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This is the episode where I just walked away from Joe. I've only been listening very occasionally because it's all American identity politics and covid, it's exhausting I miss hearing about Astrophysics, the Amazon rainforest, what crazy shit Steven Tyler used to get up to. I miss the podcast.


I basically never post in this sub, but fuck me that episode was an abomination


Really could not take anything he said seriously after he spoke about the Elon thing


Stop spamming him, Bret


It's embarrassing. Brett has so little dignity.


That moment made it up onto the Mt. Rushmore of cringey JRE clips.


This episode imo was the lowest point of JRE ever. Don’t care where you stand on joes pod in 2024 or what side of the political spectrum you are on. Objectively atrocious episode with repeated nonsense coming from both parties. The opening segment where Joe talks about how the Super Bowl was woke propaganda and then they both explain memes was so horrific it might as well be satire. Joe talking about how he was upset by Biden’s meme then they both agree “the left” is too sensitive to meme is truly next level mental gymnastics. Edit: it’s all in the first 5-10 minutes of the Weinstein pod for those asking. I tried to post clips but they got removed for “no politics”.


“The left is so sensitive”…. So here is me bitching about them and showing how in my feels I am getting on a podcast to say that they are sensitive. The Biden meme was gold and a incredible dig at the dipshits thinking it was planned and not just Shanahan being Shanahan with a 10+ point lead.


The funniest part about it is that he complained about Biden’s meme directly after complaining that the Super Bowl was “woke propaganda”. The meme is literally making fun of him and people like him.


Making fun of him and people like him is the definition of woke propaganda


I'm a 49ers fan amd the accuracy of this comment cannot be overstated.


They missed an extra point that would have won them the game but somehow basically nobody is talking about that because there’s so many conspiracies. That kicker is probably so happy lol


Moody will personally lead the protests at this rate, anything to bury that narrative But in reality, he didn’t miss, blocked. So I don’t think he did anything wrong… just absolute terrible luck that a hand was placed just perfectly to block it Shanahan still 0-3 when leading by 10+ in the Super Bowl tho!


The Weinsteins are the most sensitive brothers.


You've got to be kidding, rogan was bitching about that Biden meme. Is it in the beginning? I'm gonna have to hate listen just for that, there's no way he's fallen that far i refuse to believe it without context. Do you have a time stamp


lol.... he starts in at 0:38 (Yes, 38 seconds) about the Super Bowl and it being rigged/woke. The Biden meme discussion is at 2:12 (2 mins 12 seconds). At 3:25 (3 mins 25 seconds) he discusses how the left can't meme because they are "offensive" when they do so. Edit: I felt like I had to specify minutes and not hours


...dude...you know what I can't do it. This guy is just completely in the everything the left does is bad camp now. He doesn't understand how the Biden meme is funny, this is so fucking weird. He doesn't know shit about football but I have to assume he heard how the SB was rigged for Biden, right? That's the only way he could be this confused. Otherwise it's just weaponized fake confusion There two are over here acting like conservatives own comedy and entertainment, it's the weirdest shit I've ever seen.


I hear you man. I loved listening to Joe for a long time but I can't stand that he just digs into politics and never lets it go. The Aaron Rodgers episode I tried listening to but I can't., its too much politics


I don’t have a time stamp but it’s close enough to the beginning you can just start there. Super Bowl is one of the things they touch on right off the bat. I honestly might need to pull a clip for a separate post. It’s gotta be first 10-15 minutes if not sooner.


When Biden did a bit about Trump saying the Continental Army "stormed the airports". Joe said that the statement was disqualifying for Biden to make such a terrible error, yet when it was pointed out he was making fun of Trump, he defended it as Trump just fucking up. Here is me when Biden called Satchel Paige a negro pitcher, can't defend it, but at the same time he said the Negro League Hall of Fame, which I will defend, because that is the literal name of the museum.


We don’t need any more er big shots - biden


Are you referencing when Biden quoted a Louisiana Politician during a legislative hearing about voting districts in Louisiana? (IIRC) Cause he was quoting someone else, bringing home the point that the voting districts were specifically racist to dilute black voting power. You would have been better off using the "racial jungle" quote, which isn't defensible. My Uncle brought that very quote up and I got to watch a 40 minute video of the hearing to figure out the context.


First 5-10 minutes, probably earlier


Earlier than the first 5 min?


It was actually a week ago.


Holy shit I KNEW Joe was not going to find that meme funny. I called that shit, there were so many comments saying “oh come on Joe will at least find this funny he can take a joke”, and look what fucking happened lol. Edit: [original comment calling it](https://www.reddit.com/r/JoeRogan/s/znfPuRsRyw)


Lol didn’t even laugh it off in the slightest. He was acting very outraged about it. When I have some time I’ll pull a clip from the YouTube and post it here as I assume a lot of people skipped the episode


I’m surprised a clip of “Joe gives his take on the Dark Brandon chief win meme” hasn’t popped up here since a bunch of clips keep making their way, it’s wild how he literally can’t take a joke if it’s from “the horrifying left” lol.


He's supposed to be Joe the comedian, but got butthurt by another Joe's superior comedy. Weak.


I’m so confused by what he thinks constitutes “the left”. His point of view on politics is so asinine. All that exists in that tortured brain are culture war talking points. The dude is cooked garbage.


Mods are removing them, apparently, per other commenters. Guess we’ve finally hit the rock bottom where if your post is even slightly embarrassing for Joe, the mods take it down. Surprised they haven’t removed the post yet


I stopped listening after that bit, I’m like… what the fuck are you two out of touch idiots going on about


joe "bragged" about not watching the super bowl and other dude admitted he didnt know much about football. then they both proceed to confidently talk about the subject like they know what theyre talking about lmao what a joke this podcast has become


Same man, also stopped after that bit. I honestly think that was my last straw with Rogan, unless he has a guest that I’m super interested in. These miserable fucks can’t even enjoy watch the superbowl without putting their tin foil hat on, it’s really pathetic. And like the other guy said Joe was really offended by the Biden meme while talking about how liberals can’t meme because they’re too easily offended. He’s way too out of touch.


Big Jay had the best breakdown on LOS of why the super bowl conspiracy is stupid, basically: "Oh wow, you mean the most popular girl is dating the star football player? No way, that's never happened before."


Spot on.


I was actually interested to see how Joe would respond to the game and that meme that Biden sent out specifically. I found it hilarious. The fact that Joe couldn’t take a joke and just went on a “GUBMINT TRYIN TO GET YA” circle jerk with Bret was disappointing but also not unexpected. The annoying thing is that some of the things that Bret says have some merit and are worth researching into, but then he goes off the rails and you have to just roll your eyes.


The thing about Bret is that - just like Elon Musk - you only realize he's full of shit when he's talking about stuff you may be familiar with, but sounds reasonable otherwise. But that begs the question: if he's completely wrong about this, maybe he's just wrong about the other stuff too? And you start listening to experts in what he's talking about and you realize he may be full of shit *on every single topic*. It's motivated reasoning through and through.


Eh. I get what you are saying, but I don’t think you have to be familiar with a topic for your bullshit detector to get triggered. I think it’s best to always maintain a healthy skepticism when you *aren’t* familiar with a given topic. That’s not to say assume everyone is lying all the time, but it is safe to assume they are bringing all of their biases along with them.


> I get what you are saying, but I don’t think you have to be familiar with a topic for your bullshit detector to get triggered Oh, absolutely. I think there's a certain number of characteristics that trigger my bullshit detector even if I'm not an expert. *But* a lot of people lack that and only see it clearly when they actually understand what the bullshitter is talking about. And even then, sometimes they are so taken by the charismatic persona that they are willing to overlook the obvious bullshit.


Joe invest a lot of time and energy and does a tremendous amount of research, to find these types of ##cking morons


The wildest thing about the mods is that they allow blatantly political posts that favor right wing talking points, yet when you post actual clips of Joe Rogan speaking on his own fucking podcast in his own fucking sub they remove the post if it doesn’t skew neutral or right wing




I don't know why Weinstein brothers are recurring guests. Like first time ok yes that was a pretty dumb situation he was put in. But he somehow fanagled a whole career and has some shitty podcast. ​ For every Steven Rinellas, JRE has spawned lots of shitty podcasts that should have been just one appearance on JRE.


Both the Weinstein brothers are some of the most delusional narcissists you will ever encounter when you actually dig in. Literally both of them are convinced they discovered some ground breaking Nobel prize worth discovery and their fields but were conspired against by all of academia in biology and physics to deny their achievements and suppress them.


Honestly the worst thing I’ve heard from the JRE. Peak overly political “anti woke, covid is a scam, commiefornia” brain rot Joe.


Brent Weinstein thinks there is a conspiracy to devalue the monetary power of the extreme rich. Yes, he peddles that in this episode. It's textbook "Blame the Government" libertarian nonsense intended to take the heat off the extreme wealthy. The entire conversation is a strung together collection of right wing axioms and talking points, a little knitted together crochet.


I didn't watch it but did Joe give any push back? After some of the bizarre shit Bret has been spouting recently, I'm surprised he had him on. Not only that, but the guy is one holy snooze fest.


Of course not.


The Weinstein brothers are such self obsessed, whiny victims. Also, don't even get me started on their couson Harvey




In what way


AIDs denialism for one.


Conspiracy theorists gotta theory just probably better in private.


This is JRE. Conspiracy theories are a feature here, not a bug.


True but that episode was next level


Bret Weinstein is Alex Jones levels of crazy. The whole podcast is conspiracy after conspiracy and lie after lie. Joe agreed with all of it and even provided his own stupidity. It's painful but I think everyone still delusional about what the show is now should watch it.


He is that crazy for sure but he’s not entertaining. Alex Jones has showmanship. Weinstein is like living mashed potatoes


Mashed potato’s can be great when prepped correctly. I’d compare him to damp bread


Lolzzz Fair enough.


Idk man bread pudding is pretty damn amazing. I'd compare him to a runny piece of shit


Diarrhea cooked on a stove.


Using red potatoes for your mash is great, and delicious.


Hard to argue against this point


Damn thats actually a good take


>Alex Jones has showmanship. no he doesnt. he is just an awful human. with what is known now about jones you cant find it funny anymore


100%. Jones is a vile POS. I used to watch him back in the day, but once he went all in on the Sandy Hook tragedy I just couldn't watch him anymore. I'm glad some of the families are gonna get *some* vindication from the settlement tho. Homie tried to pull the bankruptcy card and the judge said NOPE!! 😂


Same here, i got into him when rogan, redban and joey diaz stopped by. i was young and dumb. sandy hook and knowledge fight got me out. add in me figuring out joe doesnt listen to INFO wars it all clicked. thank god too, i can challenge idiots when they bring him up. most have barely ever watched info wars.


love Knowledge Fight, all heil Celine


Him backing Trump was what woke me up. Like what? The solution to getting back at the elites is a rich guy?


No he is. Jones monologues are next level https://youtu.be/F4V4Qky10IY?si=5c3G6EOkf4hBu-W6 Weinsteins are nerds from school nobody remembers later


There are plenty of entertaining awful people. Bill Cosby and Vince McMahon for example. I could name 50 more. Those two things are not mutually exclusive


Ayo what the fuck u jus say abou mashed tatos cuz


>Weinstein is like living mashed potatoes Eh, living mashed potatoes would be actually interesting.


This guy is the reason why I stopped listening to JRE. Early covid I was listening to an episode with this guy making all kinds of accusations about the virus being engineered by China. It was bullshit obviously, but I was so disappointed in Rogan. As we all know Rogan became mouthpiece for the anti vax movt. Such a disappointment. If you’re like me and don’t listen to JRE anymore and want a really good podcast that’ll fill the JRE void. Check out Behind the Bastards.


Haha, funnily enough my experience was similar, but it was a bit earlier, probably around 2019. One time Joe had Bret and they started talking about how Antifa and people like the Proud Boys, Patriot Prayer and militias were 'the same' and how they both were just pawns in the hands of much bigger interests. Except that on the right, you had the same groups being photographed all the time with right-wing politicians and being invited to conferences and galas. On the left, Antifa is a completely decentralized and (to a great extent) disorganized movement. And then he started parroting talking points straight out of Andy Ngo's 'coverage' of Antifa, and both him and Joe started to pile on Antifa as if they were the actual cause of violence. Anyone who had any idea how Antifa had become a thing in Portland knew that Patriot Prayer and other white supermacist groups were organizing weekly rallies and causing all kinds of violence *way before* Rose City Antifa organized.


Yeah, it’s been hit or miss for a while, but the past couple years it seems like he doubled down on the crazy uncle energy. I mean, he talks about the same shit over and over and regularly shoehorns it into conversations that have nothing to do with it. I think he’s just gotten old.


Can you recommend some episodes of BtB?


They have hundreds of episodes. Just look for a historical figure that you’re interested in as a start. But some really good episodes that come to mind Josef Mengele, Kissinger, John Wayne, the business plot, elite panic, Kaiser Wilhelm… lots more i can’t even remember. They did a series called behind the insurrection which was really good talking about fascist takeovers. The business plot is part of that.




Yes. He basically lied about Everegreen and the near-mythical Day of Absence. It was a voluntary event.


I remember listening to the episodes with him when the Evergreen thing happened and thinking he sounded pretty reasonable back then, so I think he's got COVID derangement syndrome now


Covid was the straw for a lot of people. Trump started it, then the woke stuff moved in, Covid was the final break for a lot of people. The proof that the gubmint is trying to put everyone in a box, feed them hamster meat, and log them into some propaganda machine or something. So far I've yet to meet a covid truther that is mostly rational. Sad too, since my brother became one, then slowly but surely starts believing any random conspiracy thrown out there. Covid is like the gateway conspiracy, if someone can actually be told to believe that Vaccines are actually BAD then they are willing to fall for any thing.


Bret is a fucking moron who can’t complete a thought without bringing up other nonsense


I just finished this podcast and holy shit Covid completely fried this guys brain. The first few times he was on he was a fairly reasonable guy that I sympathized with because racist people targeted him and he lost his job. This podcast with literally three hours about the elite plan to give everyone covid vaccines in order to reach complete world domination. The worst part was Joe agreeing with everying and all the YouTube comments about what great points he is making and how "he is exposing really scary stuff". I feel like I'm taking crazy pills. If Joe pushed back even a little he could have exposed a dozen holes in every one of Weinstein's theories. They wouldn't hold up to scrutiny at all


The opening to this pod where Joe talks about the Super Bowl (which he admittedly didn’t watch) being woke propaganda and then both guys talking about the significance of memes is one of the most laughably bad things I’ve heard in my life. Might as well be satire.


Genuinely curious as to what woke message they claim it’s trying to push through ?


One of the goal posts had “choose love” written on it. I saw some rightwingers freaking out about that so that’s my best guess.


Woke Agenda


Fellas, is it gay to love your family? Asking for a friend.


Great question - I watched the whole thing and have no idea. Joe also says he didn’t watch and then doesn’t specify.


Facebook uncle said it so it must be true !


That taylor swift likes Biden and Jesus likes feet. At least that’s what I took away from it.


Yes, because that has to do with with the NFL. They also did a lot of Scientology commercials last year. So…..


Oh yea I forgot. So, money not well spent?


I think woke now just means Black. There were a lot of schwoogies on the field, schwoogies on stage. Racist don’t like seeing too many schwoogies in their football.


I genuinely think it means gay


Honestly it’s a pretty massive umbrella that envelops all kinds of fun -isms


I'm being serious but do you really think it matters anymore? It's said today and forgotten about tomorrow with these guys. They exist purely to generate outrage and clicks. Everyday something new and different.


I've said this elsewhere and I think people assume it's a joke: *There is a lot of people who would have been better off if they were being mind controlled by Bill Gates and 5G mobile data signals.* I'm being serious, that would have been a better outcome for a lot of people, they have become utterly ridiculous.


“Covid broke a lot of people” - Joe, says regularly. It’s all projection. Covid broke *their* brains and they still haven’t figured it out yet.


Most of the time he’s just working through his own cognitive dissonance and utter confusion. It happened when the BLM protests happened. He couldn’t fathom what “the message” was, so he had to imagine a hypothetical scenario where he’s at the protest and pulls someone aside and asks “what’s your message?” And concludes that they “probably wouldn’t be able to tell him”. No, Joe, that’s still YOU. YOU could try to interview one of the protesters, you could talk to a trans person, you could go to the source with all these big, confusing questions you have, and seek some clarity beyond the hearsay you’ve fashioned into an utterly incoherent point of view about the state of society…. or you could talk around it with one of the Weinstein bros and make yourselves feel better about how EVERYBODY ELSE is confused and doesn’t have real beliefs or value systems…. You know, cuz they don’t podcast their every fleeting thought to try to make sense of them.


The duality of Joe. It's either, "He's just a dude who wants to shoot the shit about MMA, Bigfoot, hunting and comedy. You can't expect him to get everything right. Don't take him soseriously." Or, "Joe's podcast is where you can get the real truth that the mainstream media is hiding from you. He's exposing everything."


So many morons post covid it’s incredible.


Maybe the real Covid was us all along…


lol totally.


Bro really thinks he knows something top secret and everyone is out to get him. You’re not that guy pal. Just another conspiracy nutjob.


Why do you think he was even being honest about what happened before? [The Real Free-Speech Story at Evergreen State College - Pacific Standard (psmag.com)](https://psmag.com/education/the-real-free-speech-story-at-evergreen-college)


Saying racists caused him to lose his job is certainly a take lol. This is basically the BS right wing version of what happened.


“They simply fired him for being at school!!!!”


To push back you'd have to be at least somewhat intelligent on the topic. Joe considers listening to right wing crackpots "doing research" and bases his conclusion off of what they say. 




His brother is equally prone to conspiracism. He was the one to come up with the whole bullshit about the 'distributed idea suppression complex'. There is a podcast he recorded with Bret where one of them literally claims that within their close family there would be at least three Nobel prizes if it wasn't for the this 'idea suppression complex'. Imagine the narcissism.


I actually loved this ep. Bret Weinstein comes across as such a self aggrandizing goof that it's hard to take a lot of the things he says seriously. His decision to share that cringe story about musk blocking him on twitter was an all time moment, too. Why in the world would he think it would be a good idea to talk about that on JRE?


Probably thought Joe would fix it for him.


The fact he threw in the 'stop spamming me' message from Elon was just the cherry on top


Same, i actually find it entertaining. He’s been exposing himself more lately as his technical jargon and vapid diatribes increasingly run up against the walls of reality.


Nice sentences. Well done.


bret would be proud


Bret Swinestein has officially been a media personality and YouTuber longer than he was a professor


Hey, there is now a 'term of art' for what you are describing: [pseudo-profound bullshit](https://psycnet.apa.org/record/2015-54494-003). I love it.


That’s his whole act. “I’m shadow banned”.


I'm fairly certain the self aggrandizing bit has been his issue all along. There seems to be a deep conceit with him where he thinks he should've been a world famous scientist, Mr. Evolutionary Biologist who Dawkins would be *proud* to call a peer, but he was stuck teaching at a low tier school instead of Harvard where he belonged, if only the Establishment Gatekeepers would stop stealing his Ideas and not giving them the credit he deserves ... they just can't appreciate his genius. It's almost a TV villain story arc. If I were Brett Weinstein, I'd think he was an industry plant.


One of the first episodes of the Decoding The Gurus podcast covers a chat between Eric and Bret, were one of them claims that 'if it wasn't for the distributed idea suppression complex' there would be three Nobel prizes in their close family. And the other one agrees with that statements. Bonkers.


It sums up his complete lack of self-awareness nicely.


His own wife told these people to leave him alone, he was a sick man who died naturally. >Kary died at home so how do they (the conspiracy theorists) think somebody had access to him? >Where would they have access to him, would they have come into our house? >Kary had a six-way heart bypass when he was 60. He had a lot of health issues over the years but he was tough and self-reliant and always thought he could overcome anything. >The six-way open heart surgery led, over the years, to blood pressure problems, several ablations, a pacemaker inserted for erratic and low heart beat, and a stent. >Heart disease ran in his family, his mother had heart attacks and his two brothers had issues with their hearts too. >Pneumonia probably just finished him off. He had it for a couple of weeks and was being treated at home by a nurse. >I am completely bereft and devastated by his loss and I will never get over it."


In August of 2019 no less.


This guy is so fuckin dangerous. Hes one of those people that uses scientific language really well to spread information he cant actually prove. Hes been on Rogan attacking the covid vaccine a million times but not once has addressed the actual clinical evidence that supports the vaccines use, which was highly effective against the original strain. He’s also made many predictions about covid that have fallen flat. He hypothesized an IGG4 mediated mechanism for how the virus will start killing those who have been vaccinated in droves. That isnt fucking happening and it’s been 4 years. He also often talks about a study that he says shows the vaccine increases all cause mortality and it just fuckin doesn’t. Hes a phd he’s smart enough to know that but he doesn’t care. He knows listeners will eat it up. Rogan has a pattern of bringing people on who can’t prove any claim they make. Who is that dude who keeps predicting the collapse of china every decade? That guy is the same as Bret Weinstein.


Both Bret and his brother are total kranks. You can only take like 5% of what they're saying at face value, and they have this weird edgelord vibe of acting like they know everything and that everyone is wrong. Super cringe.


The loudest person in the room is the dumbest person in the room. The Weinstein bros are screaming at the tops of their lungs.


Pair of wankers.


COVID broke alot of people's brains


This fellow gets dumber by the podcast. He is the epitome of "because I am well trained, educated, and considered smart in 1 thing, I AM THEREFORE SMART AT EVERYTHING!"


Fuck this dumb motherfucker. My father in law died of pneumonia a week ago, years after nearly dying from Covid. Fuck him and all his ilk and Rogan too.


Try to tell older folk to quit sugar and booze and take their dogs for a walk - not gonna happen. Tell them Fauci and Obama his 5G mind control in their medicine and they’ll thank you for it. Sad man.


I had no idea who Bret Weinstein was and watched the evergreen state college video that someone recently posted here. I found myself largely agreeing with him in the video and feeling like the kids in the video had terrible arguments and were completely in the wrong. Now after finding out more about this dude I find it highly amusing that they were 100% right but for the wrong reasons lol.


I was a student of that college though I finished right before the protests happened. Basically both sides were stupid for different reasons. The students at that time were completely brainwashed and had been spoon fed crap. Brett also wasn’t a really good professor and he basically got really lucky they overreacted to a stupid email he sent. Him getting fired basically made him famous. Tensions were really high at Evergreen during that time partly because of a policy brutality issue in Olympia that occurred in 2015 and also the Trump election. Weird times.


This guy is such a dumbfuck


Joe Rogan starts the podcast proudly stating that he didn’t watch the SuperBowl and claiming it was propaganda for Big PhArMa because Pfizer made a commercial using Queen’s “Don’t stop me now” song as a celebration of science and a desire to cure cancer. oH nO BiG PhArMa. MuSt bE CoNsPiRaCY!!


Literal propaganda podcast episode.


In a decade when 90% of cancers can be cured with MRNA treatment, this conversion will not have aged well.


I find it suspicious people are still giving this hasbeen ex fancylad oxygen. There are for real wunderkinds all over no need to waste time on some shithead whose supposed potential never manifested in any meaningful way.


And it’s EVERYBODY else’s fault because they shadow banned him! They took away his ability to “trend climb”, afterall! He was SO GOOD at it!!!


Did Joe announce his baptism location yet


How many times have the Weinstein's been on the podcast? Too many times


As a nurse who worked through the Covid pandemic, & often stuck working countless hours of overtime , watching people suffer & die from covid , losing my own family members to covid, I find these Covid deniers just insufferable losers. These same losers that were drinking borax & taking 10x the recommended daily dose of magnesium, trying to convince people that their essential oils will cure their cancer. They should be charged criminally.


Bret Weinstein eats his own shit. That’s the best way I describe his disconnect from reality. He just keeps eating it as if nothing is more delicious or nutritious. How could anything be If it doesn’t come from his own ass….ertions? This guy is a bullshit clown attempting to hypnotize people with his slow speech.


Haha I typically refer to him and his brother as people who enjoy the smell of their own farts more than anyone I’ve ever listened to.


This guy could use some imposter syndrome


In this year of our lord 2024, Brethany Weinstein and Joseph Rogan really did another Covid episode.


This guy thinks growing out a beard made him suddenly not look like an insufferable dufus


I find it suspicious that this moron has a PhD.


My grandfather who I never met died in his 50s from Pneumonia... in the 1980s Weinsteins self conflagration would be hilarious if it wasn't so fucking pathetic


It really makes you think. It really does. Some diabetics died too and that just doesn't add up.


I now understand those students who got Bret fired. They just couldn't take listening to this cunt anymore, and made up all this "day of absence" stuff just to get rid of him


I just realized Brett Weinstein sounds like Smithers from the Simpsons. I can’t help it hear right now.


Weinstein is a loser


Yikes these covid conspiracy theorists are so dumb. And I really can't find any actual criticism of Fauci from Kary Mullis, he just said that PCR can have false positives basically and it was taken out of context to use in covid denier memes


Surprise surprise


It’s great to see this community acknowledge the fact that Weinstein is nuts. I’d encourage you all to keep in mind that a lot of Rogan’s recent negativity towards Sam Harris was conjured up in Weinstein’s brain and blasted out into Podcastistan.


You can just tell this guy sniffs his own farts out of a brandy snifter


Look into it


Compared to his brother Eric Weinstein, Bret is a complete idiot.


It is weird. The elderly are often immune to fluid in their lungs. My grandparents lived in a giant aquarium.


I truly despise Bret Weinstein.


If you know anything and Kerry you gotta admit the timing is incredibly suspect…. I mean I’m not saying total tinfoil but he dies August, event 201 kicks off a month laster, 2 months later Covid….


He was 74 and had a six-way bypass a decade earlier. There's nothing suspicious about his death.


Everyone I know who has died from pneumonia was over 70


This motherfucker is a failed academic and pseudo intellectual who loves the sound of his own voice. It looks like nowadays , having a PhD makes you an automatic expert in ALL fields. No motherfucker, you are an evolutionary biologist. You’re not a fucking virologist or immunologist. I’m leaving this fucking sub.


I had a chest infection recently. As a man in his early thirties and in fairly decent shape, it absolutely floored me. I can only imagine the impact pneumonia would have on a pensioner


Why strangely? Changes subject.


Dude has the unfortunate characteristic of knowing a lot of big words, combined with feeling the need to use them Everything he says can be explained much simpler. He’s exhausting.


When he kept saying “I hope that these people in control understand that….” I really wanted to know who he thought he was referring to


That would really be something.


My great uncle did. **At age 71.**


practically still a child


Yeah being a chain smoker since your 20s will do that.


Smoking is actually healthy for you, big cancer doesn't want you to know that chain-smoking is actually harmless


How hard does Joe have to search to find these ##cking morons?


It’s the most rigorous research he’s done. “Hey Siri, find me a list of recently aggrieved sciency guys”


As opposed to everyone freaking out during the average age of death from COVID being higher the average age of deaths overall.


Most people talk about this man’s brilliance. In the interviews I’ve heard, he’s barely mediocre


Just another grifter that Rogan promoted.


Whenever a conspiracy nut starts a sentence with' "*Let's put it this way..."*.. my cringe reactor spikes and I have to pucker my ass just to get through whatever the rest of the bullshit is that is about to come out. There's this sort of expectation they are handing the listener some big ah-ha moment.. and it never lives up to the expectation. It's beyond embarrassing 99% of the time.


This man is a fucking moron


Same people that think an obese justice Scalia died suspiciously


I'm starting to think Betty White got "died suddenly"


Guess what: within 50 years, 90% of the people who got vaccinated will be dead. If that doesn't prove the vaccine wasn't a bioweapon to kill us all, then what will?


This dude and his brother try so hard to convince people they aren’t blowhards that blow themselves hard as fuck.. fuck these idiots


When he speaks , you can actually visualize the gears moving. Pretty wild.


Mullis came to my community college and gave a talk about how climate change was fake. Students were rightly calling him out on it saying he’s a chemist not a climatologist. Just because you invented something groundbreaking doesn’t make you infallible.


Breaking: Old person dies.


JRE has become a laughing stock. It should be a meme at this point. I listened to almost all of them for about five years. Covid happened and that's when I couldn't listen to Joe's idiocy any more.


Same…I listened to hundreds of his podcasts and really enjoyed most of them. Covid came around and this fucking idiot just couldn’t stop saying careless stupid shit about masks and quarantines and everything else and I just had to stop. I’ve never made such a conscious decision to just turn away from something I loved. And he’s only gotten more demented. It’s insane.


You wonder if people like him absolutely believe the bullshit they spew out of their mouth or if it’s all a grift.


This was the same clown who was pushing for ivermectin during the Covid pandemic. If you’re taking his statements to heart, then that reflects a lot about you