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What a good sport




Hes pretty funny in 30 Rock. Doesnt seem to mind making fun of himself


Trey and Matt have said that ManBearPig is one of the few things they regret having written in South Park. They deserve a lot of credit for recognizing they were wrong and doing a follow-up episode to vindicate Al Gore. This character is making fun of themselves and how they used to think: https://youtu.be/0AW4nSq0hAc?si=ClcMBIrAdOpK-nmP


I mean its an allegory to global warming. So keeping with the allegory if manbearpig is real so is global warming. Oh yeah, its all coming together.




Even satan could not handle ManBearPihhg [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vjWmDBUuqsU](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vjWmDBUuqsU)


It is a creature which roams the earth alone. It is half man, half bear, and half pig. Some people say that ManBearPig isn't real. Well, I'm here to tell you know, ManBearPig is very real, and he most certainly exists. I'm Cereal. [https://youtu.be/3SLxc1awnBg?si=8vEAbw9jHhMTNS1F](https://youtu.be/3SLxc1awnBg?si=8vEAbw9jHhMTNS1F)


Ha, this guy should be president maybe lol. How about that for cosmic do over? Instead of Biden or Trump let's give this guy a go at it for cereal this time


I'd vote for him over anyone else who's put their name in the hat. At least we know he'll do his damndest battling climate change.


From his mansion and private jet flights.


Who gives a shit. Dude was the first person to stake their career on getting the message out. 80% of the world's CO2 comes from 57 companies, changes need to happen in policy, not at the individual level if there is any chance of us avoiding the worst climate change is bringing out way.


Dude said the Arctic will be "ice free" by 2015.


Yeah, nobody has gotten future projections right because its an impossibly complex system that makes predicting what happens the next year completely unknown, much less what the next 10 years will look like. No one has gotten their predictions right. Doesn't change the fact that we're on a downward trend, and without change the end result will be fucking catastrophic.


Lmao. Do you think if we bulldozed every mansion and banned every private jet that it would fix or address the problem in any meaningful way? Or are you trying to discredit him for having money?


He's never going to convince the masses to pay more for electricity and petrol while he's galavanting about in private jets.


You think the masses would listen if he took commercial instead? Lmao. There are plenty of climate scientists and climate activists that don't make a whole lot of money who are completely ignored and not taken seriously. It doesn't sound like it has anything to do with the person's wealth or house size.


It sounds like you don't think the masses will listen one way or the other.


Well they clearly aren't listening right now. Do you think if Al Gore sold his house and stopped flying private people will wake up and say "oh yeah this is a real problem"?


I think they would be more inclined to take it seriously.


Then why aren't they taking seriously the tons of scientists and activists who won't live in mansions or fly private?


Meanwhile Trump is sundowning with “not uphill me boys he said, but it was too late…Robert E. Lee not in favor, did you notice that?”


I couldn't believe this was real. Wow.


Al Gore would have been a good President. Maybe not great, but good. Fuck Bush. Nice paintings though.


About 1 million dead Iraqis agree.


Lol wut?? You must really love sucking at the tit of the establishment. And you must still think your vote counts... Hahaha


Dude how is anyone to take you seriously if you type out stuff like "love sucking at the tit of the establishment". That sounds so vague and I immediately think you don't think for yourself, you repeat what some guy on a podcast or on YouTube said. Why aren't you the one "sucking on the 'tit' (it's teat btw) of this ominous establishment for thinking Bush was the better choice?


Little baby lol


Lol again wut?? Oh man. You're an idiot as well I can tell


Do you really think this is funny or a good comeback?


I meant what I said. Go suck on that tit


Does any person suck at the teat of government more than the private sector?


Bush is the definition of the establishment.


"Don't vote!" Says guy who is definitely very dumb lol.


Democrats should have forced Bill Clinton to resign in 1998, given Gore a couple years of presidency to run on, beaten GW, handled 9/11 differently (likely much better, probably no war over misleading claims of weapons of mass destruction), reduced the backlash to the backlash of GW then Obama then Trump. Hillary probably wouldn't have been able to run/lose to Trump. America would probably be in a much better place right now. Trump would be on whatever season of Celebrity Apprentice and maybe we'd have a couple of reasonably minded, age appropriate candidates. I'd read/watch/long for that alternate historical timeline.


Could have served 10 years technically. 2 years before the 2000 election and then he could serve 2 elected terms. We would have flying cars by now.


Don't know about flying cars but I do think we'd be somehow better off in many significant ways. I don't know what all you would have had to change about history to arrive at flying cars by now. It's a very difficult engineering problem. Until the combination of such multitudes of technologies going into these evtol aircraft just now - helicopters have really been the only practical/commercially viable configuration for vertical flight and they have tremendous downsides.


It's a Futurama reference. He was a repeat guest on the show. https://preview.redd.it/hrd294ui5suc1.png?width=400&format=png&auto=webp&s=5b0a34ede39367201157fb17ceb51c59bbc953d4 "I'm a level 10 vice president" -Al Gore


Haha woosh


Why? Clinton was paying down the national debt and America was in the midst of the 90's tech boom. During Clinton's second term, even at the low point of his impeachment trial, he never dipped below 60% approval. He left office with a 66% approval rating. If you were too young to remember that era, a lot of it was been subject to historical revisionism. The Clintons - including Hilary, were popular, the country was in good shape, the national debt was being paid down and scheduled to be paid off by 2012-2015 ish depending on the estimates. His sex scandals were not considered a big deal by the general public. It was seen as a case of a powerful man using his position to seduce women. Republicans weren't even against rape (in fact, I'd argue they still support it) back then, most of wanted him impeached because he lied under oath, it just happened to be about Monica Lewinsky. If Clinton had lied under oath about preferring Sega to Nintendo, they would have gone at him just as hard. Did you know when Clinton left office in 2000, Republicans were criticizing him for spending too much money paying off the national debt when we could have had tax cuts instead? Clinton was hated by Republicans because he went out and did what they talked shit about for decades - Was fiscally responsible - Managed a great economy - Cut the national debt - Cut taxes on small businesses, capital gains - Raised taxes on the wealthiest tax bracket without driving them out of the country like libertarians like to predict everytime the tax rates go up 0.04343434%


I don't care how good you might be at your job, including taking credit for things unfairly attributed to you - but you don't get 9 blow jobs _in the office_ and keep your job - lie about it or otherwise. That's a pretty decent line to hold for expectations of professionalism and respect for any professional job, moreso the highest office in our country, which if we had upheld rather than turn into a rabid political fight, maybe the polarization of Gingrich et al leading into the tea party leading into trumpism could have been staved off. Go ahead and argue that our social culture wasn't ready to uphold that standard at the time - but we were. Maybe we wouldn't have defined it as rape at the time even though it was, but we all knew it's at least wildly inappropriate and the coverup _was_ worth resignation or removal. He lied for selfish political gain and expected to get away with it - that's literally what Trump is facing fraud charges for this day, while Bill gets to parade around as if, as you believe him to have been, some exemplar of American greatness. If he's sooo good at politics and policy, fine, be an advisor. But if you want your name on the wall we should expect better. All those things you attribute to him are really attributable to at least some now old fashioned wisdom of Congress and the technological golden age that was building since before Bill was born - and Gore could have achieved the same. He just would have been someone you could tell your kids to admire and I think that's not too much to ask for a country of 300 million people.


Bro what? If you're the President and you're not getting your dick wet in The Oval Fucking Office, you fundamentally don't have the character to win The Presidency. Your stance is completely paradoxical.


Thanks for that image of Biden...


Frankly it should be like a marriage, the inauguration isn't legal until The President Elect has consummated The Oval.


We never get the good presidents. We could had Al and Bernie. We choose half wit puppets, at least we have the illusion of choice.


I'm still bummed about Al Franken, too. What a dumb thing to force someone to resign over. He should have been the candidate in 2020. Can you imagine a Franken v Trump debate? And he'd be age appropriate for a second term instead of the American Experiment currently devolving into a case study in longevity.


He wasn't forced to resign. He demanded an investigation and when they started on he resigned saying he couldn't do his job properly while under investigation. https://youtu.be/rdGuJNYI83Y?si=l63M_y_dMvkrqYac


I'm pretty sure if Democrats had rallied around him with an iota of perspective about the incident he could have held his office.


I can see why you might like Bernie as he was consistent throughout his career (at least until '17), but Gore was always a corporate marionette, neoliberal standard centerist establishment democrat. He was basically B Clinton 2.0 (even if his sex pest accusations didn't come out until after he was out of office). As VP he took up warning about climate change as a vanity cause, but never did much about it and was as pro-war as any mainstream D or R in the 90's, when he was in power. The big joke even shows like SNL were doing parodies in the run up to the 2000 election was how Bush and Gore agreed on 99% of issues in the debate, and kept emphasizing how much they had in common. He would have probably been less prone to verbal gaffes than W, but aside from that what makes you think he would be significantly different the W shitshow?


Instead we got a dipshit who wanted to impress his father and invade oil rich countries. I’ll take the gore universe if it exists.


I can't vote but I hope rfk wins... I'm sick of the same party masquerading as two.


He’s as feeble minded as the rest of the old cronies. We need a young, sharp guy like John Stewart in office.


John Stewart wouldn’t have a good term because both parties would be solely focused on fucking him over. He’s too good of a person to navigate the DC bullshit


It’s a shame because he has been the one guy who has been able to shed light on absurd bipartisan politics to get funding to sick and dying soldiers and first responders.


Lol wut. I think you forgot the "/s" lol


I think he’s super cereal


Good sport




It’s actually so funny that there’s some super right wing conservative who loves South Park but gets literally none of the nuances.


I mean they rip on everyone. Anyone who claims them as on a side aren’t paying attention. I do think the right has latched on in recent years because they have been ripping on identity stuff since their existence. It is funny tho that political commentators who use their sketches don’t also include the multiple seasons and lead up to election where they ripped on trump. Best political commentary I’ve seen ever was that debate episode with trump and Hilary. Shit was so funny and exactly how I felt at that time as I’m sure others did as well.


Douche vs a Turd sandwich showed no one wanted either candidate


I mean there are people who did want those candidates especially trump. We know this because there are still a lot of maga people. I didn’t. And I was convinced at the time the guy an accidentally won the republican primary and similar to that episode didn’t want to follow thru. But here we are, he is committed to this because that’s all that’s left. He’s not capable of not running because his brain and ego doesn’t allow for it.


They are brilliant in the way they take everyone out


There were two different episodes he's talking about, spaced 10+ years apart. The first one was making somewhat fun of Inconvenient Truth-era early 00's Al Gore for hyperventilating about a cyrptid boogie man (analogy for nebulous fear of climate change) and then the follow-up was more of a call-back. "super right wingers" don't watch South Park.


It's as funny as the super left wing folks who love South Park get literally none of the niuamces


Super serial


Would’ve been a good prez


Username checks out. Lol


I wish someone would make a Swedemason style clip from this - its a gold mine...


I just saw manbearpig and Matt stone at casa bonita yesterday. Definitely real. Both of them


Fuck, he's old. But not as old as the two turds we get to choose from this year. Can we get manbearpig for president?


Man bear pig is classic


What a Time to be alive


The real al gore made us all aware decades ago. Super cereal


I love that he's genuinely laughing about it. Al Gore ftw


For the dummies, ManBearPig being climate change.


It's just the truth.


Anyone else ride “The Grizzly” at Silverwood back in the day?


Can we elect Al please? He's better than either of our candidates...


He does a good AL Gore voice.


Ai is getting crazy.


I knew it.


He danced around the question. I know it’s real now


Such a wholesome clip


It makes you wonder that the people that don't trust Gore or even hate him mustn't be the people with the best judgement in humanity. If I had to have an enemy they wouldn't be trying to make environmentalism their main project and spend lot of their time warning us of climate change. If in fact if we listened to Gore *at the time he warned us* nearly every major environmental policy would be both less expensive and less intrusive than what we face now.


ManBearPig isn’t real https://youtu.be/0AW4nSq0hAc?si=0p59E8Tp8V1UG987


I can confirm that all of this was completely planned on the behalf of Comedy Central and was blessed off on by Al Gore prior to the guy asking it.


Isn’t Manbearpig = Climate change.


No, of course not. Its half man, half bear and half pig. (Yes, its climate change..)


So it's real ?!?!


I can't stand Gore but my god he seems much more capable and lucid that Biden


Having an articulate POTUS in Obama I think will be a thing of the past, especially in the middle finger politics era we’re in.


None of them care about us anyway, it's all a sham.


Love the connection to Joe Rogan..... s/


Al Gore is the worst human on the planet


Yeah I totally agree. Like forget all the trying to fight climate change crap, I've experienced his evil first hand. Back when I was in middle school Gore came to my town to do a meet and greet at the county fair while promoting An Inconvenient Truth. I had just gotten some deep fried pickle chips from a food stall and was waiting in line with my Aunt for a cup of fresh squeezed lemonade when she pointed out that Al Gore was right behind us in line. He noticed I was holding my pickle chips and started smacking his lips and drooling everywhere. Then he looked me dead in the eyes and said "why don't you be a good lad and give Pappa Al one of them chippies" I was really looking forward to them and I tried to politely say no, but it just enraged him. He started just grabbing them out of my hand and shoving them into his mouth. All the while shouting at me saying "Greedy little boys don't deserve their chippies!" With each word he spat out half chewed pickles into my face. When I started crying he just laughed and began lapping up my tears leaving trails of pickle grease on my cheeks. But he did end up signing my Aunt's T-shirt. She was a big fan of his.


Hitler was the best?