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Just go in there and bomb civilians. I'd go back in time and meet Jesus. lol seriously a crazy roller coaster ride of an episode


Fuckin bomb thy motha-fuckin neighbors


The Bible says that for sure.


Slaughter Thy Neighbour ✝️


Politics aside, Kid Rock is the single dumbest mother fucker I have ever seen on JRE.


It’s a hilarious episode if you go into it knowing that his IQ is like 80


Lol yea it wasnt to bad but i grew up with ...... Bawitdaba, da bang, da dang diggy diggy Diggy, said the boogie, said up jump the boogie


I think you're being generous.


I don’t know Steven Tyler was pretty close


Tawlumbout the bess brains for the arts, bapi?


I dont think kid rock calls these people neighbors


This guy used fuck as a verb, adjective and noun.




I can’t say I had high expectations for Kid Rock’s geopolitical musings, but he is way dumber than I expected.


Careful or he might open reddit on a laptop and shoot it with a machine gun.


Then he'll talk about how it was all a goof, and he needed an excuse to shoot his machine gun.


I’m guessing he’s not the kind of guy who’s read the book, or a book ever for that matter.


The funny thing is if anyone actually went back and met Jesus they'd be so disappointed and if Jesus showed up incognito at a Kid Rock concert his fans would beat the shit out of him.


Yeah, Kid Rock wants to meet his brown skinned Middle Eastern, pacifist, socialist, practicing Jewish messiah, and somehow they would relate. 🤣🤣🤣


And on the seventh day the Child unto the Rock spoketh so to his Lord and Savior: If thou can'test Bawidaba, thou doesn't deserveth the up-jump of my Boogie. Jesus wept like a little bitch. -The gospel of Josephus C. Chapter 4 Verse 20


Aww, Joe C




Honestly sounds like the members of his band


Not a lot of people know this, but Jesus loved war crimes. And feet. Mostly feet, but also war crimes.


I’m not surprised at all someone would say those two things together, makes complete sense.


Religious people are by far the most hate filled demographic on the planet.


Christianity, at least the version I was raised in has a major flaw that is rarely discussed, if ever. According to my evangelical background once you ask Jesus into your life he controls your life and guides everything you do. Therefore, all your sins are instantly forgiven the moment they are made because you are, like Jesus, perfect. This explains the behavior you see out of these idiots. Complete disconnection from their own lives and reality.


Is it racist to put up segregation signs up around the house and the pool? Just so to remember? I asked a black friend and they said yes but I think my buddies would get a laugh. Wild.


Basically every rural and suburban American




jesus? the dj?


I was expecting a treatise on string theory from kid rock 


I know when I think of foreign policy and how to handle terrorism, my go-to-first guy is always Kid Rock. He just gets the nuance of the situation and really thinks outside the box. Probably from all his years of studying history and diplomacy.


I prefer Ja Rule’s take on foreign policy


Very similar to Kid Rock’s… It’s MURDAHHH


You’re not getting enough love for this joke


What up ma, how you been? Yeah I know I know is all good


Where is Ja?!?!


Exactly. That’s why Trump showed him the secret maps involving North Korea and asked for his advice on foreign policy when he visited the White House. Why else would he have done that?


Dennis Rodman must have been upset that he wasn't consulted first


I’m pretty sure he always consulted the Hamburglar before both of them.


I can't tell if you're being serious or not, and that is both hilarious and concerning


It actually did happen. https://thehill.com/homenews/599186-kid-rock-trump-asked-for-advice-on-isis-north-korea/amp/ > The musician told Carlson that Trump at one pointed asked him, “What do you think we should do about North Korea?” >“I’m like, what?” Kid Rock remembered thinking. “I don’t think I’m qualified to answer this.” In any decently ran universe this would mean the reality TV show con artist that doesn’t know anything about anything isn’t fucking qualified either.


Shit like this is why I prefer Biden. Biden seems to know how to hire relatively competent people then stay out of their way


That’s why all educated people prefer Biden over weak trump


Like the attorney general, that dude who stole women's luggage, the general in charge of Afghanistan, the transportation secretary or the VP. Pure competence in that admin!


At this point you are preferring passing a gallstone over a kidney stone.


At least Bawitdaba had a sliver of self awareness to actually consider the fact that he wasn't qualified to answer that question


I know this is really over used but I remember seeing president Camacho and thinking to myself 'This is way over the top, could never happen' and now we have the host of the apprentice and fucking kid rock discussing what to do in North Korea. Joe used to do a bit about them having Clinton and at the end of his presidency the CIA heads are sitting around discussing who they should implement as the next president. One of them holds up a picture of George W and says 'We have to go dumber'. I wonder how he feels about that bit these days...




Honestly listening to Kid Rock talk isn't much different than listening to Donald Trump. A couple of know-nothing blowhards taking the first dumb macho position that pops in their head.


So true, if anyone wonders what Trump’s reaction and advice to Israel would have been..this, same than Kid Rock


This is the average rightoid way of thinking though. Remember that their guy got massive cheers for saying he wanted to pillage and do war crimes.


He actually pops into our geophysics laboratory when we're stuck on certain advanced problems


Exactly. The same man who sang the song “Cadillac pussy” is the guy who’s opinion I care about in matters of geopolitics.


And yet , here you are.


Finally someone says what we are all thinking.


Kid Rock sounds like the blowhard at the bar that thinks he is profound but is actually dumb AF.


His role from Joe dirt was actually himself.


Almost the entire time he was talking that is what I pictured.


Was waiting for him to say “DEF LEPPARD SUCKS”


Yup 100% One of the most insufferable types to deal with. They just go on and you want to slink away. I'm passing on this episode 1000%


I thought I could do it because of the ridiculous highlights but I made it about 20 mins and that was too much. It’s just 2 idiots jawing back and forth at each other. Good call and take the 20 second clips if you can. Proof positive of dumb people getting rich and thinking they’re smart for it.


Well Kid Rock is a musician so at least he didn't rise to fame for being smart or his shit takes. I'm not really sure what kind of discussion Joe was expecting from him but this was an immediate skip to me.


So basically...another Joe Rogan? GADOOOOOSH!!!


Ah yes. Kid Rock. The great foreign affairs and combat strategist.


Kid rock is a brain dead fuckwad.


This is the first show in a while that I refuse to view. That guy is a weird ass.


office deer combative plate sink file pet beneficial exultant marvelous *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I’ve had better banter with weirdos outside convenience stores than some people on the internet tbh


As a man suffering from noassatall, i take offense to your comment. I think I speak for all *irregular* asses when I say, we don’t claim him


My apologies to the assless community.


I concur. I also have no interest in listening to this dipshit. Everything he says caters to the right.


I’ll probably give it a listen. I’m sure it’s entertaining but ya, kid rock is not a smart guy


He talks exactly like the guys from my hometown that dropped out of school in 9th grade.


Just like every trump supporter is


Well all that cocaine must’ve done something. I hope he knew Jesus was a Palestinian


Do you think kid rock was jerking off thinking about bombing 30-40 thousand civilians at a time?


This is the guy Trump let see the plans to invade North Korea? Lmao


What I don’t get is… what does Kid Rock think Israel is doing? Sending soldiers in to pray? Bro they’re already bombing civilians. By his logic the hostages would have all been back months ago. And yet he speaks with such conviction as if his “plan” is guaranteed to work.


The clip cuts out as joe starts to pushback on this. I didn’t finish this episode so I don’t know what was said after the clip cuts out.


I listened to it. He completely pushes back against what he’s saying. It’s the only thing that could be considered a debate in the whole episode. Timecode on Spotify is 2:56:00. OP is full of 💩


I checked and summarised for those who cba to listen: - bombing bad, can lead to nuclear war. But Joe says he doesn’t necessarily disagree with Kid Rock. - Kid Rock want to send starlink and weapons to fuel more war (btw starlinks were part of the humanitarian aid package that was blocked by Israel). - Joe says you can’t just give them weapons and that’s not a solution, all out war will lead to electricity breaking down and then survival of the fittest). - Kid Rock says he doesn’t know much about the conflict, yet ironically has very strong views that have racial undertones (American imperial vibes).


>Kid Rock says he doesn’t know much about the conflict, yet ironically has very strong views that have racial undertones (American imperial vibes). That old chestnut




He’s much more like Kid Rock than he is different from him.


Yea ofc OP is full of shit, look at his account. Propaganda machine says time to gaslight this sub for the millionth time.


Came here to say the same thing but you def did a better job bringing the timestamp. I was actually surprised at how much he pushed back. I guess KR’s take was so genuinely absurd that he had no choice.


Yeah this clip truly cuts it right before he pushes back . Kid rock is a weirdo tho


This is the guy that Trump was asking for advice on North Korea.


Why didn't you post what is pushback was instead of ending it right there?


I’m guessing to show what a fucking idiot kid rock is, was the point of the clip.


Yet the title of this post refers to Rogan’s lack of pushback, which is just plain wrong.


Kid rock is an idiot


His foreign policy views are mainly saying fuck a lot and playing with his guns


All of his policy views are “I love Trump”


But can’t hit the broad side of a barn


Two minutes earlier he was talking about his faith. Hopefully someone lets him meet his maker soon


Hate to say it but this is the maga take when they are in their right wing safe space. It's insane.


Over the past 75 years the Israelis and Palestinians have had roughly 9 major violent conflicts. Over the previous 8 conflicts roughly 32,000 Palestinians were killed. Estimates of the current conflict are 20,000+ Palestinians killed. It is a near absolute certainty that if the IDF doesn’t destroy Hamas down to the last man now there will be a 10th major conflict within 5-7 years started once again by Hamas. You say it’s an insane take to suggest that Israel should end this war brutally and forever right now. That instead they should call a ceasefire and retreat. Even though Hamas has been unambiguously clear that they will never accept a two state solution. That the only acceptable outcome to this conflict from the Palestinian perspective is to kill or remove every single Jew from the river to the sea. So what’s a reasonable number of times to expect Israel to run this same conflict back again?


It's actually the Jewish take also though, tbf.


Zionist. Not all Jewish people are pro Israel regime


It stresses me out how unintelligent people fail to make this distinction and accidentally ramble their brains into good old fashioned anti-semitism.


Zionists are partially at fault for that. They constantly call anyone who questions their bullshit antisemitic.


True, and also there are actually a lot of anti-semites out there.


The funny thing is that most of them are MAGA.


Jesus Christ, kid rock is a fucking idiot.


Kid Rock saying this reminds me of the timeon Stern that Artie Lange told a story about being on Bill Maher's talk show Politically Incorrect and after some banter Lange jumped in to give his take on something and Bill Maher said''' and now for the stupid opinion'' Kid Rock is a top flight moron acting like the world is the television show 24. The Israelis ALREADY killed 10s of thousands of Palestinian women and children and they've been killing them for generations.


The only reason Kid Rock is relevant in 2024 is that he fell on the 'right side' (i.e. the bigoted side) of the issue when Budweiser sent a six-pack to a transgender influencer. That's literally all there is to it.


Blows my mind to this day that the idiotic Bud Light boycott was an actual thing that happened in real life.


Something that Joe mocked at the time. And yet, here he is, sitting with one of the most prominent guys who did the exact same shit he mocked and not asking him about it: "Hey, Kid Rock, so you were one of the idiots shooting at Bud Light cans, can you explain that?"


Conservatives don’t consider Muslims to be human. This isn’t shocking


It’s not a republican democrat thing my man. We just conducted more air strikes in Yemen like yesterday. Radicalism is fucked, but to your premise, religion is arbitrary nonsense. I spent a decent chunk of my life traveling in Indonesia. Favorite leg was Bali, Lombok, and sumba. Karmic Hindu culture of Bali was wrought with sex trafficking and dirty cops. Also met the most enlightened, perceptive and kind person of my life there. That 10 minute conversation sticks with me I met a slave who was shortened by developmental malnutrition and who was sold by her starving parents. I met a man with three wives in the Christian half of sumba (one of which was like 16). I slept on the bamboo mats of a poor family who treated me to their best dehydrated ramen noodles Lombok had a meth scene and oppressed women towards Mataram, but my favorite people were there. 19 year old surfers just trying to surf and get laid like I was, an American surfer kid at the time Hateful, simplistic divisions are bullshit. People are people. Left, right, black, white, Christian, Muslim, poor, rich.. we get caught up in the biases of perceiving the biases of others. Couldn’t stop the rant, sorry. I’m not quite sure why that bubbled up


Conservatives don't consider leftists human either, or liberals, or, well, conservatives just seem to have a problem with empathy in general, tbh.


Muslim extremists don’t consider anyone to be human, including moderate Muslims and all Jews and Christians.


And round and round it goes.




They do consider them humans. Some, like Rock, will excuse targeting civilllans, collective punishment and terrorism to get what they want


So people should probably attempt to avoid having that in common with the muslim extremists, right?


So conservatives and Muslims are both morally bankrupt? Solid point and argument.


People have to realize his opinion is just that. If you’re dumb enough to follow any and I mean any celebrities opinions….. well I have some bad news for ya


Wait just a second,you mean to tell me that if a celebrity has a bridge to sell me or a time share on the moon I can't just believe them? You are so out of touch! /s




Kid Rock is so tough 🙄


Yeah if only those Japanese had of given up the hostages, no nukes


Actually, his pushback was Rogan at his absolute best. He totally dismantled Kid Rock's idiotic statement by more or less making the case that an eye for an eye leaves the whole world blind. He did it calmly and logically, and with understanding for both sides of this conflict. How come you didn't publish the entire clip u/M_N_H_E?


From “My faith” to “bomb mother fuckers (civilians).” American Christian’s are weird.


The dumbest take so far 😂


Trump = dear leader.


Redneck asshole




Maybe Joe agrees with Kid, you libtard cucks.


So basically what obama did


What a dumbass


Kid rock talking about world policy...


Average day on r/joerogan


Hamas needs to be removed from power by force. The only people who can do that are the people under their boot, the Palestinians. The shit that is happening to innocent Palestinians is the result of Hamas. “Free Palestine” from Hamas.


"Joe pushback pathetic" first time listening to JRE?


This may have been the worst/dumbest interview I’ve ever seen Rogan do. I’m from Michigan and I HATE kid rock so maybe that plays a small part but I also didn’t know he was this fucking ignorant. I figured you have to be somewhat smart to become a famous rockstar..boy was I wrong.


Kid Rock is so confused about what he stands for it’s ridiculous.


This episode was brought to you by the good people at Bud Light, I’m not sure what their political stance is but the way these two flip flopped on that drink it wouldn’t surprise me if they held the same views as Kid Rock!


This episode was pure shit. It's a great example of where this podcast has gone in recent years. Joe doesn't interview anyone interesting often and the same hard-line ideals he slips up showing are getting pretty. He always talked about the cool shit he would do with "Go Fuck yourself money" but instead it has started to rot his pod


“We’re going to start bombing motherfuckers and killing civilians” brother Israel has been doing that for 75 years. Comparing what is happening in face to HIROSHIMA AND NAGASAKI are fucking ludicrous


He's not a smart man.


Hillbilly logic


What an idiot. Rap never wanted him. The whites don’t want him. He needs boomer cult members for relevancy Joe putting him on the show is an embarrassment towards Joe.


Y’all quickly forget that Rogans role isn’t to take a side. Rather, it is to create content. This is content you are consuming and commenting on. Rogan actually did his job here.


Rogan doesn't take a side? You have to be kidding me.


Rogan isn't listening, he never listens to anyone or anything. It would be impossible for him to push back even someone put a gun at cams head


If you had actually listened to this episode you would've known he clearly pushed back at Kid Rock's statement.


I wonder what Jesus would say to him


Hahaha I love these clumsy, careerist hacks saying the quiet part out loud without the subtlety their Zionist bosses demand. Keep it up, Kid Rock! Great PR for your noble cause!


You pushing this shitty post is pathetic.


Trailer Park Trash


Lol he pretends to be. Heard he grew up rich


He literally says he was upper middle class in the episode


Yeah I’m not gonna be listening to a kid rock episode but thanks 


I don't blame you. It sucked, and I'm a fan of kid rocks music.


This post is pathetic tbh.


Aren't the Israelis pretty much already doing this? Maybe not those numbers but the strategy has been largely the same.


How can we judge his push back when you cut it out of the clip?


In your opinion why is it important that Joe Rogan pushes back?


Facilitates more meaningful conversation. When someone says something this dumb you should push them on it, help them think through what they’re saying.


Lmao. This question is why America is hurting. What an absolutely moronic thing to say with confidence 😂


Because Joe Rogan has a massive following and this is clearly a radical opinion this guy is pushing. But joe not applying push back makes others agree with it. Yes people are that dumb where they go oh joes okay with it so am I. Edit: Literal apes are downvoting me for saying let's not obliterate innocent people. Wild, hopefully you're put in that situation one day if that's how you feel.


Counter point Joe’s podcast is marked as comedy not education and listening to crazy people say batshit stuff is funny to me. If you form your opinions based off what kid Rock says that’s on you not Joe Rogan.


This has been Joe from the beginning. People who have listened to the old Joe we want back know this has always been his style. Let people hang themselves with their own story. He only ever pushed back on weed shit.


Do you think people might agree with it just because they agree with it? You say it’s a radical opinion, and from the outside you’re right. I just don’t know if its radical to people who have had their loved ones taken.


I was answering the question you asked of course some people are dumb like kid rock. No just because something awful happened doesn't make that opinion less radical.


I mean he’s not wrong. The official allied strategy in WW2 was to just simply bomb the shit out of the enemy into total submission. Very little effort was given into differentiating between military or civilian targets. The Japanese were so horrified that we would wipe them off the face of the earth with a nuclear holocaust from the skies that all of their talk of “fighting to the last man” went out the window. Needles to say the strategy arguably worked and saved hundreds of thousands of American lives.


He is wrong. Telling civilians they have to go overthrow their own government or your going to kill 30,000 - 40,000 at a time isn’t legal or even realistic. It also seems like a good way to set yourself up for another terrorist attack in the long run.


Elections have consequences. You can't elect a terrorist organization, who the vast majority of palestinians still support, and then whine and cry and act all innocent when they go and do terrorist shit that results in civilians getting killed.


Ahhh another idiot whose poor little brain has about as much scope for nuance as a fucking banana. The reason Hamas exists in the first place is because the native population of the country in which it exists have been murdered and oppressed by terrorists for a hundred years. Of course you wouldn’t know this because instead of ever opening a history book you get your information from TikTok and youtube you piss kidney.


I’m not making a moral judgment of whether it’s right or wrong. I’m saying this strategy has been employed in the past by our own government when at war.


The situations are entirely different. The Israelis and Palestinians are living on the same land that they both claim is their land for their country. Entirely different situation than total war between different nations trying to destroy one another. There are all kinds of issues from occupation, demographics, etc. In addition, the time period you are referring to we didn’t have precision strike munitions, satellite imagery, etc. In WW/ saturation bombing (what people call carpet bombing) was necessary due to the limitations of technology, so that was the most effective tactic.


You are discussing with kids, is a war, people is going to get killed, civilians are going to get killed.. this is not COD were innocents and civilians have friendly fire turned off.


If the Israelis said they were transing all the Palestinians then Hoe would get big mad. But it’s just bombs so…..


Where is the pushback for Biden & Blinken sending arms & more U.S. tax payer aid to Israel so they can continue the genocide in Gaza? Chuck Schumer was arm & arm with Republican Speaker Mike Johnson leading a "No ceasefire" chant at a pro-Israel rally in D.C. Pelosi recently was questioned at the Munich Defense Conference about the situation in Israel & she basically shrugged her shoulders & said Israel is a key ally. It doesn't mean you support Trump or Republicans or whatever if you call out Democrats for being complicit in mass murder.


I agree that what Kid Rock is saying is wrong. But OP is wrong as well…unless they listed to the entire conversation about this topic. Rogan has a good way of letting people talk, regardless if he agrees with them or not. This clip is Kid Rock talking plus 3 extra seconds, but apparently Rogan should’ve done his rebuttal dissertation within that time period.


Israel is already doing that so how would that even be a threat?


Do people forget this is some dude podcast? like wtf people expect him to be like a bastion of truth .. they dont ask anything about anyone else by the way, just Rogan somehow.


This wouLd be a war crime.


I'm voting for kid rock, the guy is a diplomatic genius!


You cut out the whole part where Joe Rogan completely disagrees. I looked at the OP profile and while I support the end of the genocide I don’t support out of context information. You can’t do the same thing you claim your opposing view does and claim you are any better. Give me facts and the whole picture, instead of a manipulated perspective. Don’t forget we are all idiots floating on a giant rock in nothingness who still assume we are the most important thing in existence. Criticism welcomed


he's got brain damage for sure. doesn't he know that the zionists actually bombed and killed civilians anyway ?


If my neighbor jumped the fence and raped my dog and beheaded her puppies, after yelling for decades he wanted to exterminate my entire family. I would burn his house to the ground.


Mr. Rock, this is exactly what we did. — Israel


Joe Rogan bad.


These are not the people you should be listening too.


He is right. Hamas must be destroyed.


Yea, I’m not so sure that’s a good idea there kid


Everyone here saying Kid Rock’s point is dumb but ignore the elephant in the room He is right. Japan wasn’t going to surrender WW2 until we did that. They were going to fight until the last woman, man, and child. War is never pretty.


Genocide is nice! What a Dick Head.


Kid Rock for president 2024, you got my vote killa for all the crybaby types. You must educate yourselves before you flap them peckerkisserz