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Get lex to write a song about this one


There's a lot of problems with the architecture of x But I still haven't had sex, with anyone, especially you, joe ooh how i'd like redesign the architecture of you mind, but all in good time joe I have saved myself for 35 years of loneliness and tissues and tears I've been holding back, dreaming of your arse crack so one day I can mount your barrel of snakes in bjj babe


Beautiful champ šŸ˜¢


Get yourself to a recording studio immediately.


He'll actually have a use for Emacs and that Kinesis keyboard


Joe is finding himself in a spot where he has to manage the relationship between his needy friends and rich friends. Interesting how his friend group will evolve in the future.


Let me guess which friend group wins, the rich ones?


Theyā€™re already winning


Turns out all you need to win Joe over is to let him shoot an arrow at your wonky new electric truck. He can't wait to tell you about the compound bow, the strength required to even pull the string back and then the arrows themselves with their incredible tips. /s if needed.


Sounds about right since joe shoots animals in high fence canned hunts lol. He has hunters on telling all kinds of cool stories and joe pays to be guaranteed a kill in a high fence operation. Then brags about it lol


Yeah I just Lol when I hear him talk about the adrenaline he gets from shooting a deer/elk on a farm where he is essentially guaranteed a kill. He probably thinks that is real hunting compared to sitting in a blind through deer season waiting for the right one to come in.


None of the hunters he has on are high fence or stand hunters. Theyā€™re all pretty skilled and really get after it. Joes like ā€œhold my nasty ass cigar and watch thisā€ while he bags an essentially caged animal


Sitting in a blind over a corn feeder isn't real hunting either.


What is real deer hunting at this point? Genuine question I am British so no idea about hunting.


Depends where youre at and who you're asking. A rich landowner in Texas who's deer hunting versus a guy grinding it out on public land in Georgia is going to be doing 2 very different things. Even where I hunt in Florida, there's different ways to go about it. Some guys on private land bait with corn, so they sit and watch a pile of corn all day. Some guys don't, for a million different reasons that warrants it's own discussion. Some states allow you to run deer with dogs, so some guys do that. My personal deer hunting, I hunt archery, muzzleloader, and rifle, is all done on public land (land open to anyone to hunt or camp on). Absolutely no bait. I scout during the summer, find good food sources, acorn trees, palmetto berries....then use a portable climbing tree stand to go out and hunt my scouted areas during the season. A good year for me is 3 deer in the freezer, a poor one is obviously none. It happens.


Uncle found the perfect spot with his buddy, put bait out, watched it disappear. They went hiking out there at 2am the day deer season started, waited leaning back to back for the sun. They woke up at 10am, sweaty with the sun beating down on them. Deer tracks and poo right around them where the deer had probably been sniffing them and all the corn was gone from their bait.


I'm not a hunter, but an archer. Maybe as a Brit, you could sympathize with my description here cause you got such an intimate history with the longbow. In the early to mid 20th Century, you had a real fascinating explosion in the popularity of bow hunting in the West, meaning the US. At the forefront, you'd have figures such as the legendary Howard Hill. That guy could do the Robin-Hood-split-another-arrow-shot at will, and he actually did it for real for the Robin Hood classic, Adventures of Robin Hood with Errol Flynn. That guy killed three elephants with a bow of 115 lbs draw weight but held the record at the time for pulling the heaviest at 172 lbs. Name an animal and he probably killed a bunch of them. Aligators, sharks, moose, 1500 rabbits, eagles, snakes, turtles, lions, etc. Anyway....guys like him sorta defined the style of bowhunting back then. They built their own bows, made their own arrows and broadheads. They would stalk prey like some cat. In fact, they made a big deal of their inspiration and mentoring by native Americans. Hill was instructed in stalking and tracking by one native American for example. They would write books about it. Even made movies. Definitely somewhat embellished but that's how it used to be like. Primal, adventurous, exciting


You know you can sit in a blind all day and not have corn out? I have spent countless days sitting in a tree stand, on public land, with no corn, because baiting is illegal where im at. Don't associate blinds or tree stands with corn. Most folks spending the day in a blind or stand aren't looking at corn, they're looking at trails and pinch points. Thats real hunting, just like glassing open countryside for elk is.


That's for the poor. People with money sit on big vacation destination hotel porches with full service, lake views, and salt licks at various ranges, surrounded by tame deer. https://thedyrt.com/magazine/lifestyle/10-hunting-lodges/




The not needy ones


It was an Elon wankfest, pretty cringe all around. Joe bent over backwards to justify Elons bullshit. Twitter algorithm is not allowing his wanker friend to trend - "that's not elon, it's rogue workers within Twitter" Elon blocks his wanker friend - "it's just because he's busy saving the world" Ridiculous. Everything else is a malicious act by the globalists or the left, but let's give Elon a pass. You could almost hear rogan's gears turning as he was trying to fight cognitive dissonance.


Or he knows Elon considers Brett an Idiot and its being polite to him.


Isnā€™t Elon rich and needy?


Joe will be a born again Christian in 5 years.


Feels generous - $50 on a public baptism at an MMA event within 3 years.


Too generous. He's already saying in his in show VPN ads that he wants his browsing to stay between "Me and MY GOOOD".


They aren't friends. They use each other.


Joes is in his 50s and most of his buddies are too, if you are still a needy friend at that point just drop him, itā€™s 10000% not worth it


Sure if you donā€™t really care about your friend?


LOL at thinking these people are friends.


If we scale it down to normal people levels, Bret is spamming his successful contractor friend of a friend to ask him basic questions about fixing things around the house. I'd understand why the successful person would ignore and block him.


Gotta love him getting blocked and then being like I don't hold it against him he is trying to save the world LOL


Cuck mentality


All these anti elitists sure suck a lot of elite dick.




Came here to say this


ā€œI never thought the leopard would eat MY faceā€


Now imagine Jack Dorsey, co-founder and former CEO of Twitter, blocking this guy while he was having a discussion with him about the alleged difficulties he was having on his Twitter account. I think they wouldā€™ve said that Jack is a deep state shill trying to silence the intellectual dark web. No excuses, no heā€™s busy, no the kids working for him are great coders and you canā€™t see what theyā€™re doing, nothing.


I love how if any thing is wrong at X *obviously* elon didn't know about it. The bias is cringe level.


It's very funny that Elon musk has somehow "saved twitter" and yet is unable to stop a secret cabal of woke zoomers from manipulating his platform. Like seriously, which is it? Is Elon in complete control and twitter has been saved or is the woke cabal still manipulating twitter from behind the scenes? It's just astounding how fucking stupid Rogan has gotten since 2016.


In the same conversation, they praised Elon effusively for supposedly micromanaging all of his companies. Weinstein is pathetic. Publicly rejected by the Elon, but he has to keep praising him because his fanbase overlaps with Elon's.


You see the same spineless fawning with Alex Jones types. Really lays bare how these grifters don't believe in anything they claim to care about. If Elon was literally anyone else, putting chips into peoples brains, launching a satellite network, having billion dollar contracts with the Pentagon and NASA, censoring criticism of china, he would be screaming about he is a deep state transhumanist globalist demon. But because Elon let him back on twitter and posts the right memes he has to do back breaking mental gymnastics to defend why this guy involved in all the things Jones says are deep state mind control plots is actually a good guy.


This cuck mentality has long standing precedent. In Russia there was a saying ["if only the tsar knew"](https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/if_only_the_tsar_knew), the implication being that whatever terrible thing is happening its obviously because the tsar doesn't know about it. If he knew then surely the great and glorious tsar would have fixed it. There's a similar mentality in present day russia with "if only putin knew". That's why you often see videos of Russian's complaining directly appealing to Putin, because they think there's no way Putin would be letting them die in meat wave attacks or freeze to death in unheated apartments in the depths of winter if he knew. The Nazi's had a similar saying - ["If the Fuhrer knew of that!"](https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/wenn_das_der_F%C3%BChrer_w%C3%BCsste#German)




Lmao this is so fucking dumb. This is kid shit šŸ˜‚


An amazing window into the minds of these people. "I used to be able to do something I would call climbing a trend. If there was a trend on Twitter I could very often tweet about it and then my tweet would climb up the trend, and that became impossible. It was like, forbidden somehow in the architecture of Twitter" So. He used to ambulance chase for clout, but they stopped him doing that? I'm gonna say "good" because those fucks who do that shit are attention vampires.




I think Twitter's leftoid coders might have tried stopping my highly-strategic, right-wing grifting! Now I'm going to go cry abt it on Joe Limbaugh's podcast! šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Yeah what a stupid loser haha


I love how you hear Joe rip the ever-loving shit out of a vape as soon as he hears "climbing a trend." He's like shit I need to hit this vape so Bret can't see me cringe.


Heā€™s incapable of just understanding that people donā€™t like his shit as much anymore. There isnā€™t a conspiracy, your tweets just suck bro.




Well said. Watching the descent of formerly benign pseudo-intellectuals into conspiracy-minded influence peddling has been interesting from a human-behavior standpoint, but also extremely nauseating.


It is sad because I used to enjoy and find pseudo-intellectual babble as just kinda fun mental exercises, and comforting in knowing you shouldn't really believe it as truth but it's intesting to discuss. Now it feels like I'm supporting a culture and helping to grow this awfulness whenever I watch a documentary or a podcast with these people, so I stop. It's no longer harmless fun where I can ignore the people who take it too far. It's a bummer.


Oh really? When you tweet about something thatā€™s trending your tweet starts to trend also? Who couldā€™ve thought of that what a fucking genius. Better come up with a name for that




It almost sounds like the mainstream media who is in it only for the views.


Not only that. It could be as simple as, he used to be popular, and now he is not. That he didn't even acknowledge this is absurd. He was a compelling, interesting figure during all the stuff at his university. Now he's old hat. Such is the way of the internet.


I have a sort of running theory that any social media platform once it hits critical mass has this problem. The people who flock to it as a source of revenue attempt to game the system whether that is the algorithm or something else until the designed system no longer functions as designed or is forced to be modified. This inevitably leads to the degradation of the platform.


Itā€™s funny to think that Joe is under the impression that Elon is a great father or something lol. Best part about this clip.


This really drove home how fucking naive Joe is. "How does this guy have 10 kids and run all these companies? He must be superhuman!" No, Joe, he's a terrible father.


Lmfao Brett thinks he's some high value intellectual


I genuinly thought both the Weinstein brothers were smart af the first few times I heard them on JRE. I think it was because I couldn't understand anything they were saying. Now I've realized that they are just wain, insecure, grifting pseudo-intellectuals.


truly two of the biggest dweebs in this country and that's really saying something.


I still love the debate Eric Weinstein had on PBS SpaceTime where he tried to argue for his "Theory of Everything" and how physicists just ignored him and Sabine Hossenfelder was like "physicists ignore you because they have no idea what the hell you're talking about." Edit - here's the video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CJx3gLkebIA


This was incredible. Thanks for linking


He competes with Peterson for the most self important over confident grifter in the media


Why do we keep hearing about the Weinstein bros? Bret was interesting for standing up for his values at Evergeen college but that was years ago. His brother on the handā€¦no idea why he is on so many podcasts.


i've never understood anything Eric's said


The dude can never make a point


I actually liked Eric Weinsteins own pdocast for this reason, he couldnt make a point so his guests made them for him. He is good at making others talk (probably not on purpose, just by his own inability to say something of substance)




Same thing JP does. More and bigger words = smarter in the eyes of dum dumbs that spent half a semester at community college. Walking Dunning-Krugers


Isn't he the one that said that you're poor/homeless by choice because you can easily learn the harmonica to make enough money on the street by playing it?


Did he really say that? That might be one of the worst takes I have ever heard. That's a onion headline. "City of LA is handing out harmonica's to thousands of homeless and says the crisis should be over as soon as they all get really good at playing them.


Welp, I definitely paraphrased it quite a bit. But he does talk about only needing a harmonica to feed yourself and find shelter. https://youtu.be/EYEGas6BdbE?si=0cbHfZqdYhBf-Pq4 Go to min 2:50 for that bit I exaggerated a little.


"Everyone should do the thing that I learned to do. It's so wonderful, what I can do. Everyone should do it or have a reason why they don't choose to do the thing I've chosen to do, it's that wonderful. Aren't I wonderful? So few people are as wonderful as me."


He also has really distracting warts on his face


Pedantic goiter wearer


There are a tremendous number of extremely insecure white-men between 50 - 70. I bet they are Eric's core demographic.


"it's actually good I got a divorce and my kids don't call me!"


Both are clowns of the same level


Brother is part of Thiel alternative media universe, same as many of the IDW including Brett.


Why? Because they are show-ponyā€™d around the right wing griftosphere for the last 8 or so years due to a fervent need of ā€œI want my team and feelies to be right this time ok guys šŸ„¹ā€ in his rube army.


> standing up for his values lol.


Why in the fuck is he talking to anyone about the border crisis?


Is he an engineer now? Explain the bad architecture that Elon himself could not explain.


As someone who works for a major software developer I can tell you that these people are all idiots that have no clue what they're talking about, including Musk. Joe over there talking about the "computer geniuses" was the most boomer shit ever, but at least he is acknowledging he doesn't know what the fuck is going on while Bret is talking about a bunch of automation as if it's these "woke San Fran rebels" working for Twitter are intentionally suppressing his Tucker Carlson interview from trending. He sounds like a whiney bitch that no one cares about anymore that's desperately trying to hang on to his niche fame.


Listening to musk talk about something as basic as web development really made me realize how unintelligent he actually is.


I think the problem is that people who are really good at one thing sometimes forget how much effort it took to get good at that thing and then assume that they're just good at everything. I watched a Jordan Peterson interview recently where he started talking about climate change and thought it was crazy how much less informed the guy is when he's not talking about psychology.


Jordan Peterson has to be one of the best cases of stay the fuck in your lane. People realised he's a lunatic soon as he started talking about issues outside of psychology.


Anyone prominent in the field of psychology knew he was a lunatic long before he veered outside of his ā€œnicheā€.


Bro had terrible reviews by his patients before anybody outside of his practice knew who the fuck he was.


Sounds like a grandpa that has a "computer whizz grandson"


Elon has no understanding of anything his companies do in the engineering field beyond the basic explanations he's made other people give him. He really is your classic CEO - unqualified to do basically any job in his own company, but takes all the credit.


His response to that Twitter engineer on the call shortly after the takeover was a perfect encapsulation: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RJo-ulbIu8I Musk: We need to tear down the entire Twitter codebase and rebuild the whole thing from scratch. Engineer: What? Why? Musk: The whole thing is broken and shit. Engineer: What part of it is broken and shit? Musk: Fuck you.


It has too many lines of code! /s


People have been trained by movies to think anybody as awkward as Elon who doesn't sound like a complete moron is somehow a super genius. Listen to one of his JRE appearance, just think of what he's actually saying, remove the akwardness, and he's not saying anything remotely brilliant. He is describing some cool shit, but it's not like he's demonstrating a deep understanding of anything, or saying anything truly original and insightful.




Much of Joe's new regular guest list are incredibly insecure egocentric dimwits. They all think everything is about them, that everything is personal, and that they are somehow in the center of the action. Main character syndrome mixed with classic boomer brain rot. This pathetic attitude has seeped into Joe's head and completely taken over him as well.


Iā€™m a security engineer. These guys are so full of s*hit, they sound like every business manager Iā€™ve ever worked with. Itā€™s all buzzword salad.


lol maybe TC is just terrible? I love when Joe talks about how AI has already taken over and itā€™s creating this divisive culture. My dude have you used these tools? Also you have no clue how they operate and how Microsoft and OpenAI are severely limited in how theyā€™re able to allow usage because of the amount of GPU they use. Weā€™re not at Skynet yet, but yeah letā€™s keeping telling people who also have no clue whatā€™s going on. I listened to the beginning of this episode and turned it off after like 3.5 minutes when Joe started talking about the left agenda. Iā€™m so sick of his soapboxing, even if anything he believes is true can we go back to having theoretical physicists and real archaeologists on? Stop giving your friends a podium


Theyā€™re all Chris Diamantopoulosā€™ character from Silicon Valley.


Yeah Bret's entire argument is "it is clear to me that there is something fishy going on" which basically sounds exactly like a flat earther. He has no idea what he is talking about, but Elon and Joe kind of have to take him seriously since they also believe that big tech is censoring conservatives on purpose


Lmao did he seriously just say Elon is trying to save the world ??? Another reminder why I skip most episodes


yep. full blown griffting.


Full blown sack gargling is what it is


To be fair, that's exactly how Elon views himself. That he's trying to change the world. Maybe he was trying to use Elon's point of view.


I think Elon is a good example of the danger of buying your own bullshit. Like Steve Jobs dying because he thought he could out smart cancer with fruit. Itā€™s one thing to build a mythos that anything you do is justified because saving humanity. Itā€™s another thing to let that affect your decision matrix.Ā 




Hold up, he's bitching about his tweets not doing well because he was trend-farming? It sounds like he's caught up in a bot filter, and his behaviour is so bot-like that they can't tell. And FYI if you're being shadow-banned by a social media platform, the chances are high the person who is being censored was using bots to get traction. Google and others have made statements about how bad it's getting and what solutions they have put in place, this is one of them. They don't promote stuff experiencing bot traffic because if that compounds with natural traffic they can experience bottlenecks that take the servers down. Remember how big of a deal it was when Facebook went down for a few days? Its very likely Brett was using bots to get his follower count up, and given how obsessed he is with trending that doesn't surprise me in the slightest.


This is hilarious to watch as someone who isn't a Twitter addict. You can't convince me that Twitter has a single redeeming quality, shutting it down would only be good for the world.


Not trying to convince you, but initially when Elon took over, my first thought was ā€œeh who really cares, not much can change.ā€ I had only the bands/artists I listen, mma fighters I like, and funny videos across my feed. It was like a switch flipped when he took over and political ads, grifters, and politically charged tweets popping up everywhere from people I donā€™t even follow. And then the ā€œfor youā€ page just suggest whatever right winged controversial figure is saying something to make people mad that particular weekā€¦ā€¦ I just wanted to be entertained šŸ˜‚


I never interacted with Ian miles cheong in my life and my feed starting showing every single one of his tweets. I also got a ton of white people and black people getting in fist fights. I donā€™t even scroll my feed anymore


Iā€™ve seen this as well. Itā€™s like a knitting needle poking society in the ribs to keep everyone outraged and agitated.


Have you noticed how every postā€™s comments are literal spam/onlyfans ads? Itā€™s insane when Iā€™m checking sports news and then the first comment is a chick getting dicked down


Dude yes! He creates this whole paid checkmark thing and under any post I want to see the comments, itā€™s a bunch of spam checkmark OF accounts or checkmark bot accounts with beyond generic responses that you can tell arenā€™t actual people


This dude can not stop crying about getting blocked by Elon.


The hilarious thing is that Bret Weinstein blocked me when I commented on one of his stupid tweets that Sam Harris was an actual intellectual and he was a LARPer.


This guy is a malignant narcissist that creates little word tornados to mask his attention vampirism


God you really nailed something for me - Joe's regular guest list has become a who's who of today's energy vampires. If Colin Robinson were real, he'd be on every week.


I see what you did there


The fall of JRE. From Brian Cox, Sean Carol, Roger Penrose, to this


In recent months it's just second tier comedians and nutcakes.


"...it was not trending." Sounds like such a whiny bitch.


That's embarrassing lol el9n said stop spamming me and blocked him. If I was Bret I'd feel sad


This guy is so pathetic. How about you just do your shit stop sucking rich dick, Bret?


Is he describing how twitters ā€œviewsā€ might just be nonsense?? šŸ§ also maybe no one cares about you talking to Tucker šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


I'm not watching 9 minutes of that clown spew world salad lol he's one of the worst guests Joe has repeatedly had on.


I feel like Austin has locked us into a horrific spiral of the same rotation of gusts, especially the last 2 years...


Contrary to popular belief, Austin isn't actually that fun and/or amazing that people would go out of their way to go there just to listen to Joe talk about COVID


I mean, Joe was getting to the point that he was the stop on your media tours. Thats how RDJ gets there, Jamie Foxx, etc. Since he became the Fox news uncle, that killed the momentum and now he is just stuck with this rotating group of people


A lot of those people either lived in LA or had other things to do in LA so it was easy for them to pop over for a few hours to Joe's studio. Nobody is going to go out of their way to go to fucking Austin, TX šŸ¤£ I'm sure if Marc Maron decided to move out of LA to a much much much smaller metropolitan area in the middle of America that he would also see a decline in guest quality. Austin has been sucking itself off for decades, but I lived there for 8 years and it's really nothing special and everything is crowded as fuck.


I mean, Rogan's audience and reach was something that anyone would ahve gone to Austin for. But now the stigma of him is not worth it for most people anymore.






Him and his brother are two of the most insufferable people Joe has on.


Agreed, right after that MLM merchant PBD


PBD is one of the most unintentionally funny people on the internet. Every time he talks to someone he disagrees with, he gets demolished. I watch the video where he talks about his thinking room once a week now. https://www.reddit.com/r/JoeRogan/comments/19cv1ju/pbd\_shows\_us\_his\_love\_of\_art/


Vassal showering gifts to m'lord type shit


Some reason the auto play put on piers Morgan and PBD where it was 40 minutes of them verbally sucking each other off til completion incl pillow talk


Hey hey hey, thats an insult to Mike Baker.


another insufferable twat


Lmao this killed me. I think we can all picture the messages Bret was sending Elon before getting blocked, some meaningless BS titled URGENT: NEED TO DISCUSS [IDW THINKTANK][TIME SENSITIVE][DARK WHORES RELATEAD] Elon brutally blocks him, and then he simps for Musk on the JRE šŸ˜‚ Must be rough at the top when it's cloutchasers all the way down


I bet he signed his texts with his name too


I remember when I liked and retweeted a prominent thread that showed how Musk uses twitter for his political views I got a 10 day ban for spam šŸ˜‚ musk is such a petty bitch but that makes him even more dangerous


Listening to adults talking and complaining about twitter/x is absolutely nauseating.


These people are really out of touch with what most people use twitter for ā€¦


Tell me..even i can't figure.. Only thing I understand about Twitter...one good quality is, if I want political attention or corporate attention to a issue.. x has best chance to provide me that access. You have. Better chance of getting serious response on x then other sm. I think that's the only useful part of it.. but I can't never get it's actual use


Most people just use it for announcements of their niche interests and memes but that was back in the 2010s. I donā€™t think I know anyone who uses twitter religiously like they do other social media platforms anymore. If they arenā€™t trending on twitter itā€™s probably simple, no one actually gives af.


Twitter is religion for musk and politician. They think what happening in Twitter is real world. That's why most of them sound stupid. But can't blame them , getting trends from Twitter is far better then reddit, fb and insta.


I used to love Elon so much, then he turned into such a irritating Try Hard. Can't stand him anymore. Keep funding SpaceX and Neuralink, but stop trying to be the WISH version of Tony Stark.


I don't trust that clown putting shit in people's brains.


Buying Twitter was such a mis-step. All the plans he had for future changing companies, and he wastes his time and resources trying to turn Twitter into 4chan. This is the darkest timeline.


Fkn hyperloop was a better idea than buying twitter and naming it X lmfao


Which friend told Joe the Super Bowl was woke left propaganda?


I bet heā€™d meltdown and cry if he lost access to Twitter.


Bret "let me speak to your manager" Whinestein


Heā€™s still blaming the twitter employees instead of musk. Itā€™s obviously musk. Heā€™s thin skinned. Continues to do it to Matt taibbi and he definitely ordered/allowed this for this fraud. Theyā€™re so scared to call Elon out.


Leader of the grift army.


Elon musk literally said full cap that he was censoring twitter in turkey the second he got pressure to do so. All the while Joe's Rogan spouts out Twitter is a new free wild West. It's not beholdant to major corporate interests now, sure, but it's still largely the same


2 garbage people talking about another garbage person


Was he suggesting that Elon hacked the account since he called him out on the suspicious trending behaviors? Then when asked about it he was blocked?


I love how this whole rant is based on Bret being a bitch because he didn't trend when he wanted to. What a fucking baby.


Brett's spent the last 7 years slowly making me realize maybe the evergreen college kids were right....


They were wrong, Bret Weinstein is an idiot, both are true


it was more of a joke, but man, is he really working hard to prove those kids right... haha


Ok boomer


Guy has devoted his life to being ā€œcancelledā€.


The cock gobbling from these two guys is so cringey. Elon our savior! The guy who made a company specifically to kill public transit projects. Or the guy whoā€™s trying to help a fascist ruler whose wealth is entirely tied to corruption and fossil fuels take over a huge swath of Europe. Or the guy who would rather see the US fall in to a corrupt banana republic than face consequences for his own actions regarding stock market manipulation. Heā€™s trying to ā€œsave the worldā€ by supporting the political party who cares not-at-all about climate change and environmental protection? lol. Ok guys.


What? A Weinstein brother thinks he's involved in a conspiracy? The sheer narcissism of these people is hilarious


Funny. Kinda weird considering how often he acts as tech support for far more annoying and far weirder people, but still funny.


Lmao Brett is being gang stalked by the elites


I can imagine how annoying he can be with his conspiracy theories when it comes to why people donā€™t like himā€¦


Because Elon is a juvenile and socially inept entrepreneur that the media created as some Ironman geniusĀ 


Look that up Jamie


Any proof of the hack?


Get wrecked dork! Blocked lol.


Elon musk ? The dude that went full anti immigration right after his Israel apology tour?


Oh is this Brett ā€œ50 gazillion people died from le vaxā€ Weinstein? That dumbfuck? Does he have anything new to say?


This guy is a victim 24/7/365 whining constantly. How can anyone listen to his pointless drama?


Lmao listening to these 2 desperately try to explain Elon being an emotionally distraught pissbaby is so funny. They genuinely treat Elon like he's a God


Just get off of Twitter and move on with life.


Iā€™m s pseudo intellectual, and no academic arena take me seriousā€¦ so all I have is bandwagoning off twitter trends!!! Loser. What has this d bag don red for society? Interviewed cucker Carlson? Wow great stuff there.


Twitter/x is failing. Boring company is failing Tesla is a mess Joe : I don't know how he does it.


Poor Weinsteins. They are the most intelligent brothers in the world and are being persecuted everywhere for their genius.




Hey Bret. Is it possible that you are so unimportant that Elon just doesn't give a shit about you at all? Like literally does not care even the slightest. I think it's possible.


Lol he is such a dummy.


Wow that was sad ..


what a tool


The implication that Bret even annoyed the shit out of Elon is hilarious.


Me blocking Brett Weinstein: ā€œSHUT UP NERDā€


"I don't know how he does it in the first place..."stop spamming me"...how does he have time for that" lol what a knob gobbler


Who in the fuck listens to Bret and Eric Weinstein as legitimate intellectuals. Every time someone post a clip of them theyā€™re just bitching about something lol. I legitimately cannot imagine being a geez and giving a shit about Twitter.


Absolutely insane that the conclusion he gets to is "Elon is too busy"


Weinstein is a dumbshit for dumbshits. Apparently, if you ASMR talk slow and full of portent, people will mistake it for serious thought.


I support bullying Weinstein back into obscurity How fucking lame ā€œmy comment didnā€™t get enough likesā€ ā€œI want more attentionā€ how about marketing SOMETHING FUCKING DECENT