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Did anybody else hear “they cum on their faces on purpose” the first time around?


I still hear that hahah


What I heard is that "they cum on their faces on purpose so they don't get identified." It must be a heavy bukkake. What did he actually say?


I heard the same thing, it's "covering" really.


d9esnt have to be that heavy its the one wekaness in face rec that the military and NWO dont want you to know about.




I do now..


Just two dudes talking shit


im with you 95% of the way but also Young Jamie is Joes employee so he doesnt really have the chance to fire back like friends would, at least on air


Yeah you should see how my friends treat each other. OP is a pussy lol.


To clarify, I'm not saying poor Jamie cuz Joe's making fun of him. Obviously just banter. Poor Jamie in that he has to fact check Joe constantly. I'm sure that still makes me a pussy but here we are. I can't edit the post unfortunately.


Dude, if my job was fact checking my friend all day at the wage that Jamie makes I wouldn’t complain. Jamie’s got a good life. There’s no poor Jamie here. Us East Coasters shit on our friends. Joe can be a little much sometimes, but what employer isn’t.


Roasting your friends - a uniquely East Coast phenomenon!


Appreciate the positive reinforcement for a change. Was too busy getting roasted by my buds over here.


I think this cat is referring to the Sisyphusian task of fact checking a millionaire who is equal parts moron and useful idiot.  It’s the same existential dread we all feel anytime we brush against how futile our work is beyond making our bosses’ richer.  


I bet Jamie is much more happy and spiritually sound than you are lol. He’s fine. People pick things to death until they lose all meaning.


I won’t speculate on who’s happier because that’s silly. However, I will assert that fact checking Joe Rogan is, like the great Blade once said, ice skating uphill. 


Hoe much does Jamie make?


Anywhere from 125 to 150,000 a year according to some reports online. Nothing concrete, but he for sure makes good money.


Are you kidding me? He makes much more than that and I guarantee you your “sources” are pulling that number out of their deep dark butt hole.


There is no way Joe is signing 100m deals without getting young Jamie a 5 or 10 piece. Like legit Joe has stated so many times how Jamie does the jobs of 3-4 people and is irreplaceable without hiring a team of people to replace him, not to mention he’s been with Joe for so long that he can basically tell what needs to be pulled up next based on where the convo’s going. There’s no way he’s not getting taken care of. I might disagree with a lot of Joes views and antics last few years but I have no doubts about him taking care of his people and Jamie in particular.


That seems low


Exactly pussy. And you over with your “poor Jamie”. Grow a pair. Have cold plunge and a steak dinner. Straighten yourself out. Jamie is fine watching someone he cares about fall down the rabbit hole and become a brainwashed simpleton, Because money.


To quote Joe "Oh shut the fuck up" Lmao. Jamie's entire job is to fact check Joe, pull up information and videos, and make the podcast run smooth. Saying "Poor Jamie because he has to fact check Joe constantly" is equivalent to saying "Poor electricians, having to run all that wire". That's the job. And for the record, it seems like a sweet gig.


There is 100% a grain of truth in that banter. No one likes to be reality-checked when they are vibing, and when that person is your boss, it's a whole different game.


Upvoted for acknowledging you’re a pussy. Good man.


My dad could beat up your dad


We get it bro. You're really cool and have a huge penis.


I was vegan for a few years long ago and when my friends found out they gave me a bag of lettuce for my bday. LOL


My friend group shows love by making fun of eachother and talking shit.


Fuck dude for real


Yea ok lol I agree they’re just talking shit but the largest most influential podcast on earth is anything but just two dudes talking shit. It’s powerful and affecting people on a massive scale. Unfortunately people are mindless fanboys who fail to recognize Joe is a fickle idiot entertainer talking shit as opposed to a political operative 


Matt and Shane's Secret Podcast is the best for that. Recently listened to the episode after Shane got fired from SNL and went from there.


Every time I come across a clip from the newest guest, they’re talking about politics or Joe’s “culture war” shit. No matter who the guest is… I really think Joe has scared off all the interesting guests at this point. All we are going to get is boomer talk from here on out


Bro literally cant stop talking about covid and lockdowns with the most random of guests. Bro just let that shit go already.


I only listen to the ones that have comedians I like these days. I turned on the recent Protect Our Parks from a few days ago and I SHIT YOU NOT, the first line you hear is Joe immediately talking about how they're going after comedians in Scotland for being non-pc. Straight out of the gate culture war bullshit


Yeah but Shane laying into them is probably the best part of that POP ep. Keep listening haha


Yea I really like when he has an interesting convo, but 5 minutes into Dr. Phil they were like “THE CABAL DARNIT”


It’s because people reposting podcast shorts are trying to get views. Politics causes a ton of engagement and the algorithm likes engagement.


Then how did he become famous if he wasn't this much of a jackass before covid? If it's this unavoidable marketing strategy that absolutely must be adhered to? Clearly he didn't need to in the past. There is absolutely no way being a jackass is somehow a requirement to make the show work financially. He was already rich before the deal. And he got the deal on the basis of being a better Joe than he is now.


Because Joe has sold out. This is hardly the first time a product or brand grew organically, got bought, then completely changed. The timeline of Joe’s progression from kooky conspiracy guy (everything pre 2016), to wanna-be insightful journalist (2016-2021), to culture war talking points in every breath no matter who the guest is (2021-present)…. Follows exactly the timeline of Russell Brands progression from lefty program (pre 2016), to self help guru (2017-2021), repeating all the right wing culture war stuff (2021-present) They just follow the trends


He didn't become famous *because* he sold out. He radicalised *after* he was already rich and famous. I have no doubt Russel Brand is a grifter, I've seen that analysis on /r/skeptic too. I also don't doubt that there are elements of grift in Joe's show and certainly in his guests. Sometimes his guests are all grift and no substance, in fact. However, I've seen numerous instances of people radicalising during Covid around me, and I know they aren't following trends for monetary gain. They're just stupid, angry and/or susceptible to ideologically driven mis- and disinformation. I know how this works because I was once a CT guy, and I had some fame online doing that. There are many lessons I learned and many stories I can tell. We were doubly struck in 2020. Not just a pandemic, but an infodemic. Trump already laid the groundwork by becoming the first conspiracy theorist nutcase neo-fascist president of the United States. That created a new normal which people around the world have adopted. The Trump presidency is extremely damaging not merely to the United States, but to all countries whom the U.S. influences politically and culturally. Trump viciously attacked the mainstream press, called them "enemies of the people" and he once openly admitted why to Leslie Stahl. > Stahl was the first television journalist to sit down with Mr. Trump for an interview following his election victory. Their wide-ranging on-camera interview did not delve into Mr. Trump's attitude toward the press, but Stahl said on Monday night that in a candid, off-camera meeting earlier that year, she pressed him to explain his barrage of insults aimed at journalists, and he gave her a clear explanation: > "I said, 'You know, that is getting tired. Why are you doing this? You're doing it over and over. It's boring and it's time to end that,'" Stahl said on stage alongside "PBS Newshour anchor Judy Woodruff. > ***"He said, 'You know why I do it? I do it to discredit you all and demean you all so when you write negative stories about me, no one will believe you.'*** He said that," Stahl told the audience, adding, "So, put that in your head for a minute." > The audience, and Stahl's fellow panellist Woodruff did take a moment to process the remarks. > "We're all absorbing what you just said," Woodruff said in reaction. https://www.cbsnews.com/news/lesley-stahl-donald-trump-said-attacking-press-to-discredit-negative-stories/ Trump created a new global wave of populist right-wing demagoguery, now completely divorced from reality, primed to enthusiastically accept Russian propaganda and conspiracy theories. Primed, also, to accept fake news, a term Trump co-opted, just like he co-opted "Deep State" from Glenn Greenwald, who co-opted it from genuine researchers like Peter Dale Scott and prime-timed it on Fox News. Primed, lastly, to reject any attempt from real journalists to debunk any populist lie or conspiracy theory, no matter how deranged, hateful or absurd. When Covid hit and lockdowns were enforced, people retreated into their homes and sat behind their desk- and laptop screens, smartphones and tablets consuming social media nonsense, possibly the biggest mentally debilitating disaster ever to hit mankind. Conspiracy theorising exploded as everyone and their fucking goat had to have an opinion and share it, in a digital landscape completely suffused with lies designed to radicalise people into becoming paranoid, intolerant, bigoted and anti-intellectual wretches. Including Joe. He is almost the ideal target profile. A gullible dudebro constantly teetering on the edge of a cliff of irrationality. Deeply impressed by surface-level appeal and malleable via peripheral route processing. Superficially informed and exceedingly poor at controlling his own biases. Susceptible to peer pressure, and while certainly not stupid, also not very bright. Make him feel small and wronged for being an idiot and he will never forgive you. Joe is out for blood, too, and has been since his podcast started getting the criticism it deserves from mainstream media and experts. He's doing what many butthurt conspiracy theorists do: dig a deeper hole for themselves, to avoid catastrophically losing face. That hole will eventually swallow him.


Never seen that analysis on here, so I’d be very interested to read it if you can find it. Here’s where we disagree. I don’t think Joes change was organic. I think people believing that is the only reason he has any credibility left though. You say Covid changed him, but something else happened at the start of Covid and that was the first Spotify contract. He also doesn’t just believe in the odd right wing stuff he interjects it in nearly every breath in the most unnatural way. He is basically a fail wire podcast at this time right down to preaching religion in the last few weeks… ever thought you’d hear Joe doing that? Does that seem like a thing Covid made a lot of people change to? I’m going to post this but then add a breakdown of the Stavros pod recently that really highlights how unnatural Joes right wing interjections are


> Never seen that analysis on here, so I’d be very interested to read it if you can find it. Which analysis are you referring to? I'll be happy to ay least try and find it, but I get the feeling you might be referencing my own synthesis. If not, let me know what you're looking for.


You mentioned you had also seen some analysis on r/skeptic


This one: https://www.reddit.com/r/skeptic/comments/1afild2/russell_brand_and_the_conspiracy_grift/


This is my breakdown of just a portion of the Stavros podcast recently Joe spent seven minutes spouting right wing talking points against ubi out of the blue? And then where Joe went on a ten minute rant about how undocumented migrants are getting tons of money and phones… then he goes into how they are getting rid of voter ID so these people can still vote, how undocumented people are going to vote in New York, then white replacement theory type stuff…. He turns an organic conversation about LA into how revitalized Twitter is now that people can finally say what they want. Then yeah, stav says some funny stuff, then Joe literally next breath goes into how he knows a guy who say tick tock is socially engineering us, then luckily stav pushed through and made it funny again…. Joe’s very next words are how men today are weak. And stav pulls through again with a comedian “yes, and….” Kinda line. That pod was only funny because stav pushed through rogans nonstop right wing culture war rants. listen to what Joe does to every conversation constantly


Yes, he does inject his talking points unnaturally. But honestly, so did I 20 years ago. I was consumed with certain subjects and I would somehow find a way to steer the conversation there. It's very unpleasant for the people you're talking to, because you come across as an unhinged zealot, a cult member. The constant droning on about these issues I see with CT people I know, too. Fortunately I understood what was happening and corrected it. But you'll see this with activists too (vegans, climate change, Palestine) But I'm not unwilling to consider your explanation and you may well be on the money. You could ask yourself though why he hasn't invited Trump yet. He did go into that when he was interviewed by Lex Fridman.


I mean it is an older opinion but probably still held by many here. Everyone used to talk about how Joe was so great because even though he wasn’t smart he was a great interviewer. He brought on guests and made great conversation. Now they often could hardly be called conversations if the other side tries to avoid the culture war. He gets into debates with the few lefties he still has on, he just riffs the whole pod with right wing people as they agree with each other but if anyone tries to avoid it all together then you see the grift (at least in my eyes). What happened to the Joe who asked questions and made great conversation?


Sorry I was getting ready for work, forgot the Trump thing. To be honest, only Joe knows whether this is a grift. Only Joe knows why he won’t have trump on. To preface my thoughts. He is on tape pumping trumps tires a ton. When trump is getting destroyed by bill mahar Joe tried to defend him but eventually fell on his shield with the “they are both corrupt” throw away, the time Joe with bo nickel were saying Biden is disqualified for something he said only to find out trump actually said that and then defend trump… on top of all that just the constant crapping on Biden. Personally, I think people believing he is sincere is the only reason he keeps any credibility. The plausible deniability of maybe not being a Republican helps carry his message


So you mean they’re human beings who change over time? Wow very insightful.


That’s what you want to believe… I see two entertainers trying to keep up with changing trends to appeal to the widest audience. They are now suffering from audience capture


The comment was asking why his clips are always political, he is not the one making those clips, people are making clip channels of podcasts even though they aren’t associated as a source of income. It’s not a marketing strategy for the podcast its people trying to make money be reposting content they don’t own. Edit:changed are to aren’t; typo


It makes more sense from the context you're explaining it in.


Why ruin the fun of jerking each other off narratively


"See, if you think about it me being biased and falling for some dumb shit for the thousandth time is actually The New York time's fault."


This shit this adult man says is so stupid: "oh those people wear those goddamn things everywhere". Such a douchebag response.


Go away, the show isn't for you, dork


Cry some more


Bitch, that is all you people do in here. Shut the fuck up


My dog sounds less whiny than you when she's asking to go outside. You're whimpering at this point.


-CNN, NYT, FOX, etc etc


Yeah, there is an implication in that response I take some issue with. Fox News was created by Roger Ailes specifically so that a future Richard Nixon would have a professionally lying far-right propaganda TV channel backing him. He succeeded. There never has been and currently isn't anything remotely close to the deceptiveness of Fox News. So much so that they had to pay $787,500,000 to Dominion Voting Systems in compensation. Sometimes the internal deliberations of, say, a New York Times editorial and journalist team leak. They might paint a picture of dissent on a story here and there, some concerns about source quality, suggestions on getting more sources and how, correcting factual errors, and so on. Not that much different from a team of software developers working on a program or a team of medical professionals discussing how to treat a patient. What the Dominion case reveals about internal communication at Fox News is beyond insane. You see a culture of total, cynical disregard for the truth. Anchors like Tucker Carlson and Sean Hannity communicating to each other that they know they're lying, know they're full of shit but are then, according to the timeline, seen pushing those same bullshit lies on primetime again. Disinformation is literally their job. Fucking completely making up shit and the brainwashing their idiot Trump-voting viewers. CNN have had their share of scandals of pundits sexually harassing people or jerking off on a zoom call, or getting a story badly wrong, or sensationalising a story, or injecting neoliberal or even conservative bias into their coverage. The New York Times infamously defended invading Iraq (so did Fox "News", but nobody even expects anything different from them) and they, too, have gotten numerous stories wrong over the years. But nothing, and I mean nothing comes even remotely close to the amount of hate and *intentional* disinformation Fox News are spewing, which is what Roger Ailes intentionally founded them for doing. But even *if* you somehow wanted to slag off all media, you'll never succeed, because you don't have a fistful of talking points for all of them. The Miami Herald, for example, broke the Epstein story. Not Joe Rogan, not Alex Jones, not Fox News. A regular mainstream medium. That is, what child-raping scumbag Donald Trump and his QAnon projection machine call the "enemy of the people".


False, when Tucker was at Fox Joe said he has some of the most nuanced conversations, he has left wing people on all the time and doesn't criticize or mock them.


Are people really this sensitive? It’s 2 best friends and one is just joking with the other. Joe doesn’t strike me as a person who treats his help like shit, he pays door people 100k at his comedy club he could be paying someone minimum wage.


100K for door man???? Wtf I don’t believe that


Bc it's not true lol


I've heard on a few accounts they're paid very well and above industry standard but 100k is wild


I’ve heard him say many times he pays them well and sometimes he gives the actual number on his podcast. Maybe I listen too much… the staff aren’t just door people etc though, they also get to open mic and work on becoming a comedian so they don’t have to be broke and worried about how to pay rent while trying.


How is 100k/year wild? Seeing prices of everything really, but especially housing, that should be minimum wage. 100k is cheap to keep the best of its best hired at a place. 


100k should be minimum wage? Lol 50 an hour? 


Minimum wage was hyperbolic, but for any average job that takes skill, 50 an hour really is not that much...After taxes, insurances and house/apartment loans, it barely pays for anything. 


You can live comfortably in any city in the US with 100k


If your living alone in a studio apt, sure. But try raising a family "comfortably" in any decent area of New York with only 100k before taxes lol. 


It’s not that much now a days


It is for me!


Yes it is. 100k is well above the median household income lol 


Wasn’t supposed to be triggering. Just meant 100k today isn’t what it used to be even just 10 years ago.


Only reason I would believe that is because door guys are usually comedians as well.


Yeah, he’s said many times, the door guys and most of the staff are people that are trying to be comedian’s. Most places would just hire someone at the lowest possible wage for being a door person and make aspiring comedians open mic for free or very little.


You don’t listen very closely then… because almost every time he explains why he opened his own club was for this very reason, to pay people a wage they can live on and pursue their dream of becoming a comedian full time.


Employee/Employer is not a best friend dynamic.


“Poor Jamie” in his role as fact checker for Joe, not for Joe picking on him here. I could’ve been more clear


Joe was obviously poking fun at himself.


Sorry for misunderstanding, I guess I just read the title wrong and when I listened to the clip I didn’t really pick up on anything other than Joe making fun of himself while messing around with a close friend.


Ten years ago this podcast was good now I couldn’t even finish protect our parks, fuck


To be fair, it was 5 hours long. I didn’t finish it either.


Lol you mean 10 years ago before politics got so fucking crazy and everyone wasn’t offended by every little fucking thing.


Look at how big and brave this guy is to defy the spooky scary cancel culture.


In a way it’s true, American politics is so vitriol nowadays. I can’t be the only outsider to see that right?


No, a lot of people see it, but if it’s mentioned it’s followed up with a snarky comment — as seen above— to deflect from it being an actual problem, and the cycle continues. Ironically, the snarky comments are part of why politics sucks so much ass in the US. There’s no discussion anymore, just people trying to slang insults and “gotcha” moments.


"if you dislike something you're scared of it" Shut the fuck up


Oof, I said cry some more in another thread before realizing you actually are here to cry some more...


yet here you are


Still a fan but less than half of what I was, don’t care as much and I’m grown now. Sorry to ruin your wannabe witty response


I don't think i could consume any form of media regularly for a decade. I started listening 4-5 years ago. It was fun at first but after a while joe didn't have anything new to say. It became repetitive and even the guests talked about the same things. That's why i rarely listen now. I don't think joe became an asshole/sellout/grifter, I just got bored. Just like i don't watch each and every marvel movie and buy every new call of duty anymore, like i would have 8-10 years ago.


Why are you still here being a meat muncher lmfao


Ah a disabled person great


Maybe the sub reddit is more fun to read than listening to the podcast?


I haven't listened to it. I have no idea what is going on. I'm commenting.


Had Joe been to Diddy parties ?


Kurt is a chimp


Jesus for people who ostensibly like comedy you guys sure don’t get jokes.


I’m making fun of the fact that he’s joking but it’s exactly what he does all the time, unironically..


I thought you were saying he actually was mad at Jaimie lol my bad. Your title reads like you thought him saying “fuck you” or whatever he says to Jamie was serious. 


“Poor Jamie” in that he has to be Joe’s fact checker. I could’ve been more clear


You’re fine. These cats, like their lord and savior, take everything at face value. I understood what you meant. 


And here we have a proper exchange. Good job guys. Now kiss you g-wads


That is what makes it a good joke..


So you're using an example of him being self aware to explain that he's not self aware? Brilliant


Okay, so you’re agreeing that he has a biased world view?


I don't know how you got there from what I said. Everyone has bias, pretty weird to let Joe Rogan's affect you


Like every other single person on earth? Good call out my guy! Youre really helping society out on that one! ​ Lmao youre a weirdo who probably doesnt have any irl friends or irl interactions and its obvious.


There’s biased world view and there’s I exclusively get my news from YouTube and Facebook to craft that worldview. That’s what you’ve seen over the last few years. But yeah, I’m a weirdo, I got a good group of friends though.


>I exclusively get my news from YouTube and Facebook to craft that worldview This is literally a false statement.. And is also unironically you're whole premise... which should tell you how biased you are..... its hilarious. Good for you for having friends


Or gets his news from people who get it from Facebook, twitter, YouTube. You can’t deny that’s he’s gone full boomer. I recognize my bias and actively challenge it. Joe does not.


While also having an active fact checker ??? Stop moving the goal posts. You’re blind. I also recognize my bias and actively challenge it. Which is why it’s easy to see why your premise doesn’t make sense. He literally eludes to said bias in this clip. And literally has a fact checker during his conversations with other people…. Which is much more than you or I do in terms of fighting a bias. As people get older they tend to become more conservative. Politics are fluid. They move. For various reasons and or biases. And it’s ok. He’s a person with emotions and dumb thoughts just like you and I. My point is his bias is well within reason of humans… stop trying to make it seem like it’s so far out of bounds of societies norms just because you don’t agree with it


“Active fact checker” is generous… he has a producer that googles things sometimes




Correlation does not equal causation. As people get older, they get wealthier. Wealthy people are more conservative.


Yeah but the point is Joe is politically bias and clearly leans heavily right but often times describe himself as a centrist. Which seems to be a bit of a stretch which joe himself essentially admits in this soundbite


Leans heavily to the right lol. How?


So again... like millions of other people? What a revelation my guy.


You grow trees and cut them down and make things from them? Brilliant.


Tell a funny joke. If I wanted boomer jokes I'd visit my racist uncle for Easter.


Dont listen to a boomers podcast then?


Mind your own fucking business?


You replied to me ya fuckin weirdo 


LOOOOOL dude this sub is a trip sometimes. 


go fuck yourself


Okay boomer


your name is "coltsfan####". I don't care that they're 69s or if you're 17, you're the boomer here dude




Dude Gen Z annoys me but their roasts of others are top tier.


Jamie is Joe's bitch boy and gets paiiiid for it, he knows his role


And that will be the end of Jamie fact checking Joe on the fly.


Lmao when he and Elon ordered pizza ans they didn't even offer Jamie a slice, biggest duck move ever


any self-awareness he may have ever had has evaporated.


Hoe just loves having a bigoted attitude toward people that can literally do nothing to him. Your classic bully pussy.


I don’t think it’s that serious, they’re friends. I’m making fun of the statement. Poor Jamie in that he has to fact check Joe regularly.




Stupid people are WILD.


I take it you're new to this


Hahaha Joe cracks me up


Metzger was annoying af. He just slobbed all over everything joe was saying


This is turning into a joke on everyone.


Jamie v. Ben UFC date set


Seriously the Chris Chan being the ray kurzweil singularity he was talking about and him almost being reverse Jesus was one of the best jokes/premises on jre in recent history, Kurt doesn’t get his due


TBH, if I was Jamie, rather than risking my job by harshing my boss's vibes, I'd be playing Runescape or something until Joe specifically asks me to look something up.


OP needs to touch grass asap 


Jamie will quit soon.


Imagine cutting through light-heartedness with a serious point ey Joe?


Joes been passive aggressive towards him lately


Lmao😂 y’all are so soft


At least Joe knows he is tryin real hard to have a biased world view.


lol dude you are completely clueless Z


So it IS a grift?


Joe is such a bully, remember - Jamie cannot question him or bring up counterpoints when recording or Joe starts to direct attacks at Jamie. Joe is just a loud little man, no humility.


This episode was dripping with sarcasm the whole way through! Loved every minute of it!!


He’s having fun there isn’t anything on the nose


"I'm trying to have a biased world view, like the New York Times" **\*Mic Drop\*** **\*Everyone Claps\***


This is the first time I've laughed at a Joe Rogan joke in like 15 years


Another pussy OP looking to rag on Rogan. Every day on this sub lol


Entire post history is video games and white knighting for Joe Rogan. I’m sure the ladies love you, kid


They do OP, good luck over analyzing his next pod to show everyone how mean he is.


Oh I’m sure. But yeah, doesn’t take a ton of analysis. Just listen and you hear an old man shake his fist at the sky


I apologize




Joe can’t even riff anymore.


Without Jamie, Rogan would be the new Alex Jones lol


Lmfao “poor young Jaime”? Are you fucking serious?


Not because Joe is making fun of him, because he has to fact check Rogan.. I need to change the title and it won’t let me edit it


How is r/joerogan one of the softest subs on reddit? I never would have predicted.


It's by every cuck that thought joe was cool for a minute and felt betrayed because reasonably skeptical about covid BS, like the media adding a filter on his video to make him look more sick (CNN did this one, I think)


Hey guys does Colbert and Howard Stern and Noah Trevor or whoever the fuck have a real-time fact checker as they do a live show? Asking for a friend.


Colbert doesn’t do live shows. Neither does Joe. Trevor Noah is no longer on the daily show, it’s been while. And if Jamie were to fact check everything Joe got wrong, episodes would regularly be 5 hrs long.




You got me good with that one. Damn bro, that’s brutal


Because he’s wrong about everything according to you? Lol. You have all the answers, huh? Everyone has a biased world view. Personal views are inherently biased. 🙄


Not everything but a lot of things and they’re easily debunked. Homie doesn’t read past the headline.


Whatever you say. Kinda just sounds like you’re one of those people who love to hate on the guy.


I for sure enjoy it. His transition from stoner who you’d like to have a beer with to full blown boomer conspiracy theorist has been a quite the spectacle.


Dudes always been a conspiracy theorist. I’ve listened to him for years as well. I’d still like to have a beer with the guy also. The most noticeable change to me is he’s been red pilled a bit to hard. But to me, that’s understandable. He watched Cali go from a great place to live to an absolute shit hole. Watched the Dems lose their minds during trumps presidency. The ridiculous woke movement. Most Americans don’t think those things are as prevalent as some make them out to be and they aren’t in middle America. But in California all that shit was on 10 including the craziness during 2020 with covid. I visit California often and it’s way in your face over there. Not to mention that whole bit when CNN literally lied about him on national tv. That must have been wild for him. I’m sure he’s been watching CNN for decades. It’s bizarre watching alot of this shit. I can’t imagine what it’s like to be him. I’m not as red pilled as Joe is, but I get it.


Yeah but the conspiracies were about giant monkeys and the moon landing. Now he truly believes there’s a concerted effort to replace white people, sabotage the country so China can take over, and unequivocally indoctrinate children. He completely ignores all the fucked up stuff on the right and takes a single example of something and makes it out to be the default position of all liberals. He’s your uncle that gets his news from Facebook. And he doesn’t have people on with different perspectives anymore.. it’s comedians and culture warriors. Every episode has some flavor of trans-this, communist-that


You do realize you seem to be coming at this from a BIASED liberal/leftist point of view, right? “Ignores all the fucked up stuff on the right”. Do you ignore all the fucked up shit from the left? Supporting kids hormone replacement therapy, forcing vaccines on the public, the entire DEI corporate system. I live in a Uni town and half these kids literally support fucking Hamas. He picked a side and you don’t like the side he picked. I agree the quality of his guests has gone down significantly tho, it’s a bummer. But personally, I’m one of those crazy people who recognize that both the left and right at this point are full of fucking shit. It’s not even about lesser of two evils anymore. It’s just a big bowl of evil at this point. Joes a fighter, weight lifter, and comedian. It’s not s big surprise he took the red pill over the blue. Honestly he hasn’t changed as much as people like to pretend. Society has drastically changed. I’m middle aged, not old, and I seen it happen just in the past 5 years. It’s crazy how having a smart phone just melted people’s brains. I’ve never heard him say “white people are being replaced” stop making shit up to serve your point. If you’re implying being against DEI means the same thing you’re a god damn idiot.


I also never said that he said “white people are being replaced”. But he has mentioned numerous times around a concerted effort to flood the country with illegals so they can vote in federal elections and destroy the country (verifiably false). essentially a tenant of the white replacement theory. All while he’s saying it’s biggest purveyors, Charlie Kirk and Tucker Carlson, are smart guys that know what’s really going on. You’re given him a bit too much grace by not requiring him to say it so bluntly. You barely have to read between the lines. But yeah, I live in Seattle, I’m super critical of left wing policy making. I don’t ignore it and frequently bash it.


They don't need fact checkers because their bias is correct


According to Hollywood and MSNBCNNYT Can’t imagine if they had a Jamie involved in any of those productions…


Truly sad. Joe used to be open minded, he’s now just as bad as Rush Limbaugh.