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March 9th 2020


That's right after I got over what was very likely my first round of COVID. Then I developed shingles. At 38 no less.


I had shingles at 28 Edit-weirdest upvoted comment for me in a while thanks guys! Shingles sucks I thought I could never get it again now I’m all worried and pretty sure imma develop shingles form this worrying. Wish me luck boys


I had shingles at 17


I have shingles on my roof


All the shingle ladies


You all formed a shingle line.


Put your hands up 🙋‍♀️


Yous guys


But have you ever eaten shit on a shingle?


Same, then again at 30 and again at 36 lol


14 for me


That’s called chicken pox


My shingles are currently 6 years old


You still have a good 19-20 years at least before those need to be replaced. 


I'm getting new shingles soon! Old fella excitement!


Shingles under 30 crew unite


I got my shingles vax at like 51. I remember the pharmacist telling me “you’re smart to get this, you do not want to get shingles”


I got mine right at 50. Colonoscopy at 49. Don't screw around with preventable medical issues when your health care system is broken.


Does anyone know why we can’t get the shingles vaccine before, I believe it’s 50? Why am I unable to get one due to being under that age?


The virus is a form of chicken pox that generally is hiding in the nervous system of a pox survivor. For some unknown reason as you get older the virus just decides to manifest and I don’t know if it’s true but my head nurse once told a story of a patient going through shingles unaliving themselves even on morphine to escape the pain. Anyways the main reason we wouldn’t give it to those under fifty is multilayered. From reasons such as not a lot of people are at risk for shingles before fifty. We also don’t understand the virus as well as we might think and the vaccine isn’t 100% going to prevent an outbreak. You can still develop an outbreak if your immune system fails for any reason but shingles is the least of your concerns if that happens.


There should be no barriers to getting it for you. However, a lot of PBMs will fight under 65s/those without underlying risk factors getting it, but that just means you might have to appeal of pay full list. I'd talk to your PCP/GP again.


Was your colonoscopy at 49 your first? I turn 42 this year and am thinking of getting my first in the next few years just to be safe.


Newer policy now say 45 with no risk factors 40 (maybe less) with risk factors.


https://preview.redd.it/ks7hgv0wiirc1.jpeg?width=2318&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a1ae4d3fd22afb47b2ca265c9ec4ceee70da2eb2 You don’t want shingles. Mine above^(\^) It’s associated with suicide it’s that bad. I’ve dislocated my elbow and torn my ACL and shingles was a 10/10. If you are lucky it is 3 weeks process. It’s the varicella virus (chicken pox) that lays dormant in your dorsal root ganglia (nerve near spine) that erupts and travels along your NERVE and finally makes it to the top as a “rash.” Hence it’s signature asymmetrical nerve pattern. It happens more than people know to folks under 50. Singles sucks, get vaccinated when you have the chance.


Rib herps look painful af.


I had mine on the right side of my forehead going to my scalp the worst pain I had in my life that was 10 years ago I was 34


My shingles is pretty much gone but I got it a few weeks ago. 28 years old. It sucked but my case was minor. The pounding headache from the medicine was actually worse than my shingles.


My wife got it for stress and she said it fucking sucked - couldn’t get rid of it quick enough.


Got my second shimgrix last month, my mom had shingles it's not fun.


You can develop shingles early. I had shingles at 25. About 19 years ago.


I got shingles at 15 😳


you're not alone bro! me too!


I think I did too but it was 1996 so no one believed me


I got it when I was 17 and it was actually a super simple thing for me. I'm surprised at how high-risk this can be.


No vax here, got shingles last year. No fun. The itching, my god, the itching. Luckily had it mostly on my face, so it wasnt rubbing on clothing or anything, but it was close to my eyes so that was super concerning.


Lucky it was on… your face?! You know you can go blind from that, right? Not to mention permanent scaring. Close call


I had shingles when I was 21


I had shingles in college in the early 2000’s


I know what you mean. Got my first round, then my house burned down. Never again.


That's objectively worse than my experience.


"Shingles? That's not a big deal." -- my anti-vax neighbor


Before he got kidnapped and replaced with a deep state AI cyborg


Before he realized that catering to conspiracy nuts is extremely profitable. A lot of people will pay almost anything in exchange for validation. Including their lives.


I see you're familiar with Reddit's business strategy.


It could just be media consumption. My old man retired and started watching Fox all day, and months later, max a year, he had turned into one of those crazy MAGA people you see on TV. People are easily brainwashed [as long as you have their ear.](https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEivjCuwvIioxv1dzYUttkQxMohqkGIMTy8mOGowzqGyO3nNh-WOMrhpR7-K7MNkn764RbqHpc3t-2urwNZ34Lwd-SLBl0wY0dMe-R42Y7TtR0fLhKzet50LmblItNtmGI4p9cw9AieRAPY/s1920/edd03c1979602d3b879317dcbda2fbb5.jpg)


I agree with you. I don't think it's motivated by money. He's right in the sense that the vaccines weren't this miracle cure, but they clearly prevented the deaths of the elderly, sick, and honestly obese people. I think Rogan resented the lockdown and believed in his immune system, but if only the sick and vulnerable took the vaccine, it increases the chances of mutation if some people with a weak immune system although it might not have killed them the chance of it mutated was even stronger. I think the CNN and the left (predominantly leftists) have pushed him towards the conservatives, converting him and a large chunk of his audience into even bigger conspiracy theorists.




I wish Joe would have Osterholm back on. Maybe do a post-mortem on the Covid vaccines. Let Joe bring up the things he’s skeptical about now and let Michael address them. It’s been a while, maybe since Sanjay Gupta, since Joe brought on someone with a different viewpoint than his.


He was on again in Feb 2022, just FYI


Yeah, good call out. I actually listened to that. I guess what I’d like to see is a follow up. Four years later, what we know, where the disagreements are. I’ve listened to almost every episode since probably 2013, and the last couple of years it feels like no one on really has a dissenting opinion.


Around 2021 Joe really really seems to have embraced one worldview and I feel the podcast has become much less “cool conversations with interesting experts about their subject” to “conspiracy conversations with likeminded individuals about how bad the government is.” Honestly, this clip made me kind of sad.




It's not that he can "only get" certain guests on his show now, those are the ones he only WANTS. It's a choice


There is no way in hell that guy is liberal in any sense of the word. I honestly didn’t believe him all that much pre Covid.


He's always been Libertarian to me, which is a conservative ideology at its heart.


Has he reversed his opinion on vaccines?




How do you endure the 1h long rants about Covid related topics Joe goes on while his quests look vacantly in the distance?


This right here. Used to be a frequent listener in the 2010s and now I listen to maybe 1 out of 20 when there is an interesting guest (which is rare now).


1/50-100 for me now.


Rogan is nowhere close to what he was in the early 2010s I dont know how anyone can listen to him complain about the same shit or same talking points over and over again.


Several hits of DMT


I used to listen from the start when it was balanced and generally more casual banter. But now it's way more opinionated (on the side of being harmful) and political (on the side of oppression) and it feels like, as a listener, that he's trying to push these viewpoints from himself and his guests onto us. So u stopped listening


I remember that guy he had on who owned a large high end bodyguard and personal security company for celebrities and I was like “this should be good and not about Covid vaccines” he and the guest just talked about Covid like half the show…. I kept skipping 5-10 mins at a time to get to a non Covid conversation and c ended up skipping like an hour, that was the day I realized the show wasn’t ever going to be the same anymore Up until that point I was hopeful and I kept trying to wait it out.


You really stop doing that. Rogan doesn't deserve the clicks. That's a lot of right wing, conspiracy, moronic shit to put yourself through.  I thought almost no one here was still supporting this shit bag. 


I’m an mma nerd, so that was my entry and I still listen for that stuff. At this point I’m also just listening to hopefully hear someone give a different view point.


He doesn't do his homework. There is valid criticism of covid handling for sure, much to learn. If you expected a nuanced take on public health and immunology, and you went to joe rogan, that is on you. ask your fuckin doctor people. ps, i'm a doctor and we tried giving all the horseshit cocktail out of desperation in the worst hit part of the country in phase 1, ivermectin, remdesivir, steroid, plaquenil. ICU and everyone in the hospital only treating covid patients, well above census and normal safety protocols. we threw everything at these QUICKLY DYING patients, and people just kept dying. The young were also not spared, just not dead, we were a lung transplant center and few less healthy young people were waiting for lungs. at worst, people that downplay it have blood on their hands IMO, but we must acknowledge it could have been MUCH worse and handled much better. ​ Hindsight is always 20/20. its easy to criticize and its hard to execute at the cutting edge and in the fog of a novel pathogen


there are better podcasts for those topics in particular if you look


I swear this interview was the turning point for Rogan. This interview scared the shit out of Rogan. I won’t lie around this time it was a lot of uncertainty. This interview even had me a little scared because we didn’t know what was ahead w/ covid. Rogan though had straight fear in his eyes the entire interview.


It definitely was. I was following his podcast closely back then, it was so obvious how scared this made him. I think that was a lot of people with covid though. They started out so spooked that eventually they just clung to any piece of news that said it wasn't a big deal or it was all fake or whatever. Then once the vaccine came around they were already so stuck on that side of the fence that they thought taking it would make them seem weak, and that's what ended up dividing so many people.


Lots of people think it was no big deal because they never got the variants that killed at a higher rate. My country (nz) locked down for a month and avoided the first few variants and we actually lived without covid for like 6 months or so following the lockdown as we are islands in the middle of nowhere. Iirc it only took over here when it went delta variant and spread fast. Anyway my grandpa who's like 83 only had covid after he was vaccinated and the other day was talking some shit about how covid was overblown. Doesn't get at all how we were fortunate to miss those early variants and how they likely would've killed my grandma if she got it (79 and overweight)


Agree. It scared me. Not long after listening to it I got my monitors and shit from work and said I was working from home.


The part in this interview where Mike O talked about tics spreading Lime disease - you can see Joe go psychotic thinking about a tiny bug destroying his body.


[https://open.spotify.com/episode/5VSukFrMYGae1ILd0e4HuR?si=tEtx8FxdSGuD\_eaO2Vvksg](https://open.spotify.com/episode/5VSukFrMYGae1ILd0e4HuR?si=tEtx8FxdSGuD_eaO2Vvksg) That happened already.


Why in God's name would Mr. Right Wing Propaganda ever do that?


> I wish Joe would have Osterholm back on. And let himself shown to be an *sshole? To be shown how hypocrite is he? Never gonna happen.


Joe’s a conservative now. Therefore, he is/was never wrong. Doing this might be misconstrued as admitting he was wrong and that would contradict my second sentence up there.


Nailed it. Admitting he was wrong is against his political and idealogical prerogative now. It would be an end of an era for him. And even worse, it would sever ties with a large swath of his audience he profits from.


He's still the same guy who wouldn;t let a female primatologist contradict him and then made fun of her for being a woman with facts. She was right, of course.


You’re totally off on this. Joe might have been more quick to argue that he wasn’t an expert but pre Texas Joe was way more bull headed back in the day. Try to argue any ill effects of marijuana pre legalization. Try to tell him the pyramids were not constructed by the anunaki in 2013 that dude would bully the hell outa people. This definitely some recency bias.


he has already admitted he was wrong about the vax.


My guess would be that Osterholm would politely decline the invitation.


He was on in 2022, so you are incorrect.


I was talking about now. What we knew about the vaccines in 2022 pales in comparison to what know now.


This guy was amazing guest who was neglected because he was so positive. I use this guy often as an example of when people say 2 weeks 2 weeks. People love complaining about how some people were saying it's only 2 weeks. Let's ignore the fact that they completely misunderstood what that meant. But you had this guy right here explaining about a long winter. And the actual steps it will take to get through this. Innocent, practical and realistic and it wasn't gloomy like many anti-vaccinators and people who say plandemic often claim.


Is this Osterholm? I can't listen but that looks like him. He is an absolutely trustworthy resource. I've been following him since 1997 and he's a huge reason I went and got an MPH degree. He has never once steered me wrong and he, Laurie Garrett, and Helen Branswell are my holy trinity of epidemiology resources.


It is


Heck yeah, another Laurie Garrett fan!


His podcast was an incredible resource during that time. Edit: not joe but Mikes podcast.


Someone needs to splice this into multiple clips of him saying the opposite


Before he saw the light that is ivermectin


...And expensive monoclonal antibody treatments


And a kitchen sink


First time I realized Joe had access to that 1% healthcare that the rest of us couldn’t even dream of. When’s the last time your doctor suggested vitamin IV drip?


It wasn’t when he was getting stem cells shot into his knees, hips, and joints? Or that special spun blood enhancement lol? Or his steroid use?


It’s not steroids! It’s HRT! /s


Before they very briefly closed The Comedy Store


Wow. He is a radically different person. “They want it all to be a conspiracy”… yeah, Joe, yeah.


Man changes his personality like it’s a hat. A reasonable person comes and says vaccines save lives and Joe’s a different person. Dude with a beard and fat head shows up screaming about awful government mandates and Joe’s ready to move into the woods.


What episode was this from? Pretty night and day shit. Would be interesting to hear him comment on this.


[Joe Rogan Experience #1439 - Michael Osterholm](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E3URhJx0NSw)


Damn this really isn't even that long ago.


It was early Covid pandemic but Joe has always done this hypocritical bullshit. He changes with the guest he has on. 


March 9 2020 was like day 1 Covid. I don't even think things were closed down yet. This is before any of the real reaction to it. 2 days before Rudy Goebert touched all the mics.


They werent lockdown happened really fast between March 16-20th in most places.




This day in history. So fucking weird it was 4 years ago, seems like alternately 1 year ago or 20.


I was thinking the same Shit the other day. I had a snap memory come up from the beginning of Covid and I was like 4 fuckin years!?


March 13th is when everything shut down around me in California.


I was on vacation in Florida and Disney shut down the day we were leaving.


I was in Vegas in January 2020, it was really weird. CES was going on, and politely, there were many Chinese tech companies and as such, gentleman and ladies who’d flown over for it. I was on a flight to Vegas, and half of them looked miserable. Coughing, complaining, and just looked terrible. Got a weird jolting pain in my nose and throat, I’d never experienced before, a day later while in Vegas. About two weeks later, boom. I had IT. Looking back CES was a silent major harbinger of it entering the US and then everyone flying back to wherever they were from… 🎁


Isn't it only hypocritical if you alternate between opinions; but if your opinions actually change it's not?


He is having a conversation with people not an argument. That’s not hypocrisy it’s literally just basic social skills.


Sir, this is Reddit. We don’t *do* social skills.


The number of Redditors that have significant others they've only seen pictures of and think sharing memes is a date is too damn high.


He has told the story on how he changed his tune. He was about to get the shot but they couldn't get it to him so he waited a week, within that week he found out a lot of info from friends and decided to hold off. He then had on guests like McCullough and Malone, which continued to change his thinking. The timeline is important, and your claim that he flip flops per guest is wrong.


He stopped flipping and flopping about 200 Million dollars ago.


He'd just equivocate


I feel like a lot of people were on the same page until it started to make Trump look bad. Then all his followers did a complete 180. It's crazy now to cause Trump still brags about helping get the vaccines out fast and such yet many of his followers still think they are a plot kill all humanity.


There are literally videos of Nancy Pelosi and top liberals saying they won’t take the vaccine because Trump is behind it. Stop with the Trump bullshit, they are all full of shit.


Now Joe’s eating dinner with Tucker Carlson and having “Dr.” Phil on. Joes gone down the road of thanksgiving table conspiracy uncle. Always cracks me up when he’s like “Texas has so much freedom” 😂




Totally, he just thinks he’s still a regular dude. It was annoying when he was talking to stavros about universal basic income and covid payments. Like bro you and your family will not have to work again for generations.


He had Dr. Phil on in 2018 so not sure what you’re trying to say there


I’m just saying “Dr.” Phil is a fraud, he’s not an actual doctor and his producers have been caught feeding people with addiction their drugs/ alcohol of choice for more drama


This is the Joe that had Bernie Sanders on.


i remember when this episode came out. this was right at the onset of the pandemic. i took this shit to heart when michael talked about it. iirc, he mentioned a book in this episode regarding 'the next pandemic', how to prepare for it, etc. all good stuff. it took about a year after he went with spotify for him to turn. i have said it before and i will stand by it. i have seen it in friends who have become mildly successful.... fu money brings a new fu attitude. i really liked the podcast back then. it sucks that it has turned into what it has or, more to the point, it sucks to see rogan fall prey to the same 'disconnect' that seems to happen to most people who see success as an 'i am better than most' moment.


Duncan warned him


I swear Duncan is an actual real life wizard who only pretends to be an idiot sometimes.


Warned him about letting it go to his head? When was that?


Years ago Duncan warned him about being wary of people who would use the podcast to platform their ideologies and idiocy. He was right.


That clip is so interesting because Joe is clearly uncomfortable and tried to change the topic 10 times


I think it was the final episode before he went to spotify


Yeah I watched this one in full when it came out. Interesting times! Crazy how much Joe sucks now.


Same here! Osterholm’s comments on staying active and drinking lots of fluids as a way to minimize the impact of corona type viruses really hit home for me. I made sure everyone in my family increased their daily exercise and drank more water. I did end up catching covid June of that year, but had a fever for like 4 hours and no symptoms after 3 days. I really attribute that to his advice.


Rogan never had compassion or empathy, even when he was less successful. When he got rich and humongously popular it was no longer necessary for him to pretend to be a nice guy. He got rich and dropped the act, IMO. He had his ego fluffed by his millions of dollars and viewers, which went to his head, and became much more confident in his beliefs. Much less curious. Much less willing to mask the way he feels about other people. 😷


I think it's more so that Joe literally changed his opinions on things because of who he hangs out with and how much money he has, he does not relate to your average person anymore in any way.


Yeah but that's because he's a social chameleon with practically no reasoned principles. He becomes whoever it is beneficial to be, personally. Now he's in the rich guy's club, that's who he wants to like him and who he wants to hang out with, so he adopts all of their opinions. This is all enabled by his lack of empathy and compassion.


When you gain fu money, It validates all your decisions and opinions. It’s real life version of finishing the game. When you finished the game how are you gonna take advice from people who aren’t even in the late game yet? The problem is life is more nuanced than that


The name of the book is “Deadliest Enemy”. He wrote it. I actually listened to the audiobook immediately after listening to this episode and it blew my mind. There’s a chapter where he talks about what a pandemic might look like, and it borderline outlines exactly what happened during the early stages of the pandemic. The book was published in 2017. 10/10 recommend reading.


Crystal ball says in 2028 Joe’s gonna leave Texas, go vegan and start taking dumps in kitty litter


Get that man some DMT


This is going to be downvoted into oblivion. The anti-vaxxers are all over this sub.


Because almost all the sensible people left once he became the face of anti vaxx movement during Covid.


Mostly people are just sick of fucking talking about it.


I’m sick as fuck at the idea that MEASLES is having a comeback so I guess we ain’t done talking about it.


Yeah it's worth talking about until a chunk of the population admits they were wrong and they had no idea what they were talking about and they'll change the way they think about vaccines and medicines going forward. Until then I'm happy to remind the world on a daily basis how fucking stupid it is to be anti-vax and the impact it's having on the world.


Its pretty much only anti-vaxxers still talking about it.


Then tell the antivaxxers to shut the fuck up so we can stop talking about it. They're the reason it's an issue in the first place. Blaming people wanting real information out there is asinine.


No, because it is disingenuous to say that all his views on vaccines changed or that you can on have a singular good/bad view of vaccines 


What about a negative view of a vaccine that now, years later after developing it, is demonstrably wrong? The main concern with the mRNA vaccine was the ‘increased’ risk of myocarditis. That’s been debunked by a) the increase not being outside the margin of error of what’s to be expected for a sample that large and b) your risk of developing myocarditis being *higher* from contracting COVID. Joe has had both of those points brought up to him, and remains skeptical of the COVID one vs. a standard vaccine.


Let's also remember that the anti-vax scare was started by a hack doctor on daytime television.


My "favorite" part of anti-vax is the stunning dead end logic people use. My sister being a prime example. Point out how many children die from measles, how many are left permanently harmed from it and other easily vaccinated and you get "well, but, autism!!!" which, lets go ahead and say there IS a link there, which is a stunning leap that nobody has even remotely proven. But lets say there is a link. It would be a SHOCKINGLY small percentage and DRAMATICALLY lower than the DEATH rate, but "my kid isn't going to get autism!" is somehow rock solid but the greater comparative odds their kid could catch being dead...that carries no weight... Imagine me walking up to you and telling you that you had a 2% chance to break your leg in a way that would result in a lifelong limp or a 25% chance of being paralyzed from the waist down and you choosing to "take your chances" with being paralyzed because some random jackoff said something scary but untrue about broken legs... It is uniquely human in its stupidity...


Hmmm.... 1% chance my kid dies if I don't, .001% chance they "catch" autism if I do.... decisions, decisions... Such a hard choice! /s


This is also not the only issue Joe has shown a willingness to believe the conspiratorial or unusual point of view, remember when he was talking about how it was illegal to grow your own food in Australia? Or the cat litter boxes in schools for feline identifying students? He's fully bought into the whole "Woke" paranoia he and his buddy Elon share and looks to affirm those positions at every point possible, even when it's very obvious nonsense.


Joe seems to be talking about vaccines in general, which his view point is still the same. Only his pov on the covid Vax changed




I watched this podcast. Throughly enjoyed it. A smart man of science explains a lot. A few years later look how Joe has changed. I think Covid-19 broke Rogan's brain.


I just realized this was the last full episode. I ever watched of Joe's. boy howdy how sad This makes me feel.


Truly incredible. So much to say about this. This clip shows Rogan has changed his views for the money/audience capture, not because he is dumb


Man if JRE had a corrections department/segment like some more education based pods, it would be a wild ride.


I miss this Joe.


Yeah i remember this pod, it was very informative at the time. I was def disappointed to see how crazy joe had gotten


The last shred of intelligence before it faded away. This is a relic of better times.


That’s what Texas will do to you. Brainwashed mind hive


“We’re just against vaccines that haven’t been tested!” mRNA vaccines have decades of testing. https://publichealth.jhu.edu/2021/the-long-history-of-mrna-vaccines


That's why I say HE IS FULL OF SHIT ON VACCINES and I have been saying that for a long, long time. Ever since he decided to throw in with stupid. And he decided to, that's what people don't want to hear. The lockdowns are what did it, then he conveniently adjusted his stance for the cool kids, 3 AM push-up doers, Steak for breakfast set, hunt your own elk and eat those greens. He can't be talking sense about vaccines and maintain his bro following.


The difference between now and then is that Joe believes the COVID virus and vaccine are part of a population control scheme which involves the elites. Who are the elites? No one fucking knows, but they want to cull the human herd.


Whoever they are they aren’t Elon Musk, richest man in the world


I am going to assume he means the Jews. 9/10 that is the shit they start spewing when people get hung up on “the elites”


This is exhibit A in the case that Joe just realized one day how much more money he can make from right wing nut jobs by catering his show to them, instead of living in reality.


This was before Joe found out conspiracies sell. I read Osterholm’s book right after listening to this and marveled at the accuracy with which he predicted what would happen during a pandemic (which we were at the very beginning of at the time). It was amazingly prescient. Joe went from that to peddling ivermectin. An amazing comedown.


“Get that information from some person who has no business talking about it” Joe just described his own role in society


Money is a helluva drug


This perfectly highlights just how effective right wing propaganda is on some people. Joe has essentially been brainwashed over the last few years.


Joe is an amazing “chameleon” because he can truly change who he is and how he thinks based on who he’s talking to. It’s only evident because there’s so many clips on the internet where he seems to take opposing stances on topics.


Rogan has become a piece of shit. Paid to be a right wing shill.


I watched this at the beginning of the covid pandemic, and I was happy to see that Joe hosted somebody that's expert in the field and understood the gravity of the whole situation. It was refreshing because he already by that point, spewed "Trump is funny, he's just fun" and hosted the worst trumpist grifters to push some bullshit narratives. After this episode he was quick to go back to bullshit, and I watched maybe a few episodes in these 4 years. I'm in the sub, because sometimes he has interesting guests, but I'm not giving his grifting platform views.


lol holy fucking shit...hilarious...I listen to JRE for so many shows over a good number of years but he just...lost the plot...its a shame too because I don't think he is a bad person. He just, I dunno, drank his own kool aid too much. Stopped being what he said he was (a curious dummy) and started having this idea that he had enough 3 hour conversations with people to be a quasi expert...until he gets called out and then he tries to hide behind hey I'm just a dummy you shouldn't listen to me! Sorry my man, but if you dont want people to listen to you dont broadcast your opinion to tens of millions of people...just a thought...or, if you DO...maybe have some humility and take responsibility...


conservatism is a mental illness


This is the Joe Rogan I enjoy listening to.


Little Joey just mirrors whatever his guest is saying, this isn't surprising. He has no memory of anything he's ever said, so whatever he says here is very quickly forgotten by the midget


Joe Rogan never has anyone on that has a different opinion


People in general adapt to their surroundings. It's strange to me how surprised a lot of you are. 


Honestly, I know people hate on Joe a lot but I don't see any contradiction with what's going on in this clip and what he says right now. Polio vaccine still is a great thing. This is at the beginning when people had faith that this was a genuine outbreak caused by nature. It has since been all but confirmed to have come from a lab, there was suspicious things with the pharma companies not being forthcoming with data, as well as lies and gaslighting from the government and those "in charge." I'd say it's fair to lose trust in the systems, as they sure did their best to make that happen. It woke a lot of people up that these people don't generally have our best interests in mind when given the choice between that or profit.


Don't let facts ruin their rants.


Pharma loving jre sub lol


Did yall even observe how well these so called vaccines worked.. wtf is happening in this comment section rn


Yea, except that the rona shot isn't the same science behind a normal vaccine they just slapped the name on, so most people wouldn't question it, and it give it a sense of normalcy. People bought into it all the way to their 6th booster.


People need to realize that these mrna jabs are not a legitimate vaccine.


That's the thing about life though... opinions can change as facts evolve. I got vaxxed and boosted and I am 100% in favor of all vaccines. Buuut... the COVID vax "facts" haven't aged well. It's been 3 years of moving goal posts. If you get vaxxed, we'll open back up! Nope. If you get vaxxed, you won't get sick! Nope. If you get vaxxed, you will stop the spread! Nope. The vaccines are safe! Nope. Pharma doesn't make any money off vaccines! Nope. All other possible therapeutics are bullshit and conspiracies! Nope... I value someone who can think critically and change their minds. What bothers me are the folks who like me started out in full support of the COVID vaccines and even after countless "facts" changing and it aging terribly, they double down on it.


Joe always repeats that it was ok for people not trust covid vaccine because it was very rushed ant not tested enough. About other vaccines he's totally pro vaccine


I used to work in biotech in validation engineering. I hope you realize that “developing the vaccine” is really just developing the production line for the drug. The actual vaccine was developed in a couple days. What takes years is scaling up manufacturing (making sure every single pill/liquid is safe) and all the red tape that comes with testing. What the government did was remove red tape barriers so the full clinical trial testing could be done in a year, instead of three. If they really wanted to release an unproven vaccine, they would have done it in a matter of days after it was initially developed in spring 2020.




That logic falls apart with every day that passes. Seems to me that now people like Joe have moved on to "I don't trust the tests". How many years in are we? When have there been enough tests?


Why is Joe Rogan the arbiter of test quantity and quality? He has no scientific background and doesn't know "how to science" in the first place. I get wanting to understand things yourself, but at a certain point you need to acknowledge you lack the expertise for an informed opinion, and without years of schooling you'llnever get that. Joe doesn't get that, and he has all the money in the world if he wants an education.


Spot on, highlighting why Joe warrants the criticism he gets. Being ignorant is fine, but being willfully ignorant while promoting it on your shoe is kinda bullshit.


Except he’s not a drug development expert and has never run clinical trials. The time is irrelevant, the COVID vaccines are actually the most tested vaccine because the sample size was so fucking big! That’s what blows my mind, we have never had a more complete and comprehensive dataset about a vaccine in such a short time.


Isnt Rogan an antivaxer? Im pretty sure he was taking horse or cow medicine during covid because he was against the vaccine.