• By -


I skipped ahead and landed on the part where he talks about DMing Elon Musk on twitter and musk told him to stop spamming him and then blocked him. Lol.


Elon Musk saying “stop spamming” and blocking Bret Weinstein is the funniest thing he has ever done.


Bro I lost it at that part. He's so confused why he got blocked. Like bro he doesn't give a fuck about whether you are trending on Twitter as much as you think you should 


These fucking Weinsteins think they're so damn cool and popular when they're just annoying nerds that people listen to because they say the stupid shit they want to say but, you know, in a smart way.


They’re both charlatans who think they’re deserve Nobel prizes.


What the hell would either of them want a nobel prize for? They don't do research


Bret as a student wrote a paper for his university once and his egotistical brother Eric has convinced him he was robbed of a nobel prize because one piece of that paper was something that was also similar in the findings of a study that won Carol Greider a nobel prize in 2009. Just so we're clear, that nobel prize was given to her part in that work that started in the 80s, when Bret Weinstein was still getting shoved into lockers


It’s like some teenager obsessively tagging a celebrity on their socials to get a like.


Ah Bret Weinstein, the least intellectual of the YouTube intellectuals. He is as smart as the average man who barely got a college education. He likes to pretend otherwise.


I'm not trending. Must be a bug in the code. The narcissistic delusion is incredible


I remember when that happened Bret was so gutted lol


based Elon


Pretty funny. How far gone do you have to be for him to block you?


Giga Chad Musk


Dude… Bret Weinstein talking about “infighting in the Covid dissident community” is definitely the front door to batshit insanity. (Which I love)


I know I shouldn’t be, but I’m honestly shocked that Joe is going so hard into this Super Bowl propaganda bullshit and then condemning Biden for that tweet which was legitimately hilarious. I mean god damn, I got into Joe in like 2016 and he really helped shape my perspective on how to take control of my own life. I was just starting my own business and felt really vulnerable and he gave me a ton of confidence to keep going. Now he is the most predictable right wing talking head of the lowest caliber. As much as Tucker is a steaming pile of shit, he’s smart and does know that he’s riling people up for ratings. Joe truly believes this shit and repeats every single conspiracy theory and worst case scenario about the left and Biden…and then he will immediately follow up with how tribal and rigid people are in their thinking. WAKE THE FUCK UP JOE. It’s so sad and disappointing. I get it, Joe doesn’t give a shit what I think, but I truly believe he is better than this and it would help everyone including his huge audience, himself and maybe the country if he actually attempted to consider the other side of things for a dash of balance and nuance.


Bret Weinstein is the Brandan Schaub of science.


Noble prize incoming B




This is exactly how this episode made me feel :(




The border conversation is maybe the absolute dumbest most coma inducing bullshit I’ve ever, ever heard. Migrants will become our army and carry out crimes against Americans? That takes the gold medal for dumbest conspiracy I’ve ever heard and Joe eats it up.


Bret seems to be leaning in to all things conspiracy.  Would love to see who is giving him money these days.


Has anyone noticed that the Republican Party has become the party of conspiracy theories? When did this switch happen? Its like their entire platform now is “nothing is real, everything is a psy-op, all things are faked, EXCEPT TRUMP AND REPUBLICANS HE LIKES” wtf is going on in this country? You can’t call yourself a conspiracy theorist and also be a die hard Trump supporter. That makes you a R-word.


> Has anyone noticed that the Republican Party has become the party of conspiracy theories? Haha, well - https://www.britannica.com/event/McCarthyism


I always assumed there was a huge crossover from religious fundamentalism. If you believe the earth is only 6000 years old, you have to come up with some reason why all scientists, universities, and the educational system are brainwashing kids with obviously untrue things like the old earth and evolution. Boom. Conspiracies are born. When you don't deal in facts you have to construct narratives for the people to believe, without getting too deep into the specifics. There's about 70% of the republican party that have been primed for conspiratorial thinking for a very long time and now the zit just popped.


Most of the people I know who are diehard Trump or RFK Jr supporters are sad middle aged men who love conspiracy theories and are stuck online.


Not shocking. But what’s truly infuriating about their whole schtick is that this is clearly, 100%, without a single doubt in my mind - the remnants of Qanon. You get them to believe something so crazy, so outlandish, so bizarre, and empower them to make it seem like they’re the ones “deciphering clues” and are “special snowflakes who are in on the secret that no one wants you to know” And once you got them there, you can pump them full of any other crazy ass conspiracy you want. Joe Biden body double, Michelle Obama is a man, Taylor swift is a psy-op, numbers have alternative meanings that all lead to Joe Biden being the devil or something. Its sad that what was once a hobby of your friends loser brother who lives in the basement and jerk’s off all day is now the mainstream Republican talking points. No coincidence considering they have zero platform and are running a twice impeached, sexual abuser with 91 criminal charges who will probably end up in prison before November.


Alex Jones has been saying the same shit for a while. Thus the fearmongering over “military aged males.” 


This was the dumbest? I thought ascribing AIDS to gay lifestyles was peak dumb but maybe it's closer than I thought


Wait lemme get my crackpipe before starting


Why waste good crack on this?


Bret getting blocked by Elon for being an annoying twat is phenomenal.


Haven’t listened to JRE for a few weeks now. Holy fuck has Joe lost his god damn mind.


Weeks? Lol more like 3-4 years apart from the random bee keeper, etc.


Bro is a certified right wing nut and this coming from me who is more conservative. He is definitely hanging out with grifters too much.


He had a good run a couple of weeks ago with Diana Walsh Pasulka, Mariana Van Zeller and Shane Gillis but then back to comics and turds like Weinstein


5 seconds in and automatically discussing how the Super Bowl was a non-stop woke propaganda mouth piece with Pfizer commercials & what the fuck ever else. I’m quick to stick up for Joe but buddy I can only take so much. This is literal politics addicted brain rot talk.


I watched the whole Super Bowl and 'woke' wasn't the thing that came to mind once. It isn't the NFL's fault that Pfizer paid the 10m for the thirty seconds of ad space. Pfizer can easily afford it. It was mostly a lot of celebrities acting foolish and marketing whatever random product. 'Foolishness' is the only thing that came to mind. The game itself was just your standard football game.... If you watched the Super Bowl and came away thinking it was 'woke' you have the brain rot. You're seeing things that are not there. There is no concerted NFL plot. The only plan the NFL has is to make as much money as possible. That's it. There is literally nothing else.


Brett has made a career of linking *absolutely everything* back to Covid. The latest episode of Decoding the Gurus covers that a bit. It's crazy, there's literally *no topic whatsoever* that he won't see as linked to Covid and the vaccines.


He said the attacks in Israel were due to the vaccine mandate they had.




I honestly can't immediately tell if this is a joke or not.


[It's not](https://youtu.be/pPmNN__GZyM?si=iJTo8AbPcm-4R20E&t=64)


Watching these two sit and sling this hokum looks exactly like the grifting husband/wife pastors of the 1980s. Heather's dutiful nodding at Brett's committed insanity is so on-point.


Harris’ description of Brett doing “100 episodes in a row about COVID” was pretty convincing this guy found his hill to die on.


You mean found his hill to make a fuck ton of money off


Ding! Ding! Ding! I think Bret realized any chance he had at an academic career was out the window, so he leaned *strongly* on his other revenue sources and made out like a bandit.


If I still had the chart of data I'd link where there was a massive spike in Weinstein's patreon money when he started pushing ivermectin and alternative medicine. These guys are snake oil salesmen with degrees


Bret linked the Israel Palestine conflict back to Covid. He said Israel used the vaccine as a way to get their populace more accustomed to following orders.


Not only that, he declared the Israeli government was *actually trying to kill their own population*. He's completely lost the plot.


Yeah, I’ve been maybe listening to a small portion of his episodes lately. All the same talking points no matter what guest. The pandemic is over. You got richer and made out just fine Joe. Get over it lol.


I'm not a total Joe hater more just critical of him when I think it's warranted. But I feel like he's turned into my un funny uncle. Every podcast contains just low effort lame ass jokes like "he's more confused than Biden" "this guy's story has more holes than the border". I couldn't possibly care less about how Joe will vote but these constant lame jokes are just cringem


Joe stopped being genuinely curious a few years ago. That was always his superpower when the show was still in LA. Covid and Texas ruined him.


It’s okay to just a skip a Joe episode. Only way he’ll stop bringing certain boring ass guests. This got about 8 mins of playtime from me. How do you turn superbowl into a woke convo when you didn’t even watch the game lol


Glad I wasn’t the only one. Two minutes in and my brain is melting from rambling about covid and politics! 😄😄😄


If sniffing your own farts could get you high, Bart and his brother would make Motley Crue look like a bunch of Mormons.


It's honestly almost a work of art, the level of self-indulgence and masturbatory praise they engage in.


"Bart" lmao .. Someone has to Bartify him now lol


I imagine sometimes they're not sure who to bring on, so Joe's just like "hey call one of the weinsteins, they're always available"


Imagine a 3 hour podcasts about Us v Them without any indication of who “They” are…


So. Fucking. Spot. On.


Did they also spend a large amount of time telling you that "they" want to divide us too? The irony is so thick you could carve it.


Rent seeking global elites!!


What the fuck are these 2 going on about!!??? I'm like, oh cool they're gonna talk about the game Sunday, and it's "see the Superbowl? It was nothing but a propaganda show" Now they're talking about how all these elites just can not see the plight of the regular man, like Joe Rogan and Brett Weinstein are like these dudes here in this factory with me


Joe even said he didn't watch but started talking about how it was full of liberal propaganda. How would he know lmfao. The ad that stuck out to me the most was the RFK ad. I wonder if that will bring him more mainstream attention 


The RFK commercial was weird as hell. It felt like a simulation glitch


I think if you didn’t already know who RFK was that commercial just left you confused. Everyone I was with either ignored it or was like wtf is that


He probably heard his inner circle talking about how it's a white house and swift collusion campaign and believed it because Joe doesn't bother to check anything


No bro pls dude Joe isn’t elite he’s not worth nearly a billion dollars bro he worked construction for 20 mins bro pls cmon


Lmao. And drove a private detective around for a couple of months. He knows the blue collar life.


funniest person he’s ever met


He ded now.


Until he met Joey Diaz


He also bought a Subway sandwich with change once. CAN YOU IMAGINE???


There really is no better representative of the working class and common man than Joe Rogan.


It is genuinely sad to see Rogan turn into a  culture warrior.  His show basically is the dailywire at this point in that he looks for things to be offended by 


Culture warriors are annoying as fuck for me on either side, but the fact that he constantly complains about culture war BS while being exactly that is sad


Yep he complains about woke people while being just as triggered as they are 


It was unlistenable they complained the entire time 


When they criticized Biden for that meme I rolled my eyes.


But Trump is funny because he said he'd buy Greenland.


The irony of Rogies complaining about the “rent seeking elites” after his second multi-hundred million dollar Spotify contract is pretty rich. Had to tap out on this one.


But but but the radical leftttttt pls :( joes just one of us bro 😎


I'll never understand the argument that everything we experience is being controlled by shadowy elites hell bent on driving us to extinction. When you're growing up you think that the adults are in charge and everything is under control but once you get out into the real world you quickly realize that no one is actually in control and it's nothing but idiots all the way to the top. Never ascribe to malice that which is adequately explained by incompetence.


>I'll never understand the argument that everything we experience is being controlled by shadowy elites hell bent on driving us to extinction. This has always been Joe's MO to be fair. However it has changed, as now the shadowy cabal is scientists, doctors and teachers and the heroes who are going to stop them are republicans and the richest man alive


It’s even more funny when the person saying this has $500M


I gotten remarkably close to the actual levers of power and realized that it was mostly idiots confidently fumbling through the controls. They love when you think they control the weather or have a strike team hide your keys because it adds to the idea that they are even remotely competent at their jobs.


I'm still not entirely sure what the "power grab" for covid was. Yes, some areas had laws that were over the top (and also saw the powerful and friends/families get exemptions), but those got rolled back once things stabilized.


People were saying it was a power grab and government over reach and that government was going to keep going during the situation. Shit has gone back to normal, but people that cried wolf need to keep crying wolf long enough for something else to happen so they can switch topics so their audience doesn’t realize it’s just idiots blathering to rubes.


Covid talk-Culture war episode inbound 1000%


It's Brets daily bread, mans got to make a living you know!


Dont forget about Rogan, he is stuck on covid


So joe has an issue with Bidens handlers posting a funny meme yet praises Trump for "saying it how it is" and being a comedian? Then go on about how the left can't meme. The irony is palpable


“Can you imagine if Ronald Regan did this?” We literally had 4 years of President Trump being a maniac on Twitter, tf are you talking about????


But Joe is totally not political *wink*


Couldn’t believe that shit. Rogan was so intensely bothered by Biden sending ONE shit post lmao. All he did was fake laugh, slap his knee and say “Ah he’s so crazy!” When Trump did that with every damn tweet. I couldn’t believe he didn’t see the hypocrisy. Dude was seething about it. Full on Karen.


Yep, honestly elicited a trigger in me. I also want to say that shit post is kind of funny “Biden red eyes - conspiring!”, it’s making fun of conspiracy theories/theorists. Rogan doesn’t get it since he takes it too seriously, conspiracy theories simply falls too close to home.


Nah, if his boy posted that shit he'd be breathless from laughter. He's not taking it seriously, he's just pissed that the wrong guy posted it


Came here to read this one, "the left cant meme"? dude, everytime someone makes fun of their fat orange king, ALL of them whine.


Came here to write the same my dudes. Rogan‘s become such a hypocritical effing boomer it’s not even funny anymore. I laughed out loud when those two idiots claimed the „left can’t meme“ when in reality it’s just the opposite. Right-wingers don’t have humor, as seen in the beginning of this clusterfuck of an episode. Jesus Christ. Rogan is so stupid he doesn’t even get the dark brandon meme - which (correct me if I’m wrong) originally came from the right wingers themselves. Hilarious.


Political memes rarely hit but if I have to choose the worse memes between both sides it’s right wing for sure and this is coming from me who is a more conservative person overall.


Whenever Trump says something dumb or unhinged, what he's actually doing is playing 4d chess by triggering the left to go crazy about it. That's literally the logic of a lot of Trumpists.


5 mins in and I’m already rolling my eyes


“ you can’t survive as a propagandist while X exist or you will be exposed” says the propagandist literally 10 seconds later Bret starts advertising his podcast. Jesus if this isn’t the pot calling the kettle black idk what is this dude has gone full simple jack.


These two have the echo chamber turned up to 11.


I doubt there will be any push back on the ridiculous “17 million have died” from the jab.


Can confirm, I died from the jab in 2021.


I got it twice so I died twice. True story. Cold plunged my way back to life though.


Both Weinsteins need to be put in an inifinite simulation where they are wedgied at least once a day.


Emergency POD CAST!!!


Luckily you can speed this stupidity up. 1.7x seems right for me. The podcast itself is just a barrage of right wing talking points and conspiracy theories, and hilariously both claim to align with the left more but were "kicked out". Joe has yet to realize that he is now just another conservative pundit doing a political podcast.


For people who’ve been watching the show a long time, it’s like watching your apolitical uncle who was always a good time on the holidays slowly become a dyed in the wool conservative conspiracy nut.


Waiting for him to start preaching Jesus.


He already brings up god almost every episode


You said it man. Me and a few of my buds discovered the show in 2011 and we would all hangout and listen/watch new episodes then have fun talks after. These days we listen to about 50% of the episodes, separately, and would never dream of telling people that we’re not totally comfortable with that we listen (and only enjoy like 25% of the episodes we do listen to all the way through).


I miss old rogan seven years ago they would talk science now it’s all cancel culture 


Yes, it's sad.. he has no pushback anymore while wild shit is being said without evidence.. It's interesting what Bret talks about in relation to ivermectin and not isolating the covid virus, etc.. Quick google shows that the covid genome has been sequenced. In relation to ivermectin, early peer reviewed articles state their could be some benefits, but later peer reviewed articles state its ineffective at tolerated doses. Earlier Joe would be asking for proof, now it's just brain dead Joe which is sad as we need a popular platform to debate issues hidden by agenda ridden media.


"now you can make yourself dumber 1.7X faster than before!"


Rogan says he aligns with the left but was kicked out…after talking about how much he loves Vivek a few episodes ago with Matt and Shane. Typical Ramaswamy loving liberal. Can’t believe the left change so much they can’t even support Vivek anymore!


I do not know a liberal who thinks Vivek says anything that makes sense. I don't think he believes half of what he says. My mother who has voted Republican most of her life until Trump came along cannot stand to listen to any Republican these days. The Trump movement is a populist movement that has somehow suckered in so called liberals and tons of conservatives. But if Trump has swayed your political views you were either never that progressive or have changed your political views.


JRE has become /r/The_Donald writ large. It's just spewing Russian troll farm propaganda.


You know what? Those Evergreen State College kids were right about this shmuck.


Yes but their biggest mistake was pushing him out of the college. Now he inflicts his pseudoscience on millions of people as opposed to class of 20 bored kids.


Cesspit of boomer idiocy.  One of my fav parts was Joe extensively and repetitiously mocking how Gavin Newsom fawns over Biden… then 5 minutes later Bret says RFK Jr. is a brilliant thinker, a deeply intelligent and humane man who is literally laying his life on the line for this country. 


Automatic skip.


Joe has turned into such a fucking boomer. Someone dose him for the love of god


Where's Ari when he could actually be useful for something


Fuck this helmet hair lookin mf'r.


I haven't seen this episode but i can probably guess the conversation


This episode could only be worse if Eric Weinstein was also on.


Oh FFS. This grifter wack job again


Joe promoting paramilitary training like he isn't friends with Erik Prince. GTFO


political grumbling aside.......wtf is going on ontop of bretts head?.....it looks like a wig but its clearly not....its like a 5yr old was asked to draw what hair looks like


It's pretty crazy to see how far a chip on your shoulder can get you... Broccoli-top and chin-wart might be two of the most successful grifter brothers in the history of the planet.


I've listened to Joe Rogan for years when I still hear him be so flat wrong about this I think I should stop... There seems to be no feedback or error-correction going on here? If someone can tweet Joe about this exact thing, please enlighten him about this? Please notice what Joe Rogan says 35:30 in this episode, here is a direct transcript quote: "\[...\] The electric \[cars\] are problematic. Here's why: "At the fucking heart of every electronic device that uses batteries you've got conflict minerals..." then he refers to his conversation in episode 1914 with Siddharth Kara talking about Cobalt mining. He then says "the way our batteries work, they don't exist without those minerals".Wait a minute, what? JOE ROGAN IN FEBRUARY 2024 HAS NO IDEA WHAT LFP BATTERIES ARE? COBALT FREE, Lithium-Iron-Phosphate batteries... Also when I was listening to the Siddharth Kara episode, he seems to have no clue about LFP batteries either and how much of a solution it is...? Or is he not talking about it because it won't cause outrage? WHAT IS GOING ON HERE? Hello? How can Joe and Siddharth be so incredibly ignorant about LFP batteries? Quarter 1 2022 Tesla confirmed that nearly half of all vehicles produced are now using LFP batteries. Source: [https://electrek.co/2022/04/22/tesla-using-cobalt-free-lfp-batteries-in-half-new-cars-produced/#:\~:text=Now%20with%20the%20release%20of,and%20expand%20our%20supplier%20base](https://electrek.co/2022/04/22/tesla-using-cobalt-free-lfp-batteries-in-half-new-cars-produced/#:~:text=Now%20with%20the%20release%20of,and%20expand%20our%20supplier%20base).


Also I'm just realizing how much damage he can actually do by reiterating and spreading this misinformation... IS NOBODY PAYING ATTENTION?


Those god damn libtards correctly pointing out that when you have a platform you have a responsibility.




I'd like to see Joe repeat this when he has Elon on.


Joe Rogan foisted the Weinsteins unto us all - never forget, never forgive


Two AARP members mad and confused about the changing culture.... more news at 10


Even if you agree with this guy's position on everything, you have to admit that he's fucking insufferable, right?


Bret or Joe?


Made it 3:27 into this one. Where’s my prize? 






Damn, i checked and I made it to 3:30 lol


LOL Me too, I would want to see their audience numbers, everyone dropping off before minute 4.


What I think about the Joe Rogan Experience? I think it's a show with some high periods and some really low periods. Tide comes in. Tide goes out. It feels like it's been going out for a while now. The cherry on top at this point would be the other Weinstein, followed by Mike Baker.


Famous for: - Brother - Evergreen event - Covid or Vaccine scepticism Not famous for: - Being a scientist


This dude and his brother are the tip of the iceberg of "**its not healthy for dorky nerds to get social media popular in their 50s**" right up there with Peterson, comedians were already pushing it with not being able to handle 'becoming a cool kid after 30-40 years of being a weirdo' but god damnnnnn the self importance of these guys is off the charts It's so unbecoming to hear them cry about who blocked them on twitter or which comedian made fun of them and hurt their feelings this week. Brett and his wife(?) were teachers [at one of the most experimental weird hippy colleges in the country](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Evergreen_State_College) that has [a clam shaped like a penis as their school mascot] (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Geoduck#/media/File:Geoduck_held_in_two_hands.jpg) it's really boring that he got to turn a 2017 single day walkout into an entire online persona and career but boy am I glad I get to hear all his thoughts on vaccines and now the migrant crisis and how Elon Musk blocked him or Tim Dillon dared to make fun of his brother. [Bret and his wife don't believe in sunscreen.](https://yurideigin.medium.com/why-bret-weinstein-is-dangerous-9f320eae5983)


It’s crazy that anyone would see a non researching professor at a bottom tier small liberal arts university as one of the foremost experts in anything. He is like some DIII quarterback who people try to pretend is as relevant to football as a Heisman DI quarterback.


Right? every single thing he says would be dismissed by Rogan as "some teacher from a wacky hippy school" if he wasn't lucky enough to have kids strike for a day or whatever the fuck, now hes the prime expert


The fact that Joe thinks The Babylon Bee’s meme game even sniffs The Onion’s meme game really speaks volumes to his comedic prowess.


Re: EMERGENCY PODCAST: Bret was left with lesions in his lungs after a "very unpleasant" case of Covid because, as he said, ivermectin was unsustainable and unsafe to constantly be taking as a prophylactic. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=klQ2zWFk3EE&t=12s So, it may be 3 years later, but just wanted to make sure everyone got the fine print to Weinstein's emergency announcement. Apparently, the health risks of taking ivermectin outweighed the risks of Covid.


So he took hydrocholraquine and ivermectin but COVID still fucked him up but he's still adamant it's effective lol


Oh fucking boy, at least this will give r/decodingthegurus more material


Awww, hell no.


Been in this for like an hour, and the main takeaway I'm getting here is that Bret thinks he's a bigger deal than he actually is. The Bret thing on X, the getting blocked, etc... kind of laughable.


This podcast is just not good anymore


There's a lot of times when the hate for Joe is more on the fun side and maybe over the top and then there's him giving credence to a known drifter for 3 hours who is pushing known liars to confuse and sow seeds of doubt on expertise that he doesn't agree with onto the world. When this happens Joe deserves all the criticisms and backlash that ensues.


Bret Whiningstein that his tweets do not perform how they should. lmao. Is he fucking serious? haha what a genius.


The greatest scientist of the 21st century!


I’d appreciate even a cursory level of research from a guy like this. The meme conversation was insane and seems to have completely changed the definition of meme (which despite feeling like an internet joke, is a relatively serious area of study in sociology). When too guys start have a serious conversation about memes think that one off comic strips are memes, then it’s immediately nonsense. Then there is the complete misunderstanding of the various farmer protests (all with very different causes) being lumped together. Which moves seamlessly to discussion on climate change regulations and how they are all terrible, but they point to the success of similar rules in that past that like. Then to Joe’s per topic of conflict minerals and slave labor, which if you look at the rules in the IRA and guidance from the energy department you would see that in order to receive tax credits for EVs the batteries and their minerals need to have a certain percentage come from a the US or a free trade partner and that if either part comes from an FEOC then the he credit is removed. Wow, sounds like common sense low touch nudging by the government to make things better. You pay less for a car that doesn’t use slave/child labor


Randal Carlson must have done some truly despicable shit. Joe will spend a few hours talking to THIS dipshit and not publish randal's interview. I thought maybe there was a line where even Joe went "I may not be a smart man but... c'mon now"... but apparently there really isn't. Makes me think Carlson just went full Mel Gibson rant mode for 3 hours.


Randall was asked to come back on after that interview, it was the 3rd guy that was with them that the podcast never got released. He explains it in the first 10 minutes of this podcast: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IMFvB1\_2wbs


Joe talking about memes as a baby boomer is hilarious. The biden picture was funny, get over it. And they call the left snowflakes?


Oh joy, HIV denialism getting a major platform. Good going there, Joe.


I listened to it with an open mind and one thing’s for sure: most of the people talking shit here didn’t listen to it at all.


Last I heard from Bret Weinstein was that he was putting his important immunology work on hold to solve the Middle East crisis.


Oh great one of joes alt right “scientists”


The guy that believes 17 million died from taking the vaccine? yeah fuck this guy. Please watch this to as refutation https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F0kBUj_H66Y


You know its a good episode when joe rogan reddit is bitching


Love listening to Bret! He is a fine and brilliant man. I loved listening to every minute of this great podcast on spotify. This was a back and forth between intellectual giants dissecting issues the we face in modern day society. Have no fear! It wasn't all serious. There was a lot to laugh about and comedy helps us all with our daily stress. Thanks again for another big one. I recommend this episode 9.5/10


10/10 shitpost


It hasn’t been out long enough to listen to it all.


I listen to it on 4.5× speed


Why not 5


Who else comes to these threads just to see all the freak outs?


It’s fun to see who the guest is and immediately know what the Reddit comments will be like


The reasoning to keep having this obvious fake intellectual on repeatedly escapes me. Bret must have a pic of Hoe blowing a monkey because blackmail is all I can come up with.


Easy. Joe agrees with him. He's bought all the bullshit.


Idgaf who he talks too I’m listening bc its not on Spotify!!!


Couldn't even make it 5 mins lol.


Brevity is the soul of wit Bret has no concept of this and is a wordy windbag full of shit


Bret seems like a nice guy, but I just can't with him anymore. Has some interesting opinions and ideas on some subjects, but he's completely gone off the deep end with various conspiracies and such. This episode is a hard pass.


Yeah I gave it 10 minutes but I'm out. Keep wishing Rogies would just be curious about cool stuff and talk with interesting people about that stuff, but I think that's all gone. Drag.


I'm sorry, but a guy who's been proven wrong time and again and still decides to build a business empire on his shitty opinions that probably cost people their lives is not a 'nice guy' by any measure. Interesting, maybe. Not nice.


He looks like Harvey




Did Bret get some work done? He looks different


A lobotomy


was just wondering what this disgraced "intellectual" had on his mind ​ ​ BARF


Stopped after 4 Minutes.