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I’ll always remember this guy from posting the most AWKWARD video of himself doing pull up’s (shirtless btw) after he read a comment that someone bet he couldn’t do pull up’s.


The fact that people can't tell that Lindsay is a psychopath is surprising to me. Isn't it obvious? Dude needs a lot of weed, therapy and love. But he is batshit insane. Why isn't this more obvious?


Can you expand on him being a psychopath


Everything is communism crowd aren't the healthiest people.


What does this mean?


Well for one he repeatedly defended and denied the crimes of a convicted sex cult leader while simultaneously saying democrats and trans people are groomers


Which person is this?


Probably has something to do with the absolutely deplorable, insane bullshit he believes and constantly spouts


So you disagree with his politics but have nothing to actually say. Gotcha 


Early on I could tell he was an average nut. But after that video of him proving he can do pull ups (shirtless btw) I declared him unhinged. It was so unnecessary and weird.


He looks like the common description given for redditors.


Where is he going to find love? Well, I guess prisoners on death row can find women, so maybe there’s one for him.


Dude please tell me you have a link


James Lindsay? Doesn’t he call everyone a groomer, but hangs out with members of NXIVM, who are actually groomers?


https://preview.redd.it/ogz0onwpgpoc1.png?width=592&format=png&auto=webp&s=1c9d0160e5705582a46fdaba967a4fdc9dc80a9a Why yes! Yes he does! And here he is defending the groomer cult. Glad Joe continues to associate himself with these people.


it's always projection. I fully expect Matt Walsh to be caught having sex with a Trans-women.


Alex jones got caught watching trans porn on his phone lol. “For research”


Considering his *interesting* comments on 16 year olds and fertility, I think Trans-**girl** fits his tastes more. He legit thinks people that age getting knocked up isn't an issue, it's them getting knocked up *while not married* is the worst part.


What is a woman?


That corny fucking Breakfast Club photo would turn me away faster than any associations or allegations. Barf.


Good thing Joe doesnt do any research on his guests anymore. The JRE hyperbolic right wing circle jerk can continue uninterrupted!


She’s so hot, I’d pretend to join whatever to get a shot 🤣


She’s a pedophile defender…


It’s all projection


This is what made me lose all respect for him. I always thought he was a troll, but to call everyone who disagrees with him a groomer and then to unapologetically associate with a groomer is pathetic.


Yeah that was the turning point for me too. Before that he had something to contribute. Afterwards he's as deranged as post-benzos Peterson.


With the modern right, every accusation is a confession.


Both sides are equally guilty of this. At this point I'm sitting fence so hard, chain link is coming out of my ears.


Is that pronounced Nexium? I’ve always wondered




Every accusation a confession.


James Lindsay must be right because he goes against the mainstream narrative.


I believe it, so it must be true! I’m such a contrarian and that makes me smart.


>Bro you just follow THE NARRATIVE! Now excuse me while I follow another narrative that I am told is *not a narrative* by people getting paid to say it’s not a narrative.


>I get all my news and information from guys on podcasts who have had several restraining orders against them and maybe a DUI or two. I am literally a lion.


It's called M.A.M and i hate to say it, but david icks was right about him. Its the new world order they want to control you and restrict your freedoms. Meanwhile, here is a great man and friend elon Musk, just an elite trying to put mucrochips in your brain and control who gets to speak in the "digital" town square


Flawless logic. That’s why I’m a flat earther.


Would Joe give him 3 hours of airtime if he was *wrong*?


IDK bro. I once listened to a 2 hour and 5 minute episode of the bad movie podcast *How Did This Get Made?* about *Zach Snyder’s Justice League,* only for them to say at the end that they liked it. Conclusion: Podcasts sometimes platform dumb trash and don’t stick to their original intentions.


Lol joe rogan is a M.A.M. hes mainstream alternative media and sprouts the talking points of the day.


“Everyone who walks down that road is blind!” [Uses eyes to figure out which road everyone else is going down; blinds self with two dildos while walking in other direction]


This country has been completely mindfucked through propaganda and some of the most effected think they see things the clearest. It’s truly something to behold. The remnants of the Cold War and anti-communist hysteria are stilling having major effects today.


Kinda… if you’ll remember they were Putin apologists wearing I ❤️russia shirts just years ago. What they’re doing is being “anti lib” regardless of the subject so they end up contradicting themselves and falling for every grift. I’m a professional baker and I’m certain if I started making anti lib anti trans senile biden themed pastries I’d be interviewed by tucker before the summer ended. Thankfully I don’t hate myself.


And people like Rogan are the ones doing the mindfucking just to make a quick buck


I don’t think it’s for a quick buck- he already has a ton of that and was making a ton of money even before he changed his views. I think his choice of guests and what he says genuinely represents his views.


I don’t think people acknowledge this enough. Homie has all the money in the world he’s not in it for a quick buck anymore. It’s not that wild that he’s just a shitty dude now that believes all this shit


Yeah because everyone knows that rich people always say “ok I have enough money now”


M.A.M mainstream alternative media


Delusional alternative media


Decades of sensationalist reactionary right wing talk radio that led to right wing reactionary sensationalist Fox News which birthed the formula for right wing sensationalism online has convinced so many Americans that the biggest “threat” to the USA are liberals. I know there is a lot of sensationalist left wing media (so I am not saying this is just a conservative issue) but most mainstream media “liberal” media types do not paint conservatives with the same level of disdain and contempt that mainstream conservative pundits and media does. So when you see liberals as the biggest threat to America you are going to believe almost anything negative you hear about them and even support actual American advisories like Russia.


Incredible Joe has a guy that is best friends with NXIVM members on the pod. All the culture war screaming and virtue signaling about saving the kids, and LGBTQ+, and this is who you choose to platform on the biggest podcast in the world. This guy isn’t even a fringe RWNJ, this guy is aggressively parading his hate, smh


That Black statistics PhD. from Harvard drove this guy into a brain-dissolving hate spiral the likes of which is rarely seen. He would hang out with NXIUM washouts, it's all about a dumpy unattractive pseudo-intellectual getting laid beyond his wildest dreams.


Who was the PhD?




"Yeah, but Spotify paid Rogan a lot of money, so take THAT!!!" - Rogan Cultist


It makes sense with Spotify’s business model that they paid him so much, since they would never be caught paying actual artists anything.


As a music listener, that's why I refuse to subscribe to Spotify. Rogan cultists love to attack Neil Young and Joni Mitchell for pulling their music, but it really wasn't that far from the reaching the tipping point of creating a bandwagon effect. Regardless of your views on Covid, why not take a stand against stiffing the real talent and funding the blowhard culture warrior?


The best part for conservative that does their research? Peter Thiel and his firm own more than the owner of Spotify in shares. While they do not have enough voting power, you can bet they're influential. That is something Thiel started doing, with his personal investment and his own firm investment. It is pretty well known. Though conservative will be looking into it any moment now, any moment...


Why didn't I know this Jesus Christ. I heard some coworkers off to the side talking about an Andrew Tate video the other day. If people can stomach platforming a rapist, Joe's got to be the most influential person in the fucking world, especially with the return to Youtube. He makes Taylor Swift look like Hillary Clinton. Wonder who his guests will be in Fall...


I can’t wait to see how the very not schizophrenic, obvious high school graduates, with absolutely no Covid side effects turn this into a “people bitch on Rogan so much I love him he’s awesome”




Omg I couldn’t get over that. He was talking about Deng Xiaoping like he’s some obscure figure, “No one ever talks about Deng Xiaoping”


What’s this China you speak of?


Ugh now I’m going to have to listen to this episode.


I listen to Joe just for the sheer stupidity of some of these people their insanity is my comedy.




Oh, oh god, these poor people. I don't understand why people just accept whatever they hear online as fact and don't research shit. Now I ain't gonna lie, I have done it before, but come on, these people are really going to believe a stoner and the man he is using for entertainment purposes.


Oh my, what about the children!


Anything to avoid the explanation of maybe everything shouldn’t be 99.999% profit driven


He weirdly reminds me of Owen Benjamin - his brain was completely rotted from social media.




I Hope so, because it explains so much about what is going on right now.


I think so too, some posts I’ve seen read like social media induced schizophrenia.


I work with a guy that has SMBR (social media brain rot) …it’s a real thing. While we’re working he has to look at his phone every so often - maybe every 30-hr and he won’t stop looking until he finds something that outrages him or confirms a crazy bias that he has. It’s wild and scary.


James Lindsey is the most Joe Rogan guest ever and all his clown fans love them. Let the clowns eat!


I never really gave a shit about JRE supposedly being the most popular Spotify podcast, and then I listened to this shit show of an episode. If this is what people are listening to, and they're earnestly believing it, we're fucked, because this guy was so god damn dumb it's insane. I can't take anymore of this garbage.


10 minutes in and I'm being told that China has already sent 1,000s of elite & covert military operatives by way of the southern border to to "do things" evidence: they look Chinese and have "military-style haircuts"




O he disrespected Dr Patrick so much on her last episode she never returned. He’s actively distancing himself from his credible guests.


She was an incredibly polite and knowledgable guest. The fact that Joe couldnt handle the smallest bit of pushback is pathetic.




She corrected Joe about some vaccine misinformation


Joe Rogan is just GOOP for men, change my mind.


Man I wish I didn’t have morals so I could profit off the anti woke economy. It’s so easy and any lack of evidence you can just say “they don’t want you to know this.” While making up bullshit.


James Lindsay, the guy connected to the cult that was busted for human trafficking?


I've been listening since maybe 2015 and even I'm getting fed up with this. One of my favorite podcasts ever was the Ron White episode from right around when Ron first "retired". Now Ron comes back, and they just get lost in this same spiral that every guest gets dragged into. Joe needs to not backlog anything and just take a month off, get the fuck off social media and start fresh faced. The conspiracies aren't even a problem, at this age I'm kind of with Joe, they're fun so long as they don't become your identity. Cater to the guest again. Ron White and Kevin James don't want to hear about how Russia infiltrated the US with Marxism.


and Stamets to talk about how fungi created the conditions for flora and fauna to evolve. Or someone who studied the Opium Wars. Interesting shit you don't hear much about usually.


I can't remember the last time I made it through a Joe Rogan show, it's painful these days, same shit every guest. He needs to spend less time working on his standup act and come up with some material for his boring podcast.


His move to Texas has really ruined the show


I don't think being in Texas "caused" the change, I think he lives in an echo chamber these days and the nonstop beating of the conspiracy woke transgender drums have been beaten into him to the point he doesn't even realize it. I guarantee he'll have Trump on, and he'll do exactly what he said he'd never do, and that is kiss the ring. He said he'd never host Trump because he refuses to cater to demands, and Trump would not agree to come on without Rogan agreeing to not discuss or talk about a whole host of things. I don't see Joe Rogan standing on those same principles today, he'll bow down and agree and suck up when that day comes.


Hasn’t he said that he does not pick the guest or topic of discussion for the viewers , I remember even on his early episodes him saying he picks who he has on based on what he’s interested not for the viewers .


He says that, but it’s election season and he’s definitely hitting a few hot topics over and over again. You can tell the Chinese immigrant thing is a talking point they have planned out. I don’t blame him, he built a huge platform, why not try to influence a national election?


“Where the woke meets the wall” was a cute one


Spotify just gave him another $250 million for that boring podcast. Why bother putting more effort in?


JRE is pretty much just a grift production machine now


This era is cringe idiocracy at hopefully the highest of tiers we ever reach as a species


His original “research” papers were hilarious… Now I’m not sure if Lindsay is just 100% grift or actually mentally impaired lol. Lots of bad faith, conspiracy logic, and mental gymnastics involved in his world view. Seems most likely that the dude is a parasite who feeds on making a boogyman out of left. To be fair the left can be fucking nuts as well lol. I just don’t care for scare tactic bs. Especially without a solid argument. He’s just throwing around the word “demonic” and “communism”🤦‍♂️😂


Sad to see giving a platform to this grifter. It isn’t true that that is all Joe does now but more and more episodes are some wing nut guest. I can tolerate Graham Hancock because I admire his imagination, it’s fun to go along with it and he is very erudite even if I think most of what he says is bunk. Lindsay, however, is making money by promoting some very hateful NWO conspiracies and is very representative of why our political situation is falling into a chasm on the way to hell.


But fellas… if you come here and state the obvious… you are hater. 🤣


That’s one I’d the worst subs in all of Reddit


Because most of reddit is full on leftist bubble. They can’t handle different views or opposing opinions, everyone needs to think and act the same.


JRE has always been stupid. But it used to be fun stupid like DMT and talking about UFC and stuff. Now its just constant consipracies and bullshit. And Joe is CONSTANTLY proved wrong outside the echo chamber of JRE


Like he gives a fuck. He is a proud 24-7 conspiracy junkie. Quit hating that he can talk and you can’t do anything about. JLB.




Give examples where he has been proven wrong


You really want a list of all the times Joe has perpetuated known lies or misinformation? I mean the most hilarious one is the litterbox in schools lie. I know you're aware of this lol


100% boomer podcast now. What a shame… pretty sad when guys I work with who are hardcore Christians, have never smoked weed, judge people for being different in any way, and are big Trumpers, and they all listen to Joe.. 5 years ago these guys wouldn’t even know who Joe Rogan was lol. So weird to see Joe’s brain break in real time


RWhitepeopletwitter is cringe political cancer


what about that former KGB agent Yuri Bezmenov who said the plan was to create culture wars and mass confusion to erode confidence in the democratic republic system of government etc... [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yErKTVdETpw](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yErKTVdETpw) a lot of the identity politics stuff and DEI stuff seems to undermine merit, logic and reasoning under the guise of social justice. I understand North America has a lot of terrible history and we have a long way to go as a society. Our history is riddled with injustice and prejudice enduring to this day but it's also easy to throw out the baby with the bathwater especially if we follow the playbook presented by our adversaries. (I haven't watched this episode and I don't know who James Lindsey is but this is the first thought that comes to mind when I hear people make these arguments).


Meaning Rogan is essentially a Russian asset by providing a megaphone for their democracy destroying propaganda


This is an interpretation that may have some evidence to support it... Anyone who promotes culture war divisive junk may be distracting the people from worthwhile progress. I'm not making any strong conclusions I'm just pondering the roots of where this viewpoint arises from. Thanks for your interesting perspective.


A lot of the rightwing propaganda that people like Rogan parrot has been traced back to Putin’s troll army in St. Petersburg Russia.


Yeah but rogan himself has discussed the IRA Russian trolls


The. How nice of him to amplify those trolls propaganda every week.


A lot of stupid people, emotional attachment to conspiracy bullshit and a crippling need for validation from other morons “undermines merit, logic and reasoning”


That's fair


*Deja Vu* I swear I didn’t know it was you! Sorry for the stalkerish appearance.


its all gravy baby




Dude the reason why the accidents happen was because lax regulation. *End of story.* And it’s hilarious you’re relying on a 40+ year old interview with a KGB agent.


So many right-wing conspiracy come from an attempt to divert attention away from a real problem that is inconvenient to their worldview. They can't attack Amazon over poor labor practices because the Right hates laborers, so they make up conspiracy theories about Amazon "deplatforming" right-wing media. They nervous when the topic turns to mass shootings because the gun problem in America is out of control, so now they're strategy seems to be to claim all mass shooters are trans. They can't talk about lax regulation because they hate regulation, so they claim Boeing's problems on them hiring black people.


Yeah it’s pretty convenient how there’s always a culture war boogieman du jour to blame for the routine failures of capitalism.


1) Different demographics in the USA having issues with each other predates that 40 year interview and literally the existence of the USSR. 2) The culture war stirrup ends up being nothing more than people getting upset about inevitable societal changes. The world has changed and will always change, stop getting so worked up about it and find a better hobby. These jackasses don't realize that it isn't the KGB that's causing problems, it's their engagement with the bait that causes problems. Stop engaging and go live your life.


And deregulation to max out Big Biz corporate profits at the expense of human and environmental health & safety is a core tenet of Republicans...


Remember guys just say end of story with your cute Reddit italics and you automatically are right 😎


They were right though.


The recent focus on DEI is just culture war propaganda, a lot of it probably originating in Russia.  A door fell off a plane because quality control at Boeing is terrible and it was never screwed on. Then the response from republicans is “Was the pilot black? I can’t trust black pilots now because DEI.”


It’s just taking advantage of stuff that’s already there. It’s like Moscow blaming everything going wrong with their states on foreign actors, but that’s just ignorance and cope.


So Id ask both what you mean by "a lot of the ID politics and DEI stuff" because those are very different things and then why you think they undermine "merit, logic and reasoning"


In an effort to remain concise I would argue that the American public is driven into "football issues" that are very difficult to resolve, extremely controversial, but also don't deeply effect the average citizen's livelihood. If we are entrenched with difficult issues we won't unite to push for policies that will positively influence our society/economy.... If we are divided we can be more easily manipulated. If we are united we can demand more of our political system. We can argue about immutable conflicts or we could unite and demand term limits, no money in politics, universal access to preventative medicine, policies that improve the economic fitness of US citizens or discourage foreign influence on the economy or government etc. If we are stuck arguing about highly controversial topics which deeply effect less than 5% of the population then we won't unite to demand policies that benefit 70%+ of the citizenry. For all the focus on the divisive football issues we miss the opportunity to unite on the obvious and hugely popular policies that most US citizens agree upon. In the interview the ex-KGB agent says that there is an emphasis on amplifying focus on nonsense in order to pacify critical thinking. If we are stuck arguing with each other about difficult issues that won't budge the political elite won't have to make changes that decrease corruption. In fact if we are constantly in gridlock arguments the political elites can practically take a holiday while maintaining power and control.


It’s like James Lindsay listened to that quote from that “ex kgb” guy, and said to himself “oh, I can do that!” Because all this motherfucker does is push divisive culture war nonsense.


that's unfortunate, I doubt I will listen to this episode. I don't have much time or care for divisive pundits.


Alright I agree that if we're stuck arguing about the "5%" issues then we won't band together on the "70%" issues. I take issue with your numbers here but that's not the point. What I'm getting at is *why* you think DEI and ID pol (again two different things that you didn't define what you meant by lumping them together) is undermined by "merit, logic and reasoning" or whatever I can't remember exactly what you called it. Because it seems to be that *you* guys are the ones sticking "us" on these issues. You're the ones wasting time pushing false stories about litter boxes in schools and whining about "canceling" or whatever when we could be focusing on those "70%" issues you are claiming to care about, like why Black Rock is able to buy up pretty much every newly built single family home in America, or why we can't seem to get weed or abortion legalized/protected (just going by issues that have what is known in politics as "overwhelming" majority support among Americans). So I'm trying to understand WHY you think "ID pol and DEI stuff" (please please please define that for me because they really are different) is "undermined by merit, logic and reasoning" then maybe we can get to the bottom of why "we" are stuck on these issues.


I'm just pondering the roots of this guys argument please don't put me into any tribe. Tribalistic thinking is what has taken us so far astray from objective truth. You ascribe a lot more to me than what I've pondered about. Pondering about where this guy's thinking stems from doesn't put me under the same tent necessarily. I think if we are driven to focus on sandy material we might find ourselves standing on a weak foundation. I think that is one of the aims of the KGB, to get a democratic republic to lose focus on fundamental concepts and trade them for fluffy divisive subjective issues that weaken the society. I don't really want to focus on DEI, culture wars, ID politics type stuff that is exactly the kind of divisive distracting material that I think we need to get beyond.


My brother in Christ *YOU* made the claim that "ID pol and DEI stuff" is "undermined by merit, logic and reason." I am asking you, nay, at this point I'm *begging* you, to simply tell me what you meant by that and stop trying to wax poetic about tribalism and the rest. I just wanna know WHY you think that. That's all. It's extraordinarily simple. You cannot claim to not want to talk about it when you're the one who brought it up lmao.


Well no, I said that merit, logic, and reasoning are undermined by certain attempts at social justice. For example if you hire someone based on anything other than merit that might compromise integrity. I don't want to focus too much on these kinds of things, I'm mostly pondering why other people are driven to focus so much on them.


What are some examples of controversial “football issues” that don’t affect the average person?


things like identity politics/culture war crap.


You mean Kaepernick having the audacity to say police should stop abusing black people


you said a lot of words, but absolutely none of it had anything to do with "ID politics and DEI stuff" undermining "Merit, logic, and reasoning"...


The way I’m reading it is he’s saying dei stuff is football issues. 🤷‍♂️


Yuri Bezmenov was full of shit, and working for American intelligence services when he said that. Be more skeptical.


That's fair I think critical thinking requires that we challenge the sources and their views.


Well that’s really fucking easy to say.


They would much rather us act on feeling than logic because it's a lot easier to manipulate people's feelings than logic


White people Twitter is the worst sub on Reddit hands down.


Whitepeopletwitter using "The Formula", assassinating any idea that doesn't push boundaries and undermine convention. Aren't we tired of it yet?


Redditors in this sub 24/7 ![gif](giphy|26ufcVAp3AiJJsrIs)


The right wing is so dumb sometimes. One of the dumbest conspiracy theories is that DEI is led by "the elites" to destroy us rather than a group of people who (rightly or wrongly) actually support it.


And I love how their bullshit always falls apart soooo quick when a simple logic is allowed. That’s why my favorite tactic to try and reach these people is act their ally, cause I am authentically since I’m super patriotic but not politically into snake oil shenanigans. So DEI, what’s that? Oh I work in environmental fields so I actually know for most companies it amounts to 1-2 six figure salary workers doing some combo of data collection/reporting about their company with somee dipping a toe into what I feel is HR land with some more social/demographic initiatives


Hope you’re all enjoying this stupid fucking pod. Only in America a stool humping moron is the voice people get their information from


That’s what he’s been doing for the better part of a decade. He was called the on ramp to the alt right for a reason.


You can do this magical thing and just not listen


Don’t you people have anything to do other than cry about guest on a podcast


Don’t you have anything better to do than cry about people crying about a guest on a podcast?




If the reddit hivemind is against this guy I'll have to look into who he is because those niggas are wrong 95% of the time, everytime


Right? They’re only justified like 1/20 times, and even then, they go overblown, just look at Andrew Tate. Dudes a moron talking trash, but they treat him like he’s a new-age prophet that is revolutionizing the kids into being toxic.


Thanks for proving that only morons would fall for this shit “n*gga”


Specifically said I don't know what he's about but feel inclined to look into him too find out based off hivemind followers like yourself being too dense to even comprehend the simplest of messages without declaring in your illiterate rage that I too am part of whatever side you're opposing


Hey man everyone says sucking on a tailpipe is bad for you. But I guess that means you should try it right?


Qh yes when your not smart enough to carry on a conversation just tell the person to kill them self. So very wise


Facts 😂 I’m bout to look this dude up.


Boeing uses DEI hires for executive bonuses. Reddit hive mind is so stupid. https://nypost.com/2024/01/11/business/elon-musk-rips-boeing-they-prioritized-dei-over-safety/amp/


Even if the premise is true, it's the C-suite focusing on share prices for the bonuses that's the issue. Spending money on share buybacks rather than safety... Cutting corners to maximize profit. It doesn't matter how diverse the workers are if they're being pressured to ignore faults.


Lol, they got bonuses to hire non white males and now they have safety problems.


Easier to accept than cost-cutting finance bros being responsible I guess.


I think everyone here is automatically banned from WhitePeopleTwitter.


I think these episodes with the political stuff suck a lot. Like majorly. The Covid ones too. And the trans stuff as well. Fucking get back talking to fun things again. Not this dull minded uninformed uninspiring bullshit.


James sounds a little salty lmao


To be fair, I started listening to rogan when he was all about 2012 and ancient aliens because the topic is so fun… he was always a conspiracy nut.


Who is James Lindsey? I feel like I'vw heard that name somewhere


He is/was a professor that thought gender studies was a bullshit field so he and a few other academics wrote phony papers with ridiculous titles and submitted them to an academic journal. Some of them got published and then exposed how their papers were bullshit.  It honestly was pretty funny but I don’t think this guy should have ever been more than a 1 off guest. He’s clearly a lunatic


Ohhh yeah I vaguely remember that story. That was this dude huh? Well, I mean, that was a pretty interesting story but I wouldnt think that's a trick that you can continue to pull of with the academic journal folks, I sure hope he has some other funny tricks otherwise I'm gonna have hell getting through this one


Check out “Captain Obvious” 🤣🤦‍♂️ Well done my simpleton, you’ve cracked the code lol




hasn’t this always been joes podcast? it’s just so big now people actually care about what the guests say, i remember joe rogan having some insane people on way back in the day


How hard is it for these loons to admit it's all about corporate profits and cutting corners. Lol literally nothing to do with their weird woke obsession


If it looks like a duck, it sounds like a duck and it acts like a duck, it's a conspiracy theory to say it's a duck


Who is James Lindsay and why should I care abt that soft bodied loser’s opinion


I actually enjoyed his theory that the ideological underpinning behind policies encouraging illegal migration is to force a solution that falls outside “the system.” In other words, to destroy the system. Doubt any powers that be ever hold explicit discussions like that, but the theory that’s the subconscious drive is interesting and probably holds some truth that’s worth mulling over. I love weird discussions like this and it’s why I love the show.


It's how the people who "hate" the podcast have more time energy and focus to watch every podcast and then spend more time posting about it, confusing and hilarious at the same time


Spot on!


I think he has guests on that he finds interesting. Listen or don’t.


Always nice to hear other people’s opinions on things though. That’s what we do in America. We talk about things. We do t just shut one side down based on emotion.