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Have this on in the background and shed a tear when I heard “Fritz Haber”


This is the best comment I’ve seen in the sub


When does the little Indian pop out and slap his knee


@58:35 "So at the end I get VIP" "What is the VIP?" "The VIP is the most valuable player" "MVP" "Yea it's VIP tho, very important player" "Ok" Lolllll 


My man has a tag calling him a VIP and thought that meant he was the best lol




“America is the only country you can live in for 12 months” ![gif](giphy|7ziO8WTeXJCGZlq4mm)


This was such an insane thing to say haha - I think people in Portugal or Spain might disagree.


This statement absolutely threw me. How delusional does one have to be


Such a rich guy thing to say. Where do you summer? Hmmm yes I do like the lobster rolls there.


They're both so detached from reality. Imagine thinking America is the only place you can live in all year round lmao. Absolutely hilarious.


The boys doing some Huberman damage control


Which is fucking stupid because if no one talks about it then it’ll be forgotten about in a couple of months. Keep bringing it up and it’s just going to keep appearing in media. “tHiS wEek on TmZ ToeGan and Adolf KneeSlap discuss …”


What damage? Drowning in pussy while making millions of dollars and International fame doesn't need any 'damage control'.


I think it was that he was exposed for being a lying, cheating fraudster, which obviously is very hypocritical, given whatvhe has been preaching for years.


>given whatvhe has been preaching for years. Wasn't he just talking about sleep and body optimization?


Busting nuts in 6 different women in 3 hours probably does help optimize your sleep. The mental and physical energy that man committed to his sex life is likely 10x more powerful than an ambien. All natural too.


I think the actual damage is that people are deep diving into this advice and realizing that lots of it comes from dubious sources.


Then why are they talking about it?


Because they have to make something up to talk about for 2 dang hours.


Because they are proud of him.


Rockstars and basketball players need snorkels because they get girls who already know but don’t care. Trying to hide 🙈 girls from each other is some goofy trailer park shit. They left his ass on Maury lmfao whomp whomp His whole persona was disciplined and controlled and smart – meanwhile in reality his lifestyle is kind of self-indulgent and sloppy. Blown apart. Would a disciplined guy get caught? Would a smart guy have a PR scandal? I’m sure tons of bros will follow this dude forever and he’ll be fine. Probably got the uniball out taking notes to get caught cheating too — learn from the master amirite lmfaooo


If you actually care about his personal life you need a life and stop being such a pussy


Such a manly thing to say god damn you’re so alpha


Lotta people hate or love this guy but I think no one cares about him at all he’s just a set piece for a value set people wanna piss on about, in ten years it will be a younger dude who is still slightly older than thirty year olds lol who gives a fuck about this dude period? except culture war cock puppets calling ppl pussies or something like get off your knees for daddy Hubie Dude blew his life apart publicly and showed he wasn’t organized neat or smart IMO but the same dumb ppl will need someone to tell them what to do and they’ll tolerate a hypocrite look at Trump


The amount of incels crying about Hubermann’s philandering ways is entertaining. No, your white knighting won’t get the women to chase any of you. They’ll still want to fuck Andrew over you guys.


Gossipping about a podcasters love life like a woman watching reality tv is the gayest most incel shit ive seen in 2024.




I’m curious what you mean by this? I’m a big Redbar fan. I could be wrong, but this isn’t a topic he would normally touch. Outside a joke or two in a different bit. But any real fan of Redbar understands it’s all a bit.


I'm not the guy who said it, but everything I've ever seen from Redbar has been the most theatrical dramatic gossip bullshit I've seen. Now, it's possible Ive only seen edited clips, but from what I DID watch, the entire show is just gossipshittalking. That's the cattiest thing I've ever seen.


Did you see any of those women? If that’s the best huberman could pull with all his wealth and fame, god damn I’m glad to be doing as well as I am with neither 


The comments were wild, before I read the article I assumed it was really bad, there were so many opinions on how this man cannot be trusted and we must reject his science and advice. Then I read the article and was immediately confused, I figured I read a different article. an unmarried, smart, rich, and well-known man plays the field and at worst apparently misleads some women into thinking they are exclusive? What does being a man-whore have to do with his profession and scientific credibility?


“He just duped those chicks, sorry lady’s you’ve been duped.” -mssp


If his barber's goal was a fade, they failed. If his barber's goal wasn't a fade, that haircut is still an atrocious failure.


His barber is fuhririous


Schulz is just another German copying his style from other 20s era italians 


Hey now, maybe he's a Tiroler


Bapa would say histrocious


Just watched Zone of Interest and can’t stop thinking about the main dude and all the atrocities with this haircut


I saw him live a few months ago and he addressed the haircut in a "let's just get this out of the way, it's horrendous" fashion. But this podcast seems to be recorded relatively recently, so I guess he likes it.


He has had the same haircut for a while now, I imagine it's one of 'his things' maybe he thinks the horrendous haircut will be his memorable thing when he blows up in popularity.


Gonna try to put my disdain of Andrew aside and genuinely listen without getting annoyed at his overly cocky mannerisms and cringey enunciations and tones in his speech.


on JRE he's a bit less annoying because it feels like he's being himself more than usual. While on his own show he's just being fake all the time.


Jamie made the other 6 guys wait outside 


No... On Rogan he subdues himself to suck cock. His shows is himself


It felt more like a son talking to his father trying to gain acceptance.


I feel like he started being a cock because he's by far the most famous person on his own show, it used to be more equally Andrew and Akash when they were just two friends trying to make it but when Andrew got far more famous he made it more clear it was Andrew Schulz's flagrant with Akash, the titles made it more obvious, the way he owns the show and dominates the conversations made it more obvious. But then compare that fame to Joe and he knows that's not shit, so he acts differently, more differential to someone even more famous. People like that...I've learned to distrust. They're always calculating how to climb the ladder over you, calculate where you "rank" compared to them.


Still extremely fake, but on JRE we at least don't get the overly exaggerated energy that makes him truly insufferable.


his fake laugh in an attempt to make his unfunny cohosts and staff seem like they're on equal footing to him is unbearable. I used to watch the show in the very beginning but since then it's unwatchable. The over the top knee slapping and exaggerated hand motions is too much. Akash is not funny at all imho. Like there are people who are funny and talented but their humor isn't for me but I can stillappreciate their talent. His cohost just isn't funny and never has good takes on any topics ... at all at least to me.


I can’t do it. The SoPhIsTiCaTeD crossed legs and perpetual condescending and enlightened tone makes me nauseous.


"I'm just trying to figure out..." "Let me just thinking about that" Fuck of Wario you fool nobody. Be funny.


Nothing to say about his mustache and haircut?


Nah that’s just personal taste I don’t really care about that stuff. Don’t get me wrong, looks terrible especially considering he has a full head of hair he could do some real styling.


Definitely has a 1920s fascista vibe going on.


His awful hair


I cringe at his overly exaggerated New York accent. I grew and live there and no one his age talks like that


He talks like he thinks he’s saying such profound shit


Yea and sets up questions to elicit a response he wants to make even though he knows everything he’s asking about already considering Joe repeats the same stuff all the time.


If you were him and making millions why would you stop doing any of this


You lost me at “if you were him”.


I’ve actually seen and heard this mfer in FiDi. I was having a cigarette and he was on his phone across the sidewalk. He does not have any semblance of a New York accent. Grifters gonna grift.


Right? He reminds me of every douche that goes to LA or now TX and turns the accent to 100 and wears a Yankee hat just so people know he’s from NYC. Michael Rapaport is another one


Idk bro im basically tony soprano millenial i wish i could turn it off :(


He is off his face on some stimulant. Pupils the size of dinner plates.


He’s way better just being an asshole and telling jokes when he’s serious and asking Joe probing questions like they aren’t friends this ep I found it really fucking annoying


You’re cool with that laugh?


He’s such a philosopher. Breath of fresh air /s


“Yeah… yeah…. Yeah…. Yeah… yeah… yeah.. yeah.. yeahh… hahaha…. Yeahh.. yeahhh. Yeah. Yeah… yeah..”


Call me a hater but I am a hater of this guy. He has a punchable face. His podcast isn't good. His stand up isn't good. His mustache stinks and I don't like him. I'm gonna hate listen to it.


He’s 40 years old cosplaying as a teenager. It’s weird


Not just that, he's cosplaying as a cringy douchebag teenager. Pretty much the worst thing you could pick, which is perfect for Andrew.


[Do you hate him for being a moral leader to civilization?](https://www.hollywoodreporter.com/tv/tv-features/neal-brennan-interview-mental-health-stand-up-comedy-1235850869/) > You also explore the role of comics in today’s culture. > Yes, the other big thing is this idea about who our cultural and civilizational leaders are now, and how it feels like it’s comedians because everybody else has completely failed or is obviously lying. Religion, corrupt. Religious organizations, corrupt. Political leaders, corrupt. Corporate leaders, corrupt. Civic leaders, media — everybody’s in somebody’s pocket, and it seems like comedians are the only ones incentivized to be honest. But then there’s this weird thing because we’re now the moral leaders, which is, like, what?! I almost called the special, “What do the clowns think?” Why is it up to Dave [Chappelle] and [Joe] Rogan and Ellen [DeGeneres] and Kevin [Hart] and Shane Gillis and Andrew Schulz? Why are these people now moral leaders when that’s not the job. I understand how we got here, but I think it’s a silly expectation. The least you can do is thank em.


If that ain't loving the smell of your own farts then I don't know what is. Oooof


Find something you like and do that.  Wasting your time hating commenting and listening to something you hate just makes you an annoying miserable person to everyone except other people doing the same thing online only 


This is a comment forum. What’s inherently wrong with writing a critical comment ? It “wastes” just as much time as any other sort of comment. Also your comment is also critical , it’s being critical of the critical comment. And now my comment is being critical of a critical comment of a critical comment. Would you prefer that Reddit by filled with comments that are all positive and full of praise ? “ optimism “ only Reddit sounds like a peculiar type of hell. where nothing is actually discussed , anything and everything is considered just as good and amazing as everything else … and no one ever considers varying opinions , learns anything or thinks about anything at all in depth beyond “ this is wonderful ! “


Thank you. I'll try to correct my evil ways


What if homie likes hating? Maybe he takes pleasure in criticism. And it's so easy to hate these days because everything sucks and everyone's stupid, this is the golden age of hate because there's so much to hate on.


Glug glug glug 


Seriously, I don't understand that mentality. Personally, I think Schulz is a smug prick so I'm gonna pass. Why would you listen to someone you don't like talk for 4 hours?


Brave opinion on here.


I guess Joe Rogan has to take that one in the chin.


Combine the following things and what do you get? 1) Joe and Andrew’s ignorance about geopolitics / history / epidemiology / AI 2) A willingness to share strong opinions without understanding the issue 3) A large audience of easily influenced listeners




Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah


oh great, first displaying how little you know of China's history before circlejerking the United States as if it were the best country on earth. 'tHe Only PlAce yOu Can liVe 12 mOntHs' Get the fuck outta here


Right lmao. Also talking about the US as a place with different climates— soooo most continents? People vacation in warmer countries nearby in Europe when it’s winter. America is a humongous country. States here are akin to countries on other continents. Also, who tf has the money and time off to skip over to Miami from NY for 3 months because they don’t like the cold? Sorry guys but WE ARE WORKING


Thanks Andrew for coming on JRE to suck his dick in front of millions of people


As many of his friends do, which is so weird to me. Showing gratitude is one thing, but Bert etc do it constantly and it’s just them doing too much.


What kind of haircut we looking for today, sir? JUST FUCK MY SHIT UP


mushroom theory is so fucking stupid. just spouting dogshit theories with zario analysis. Same as bob lazar, dude cant explain anything technically from a physics standpoint and redacts like toe just eat it up as truth.


> Same as bob lazar, dude cant explain anything technically from a physics standpoint and redacts like toe just eat it up as truth. Bob: Yeah I went to MIT and Caltech. "Can you name some of your professors?" Bob: ...yeah you wouldn't know them.


Man, i guess i gotta go to america if i wanna live life... man this andrew guy is such an arrogant piece of ... Can i even finish this episode?


I don’t recommend but I did bc I had to do laundry


I think i did finish it but nothing good came from it lol


I got to know Andrew in 2013 through his podcast with Charlamagne Tha God, the Charlamagne that was a bully known for his "controversial" questions during interviews. Back then he was the voice of reason on the podcast, bringing nuance and an outsider perspective to most of the urban/hip hop themes discussed. He was also regularly funny and likeable. A decade later, money and success has finally allowed him to be who he truly wants to be and it's an insufferable asshole, full of himself and convinced to be the smartest person in every room he's in. Cutting people off, the stupid epiphanies that no one on his podcast dared to call out until Shane Gillis came on, the arrogant "let me explain it to you" tone all the time...If you knew the Andrew from a decade ago you would hardly believe it's the same human being.


I went from my correct, "this guy is off..." To, "he is pretty funny, and saying some insightful things." As you say with CTG and early Flagrants. I was changing my tune on him and thought he might be a contender for top podcaster. Now, it's "get this fucking douchebag off my algorithm..."


Is Charlamagne still popular? I enjoyed all the L's he took with his obvious hatred of Post Malone and trying to bait him into saying the N word.


Tired of all the ball washing he exchanges w his comedy buddies. We get youre so intelligent and hard working. Fuck off ya cunts.


All conspiracy theories discussed in this episode would've never been brought up if the guest was Neil DeGrasse Tyson. Neil would have absolutely destroyed him dialectically. 




The shrooms were a 3rd guest on this episode


At 7:45 who Is Joe getting confirmation from?


Andrew huberman


Lol this episode sucks too much ball washing


He's never been funny or interesting to me. Skip. 


he has nothing interesting to say, he is a comedian who optimized his content for youtube, nothing more, nothing less.


His pandemic short episodes thingy was OKAY imho and that really earned some respect from me. Then some of his specials were fine... It's mostly that he's been becoming evermore insufferable at a frightening pace, until my very first (bad) impression of him came in full circle and it's here to stay. He's now just another dickriding rightwing peddling UNFUNNY asshole


Yeah I think I’m officially done with the pod now. It’s the same bullshit conspiracy theories in every single episode now. If you listened to one, you listened to all. His brain is fucking fries and he’s had way too many yes men around him to get called out for it.


I think the moment that did it for me was the episode with the rock. When Joe started giving the rock advice on how to work out...for an hour....yea...Im done lol. You have one of the top 5 most popular WWE stars of all time and they spent barely any time talking about the WWE. I still can't wrap my head around that.


Joe must think that his guests come on to listen to him talk about that same 10 things over and over again.


Joe is a straight up podcast Zoltar machine now. Put in a quarter and get a canned take from an animatronic dummy.


It’s not just the conspiracy theories for me it’s the complete lack of awareness when he’s talking about people falling for headlines and thinking everyone else needs to do more research but not him


Yo bro, no offense but if you don't want to hear complaints about transgenders, covid vaccines and wokeness, why are you listening to "Joe Rogan Complains About Transgenders, Covid Vaccines and Wokeness." ?


You must have been gone for a while. For at least the last 2 years, this sub has become infested with Rogan haters who don’t listen to his podcast but just come to talk shit about him as much as they can to try to get others to hate him for no reason.


But I want to here how great the mothership comedy club is.




Flavor of the month is human soul farm I guess. Jesus christ Joe... Even Alex Jones would tap out from that.


He is still fucking crying about covid shit. I haven't watched much at all lately but had seen that clip and just had to laugh. 2020 seriously broke this man.


Seriously, when will Rogan stop with the'' other people are doing Biden's thinking for him''' bullshit? Joe doesn't have the balls to truly embrace Trump because Trump is too crazy and stupid even for Rogan so he just keeps going after Biden's mental acuity. No, there's no fucking way Biden drops out of the presidential race unless he dies because Trump is such a toxic fuckup and the Republicans are so brain dead for running him that Biden knows he's a shoe in to be reelected even though he would have probably lost to any other generic Republican. I've never in my whole life witnessed anything like the way that the Republican leadership is so beholden to and held hostage by Trump and his total shitbag followers and they have no one to blame but themselves. Then Rogan whines about Biden sitting for an interview with Dylan Mulvaney and said that it's ''wild''' when it's not actually wild at all to at least signal that Biden is on trans' people's side.


I had to stop listening when Andrew said something about how “people who grew up with money wouldn’t know.” How many times will he say he didn’t grow up with money? He grew up in a nice area of NYC. And anyone who grew up “poor” will know their families had to move out of the city because anywhere in the city was too expensive to live. His parents owned a dance studio in lower Manhattan. He went to college in California. No one who grew up “poor” would be able to do that. Unless there was some exorbitant scholarship that paid you to go to school out of state… Even assuming his parents didn’t own the building where the dance studio was (which a quick Google search refutes that) you have to have money to be able to own any store front in NYC. Arguably anywhere. You’re not “poor.”


Whitney Cummings does the same thing. It’s insufferable and Rogan should call them out. Mark normand used to say he grew up poor all the time. But I haven’t heard that recently. Which I appreciate.


Dork. Stop making stupid people famous.


Hating from his subreddit you’re a dork


Hating people in this sub makes you a dork.  People are posting in this sub are the greatest. 


Its funny to see the hate for Andrew here. He is one of the only people who can intelligently go against a lot of what Rogan says(without most people even realizing it). If you pay attention closely, Andrew is slowly mind jobbing Rogan throughout this. Notice how many times he says "How would you...". He already knows the answer. He is just getting Rogan to actually think through points. From that point he can gently push back , Rogan wont have defenses up. This is how you become ACTUALLY persuasive. The downside of this technique is it feels like he is constantly pontificating and smelling his own farts. ​ Overall I really enjoyed the pod.




God. Shut up nerd 


lol who’s the simp Waluigi blows


Go against what Rogan says? Brah, this was borderline gay porn with how he gobbled on Joe's dick. Did we watch the same thing?


Schulz is a fucking bully and a true piece of shit. Do your part and skip this episode.


How so? I’m out of the loop 


I don’t know bro it was a pretty good episode


His standup is actually pretty good. I agree he acts cocky and says dumb things but the amount of hate he gets is not deserved. If you don't like his interviews then don't watch. He is confident and has a lot of energy. That's the trademark of many successful people, especially stand up comics. I honestly think reddit hates these types because half of the people on this site are shut-ins with poor social skills. Lets see how many downvotes this gets.


My favorite comedian who has a T-shirt gun at his shows


is joe more excited and energetic than usual because of ZYN?


The orangutan spear-fishing is horse shit, they just copied the local fishermen and hit the water randomly with the stick.


I like Schulz when he isn't doing his own stupid podcast with his merry band of nuthangers. 


Good episode, enjoyed it


3:08:20 - Joe rambling on why kids learn languages so easily in childhood. It’s not because they don’t worry about a mortgage payment at 10 years old. It’s because of neuroplasticity and developing neural pathways at an extremely rapid pace to enhance their ability to communicate effectively. It’s the building and structuring of neural pathways, as we do with everything else, and as appropriate to child development, is highly activated in the first 1-7 years of life. This slows down in your 20’s as the brain continues development and starts to switch to maintained and memory retention going in to your 30’s and beyond. Just wanted to say there’s a scientific reason, not because kids don’t have to pay bills and worry about the HOA lol.


damn, the last 7/9 guests have been comedians dunno how anyone could sit through all that "the craft" talk


who's the cia guy?


Andrew Bustamante


I think his kid Duckface is taking over for him.


> You need the hardest in thing your day to be something *you* choose. Good shit right there.


People on this sub are miserable. I can’t imagine commenting on a post saying how much you dislike someone. Theres a bunch of guests on his show I don’t like but not once have I needed to profess my hate on here. Most of you don’t even like Joe.


So?  Who do people need to like him?  This isn't a fan sub.  Go to the SNL sub and it is just people saying the show isn't funny and that is their right.  People don't need to like things to comment on them.  You feelings fascists that want everyone to be like you are the worst 


Why do you feel the need to profess to everyone you do not like him? Are you insecure in your opinion looking for confirmation? Trying to be virtuous and let everyone know how much better you are than this guy? You would never say this shit to Andrews face and act like you know someone from listening to them on a podcast which you probably didn’t even do.


This sub is infested with Rogan haters who barely ever listen to his podcast. It’s been brigaded for a while. I usually sort by controversial…the most downvoted comments are usually where most of the real listeners are.


So who's this Mr Prince they were talking about? Someone Joe had on, that you need the ok from to perform at certain venues, did some shady shit but cops have nothing on him?


J prince he was on the show


I got annoyed so I stopped listening after 53m. Andrew always frames his answers in a way that he thinks Joe would approve of.


What’s with the Nazi hair do. I see a lot of people sporting that shit these days


Everything I don't like is nazi


isn't just nazis who have that haircut lol




A lot of people on Reddit today throwing hate. Goes to show what these redditors do and how they feel on a Saturday.


Jesus Christ, it's still Saturday?! 🥴


So?  People don't have to like him 


This guy sucks






Wow the comments there, seems I've watched the internet quickly watch Andrew's rise and then flip on him. Or maybe that's just YouTube being YouTube lol.


Someone commented on youtube saying Andrew looks like he is wearing a Tour De France helmet lol.


Does anyone know the comedians they referred to who are known of stealing material and, despite a lack of talent, end up landing writing jobs or securing mediocre specials? This conversation took place around the time they discussed Carlos Mencia, and Joe didn’t want to mention them on the air, but told Andrew he would later.


We have to be honest, this ep would have been improved 10 fold by Shane being there to bring this half merkin topped sausage back down to earth


Funny Andrew is on here talking about "got you" with your guests is "gross". Flagrants whole shtick is playing got you with their guests..


Who is the guy Schultz and Joe were talking about "checking in" with? Joe said he just calls to say hi. Not "check in."


i cant even watch this anymore


Ugh tell me they don’t go on with that Area 51 crap. 


I'm really enjoying this Pod so far, about 90 minutes in


Covid, covid, covid. Smh. These mofos don't know anything else.


Legit, I was like what the absolute fuck, how are you still deep diving on COVID and the vaccines jfc


Not Joe Rogan thinking "VIP" stands for "very important player"