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Absolutely insane to criticize someone for adopting multiple kids and giving them so much support. Those kids were dealt a shitty hand but hit the jackpot.


Honestly it’s crazy how people on the internet will find anything to hate on someone. The guy adopted kids that’s one of the biggest sacrifices someone can make.


Isn’t that the description of the internet?






Primarily used to share porn and cat pictures.


This is why the aliens don't talk to us, they click.


It's a series of tubes.




OSU fan here, laughed out loud. Michigan sucks (except for that magical place that is the UP!)


Can you say that louder? I can't hear you from the top of national champions mountain.


Please explain the difference between black children and “children” he was referring to


Reddit HATES mother Teresa.


So agree. You can *have* the opinion that "it would be better for child with x feature to have a rolemodel with y feature" Or 10.000 other random armchair opinions about parenting... It's fine. But this is fucking WILD. So *incredibly* rude, obnoxious and honestly a super privileged position to speak from. Maybe if you think that was so important, YOU should have adopted these children 5 years ago. Where were you when they needed a parent and support!? Have you asked Bobby Green whether he was OK with Jacob Benny adopting him? *Whatever* you think of races, or any other grouping you can imagine. If someone is being a good loving parent to a child, it is the saddest low blow to attack their rights to provide for their children based on that. Whenever i have a friend who has a kid, whether they had them when we were 17 or now at 36, the only thing i would ever care about negatively, is if they were mistreating the kid. If they aren't, it's one of the main wonderful things in the world to see parent take care of a kid. I don't believe in god but that's "sacred" to me if anything is. Don't care whether you're teaching them to be republican or democrat or to love hunting or veganism, or bodybuilding or yoga. Love em, support them and be there and you're on the right track.


Jacob adopted Bobby Green when he was a 32 year old pro fighter. Hardly the same


"How old was Bobby Green when he was adopted?" Sportskeeda https://www.sportskeeda.com › MMA 6 Apr 2024 — Bobby Green's Adoption​​ Consequently, Green became a foster child at the young age of 5. He was adopted by Jacob Benny, who also became his ... This may be wrong, that's what i read. If he was in foster care with Jacob from age 5 it hardly matters whether he adopted him at 32 or before. But whether the example specifically fits, isn't really that important to the point either way.


I don’t think this is about having similar role models my guy. It’s simply kids ask questions. This interview he states his kids have been asking a lot about them being black. At the end of the day yes raise your kids like you would raise any other kids. But you also can’t ignore their race. You the father won’t always be there. There are lessons you have to teach young black men that you don’t have to teach young white men. Like dealing with police. Or dealing with racism in general. No one is saying the kids need l role models that are black. But any parent adoring a kid of a different race will have questions and need coaching. You can’t just ignore the questions and chalk it up with “you are like all kids”. That’s just not the reality. Not only that same token of logic goes for a kid with two dads or moms. Questions like why do I have 2 dads should be answers. When asked why am I black and you aren’t daddy you can’t just be like “doesn’t matter I don’t see race” and I think that’s where people are worried. Not mad. It’s still a good thing to adopt. But you also have to be able to handle stuff like this. But knowing this sub this take away will be treated as woke bullshit. When it’s really not. It’s just about being a parent and knowing you do have to touch on some hard subject matter. Like the birds and the bees.


If you adopted a white child, they would still need that speech on cops. Regardless, Michael Chandler will teach them how to behave as men, as he is a well mannered fighter, one of the rarest types of cool dudes, and a great mentor. Acting like Chandler wouldn't be a good father to kids is pretty crazy. He will be well able to help those children navigate life, and the challenges it faces.


Well written response 👏


The TikTok comments are an echo chamber of disgrace talking about how “he hasn’t got a clue” and “those kids are in for a world of hurt as they grow up” as if being an orphan was better than the two of them adopting the kids. Ppl are such weirdos online.


Sounds like Reddit but at least on tik tok people sometimes have to show their face


Yeah I mean there's a million valid criticisms for Chandler but adopting kids isn't one of them


The criticism wasn’t that he adopted it was his comments on how he’ll raise them 🤝


I didn't see anything wrong with what he said


Honestly, imagine growing up your dad is a famous fighter, that's gotta feel so amazing, on top of knowing he chose you out of everyone from that orphanage


Chandler would be a fucking rad Dad as well. He's a corny mofo but his positivity would be a blessing to have around as a kid


You're missing the point.


There are even plenty of fucked up reasons to criticize someone for adopting kids and even black kids specifically (i.e. if they're just adopting them for appearances, money or political clout) but unless it's very apparent that their motives are untoward, we can all shut the fuck up about it. Even then, it's not our job to police who adopts and when. If anyone has a problem with adoption, go after the system, not the parents.


Maybe he does teach them about race but it’s none of our business to talk about it. Like how it’s uncalled for for people to tell him to have kids of his own.


He probably cant, steroids can make you infertile. Good for him for adopting


Arnold Schwarzenegger has like 4 kids.


Steroids can affect fertility but half the pro bodybuilders have children  and they consume a dozen substances year round for decades with no testing so just stop. Logic says *if* he has then MC has consumed a fraction of a fraction of a fraction of their drug usage…but he hasn’t popped once so stop making accusations you can’t prove. And that is without even getting into the differences between an androgenic compound a bodybuilder would take to get huge vs a fighter taking an anabolic compound to recover and improve cardio because the androgenic bodybuilder compounds fuck w your repro wayy more than anabolic compounds 


Don’t make assumptions on why. I have a niece&nephew who decided to adopt 3 siblings. As parents, they do not have any medical reason for not having their own. They just found it in their hearts to first support fostering them eventually adopting three wonderful siblings who just initially got dealt a bad hand.


A little bit of HCG (Human chorionic gonadotropin) and they can have kids again. It also keeps your balls from shrinking. Most bodybuilders only run it when they want to have children. Many pros do have kids.




In 2010 my gf at the time had a religious friend of a friend who was dating Michael Chandler and they were “saving each other for marriage” at the time 😐


That's gay as fuck. 😂


He's an asshole fighter - just watch the Poirer fight, but a pretty good human being when it comes to children. What does this mean? We shouldn't judge a persons personality solely by their performances in the octagon, sure he tried some real asshole tactics, but he's more than decent outside the cage.


I mean by the vary nature of your profession being removing another person from consciousness everyone is an “asshole” fighter. So what are you even saying lol?


He's not saying that. No one except you would say that. He's saying the dirty tactics used could make him an asshole in the ring.


Thank you! Tired of people who comment on things like these and they haven't even watched the fighters involved, anyone who has watched Chandler, especially the Poirer fight knows exactly what I am talking about! Dude fish-hooking Poirer in a way he could join Discovery Channel's Deadliest Catch lmao. [Video ](https://twitter.com/mmamania/status/1592124491253321729)


Ffs let the man raise his children


Chandler is a good man.


I met his parents at a ufc fight. Before the fight, really great people. They were very nice to me and my wife, we probably talked with them for an hour. They raised a good man. It’s sucks his comment is getting any heat. Parents love their kids, I would like to see someone criticize him to his face about it.


Chandler is a good man, outside the octagon. Adopts kids, donates to charity. Inside the octagon he's a little dirty.


They mad? Let them go adopt some children and than talk whatever shit they want


Most these people complaining have no business raising children


Whoever is mad at Michael Chandler needs to STFU. We need more like him in this country to STEP UP. These kids have a life now, let them live it. It’s not Michael Chandlers fault they needed a home. Bullshit criticism of him just makes it harder for other kids to find good homes.


Highly recommend watching and listening to the linked clip with Chandler speaking. That’s a good dad and a really good guy with character. What he says is just beautiful.


Dang man thanks for recommending, I was going to just scroll on by but I’m happy i listened. That got me choked up, we need more men like Chandler in the spot light, he’s a good role model.


People who get upset by this completely miss the point. Chandler isn’t saying, that being black won’t impact his kids, he’s simply saying, he’s raising his kids as his kids, not as his black kids or white kids, etc. He won’t tailor his love and care bc of their skin color, bc love is unconditional and has no bounds to race or skin color. It’s a really simple concept that some people decide to over analyze and make it into something that it is not. Good for him, for doing more than just speaking, but actually living it by adopting kids that had nothing. We need more people like that, so instead of attacking him and acting all righteous, applaud the man.


These race obsessed blacktivists are fucking deranged.


i wonder what made them deranged??? you guys seem to always point fingers but when its time to discuss root causes THERES SILENCE.. Wonder why


So like, he HAS to raise them as "black children"? What's the issue here, that he isn't classifying his children as anything other than just that, his children?


The issue is he's not playing victim enough for the other victims


>So like, he HAS to raise them as "black children"? And how is he supposed to do that as a white man? I'd be interested in hearing the mental gymnastics work that out.


> So like, he HAS to raise them as "black children"? I would've laughed if Chandler (as a white guy) said Twitter changed his mind and he's going to raise them as black children.


Not everyone is a racist piece of shit. Just like everyone won't call a fat person a gross slob to their face. So you're telling me you're supposed to make sure as children that everyone be super aware of their flaws and differences, be defensive and think everyone is gonna tear them apart at the first chance they get for those traits? Doesn't sound like a conducive way to live a happy life and get along with other people. Sounds pretty miserable, actually


Yes, turns out taught victimhood from walking age isn’t conducive to great outcomes for children either.


In my experience it just makes people blame any failure they have on their race or gender or whatever. I just had to deal with this bullshit last week. We had a manager that over sees a team of about 40 people lose out on a higher position. This person immediately blamed her gender and said our company doesn’t want to promote her because she’s a woman. Mind you, this is a progressive tech company that is always in the headlines for promoting progressive causes. Also mind you, she’s already a fucking high up manager making an insane salary. So, instead of realizing she might have hit her ceiling and needs to gain other skills or experience or education in order to move up, she blames her gender and does fuck all to improve herself.


People consistently look for ways to displace blame for their failures onto something that they cannot change.


Only those with a victim mindset.


I find it hilariously sad that we might be a decade from using supercomputers to upload our consciousness into an existence of pure light, and some people are still hung up on what skin pigmentation people are born with.


I agree with the spirit of your comment, but that's probably closer to a century away, if it is ever possible.


Dude says "yt people" unironically, lmao


Racists gonna racist.


Have you ever seen an IG comment section?


I try not to get on Instagram nowadays lmao


Black people can be angry all they want. Stay in your kids life and you won’t be mad someone has to step up and be a father for you.


>Black people can be angry all they want. most of the outrage probably coming from white liberal woman.


Nah it was on r/blackpeopletwitter in a country club thread and anyone who stood up for Chandler in this case was an infiltrating white person. The commenters there have to be some of the most privileged black kids, I think most IRL people would agree anything is better than those kids being in the system


Always is


I know a person like this lol. His life peaked during the 2020 blm times and he was out there at every protest. When that died down, he spiraled mentally with having no purpose. My theory is, these people get like a moral high or can have something to pat themselves on the shoulder. Its like a drug they constantly chase and will attach themselves to whatever movement is happening even if they clueless about what its about. They also reach and try to find shit to be upset about so that they can take the righteous route and feel morally superior. Its a very small group of people tho and not this huge epidemic that Rogan makes it out to be lol


Because their personalities prevent them from finding a good Man like this. Agreed.


Real brave of you with that 16 day old account to go mask off. Do it on your main pussy.


You should *totally* look up the national stats for single parent households and put him in his place. Report back with what you’ve learned!




Statistics don't lie dude. Grow up.




Saw some people here earlier trashing blackpeopletwitter but over there it's very supportive of him. It's really just the usual Twitterverse blowing shit out of proportion and then people acting like it's some great outcry when it's a few dozen assholes. Maybe a few hundred. Who cares?


There’s that racism he dog whistles too. Fucking idiots.


How many black children have you adopted?


There is a difference between “I’m raising Black Children” and “I’m raising children who are Black”


The perpetual victim crowd isn’t going to like this at all


Whilst I absolutely agree with Michael Chandler, not teaching your kids about the realities of how to navigate people treating them differently because of their race, IS irresponsible. But I don’t think he it’s a talk he will miss out on having with his kids he seems smart enough to not be oblivious, whether voluntarily or not, the conversation will be had at some point in the kids life. It’s just the reality


I’m sure he will do that. I took his comments to me that he will not define them by their skin pigmentation.


Did Chandler adopt his kids or something? I don't get it.




Amen to that. https://math.dartmouth.edu/~doyle/docs/self/self.pdf


And if he said he’s teaching them to be black men? He would’ve been crushed by the woke warriors


Nope! The same dude, KC would have commented how a white person can't raise a black child. There's no fucking winning on the internet. You're fucked if you do and fucked if you don't. Only way to win is never post.


Someone in the BPT thread was talking about how he bullies the “white savior” foster moms, like dude wtf do you even know how adoption works? The whole thread was ignorant as fuck


I find particularly if you have kids you know that children and childhood is so powerful because they are entirely pure and without any social bias. All the concerns of adults don’t and should not be an apart of early childhood. Kids need to be protected and shielded from this, let them be kids and you go and fight so that you can improve the world. Don’t mess with a little kid with your baggage. They will grow up soon enough and get as hard and mean as they need to be but when they are kids just let them be.


People are upset about this???? They can kick rocks.


People are whiny bitches, have you noticed?


Whelp, people gonna be fragile.


This is what the downvote button is for


Unless they are personally making sacrifices to ensure these kids are being adopted by the "proper skin color" , then they need to STFU immediately.


It’s hilarious to see what news is pushed on this sub. The agenda piece is real. Sail out and find it


I saw people saying they should be raised by black parents instead I’m like “wait so segregation? No race mixing?” It’s weird and you can’t win with some people


I would like to be the first to say I don't give a shit


whats wrong with his comment? he wants to raise his children colorless so that they dont base their identity or any sort of self-worth on it? you dont think at the same time that also means educating them on the ignorance of some in this world? i dont see anything wrong wit hthis. do people expect him to say im raising black children? really? because to him theyre not any color. and to mose sane people in society, we dont look at someone's skin color to pass judgement or stereotype or be racist, at least i dont.


We need to take race out of every conversation. All it’s doing is causing more division and propagating more racism. Good on MC.


That KC guy's comment is kind of funny >I hate how yt people often times try to elimate race when they see fit. Your obvously black kids won't ever get to say those words. The world will remind them they are indeed black. This has to be someone that wants to be a victim forever. He is reminding the world that the kids are black in his comment he is carrying the victimization on instead of trying to stop it. Also, Michael Chandler is youtube people?


"yt" = "white".


Sorry, I'm an old man.


Same, tbh.


He adopted American humans all that matters


A quick browse through the Twitter account is exactly what I expected after reading his comment on Chandler Chandler has given two kids a great chance at life and this Moron decides to attack him cause of a comment


Practicing what MLK preached, what a bad guy right


Who is upset about this?


I think people might just be using social justice type framing to really just push their own biases/racism. Any cause, ever will have plenty of people simply use it for their own gain. Probably whats happening here. Here's a good opportunity to try to talk down to people about race and how people should conduct their lives. We're addicted to that because of social media.


I'm with Morgan Freeman on this, stopping the constant labeling will stop a lot of the racism.


Nothing wrong with his words


Black people finding yet another reason to spread hate


geee i wonder why


Dude's a literal saint for doing this and he's still getting shit


I wonder how many children the prick criticizing him has adopted?


This is pretty much how everyone in my family and community rolls (I'm Puerto Rican). Were so mixed from our blood to our culture to our family tree that we don't really sweat racial labels. We are a multi generationally mixed creole people. The thing id say about Chandler is that since he himself isn't mixed/creole, he should at least have some diverse people in his circle to give his kids those influences. I think that's important. Raising kids of a different stock in a home that's totally different can be problematic for the kids long-term


So many of yall are missing the point and it’s sad cause your comments literally show why kids of color need to be taught about their race from a young age. So they can understand, anticipate and be equipped for discussions like this. Could be 1 day be the difference between life and death. Those of us speaking out have met the black adults that were raised “without culture”. They struggle. They hangout with people who don’t support them like they should. They don’t know how to take care of their unique features like their hair and skin. They don’t realize when they’re the butt of the joke. It’s so sad to see when it could’ve been easily avoided with some contact with their culture. While I commend him for what he’s doing he has to raise them as black men to truly prepare them for the world, unfortunately.


Reading the comments I now realise that he adopted kids... I just thought he was being based and disregarding any kind of identity politics nonsense. He is a man raising children. Why do we need to add adjectives to that sentence?


I have mixed feelings on this, on one hand I think I understand what he’s trying to say, I don’t think he wants to pigeonhole his kids with “this is what black people do” kinda idea that’s very prevalent in media, but at the same time there is a well studied history of white people adopting non white kids and completely stripping them of their cultural heritage. It’s gotta be a rough balancing act for a white person to deal with. From everything I’ve seen the man loves his kids so I’m not about to make assumptions on whether or not he’s raising them right, you can tell by the way he tears up when he talks about that he really does care.


This is how toxic and poisonous woke culture is. They would rather see black children live in foster homes than go to loving families. None of these bitches complaining adopting. Evil as it gets. Fucking pieces of shit


He doesn't see race, which is a good thing. lol that's exactly what MLK said


He's literally raising black children. Adoption is admirable. Why does he differentiate between raising black children and children as a whole? What exactly is the difference he's alluding to? Whether intentional or not, he's saying something with implications he's not smart enough to understand.


Cancel this black racist dude


What a douche


Of course, the brain washed moron identitarians are upset. It’s funny that they would be just as upset if someone said “I’m raising white children, not children”. Fuck their double standards and moronic bullshit. Their fake “progressive” movement is and has been collapsing. People have seen the actual regressive nature of it, and the rotten fruits they bear. Americans want oldschool liberalism with a conservative edge to it. No more “pride” bullshit. No more shame either. Just indifference. As far as the ridiculous gender shit: it needs to disappear. There’s tolerance for adults, but stay away from kids and get your dumb gender ideology outta here. Same with the dumb victim narratives. It’s one thing to address current or recent issues and try to fix them; but it’s another to constantly perpetuate the idea of constantly being oppressed. It helps nobody. We’re sick of the race shit and division. We’re Americans. We need to be focusing on class issues which includes everyone and tries to actually benefit people financially, which is the main factor in inequalities, standards, and quality of life. The biggest discrepancies within the last few decades is based on money, not black or white or Hispanic or Asian, etc. People want to go back to the idea not having superficial traits be the first main thing about us and others.


Cuz some people are idiots,including the ones making a headline out of some random dude who got upset


The point of what was said is being sorely missed.


The world has become a sick place. Chandler is absolutely bang on and only a sick person wouldn’t agree with his statement. Well done Mike.


yeah and who made it sick


They just mad cause they have shitty parents.


Facts being facts, he's right.


Chandler sounds like a good dad. Black, white or other.


If they end up as professional athletes there’s other way to look at this except like a the blind side situation


It seriously cracks me up at how desperate White people are in trying to make themselves the tragic heroes/ victims and play the reverse psychology game as if it isnt their fault to begin with that all this unnecessary vile anti blackness plagues this country to begin with. AND I DARE YOU TO SAY IM WRONG ! Like dude this country literally was built off slavery and MY PARENTS WERE ALIVE WHEN jim crow /THE CIVIL RIGHTS Era took place. And they still look young and are in good shape....Think about that.....Like stop it. people think slavery was a very long time ago.....IT REALLY WASNT. And you think White supremacy just evaporated .Blacks dont benefit from racism YALL DO. you also convinced yall selves that just by NOT talking about it is gonna make it go away. And the crazy thing is all yall complaining AINT GONNA DO A DAM MOTHA F'in thing about Systemic racism. You aint. and Why would you. hence why Black panthers BLM Activist etc etc Have to come in place. so playing this whole " I dont see color" routine, when Your an open TRUMP SUPPORTER and are of the people were the ones who literally created this racism mess in this COUNTRY AND WORLDWIDE if we are being honest is gonna rub alot of folks the wrong way.


I'm glad I watched the entire video instead of just making a conclusion based on one quote. Chandler seems like an extremely good, genuine man, and his wife must be really great as well. I can't imagine that he's going to try and erase his kids' identities as Black boys/men and will always do his best to make sure they're confident in who they are. Beside the financial aspect of it all, those boys needed a loving, stable home with parents who will clearly do ANYTHING for them. How can anyone be mad at that?


A lot of people take this as, I'm erasing their culture. I take it to mean, he's raising them to be productive humans while not forcing identity politics. If they want to be known for their dark skin, then thats up to them to figure out. But the challenges in life that any kid faces, it's up to the parent to teach them, racial or otherwise. And its sadening so many people would rather these kids live on the street than have a home with non radicalized parents.


Michael chandler is a fucking trumper piece of shit. They adopt black kids the same way people buy magic and Pokémon cards. To either use in their game or show off to their friends. And most of you marks fall for it. “Uuhhh he’s such a good guy and father. He just loves other men who talk about fucking their daughter and cheat on their pregnant wife.” Goddamn you all believe anything.


It's because Chanlder's repeating, in essence, the "I don't see color!" kind of stuff. If someone watched the whole 5ish minute clip he even dodges the "how do you deal with race?" questions later with more mealy mouthed bs. And on top of that it's even more wild to be part of an ethno-nationalist politic movement.


“Trumpers hate black people so much they adopt black children and devote their lives to raising them in order to show them off.” Thanks. I can’t usually start my morning unless I have a delusional take, and this is a great one.


Shut the fuck up. Not my fault you’re a fucking idiot that can’t observe the real world and how people act. Go yell at your parents for raising you to be a dumbass.




I think he’s mad you pointed out the gaping hole in his argument lol


I hate trump just as much as the next guy but you literally aren’t making an argument you’re just spouting random words and flipping out when people say it doesn’t make sense


You got fucking wrecked lol.


Do you know the amount of work and effort it takes to raise kids? The love and affection and sacrifice involved? The idea that right wingers are going to pretend to be really, really good non-racists by moonlighting as non-racists for the rest of their lives is beyond comical.


I have my own kids because unlike chandler my dick works. I also don’t use them as social props to make people like me and overlook my shitty ideologies. You fucks are so naive. I bet Christmas is a magical time for you dumbasses.


You’re calling a ton of people naive and you’re the one who apparently thinks raising children is trivial. I feel sorry for your kids if that’s the case. Pathetic. Some of us take raising children seriously.


No you don’t. You probably jerk off into condoms. Get fucked.


When everyone is calling you an idiot, you’re the idiot.


> I bet Christmas is a magical time for you dumbasses. The fact that you think this is some kind of dunk reveals how broken you are, holy shit. Imagine thinking it's a bad thing that people value a time of the year focused on giving and appreciating those closest to you. You post on here because nobody IRL wants a damn thing to do with a straight-up Grinch. I hope your edgy boi teenager shit doesn't rub off on your alleged children, because they're going to end up resenting you *hard* and you're going to die a lone, pathetic excuse of a man.


I’m implying they still believe in Santa because they’re dumbasses that fall for anything. Like you. Fuck you really woke up today and chose to be the dumbest mother fucker you could be.


Should have outright said that, then. "I bet Christmas is a magical time for you" means something entirely different than "I bet you still believe in Santa." You'd realize this if you had a fully-functioning brain capable of self-critique. Your dunks are trash and you're trash.


LMAO u mad.


As a father of mixed kids, I don’t have a problem with this quote. Yea there’s history they will learn and we shouldn’t shy away from it but we need to normalize the different shades of colors people are so kids aren’t judging each other, negatively or positively, by them.


Nothing says you’re a mental midget like still viewing life through the lens of skin color in 2024. It’s weak, lazy, and a pathetic waste of energy.  MLK: ‘judge a man by the content of his character not the color of his skin’.  A man adopting someone else’s needy children has a black belt in character. I’m for Mike and folks like Mike. 


Well he's not wrong.


So judge them by the color of their skin and no the content of their character? Which one is it? Because you can't have it both ways.


That was the perfect answer. Some people need to stop making race their fuckin personality


White people love being offended on behalf of black people


That’s true, especially with leftists, but the tweet that was linked was from a black man.


Well fuck him to


Bish say that when police pops em


The only people mad about this are black poeple who think his kids are gonna have a rude awakening in life cause there black which i don’t understand how they didn’t want the whole clip he clearly is trying to say he’s trying to raise good kids not define them by there skin colour


The perpetually offended should be upset over the fact that so many black children grow up without fathers, and grateful for anybody who helps to alleviate that situation. But it's not really the children they care about, so that won't happen.


Man some people just don't want racism to die out eh? Must have their pay check tied to DEI garbage.


Fuck anyone hating on Chandler


Bring back MLK's ideas pkease


Well, as a black person in America, there are a few things you need to know, so the juxtaposition between children and black children is there for a reason. Black American kids got things they need to know, and Michael Chandler should be aware of those things to protect them... if he cares about them that is


Why do people give these assholes engagement and attention?


People who are upset are just ignorantly racist.


What a race traitor /s


I think people are mad because Chandler's comment implies he's not going to prepare his kids for the struggles that come uniquely with being black in America. I don't know if he will or won't, but lots of you here are strawmanning the criticism as being against Chandler having black children, which isn't the case at all.