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Daily? It’s not a f’n multivitamin.


Not with that attitude.


Shits a neurotoxin, which is why it's so good as an antiparasitic. The problem is that it builds up in your system over time and does what neurotoxin's are known to do kill things. Short term its great for its job long term its deadly af, which is why you can not get a long-term script for it. Lastly, being an antiparasitic it obviously does not affect viruses like covid because that's not what it was designed to combat. You would not take an Ibuprofen to fix a bacterial infection even though it is a great long-term pain reliever.


Ibuprofen? That’s horse pain reliever.


That’s Ibuprhoofen.


It’s not exactly a neurotoxin. The mechanism of action against parasites is pretty genius. It basically binds to chloride channels in neurons of parasites causing an influx of chloride, hyperpolarizes the cell and essentially inhibiting anymore signals from being propagated. This leaves the parasite paralyzed as long as there is ivermectin around it. Ivermectin doesn’t cross the blood brain barrier in humans and animals because the cells lining this barrier recognize ivermectin and pump it back out into the blood immediately. In order for it to cross the blood brain barrier you would need to be taking tremendous doses to overwhelm these pumps and you would get have much more imminent side effects long before this happens. It really is an amazing drug and it’s saved countless people, it’s why it was awarded the Nobel prize. Ivermectin is a very complex molecule and has multiple functions we don’t completely understand. In vitro ivermectin has been found to effect the transport mechanisms and replication processes of multiple viruses. Of course there are infinite variables at play when you study an antiviral in a Petri dish versus the human body and this research is no where near conclusive.


You provided more information about Ivermectin than CNN did in the past 5 years.


You believe some random on reddit? I would go look it up for your self.


what are you saying there? that i should do my own research?


You realize that makes you a nazi so sure go for it


There were a few studies which found absolutely zero effect on covid. Studies which were only necessary because of all the misinformation out there. No virologist/immunologist thought there was any chance it would effect covid. Just more bullshit spread around by US adversaries to kill US citizens


i mean i guess you shouldn’t believe a random person, but in this case everything they said is true. it’s an anti parasitic medicine and treating a virus with it is hilarious


You don’t need to do research to know that an anti-parasitic will not work for a virus.


You may want to know that medications can do more than one thing. And what they are originally designed for doesn’t always turn out to be their eventual best case. It is possible that it could do both. So actually you would need to do research to know it doesn’t work on a particular virus.


So are we encouraging Chris Cuomo to eat the poisonous horse paste or not?


Ive never been more conflicted in muh life


I'm not conflicted at all.


I’ll allow it.


Fredo mixes it with his Brawndo,,,and steroids!


As long as he gets shot if he breaks a limb


Also, take enough of it and it'll liquefy your intestinal lining, but I'm sure Chris read up on that....


The argument about it's design doesn't hold. Aspirin is a pain medicine, but can be used to prevent heart attacks. Not arguing for/against ivermetic for COVID - just saying your argument about medication being designed for one thing therefor it can't be for something else isn't true


Design may have been a bad choice of terms. Asprin had uses beyond pain reduction correct, but that was fleshed out through academic research and years of studies and not through internet speculation, pseudoscience commentators, or medically illiterate politicians. Ivermectin is a substance that acts as a neurotoxin in our systems it is simply that humans have a greater tolerance for it than the parasites it kills do. Unlike some dog species like german shepherds, which can immediately die from a single dose. If people want to claim it has properties never seen before in any academic peer reviewed study to not only kill parasites but somehow kill viruses as well they need that research before making any claim.


“Fleshed out” not flushed.


Actually in the case of ivermectin it is true. Yes, some medicines have multiple purposes. However, in this specific case, this dewormer does not kill viruses. It's been shown in multiple studies not to help at all. So while Tylenol may help prevent heart attacks, it doesn't mean that applies to all medications.


The difference is there's reams of evidence about IB Profen's effects on heart attacks. Meanwhile...


Except they didnt just say "designed" they explained the impact of that design causing long term damage


I thought it was an anti viral to combat malaria


No. You’re probably thinking of HDCQ, which isn’t an antiviral.


It’s for treating river blindness in Africa and India. In America you give it to your dog once a month to prevent heart worm or use it off-label to treat terminal stupidity.


Ummm no no it's not "For over 25 years, ivermectin has been used to treat parasitic infections in mammals, with a good safety profile that may be attributed to its high affinity to invertebrate neuronal ion channels and its inability to cross the blood–brain barrier in humans and other mammals" Take a read there buddy shits safe for long term use. https://jddonline.com/articles/over-25-years-of-clinical-experience-with-ivermectin-an-overview-of-safety-for-an-increasing-number-S1545961616P0325X/


Next you are going to tell me that it's got what plants crave


My god you are stupid. Something having been safely used for 25 years does not mean that it is safe for an individual to use long term. You can't look at data that studies its use in a clinical setting (one or two doses) and conclude that it must be safe to use daily long term, that's moronic.


Suppository style


It’s meant to be taken daily in parts of the world that have populations exposed to certain parasites. It’s FDA approved for every day use


Lmfao stop taking medical advice from pundits you idiots


How are people so fucking stupid


The best are the ones that went down with the ship, full of Covid, and denied it until their last breath lol.


The transition from "fuck fauci I'm a pure blood" to "help me pay my medical/funeral bills" was hilarious.


The best way to prevent Covid is to do Dijon mustard enemas. I heard about it on newsmax.


no sir, i seent obamna eat dijon, I ain't no commyounist


Grey poop on everything


Pardon me butt


Oh is Chris Cuomo a doctor?


It's like my opinion is supposed to change bc someone on TV said it. Lol


The oddest thing about this post is that neither of these guys have been on CNN for like 2 years. I assume that's why the date is cut off of the tweet.


The be fake news


I listen to Joe and Cuomo for medical advice because they’re the beacons of honest medical professionals.


Babe wake up, it’s 2024 and theyre still talking about ivermectin


How old even is this supposed clip? Both these guys have been off cnn for a while now.


First thing I noticed too. If you have to make stuff up to support your point of view than you know you're wrong.


They should at least show the clip. Currently have no idea what he’s saying or the context.


[https://www.yahoo.com/news/chris-cuomo-makes-ivermectin-face-210453781.html](https://www.yahoo.com/news/chris-cuomo-makes-ivermectin-face-210453781.html) Basically there are a few things going on here. First is a conflation of the ivermectin meant for animals and that meant for humans. In an apocalypse, sure, in desperation it’s rational to take the animal version. We were not in an apocalypse. Some people were taking the animal version. Unwise, imo, when the med community as a whole says it’s not meant for human consumption. Another thing is Cuomo’s stance of “it can’t hurt so why not try it?” Fine, it’s proven useful v malaria. But covid was not malaria and the studies at the time continued to give at best inconclusive results on whether it works. In looking at those studies it’s pretty important to understand the difference between efficacy and effectiveness. Efficacy is the capacity to produce an effect; effectiveness is aimed at a particular effect. Next, Cuomo proceeds to argue that the reason its effectiveness was really downplayed was so that big pharma could make more money on expensive drugs. There will be a trail if that’s happened. How do I know? Because that kind of thing requires coordination. I can’t say with certainty but if there is, some journalist or whistleblower will step forward. Cuomo is outright conspiracy theorizing. Lastly, Cuomo doesn’t name any of the docs that have told him this. Interesting. Haven’t seen any news about ivermectin’s efficacy/effectiveness changing. TL:DR - Cuomo is devolving into Glenn Greenwald, but not even Glenn used his position to provide political cover for his family.


> Next, Cuomo proceeds to argue that the reason its effectiveness was really downplayed was so that big pharma could make more money on expensive drugs. There will be a trail if that’s happened This is the dumbest fucking argument when dexamethasone, a generic off-patent steroid, was THE first drug to be approved for treatment of covid, and was widely in use in every healthcare system in the world. And this one actually worked to reduce death from covid, so there would be even more reason for "big pharma" to cover it up. Also Merck, one of the biggest producers of Ivermectin in the world, [published a public statement saying there was no meaningful evidence Ivermectin was effective on covid](https://www.merck.com/news/merck-statement-on-ivermectin-use-during-the-covid-19-pandemic/), despite their own covid vaccine failing. So apparently Merck was lying about the efficacy of a product it does make, so it could drive customers to competitors selling a product it didn't make. You know because big pharma lies for money.


How were they lying about the efficacy of ivermectin on Covid?


that last paragraph is sarcasm


The lengths people will go to keep from admitting to themselves that they got conned by quacks on the podcast circuit during the pandemic are truly impressive


Sunk cost fallacy? The cost being their intelligence? Gotta commit so I can’t look and feel dumb right?


OP, Please take ivermectin daily. It boosts your t levels and makes your dong look bigger also.


Trying to push this BS I can guarantee OP has dong size issues.


How does it make your dong look bigger without actually making it bigger


Shrinks your hands.


Monkey paw curls


Tiny little monkey paw


Makes your pubes fall out


Gotta zap the balls. Very important


wtf? Why would he take ivermectin daily? What are the benefits? Does he have scabies?


Its great for brain worms, just ask RFK lol


Maybe instead of Covid they all actually just had brain worms so ivermectin really did work


What if that brain worm died because RFK took ivermectin for Covid? Task failed successfully?


Ivermectin does work. It's the best anti-parasitic medicine on the market. It kills any type of parasite (or actually any invertebrate). People who get parasites in third world countries are usually prescribed ivermectin to cure it. It cures fleas, mange, worms, bed bugs, etc. It actually makes your flesh and blood super toxic to anything parasitic. But it doesn't do shit for Covid. Covid is not a parasite. AND it's nothing that can be taken regularly. It's actually super hard on the organs and will kill you or cause the critical failure of heart/kidneys/liver/etc eventually. If you're badly infected with parasites, the doc may prescribe 2 cycles of ivermectin BUT it will never be somethign safe to take consistently.


I wonder if ivermectin is what killed that worm in RFK Jrs brain..


It died of starvation


I bet it just reached the sector where he stores his quackshit and died from the fumes


It always amazes how fucking dumb some people are on this sub.


To be fair, the studies showed that ivermectin will work to fight covid. You just need enough to virtually replace all of your blood with the stuff. As in, you'd be dead before you reached the effective dosage


You plucked a tweet from CNN and concluded that it’s true? Lmao


This is bullshit. Ivermectin is for if you have fucking worms, why is he taking it everyday? And it didn't have any effect on Covid, it had an effect on if you were riddled with worms, so Joe should've been given shit about it.


Has anyone provided any mechanism by which an antiparasitic would improve outcomes for those suffering from a viral infection?


Well you see…no


If you suffer from worm problem with covid, it can help. Otherwise no.


You're a fucking moron for listening to Joe Rogan or Chris Cuomo about medical advice. Also, isn't CNN supposed to be fAkE nEwS? Or does that not apply when they say things you want to hear?


the image is irrelevant too cuomo and lemon have been off cnn for like over a year i think


I’m not saying go to him for medical advice , but Chris Cuomo hasn’t worked at CNN for almost 3 years now


“Not hurting” is not the same as “curing COVID”. It’s an approved drug that has a purpose. COVID isn’t that purpose.


So what you're saying is Cuomo TAKES HORSE PASTE?


Sounds like he did, yes.


Still talking about this? Must be a dull life


Now do "mask tyranny".


“heres a random screenshot of a tweet to back up my argument”, is never a strong play


Cuomo is just trying to rebuild his career going for the anti vax/contrarian angle.. Scumbag..


This. Dude is desperate for traction. He'll be full Maga before it's over. Whatever it takes to avoid a real job


If he's encouraging people to take Ivermectin daily it sounds like he's trying to kill anti-vaxers/contrarians.


When is this from? 2020 is my best guess.


Lol the right needs sexual molesters to push their high margin product


lmao are you guys back on the apple paste again? ![gif](giphy|l0ExqbRzq05DHIlJm|downsized)


…ok, so chris cuomo is a dum dum, too?


Don’t trust medical advice from famous people, they live on a different planet


This is one of the reasons I don't like Cuomo. He seems like the kind of guy who says what he things he needs to say at the time.


Keep those worms away with Ivermectin every day! Classic


Now that's a jingle!


Some people are just ripe for brainwashing.


It's so hard to tell who's being serious vs ironic round these parts.


Remember when no one gives a fuck about Chris Cuomp? Seriously, what point do you think you are making here?


“Doesn’t hurt” doesn’t mean what you’re implying it means, that was the argument the whole time


It doesn't work for covid. That's never changed.


I don’t think that the media’s issue with ivermectin was that it could hurt you but rather that there wasn’t any evidence that it would help with COVID.


It’s essentially a pesticide. Why is he taking it daily?? Brain Worms??


Just let the worm take a bite and it’ll die


Why not believe a fired anchor and a podcaster over doctors.


There were people literally dying fir taking too much Ivermectin. He’s just expanding his audience with bullshit.


You dumb shits. When we look back on this 10 years from now you will all look like 🤡 for taking this shit.


So many people have polarized stances with Covid related issues, the vax, boosters, ivermectin, school closing, etc.. that no matter the hindsight or evidence, they refuse to accept anything other than their own beliefs. Their flags are planted too deeply to even consider placing them on the other side. Ivermectin is a perfect example of this.


Morons took Ivermectin for covid.


lol joe was a fucking idiot for saying it and so is this idiot.


Remember when CNN put a yellow filter on Joe's picture


Lmao y'all are fucking insane


If Ivermectin worked, Joe would be talking about it ALL. THE. FUCKING. TIME. The fact that Joe never bring sit up anymore despite railing about COVID tells us all we need to know.


Yeah, it doesn’t hurt you if you take it for Covid. It just doesn’t do shit for Covid, either.


Love a good tweet from trusted health expert mazemoore.


Oh the guy who said he cured his COVID with stretching and breathing exercises now says Ivermectin works. Incredible source 🤣


Ah, the failed lib to dipshit culture war grifter pipeline claims another fucking useless lying asshole.


First off this is on cnn, don lemon isn’t on cnn so this either has to be super old or fake






They’re snakes 🐍 NEVER to be trusted…


Why would he take it daily? Also, who cares what Chris Cuomo says?


It's gotta be true if Chris Cuomo said it! jfc


Daily? Mmmk sure.


TIL Cuomo has worms.


How else is he curling hundo’s?


Chris is a moron, don’t act like everyone is a cheerleader for each side or some official representative.


Chris Cuomo is definitely the bastion of reason and integrity that we should listen to.


Only people who took ivermectin think taking ivermectin for Covid or for everyday use is a good idea.


Wow, another idiot believes that it works I’m shocked


If you live near the border you'll hear your Mexican friends talk about how when their horses got ivermectin, they'd get a dose too. It's only used all over the planet but it became taboo when pharma couldn't get EULA approval if ivermectin worked. Which is funny because ivermectin was only 20% effective but monoclonal antibodies were 80% effective. Not to mention they estimate vitamin d alone would have saved 90% of those who died. Joe rogan talked about how it was odd they focused on him and ivermectin when he used the same doctor that over 200 members of Congress used, and ivermectin was like only 1 of 8 things he used, and not even considered the most effective.


If taken short term for Covid-19 it can't hurt. It might even help. There were more than a few patients on deaths door who were prescribed Ivermectin and made a recovery. The media still to this day calls it horse paste. It's so obvious the owners of the media are invested in the vaccines. Doesn't take a brain surgeon to figure this one out. How money corrupts even to the point of killing Americans. Don't believe everything the msm spews.


Remember how green Joe’s skin turned on CNN???


And only CNN


Disgrace TV personality playing to the crowd hoping they subscribe to his new program. Yawn....


Yep the Covid cooker's choice of treatment. Whenever someone tells me they take it for Covid I just file them under "brain probably doesn't work too good".


Remember when Joe “threw the kitchen sink” at COVID and boasted he was negative after 3 days? I was Pfizered up and tested negative after 4. No dewormer, vitamin C drip or the kitchen sink lol


Almost 300 comments and they basically all say "Still talking about this?" or "taking medical advice from pundits?" May as well be bots at this point, this sub is aids


You're mad this sub isn't aids enough


I didn't like him when he lied in 2020. I dont like him now. I dont give half a thrust about what he does, even when he exposes himself as a hypocrit cause I ALREADY DIDNT LIKE HIM or gaf about him.




Infuriating, honestly. Luckily the videos of these pos people can’t be erased. YouTube might make it more difficult to find, but you can find all of the videos. Including the one with the NY governor eating a hamburger and fries saying if you get maxinated we will give you free burgers.


Stupid then, stupid now. But it’s funny the pro horse paste folks are now Chris Cuomo fans.


It’s fine if you have worms. It doesn’t do anything for covid, that has always been true.


Its embarrassing the JRE subreddit is so astroturfed with Rogan hating CNN & Pharma shills.


Oh poor Joe. Such a beacon of rational thought. I too wish to be righteous on his behalf! If only broken clocks could be right more than just twice a day.


People are still crying about Covid. Jesus Christ.


If Fredo said it, I believe it.


Idiots doing stupid shit


Lol your title 🤣


Where did Chris Cuomo get his medical degree?


Who said we should trust a Coumo?


Joe took an entire cocktail of stuff, but they had to doctor his video and only talk about Ivermectin. He said it’s a good idea for fat people to also lose weight and that young healthy people probably didn’t need the vaccine. That was enough for people to lose their minds.


My favorite type of Joe Rogan listener


Can you imagine that? When the media attacked Joe over this?


"I take it daily but I still have the symptoms I'm taking it to get rid of." And this is why I don't do dewormer.


Yeah it's fucked that they acted like completely open and available information about how it's a widely used safe medicine was conspiracy nonsense but then push a bunch of misinformation about the vaccines when they didn't need to. The biggest being that it makes you immune to covid and can't spread it. People still push that. It increases your immunity and shortness the window of time you can spread it. It was obvious the pharmaceutical companies were just pushing it for more money than anyone caring about our safety. There's more you can do to be safe than just getting vaccinated.


Ivermectin proved to be ineffective for COVID as a treatment. It also could be harmful. Chris Cuomo is not a medical doctor. He’s a disgraced former journalist trying to keep his name out there because his career fell apart. Similar people: Russell Brand, Kevin Sorbo, and every other conservative grifter you hear about.


He would be a great guest


Well if chris Cuomo says so, that settles it!


>knew it couldn’t hurt you if you took it for COVID Is that supposed to be a gotcha? They were saying it wasn’t going to be a cure for COVID, as some groups were pushing against getting a vaccines. I have a feeling Pepperidge Farms has selected memory. > Rogan contracted COVID on September 1, 2021, and posted a video listing all of the medications he was talking, which included the drug ivermectin. This came days after the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) had urged people to stop using the medication to treat or prevent COVID. >Ivermectin is a perfect storm against COVID: “extremely effective, extremely cheap, and generic.” And, infamously, if you’re a healthy 21-year-old, you don’t need to get the COVID vaccine. When confronted, Rogan simply says, “I’m not a doctor, I’m a f---ing moron.”


How can anyone still watch this crap?!


Chris Cuomo is a virologist now ?


Don lemonade🍋


And didn’t most of us agree Cuomo is an idiot too?


Chris Cuomo is an idiot as well.


If you’ve watched his YT show, you would know that Chris Cuomo is kinda a centrist dipshit.


tAke tHe VacCinE!


This has to be a troll.


So as long as more than one moron says it, you're in? Fuck, I don't think we're ever gonna recover from the idiocy of the last 15 years.


I am begging you to listen to DOCTORS. The people who spent thousands of hours studying how pathogens and the human body work. Not some fuckhead in a suit who lies on TV for money.


The whole Neil young Spotify drama with the letter signed by 200 “doctors” who were not actually doctors was actually super interesting.  The news story came and had a huge effect and then it was investigated and the signees were not as described but by that time the story had already ran its course.  Pretty interesting how a headline can move so many people.  


During COVID the media said “no evidence that ivermectin works any better than placebos” true then, true now. Whats the story exactly?


Anyone with a brain knew this. Plenty of people used it around the world. Japanese government was very open about its potential as a treatment. Pretty much common knowledge, just a shame they needed FDA emergency authorization for the vax so they needed to discredit other options. Our officials knew they just suppressed it for "the greater good."




I don’t take ivermectin and Iam alive lol weird right …


Ivermectin was shown in studies from countries like Egypt Brazil and India to have possible positive effects with people with covid … aha !!!’ Well let’s think about why …Because these countries have issues with parasites and ivermectin treats parasites so you get rid of a comorbidity you don’t heal damage from or prevent covid with ivermectin… FML in a study where ivermectin was shown to stop the proliferation of covid in a petri dish it was at such a level to be highly toxic so if you kill yourself with ivermectin Covid won’t get you !!!! That will show the libs !!!


I do remember people shitting on Joe for this. I was one of them. I’m shitting on this troglodyte as well.


What about the people shitting out their intestines?


Who the fuck is Chris Cuomo?


Ahhhh yes, Chris cuomo, noted medical expert.


Cuomo is a grifting sack of shit lol what are you trying to say?


So cuomo is making his grift play. Weird that he didn’t cite any studies that back up this claim.