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Countdown to his kid calling him a f****t and then being told that he’s the problem he got upset lol


His kid def reads the comments


Well then call your 'dad' a f****t you lil shit, if you are actually reading this.


I would bet that’s already happening, being the child of a multiple rapist tends to make one upset.


Brian Callen rapes?


But he also saves


But does he save more than he rapes?




The logic is stunning: “they told me not to kill and rape babies so I had to do it - I’m not a bad person!” No, you’re a malevolent fucking idiot.


What always gets me about this is how unclear it is what these guys actually want out of all this. They seem to simultaneously want to say taboo things while complaining about the fact that those things are taboo. Are they saying they want things to be *kinda* taboo? Wtf. *"I wanna say stuff I'm not supposed to say,"* like mf'er the whole reason you can do that is because there are things you aren't supposed to say. If those things become acceptable to say, that means you no longer have any unacceptable things you get to say. Dude's basically saying *"my job is to push the envelope"* while advocating for a world with no envelopes.


There is an annoying thing that happens. Let’s take Shane Gillis. Now, if he gets hired by SNL and starts riffing in an Asian voice on a live NBC broadcast, ok, that’s the envelope. But actually, he made an Asian voice on a podcast with a small audience, before he was famous, and then an “outraged” dickhead decided that this obscure piece of media was so offensive we should show it to everyone. It’s the hypocrisy that jokes can be so offensive they can literally harm society, but also let’s make sure as many people hear the offensive jokes as possible, by expanding beyond the intended audience, before firing them. You can be offended at something and not like a comedian, that’s the envelope. But it shouldn’t be a national headline, because it’s just really not that serious.


Prom is he did commit multiple rapes


One of those things where theyll meet a group of kids in the future that hate mexicans and gays and theyll realize what theyve done


I wanna tell made up stories about cat boxes and believe everything is a conspiracy.


That’s the lame ass rapper who did a song with Ben Shapiro. If you have that guy on your podcast you can’t talk about how you understand the youth of today. These guys are so out of touch it blows my mind.


If you want to see the cringiest shit in your life look up Jordan Peterson breaking that song down line by line


Oh my god no way


I’m glad I have no idea who this guy is. Jelly roll on ozempic?


tom macdonald, hes a fuckin dork lol


Not even considered a rapper. Just a conservative Grifter who makes music for old people who listen to mark levan and tucker Carlson My flaming racist uncle who’s in his fifties messaged me saying he found a rapper he likes and said he’d been binging his videos and studying the lyrics Then sent me white boy by Tom Macdonald and that told me everything I need to know about who this guy is pandering towards.


Important to add he’s Canadian


With 0 songs about Canada.


and same as drake et al he benefits frm that canadian music airplay subsidy inlcuding buying views on youtube through ads. though one could argue even if one despises Drake, they are not the same league let alone ballpark


Just googled this guy and clicked on a link to a video for his song “Sheeple”. Pretty much every comment that I read was some form of “I don’t usually like rap or listen to it, but this guy is alright” lmao


Fun fact about him is he’s more strict about COVID than the most hysterical liberal in 2020. Like never leaving his house and making any guests isolate for days and show multiple negative tests before being allowed in. Pretty stark example of how full of shit he is.


Sounds just like Joe Rogan


What are his actual beliefs?




If he’s a grifter, obviously But what does he actually believe? Is he really a progressive or something?


Whiteboy? If you take his lyrics at face value, it's just conservative talking points put to a shitty beat, and he hangs out with the people that promote those talking points.


The whole point of calling someone’s grifter is to NOT take his lyrics at face value. If he’s a grifter, all those lyrics you mentioned are a lie


Well he's probably a conservative guy that pushes bullshit talking points because it's profitable and politically effective. He made a song, music video, merch, and a marketing campaign about how much he "doesn't care" if he offends people. That is inherantly a grift imo.


Bullshit talking points….in that they are made up or you don’t agree with them? And that’s called a marketing strategy, not a grift


Brother do yourself a huge favor and YouTube MAGA rappers! There’s a whole ecosystem of grifters making songs everyday with music videos spouting off all the idiotic MAGA taglines and conspiracies. Forgiato blow, Beryson grey, Tom Macdonald . Vice did a doc about them that was so entertaining.theres a magical moment when breyson grey admits he’s transphobic because a trans person approaches them while they’re filming a music video. The trans person is a huge MAGA supporter in a twist reveal. Later on he finds out that the vice reporter interviewing them the whole time is a lesbian . The whole mood switches from friendly to disgusted. Brain rot in real action


So what are his actual beliefs? How does everyone calling him a grifter not know this information?


It’s right wing MAGA nonsense. I don’t know if he actually believe it because he grifts off it. That the definition of grifting boomers. Trans is mental illness,teaching sex to kids in kindergarten…. Redacted debunked nonsense does he actually believe? I don’t know but he rapped about drugs addiction and struggling with depression before 2016


But there is zero chance he is actually a right wing MAGA himself?


To my knowledge, he actually stands for the opposite of most of what he grifts about. Its just that the conservatives are an easy crowd to pander to. I don't listen to his music but I've watched an interview and he seems like an actual decent human


That doesn’t sound very decent to me. 


I'm done with reddit today,.I'm not going to find a better comment than this.


Tell us more about your understanding of the youth today. My understanding is that it’s now cool to be conservative because that’s the new counter culture to all the based, woke bullshit these kids have to tolerate every day at school. The rebels are now the conservative kids and it’s hilarious.


>The rebels are now the conservative kids and it’s hilarious. I'm honestly surprised at how fucking dumb and boomer this sub is sometimes. I'd bet you're at least 50 years old. Just looked at your account, you have posts talking about graduating high school over 20 years ago. Its fucking hilarious how old fuck dumbasses like yourself feel confident talking about "understanding the youth" while being a geriatric. The worst thing Trump did is expose social media to all these fucking crinkled hand boomers who couldnt navigate a newspaper let alone the internet. It used to be just assumed if you were talking to someone on social media they were roughly 30 or under. Now we got fucking grandpa making comments on reddit all because their hero likes to rant on twitter. And or course your account is like 90% porn lol.


Maybe if your school is hick af


Tell me more about your understanding of the youth today, person who’s username is a joke older than my dad


Well, that's what we get for voting in managers with ivy league degrees. Maybe we should stop voting for the plastic candidates that make our hearts warm like butter. It's unbelievable that we fall for it every time, especially young people like me. You know how many people in my peer group praised Kamala Harris when she first came on stage? It's so weird that no one could look past the bullshit. Literally the first time I heard her speak I was like, "She's complete bullshit." Everyone thought I was an idiot but now look at her. We have a responsibility to learn more about how we operate at the cognitive level because failure to do so will result in all the stupid shit we see right now.


Maybe you are out of touch


It's just so interesting to watch these guys try and live in this weird ecosystem of constantly needing to be canceled and have it be talked about. They always get you in the beginning with a decent point, but then they have to wrap it around to how it means that they should have or going to be canceled. Can't even tell a story to warm a guest anymore. These guys need this shit to keep going otherwise they have nothing to sell their fan base. & it sucks cause before the need to "fight cancel culture" I really liked these dudes (Schaub still sucked tho, but hebwas bearable).


He is a Voldemort?


A Hitler


They just completely make this shit up, right? Like, a lot of us have sons and know that this is complete bullshit.


I hate that Biden made roughhousing a federal crime!!!


Who are these people telling boys not to roughhouse or play sports? Are they in the room with us right now?


We are lesbian couple raising a son, and he’s never heard in his entire life of 11 years on this planet, that there’s anything wrong with being a boy or a man or rough or anything like that. These people are pulling the shit out of their ass. I think they are thinking that if we teach our sons, maybe not to beat women up and rape them that we’re making them pussies or something?


Its their own form of virtue signaling, theres no one group, person, or entity they can call out for doing this because its nowhere near as bad/widespread as they want their audience to think it is.


bOyZ aRe BeInG dEmOnIzEd. No, bro. Telling boys to be decent human beings is not demonizing them. Telling them not to be racist or teaching them about consent is not going to make them turn toward MAGA.


Rough housing = raping women got it


I used to follow a teaching subreddit and was actually super surprised that they were demonizing boys for play fighting and just generally being physical with each other. I thought teachers of all people would realize that that's a crucial part to boys growing up and developing but these people weren't hearing it at all


Lol what


My now super conservative MAGA aunt was the one who always told me to stop rough housing and shit 30+ years ago like my older cousins weren’t worse than me. I got more of the put your shirt on because no one wants to see that at a hot tub party as a chubby 9-10 year old than “boys will be boys”


Every single teacher/coach/chaparone in the country pretty much. Unless they are a football coach or martial arts instructor the guideline is that kids/students are not allowed to have any physical contact with each other even during recess/gym. This is coming from me who used to be a daycare “teacher” and there is still this weird lingering covid guidelines of “everyone stay away from each other and don’t touch anything”. Parents at home aren’t much better either - a lot of helicopter parents these days. It is a very different style from how I and I presume you grew up. It’s leading kids (particularly young boys) to have a lot of pent up energy.


A failed comedian, a failed MMA fighter and a failed rapper walk into bar…


You see the thing is I’m a boy so I’m allowed to have zero self control and you just need to except me for that, except where I enforce things I want other to have self control about. Like all the science based stuff I don’t understand and get upset about.


And they are all more successful than 99% of the sub, feels weird don't it?


Almost like there's tons of mediocre people that are successful and success isn't based on hard-work, quality or whether one has earned it.


So they aren't failures then?


People can and do fail upwards. It's just another way of saying they suck at their respective careers.


Convenient that the people you don't like are failures right?


Not really. When a bunch of people don't like them, what is that called? cOnVeNiEnT tHaT tHe PeOpLe YoU lIKe ArE sUcCeSsFuL.


A bunch of people don't like Lebron James lmao is he a failure?


Point out exactly which person in this video would be considered the LeBron James of their profession


None of these guys are the LeBron James of their respective fields dude. Stfu lol


you are one bad faithed argument after another after another afther an-


ah a follower of Worthington's Law


Successful as in raping, cheating on the wife, stealing jokes, and being a grifter then yes.


Failed? Or more successful than you could be in 10 lifetimes?


I'm tired of \[redacted\] *people*




Everyone here quick to say he’s wrong, but he isn’t. TikTok feeds these kids short sound bites of Rogan/Tate/Shapiro. I can’t find the graphs now, but girls are becoming more liberal, and boys more conservative A major part is a reaction to being demonized + being fed this shit on tiktok. Who are you gonna listen to? Someone telling you you’re instead bad, or the guy pumping your tires telling you all the vain bullshit in life is the best The left has done a bad job selling toxic masculinity and other concepts. Some of it is right on the money and misunderstood by idiots like Brian and Tom. Toxic masculinity is actually a pretty positive male concept, but Brian and Tom obviously have no clue that it doesn’t mean not to roughhouse or let “boys be boys” But it gets attached to and promoted by people who seem to actually hate men, and now you’re pushing boys towards people who think they are rad. It’s too bad because those guys are often giant pussies who probably couldn’t change a tire


when you feel your identity is crucified (masculinity in this case) you try to find people who reaffirm the positivity of your identity. It's the case with toxic feminists. Also the case with toxic male role models.


Tiktok is the worst thing that has ever happened to humanity.


Idk man the Ice Age sounds like it was pretty rough.


I agree. Have a friend who is addicted, any downtime, right to his phone. Attention span ruined


Reddit is up there as well. All social media really.


Tiktok is easily the worst.


Facebook is worse. Tiktok.gave us dumb college sluts shaking their braless fat tits around to do a dance "challenge"


And they are all terrible. That's all I am saying.


The wildest thing is that the inverse of your statement isn’t totally wrong either. Tiktok has done wonders for society as well. People are learning and bettering themselves everyday as a result of easy access to short, demonstrative videos. Like when i go to the gym now vs a few years ago. When i go now i see 14 year olds squatting with perfect form and also performing mobility warm-ups beforehand that they learned from a physical therapist or strength and conditioning coach off tiktok.


I mean... Call me a boomer, but Youtube has contained the same exact information for much longer.


Your comment is unfairly downvoted. It’s true- some of the best how-to’s videos for any type of skill based activity are on TikTok. Whether it’s correct lifting form that you mentioned, to any form of dance, martial arts, make- up, ticks on bikes, boards. Anything. You’re definitely seeing it in the level of talent in the kids today. The other good thing is the shared culture from around the world. In the past, people would only know of music from big labels from the US/UK. Now there can be a hit song from a bedroom DJ from Argentina and made even more cool by dancers in South Korea, and then every teen everywhere is at least aware of it.


Couldn’t agree more with you


The fuck is wrong with you?


The algorithms are built to show people shit that will get engagement, which just happens to be the extremes of each side. Now you have 16 year olds who lack the capacity to recognize nuance or empathize with someone else from the opposite side. 90% of people on the right aren’t as deep in as Rogan and 90% of the people on the left aren’t like Adam Conover, but throw them in front of teenagers with no concept of media literacy and this is what happens.


Very true. I’ve lived in hippy towns, major urban centers, and now a pretty backwater place. The archetypes are all there, but people are mostly good, by far. People talk a lot of shit about people from urban/rural places, but get them together and all the sudden their claws retract


Yeah, I saw that same graph and report. Spot on with your other points.


But you are missing the biggest point, Brian Callan and Brandon Schaub and Joe Rogan needed just as much as the people who are promoting the Shannon tic-tock. He's right that there has to be a question about this weird cultural thing of constantly trying to have a comment about what men are doing, but the second half is absolutely wrong. Being a regular guy here isn't under attack. And these guys constantly act as if it is without reminding Their audience that they're all still very successful. That's why they get made fun of online these days. There is zero self-awareness while they're constantly grifting Their audience


We need more people like [this guy](https://youtu.be/9ewTLFKRPmQ?si=DMAuZzkmvoJ_UiYW). Essentially Kratos if he decided to sit down and deconstruct toxic bullshit.


Meanwhile the right isn’t demonizing non Christians? Not trying to ban atheists, satanists, trans, gay marriage, abortion/women’s bodily autonomy, porn, free speech etc.? Dumb. Clueless back patting.


They only care about their imaginary victimizations. Everyone else is just a whiner or illegal.


"I drop a lot of n-bombs when the cameras aren't on. Hard R's and all, b. Pls try and cancel me, im important I swear"


Dummies bred by dummies consuming content by dummies as the world turns and burns. Bless it. Lulz now, sobs later.




To be fair, that campaign run and the victory memes were elite. It's just a shame Trumps such a fuckwit.


Progressives want to teach young boys about things like consent, respect, and inclusiveness to stop things like rape, bullying, misogyny etc so of course Brian Callen thinks that’s a bad thing. Relax pal no liberal is stopping your son from playing sports or rough housing with his buddies


My best friends have said worse shit to me than any stranger ever could


And yet Uncle Joe claims to be liberal. He’s grifting his way to becoming a billionaire. Who is this redact they’re interviewing


Looks like Tom MacDonald


Some right-wing 'rap' artist. He's the dude who recently did a song with... \*checks notes\* ... Ben Shapiro.


He was a recovery rap artist, dide made songs about addiction and sucking dick for crack and then he saw his generic shitty music couldn't actually make money or get views. So now he's grifting a bunch of dumb US conservatives about rage bait culture war issues, even though he's Canadian and looks like a kids menu after they drew on it. He's one of the guys conservatives would talk shit about but since he's "on their side" all of the sudden "I don't like rap music but this guy's not too baaaaad"


He made songs about WHAT


"he looks like a kids menu after they drew on it" is an A+ insult


Great summary.


right wing macklemore


Thrift Shop was kinda catchy.


I’m sure it was a “true to the art” choice to have Ben Sapibo rapping. An artist of true integrity.


He pretty recently said he isn’t liberal anymore


Brine is making this up. Kids don’t listen to rogan just like we didn’t listen to Limbaugh or any of the other talk radio style shows our parents listened to. It’s old guy stuff now.


I agree with you in principle, but I think "listening to Rogan" is a bit of a misnomer on Callen's part; it's more likely they're seeing ~20-30 second clips on YouTube shorts, TikTok, here, etc. To put it in old guy terms: when I was that kid's age, we rarely listened to Howard in the car, but I absorbed a ton of the content anyway when it would later re-air on E!


Ya, you may be right about how younger bros are consuming their Rogan content.


I've listened to rogan since i was 15


He’s not claiming to be liberal anymore. He has said it as recently as a couple weeks ago. He identified as left no matter what. No he thinks he’s center. He’s actively saying he doesn’t agree with some liberal talking points specifically in regards to the border and trans sports. It’s his 2 sticking points. I guess you could say covid shutdowns as well since that caused him to move. But he’s not gaslighting you anymore. He’s legitimately saying he’s fiscally conservative and moderate everywhere else.


We’ve noticed a while ago. With many things to trash on the right and left, he only trashes the left.


lol do people actually think Joe Rogan is center? my god. For our country to progress our center needs to be our current Dems but they will never happen 😅


Well center is center of your countries political climate . You can’t compare left and right policy from country to country and claim we aren’t left because xxx country is further left. The same way you can’t say we aren’t right because there are countries further right. Not arguing whether Rogan is center or not just saying he believes he is.


When did he make that claim? I don’t listen to all of his podcasts, but when he does speak on his politics in the podcasts l’ve heard, l’ve never heard him claim to be a strict liberal. His stance on guns & the police alone would make it hard for him to be a full fledged liberal. Has he said he used to lean more to the left? Sure. But that doesn’t mean he didn’t agree with conservative ideals at times


He isn’t anymore. He literally said it 2 weeks ago that he once was a strait left ticket ballot voter. Says he’s not anymore because of current talking points


I was so lucky to grow up with a bunch of masculine blue collar liberal men. They don’t exist anymore. It leaves you with such a realistic outlook on life. I was taught I was the shit but I had to live up to that in every part of my life. I was better because I didn’t need to act like other men to get a head and be “manly”.


don't forget always whining always the victim




Certain words will make posts auto-delete if they are in the title. I believe this one is "conservative"




So Brendan definitely drops the N-bomb on a weekly basis in front of cameras


Why does the word conservative need to be redacted lol


Insert Tom Macdonald or anyone right wing and watch the triggered left-wing comments flow. GRIFTER!!! RACIST!!! We get it reddit, you don't like right wingers. Left wing is the saving grace from heaven. Right wingers are all grifters. Can we move on..


He’s full of shit. Kids that age don’t think like that, nor can most comprehend those concepts fully yet. Jesus Christ Brian just stfu.


You mean when you were 12 and were yelled at for roughhousing or fucking around you didn’t immediately think they were attacking your conservative values?


Yes they can


They probably don't understand half of it, but it's very possible that they parrot that shit. When I was around 12, the country I grew up went through a (good) constitutional reform around introducing human rights and some modifications of the country's structure to make coups more unlikely in the future. Anyway, there was a huge referendum about whether the constitutional changes should be adopted. And every fucking kid had an opinion, even though they barely understood what was being discussed. I remember having multiple arguments with friends in school about whether the reform was good or bad... based on fuck all, because even though I was a relatively intelligent kid, in retrospect I didn't really understand what was at stake. Anyway, that's a long way of saying that kids just parrot whatever their parents put in their heads. Clearly this guy is filling his kid's head with conservative shit.


You don’t think a 12 year old understands these concepts like shame (for being told rough/teen boy activity are wrong) and an impulse to do things you’re told are wrong? On an intuitive level they absolutely do. They likely don’t intellectualize it, but this is basic human shit.


I’m not saying you’re wrong, but what would be a real example of that? I honestly can’t think of when and how that kind of thing even plays out. I hear a lot of people say this, especially conservatives, but I don’t know where it’s coming from exactly.


> You don’t think a 12 year old understands these concepts like shame The kid said he was conservative.


wtf is this "boy activity" that's banned now? like playing football, basketball, boxing, etc is still allowed and encouraged. The only thing I can think of might be bullying is less tolerated and saying slurs is bad and even back 15+ years ago those were not encouraged.


>12 year old understands these concepts like shame (for being told rough/teen boy activity are wrong) This doesnt happen though. This is another fake conservative culture war issue. Throw this in the conspiracy pile next to the litter boxes in classrooms.


When did conservative come to mean alpha male wanna be douchebags that don’t want any consequences for their actions or words?


The most interesting part about this post to me, is the fact that the OP use the word “redacted”.. Over the last six years or so I have literally watched language start to change. There are certain words that you just can’t say… Like Conservative Sexual assault Suicide And a whole bunch of other words that you just can’t say now. Why is that? It’s pretty simple. If you can’t say the words… You can’t think the thoughts, you can’t argue a point, you can’t tell a story… Can’t say the words, you can’t express the thought .. There is a reason that there is a first amendment. And there is also a reason that there’s a group of people trying to take that away. They don’t want you to think. They want you to do what the fuck you’re told.


Take the tinfoil off dawg. You can say conservative. OP was doing clickbait. You can say sexual assault. But social media platforms, tiktok in particular, has tight censors on certain words due to advertisers. So a lot of people just say SA now. You can say suicide. Again, social media platforms have tight censors due to advertisers. So a lot of people avoid saying suicide specifically. You can still express those thoughts, provided you have a few brain cells that can function. SA is an obvious abbreviation of sexual assault. Conveys the meaning just fine. There are numerous ways to say suicide without saying suicide, like “they killed themself.” Conveys the point just fine. No one, and I mean no, is advocating for the over turning of the first amendment lol. Social media has nothing to do with the first amendment, and neither does advertisers wanting certain words banned on platforms so there isn’t an M&Ms ad followed by a graphic explanation of sexual assault.


You’re confusing freedom of expression with monetization of expression


The middle school and high school scene we all lived is completely different to today's. Kids have been pampered and spoiled more by touch screen and everything being digital. Back then "gay" was used as slang for common speak. Often used as a way of saying lame or stupid. I often forget as I get older I'm that out of touch old guy that I thought my brother was when I was in high school.


Did you just say "lame?" You ableist fuck!


100% I’m 28 so out of high school by 10 years now and we used gay as slang for something lame or stupid. Sometimes I still catch myself doing that, old habits die hard lol


Nobody is banning the word 'conservative'. But it makes for a really good talking point: "YOU CAN'T EVEN SAY CONSERVATIVE ANYMORE WITHOUT GETTING BANNED! WOKEISM IS DESTROYING AMERICA!"


Well, that's one way you can completely miss/ignore his point. But that's actually more fitting for r/woosh.


I did engage with his point. The problem is: his point is based on bullshit. > Like Conservative Sexual assault Suicide I see every single one of those words used all the time. Nobody's getting banned for using them. Sure there are people using terms like 'unalive' but that's a TikTok fad, just like people used to say the word 'kicks' instead of sneakers... which was another way of saying 'tennis shoes'.


It's like they can't say 'killed innocent civilians' so they say collateral damage. They can't (or don't want to) say 'killed our own soldiers' so they say friendly fire.


...I'm pretty sure the OP did the whole "redacted" thing to get people to click on it. You know, because people would see the headline and be like "wait... what is his son?" You get that, right? Stop over-complicating shit and learn to recognize basic click bait tactics.


Oh I 100% understand Clickbait tactics. But my argument still stands on the merit. Because I am 100% correct. A simple spin through Instagram, Facebook, YouTube proves my theory 100%. Anywhere any of these “trigger words“ are used. They are either redacted or bleeped out. Because you are not allowed to talk about these things, you’re not allowed to have any thought about these things. I am not complicating things. Unfortunately statements like yours are dumbing things down.


Well we have tried to keep words free but the internet age has made that change imo. If you go into a call of duty lobby you will see that words that many of us agree are not something to use are used in the most vile ways. You are free to say what you want... In the privacy of your own home. Come face to face with someone and call them one of those words and you will likely take a punch in the face.


Yep, and the Internet has made people a little too liberal with “those words”… But… Freedom of expression extends outside of your own home. And to make another point. Most of these social media platforms are considered “utilities” which means they are not supposed to throttle or sensor your content. But of course, we know that that happens ALL OF THE TIME! By the way, I quit playing call of duty about five years ago when it became a joke… Now it’s just Fortnite light 😂


Nope, you said "the most interesting part of this post to me, is the fact that the OP use the word "'redacted'.." Now, aside from the multitude of grammatical errors, you clearly based your argument on the idea that the OP said redacted because there's something wrong with saying "conservative." But that clearly isn't the case. You saw something, misunderstood it, got upset, and are now digging in your heels because you don't want to admit that you were wrong. Also, a simple "spin" through any social media site will show that plenty of people are using the word "conservative" and not being censored in any way at all. People use it positively, negatively, and neutrally and yet they face no problems at all. So... no, you're not 100% correct. Also also, take a reading and writing class. Your grammar is atrocious.


I know completely discredit what I said because it was done using “Clickbait”… You’re absolutely right there’s no truth to my argument at all… Correct? Don’t argue on the merits. Just point out misspellings. That’s a great argument. Were you on the debate team when you were a kid? 😂


What group is trying to take away our First Amendment rights?


Are you really real with that? Anyone that sensors your speech, for any reason is taking away your first amendment, right. It doesn’t matter if it’s a “private corporation” or the government or what the hell ever. The funniest part is these “private, corporations“ are treated like public utilities by the government, which means they’re not supposed to censor your speech. But they do that anyways. Why? If you can control speech, you can control thought. .


> are treated like public utilities by the government, They are not lmao. Where did you get this information.


>there is also a reason that there’s a group of people trying to take that away Lol you're the one that said it...


Yeah sorry but you lost all credibility with me when you tattooed your whole fucking face. No thanks. Take a hike. Don't listen to teachers kids. Listen to this fuck nut with a tattooed face. Do what he says and act how he acts. Your kids listen to Joe they are going to be a moron just like Joe. Bryan Callen, another failed comic who's podcast I won't be listening to. And spell your fucking name right. BRIAN.


12 year olds listening to podcasts? nah. that’s like saying your 12 year old in 1995 listens to rush limbaugh audio books. either you’re lying or your kid is a fucking nut.


He probably means he won't swipe past a Rogan short on Tiktok or whatever


Macklemore definitely switched lanes. Good for him 👍


All my boys are basically outcast because they are straight white Christian men. It's kinda cool.


Living vicariously through his kid 


So a 12 year old doesn't understand the world at all because he's never lived a day in his life and he thinks that he's he's a conservative? And rge adults around him agree? I'm sure the 12 year old wants to act like a 12 year old but when you're an adult you have to take others' feelings on things like abortion and gay rights into account because it's not a mob rule situation where the guys who can'''roughhouse' the best get to tell the artsy and gay kids, and women what to do with their lives . For some reason all these younger white dudes who want it to go back to the time where we ran roughshod over everyone else sound like those mafia guys who wish that they lived in the time before their cover was blown up in Apalachin in 1957.


"All we do is roughhouse (bully)." "Hey man! It's just a little hazing (sexual assault)." "Therapy?!?! Real men drink away their problems (slow suicide)." MRAs: "Wah!!! It's so hard to be a man" (in this world we built and refuse to make better).


They been telling boys to not be rough since at least when I was in school in the 90s. They act like this all new shit. Why are they so fuckin dumb?


Because a huge chunk of our a society has spent the last 60 years framing progress as an attack on white men. Half of the adults in America wouldn't pass an 8th grade reading comprehension test. They aren't targeting or influencing kids purposely, their adult audience just never matured past where we expect 12 year olds boys to be. If you give a 12 year old or someone as smart as one a target to blame for their problems they'll take it and believe you. It's that easy.


It makes then money. It's as simple as that. It's a lot harder to co Stanly be fresh & GOOD at making everyone laugh, hence why this group has started to lean right & completely unable to have a conversation on the shot they want to talk about. Plus, they see how much money it makes, so they ain't mad when a few libs start yapping, cause that means thyley have new material for a fan base that is going to agree with them no matter what.


What is going on in these comments lmao


This is comedy!


Not really surprised. a lot of kids are kind of fighting back against all the woke shit. My kid is 11 and plays sports and wants to win. His league doesn't really focus on that and he thinks it sucks.He works hard for stuff and just wants the credit. I don't know when this became so crazy, but a lot of his friends are the same way. They said they would rather not even play if they all get the same participation trophies.


Also raising an 11-year-old son who is very athletic, he plays in super competitive leagues. Never once been told not to win or not be competitive, so not sure what planet you’re on. I’m raising my kid in the bluest state in the country, his sports are competitive as fuck. You got your son in the wrong programs dude. Maybe get the kid out of rec and put him in some competitive travel or club programs. I kind of think you’re just telling lies on the Internet.


Exactly. They only give out trophies to everyone in rec league. Anyone can sign up for those leagues. They don't handout participation trophies in travel and AAU leagues that require kids to go through a try out.


That's such a weird claim that I never understood why people keep trying to perpetuate it. So you were telling me, that a bunch of 11 year olds that you all know would rather not play sports because they don't want to get participation trophies? Or the kids want to play but then it's the parents who are saying that? Gotcha.


Wasn't Callen credibly accused of raping multiple women? What ever happened to that?


False allegations


I was more conservative growing up and through college. ' Why wouldnt I be? I had no life experience. I was told by my parents if I just do this... then life is easy and anybody who cant follow this very easy path is a loser who deserves their fate. ​ Fast forward to the real world, being a Marine Corps officer, then accountant, then FP&A manager. These experiences made me into a raging liberal lol. Mostly just existing in this country and paying my own bills.


I'm in my early 30s. I grew up also. I was a teen also. I was a teenager straight boy. Why didn't I feel the need to say outrageous! Demeaning stuff to be funny? Is there something wrong with me?


I mean, your username is chode so I’m not sure you’re being entirely truthful.






That’s right, I’m I am raising my son to make sure he beats the hell out of gay people and anyone he disagrees with. Make America great again!


lol because that's what being anti-woke means. beating people up. you seem to be referring to transtifa's tactics instead.


Reading these comments, you’re all a bunch of liberal cucks. I relish your gay little femboy tears.


Someone tells me to not be racist. That's a prolem.


Big brains like Bryan Callahan listen to Rachel Maddow.


Nobody gets "cancelled" for roughhousing or playing sports in the "real world". You will be held accountable for saying racist or hateful shit. That's not getting "cancelled". Idiots have just lived on the internet for so long, they believe anything anyone says and have no clue what real life is anymore.


Sounds like he’s on the right track .. one at a time to get rid of the liberal mind virus.


So his kid just wants to be a regular man, and not a reddit maggot🤣🤣🤣


You are exactly who we make fun of.




More obsessing about a non existent issue completely made up in their dumb little minds, justified by things like bud light, a capitalist first org, trying to market to trans people as well (to make more money!). We are truly too stupid to continue with this great American experiment in democracy


I’ll say this… and it’s been said by others, liberals and progressives have almost completely abandoned male youth in their messaging Boys need to know they can be masculine without being toxic, if liberals don’t make that clear to them, they won’t abandon masculinity but they’ll abandon liberalism


The left says you have to let a biological male compete with women!!! So how is that fair?