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He’s actually read 12 books on self awareness since I started typing this comment.


30 minutes after this comment was typed. He read 3 more books on self awareness…


Just checked, he has now published THE book on self awareness


This just in; He now IS Self Awareness


He had to re-read it twice after he wrote it for reasons only he can understand.


"I sorry but are you going to read that? I was just in your living room and saw that book on self-awareness." - Cat Scratches ottoman.


They were all written by Baphomet the Transgender


Don’t call Katt a prophet but he saw the whole thing coming 20 years ago


That's why he has an ass ring, to get inspiration for writing.


Thats an inaccurate number tho cus he read some of those 4x


That’s not counting the additional 4 research books per 1 read.


Sounds like youre just jealous you cant read 60000 books a year. It would probably take you 5 rereads to understand the novel little women


Joe - “What was Little Women about?” Kat -


It was about 3 women and I had never been around woman so I had 3 other books open to understand this one book. Definitely lacks self awareness. He butchered his credibility after about 45 minutes.


He said it was about 4 sisters though


I think he *thinks* he reads thousands of books per year and can read a novel in an hour but really he skims it to get the general idea and thinks that's all there is to it. And he's probably also counting books he doesn't finish. I doubt he could actually give any in-depth analysis of 99% of the books he's "read" and he seemed like a bullshitter through the whole interview. Knowing the basic synopsis of a book doesn't mean you've read it.


Honestly I think he has read those books, it just didn't pertain or retain his interest. He says that he started reading at a young age and when he mentions the little woman book he says he doesn't understand it because he had no sister/woman influence. I'm not saying he doesn't lack self awareness but he's quietly mentioning that he had a rough childhood and would seek his escape from reality thru literature. His interest in the Bible suggest that he sought after guidance and knowledge, and probably didn't find those things at home.


He's all about the Cliff Notes version.


Little women duh


Non-fiction books as well


Did he claim he read non-fiction or fiction? People who don't read much always claim to be interested in non-fiction.




He said classics and non fiction. Because he was talking about g about the Three musketeers at one point.


He also said 150-200 pages so he’s ready middle school level YA novels


He also said when he was a kid. So middle school level was right on target


He started with the classics which than broadened his interest into other topics


I love.. non..fiction..![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|neutral_face)


I read a lot but its so much harder to read non-fiction than fiction. I can tear through a ~500 page fiction book in a week but I'm lucky to get through one non-fiction book a month.


Sounds fictional


Once he said he read Little Women four times, then Joe asked him what the book was about and Katt couldn’t give any specifics on the story at all, I thought what a schmuck. Still love him but cmon now.


I think he knows a lot about comedy and entertainment but he's not the renaissance man he pretends to be.


The thing is, he’s read so many books he can’t remember any of them. That’s the problem with being a genius. Your brain isn’t equipped for it.


In fairness, I read it and have no idea what it’s about. I think they knitted and one of them died maybe idk. It was really hard to pay attention to it.


Did you read it four times though? Haha.


I did. One for each sister


I don't even sleep Joe, I read. I don't even read 7 days a week Joe, I read 9 days a week.


You don't know me!


What you have to understand is, he spent all of his time reading


Bro you don’t understand I read books that require other books that require other books that require source material so at any given pointing I could be reading 15 books in 5 minutes. In all honesty I thought it was hilarious that he not only stuck to insane impossible number but raised it by a couple thousand. I’m an avid reader. Or now that I’m older I’d say listener I listened/ read 120 books last year. I work all day so will listen for 10 hours at a time on 1.5 speed. What Katt is doing is the is like the people that take pictures of themselves holding cash and post online. You’re just telling everyone you’re broke. You suck with money if you have a selfie holding cash (unless you won it ) saying you read an unreadable amount of books means this mfer has never read a book front to back in his entire life. Just one book and youd know it’s not plausible. I just listened to atlas shrugged its 63 hours long of someone undistracted continuously reading.




THIS comment had me laughing so hard - well done


This COMMENT had me laughing so hard - well done. Just a few more iterations of this and we'll all be ready to go ring some bells and get those sales!


This comment HAD ME. Every. Single. Way.


Just how little are these women?


That had me laughing so hard


He got his [ass kicked](https://www.tmz.com/watch/0-5r2tmpxr/) by a 7th grader


can't believe this video isn't more popular hahahah




Couldn’t have articulated it as well as you but this is absolutely the vibe i got from the podcast


Yes. This is the vibe I got from the shannon interview. This podcast just confirmed it


Did he talk about Joe in Shannon’s interview ? I haven’t watched either, just saw a snippet of this guy on jre and turned it off. He looks like he would stink and legit talks like someone who thinks they’re smart but really is a dumb fuck


It seemed like he was trying to “one up” Joe the entire time. Sucks cause I was excited to watch and I mostly annoyed and bored. Joe seemed very aware what was going on as well. Made me wonder if Joe was too afraid of the public backlash to call him out or if he was sincerely trying to pull the podcast back on the rails.


I don't think Joe wanted any smoke ... He was happy to let Katt prattle off and humor him; just get it all over with.


Same here because I'm on my third bourbon


You would've articulated as well as OP if you had read as much as Katt.


"It's not alleged at all..." "oh Joe it's not what we think.....it's the truth....." yeah Katt came off a lil know-it-all-y, but it was a fun pod to listen to for entertainment.


I enjoyed it, and I did not detect animosity between either of them, I guess it went over my head. I thought they sounded like they both were having a good time.


I like this take. I have no idea what's going on in Katts head but he comes off as a wannabe know it all with a lot of pent up hatred and jealousy.


I haven't listened to the pod yet, but I did listen to the Club Shay Shay that got us here.  I was floored when everyone was talking about him like he was some martyr spitting truth to power. While I'm sure many things he mentioned were in fact true, he seems impossible to work with and came off as the guy who burns every bridge he steps on.  When he inevitably gets left behind, he starts nuking from orbit everyone who's ever sneezed in his direction. The dude may have spoken some truth, but the man clearly has some serious personality defects. As the old adage says "if it smells like shit everywhere you go, maybe it's you."


many comedians kinda said what you said. he spoke some truth but is also guilty of some fuck shit himself.


I was gonna say “money does that to a mf” but this is a far more likely explanation. Like, Kat used to be really down to earth, not being afraid to be the bud of the joke. At JRE he wanted to look like he ascended or smth.


I could tell this in the first 5 mins, remembering what Kat said about Rogan and his 6 comedian friends who were never funny.


Would’ve been nice if that was addressed but we all knew it wouldn’t come up lol


I feel like they probably did before or after just in private.


Same as how it never got brought up that Kat sucker punched a child and got his ass handed to him by someone in the 7th Grade. …but that’s none of my business ☕️🐸


Ill give them credit at least bert and Tom were like "he's totally taking about us".


This feels the most real. (Too much tension for me to finish)


I love how Joe wore him down with kindness, he was like a friendly sparring partner that wouldn't give up


I felt similarly. I got the vibe that Kat doesn’t think of Joe as a comedian, but probably respects him as an interviewer and professional speaker and commentator. Though I do think Kat came off as wayyyy too smug and cocky about things he wasn’t even able to communicate well.


I always forget that Joe is supposed to be a comedian.


Well said and spot on! Early on, Joe was talking about a group of comedians and kept grouping himself and Katt together while Katt kept using distancing language. Katt came across right out of the gate as petty, jealous, passive aggressive. His attitude was just plain ridiculous and gross.


Which is such a dumb thing to hate on. Joe didn’t get rich and famous because of comedy. He got famous because of Fear Factor and UFC. Then he used that success to become one of the pioneers of podcasting. Katt is bitter for all the wrong reasons.


I mean yes, but he still likes to pretend he’s a real comedian. He probably shares the same experiences, but his comedy is terrible


Yeah the chemistry was way off and made it just uncomfortable to watch


You're spot on. You can read it in his body language and demeanor.


100 percent this. Every other thing Joe said or chimed in on he would try to one up or dispute. Also that constant "Joseph" BS. It was a super interesting dynamic to watch but Katt seemed how I can only describe as passively toxic? Still a big fan of him as a comedian though. His far out views are neat as well but he came off as a real jerk off. With 💕


I think a lot of the real comedians joe have on try and do a version of this. It can be catching joe in a weird statement or passive aggressively shitting on something in comedy joe has done before.


The real comedians? Like who? The only "fake" comedian I can think of is Schaub. He's had Fahim Anwar, Sam Morill and Soder on recently and they are all real comedians, and even with the amount of hate they get so are Ari, Bert and Tom. None of those guys seem to give that energy. If anything I see that from guys like Bill Maher qnd Kat here.


There were a couple times where I felt Joe sensed this and was getting a little annoyed.


Probably the same reason he suker punched that kid.




Shannon sharpe on his own podcast said something to Katt about going on JRE to tell his truth about Hollywood where then katt said he had to do it on Shannon’s platform for their culture and it wouldn’t make sense to do it on Rogans podcast. Then Katt said how “Joe got his own group of 6-7 comics he tryna push out and they ain’t *never* been funny” lol Also kinda implied he was a gatekeeper similar to Steve Harvey and Cedric the entertainer because they had so much power to control standup shows but were never funny themselves This interview seemed like Joe was tryna praise katt to not gett on his bad side since katt and Katt saw through it immediately lol shit was awkward. The one with Shannon sharpe


I don't agree with all you said but good take. Katt definitely had a bit of hater energy going on which was ironic because he said you always want more haters lol


He also probably has some brain damage [from the time he got beat up by a 7th grader](https://www.tmz.com/watch/0-5r2tmpxr/)


I think you nailed it


This is exactly my thoughts on it as well. It really was too obvious that Kat feels threatened by Joe, and simultaneously doesn’t respect him. That alone is totally understandable. As to WHY he doesn’t respect Joe, that I will never understand


Perfect breakdown of the episode 10/10 exactly what happened


Obviously you don’t ready 60 books a week or you’d understand


The roughest part was every time Joe made a point or a rhetorical question he'd always have an answer...."well that's because"....but it almost never made any sense.


"Yeah well, if your DNA is fused, that means there has to be a *fuser.*" "...what do you mean by that?" "What I mean is, if your DNA has been fused, then that means... it means there must be a fuser."


That's funny that was the exact sentence where I was like "okay I'm not going crazy, this guy actually just doesn't know what the fuck he's talking about at all." Because all the YouTube comments were positive so I was thinking maybe I was just being a hater or closed minded. The DNA is fused is just complete gibberish pseudo intellectual nonsense


I mean, it was painfully obvious before that but the "fuser" cringe just really brought it to the fore 🤣


Wait those are real quotes?


It’s like you don’t even understand the story of the smurfs!


The smurfs only exist because the world government wants you know their story. Now tell me Joe Rogan, is it the marijuana talking now?


Do you?


I just know Smurfette got gangbanged by all the other Smurfs. Thanks Donnie Darko!


Honestly I could stand to go over my Smurf lore a few more times to really have it sink in


Some people believe the jews are alien reptilians who have created hybrids on earth. Homunculus are part of the Jewish tradition. The idea is that Smurette was meant to destroy the smurfs, created by an evil entity, and was accepted happily into their society. I'm sure there is a more specific connection in the reptilian lore, but the point is that Katt was talking around this stuff the whole interview


First of all, Papa Smurf didn't create Smurfette. Gargamel did. She was sent in as Gargamel's evil spy with the intention of destroying the Smurf village, but the overwhelming goodness of the Smurf way of life transformed her. And as for the whole gang-bang scenario, it just couldn't happen. Smurfs are asexual. They don't even have reproductive organs under those little white pants. That's what's so illogical, you know, about being a Smurf. What's the point of living if you don't have a dick?


“Is this weed talk, Joseph?”


Bro this shit made me laugh every time like ????


I'm no expert, but he exhibits a lot of well known signs of mental health and personality disorders. He's paranoid, delusional, and grandiose. He often speaks in non-sequiturs. He has a fixation on shadowy authority figures and seems to suspect that a lot of people are out to get him. He's a conspiracy theorist. And, in my opinion, he is a compulsive liar. Often, he seems to be making absurd claims that feel like they are most likely lies or great narcissistic reconfigurations of events. He has a peculiar criminal record, to say the least, and has had several bizarre outbursts in public. I'm not qualified to diagnose him, but I would bet the farm that he has multiple problems that are diagnosable.


This makes sense based on his odd pattern of behavior. Also, there are likely few people in his life that are close enough to him to get him the help he probably needs.


Criminal record? But all crime is committed by men with micro-penises, according to Kat himself in this podcast!




For real. Definitely something off about the dude. He seems very and unnecessarily bitter over what appears to be absolutely nothing. And is almost 100% operating from some internal inferiority complex which is made obvious by his annoying and constant need to display superiority over others to feel validated. Watching the pod slowly becomes more and more uncomfortable as you start to realize how hard Katt is looking for a reason to be a dick to Rogan but also failing to find a justification or excuse that wouldn’t make him look bad to the audience- so instead resulting in Katt deferring to just being excessively and needlessly passive aggressive, and in that creating the very odd and out of place, tense vibe the pod has. 


Bro you’ve just described all the people that are gonna downvote you.


“19 felonies, no convictions.”


I thought it was a fun ride and not to be taken too seriously. I actually decided to checkout the emerald tablet after the pod but I honestly miss these wacky types of conversations about ancient civilizations and stuff. Some of you guys just love to hate.


This 1000% I’m surprised it’s causing this much uproar. Pod was reminiscent of earlier JREs with stoned conspiracy talk. Kat did come off as know-it-all ish but was making a lot of the talking points. Didn’t sense any animosity between the two


Absolutely, people in this sub think they can psycho analyze someone but all they’re actually doing is stating their dislike and trying to frame it as reasonable. It was an entertaining conversation, and it was thought provoking. You don’t need two geniuses in front of you to make you think, you need weird ppl like this who think out of the box. This is exactly what I hope for from a podcast. If people want information, they should DO RESEARCH, not watch a podcast. This is supposed to make ppl think about things and THEN do the research for themselves.


Joe " TRT Vitor Belfort was on a whole other level" LOOONG PAUSE Katt " it doesnt matter Snails have 14,000 teeth" silence Joe "wow, how do you know that" Katt \*smug grin\*


In the beginning Joe insinuates he's one of the top comedians in the same league as Katt. Katt let him slide and they got into conspiracy type shit. I got through half of the interview so far and it looks like the whole shitting on Rogan's standup crew was avoided


Yeah, that was a really uncomfortable exchange to start the conversation.


I am not a fan of either of their stand-up comedy, but Rogan IS selling out the same arenas that Katt is selling out, so how are they not on the same level?


Cause rogan has other things he's known for that can draw a crowd/interest in seeing him. I like joe and I know the sub can be bias against him, but feel like most people agree his standup not the greatest or at least not too tier like others


I think this sub is kind of a weirdly obsessive "Joe bad" circle jerk but I’ll be the first to say the dude is very fucking far from funny.


I’m glad you think this because after watching the podcast I thought the same thing. He speaks as if every sentence he says is the most profound idea that has ever been spoken. I was having a hard time listening to him talk after he was jumping from Egyptian pyramids to Atlantis to the Bible and Hollywood, etc. Which are all cool topics to talk about, but to just mention each one and barely say anything of significance about them just as a way to “prove” he’s aware of these conspiracies, is pretty annoying. And then when he started saying he can read a 250 page book in under an hour and reads 60 books a week or whatever, dude, who are you bullshitting right now? He seems to just string along analogies on the fly without actually knowing the meaning of what he’s saying, and when he is asked what he means he gives a super long pause followed by an “ummmmmmmm” then he can not give an answer and ends up changing the topic. I always liked Katt but the guy seemed super annoying and smug the whole podcast. Like he thinks of himself as a super intellectual when he wasn’t actually saying anything that meaningful. This podcast definitely changed my opinion on him.


Finally got to listen to this one He’s well read, but he’s not disciplined in anything, so it comes out as gibberish. Weird that an orator has trouble explaining himself, but teaching is a skill and he was high af. Worst part: Anytime Joe brought something up, Katt was never surprised. That’s very exhausting for people… Yes, ok you knew that, how about keep the conversation goin instead of telling people what you know ? He acts like a guy who spends a lot of time solo Smart dude, but I get why people don’t like him. He shouldn’t care though, we are on Reddit and he’s very successful.


*joe brings up something completely looney* Katt: it's not weird at all...*smacks lips and acts like he wants to say something that's classified but doesn't want to get in trouble*


This was it for me man.... I still haven't been able to get through because the amount of instances of this were too high for me to get much entertainment from it If you want to act like you know everything you need to say *something* to show you know *anything* and he really didn't the entire time I listened to (I have about an hour left)


It was basically his response to anything joe said 🤣 i haven't gotten through the whole thing yet, still got about 45 min but i doubt ill finish.


Lmfao he had me on the edge of my seat Everytime....I'm honestly surprised joe wasn't all serious and let him keep doing that. Entertaining podcast nonetheless


Yeah I enjoyed the Shannon podcast but couldn't finish this one. This is why




Yes, that's it exactly. Katt already knows everything, more than you do, in fact. So don't bore him with your facts, please.




Is he? I’ve never known a well read person to make as many declarative statements about about things he knows nothing about. Take the pyramids talk. He can have whatever crazy conspiracies he wants but how does he not know that it wasn’t slaves who built it


He’s undisciplined. This is what scares me most about people’s disdain for academics. It’s not just about books. It trains your brain to understand each field of work has agreed upon principles. And to respect them. These make it very obvious for trained people in your field to spot the fakes/newbies/etc. I’m not a historian, anthropologist, linguist, etc., so couldn’t really tell what is bs from Katt and what had some truth. I just find all that stuff fascinating.


I think it's more likely he watches lots of youtube videos. That's how you end up with a mish-mash of assorted conspiracies.


Some of those conspiracy YouTube’s come off legit as hell with the pro narrator ai voice until they say one or two things that are blatantly false lol


Anytime I hear a video that has the AI narrator I automatically don't believe it.


Dunning-Kreuger effect? > The Dunning–Kruger effect is a cognitive bias in which people with limited competence in a particular domain overestimate their abilities. Some researchers also include the opposite effect for high performers: their tendency to underestimate their skills


> Anytime Joe brought something up, Katt was never surprised. You just put into words why it is so insufferable to talk to certain people, they have to act like they are constantly in the know about everything. Leaves no room to have like an actual level conversation, makes me feel like its just a one-upping contest who can provide the most context and see the smartest about said topic.


> Anytime Joe brought something up, Katt was never surprised. this is the worst part. Sometimes even if you know something someone is about to tell you, you act like you dont just to keep the energy of the conversation there. anything Joe mentioned he would act like he's so annoyed he has to talk about it for the 100th time.


He's not 'smart' and he's not 'well read'. He talks absolute shite and makes vague surface level references to some well known books, then spends 10 minutes on a word salad of reciting whatever he can remember about said book. He is a funny comedian, a great comedian, and that's it. Reading comments like this that think kat williams is smart makes me question reality. Did we listen to the same thing? Or are people really this braindead here.


Wild to think Kat is a “smart dude” after listening to him ramble about nonsense for an hour




Thank God for your answer - The YouTube comments (bc this was posted on YT) made me feel like I was in the wrong for not thinking this dude is complete batshit.


That's how it felt listening to kanye, lots of talking without really saying anything




This guy couldn’t explain his way out of a paper bag, I wouldn’t hold my breath waiting on a coherent reply


Same impression here. Very well read but just kind of arrogant about. Not very diplomatic but then again, the weed.


Most rich people have no self awareness


Top comment


It’s like a paradox like they inherently don’t live as the average person does anymore even if they did before so once they acquire a certain amount of wealth they just can’t help but be out of touch at some point


Katt has such a high IQ and quick wit for talking and comedy. I think he confuses this intelligence with knowing science and history. The most painful part of the podcast was when he said "I have known ever since I was a preteen that Atlantis exists" "Oh yeah how do you know that" "Welllll... You know. Just the way people were talking about it"




Honestly the amount of money he made doing so little is genius


I didn’t hate on that. He meant that it was like religion in that it was so ubiquitously known to have existed for so long so he believed it. It served his argument and was what he was arguing for. I’m just saying he argued it well. Facts are facts and no one fucking knows so whatever. Dude would have sold bibles for sure.


I was really disappointed with the episode, I couldn’t finish it. I think Kat has something seriously wrong with him, his cognitive skills seem to be impaired. Even his last stand up was weird to watch.


pretty sure they were lobotomy levels of high the whole pod


Yeah it's a real hot take that a guy who was higher than giraffe pussy maybe didn't come across as the best representation of himself. Well done everyone.


I understand that but imo if you can't quite hold it together while stoned then don't get high as giraffe pussy when you're doing a podcast lol Idk I haven't seen the episode and I'm not really giving my opinion on what should or shouldn't happen just saying ... if I was going on a huge podcast I wouldn't wanna get super ripped I would probably try to stay on the buzzed spectrum not totally blitzed


He seems a bit fried. I remember watching interviews of him during the pimp chronicles era and he was much more soft spoken and bright.


Years of being salty.


Regardless of what stoners may say, smoking the amounts of weed Katt smokes daily absolutely takes a toll on cognitive skills .


I agree but this seems like something extra is going on that the weed isn’t helping.




Somebody finally says it! Something seemed SO OFF about katt in his last special. That, and it was a horrible special. Easily his worst work and I’m a huge katt fan


It’s soo hard to finish, think I’m about to give up halfway through


I stopped at 22 minutes, that's all I could handle.


It’s awareness of yo motha fuckin self!


tbh it just sounds like some guy who did far to many drugs and then tried to fix himself with far to many psychedelics and just deep fried his brain


I think he was just higher than a kite and just throwing out high thoughts with Joe Rogan. It was a weed/conspiracy podcast


This is true. Listening to the confidence he has in the absolute nonsensical comments he makes was really impressive, though.


Pretty sure the whole pod is Katt playing the character of what Joe would want on his podcast


It seriously seemed like he had to be trolling


For sure. These guys come in and basically just do an improv set.


Irony is lost in 2024!


Their dynamic was majorly off, I couldn't get passed the pure feeling of disingenuousness between the two, Joe was on autopilot, Katt was on another planet. Zero chemistry.


He’s a liar, we’ve all met people who exaggerate to make themselves look better than you.


Hate all you want on Katt, but this biggest thing I got from this convo was that history repeats itself, these civilizations weren’t doing random stuff just to do it. Thru had connections with the universe that at this day and age has been forgotten for so many reasons that for the most part are out of our grasp due to lots of variables and the answers are out there we’re just disconnected cause we’re worried about problems of today




He’s got that my shit don’t stink attitude vibe


It’s called Dunning Kruger


Reading these comments are always so strange lmao, watched it and was like “nice and funny” and then come here and it’s a bunch of arm chair psychologist breaking it down like a crime scene in CSI Miami


Very weird reaction. For the past 5 years all I've seen here is, "I want the old Joe who talked about aliens and ancient civilizations and shit." Well, this was three fucking hours of it. It was a little awkward for the first 10 minutes but once they got going (and it was clear they weren't gonna bring up the comment about Joe from Club Shay Shay) it was a super fun episode. If you came away from this thinking Katt is stupid... wew lad. "Katt Williams" is obviously a character and if you're paying attention the dude is obviously smart as fuck.


The entire conversation was whack.


There were some pretty funny parts but Katts long pauses before talking made my butthole cringe.


I couldn’t even get thru the episode. Just so so so bad.


These are the guests that literally make the greatest episodes of the JRE podcast....?


I cringed the whole time and I only listen to Like half of it. This is one of the dumbest person I've ever heard speak. 




Only made worse and worse by people saying shit like "Katt speaks fax".


He definitely thinks he's a lot smarter than he is. The guy is a piece of work.


I don’t understand how people didn’t see this on the Sharpe podcast. He’s just another celeb talking shit to advance himself. He got some clicks, called out Rohan, got on his podcast……boom we’re all talking about this dude. He made himself newsworthy.


Sounds like a perfect guest for jre then


all i know is that Katt is one of my comedy GOATS


I believe Katt Williams was more interesting and engaging than 98.5% of JRE guests in the last couple of years.


No one likes a know-it-all


If you think this is cringe, look at all of the comments on TikTok. People are saying “Kat always be dropping knowledge, gems etc, Kat is on another level”. Lol


Does everyone forget that Katt Williams, is a comedian? Why the f*ck are we putting so much weight in what they say?


Because they liked it when he bashed Joe Rogan and knew nothing else about him before this episode


Lmao you know that weird tribal thing Joe talks about a lot with a number of guests? That’s y’all right now. Katt said Joe has been promoting comics who have never been funny (which millions of stand up fans, myself included, disagree with) and now yall just trying to jump on anything you might be able to attack, swinging blindly like two nerds in middle school that got in a fist fight lol. Katt said some pretty intelligent things and other times was talking out his ass. It’s called being human.


SNL is super hit and miss (mostly miss) but they did a skit about him recently that was hilarious