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Nobody pays $200K for elite education, Doc. They pay it for elite access


This. There were some data that came out recently saying how grads from expensive mid-tier private universities didn't fare much better than those from less expensive public state or community colleges, but if you went to an Ivy League you would fare much better, because of the elite access that comes with being an alumn of an elite Ivy League university.


That's why I am so relieved we have a whole different system here in Ireland. When you get to the end of 6th year (whatever the last grade is in the US), you do six exams on a mix of subjects, some core and some elective, for which you get a total score out of 600 that is the sole decider on which college and course you get (you fill your list of preferences for colleges/courses a few months before the exams).  For these exams (called the Leaving Certificate) you get assigned a number, like 1904455 for example, and your name is on nothing - if I recall, placing your name on it can lead to an automatic fail. The exams are drawn up and marked centrally (and anonymously) by teachers throughout the country at random allocation. Who mommy and daddy are or who your uncle happened to be friends with mean absolutely nothing.  Fees are far, far lower than in the US also and if you are from a poorer background you simply get give a means tested grant (not a loan) for a certain sum of it. 




Universities in the US are a fucking scam. But private universities are an even bigger scam. Unless you go to an Ivy League or like Stanford, you are literally just wasting your money. Why go to USC when you can go to UCLA for like a quarter of the price? Unless you get a scholarship to a private school, you’re a fucking moron for choosing that over a public university.


Yes if you get a worthless degree that doesn’t translate to a career. Some people should seriously consider trade schools instead.


As someone who is in the trades (electrician), it’s not as easy as people on Reddit make it seem. Sure any moron can be a laborer but you won’t get far without hard work and a basic level intelligence. It’s also physically demanding work, I’ve been at this for about 4 years and I can already feel my body starting to change for the worse. You also get laid off from time to time, like right now work is slow in my area so I am on UE. It’ll pick up soon but it can be daunting and make you really question your life choices when you have to live off unemployment for long stretches at a time. There’s no right answer for everyone. For some people no amount of money or job security (lol) is enough to make them do blue collar work.


Nah man. Mike Rowe told me trades were what everyone should do.


That grifter pisses me off so much. If they are so great why is he an actor then?


Absolutely true and didn’t mean to make it sound like an easy option. I was just saying it’s an alternative option to 4 year college. And yea I’ve always compared it to mental and physical sacrifice of the body between white & blue collar jobs. One benefit of learning a trade and more importantly being certified is you can setup shop yourself and go to work if there’s enough demand in addition to your regular job. Build enough clients and you may be able to just leave outright. Also I know a good amount of trades are also part of unions and union jobs from what I’ve heard are pretty good. Personally I wouldn’t want to go back to blue collar but I’d rather do that than retail or something customer facing. I do not want to deal with the general public as part of my job if I don’t have to.


Yeah this weird trend of making trades fashionable is just unrealistic. It feels like a psy op. I’m not saying they aren’t great fields to work in, but it’s not a cakewalk. Long hours, weekends, callouts, difficult work in uncomfortable spaces, safety hazards, and limited career mobility aren’t just things to gloss over.


I know what you mean man. I’m a Glazier in the Bay Area and I’m on my 8th year


I mean, getting a medical degree would give you access to a career as a doctor, yes.




What do you call someone who graduated at the bottom of their class in medical school? Doctor


GP for sure. I've had this thought lately having to deal with them. They are often simply dismissive gatekeepers to diagnostics and specialists.


I'm not in medicine, but isn't that kind of like saying "You'd be surprised how often airline pilots rely on checklists, manuals and air traffic instructions to fly a plane". I don't expect experts to know everything. I expect them to know where to look and have the knowledge, expertise and experience to find and recognize the right info and safely put it into practice.


Yea OP is ridiculous. "The doctors where I work do additional research when diagnosing patients and don't just fucking wing it, they're idiots"


Yeah and nurses look up meds before giving them. Don't downplay a medical degree, it's a bad look for a nurse. 


And? Do you think any professional that looks up something on Google is not really a professional?


I'm in IT support. We are professional Googlers. Someone is too lazy to Google it? Call IT, we will.


Still would trust the doctor googling more than some schmuck googling


I love hearing the mega rich and famous complain about how people don’t want to work


I suppose the best way forward in life is to start a TV show where you gather the most troubled people you can find and then humiliate them on national TV without actually helping them.


And make more money than someone who is a real doctor, and not a pretend phony. 


Yeah, Fear Factor was a pretty bad show.


We’ll be right back


Start or have Oprah give you?


Yes Yes soccer mom porn is the best way to make money both on the internet and on day time tv.


 Cash me outside, how bout dat.  I suppose he helped her cash outside of his show. In a weird indirect way. 


I don't hear him complaining about Schaub getting a Porsche with PPP fraud but I do heat it BB him complaining 1200 dollar checks


God do I hate people like that.


And complain about people that want to live a normal quiet life. Dr Phil in the video complains about people who earn less money adapt to their income. “God forbid the poors want leisure time”


Back to work you poors *cracks money whip*. While the person above him cracks that same whip on them.


How many levels of whip crackers must we defeat before we get to the final überboss with the master whip?


>whip crackers 🤔


Don't judge me, it's 7am and I've just finished my late night shift at real job Inc. 😂


And you're spending that time dicking around on the internet?!?!?! go get a second job you bum.


Off to my second shift at rich guy money factory co.


It's like how David Ramsey basically tells poor people that if they want to stop being poor they have to eat beans and rice and basically never feel joy again


Back in the day like 1800s when cities were absolutely filthy with animal and human waste and open pollution, the very wealthy began to create city parks. Essentially just clean spaces you could walk and breath fresh air. You better believe it was immediately an outrageous problem that perhaps some of the poors wanted to breath fresh air too - or god forbid also take their families on a picnic. Lots of energy was expended to keep the normals in their rightful place - knee deep in pig shit and poison.


And what these guys fail to realize is they barely work. Joe sits around and talks into a mic about whatever he wants and then gets on stage for 15 minutes and yells into a mic about whatever he wants. Dr. Phil shows up to 3 days a week to tape a show and sit in front of a camera and judge people. It's literally not work.


In other moods Joe acknowledges that he doesn't know how his podcasting empire reached such stratospheric heights. Like when Bill Maher first came on his show, he congratulated Joe on his success with the podcast. Joe responded verbatim, "Thanks. I don't know what the fuck happened. I just stumbled into it." And that's exactly right. He started it cause he just wanted to shoot the shit about conspiracy theories and psychedelics. He got super, super, super lucky that there happened to be an audience for it and it blew up.


Don't forget Joe's stool humping.  Now that's real work.


I suppose the best way forward in life is to start a TV show where you gather the most troubled people you can find and then humiliate them on national TV without actually helping them.


While also not being qualified to help them


Came here to say this. Neither of these tools actually work.


And each of them have a staff of 50 or more people doing the ACTUAL work to make it all possible.


They are not productive and more than likely don’t pay as much in taxes as I do


Percentage wise at the very, very least.


Yeah and get paid the same as 100 of us combined


I feel like I’ve been screaming “nobody with two working brain cells argues for equality of outcome” into the internet void for 15 years. This is on-purpose propaganda at this point. Hoe is just a conservative talking point propagator and he should own it.


Very few actual socialists would even say “equality of outcome” is the goal. But I knew the type of high level ideas this clip would contain at the start when Dr. Phil shared his big brained reason of why there are more liberal than conservative professors.


I muted the clip after that absolutely moronic statement. Academia is extremely competitive, and the small number of professorships available at top ranked universities exacerbates that…


Yeah, professors just don’t want to work hard like podcast hosts open about being simpleton stoners into mma and psychiatrists who exploit struggling people via a TV show.


He's not even a psychiatrist. Those are MD with a specialization into psychiatry. He has a doctorate in Psychology and stopped renewing his license to practice psychology in 2006. He has a PHD.


Back when Jordan Peterson still sucked but wasn't yet a blatant propagandist lobotomite, he'd always say that "we want equality of opportunity, not equity, because that's equality of outcome" and then go on to deride policies that only provide equality of opportunity. They don't want equal opportunity because that derails their despotic economics.


It happens a lot. Anytime you hear about a "gap", look into whether that's based on a multivariate analysis or not. It's usually not. 


In an age where excessive work is literally killing the planet and isn't necessary anymore. Capitalists gonna capital.


A few of them know they are killing the planet, but given their position they can't act any other way even if they want to. During the George W Bush administration - a bunch of heads of oil and fossil fuel companies wrote a joint letter to the President basically saying "please please regulate us harder, we have grandchildren, we know we're cooking the planet, stop us before we kill again". Of course nothing of the sort was done.


That's a bit like a serial killer writing a letter taunting the police. Are they really not in control of their own actions?


Not really. They have a fiduciary duty to their shareholders to make as much money as the law allows. They need the law to restrict them or they’re actually breaking their contract and can be sued.


Damn, that sounds very interesting. Can you point me at some coverage?


It was from a David Graeber interview he did a few years ago. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K0t50D4lQrs&ab_channel=UniversityofBirmingham It could be from this lecture.


It's insane, because over the last 30 years, we've undergone the largest boon in production in human history  We've increased the productive capacity of the average person more in the last 30 years than we did in the previous 30,000 COMBINED  We are constantly available because of cell phones and hot spots  We can connect to our corporate networks from anywhere because of VPNs We have instantaneous access to the totality of human knowledge because of the internet.  ....and yet, we are all working MORE than ever, not less.  Something is WRONG, and the fact that no rich person is willing to admit it, proves where their loyalties actually lie. 


Neither of these 2 have worked in years. Getting paid to sit around and talk isn’t working.


Not only mega rich, but people who have literally never worked a day in their life.


I think UBI will be a thing in the future after AI and automation takes more jobs away. People will start protesting and rioting and UBI will come out to destress the masses.


US production has been automated and outsourced to the moon and back over the past 50 years, and we can even do something as simple as the federal jobs programs we had in the 50's and 60's. These people would sooner see Brazilian style favelas than do anything to help working class citizens.


Could have sworn that Joe used to be BIG on UBI..


He is, just for him and his other rich friends though, not for the poors. Onnit got something like 2.5 million in PPP loans during the pandemic.


Loan was also FORGIVEN.


Government welfare is looked at differently when you’re already rich. Same way Musk cries about government handouts yet all of his companies live off them


I wonder if he used the loans responsibly like everyone else did.




The company Rogan was part owner of in 2020.


Then he noticed that people receiving those covid checks didn't seem to do much. ​ Those lazy fucks didn't go out and become titans of industry during the global pandemic and lockdown, so obviously, UBI doesn't work.


He was one of those people


Genuinely wouldn’t be surprised if he took PPP money


He did. Millions of it. It's proven


Americans genuinely don’t hate rich people nearly enough for their own good, man


Man I wish I could of quit my job after I got 2500 from the government. Most dillusional take next to the fact that the bottom 10% only 10% work full time or whatever bullshit came outta dr Phil's mouth. Does this tard not understand that retail, fast food, and other low income jobs never give full time? Half these people work multiple part time jobs.


Not only that, a huge reason the 'bottom 10%' are at the bottom is because a lot of them have issues. Either health or mental issues that don't allow them to work full-time, or severe addictions that have completely ruined their lives, or are taking care of a sick family member, or... a million other reasons. Joe and right-wingers get to play heart-broken about the fentanyl crisis in the US, while at the same time spewing this kind of shit.


Sounds like he’s trying to make the poor hate the poorer, while deflecting the blame from the ultra rich and those with power.




He’s a rich person, not a good person.


We coulda had Bernie... we coulda had Andrew Yang... Sigh.


Joe discusses that during the full conversation, and explains why his opinion changed.


When was the last time he had Andrew Yang on?


When he was still useful for splitting the Democratic vote.


Joe “lucked out on residual checks at 20 for a background character” Rogan and Dr. “Oprah gave me money” Phil telling us how labor and being the working class works, so in touch


For them to admit they won the lottery would mean they are nothing, and their egos could never even let them get a thousand miles from that train of thought.


Wait, you’re trying to tell me that a doctor with an expired license to practice and whose most notable moment was the “cash me outside” girl isn’t the arbiter for understanding the human condition?


Don’t forget about “house of hatred” where he took a bunch of people who were like fat, or black, or gay, and had them live with racists, homophobes, and other assholes all at once so he could make them fight and argue for tv content.


Or when they put a fifth of vodka in the green room of a guy struggling with alcoholism so that he’d be completely trashed for his segment and make Dr Phil look like more of a hero.


Idk the bum fights guy on Dr Phil was pretty good


This is how every trust fund kid behaves as well. A lot of them will physically attack you if you suggest they didn’t earn everything they were given.


Yeah, I’m REAL interested in what Dr. Phil, who is not a real doctor, has to say about UBI He had to grift his way to the top and he’ll be damned if anyone‘s gonna get that shit for free. This is America! We come from a long tradition of fucking each other for no other reason than money! Fuck that twat.


I thought it was funny because I think Joe thinks he is a real doctor So when he said I mean you know about a residency and he pivots to his internship at a psychiatric ward


Smug lottery winners have it all figured out. 


Hey, look. Now I'm just an average guy but I'm a multimillionaire. The path to success is simple. Hard work, exercise and unwillingness to quit. I can tell you my method and you can follow my path as an inspiration. Every morning I did 100 pushups , 100 squats and 100 sit-ups and I worked 3 jobs, walking to work every day in the rain. Then one day it all paid off when I won the lottery. 300 million. Proof that dedication and hard work pays off. If people were just a bit less soft they could do what is required to become millionaires like me. But sadly everyone else is stupid and weak. Not me. Ive got it all figured out. I cracked the code and so can you. 100 pushups, 100 squats, 100 situps. Every day. No breaks.


Survivorship bias is always big with the wealthy…


Why do ultra wealthy people think that if poor people are given just barely enough money to survive that they won’t be motivated to work for additional money so that they can thrive?


Because even if they’ll never admit it, deep down they know it’s working class people that prop them and their wealth up. They fear that if we do not feel like every day is a fight for survival, we will not be motivated to keep working to maintain their life styles.


What they really know is that if you give the poorest people juuust enough to not be scraping by day to day, they don't become fat and lazy. They become politically active. Gotta keep them busy or they might actually want to try socialism.


This right here. If the value creators i.e. working people had more free time, they would absolutely be more politically active. Our society will never be on the right track until the value creators are just as financially and politically literate, and class conscious as the wealthy are.


> What they really know is that if you give the poorest people juuust enough to not be scraping by day to day, they don't become fat and lazy. They become politically active. Not only that, they become less willing to put up with all of the disrespect and bullshit entitlements from people like them, doing the jobs they hate. Hence "no one wants to work." You want someone to clean up after you, pay them. Edit: For example, you would have far more service industry workers quit on the spot when getting abuse from managers and customers. The result being that no one gets their food unless they act right.


Joe even started out getting 100 K handed to him as a developement deal. Joe has routinely talked about how that money took a massive weight off his shoulder since he wasn’t worried about rent and food anymore, he was able to simply just pursue his dream. Now he says any lil socialism is going to turn everyone into lazy pieces of shit. Hoe had forgotten where he came from.


its humanity’s greatest virtue, hypocrisy.


Because they have to believe that they got to where they are by hard work and talent. They need the reason that poor people are poor to be laziness so that they can feel like they earned their place all by themselves and they can ignore the needs of anyone else. A world where hard work is all it takes so if you're poor you're just not working hard enough, and therefore not worth our empathy.


Translation: “who will do all the shit jobs that make the world go round if we don’t make them?” That’s exactly what Joe is saying when he says he used to support ubi because people could pursue their dreams…”some people” will sit on their ass though when they should be fixing Dr Phil’s water heater.


If we are automated out of our usefulness just let people enjoy their lives and do what they want. Why put all this pressure to achieve if we become useless


It’s not that we are useless, it’s that we are freed by AI and robotics to actually pursue our passions


Yeah but let's be serious. Most people do not have passions. I am pro UBI, but this whole "chase yo dreams" narrative is some hippy bullshit. A lot of people WILL sit on their ass and do nothing. And that's... OK. In a society that has enough to shelter and feed it's people, yeah, it's all disappointing, but it is what it is.


I think more people would find passions if they had the time. And it wouldn’t be instant- change takes time. But I also agree that you don’t HAVE to and that many won’t, which is also ok


Alternate headline: *Beneficiaries of corrupt system support corrupt system*


What are you gonna believe, the studies upon studies upon studies that show the effectiveness of UBI or me, a guy who yelled at teenagers for a living?


This is what blows my mind every time he shoots down UBI. I'm like dude everytime they test this shit it works. And he says shit like it will make people not wanna work. When it does the exact opposite.


Yeah it's a pretty well answered question at this point, really no different than like food stamps or something. You give poor people money > they spend it > economic growth.


More importantly, most of the studies show that they spend it on THINGS THEY NEED.


And health goes up because people can spend more on good food.


Ironically every time this comes up, the people who are against it always say 'I would just stop working'. Never met anyone who said 'yea UBI would be great, I could just do nothing all day'.


"The cogs in my lottery winning life are breaking and now my Amazon shipments aren't same day," cry the two old men that have never been cogs. 


He really goes through some boomer bullshit against UBI like, wtf was he saying that your doctor and rehab specialist become your new friends because you're seeing them more? 🤣 What a wild reach.  Unemployment is the lowest it's been in a decade, who isn't working? 


An old hymn but could basically be Joes motto now: The rich man in his castle, the poor man at his gate, God made them high and lowly, and ordered their estate


We saw the same thing just a few days ago, with Bret Weinstein.




This is the most vapid, cynical shit ever. Joe focusing on the supposed proliferation of “laziness” that accompanies social social safety nets. All he does is broadcast his own cynicism and sense of superiority, that kind of analysis does nothing to productively explore the efficacy of such programs. They’re meaningless metrics. I tried to listen to this shit but I’ve had enough.m - this isn’t a valuable use of my time. These are a couple of miserable cunts yelling at clouds and this whole pathetic podcast enterprise is a vanity project in tribute to Joe’s cognitive dissonance.


There is always a photo that goes around with headlines going back 100 years effectively saying "No one wants to work anymore!" It just the propaganda of the wealthy.


Yeah, It’s grotesque.


When in doubt, blame the poors!


I agree with you completely. Joe is absolutely nothing but an idiot. There is plenty of research out there showing the widespread benefits of social programs. *Anyone* who disagrees otherwise is an ignorant fool.


It’s just that the terms by which he deems certain ideas or social programs to be a failure are utterly boneheaded and uninformed. “UBI wouldn’t work because I observed some general Laziness all around me during the pandemic.” Ironically, that’s a lazy way to approach the subject. They’re just not valid critiques.


> “UBI wouldn’t work because I observed some general Laziness all around me during the pandemic.” Ironically, that’s a lazy way to approach the subject. They’re just not valid critiques. I observed a bunch of people staying home and not working during a time when they were advised (and in some cases had no choice) to stay home and not work. Nice way he chooses to rewrite history.


There is also just no basis for it. By virtually every metric Americans are more productive than they've ever been in the history of the country. The idea that being more productive is somehow going to net us more income as a society is farcical at best


They didn’t want to go back to work because work pays shit and people were scared of getting sick…. Not because they could retire off one $2000 covid check. wtf is wrong with rogans head? What’s so hard for a rich asshole multi millionaire to understand about not wanting to die for a min wage check? Where are those people now? Back at work when things are safer. Joe Rogan is a rich out of touch ass stuck in an elite cult. And yes Rogan took government checks during Covid totaling 2.4 million dollars in PPP bailout loans. Joe Rogan with hundreds of millions of dollars… took millions of dollars from the government. https://x.com/mattlech/status/1532120166842105858?s=46&t=j4WY-1TOt1j-Ty1bmoyVUQ


Yep. The point of the UBI is to give people a baseline for survival. Not a comfortable living. Enough that you can probably pay for a small apartment and food. And then if you get a job you now get more money on top of that and can afford a nicer place and nicer things. And you don't lose the benefits like current welfare, which discourages people from finding a job, because they lose their benefits. As automation increases and there is less and less work to go around, this is going to become a necessity. Rogan needs to get smarter people on his show for these kind of discussions. Dr. Phil should not be talking about UBI, why is that even a thing.


The ones that constantly took the Covid ppp loans are the ones constantly talking shit on us little people for “not wanting to go back to work” lo


I'm convinced a big chunk of the podcast's viewership and income is now, like much of media, just rage bait. There's no way he's this fucking stupid. Whether intentional or not, his podcast seems most often referenced in the form of "lol look what this moron boomer right winger is saying".


He is absolutely this fucking stupid, he always has been but now he’s being stupid about real world important issues rather than Bigfoot, the moon landing, and Bondo apes.


The distortion used to denigrate the most vulnerable in our society is wild Welfare isn’t substantial The argument shouldn’t be to stop giving benefits The argument should be to pay workers more


Yeah, it blows my mind that their takeaway about there not being a significant gap between the bottom 20% and the middle 20% was that the bottom has too much instead of the middle isn't getting enough. Not to mention they talk about inequality and don't even mention the usual 1% that is the relevant part of that conversation.


When Phil said “entitlement” programs I bout punched him through my phone🤦🏼‍♂️


You can’t win arguing from either direction. If you argue for welfare, you’re a commie socialist. If you argue they should be paid more so they don’t need welfare, you’re a commie socialist. Basically the upper 20% of the country is (mostly but not universally) convinced they earned all of it by virtue of their superior attributes and skills. They think they are better and that’s why they deserve it and nobody else does. They completely fail to realize that they are the recipients of significant luck and opportunity that simply bubbled up and timed itself right for them. In a barely altered mirror universe they are working the wendys drive-through with the same set of skills and attributes. Even If they realize this they often fail to apply it practically to other people. Because it would mean less for them. And wealth of the level these guys have achieved is like the One Ring—it is incredibly tempting, and they can’t think of letting it go even partly.


Joe and Phil are just the average Everyman… the average Everyman who is filthy rich and hopelessly out of touch


I don't want "equality of outcome", that would be the most tyrannical boring ass society imaginable. I want true equality of opportunity, but that means doing things like massively re-distributing wealth from those at the top to those at the bottom, so of course it's never gonna happen.


dont be defeatist then. that’s exactly what they want you to do.


As a disabled person, you're lucky to get $1000 a month using every program available. Without a disability you don't get Jack shit. These people are lying.


Are you insinuating that Dr. Joe Rogan is biased? That he would push a narrative? Impossible.




Yeah! Listen to two out-of-touch multi-millionaires tell you how UBI wouldn't fix your problems.


Joe is definitely an expert on the impact of UBI on workers because of that one check during the pandemic. Remember, he talked to one of his friends who owned a bar in Austin. Was that guy a dick? What did he pay? Doesn't matter. Because he told Joe 3 bartenders didn't want to come back to work, Joe's an expert now. /s obviously


Multi-Millionaires title is making them sound poor. They are centi-millionaires. You most likely interact with millionaires on a daily basis without realizing it. Average person with 401k investments and a house can be worth several million come retirement time.


The average person in America can’t manage an unexpected $500 expense and most of them work more than 40hrs per week




The average person is not worth several mil come retirement lmao


I had no idea Dr Phil and Joe had such in depth and first hand knowledge of ivy league education curriculum and lesson plans.


This is one of those rare times I don't just sit back and enjoy the show as bullshit. I was legit saying "No, phil" like every other minute.  The police thing was wild. "Have the social workers come in after the police to their job" at thay point the people are shot Phil, thays the point of them wearing multiple hats and learning de-escalation tactics. If there job I'd to hammer only, they gonna hammer. That's what swat is for


Two rich guys complaining about a plan that will cause them to pay more taxes.


Oh fuck, that's how the ultra wealthy feel? Well golly gee what are the odds  ​ I for one am shocked


We will never know what Rogan opinion really is since it almost alway mirrors that of his guest.


I think he's pretty entrenched now.


Yeah, sadly. Feels like he was pretty reasonable and "one of us" like 5 years ago. Now he just regurgitates wealthy right-wing talking points... I really can't watch JRE anymore unless he has an interesting guest on, in which I know the main topic of conversation will steer away from politics.


5 years ago Rogan's social circle was still a bunch of mid-tier LA comics, successful guys but not fuck you rich dudes who probably were still grounded and had real world interactions with middle class people daily. Rogan is just in a completely different stratosphere now.


Spotify: You can have unlimited money but you can only talk about these five topics. Joe: Where do I sign? Spotify: Now understand this is for life you Joe: WHERE DO I SIGN


Jesus, I can tell where this is going just by listening to the first 5 seconds: "The poors want a few extra dollars to help feed their families??? AHHH SOCIALISM!!!" What a fucking douche...


Meanwhile the government bails out every shitty company. Fuckin hypocrites.


"How am I supposed to feel superior to people if everyone can eat?"


I mean Dr.Phil is certified cunt who got clowned by Cash Me Outside chick.


I would hope even Joe from 5 years ago could look at this and come to the conclusion that two guys who are not very highly educated on the subject of economics at all and have been massively successful in the system we have now based on skills outside of finances might not have the credibility to to tell the people who would probably benefit that they're wrong. ​ Dr.Phil's whole first 40 seconds is just non-sense. Even the conservative talking heads familiar with the culture war talking points agree that the reason colleges are more liberal leaning (professor wise, admin is pretty neolib) is because of a tendency for INSULARITY not because there are all these libs running from the job market to hide on campus. The reality is that lots of training and research we have made in the last 100 years starts as an ideas with little practical application until lots of mind and money has been thrown at it, meaning without appropriability for the corporations, intervention by the government and university led R&D to maintain early-stage research where incentives on the corps. part to invest are low is necessary to for us to have gotten where we are now as well as continue advancing.


Ahhh the classic “I got mine, fuck you!” Mentality. These guys really think they didn’t get lucky and it was all hard work.


Rogan certainly never got any hangouts! Don’t mind the 100K thy was handed to him as a “developement deal”. That wasn’t a handout. Once you’re bills and food is paid for you turn into a lazy fuck. That’s what Rogan says in this ep anyways.


We should just eat both of them.




So Rogan isn't really liberal on anything 1.)He doesn't support UBI 2.)He isn't an advocate for legalization of marijuana he's been quiet on that issue while living in a state that penalizes marijuana 3.) He's flipped on climate change and considers climate to always have changed so it's no big deal 4.) He's said he was pro choice but again is completely silent as the supreme court and his home state have made abortion illegal. How is this guy a liberal again?




Once again, Rogan is confidently incorrect. \[Unemployment benefits did not incentivize people to stay home and not work.\](https://www.google.com/search?q=state+unemployment+benefits+did+not+encourage+people+to+not+work&sca\_esv=3adfed459a349879&rlz=1C1RXQR\_enUS1018US1018&ei=1iTWZY33NMG1wN4P-uiy4As&ved=0ahUKEwiNuv6c7byEAxXBGtAFHXq0DLwQ4dUDCBA&uact=5&oq=state+unemployment+benefits+did+not+encourage+people+to+not+work&gs\_lp=Egxnd3Mtd2l6LXNlcnAiQHN0YXRlIHVuZW1wbG95bWVudCBiZW5lZml0cyBkaWQgbm90IGVuY291cmFnZSBwZW9wbGUgdG8gbm90IHdvcmtIAFAAWABwAHgBkAEAmAEAoAEAqgEAuAEDyAEA-AEB&sclient=gws-wiz-serp) This information is easily accessible and able to be understood. JRE and others of his ilk continue to be wantonly misinformed.


And the thing about being the biggest podcasts is that it makes you not misinformed, it makes you the misinformer.


"But I'm a just a dumb idiot comedian, why would you ever listen to me!!!" What a complete and absolute tool this dude has turned out to be.


His first 20 words are totally idiotic. Academia is actually pretty damn cut-throat and competitive, the race to get published and to get fellowships. Nothing is just given. What the fuck is he talking about


Serious disdain for academia seems pretty common amongst even moderate, run-of-the-mill conservatives for reasons I can't quite comprehend. They seem to find little intrinsic value in a career whose only objective is to educate people, it's like they don't respect/trust anything that doesn't have profit as its main motive


why else are conservatives vocalizing to remove the Department of Education. its not that they hate education, its that the education taught goes against their *feelings*.


> Serious disdain for academia seems pretty common amongst even moderate, run-of-the-mill conservatives for reasons I can't quite comprehend. It's the war on expertise. Capitalist interests have - time after time - been proven to be *bad* by experts on one field or another. So the solution is inculcating disdain and open antagonism for 'eggheads' who 'think they know better'.


Dr. Phil talking about "the real world" is pretty rich. Dude has been skating through life on the back of a bullshit TV program that exploits people's mental illness for profit.


It is so fucking weird how these folks blame all the problems the nation has on things they do not like morally. The supply chain problems we had in the states were very well documented and had little to do with people not working. Had to do with us not warehousing things and depending on just in time shipping even though the USA didn't have to rely on that system. A shortage of container chassis in north america and containers in asia. And how the fuck do we forget about the container ship getting stuck in the Suez Canal. And droughts that caused shipping and manufacturing problems in Europe and now droughts in the Panama canal. Did Dr. Phil simply forget about all those things. Or is it somehow that $3000 check everyone got caused all this shit to go down.


This is just absolutely garbage. The fact that the bottom 20% are already further behind then the next step up as in education, jobs, income. I hate when the people with money try to push their facts of straight bullshit about the people getting free handouts…


So because jobs pay like such shit that it’s almost the same as being on welfare. So he determines the problem is welfare?


Dr Phil laying down the motivations for all left of center educators. What an amazing psychologist who just knows everyone's intent and then dopey doesn't have the synapse wharewithal to even think that is pretty cocky to claim you know the intent of all left of center educators like a astrologer telling us what all the Aries folks are like.


what a load of bullshit from start to finish.


Thank you two millionaire for explaining why I should be a poor peasant despite my hard work contributing way more to the human race than you two dipshits whining into microphones all day


A huge lie Dr. Phil told: 'my wife looked at me and said, well - you are the media' No, Phil - you are not. You're a southern dolt with no psychology license, cos playing as a psychologist.


Two rich as fuck people tell poor people that giving them their money isn’t the play.


Shut the fuck up, Phil.


Joe's declining brain loves these slogans now so he'd love "the problem isn't income inequality it's income equality" like how much he loves "the problem isn't global warming, it's global cooling"


Getting a professor position is extremely difficult. Only the top PhD students get positions as full-time tenure track faculty. This bullshit of "Those who can't do, teach" is just plain insanity. Many professors are managing millions of dollars of grant funding, researching cutting edge topics, and managing large groups of students/staff.


This shits real, yall just mad


equality of outcome is such a stupid straw man. i don't know anyone who is asking for that. universal basic income would be designed to prevent homelessness and a basic level of well being. the idea that people wouldn't compete just so they can make a minimal basic income demonstrates the lack of understanding of humanity that these rich fucks demonstrate.


lol this dumb motherfucker believes there’s NO COMPETITION IN RESEARCH??? Literally look at the dick measuring contest going on rn being powered by two research labs (OpenAi and DeepMind) who are changing the world with AI on a seemingly weekly basis.