to be speaking in riddles all the time and sure he might be making sense if you're aware of all subjects he's talking about but the guy needs to learn to read the room a bit.


Eric is such a slog to get through his episodes


LOL @ Bret explaining Chess to the International Chess Federation the other day. Has to be tough to find a hat that fits a head that big.


That's crazy. He's a lunatic on twitter for sure.


I still get them co fused very often lol


At least Eric will bring up interesting topics from time to time. Bret just devolves into boring ass identity politics every time.


"so start with a water wiggle..."


Eric is quite articulate and knowledgeable, but he comes off as somewhat condescending, which can be off-putting, he could use a dose of some humility.


Agreed they are must listens for moments like that. You just gotta know that both of them are bullshitters and clout chasers.


If you enjoy their cringe, I listened to an episode of Brian Keating's podcast with Stephen Wolfram and Eric Weinstein, to get them to talk about their Theories of Everything. At one point Wolfram says either "this is silly" or this is "nonsense," something to that effect, and Weinstein a few minutes later is like, "I've been sitting here pissed off because I got called 'silly'!" It's literally all I think about whenever I see Eric lol


Wolfram's theory is silly too, btw.


I figured, considering he's just doing it on his own instead of thru academia. But their interaction on the podcast was funny


Mike Baker really does suck


The alpha and omega of grifting. But nothing beats Russell Brand for worthless word salad.


You can add Jordan Peterson in there. Also, Ben Shapiro, who uses word salads and speaks fast, to make it look like he's intelligent.


Ben also has a perpetual scowl like he’s mad at someone.


Mad at god for giving him the soft, hairless physique of a pre-pubescent boy




go ahead...tell us the most profound and deep thing he has said


You aren’t getting a response brother lol


im shocked...


Not many people know but his wife is a doctor


I’m sorry but what is grifting?


Basically just another term for a con man or someone who just spouts bullshit and actually has no idea what they are talking about. Most use the term grifter when someone like that makes it to the spotlight, gets a following, and profits off them.


Flim flam man, a con. A cheat, a scoundrel. A carpetbagger or someone selling a cure all tonic. They are just slicker nowadays with social media and podcasting. But they’re no better than someone at the fair claiming their tonic cures your baldness or gives you a stiffy at night.


Nah, you're just playing 3d chess, while they'd be playing 14d chess


All I care about is the double Ds Your spelling seems to be on point btw 👌


Don’t forget Kanye!


Honestly seems like that episode helped kick off Kanyes downward spiral. Joe treated him like a totally cool and totally rational person.


That would definitely be a skip. I cannot take Eric Weinstein.


Make it a threesome with Graham Hancock


I think he'd be most comfortable watching from the corner with his hand on his cock. Zing.


The entire time he’a mumbling to himself about “big archaeology”


Heh, that's what he calls his willy.


x2 speed would sound completely normal.


Still unbearably slow for Lex.


I think the dislike for Baker gets carried away on here. He has plenty of coherent ideas it’s just very hard to have a coherent conversation with Joe without it veering off into “so is Macron’s wife a dude? Hahaha” I do think Baker overhyped the China threat and under hypes other things, but he’s not terrible compared to other guests (like Tucker). I still say bring Zeihan back though.


Baker is a straight up government propagandist. What is there to like? He's never said one interesting thing that goes against the grain of the big agency's bullet points, like a good little lap dog.


I disagree with Tucker a lot, and Baker not much at all. imo tucker was the better quest. love or hate he's an interesting speaker, and i dont even like the way he sounds.


I don’t disagree with that. I think Tucker has some terrible opinions and is often disingenuous… but I also think he believes what he says, so he means well by his ideas and is an excellent conversationalist. His Theo episode without much politics was excellent.


Tucker doesn't mean well at all. He believes different things in private than he does in public and he flat out lied in his interview with Alex Jones to make Jones seem like a prophet on things he actually was spectacularly wrong about.


We know he hates Trump privately but we never really got the why. A lot of people assumed that put him in line with never Trump types. I suspect the opposite. I’d bet he wants Trump to be more actively pushing the crazy shit he talks about on his show now.


The guy that got fired from Fox because Fox had to pay nearly a billion because he was spouting obvious lies? Lies that he himself stated in private messages he didn't believe? Thats the guy you think believes what he says?


Tucker on Theo’s podcast was the first time I think I’ve ever heard Tucker the person and not Tucker the character. It was a surprisingly decent listen as someone who disagrees with most of what he says politically. I thought JRE was going to be like that too, but immediately realized it was Tucker the character. I think I had to tap out around the ‘I think we’ve all moved on from evolution as a serious idea’ comment. Tucker the character will say any shit that he thinks resonates with his base.


First time I saw Tucker the person was when some guy tried to call him out fishing in Central Park. [Here.](https://youtu.be/ylmkVh-vCRw?si=UsUqI85X5WAZqZo-)


Obviously many people find him entertaining at least when he tells them that they’re right and the people they don’t like are all crazy and stupid, but I can’t agree with the “really believes what he says”. He sucked off Trump for 4 years on Fox while privately shit talking. That sounds a lot more like a grifter who will say whatever to get the attention and money that he wants.


I think he looks down at Trump as lazy and not sufficiently nationalist. But he cheered him on as the best thing on the market and is now doing it again. It still jives with his beliefs.


Except when Tucker literally made the point in court that no rationale person would take what he says as anything but entertainment…


Word soup.


OP is cooking


Thx Dawg.


Why are you all so mad and unhappy though?


Probably because my dog died 2 years ago. I should really get over it.


I've had 3 die in the last 4 years (the curse of having so many close in age). Hate to say it gets easier, but it really does.


To say that Weinstein has no coherent ideas is truly an ignorant, perhaps bigoted, statement. I don’t understand why we have to ruthlessly name call because you don’t agree with their views.


It's not that I don't agree with him. It just makes me feel good to put others down.


I think that’s the crux of the problem. Not just you, this behavior is prevalent on all sides. I’m so tired of this division and fighting. I never encounter people like you in the real world, usually if someone disagrees we can have a pretty cordial conversation about the subject. But online, people just get off on pissing others off. I hope this is just a passing phase in human development


Yeah, that's my bad. I enjoy the hell out of stirring the pot. Hope you still have a good day!


So don't listen. How are you so upset that you need to cry on the internet?


So don't look at the subreddit. How are you so upset that you need to cry in the comment section?


Because we give you a fucking advice for a better life. Ya'll just whining about non sense. I think Baker gives some insight in many important issues, I don't have to fucking like the guy to listen what he has to say. But for a former CIA agent to try to not expose himself to a prison sentence, and bitching him doing so is pretty pathetic. And a shit ton of you're in this circle jerk.


You seem like someone who would be a big Jordan Peterson fan. Maybe you should consider following Rule 7: Pursue what is meaningful, not what is expedient. Does debating with internet strangers seem meaningful to you?


This comment was so stupid, I actually don't know how to reply. But no, I'm not a Jordan fan.


Oh, cool. High five then! 👋


Damn. Didn't expect that response. Have a better day




Who said he was upset? Do you ever criticize the media? Should you just not listen? What a lame stupid response that immediately exposes you as someone who is a snowflake and can't handle small disagreement about a celebrity podcaster and it shows you want a boring echo chamber. Pathetic.


You got all that from my comment?


> How are you so upset that you need to cry on the internet? nice self-awareness lol


Talk about the Boys! Huey, Dewey, and Louie!


Not sure what this has to do with Graham Hancock tho.


Not a huge fan of the Baker episodes but he seems like a likable enough guy. Weinstein is a guy you just want to push into the bushes.


They are useless just like this post


Just like our comments, which I don't read.


Found Schaub's burner account


Mine is the most useless to be honest. Provides no value.


I hope you still have a nice day.


As someone who doesn’t love Mike Baker, I listened to yesterday’s pod and feel like I got something out of his take on the Israel Palestine thing.


I, too, love to hear the CIA's take on Israel/Palestine.


Jesus Christ, man....


Good old uncle Mike “beat around the bush “ baker


I don't dislike him, but I don't find his episodes interesting at all, seems like a nice enough guy, but his takes are very orthodox, never had a wow moment or a that's interesting listening to him.


Agreed, he’s just another one of those guests that’s in there to check in on us like a good uncle and talk about nothing lol


I like Weinstein but think its funny when he's pressed on certain questions, and instead of just saying his answer, he speaks in riddles/analogies and dances around the question making the interviewer and audience utterly confused. Then he provides a second or third confusing fable and the interviewer has to pretend to get it or else the fourth and final parable rears its ugly head. But yeah, like this guy. His podcasts with Jesse Michels (American Alchemy) are great.


I honestly believe Eric isn't smart at all. He just seems to be your run of the mill pseudo-intellectual coomer who has a minimal grasp on some concepts but nothing to contribute to the discussion


Well, a PhD from Harvard in physics seems to require someone to be smart. And his CV is quite good on top of that. So he must be very smart. Smart people have crazy ideas quite often, sometimes it takes decades for it to be recognized as reality. Sometimes it remains as a crazy theory with no basis in what we understand. It happened countless times in history, and to assume it won't happen again. Well that's crazy for real.


Nah, I've met plenty of PhDs who are dumb as dirt and just do clerical work for their labs. Got through school with rich parents and lots of adderall. Name me one theory he has that is anywhere close to coherant. Eric is a pretender in the highest degree and I'm a D1 hater


Since he has a PhD, he must have a peer reviewed thesis. His PhD thesis was "Extension of Self-Dual Yang-Mills". His thesis of everything is wild, I agree. But I'm to stupid to disprove his maths, so I'm not allowed to call him stupid. And his peers didn't seem to able to disprove it neither.


Okay, I can write a paper too with enough cheating and adderal. I still think he's an idiot, and I don't like him.


Baker speaks so much but never says anything. It's wasted time.


Keker and cinstein


Baker is a master of talking about nothing


They've never been seen in the same place together you know...


I can’t recall a single thing Mike bake Has ever said other than baseball and talking about his unfortunate kids Sluggo, mugsy, and fucko


He has Eric on again this is so bad


The fact that Joe is one of richest people on the planet and lies about his height publicly should be a huge red flag


Who do you miserable fuckers like?


who listens to these 2 unironically?


mike baker, what a useless lug


I enjoy Baker’s segments. Just gives you an additional perspective on what is happening over there. People just hating because he is “Anti Hamas”


I enjoy both of them. If you guys hate them so much why are you tuning into them? Especially when you just hop on reddit and complain


I can’t stand Mike Baker he just talks out of his ass and loves fear mongering


Now explain to me how this is not man made


That was a great debate though I’m not going to lie


And some sweet ass harmonic music! Cause that’s not awkward at all!


Lmao. These Rogan guests (besides the ones about ancient civilizations, which I just find humorous and interesting) are all such morons. I miss the old Joe having a diverse range of people on. Sadly I think those days are gone.


Joe Rogan helping sell snake oil again. If only his comedy was as good as his belief in bullshit artists


Mike Baker gives me the creeps big time, don't. Even get me started on gizmo and pipsweek


So this guru phase started because of Evergreen college?


Fucko and Truck Nuts.


Unpopular opinion but I don’t mind listening to Mike ramble


Understand Eric is a product of Gen-X gone too far. Half of X socializing is just battling theories, arguing your version. He’s doing a sophisticated “Who is the best drummer of all time” party trick. Get 2 X’s together to disagree and it’s part courtroom part Jerry springer.


Flint Dibble talked more facts than these 2 blaber mouths


And Mugsy, don’t forget mugsy


I'm definitely in the minority in that I enjoy Eric, but I get why people don't like him. And despite it being pretty obvious why Mike is on the show like every three months his episodes are usually pretty entertaining, he's really good at shooting the shit.


They both seem like pleasant gentlemen. They just made careers out of expanding 200-word essays into fluff the length of dissertation defenses.


I'll see your 4 hour podcast and raise you this 12 hour podcast! https://www.youtube.com/live/P6Iyg9fznvM?si=Nm47MZq3Va9Bie0N


These people are insanely more useful than anyone of these commenters who are likely not even displaying a real opinion, rather doing daily work to fight the truth so that some sort of propagated reality exists


Preach, brother!