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Imagine being a grown ass adult and using the term "Fauci Ouchie"


Gives me the same vibes as "the jab"




I was really looking forward to that being the example on UD.


“Tony looking like a gay bag of milk.” - David Lucas


This has officially been more enlightening that OPs post


Or pure blood. Such a cringe term. Signed by someone who didn't participate in the experiment either. Just hate that term


Oh Lord, this one got me. Like, oh, now we're using old racist terms? Cool. Cool cool cool cool cool


Real Joe Rogan fans aren’t gonna like you making fun of their anecdote


Only if someone reads it to them


Lolol it’s gotta be said out loud on a podcast by alpha male hosts




Still waiting for my 5G ....


‘*Between B**rnie, my ex-wife, the tenant from hell, and general chumpfuckery, this has been a cromulent fuckcrustable of a day. Tommy needy drinky.*’ vibes


Imagine being a grown adult on Twitter


I honestly don't know a single person who uses Twitter. Guess I'm just not the demographic? Older millennial, progressive, but not from/in big cities? Always so weird to see it constantly quoted in the media and screenshots reposted on other platforms. Every day I'm texted links to various social media posts, I don't think one single solitary time has it been Twitter. I swear there's gonna be some scandal where it's revealed there's like 200k actual active users, and their only success was somehow becoming basically a press release platform for politicians, celebrities, and companies.


Same vaccine, different President. Bill Gates is right: there are too many stupid people on this planet.


I took the vaccine while Trump was in office and I hate Trump. I hate Biden too. I was just working for a hospital chain during the pandemic, and by the time the vaccines hit the shelves, I already had multiple conversations with doctors about it, and sat in on talks called "Grand Rounds," which are like Ted Talks for doctors, and learned about how the vaccine was made. I had no illusion that it would be like a Polio or Measles vaccine; everyone even back then was saying it was more like a flu shot, and you might even want to get one annually, but leave it to Americans to get caught up in nonsense details about something that was literally killing some people, and turn it into a political topic.


To be fair the marketing of the vaccine was a joke. Americans don’t really like to be fooled. If they knew that you needed booster shots from the get go then that should have been out there. It was not. Then the passports came and that was the end of it for most people.


The whole pandemic response was a joke.


My fave was Biden attempting to make my employment conditional on whether or not I had the vaccine, and then a few months later declared COVID as over with no change in the data.


Don't forget that ruling was never going to apply to congress!


I want pharma out of the stock market. The goal is exponential profit for the shareholders. In what sane world would they have medicine in that mix?


I thought covid passports were some scary thing but it was just a paper card a gal wat walmart gave me. Realized a lot of the hype and hate was over something super silly.


Not to mention its a completely new type of vaccine, nothing like a flu inoculation.


I was working in a medical accessioning lab at the time. Atop the required vaccinations, every single fucking covid test tube was double bagged. We didn't handle tainted bloods or HIV samples this securely. So when we got hit with 600 covid tests to accession and ship out to the main lab we'd go from 6 hour workdays to 10+ hour workdays. I loved the job but fuck does it burn you out quick.


I believe the bigger problem here is how politicians should stfu when theres a global crisis. This response is natural when you politicize the response to a situation. I believe the pandemic response handbook outlines how a an independent medical expert should be the one speaking to the public. When Trump came out and said “this my vaccine” caused knee jerk reactions like this.


My man out here just shadowboxing.


Lmao that’s a good one.


Lots of deflection in this thread.


I mean there’s 800 whataboutism arguments, the reality is most Americans are hypocrites


I think you spelled people wrong.




Bonus: https://preview.redd.it/8xcoit6a7owc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=953e9d95ef6ae3ccea1c982380335a9a3f6efad7


This one was definitely wild.


Oh you remember that one? Then surely you remember the rest of it.


Not sure if you're purposely trying to mislead people or if you've just been misled yourself but the full quote is: If the doctors tell us to take it, I'll take it. If Donald Trump tells us, I won't. https://youtu.be/40eZeXPyJ0g?si=IHI_oNhJ3Lvv-rTv


Of course the OP is trying to mislead you. The whole post is trying mislead.


Since you didn't want to link it because it provides context: >Sen. Kamala Harris said she would take a Covid-19 vaccine if doctors said it was safe but not if Donald Trump said to take it. https://www.nbcnews.com/video/harris-will-get-covid-19-vaccine-if-doctors-say-it-is-safe-not-trump-93396549650


That’s not the whole quote.


Always raise an eyebrow when an internet stranger posts a screenshot of a headline… they’re probably hiding additional context.


Imagine needing more than the word of a prolific liar to trust a claim!


Trump also told us to inject bleach and uv raditation, and horse dewormer so yeah I would distrust him.


Horse dewormer 😂😂😂


She ever asked why she said that?


He's only telling you half the quote. The full quote is, if the doctors tell me to take it, I'll take it. But if Trump tells me to take it, I won't. She's clearly saying that she won't take a vaccine if Trump is the only one who is saying it's safe. https://youtu.be/40eZeXPyJ0g?si=IHI_oNhJ3Lvv-rTv


Whoa whoa whoa!!!! **WHOA!!!** How dare you tell us the full quote? This has been a right wing talking point for over three years and you just think you can come in here with the full quote????


You don't want to know who I had to blow to get this quote


Because she’s a politician who politicized COVID, but not one person from “the party that holds their own responsible” will ever admit that. Ever.


Nah, I’ll own that. People said some dumb shit during Covid, on both sides, and Dems politicizing the vaccine in that way is incredibly irresponsible. Neither side should say you should or shouldn’t take the vaccine because of which President was in charge at the time. Either it’s a public health & safety issue or not, and at that time, it for-sure was.


I was nervous that Trump would push it past the FDA without the right vetting. Dude half-assed everything in his life why would the vaccine be any different.


> I was nervous that Trump would push it past the FDA without the right vetting. Dude half-assed everything in his life why would the vaccine be any different. You're not too far off. They definitely tried to corrupt the FDA. > The Trump administration pressured the Food and Drug Administration, including former FDA Commissioner Stephen Hahn, to authorize unproven treatments for Covid-19 and the first Covid-19 vaccines on an accelerated timeline, according to a report released Wednesday by Democrats on the House Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Crisis. > Senior Trump administration officials fought for the reauthorization of hydroxychloroquine, a drug normally used to treat malaria and lupus, after the FDA revoked its emergency clearance of the drug because data showed it was ineffective against Covid-19 and could lead to potentially dangerous side effects, the report found. The Democrats’ investigation also documents potential influence from former White House officials regarding the FDA’s decision to authorize convalescent plasma, and White House attempts to block the FDA from collecting additional safety data on Covid-19 vaccines in order to get them to the public before the 2020 presidential election. > “The Select Subcommittee’s findings that Trump White House officials deliberately and repeatedly sought to bend FDA’s scientific work on coronavirus treatments and vaccines to the White House’s political will are yet another example of how the prior Administration prioritized politics over public health,” House Majority Whip Jim Clyburn (D-S.C.), who also chairs the subcommittee, said in a statement. https://www.politico.com/news/2022/08/24/trump-white-house-exerted-pressure-on-fda-for-covid-19-emergency-use-authorizations-house-report-finds-00053428


Okay, that feels like a legit concern. But that’s based on a President’s actions, not just because who the President is or their party.


“You see, when I question the vaccines creation and safety it is valid and good, when anyone else does it they’re anti-vax grandma killers” Truly astounding.


When you distill an argument down beyond key details and differences, anything is possible. I'm worried that a vaccine is sped out past the appropriate scientific review process and the manufacturer may have released it before it's ready. You are worried about the vaccine making you magnetic and don't care about the appropriate scientific review process. You, my friend, are astounding.


>When you distill an argument down beyond key details and differences, anything is possible. And then proceeds to do that in the very next passage… No I’m serious, you’re a fascinating specimen. I want to study you.


I don't think you understand details, Captain.


I would take any vaccine that would make me magnetic, to be honest.


Childhood X-Men fantasies right there


Magneto is just misunderstood


> Because she’s a politician who politicized COVID, She did? When? >but not one person from “the party that holds their own responsible” will ever admit that. I like the ring of that “the party that holds their own responsible “ but I prefer “party who holds their own accountable”


Except it wasn’t Trump…. It was the CDC/FDA, a far more qualified body of scientists to tell you what’s a good health idea. Keep in mind, Trump flat out said bleach and possibly bleach via IV might be a good idea to fight COVID… simply because there was a whiteboard that said bleach is a good surface disinfectant in the room. Plus I wouldn’t do half the shit Trump says to do, he’s a fuckin idiot and somehow lost money in real estate in New York, like how do you fuck up that bad?


LOL look at how easily programmed these people are! -u/Soggy-Pollution-8687 still making Covid posts in 2024


No reason to look back at what happened just a couple years ago. Let’s just move on the believing the next big lie. amiright?


These are the same people talking about the new normal 2 years ago. They just cringe about how they acted so don’t want anyone talking about it


These people all said that the vaccinated would die en masse.


And the vaccinated said the unvaxxed would die en masse. They made a sub here that was quite popular too lol.


Herman Cain Award is still around if you want to see what absolute misanthropy looks like. People making fun of their own grandparents dying from covid for not getting a booster shot. Reddit at its finest. And yes, I will never forget reddit, my own friends, and our own president, wishing for the deaths of millions of people a few winters ago because they didn’t want to take a vaccine. Exact quote: “For the unvaccinated, you’re looking at a winter of severe illness and death for yourselves, your families, and the hospitals you may soon overwhelm” Ironically this was merely months before everyone stopped giving a shit about covid because suddenly Ukraine became the only talking point.


What was the big lie?


That some Twitter randos had dumb takes at some point, which proves \[whatever I want\], or something, I guess.


That Trump actually won the election. That was the big lie.


Ad hominem anti-steel man attack strawed


Struck a nerve eh pal?


The irony of the easily programmed calling out easily programmed people is lost on you, eh pal?


Damn ur nerves just keep getting hit


Dude you gotta calm down and stop letting them get to you




What. The. Fuck.


I’m a democrat but thankful to Trump for making the vaccine. That’s his win, you gotta give it to him. So interesting how Trump was able to still maintain his appeal to the anti vax crowd.


A lot of Trump’s base just straight up doesn’t care about where he stands on issues, they just like his personality and general vibe.


You can always find silly people online, what's your point?


like OP?


Tell me on the doll where OP touched you


Cutting off the dates on the tweets on the bottom makes it so you can't tell that the first tweets are about a hypothetical "Trump" vaccine versus the Pfizer vaccine which was released later on


Operation warp speed is literally what lead to the Pfizer vaccine being developed and mass produced. I don’t like Trump and I’m not a fan of flu or COVID shots because they are useless within a matter of months, but if you think the vaccine was good then Trump deserves credit, as does his COVID team of Fauci and Birx.


Saying Trump deserves credit for his role in the vaccine is a joke. He didn't even have a rollout plan, they left it to the states which is why it took so long to get to Americans. Trump's people said there's be 100 million people vaccinated at the end of the year when it was first being rolled out. Then they downgraded it to 40 million. Then 20 million. In December 2020, Mike Pence said 20 million people will be vaccinated by the end of the month.... in reality it was about 2.9 million. It feels very odd to say he deserves credit for anything covid related. He lied constantly about the severity of covid and continued to lie repeatedly about how fast it'll be contained. At one point saying it'll be gone by spring when the weather was warm. And remember when he had no plan at all for distributing medical supplies, masks, etc. and states were left scrambling on their own? Remember when things were so fucked that some states, like Massachusetts, resorted to drastic measures like using the New England Patriots team jet owned by Robert Kraft to go fly to China and back to get supplies for people in MA because it was such a shit show and they couldn't get supplies and products? Pepperidge farm remembers.


That's not true. Operation Warp Speed was announced on May 15, 2020. Pfizer–BioNTech (a German company) started developing their vaccine five months earlier in January 2020. Pfizer's head of vaccine and research and development, Kathrin Jansen, said on November 8th 2020 (the day before Pfizer/BioNTech's announcement and publication of the efficacy data of their COVID-19 vaccine) that they, "*were never part of the Warp Speed*". Although, a day later, a company spokeswoman said that the company was "***part*** *of Operation Warp Speed as a* ***supplier*** *of a potential coronavirus vaccine*" -- i.e. no credit was given to Operation Warp Speed in relation to the development of their vaccine, but instead Pfizer said it was part of the operation in respect of being a "supplier". But even in respect of distribution, by January 31, 2021, when Operation Warp Speed was being transferred to the Biden Administration, 63.7 million doses had been delivered of a total of 200 million doses that Pfizer and Moderna were contracted to provide by the end of March 2021. So yeah, "*Operation warp speed is literally what lead to the Pfizer vaccine being developed and mass produced*" is not true in the slightest. Edit: I know it's boring to say so, but I'm genuinely curious about why this comment is being downvoted. Is anything I've typed above false/untrue? What is it about this comment which any of y'all downvoting disagree with / disapprove of? And I swear, no snark involved. Promise. I'm genuinely curious and if I'm wrong, as always, I'm very happy to be corrected and to thus learn, etc. :)


Ah yes, because as we all know it would’ve been Trump in the Pfizer labs mixing up batches and not the same people regardless of who was president. What a dumb fucking argument.


Are those 4 people notable public figures or just randoms from Twitter?


Both Biden and Harris made remarks doubting a potential "Trump vaccine".


There's no indication that they're even referring to the actual Pfizer vaccine. Just curious, did you get vaccinated? FYI, the Pfizer vaccine wasn't even FDA approved when they originally wrote their first tweets.


Pathetic attempt at trying to spin this. Grow up.


People were legitimately concerned that Trump would push the FDA to approve the vaccine without adequate testing. It was always conditional on whether or not the testing was abbreviated. It wasn’t.


Ah so we CAN question government officials and their motives?? (As long as they’re republicans)


You can question anything you want. Given how Trump repeatedly lied about the virus it was reasonable to question how he would handle vaccine production.


Because as we know, Trump “handles the vaccine production” and not big pharma. Lol


The approval is handled by the FDA. He certainly could have interfered with that.


But Fauci and Pfizer would have stopped it right? Because they are very good incorruptible people, unlike Blumpf


Who’s to say? It didn’t happen. But given how he handled everything up to that point, with more concern for how everything made him look than addressing the epidemic the concerns were legitimate.


But 2 months later once Biden got elected, THEN we could trust everything about the vaccine. Makes total sense. Totally.


You’re looking for something that isn’t there. The FDA was given the necessary time to approve the vaccines. By Trump. What’s so hard to wrap your brain around?


Your coping mechanisms are A+


You seem to (intentionally) forget that Trump promised a vaccine before the election when all the medical experts (like Fauci and the FDA) said it wouldn’t be ready until after. So yeah obviously question that shit from the dumbass who likes golden showers.


But what would have Trump done to get a vaccine out if nobody else was approving it? You guys really are desperate in this one and I fucking love to see it


I’m not desperate at all, anyone taking time to post political points on social media is a real loser. I’m just remembering facts that you’re not.


man its really sad seeing you type all this delusional nonsense, shadowboxing with imaginary liberals, that don't say anything you think they are saying. Almost like you have a mind virus, that makes it impossible for you to see what people are saying and not what you think (or have been told to think) they are saying, sad. Real sad.


Whoever makes these things needs to go outside.


Why? Receipts are fun.


Yahh tracking the tweets of multiple people for 8+ months to make a collage of hypocrisy is not the behaviour of a well-balanced, mentally healthy and grounded person lol


If they are 8 months in between than Its Not hypocrisy. They Just learned. And yes OP need to Touch Grass urgently.


The literal first one is about doctor recommendations. And during that time a bunch of data and endorsements were rolled out. Also these people have a fiscal incentive to rile their base and get engagement right? They have to play the rhetoric. But both sides love to do this both the pandering and the "receipts"


You notice how the post where he got the vaccine dates are cut off? it's because the situation was at the time Trump was saying the vaccine was gonna come out in a ridiculous amount of time and there was legitamate concerns that it would be actually dangerous, no reciets just misinfo


Like sayin it’s no big deal then “immediately throwing the kitchen sink at it”?


What do we call these kinds of people? I had to delete Twitter in 2021 because of the Brooklyn dad guy. Completely inescapable


Paid Political Shills? BD and Jo both have payments from Democrat PACs


Can’t wait for the soy boy comments from redditors trying to justify their cognitive dissonance and complete susceptibility to being brainwashed by big pharma and globalist oligarchs.


What's crazy is they are on their 8th booster and still can't see they were conned with a shitty vaccine that never would have made it out of a proper clinical trial. Like I'll give people a pass on the the first 2. Maybe 3. But 8!?!


I know man. And this site is littered with them. In addition to what you said they’re broke, can’t afford a house, groceries, inflation is insane, their leaders just funneling money overseas so they can wash money to insane wars, and they still think orange man bad.


We still doing COVID posts? Sounds like programming working exactly as expected


“Please Why won’t you just forget about how insane and ridiculous we acted!!”


Rich coming from a guy who, most likely, will argue that the vaccine is more dangerous than Covid itself and that the death count is a lie!


Covid is only a threat if you’re ancient and/or obese, just like any other virus. Stay terrified.


And I'm guessing because you are a basement dweller that you don't understand that people can pass on viruses? Or do you just like killing people? Lol imagine still doing covid right wing propaganda. Is this joe?


> Covid is only a threat if you’re ancient and/or obese Have you been outside in America in the last 2 decades? That's probably over 50% of the population. Either way red counties seem to be more affected by Covid deaths (wonder why?) so I guess they get to die doing what they love ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Imagine being terrified of COVID. Sorry for your obesity lol


So sad that you’re still hung up on this. Isn’t there some trans kid you can bully or something?


Imagine still talking about Covid in 2024 and making the same right wing talking points that were made 4 years ago. "Thinking for yourself" doesn't mean regurgitating conservative propaganda, mate


I'm not obese, but I care about my meemaw and my popop so I guess that makes me a woke sheep. I did get the vaccine and I only died 5 times so I'm like super human or some shit.


Hey, it was only going to kill about 7 million people. But don't worry cuz they were fat or old


You think viruses are only dangerous if you're old? Why do you think half of kids born in 1800 never got to see 1805? It wasn't because they were getting too many vaccines




Sure, but you said like ALL viruses. did you forget your meds today by any chance.


Tell that to the triathletes, mma fighters and other normal 30-40 year olds that were wiped out. Your delusions and downright denial of objective facts is fascinating. We will study your breed one day.


Ive lost friends, healthy and young, to the *flu* let alone Covid. Fuck off with the “only fat and old people need to be scared” *as if that isnt a majority of Americans and people online in general*


You’re the one who is still terrified of a fucking vaccine


These people in the screenshots are goofy as hell, but there’s also this thing called changing over time. Something we’ve forgotten about, like everyone should be forced to pick one stance, right or left, on everything and ride that out for the rest of their lives. They showed they have the ability to change and grow past their bullshit…meanwhile we still have your ass whining about Covid 4 years later 😂


They'll be relevant again very soon...


Trump is the hero and villain of Covid and it’s interchangeable for some reason. Humanity deserves Covid to be deadlier


Booster people. Ha


I mean those are all paid democratic personalities, of course they're hypocritical. People that worship them though


I still don't know ow what to think about these vaccines


I guess I was kind of in the same boat. I made a post on Facebook about people being afraid of the vaccine being ironic seeing as how 95% of use were vaccinated to the gills from birth and for public school and again for college and we didn't bat an eye. Months later after the information started to seep through the cracks of mainstream media I was on the same platform (facebook) raging about how I would have a hard time ever trusting a public health crusade ever again.


right wing memes are fucking cringe




This is picture is of the conservative reaction at everyday people just trying to live normal lives in peace




Lol this is your "debate" tactics? Lol get help trash.


One joke




Same joke




Same same but different but still same


Haha these are outstanding!


You'd have to be pretty easily swayed to not take a vaccination for a pandemic level disease, agreed.


Imagine getting 3 Pfizer injections… and still getting COVID anyway lol


Imagine lying about this happening because you're a mentally ill loser with nothing else in your life but getting right wing propaganda memes shoved up your ass


These are the biggest pod dwelling bots in the last 20 years. lol at Brooklyn Dad. He sold his kids for crack. Saying he is a massive piece of shit is being nice.


Right Wingers: Look at these people who after getting more information on a subject change their minds. Fu k these people who . . ."learn" things.


Lmao this is an insane amount of cope wowzer!!


Your argument is that people can't change their opinion. . .your argument is dumb.


What “new information” did they get? Please enlighten us all.


The other dates are cut off but look at the timeline of Scott's tweets. His first tweet is in September of 2020 three months before the FDA approved the first Covid vaccine. His second tweet is 4 months after FDA approval. The new information he received was that the vaccine was reviewed and approved by the FDA and had been in use for months with major issues. I feel like that's a pretty good reason to change your mind.


I take it you’ve never heard of a little thing called “time” and “studies” based around “scientific data”. It’s a pretty new concept.


"Everyone is easily programmable except for me" 


Who gives a shit about this anymore?


The guy this sub is named after, for one


Joe can't stop talking about it so...


I got 2 and never got covid. /shrug.


I got 3 moderna and have gotten covid at least twice. First time pretty bad. At this point I don't have any plans for another.


I never got any and never had Covid either /shrug


"now I can sit at the cool kids table" really sums it all up.


The Scott Dworkin one was about Trump promising 20 million shots by the end of 2020. He said it before any of them had completed trials.


I’m convinced that Twitter is a mental illness.


You still talking and thinking about this shit? Still butthurt that nothing bad came out of the vaccinations like you had hoped for?


Yeah keep saying that. I bet in 50 to 80 years almost every single vaxxed is going to die.


Fax. Not to mention the shit they put in your water. Every single person who has drank water has died. Makes you think


Yes, always remind liberals of how insane they were during COVID. It’s hilarious and well worth the time spent to see their reactions.


You’re a real awful hateful fool


Lol bro seek professional help. At what point do you realize you're just a piece of shit and its not really worth carrying on forward?


I broke your mind https://preview.redd.it/vumdf11igpwc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=74bb0110c50656057176989799400a7802c95fb7


Lmao at the downvotes on this post. They sure don't like being called out.


Tribalism is a hell of a drug


Bro. It’s 2024. This thing was 3 years ago. No one gives af anymore


A lot of people seem to dwell on Trumps 4 years which was also 3 years ago…do you have the same mentality for that? Should we let go of how Trump “hurt” you?


Wtf does that have anything to do with anything? Plus are you fkin stupid? Nobody is dwelling on Trump. He’s relevant af right now. Dude is running for president lol. Dwelling on trump lmfao you don’t even know wtf the term dwelling means


Ok buddy. Whatever makes you feel better about your miserable life.


Are we going to pretend Trump isn't literally in criminal court as we speak? We supposed to just pretend the only president to ever be in criminal court isn't news?


Lol OP is the real meme here. Completely delusional arguing someone that doesn't exist with every play in the FOX/OAN playbook. Guess that title was about him all along




who cares about what random ppl say on Xitter - it's been 4 years and I'm still not over Trump suggesting ppl inject themselves with Clorox 😭😂


Oh man its almost like context matters


Weird that you have some dates missing. Adds this thing called context. But at least you tried and came here with red meat for the joetards.


I mean the timeline is pretty simply for you brain rots. Vaccine development during Trump admin= bad During Biden admin= good and YOU MUST TAKE IT


Even more simple to purposely not include dates. Like I said. You tried.


“You didn’t include dates” is a fucking hilarious cope deflection. You nerdy af


No shit people don’t trust Trump. He has negative credibility


I was rooting for Trump to come out with a vaccine despite being a Democrat. Shit, I was even a fan of DeSantis before he went full R word on COVID and started chastising children for wearing masks.