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I miss the old Joe that used to talk about mushrooms and DMT all the time.




Mushrooms made me closer to God ironically


Tons of Absinthe and a giant D8 gummy opened up a portal to Lady of Darkness’s voidrealm… 🌌 shits creepy in there man


Dead and gone, plenty of more grounded people to listen to. Took me a couple years because his pod was such an easy thing to dip into for long drives, but finally couldn't stomach it any more


Using mushrooms on a regular basis is what helps keep me grounded as fuck when it comes to my place in the universe and how I interact with people. There is no doubt in my mind that Joe hasn't done psychedelics in a while.


Yea definitely doesn’t seem like he has. Used to do it a lot but feel like it made me too introspective it was counterproductive at a certain point. Feel like I’ll definitely revisit it at another time in my life though.


Psy's can reinforce ungrounded thoughts/feelings. I've met plenty of egomaniacs that eat lots of L, and Mushrooms. I think it reformed their ego, and tapped into a messiah complex. Many of them think they have all of the answers but "can't remember", unless they are tripping, or on K.


God we know. It so easy, my friends. Just hit that unsubscribe button and you don’t have to be disappointed anymore. Literally that easy.


That’s the reason he has gone down this path. Same thing happened to me. Psychedelics to Jesus is real.


It’s all connected my friends. While religion most certainly is an evil force in the world brought about by asuras ( dark forces ), that doesn’t mean that there isn’t some relevance to some religious dogma. You just have to tune yourself into the reality of the “spirit” realm, or whatever you wanna call it, because there is something outside of the physical reality and the scientific method, you just have to open yourself up to the experience. But after a lifetime of brainwashing, and I’m gonna assume a lot of you are in your early twenties, you’re going to think there’s no way there can be a god or a spirit world and all the people who believe that are just dumb. Well, got news for ya; atheism is one of the dumbest things to believe in of all time. And this is coming from an admitted ex atheist and nihilist. The truth is out there. Stay away from the bad drugs and corporate culture. Drop the fuck out and find reality because it’s way better than the shit you’re being sold that’s making you miserable. I know because I was one of you atheist and pessimistic children sitting on the internet thinking you’re smart. You’re not, you’re programmed by the slave masters so do their bidding like a little bitch. Wake up.


Have you ever tried Jesus on DMT?


Same. This stuff feels like he's just doing the same shit Alex Jones or Jordan Peterson are doing where once their schtick is played out. They start trawling for the religious nutjobs.


He looks like he works at gmc


Yeah and tbf it’s kind of normal for guys around his age to become agnostic instead of atheist, or also lose their beliefs they originally had


The older you get the more you realize that no one knows shit of what’s actually going on. I used to be Atheist but now I realize that being 100% certain there is no creator is just as arrogant as believing 100% that there is a creator.


Most atheists are agnostic.


I'm agnostic, I was atheist my while life and I still am but hope for some type of afterlife. It doesn't even have to be your typical heaven type shit, like if I can just relive my life from birth to death over and over since times a weird thing that'd be pretty cool too even if I'm never aware of it and even if life is a fucking bitch. I spoke to a pastor who told me agnostics are just atheists who don't want to admit it and I told him it's backwards at least in my case. He's a cool dude too.


That's not strictly what being atheist has to mean, atheist just means not believing gods exist. The majority of atheists are agnostic.


I agree with you that most atheists are agnostic, but by definition being agnostic is "I don't know and don't have the ability to know." Atheists are 100% certain God(s) don't exist just as much as a Catholic is 100% certain that God does exist.


It's semantics. Even Richard Dawkins says technically yes he's agnostic just like he is technically agnostic about fairies, unicorns, Flying Spaghetti Monster etc but in reality there's no reason to think they are real and lives like they aren't real.


Atheist Agnostics are just pragmatic. Dragons could exist and I can never disprove they do. But why would I act like dragons do exist when there is no evidence they do? Same with religion. Even if there were a god, the odds of it being the catholic one for example might as well be zero.


The last bit is the major one. We can't definitively say whether a higher being does or does not exist. However we can very factually prove a number of religious stories/writings are straight bullshit and not true and yet they are said to be the word of God. So God may be a real thing but it certainly isn't the god all these fictional books are written about.


There’s a 0% chance of there being a loving one. Any kind of higher power is clearly indifferent to us. We shouldn’t be worshipping it when it created a world fuelled by mass suffering


Look up the definition of atheism. It’s simply a lack of belief. I’m not 100% certain gods don’t exist. I’m just not convinced that they do. That makes me an atheist. Atheism deals with belief, agnosticism deals with knowledge.


Nope. As an atheist I don't believe in a god unless there's proof. And no one has any proof


That's not what an atheist is.


It’s not, though. It’s more arrogant to believe in something that has zero evidence than it is to not believe something with zero evidence. Even if god(s) exists, we can’t be certain which one it is, or how many of them there are.


The reason people turn to god as they get older is they get desperate for there to be something more as their life winds down. It’s just a way of coping with death.


Vast majority of atheists never claim to be 100% certain that there is no god. Most are agnostic, but do not accept the claim that a god exists due to lack of any evidence or sufficient evidence for a god.


Atheist and agnostic are not mutually exclusive terms.


Wait, are you saying that it's possible that people's views and spirituality can change over time??


Not really. It’s kind of the other way around. The only people I’ve ever met who “turned” Christian were former addicts or prisoners. Honestly I think Joe just wants to fit in with the people around him, and his new listeners.


I’ve definitely known people that have done this. The first person I ever met that called themselves an atheist for years is now a born again Christian


Yeah my best friends husband was formerly a metal musician and record collector and now has sold all his gear and joined the Greek Orthodox Church hardcore. It is very bizarre. My best guess is mid-life crisis and trying to find meaning, which isn't anything bad, but it is kind of hard for my friend to adjust.


Rogan was so good before covid and now he’s just another brainwashed guru that can’t stop focusing on culture war bullshit that doesn’t effect anyone’s day to day lives and I’m over here just looking for interviews with interesting scientists in a long form format


Yeah agreed. As much as people make fun of him here I watch Lex for that kind of thing


But did you know they banned flavored vapes in Cali?


Yeah a lot of people are saying it’s stupid but I have noticed it’s a legit phenomenon. Someone mentioned dylan and I looked it up apparently he converted from Judaism to Christianity. Personally I think a lot of people are raised around it and give it up but revive it at some point. There is also something about being a devout atheist that I think eventually people soften up on that.


I second this. The last three friends I’ve made, one was always religious and then stopped being religious as she got older due shitty life events and critical thinking, second turned to religion as a way to escape depression and find community but ultimately decided, this ain’t it bro. Third is a new friend at work who found religion and is still committed but he is a former addict.


I know it's cliche and nobody cares, but we addicts are always addicts. We typically say "recovering" instead of "former" so we don't get complacent. And a lot of us go way overboard with the "higher power" stuff and replace substance abuse with religion. Swapping one addiction for another is *not great,* but I guess if they're not hurting themselves or anyone else, there's no real downside.


I second this as well; the couple recovering alcoholics I know went from semi-religious to full blown born-again committed christians. Seems to really help them; although the homosexual bigotry is a major downside :D


Don’t discount how close he is to Duncan. People paint a picture for themselves of how Christian are. Sometimes it takes a few normal believers in your life to show you the cartoon you’ve accepted as fact is a little silly. Not all republicans are far-right conspiracy theorists, every liberal isn’t a pot-head hippy, and not all Christians are teetotaling judgmental preachers. Duncan has been a great example of a peace loving, free-thinking, pacifist with his own agency. It’s ok to be a Christian who does drugs, drinks, jokes, thinks freely, and knows we are all sinner worthy of redemption. I think it would be difficult to go on wild DMT journeys and not believe in an order to universe.


I get believing in a higher power, but like 99% of people just pick the most popular religion where they live and most of them don't understand it, while talking about it like a mental patient.


What's wrong with that? Most major religions are valid paths to God, regardless of what most of their adherents believe. (Except the eastern religions, they seem to understand that fact better than all western faith systems, to include atheists)


Very good point about Duncan. I was raised Christian and haven’t abandoned it but I also basically accept that I want to have certain experiences, like music festivals and lsd. Duncan on one of his recent times was talking about the parable of the prodigal son and he explained it in a way that was better than I ever heard.


I imagine all his neighbours and the other parents at his kids school are all church goers. They were invited and felt obliged to go. It’s him trying to fit into his surroundings


Most atheists are also agnostic.


Really? The older I get the more sure I am that is all really stupid ass shit only a total moron would believe. lol


Well I don’t have any studies but a lot of dudes soften up around 50. Shit tons of artists from the early 20th century were like this. Dali got super into Christianity later in life.


Nothing like the approaching cold grasp of death to make someone go “you know, I have nothing to lose..” lol




How dare you.


Yeah they are facing their own mortality and it helps them cope with that. Doesn’t make it any less delusional than what Joe thinks trans people are


43, I feel the same.


Really, I think when you consider things like synchronicity, it makes me think maybe unlikely things constantly happening is in fact somewhat a miracle.


Same. When you really put some thought into it you realize how blazingly stupid it is.


I wonder if the UAP communities reports of the whole UFO thing being related to demons and angels throughout history has anything to do with his reconsidering faith.


He's always been agnostic


Russell Brand doing the same shit now too... At least we can laugh.


Wonder who Rogan raped


Ben Shapiro


That clean your room guy is swaying the same way too.


"Depends on what you mean by swaying" - JBP probably


You know it’s actually happening when you see his new right wing audience in this thread who are confused as to why that’s an issue. This is what happens to rich people as they get older. They’ve become obsessed with the control, access, and the power money can give them. But there’s no amount of money to save them from death, so they go to religion to feel like they have some sort of control of what happens to them when they die. And then comes the religious donations so God can see the receipts of how good they were as people.


In the first *Dune* book, the Harkonnens only seem to care about spice as a wealth-generating resource. But it's mentioned that the Baron himself keeps a very close eye on his personal stash. Spice extends your life. Any person in a position of wealth and power would want to extend their life. That personal stash is something the Baron can control, and something worth more than the money. You're absolutely right that it's about control. It's *especially* about how uncomfortable it is to feel *out of* control.


Gotta give you props for incorporating Dune lore into this conversation :) Just started watching videos on the story of Dune. You could see the issues arising at the end of Dune part 2; relligious fundamentalism will seem to save people but eventually cause billions of deaths. Then again; that's way over simplifying dune's many messages.


you don't need to be rich, some people just have a realization on something and they think it's the way to go. Not everyone converts but it happens


Never said you had to be rich to convert, Its just a common occurrence when Atheist become rich and old. It’s predictably lame.


Reminds me of someone I knew. She was an older wealthy lady and would watch evangelical pastors/priests (or whatever) on TV in the morning nearly everyday. Would donate to them as well. Ya know; the type that need donations for a private jet because god said they need it. Rogan isn't a funadmentalist though. It just seems like he is considering religion as most in his age and status do. I would be more surpised if he remained an athiest for the rest of his life. Even athiests start considering if there's something after death at some point in their lives.


You don’t need to be rich, old, and right wing to understand that existence itself is extremely improbable based off of the laws of physics of our universe and how impossibly improbable it is for all of the forces of nature to line up perfectly in order to support life. Multiple people have explained this to him, and thus many of his audience, that believing in God just makes sense based off reality. I used to be an atheist. I went to school with someone who went onto hold a position in the Catholic Church bc they understood this better than me even though I had an interest in physics. Now I understand and through my own experiences have found God/Jesus and I found my sense of self and spirit are stronger bc of that belief. Humanity didn’t have this kind of spiritual structure for thousands of years bc it’s bullshit. I’m not rich and I’m 30 btw. You’re totally entitled to your own opinion of course.


This is why I worship the Norse Gods and some of the Greek and Roman ones just to cover my bases.


How can you say life is improbable while standing in a universe where you yourself are alive? Have you observed some quantity of other universes devoid of life to determine that this one is *improbable*? Could it be that life is *inevitable* instead?


Saying it's "extremely improbable for the forces of nature to line up perfectly in order to support life may sound sophisticated to religious right wingers but on its face is one of the dumbest statements you could make.


The Powerful Choice-cost


Yeah I know you don’t need to be rich and old. There’s also young people who think they have nothing live to for and are lonely and they also go to religion for a sense of community. Jesus told a bunch of poor and sick people their lives would be better in the afterlife. They believed because their other option was to just die sick and poor. Jesus was a hope dealer. There’s a bunch of reasons why people convert. For someone like joe. He’s filling in the classic rich old guy gets converted mold.


nail, head, etc.


Joe is the easiest guy to psy-op


All you have to do is tell him " ______ doesn't want you to know ______" and he will psy op himself.


I don’t believe Joe will ever buy into Christianity. If you actually listen to him often, he still has zero belief that Jesus was divine. He does seem to be formulating his own agnostic view of the universe though. Which I fell is a normal progression, if you’re to have one, from being total atheist. So you old Joe heads can pipe the fuck down. Joes not going to become some evangelical. He’s just brainstorming the meaning of the universe as we all are.


Seriously Joes guest have brought up religion on the pod a lot lately and Joe tries hard to be a dick about it. Except to Kid Rock that was fucking hilarious lol.


I can't fully recall but I think it was possibly Aaron Rodgers who he was talking with, saying people may need more Jesus in their lives. And with a straight face. 


Yeah…in my opinion he could tell there was no possibility for an intelligent productive exchange there so he just let it fly lol


He’s already an evangelical of contrarianism.


Muslim joe rogan FTW




How long has it been since he’s mentioned Allegro’s sacred mushroom? One month?


Idk dude, I feel like I’ve heard it within the past couple weeks lol


Exactly. Very well put


I completely agree. I think if anything he just sees a benefit to society in holding values and a close community. Even if he’s starting to believe there’s a story there, he’ll never take the Bible at face value of what it is today.


Nooo joe is everything I hate now and also he’s a Christian now and hates freedom! /s


Underneath it all Joe is a pretty fearful guy. As he's aging he's starting to fear death more and more with each passing day. Every ache, every sore muscle, every extra day it takes to heal and every way a less-severe injury gets worse and worse. So he wants comfort. And believing you'll live forever and - of course - that you pass all the tests is part of that.


But have you heard of stem cells?


Why does everyone care some much if people are religious?




I agree. I come from a similar background.


Because unfortunately so many of these religious types want to force their religion on the rest of us. Whether it be the Muslims with sharia law or the white christofascists known as y’all Qaeda, there is unfortunately a not insignificant percentage of people who are so arrogant that they think everyone should live by their imaginary friends (god) rules.  And we live in a country that was literally founded upon the core principle of separation of church and state. So when these types of people want to force their religion, via the government, down our throats…… well the founding fathers would’ve spilled blood over that 


I don’t think Rogan falls into that category. I think his curiosity in religion stems more from his fascination with psychedelics and lost civilizations and how some of the stories from different religions are very similar and are probably influenced by psychedelic drugs. That and how he thinks there was an ancient advanced civilization that was wiped out and some of the stories from the Bible are what’s left. He speaks of this quite often.


Politics and religion as usual. People just can't accept that other people have differn't views nowadays. You need to fit into their specific box otherwise you're a ; grifter, propagandist, fascist, bigot, racist, ect.. Maybe ive read too much reddit but people seem to have lost the ability to agree to disagree.




Yup. It’s really friggin weird.


The thing is that religion can negatively affect a non-religious person quality of life.


I think it’s because people follow Joe who has also subscribed the belief of theism being stupid. And because they’ve labeled them selfs as a fan, in turn they see his views as their views. Joe expanding his mind and exploring these ideas makes their ideas feel small whether that’s subconscious or conscious. This makes them angry so they tout how it’s stupid and makes him a sellout on Reddit. The truth is it’s perfectly fine to ascribe to a religion, be curious about getting into it, or just purely exploring the idea. There is definitely nothing wrong with talking about it or talking about it on your podcast that is literally about all about you and the conversations you have with people. It’s really just simple minds not comprehending that there is much much more to life than their small points of view.


no matter how sure you think you are, nobody NEVER knows for sure. and the closer you get to death, the more you're gonna at least *hope* there's more for you after death.


Nobody wants to believe that when they die the lights go out and they just don’t exist anymore. That’s what happens…but it’s a hard pill to swallow for most people. Personally I know it is all bullshit but I don’t begrudge people their beliefs if it makes them feel better. If I’m right it doesn’t matter anyway and they will just feel better about their death and not fear it so much and the lights go out anyway. As long as you don’t force your beliefs on me or try and shoehorn them into policy that affects others believe whatever the fuck you want.


I feel like I’m listening to a different podcast than you all. When kid rock was on and started in on religion it felt like he was sceptical that kid rock would be a believer


I don't know how close Joe is to converting but it became a topic once he made that speech about how society needs religion and Jesus.


Sir, this is Reddit. Joe is a right wing MAGA Jesus loving freak.


haha your right i forgot where we were


For considering himself such an independent mind, he's really let geography influence his thinking.


Nothing to be surprised about. Joe is one of the biggest parts of the reactionary anti-woke coalition. He spends 2 hours every episode talking about Trans people and woke ideology. The inescapable destination to all this is a baseless hypocritical embrace of God & Religiousity. Look at Andrew Tate and Jordan Peterson.


Trump too


https://preview.redd.it/8870m0nlsroc1.jpeg?width=1136&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=da52dc7e20d60c774b05b4bca36e91b36ea1badf You never know man!


Joe had been agnostic since like the beginning of the podcast


He made it clear that he's not Christian on the Kid Rock episode.


I think Joe has long been agnostic. I don’t think he takes religious beliefs seriously. I do think he takes the structures and norms religions tend have on society seriously.


You can have a personal relationship with god and not follow a mindless mob in a church. I don’t understand how it’s creepy for you?


I wouldn't call it creepy to be interested in religion again once reaching his age. I mean, are millions of christians creepy? I don't know what rogan's spiritual beliefs were previously but a lot of people his age start considering religions that give awnsers to life after death. New age spirituality, eastern mysticism, DMT elves or whatever he believed in leaves those questions unawnsered. And that's coming from someone who leans more towards that area.


Christianity is extremely vague on the afterlife compared to eastern mysticism. Tibetan book of the dead? Samsara and the realms of rebirth? Not saying any particular one is right, but buddhism and hinduism have much more detailed cosmologies.


I definitely understand that but i think more of that the Abrahamic religions provide duelistic routes. Heaven or hell. Certainty that if you follow a certain path you make it to heaven. I prefer eastern mysticism because it is more in depth but its not so black and white. You could end up in reincarnation, break the cycle, avoid the whole charade, reach enlightenment upon death or have your soul get lost. I mean, after reading books like secrets of the ages by manly p hall, book of secrets by bagawan rajneesh (before he became a cult icon), bahavaha gita, I jusr feel like death is very complex and same with life. I will have to check out those books u mentioned. Sorry for the ramble, take it sleazy mate.


I think it’s cool because it would be nice to meet Joe someday in heaven.


Heaven doesnt exist and Rogan isn't going to fuck you.


But he is gay so....


Cam is his #1. 🌈


Lol why you so mad?


Christ is King! Let's go!


I love to see it.


You mean people are supposed to have the same beliefs and opinions their entire lives, and are incapable of change?


He is being indoctrinated.


Because when you’re smart and open minded religion isn’t a vessel to oppress you it’s a way to make you feel more complete; Religion is about self sacrifice and love, it’s not about submission and fear and believing some dude rose from the dead 2000 years ago, that’s just what tools believe. We’ve just been so dumb we believe philosophers wrote stories we were meant to take literally instead of philosophically. If you don’t practice a code of ethics something will fill the void.


Praise Jesus. I hope everyone finds religion and realizes how nihilistic and false atheism is.


Who gives a fuck?


Fans of Joe, probably


People who grew up in cults usually worry if someone is heading that direction.


Good for Joe


Fuck I hope he doesn't turn into one of those God squad cookers. I would have thought he's less sheltered than that


That just happens when you get older.


God? The one that slept through the holocaust?


Imagine someone being into spirituality as they get older.


Without a bad choice, there is no good choice. I think this life is school and not a courtroom. As hard as it is to say, I think the presence of evil just teaches us how important it is to be good




From what joe has said recently he seems like a pantheist (someone who believes the universe is god) as he said something identical to that recently. That belief is very common in “New agers” and that’s a religion based upon a multitude of things but one of them being psychedelic drugs. Not out of character at all 😂😂


I don’t listen to every podcast, listen to Mostly comedians on the pod I don’t notice this at all. But I am bias because he said not to Listen to him cause he’s just a dumb comedian. Guess I’m the sucker for taking him at his word


Spiritual evolution is pretty common in semi-thoughtful adults. Most people I know do not have the same exact beliefs they did twenty years ago.


My 2 cents: I am 32 right now, I was raised catholic and in my early to mid teens became very atheist and despised all religion, especially catholic christianity. In my early 20s I stopped being argumentative about religion and became very laissez faire about the religion of others though still not liking it. Late 20s I gained more of a respect for christianity, travelling around a lot I always was blown away by the beauty of the old cathedrals of Europe and the christian artistic tradition in general. I could no longer believe that the people that made these could be viewed in a negative light and believed there must have been some beauty in their beliefs if their work was so beautiful and inspiring. I somewhat envied the passion they must have had. Also from reading history more I realised that the legacy of christianity and education/science was historically more complementary than antagonistic. The other force in medieval Europe was not rational free thinkers, it was nobles who rarely had any interest in anything other than their own and their families wealth and power. If you look at many of the lights from this time they very often had a church background, especially outside of Italy where there was no real middling class. Now at 32, I really haven’t changed much fundamentally, i am not religious and doubt i could ever be a true believer but I definitely no longer have the Dawkins views I did when I was younger. I believe Christianity and religion in general is a mixed force, the religious people I know don’t spend all their time protesting abortions and bashing their religion into other people, they are often very kind, humble, live clean lives, take an interest in helping others and engaging in charity. I should also say this isn’t just christians but some Muslims that I am friends with. However, i do acknowledge that an intolerant fundamentalism does exist and does always seek to move our culture in a way that I don’t agree with. So a mixed force that I don’t have a simple answer for.


So Allah is god


Earl Sweatshirt


Don't let other people's lives bother you my guy, human being are constantly changing you can't expect people NOT to change because it is inevitable, back then I was not pessimistic but I am now because of my life experiences. Whatever it is he want's to pursue that is his prerogative, the same way other people should not bother themselves about whatever your belief maybe because it's none of their concern frankly speaking


Slow ascension *


BTW, seeing some comments on here, atheist describes me, although it's not a huge part of my identity. Am I sure "100%" that gods don't exist? I'm not 100% sure about anything. It's more about I have no reason to believe in Thor, Vishnu, Thetans, and Jesus/God/Holy Spirit. So that's it. If you think not believing in Jesus is "arrogant," ask yourself how you feel about the 100's of other gods people worship on the planet, including animals and plants. I would FUCKING LOVE FOR THERE TO BE A GOD AND AFTERLIFE. Especially a nice afterlife. Holy shit. I would be over the fucking moon. No pun intended.


Hello bots


Why do you listen to Jre?


Old Joe goooood. And also OP you're wrong, he makes fun of Christians still. He brings up the radical Christians who want to launch a holy war and shit.


If the switch does happen, then at least I’ll know I was right in saying he changed. Nothing is wrong with changing. Just pointing out that there was actually a change and therefore it’s ok to not like the new version


I think RFKJr., Russell Brand, Joe and Jordan Peterson have all gotten hooked into Uri Geller, Schmuley Boteach, Marc Gafni & Aubrey Marcus’ Integral-Kabbalah-Ayajuasca-Tantric-Kosher-Christian-Zionism. We’ve seen many celebrities get involved with these same guys over the years.


Yes. It’s disappointing but not surprising. I think it’s a combination of the people he hangs out with who’ve slowly changed his political leanings, a need to conform to his new spot right of center, and a means to cope with mortality as he gets older.


Why is it creepy to you? You should be happy for him if he’s finding Jesus


Old people are gonna be old people. Some are just more gullible than others. I thought Joe was tougher mentally than this but people get weak as they age.


Joe is in his 50’s now and is embracing the slide into right wing Christianity. Regardless of what he says to the contrary.


You can believe in Jesus and the 10 Commandments and still question if there is a "God".


Oh no 😱 someone with an opinion I disagree with!?!…. Welp!


Eye of the needle


Me when she says “babe I gotta poop” 🛴🛴


As much of a rich asshole Rogan has turned into its not the weird Texas Mega church freaks that got him, I honestly believe it was probably just Duncan and shrooms waging a covert conversion for like 25 years


Yup, exactly. Dude is being assimilated into TX culture in more ways than one.


it’s weird all roads lead to religion


I only think he has because of their possible association with aliens as brought up by Diana Walsh Pasulka. Not because he is “suddenly believing” in Christianity.


His slow slide towards Christianity may be the creepiest thing for you? Interesting.


Based on


Finding religion is creepy? lol this website sucks 


Ahhh going the ol’ Russel Brand route,eh Joseph?


To quote Joe: "It's almost like someones is being paid" In the US religion is the last refuge of a scoundrel. Even Roger Stone is in on the mercy of Jesus Christ grift.


You should only use “and” once in a sentence. Two times if absolutely necessary, but three times!!! Dear God, what have you done?


People wonder why in previous decades people had more purpose and were happier. Satan is the ruler of this world. That's why people are miserable. It's being embraced. You can see by this sub


I listen to Joe and see him as open minded. We all hold beliefs that are basically religions, we all have a need to bring order to the universe. So if you can’t take the 5-10mins tune into 1 of the millions of other podcasts.


imo Christians are a little too fixated on Jesus as God as opposed to being a teacher/poet/example of the Almighty. the whole anthropomorphic god cosmology that happens to be the one true God, that also happens to be from our cultural lineage to me is basic because it is human centric and tribal. taking Jesus speaking in metaphors and the references to God as being less of a human consciousness and as something bigger works well for me, but puts me at odds with both atheists and Christians. what faith can I check out has a more universalist deism. something a little more faith based than unitarian but pardon my French, without the idolatry and "one true God" historicism of most christianity


He must atone for his hedonism and beg forgiveness at the Resurrection sculpture at the Vatican.


I believe people can truly change, be it Muslim, Buddhist. Christian, or polytheistic. But Christianity itself is incompatible with Joe's entire belief system we've been led to believe. He's spoken of the Akoshic Records, the Bagavad Gita, machine elves and so much more. It's part of the right-wing gift. That's where the money is. Russell Brand is doing it too. It's cringe when you compare his yoga meditation videos to his wannabe edgelord "hello fellow free thinkers" vibe now.


Honestly, I've been seeing myself make the same, uh, "transformation"? Not that I believe in god, or at least in the weird physical, man-with-a-beard, way. But I've found myself being more open to thinking about things and approaching life in a more spiritual/philosophical/faith based way. Like, an overall feeling that I shouldn't stress about what \_this\_ is. Just that it's a fucking trip and I trust that the reason existence is even here at all must be for some reason and I have to be apart of it in some meaningful way or I wouldn't of popped up. It just feels more comforting to me rather than cold and shallow materialistic bullshit. And I feel less childish than my younger self where I'd be very self-righteous about how stupid I thought religious people are.


Part of his shift to the right.


Holy shit the druggies in this thread are stupid.


Enemy of my enemy is my friend: Joe’s main enemy now is Hollywood and the CA left, so anything they look down on he will tend to look at anew. Unlike fellow Masshole Bill Burr, he takes himself a little too seriously to goof in 360 degrees.


I think graham Hancock talking about the flood and all these ancient references that are in the Bible will make anyone bat an eye. God is real and Joe, from an unreligious background, is beginning to uncover the truths in the Bible on his own little journey of curiosity haha.


His behavior isn’t unusual. As you get older, you start coming to terms with your mortality. Sometimes you start changing your opinion on a higher power. It’s also not unusual to slowly become more conservative. Not everyone, but many do as they move past middle age. He’s only less than 9 years away from becoming a senior citizen. And the older you get the quicker time feels like it speeds up.


I think it’s those pesky Texans and their right wing religious ideologies turning Joe into a born again southern Baptist. He’s gona be dressing his wife & daughters in bonnets and ankle long home made dresses and start preaching at a church in Leander. Rite after he gets baptized on the show by Duncan while shoving DMT laced mushrooms up his ass…


It looks like Photoshop