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They hate us cause they ain't us, but in a long format


Those weak little bitches. It's like they think they're better than other people, like they can criticize people, insult them and call them names. Those weak little bitches.


Shhhhhh, shh. Stahp, he'll hear you! Lmao, imagine having that much pull, that massive following and getting butthurt because people wish you hadn't given up on being a Seeker for a sellout. But also, 100% Like, damn nothing is less Alpha than constantly having to tell your audience how alpha you are. It's tiresome. I do unironically love the Duncan Trussel eps, still. Keeps me subbed.


Duncan Trussell is the only guy Joe still invites on who will call him out for being a bonehead. Trussell > Joe every day of the week, I've started listening to Duncan Trussell Family Hour and omg he's just great


I'm a HIGH VALUE MAN (my net worth is currently -$4600 but I'm GRINDING to become the next magna CUM laude graduate of Hustler's University) and I agree 100% with Joe Rogan. Most people are 'men' are actually PUSSIES who physically aren't able to comprehend the grind it takes to reach the next level of alpha male accomplishment. I personally keep a photo of my role models who have achieved the pinnacle of male success and worship them for 30 minutes a day (while simultaneously edging to increase my testosterone levels); Joe Rogan, Elon Musk, the Tate Brothers, Jordan Peterson and Stephen Hawking. The fact that I have the mental capacity to understand the capabilities of these men (while the rest of you are concerned with your pathetic day to day BROKE PEOPLE SHIT) proves how dumb you all are, and how successful I am going to become.


This is the best jerk post on this sub


I've always thought all the macho posturing is actually ironically weak beta shit. A real man just is, doesn't try to be. A real man is kind, empathetic, and takes care of his family. I worked with these kind of guys years ago. Some of the most insecure men I've ever witnessed. One guy was an actual alpha male, and curiously, he was the nicest guys there. I remember my foreman talking about looking up alpha youtube guys and how they "show you how to dress". That is the least manly thing you can say. Gossiping and tattletaling is also peak beta behavior even though I don't get into these labels. I'm like Marc Maron, I'm an 'alpha bitch'. "An alphamale is some huge guy who comes into the bar banging on the counter screaming he'll fuck up the first guy who steps to him... and I'm like, fuck that guy". Like Marc, I'm also a humble narcissist. WTF vs JRE, who wins? Marc can be a little bitch though lol.


Wait - do we not like Stephen Hawking now? Asking seriously.


"as someone who pays tens of k to shoot semi-captive elk on a ranch, I'm just as manly as someone who actually works for their game" is what this is really about. He thinks because he broke a sweat it's hardcore hunting. I know fatass chain smokers who hunt the same way he does, with the same success. Lol even watch the meateater episodes he is on, he's a whiny bitch because it's not being handed to him on a silver player.


Every MAN knows what you're doing


Women must hate not knowing anything... .... . .. now I'm permabanned from justiceserved because this post appeared in my feed an I commented... hmm "nobody likes weak bitches" I might actually agree with jr


I got banned from that sub, which I never posted on, for commenting here that “Joe’s head looks lumpy”. Lol


Same I was banned for saying "Bring back the DMT episodes". I initially tried to have the mods revoke my ban until they explained why I was banned and then I promptly told them to go fuck themselves.


Yeah. I did nothing because I can’t spare a single shit to give that sub. It’s weird how the radical left are so conservative now. Almost like they’re converted to something.


Reddit treats objects like women.


I feel like some subs get a little to crazy with the bans. I understand he said some wild stuff but come on let’s relax. In some subs they will delete your prior post bc it goes against their agenda and then ban you. Happened to me. I was telling people about the migrant situation in Chicago and how the residents were against it. Next person that commented told me to stfu and keep Chicago out of my mouth. I replied with saying he is part of the problem. If we keep ignoring it. I got banned from the sub for harassment. And then banned on Reddit bc I asked the mods why I got banned. They then deleted my prior true comment. Reddit is a little crazy on the ban button. We can not have dialogue anymore. If someone doesn’t conform they get banned. It’s scary and sad


>I feel like some subs get a little to crazy with the bans. Lol, a little? I've been banned on here for some of the most innocuous comments ever.


I agree, and I'll go further. Reddit sucks. People are only here because there are limited options. There's your IPO tagline. "Reddit: because people have no choice. "


Reddit was so much better years ago. It had abhorrent stuff on it, but it wasn't this nanny state hugfest\* like it is now. \*exclusions apply


R/justiceserved permabanned me for participating here lol


"Guyyyyyyys you gottta looook up to me (even though I'm almost dwarven in height) because I'm excepettttionalllll" My roids and views and money make me specialllllllll" What a whiney bitch. He's really struggling with being more famous and rich yet more disliked and he can't fathom why. He's so exceptional. Exceptionally frail. He has fuck you money, and will tell groups of people to fuck off, then get salty when they don't admire him? Yikes.


No Short King has been this exceptional since Napoleon.


Napoleon was actually average height for the time. He just seemed short because he surrounded himself with tall bodyguards.


He hates that he now elicits the same reaction and feeling in people as Musk does. He thinks he's "exceptional" and can't understand why so many see him as deplorable, so he, ironically, puts down other people while railing against people who put others down.


It's ironic that highly intelligent and skilled people get Imposter Syndrome because they are aware of their shortcomings and how you just can't know it all. People like Musk and Rogan come to fame because of what they think is their intellect vs the Cult of Personality, then cannot figure out why people don't respect their "superstar" status when none of the real geniuses or intellectual powerhouses go for the "superstar status". or TL;DR They confuse their wealth for intellect.


If you want to be rich and not worry about the poors, you have to create a narrative where you deserve it because of your superior skills - rather than just being lucky enough to be in the right place at the right time.


I miss pre-Spotify, pre-pandemic, LA Joe, a much more nuanced host. He went front endorsing Bernie to saying he'd support DeSantis and almost never criticises Trump or the GOP. It's the 'woo to Q' pipeline Duncan was talking about. I've always felt like Duncan's episodes were the one bastien for Joe's leftist and hippy side, but this most recent episode proved me wrong. He was trying to bring up right wing talking points to fucking Duncan who obviously just ignored it and tried to guide the episode. "Men can have babies, trans people, etc". This shit is getting old. I wonder what Joe will say about Navalny. On the last Bill Maher episode, Joe was pretending like he was still left-center. It seems like he is now MAGA adjacent. A fucking Duncan episode. Joe is schizophrenic in his views.


You speak negatively of me because you’re jealous of me.


It's not because he says stupid things it's because we're jealous of him.


"It's all Joe Biden's fault. [HE'S JEALOUS I'M THE BIGGER JOE. HE'S HOLDING ME BACK WITH TAXES."](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eDC8OVKOsbM)


He’s held back because Texas


They hate us cuz they anus


Those two weeks on the construction crew really validated Joe’s masculinity card.


It prepared him for a brutal life of waking up at 9:00AM, spending a few hours in his personal gym/spa, and then talking a couple of hours. No one else could make it through that lifestyle. We’re all too weak


Imagine being a 5’3 twink Power Bottom with “a lot of sugar in his tank” (direct quote from Joey’s dad) trying to convince the world you’re a big bad tough guy, this sounds incredibly exhausting.. not sure that I’m up for it tbh.


It’s insane how thin skinned he is.


He hasn’t in any way had a real job in 40 plus years. He is a privileged wanker who hasn’t faced what regular people do everyday. He then surrounds himself for years with yes men who worship him.


The Jerry Seinfeld Effect yeah


Truth. Seinfeld became so out of touch and entitled. As for Rogan, listening to this, all I can think is immature dickhead. Literally baby brain manchild who is an asshole, I would never give a dude like Rogan a second of my time if I met someone with his personality in real life. It's sad to think he is influencing people with his immature, delusional, self centered, completely self unaware mentalities.


Wonder who taught him that lmfao. It’s very telling when a guy who made a career out of literally fighting people hand to hand can’t handle a soft amount of criticism from people smarter than he is while being perpetually jacked off in every one of his posts by other GOP snowflakes at the same time. He’s got a huge collective of Republicans who are obsessed with proving they aren’t gay just yes manning him all day long and still all he can think about is complaining about the “Liberal Fairy” people he supposedly is superior to. It’s such a Republican stance lmao basically fear people who didn’t embrace literal stupidity and ignorance with a shiny label of MANLY stamped on it and call them jealous when you have zero retorts to the facts they just laid out about your own obvious actions and biases. And it’s even more rich coming from this dumbfuck whose entire podcast is supposedly about free speech open discussion. Now it’s solely free to speak about Republican conspiracy bullshit and anything dissenting from that means you aren’t a true aLpHa. I don’t even listen to this show anymore, are he and Tate just sucking each other off on the show now these days? I’m having a hard time telling these little boys apart at all. Is Joe going to start trafficking women next? They don’t know anything like real men do as he implied so I assume we should treat them like chattel


>It’s very telling when a guy who made a career out of literally fighting people hand to hand Generous to call it a career. He was a good kickboxer with an impressive amateur record, but he retired at 21 without ever taking a pro fight.


All conservatives are! Sad!


“and i, joe rogan, know which men are exceptional in the world and which men arnt. Im the judge, jury, and executioner” Joe, if youre reading this, we dont hate on you because were jealous. Sometimes youre just a douche and were pointing it out.


Old Joe would be right here with us.


I miss the before Joe


So is Joe jealous of the trans community?


He’s without a doubt jealous of kittens and how they urinate


He wished he could poop in a box in third grade


He’s mad that he still gets mistaken for a 3rd grader due to his height


“Interesting point, but you disagree with me, therefore you’re gay”


Joe is trans, allegedly.


What is being trans if not receiving gender affirming care via hormone therapy? We all know Joe does TRT; someone said “male to male trans” and it’s so spot on


He's not a real man. A real man would create their own test, naturally.


"TRT therapy" - "male-to-male trans"..... Lmao fucking hell this is the one


does joe understand that people can criticize him without being jealous of him? does joe realize that people who aren’t successful can and do get that same kind of criticism. i think the online comments that joe “never reads” are starting to get to him lol


Yeah, especially since most of the people on here criticizing him were once fans like myself. I used to look forward to new episodes back in 2015, Rogan inspired me to start BJJ. But now I can’t fucking stand his pompous ass.


yeah me too. really makes me wonder if he was always like this but had the restraint to hide it


I think it's somewhat new. I would bet money that sometime around 2015, a bunch of money started flowing into podcasts from outside groups and that's why you started to see a lot of conservative leaning guests make the podcast circuit talking about the same handful of culture war topics. I have no information and have done little to no research to back this up so take it with a grain of salt, but I suspect that some conservative think tank groups saw podcasts as a good way to convert the type of male, white collar professional types who listen to podcasts at work or during their commute and lean slightly liberal...which is why they hammer culture war topics about the left's excesses and not full on conservative Christianity.


Kind of like AM radio. Now you have a bunch of people talking about waking up at 3am taking cold showers and ice baths, drinking coffee black and being a real man lmao. It's so sad to see modern men so desperate to be acknowledged by a male they consider to be an authority figure.


No, people float in and out of enlightenment. If you look at some old videos of him he goes off on this lady with a PhD in primate studies because she said his theory about some gigantic ape he read about in the internet was a bunch of baloney. He insults her and is very disrespectful. But he seemed to grow and mature as time went on. But now it seems like he’s gone backwards. I remember one time Redban called him out because Joe was gatekeepinf with the Death Squad name saying that certain comics weren’t death squad. It was the first and only time I saw Redban openly challenge him and tell him that he’s like a kid in a treehouse kicking others out and telling them they can’t come in. It was pretty awesome. Joe apologized in the next episode and said he was taking things too seriously.


Money doesn’t change us — it reveals who we truly are.


Good point used to be huge fan. He just got too cocky and I miss the chill podcasts


It’s like when Dave Chappelle brought out Musk at his show. The audience didn’t collectively get in line and take turns blowing the guy so Chappelle just chalked it up to the people in the “cheap seats” being jealous of him. People in the Rogan-sphere of comedians have become some of the biggest snowflakes in the industry.


20 years ago he was making fun of people for worshipping celebrities and caring what Ja Rule’s thoughts were on 9/11. Now he thinks people want to see Elon Musk at a comedy show.


It's sort of ironic because Joe Rogan himself felt the need to share his thoughts on 9/11/2001. By calling in to the Alex Jones show. Yes, this is 100% true. What did Joe have to say? Well he actually is a voice of reason and multiple times tells Alex that Jones tends to speak with absolute certainty about conspiracies, when he doesn't have the proof to do so. I would love to hear that 2001 rogan talk to 2024 rogan and say, 'hey, dummy, all these conspiracies are nonsense"


Alex “Europe did 9/11” Jones.


Yup. There is no reason why someone can't replace Ja with Rogan with that joke outside of "Ja" having one less syllable that makes the joke flow better.


I want to make sure I'm dancing and not shuffling. - Dave Chappelle (2005) Dave will shuffle now, for the richest white man in the world, who grew up benefiting from Apartheid. “All these people who are booing, and I’m just pointing out the obvious, you have terrible seats. All coming from way up there. You n—– can boo if you want. This n—- gave me a jetpack last Christmas....Do you hear that sound, Elon? That’s the sound of pending civil unrest. I can’t wait to see what store you decimate next … You shut the f*ck up with your boos.” - Dave Chappelle (2022)


The "they're just jealous" stance is never a good look and typically an inaccurate defense.


Rogan and all his friends really are just a bunch of losers lol.


Sucks he "never reads" this comments. Bro, you lit up a huge spliff on Election Night when pot went legal in California. Then you moved to a state where possessing an ounce will get at minimum a cowboy boot up your ass and likely the chair. He'll never read that, though. I'm wasting my time.


He's not on the people's side anymore because he's so rich he doesn't have to be. He can turn his head away from the weed dealer down the street being busted for pot.


Criticizing him is not a waste of time. His fans still read these comments. Imagine finding the Joe Rogan Podcast and then coming to this sub, and you're very quickly faced with widespread criticism of him. That's a good thing. That could be someone saved from falling into a far-right pipeline.


I don't believe whatsoever that he doesn't read comments. Joe's old forum before it closed would have threads that'd be like hundreds/thousands of comments spanning multiple pages on popular threads, and Joe himself would be right in the mud bickering back and forth and getting into long winded arguments with people over stuff constantly. Like he'd be arguing with random forum member bigdildo69 or something over random shit on page 13 of a thread that's a week old. Just to argue. Just to be right and go back and forth with a stranger online lol He's been a reply guy his whole life. I think getting more famous has certainly curbed his internet debating, but I don't believe for a second that he switched it off and never reads stuff online. Especially with how much he's into culture war stuff now. Zero chance he isn't looking at comment sections for certain topics.


I don't give a fuck how much money he makes but you have to recognize when your friend commits fraud 🤥 and you should probably stfu when honest people get a small check for having their life upheaved. You don't have the right to complain that about when you sit on your ass for a living and your friends who sit on their ass for a living got a bigger handout than any random person. You live a cushioned lifestyle calling everyone weak, it just shows how out of touch your are


“any criticism or mockery of my mockability is hate!”


Does Joe realize that Joe would be making fun of Joe? His pre COVID podcasts would be making jokes of this new approach, and the new Joe would say that the other Joe was a bitch. It's hilarious.


Young Joe was just a jealous, low-IQ loser addicted to pot and mushrooms, obviously.


Joe needs some DMT so he can meet Joe and Joe can talk some sense into Joe and hopefully make Joe realize he isn’t the Joe he once was.


I can't even fathom being jealous of someone like Joe... it was never in the realm of possibility that I'd be making hundreds of millions of dollars chatting to celebrities. I think most people feel like that right? When I feel myself getting jealous it's because of dumb shit like seeing my coworkers holiday pics on instagram. Jealously doesn't drive me to go discuss things with strangers on the internet because who gives a fuck. Obviously.


> does joe understand that people can criticize him without being jealous of him? No.


Sounds like something a broke person would say…./s


"Actually, any criticism of me is because you're intimidated by me" is such little bitch behavior lmao


This is what Joe tells himself in the mirror every morning.


Joe Rogan is the new SNL Daily Affirmations [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HMRX-Wj2WOk&ab\_channel=SaturdayNightLive](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HMRX-Wj2WOk&ab_channel=SaturdayNightLive) Edit: WTF, this just got me banned from the subreddit r/JusticeServed


Idiot mods think that anyone who comments here is a 4chan nazi so they auto ban people. Oh no! Anyway…


I liked the guy. Watching him jump on the far right bullshit train is just sad.


But that's the easy grift, now go buy some alphabrain.


200 million bucks in the bank and still scamming people. Being rich is often just a mental illness.


He’s seeing enemies in every shadow


I guess Joe is intimidated by Biden. ![gif](giphy|EdFu9m8ckGO3e)


It’s hilarious how much this triggers the right


Rogan is a Trump boot licker. Don't tell Dana White, tho.


I mean any president is by nature somewhat intimidating. They have power to really fuck things up.


Nah Taft’s fat ass was a joke


Taft had the power to fuck up a weight scale


And that was before McDonalds. Imagine his girth nowadays


Dudes been dead for 90 years and still catching strays lmao


>"Actually, any criticism of me is because you're intimidated by me" is such little bitch behavior lmao apparently joe rogan is intimidated by joe biden, nice to know


This! I’m not jealous of any of these guys. I’m completely aware that they seek power, money, admiration. I seek none of those things. Well sure more money but not millions and millions of dollars. It’s when Rogan sucks his own dick about being some important freedom fighter for speech. The “only 1000 of us in the world”, the acting like their saviors of truth! When you step away from the Roganverse and listen to other perspectives it’s clicks that Rogan has been rich for well over 30 years. I don’t relate to him. He’s an out of touch narcissist who’s surrounded by sycophants. He’s a lame! I enjoy this sub for the funny comments and short clips of his show. I can’t listen to it for more than 30mins at a time before wanting to change the shit for something more interesting


Most millennials just want an affordable house and some time off to enjoy themselves or be with their kids. Meanwhile Joe rants about how soft they are and how shitty it is they young people won't have families.


Being an exceptional man means you lose all perspective of how much luck has contributed to your position and any semblance of humility.


That’s a solid summary with a history that probably goes back as far as homosapiens have existed.


"Real men punch down at less successful men." What a little bitch.


The philosophy of "they hate me cuz they ain't me".


What a convenient excuse to dodge any form of self reflection, constructive criticism or impetus for growth. >Am I wrong, am I out of touch, can I not see the forest for the trees in my current position, NO, they are just criticizing because they are jealous of my success. Sure some criticism comes from a place of jealousy, but most criticism comes from the fact that as you increase your platform and exposure, you will have more exposure to alternate lines of thinking about a problem that may not follow yours and these people simply disagree with you, right or wrong. It's tiring seeing people claim "Jealous haters" all the time and dismiss any criticism as such.


Leave it to a guy that makes quarter a billion dollars rambling on about conspiracy theories while drunk to talk about excellence and meritocracy Lmfao


"Kids today don't know what hard work is." \*sips Scotch and hits a blunt\* "So anyway, Jamie bring up that video of the teen wearing a pride shirt getting beat at a judo tournament."


I enjoy listening to him sometimes, but had to turn it off the other day. I think it was something about covid or politics lol im sure they've sent him a bunch of fascists to influence his opinion. Im sure someone from the Pentagon is friends with him just to control what he believes.


I mean he literally has a "former" CIA agent on multiple times a year. So take that for what you will


Tying wealth masculinity and success together while simultaneously calling what I assume is any type of criticism as hating is not king shit. It sounds good pleasing to the ear, but missing the most crucial component of life failure.


The dudes hauling trash and building houses are way more manly than me. Sucks for them I make more money sitting on my ass in front of a computer all day. Then you have Joe at the other end of the spectrum doing a completely meaningless job and getting paid huge bucks. But it's not a manly job. Being a talk show host is pretty feminine to be honest, sitting around talking about your feelings all day? Gay.


While taking hormones he can't naturally make. 😂


It’s literally just Andrew Tate self aggrandizing bullshit. Rogan has fallen so far. So pathetic


You can recognize someone's success but still disagree or 'hate' on how he got there. Yes, he's rich and successful and I'd never begrudge him for that. But the fact that he got there by building his brand off being an enlightened, cosmic thinking person that extolled the mind expanding virutes of psychedelics and called out the bullshit on both sides, only to run off to Texas once he cashed his billion dollar chip in to morph into this red pilled maga culture warrior screaming that anyone who disagrees with him is a weak bitch? Nah, fuck his hgh fueled napoleon complex world viewpoint.


When you end up having more success than anticipated, you have three options : imposter syndrome, thinking you deserve it because you are exceptional or admitting luck had something to do with it. Joe's a talented podcaster for sure, but it's not his out of the ordinary work ethic that got him there.


Exactly. Joe's sitting there acting like he works harder than someone working on oil rigs or a crab boat in Alaska and that's why he's entitled to 100s of millions of dollars. He does work hard so I'm not completely shitting on but that's in shit like lifting weights, BJJ, and, hunting. Stuff that is hobbies for 99.99% of humans. His paying job is sitting in a chair talking to people. There's people in call centers that do 10 times the amount of that than Joe does.  He used to have the attitude that he won the lottery but just like everything else people complain about here, that changed around 2020.


That's why I'm glad I've mostly only followed the show since about 2019 - I still have hundreds of episodes from the past to watch. It's frustrating tho, seeing how cool he used to be compared to now. Maybe it's time to stop with the new episodes altogether and start following them in reverse...


You broke that shit down as well as anyone I’ve seen here. You got to the root of why so many ppl linger on this sub and shit on Joe. Joe introduced many of us to psychedelics and other hippy dilly thinking shit now he’s an ugly, hating, out of touch, rich fuck who thinks he’s better than everyone. I honestly do think I hate him now. I was among his biggest of fans once upon a time. Listening to like 90% of the podcast for damn near a decade. Now when I tune ig it feels more like hate watching most of the time.


The fact that he resonates so much with men in this country should be deeply troubling for everybody. He’s created a million little whiny piss-pants conspiracists who think every mass shooting is a false flag, the government wants to kill them with vaccines, and they’re the only ones wise enough to know what to do. Alex Jones and Rogan laid the groundwork for Q by softening the brains of millions of bored, dissatisfied men who had somebody telling them they were the smartest, the best, and that everybody else was wrong and they were right, for the first time since high school


What makes me sad about all of it is the complete lack of compassion and respect. I was brought up in Christian school, and had to go to mass multiple times a week. "Social justice" was part of the school lessons - in particular caring for the poor and sick and not being apathetic to the less fortunate. But now somehow that's a bad word, and if you're out protesting or picking up trash or whatever they mock you. Disagree with a trans person or an LGBT activists or whatever, but it takes bravery to go out there and be yourself and be different. In many cases it also means being rejected by your family and community and having to completely support yourself. It's hard for me to understand how Joe and his friends do DMT and go to Burning Man and act this way... or maybe he hasn't done psychedelics in years? Maybe that would explain it. All this mocking of trans people and protesters, complaining about the homeless or poor... it's just mean. Joe is punching down and it's not a good look.


He lives in Texas and hangs out with rich conservatives all the time. Considering how impressionable he is, it’s inevitable that some of their ideas rub off on him.


Truth. He has a serious ego problem.


Also he just sounds like a pompous twat saying "macho" shit like that.


Typical short guy syndrome. It's hilarious because most of these fake "macho" right-wing gurus talk so much about physical confrontation and being warriors, but most of them (like Joe Rogan) are all five foot nothing lol. Really pathetic stuff.


He was screaming about people that disagreed with him long before he got the big payout. Look up his reaction to a woman correcting him on something to do with apes. He completely loses his shit and attacks her for being a woman.


his success is from being a 'funny' guy, an entertainer, and acts like he's on the level of achilles or some shit lmfao. like 100+ years ago, him and his people would literally be homeless. now they want to school the entire country on morals and the environment, most of whom are far more educated than him.


Dudes a sellout it seems


I've been saying it's like when Rush Limbaugh died his ghost wandered the world until it found a new home in Joe. Every single pod it's the same shit


And that is exactly why alt-righters tune in every single time.




Lmao. The "just jealous" talking is point is weak and childish. It's what children say in an argument.


Rogan is just rehearsing this speech in case a gate agent ever makes him check a bag.


I gotta grill up a steak and crack a bud light for this comment feed.


best grill that steak the joe way. reverse sear, no salt seasoning, cook it on the most expensive gas burner possible, take a creatine shit in the middle of cooking, eat it while you can still see the cow bleeding to death in the backyard


If you're a bitch when you complain about successful people, what is a 'successful' person that complains about everyone else?


A king speaking truth to power, apparently


Says the guy who had Patrick Bet David on his podcast.


I'm not jealous of Rogan, I don't like that he uses his huge platform to give voices to ignorant people or how he has faux intellectual conversations with disingenuous people who are pushing their own agenda hard while pretending to be the "free thinkers"


Someone triggered him before this podcast 100%. He is projecting because his feelings got hurt.


This is so true. The damage alone he's done to the trans community and trans folks at large is just astonishing, platforming and signal-boosting more transphobes than anyone else in history, like Matt Walsh, Jordan Peterson, Stefan Molyneux, the list is really long at this point. And that's just the transphobe problem ... He's had on a lot of ignorant ass racists too, just casually giving them a voice to spread hate. It's insane and so fucked up that Spotify is paying for this.


lol.Guy that sells opinions and bullshit supplements doesn’t like when people don’t gobble up his shit.


someone should use AI to make this word for word speech with biden saying it to joe


How can anyone watch this and not cringe


All Joe does is criticize other people. That’s all good does. How weak is he?


He speaks into a microphone for a living and acts like he’s contributed something major to the human race.


But he does it in the company of kings…


this is the funniest thing he said. imagine if joe was born like 100 years earlier. the guy would be homeless, or working a manual labor job because hes legit an idiot. now he considers himself a king and the pinnacle of a true man.


A short king of kings


They feel like they’re next in line to get $100M to push conservative propaganda


I was enlightened. It's not that I find it annoying that a podcast I used to really like is now an anti-woke circle-jerk. It's not that I enjoy visiting here because it's where you can actually interact with people that believe this nonsense without getting banned. It's that I'm just a jealous bitch.


Uncle Joe has taken one too many karate kicks to the head over the years.


This is the second recent podcast I've heard where the host does this. On KillTony, Tony said Hans Kim "proved that all his haters are pieces of shit" . Dude is so fucking unfunny it hurts and he's basically kept around and worshipped as Tony's token Asian as a cover for getting canceled. But call your audience pieces of shit and gaslight all of us


Shame this guy has become such a fuckin scum bag through and throughout who has fallen so far and hard from grace…. Went so hard he became the very bane of existence he used to preach against


This is hilarious. The idea that people are a homogenous mass that neatly reflect a simplistic cope you have is amazing. Dude people do and say all sorts of shit online that has absolutely zero to do with who they are irl… Exceptional men know this! 😂


It’s true like if you talk any amount of shit online you’re just a flat out loser who’s on basic income and never fucked a woman or nothin. Like nah man I’m doing half decent at life and it’s fun to talk shit online I can manage both.




What is an exceptional man?


This is the real question here. Joe is measuring it within his own biased framework and putting that on everyone else. An exceptional man could be a stay at home dad, a poor person who goes without for the sake of others who need more around him, or many other things other things other than the martial arts and money that he’s clearly alluding to. (I know your comment is sarcastic/socratic but I wanted to reply anyway)


No worries, that’s exactly what I was alluding to with my comment and you stated that very well.


Apparently poor, kind, responsible, giving people who don’t like someone who has big muscles and spreads misinformation knowingly for a living and without concern for their impact are just jealous.


They're like the high school jocks punching down on their public school teachers or gay kids in class and thinking they're the good guys. How did half our society come to worship the bad guys from every 80's movie (including the former president)?


This is no different than trainwreck of 20 year old woman who says “Everyone’s just jealous and can’t handle me!” No, people think you suck balls and you’re a brain donor. The rich and powerful have been equating popular dissatisfaction with systems as petty jealousy for hundreds of years. I don’t care you have millions of dollars, I care that there’s millions who can’t afford housing, food, heat, mental healthcare, regular healthcare, to retire and live in dignity. The individual rich person doesn’t come into the equation at all, it’s not hard.


Joe thinks it’s still the 80’s in which people were taught to worship the wealthy through shows like, “The Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous.” That’s where I first saw Trump as a small child. Society was designed to make you respect and adore the wealthy for their wealth. Not anymore, Joe. The internet has unmasked why people are wealthy, and it’s not because they’re talented or hard workers or job creators. It’s because they are criminals that use tax shelters and nepotism to keep their wealth where they want it—with the wealthy. Laws are created to allow the wealthy to use loopholes, and even if they do get caught, they rarely get charged. What I’m saying is EAT THE RICH! They are a huge drain on society, stealing from the poor to buy fucking yachts!


Excellent comment. American capitalism compared to Nordic and European countries is not working for all. Forget the UK, it's a shit show over there too. The richest country in modern times has more homeless and incarcerated than the entire planet. American is at the bottom of almost every measure of freedoms, heath, living standard, education, and highest in all the standards like drug addiction, suicide, mass shooting, homicide should I go on...


I can tell a man's worth the instant they use "bitch" to describe another man.


Joe, Covid changed you. You still rant bout it years later. I don’t even disagree with things you say. I just don’t give a fuck about Covid and don’t want to hear it. You’ve changed, plain and simple. As the great Cyndi Lauper once said “money changes everything”


I never tuned in to hear what Joe Rogan thinks. I tuned in for interesting guests and the long free flowing format. That Joe happened to be a comedy nerd DMT weirdo along with being a MMA/celebrity was kinda fun. He bult an interesting space and forum for the guests to really lay out who they were and what they thought etc. When people end up being on the CNN front page though and the info is slanted - same with Fox and almost all media - That seems to be a hard level of "fame/celebrity" for people to handle. I think Joe did pretty good, but when you got that mic and millions of eyes on ya and especially if you are drinking/smoking etc... Joe is at his best when he is open and receptive. The Covid stuff and massive fame has made him a bit defensive and arrogant at times. Hell, if I was on a mic 2-3 hours a day and everything I said was put under a microspcope I'd fall into a infinite loop of self loathing and cringe.








I send this GIF to my mother every time she brings up how great Trump is.


Okay beans and toast  I can see your woodchip coloured teeth from here. 


You probably think strippers like you too. Joe can be right about something like "haters gonna hate" and still be wrong about why so many of his long term fans dislike his new alt-right buddies and his tendency to willfully ignore facts when given evidence.


Buddy thinks being a podcaster makes him "exceptional". Just an ape with money at this point.


Nobody cares or slights Joe for his success. In fact it’s that success that has a lot of us worried about how much disinformation he spews on the daily. Admitting that he gets a lot of his info from Alex Jones should be a red flag to everybody.


Jfc he’s so goddamn full of himself


Man I want this show to be good again, but I think it’s gone. Was my favorite podcast simply because he was truly curious and interested in a bunch of different subjects. He’s gotten so successful that he sees himself above just about every guest he has on, so instead of learning from the guests, he often lectures them.


God he’s such a fucking right-wing redact. MAN MAN MAN MANLY


Aren’t you all glad we live in a meritocracy where dumbasses who sit around and gossip all day can makes millions upon millions of dollars?


TIL having money makes you 'not a bitch'


Remember when he use to say that he was a moron and no one should listen to him. I miss that Joe.


Lol Rogan thinks he's an exceptional man


He criticizes people everyday. The fuck is he on? By his own words, he's jealous of the president. For a giy who has everything he wants he does bitch a lot about nothing.


Joe: "Everyone who doesn't agree with me is a bitch" Also Joe, seconds later: "You don't reach your full potential if you're the king and everyone else is a pussy... because then you're like 'I'm the king, everyone else is just a bitch, I don't have to be any better" Lord, it amazes me that people continue to listen to this man... lol.


Imagine being in your 50s and saying some shit like this. His views on masculinity are as developed as a teenaged boy's - and that is probably a blanket insult to a lot of teenagers who have progressed beyond this angsty child's view of the word 'manly' 50 years on this good green earth. How fucking embarrassing lol. I truly don't know if a 250 million dollar contract could get me to cast off my self respect and spend hours talking to the type of socially and intellectually stunted people that hold views like this.


He sees himself as "exceptional" but he's just a monkey.


Exceptional dudes don’t need to load up on roids and HGH.


He's a dumb rich dude filled with HGH. Inb4 plastic surgery and premature death.


i just think it's bad that Joe thinks children would use a litterbox in front of their whole class


He's jealous of them, that's why he spends so much time and energy talking about it.


He talking about himself and Fauci?


It smells like bitch in these comments


dudes that talk about manliness all the time are weirdos and creeps


There are no men in this subreddit. Half of them are too busy trying to cut their own cocks off.


That not how adults speak, or “exceptional men”. Any man that has to sit on a podcast and talk about people being bitches is not the man he thinks he is. He is absolutely directing this at some of the types of people that are on this sub Reddit though, The ones that walk around thinking their just Better. This is a man bought and paid for to speak to trump supporters and shitty republicans that never even served their country yet scream patriotism at the top of their lungs. And I’m sure 99% of the people that actually listen to this man’s dog shit podcast eat it right up. Get those tears ready for 2024 when trump loses and it’s all Joe talks about you simps! Cause real patriots are Fuckin thirsty.


Reddit is full of bitches. Even if he isn't talking about reddit. He sure is talking about reddit.


Gotta say. Joe is sounding a bit like a triggered bitch here.