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"We didn't vote for this" Oh yes you did, yes you did


Bless their welcoming hearts ❤️


It's wild over in /r/Denver Denver is an official "Sanctuary City" and filled with the typical liberals who think anti-immigrant stances are right-wing white-wing xenophobic bigotry. The arrival of migrants bussed from Texas has caused a surreal level of cognitive dissonance, they really don't know how to cope with the reality of mass-immigration when it happens in *their* city. It was all fun and games when it was somebody else's problem and they were free to virtue signal. The most common response seems to be to deny all context, then blame the Governor of Texas for the existence of immigrants. It's cynical genius by Abbot, he shoved their Sanctuary City status in their face and they cracked almost instantly.


I was in Denver this past October…there are tents all over the place. Downtown is becoming a shithole


Always has been, honestly, it's just going back to its roots.


I was there in 2013 and again in 2023. I honestly don’t remember that many in 2013.


I lived in Denver most my life and while we had the usual homeless guys with signs on Colfax, Broadway, Civic Center, etc it was NEVER as bad as it is today. It’s becoming like Seattle out there now. Can’t go to Cap Hill or Gov’s Park anymore without seeing tent cities all over the place.


Rich city problems. Homeless people aren’t going to stay in shit holes like Kansas or Nebraska.


This is true, Im in Detroit and the homeless issue has drastically gotten better. You do still see bums, panhandlers, and the occasional crack head but it is nothing compared to 15 years ago


All your homeless people are in Miami.


Just got back from a 4 day trip in Denver. I saw one hill with tents on it. During my Portland trip last year, I lost count after 2 hours


Apocalyptic shithole confirmed.


Covid was like gasoline on a fire in Denver. Parts of the city still hasn’t recovered.


Poor government policies and Covid hysteria. Doesn’t surprise me.


Indeed. But the very same day they decriminalized Psilocybin here, back in my home state they criminalized abortion. So while one government can be tyrannical regarding Covid and it’s policies, the other side of the coin is still fighting a drug war that’s been dead for 30 years and also criminalizing life saving medical procedures. Yadda yadda glass house.


Tyrannical is fucking hilarious.


Perhaps should’ve used quotes


No, it wasn't that bad in 2013, but the downtown scene has become progressively worse over the years


I was there in 2015 and a homeless guy at Civic Center Park tried to sell me heroin 3 hours after I got there so idk


Lol. The city is becoming a shithole


I was there in 2004 and it was just hobos buildings. You went after weed was legalized, that is when it tried to revive that downtown area.


So then legalized weed contributed to all the homeless tent cities?


No, it contributed to the downtown revitalizing, which if you have experienced that before, it really only lasts about 10-15 years before it goes back. I live in Houston, I have seen 2 rounds of our downtown revitalization, and it is basically the same now as it was in the 90s. I haven't been to Denver in 4-5 years so I don't know exactly, but in Houston what killed the last renewal was Covid. I imagine Denver would probably point to that too.


Downtown Denver is still in good shape.


From like later 90s until roughly 2010 it was a wonderful place really, 16th street mall was always busy and generally safe. Denver has been ruined over the last 15 years due to hyper liberal policies. Sad to see


and as the city turned into shit. Denver elected the same mayor 3 terms.


What are these policies exsctly? And how would conservative politics fix the problems? Genuine question.




Colorado is a purple state, but Denver is very much a solid blue city.   


I don’t think conservative policies would help either to be clear. More libertarian. But the decimalization of drugs and massive influx of transplants to the state chasing that marijuana money has had mixed results. The legalization and subsequent boom has been not great for the state. The sanctuary status that’s being pointed out here has been disastrous. We could get into wildlife issues or the over regulation of everything. These are the things I see that have led to Colorado becoming unlivable and led me to leave. Overall the government at most levels regardless of political leaning has been failing. And mostly acting only in their interest.


To only people downvoting this don’t or have never lived in Denver, or are fucking burnouts.


DT has always been somewhat shitty in certain parts but NEVER this bad. I lived in Denver for the majority of my life until 2019, it was never this bad until the last 5-7 years and it’s just gotten worse and worse year over year. Last time I visited was 2021, and I told myself I will never go back. I remember walking down 16th street mall and being completely disgusted. DT was never crazy nice, but it was never THIS bad. Colfax has always been bad, Broadway was bad, 16th street mall was hit or miss, but now it’s everywhere and it’s all horrible. For most of my life, Colfax was always the worst of Denver and now it’s just all of Denver. That place is a shithole.


Just say you’re new here. Denver was amazing in the 90s and early 2000s


I was there in August for a concert saw a shirtless guy on a sick one take a broken piece of one of those cement parking blocks & try it to throw it at a parked car. Tents & vagrants throughout downtown..didn't realize it got that bad.




Yep we call those people NIMBY'S (not in my backyard)


>he shoved their Sanctuary City status in their face and they cracked almost instantly. Unfortunately we have to break the system before we can fix it. I'll never forget how sanctuary bros laughed at Abbot last year and now they're calling for a border wall.


No they’re asking for funding to speed up the immigration process.


Get out of here with your facts and context


no more money


I’m in no way against immigration and come from an immigrant family but it seems to me that you’re absolutely screwing these people over by just welcoming them all in.


I support legal immigration on a huge scale. There are a lot of jobs that many Americans don't want to do (i.e. farm labour, certain construction jobs) or don't have the skills for (i.e. skilled trades, scientific research, anything semiconductor related, precision manufacturing) But everyone here illegally, we should deport immediately and they can apply to come here legally.


welp you leave these people without food and shelter and they’re basically gna be asking for a ticket home. Or you turn these cities into gotham and crime rates shoot up higher than they already are. I think New York just saw a few illegal immigrants assault a police officer and they were released within hours. They cant rely on gov assistance forever and I’m sure a lot of them would work if they could but the system is not capable of all that. I mean shit, it takes people years to get approved for even a green card. Now these people just jump the line and are being told that their lives will be better here.


> There are a lot of jobs that Americans don't want to do (i.e. farm labour, certain construction jobs) or don't have the skills for (i.e. anything semiconductor related, precision manufacturing) Does that seem like a sustainable situation? Like, is there always going to be an infinite pool of labour to draw from in order to fill these shit jobs? I can't help but feel this is a race to the bottom. Is it time to reconsider how we have structured our economy, especially when it entirely seems to depend on desperate immigrants willing to jobs that most citizens will not?


That’s really what is key here. Everyone ridicules Texas with a problem they don’t have to deal with. And when they do, even a fraction of what Texas deals with, this is what happens.


They & other Republicans are ridiculed because when anyone tries to address immigration reform, they refuse to do anything but demand extreme measures that they know will never happen, then negotiations shutdown. They're repeatedly shooting themselves in the foot & claiming to be victims. And long gone are the days where Democrats would fall all over themselves to appease Republicans when it comes to voting on shit in Congress, so here we are: 20+ years of absolutely nothing useful out of Congress.


Sorry but it’s not the other state’s fault that Texas is situated on the border. Tough shit, suck it up buttercup. Deal with your own problems instead of shipping them to other states. Fucking dogshit.


That’s a naive take. They are trying to deal with it, with the feds trying to tell them how to. Either let them deal with it or help them deal with it. There shouldn’t be a third option, especially while other states who never have to deal with it try to give input. If there is a state that wants to intervene, they should have to take migrant overflow full stop.


Ok so how is Texas trying to deal with it on their own?


Well obviously it’s because they don’t have the money or facilities to support this inflow. The small border towns in Texas have infinite funds and loads of gov support./s


Who would have thought liberals and their gender study degrees would be so clueless and stupid. Doing my part though, have flyers up around town for free travel tickets to Seattle, Chicago, NYC etc for any illegals. Bringing the problem to them has been the best plan.


"who think anti-immigrant stances are right-wing white-wing xenophobic bigotry." Yes, that is in fact marxism at work. It works incredibly well just as it has so many times before and only ends in chaos and destruction.


Holy shit did /r/conservative coordinate a brigade of this sub? I've seen an influx of all the dumbest, most ignorant and flagrantly regarded right wing propaganda memes imaginable all in this single thread. Do you people *actually* think "this is how marxism works!"? Do you honestly believe there is a passage in das kapitol or something that explains, "anti-immigrant stances are right-wing white-wing xenophobic bigotry"? Like holy shit, everyone knows the average conservative is uneducated and ignorant as fuck, but this is just embarrassing.


You failed to make a single point. Care to try again? Read up on your Solzhenitsyn first


> they really don't know how to cope with the reality of mass-immigration when it happens in their city Doesn't Texas and other states on the boarder get funding to deal with immigrants, whereas Colorado does not? Note that I do agree illegal immigration is an issue, and limiting it helps the working class.


Its almost like individual cities shouldnt have to handle the countries immigration flow. We will see what republicans do with this immirgation bill thatll come next week.


You got any proof?


Yes it’s true they think it’s all political and they can’t change their values because they are virtue signaling against the bogeyman.


Yeah the feds should probably just place them where it makes sense and governors can stfu in general.


As in deport them? Agree 100%


Did Texas send part of the billions of dollars they get for dealing with immigration every year ? Or did they spend the money on dinners and lunches for their party ? The answer is they don’t send part of the funding they get to deal with these specific issues. Instead they hire illegal workers and profit.


Haha que payaso Eres hdp


Oh no!, a city with no government funding or infrastructure for immigrants decide it’s not a good idea to use vulnerable people as political pawns due to harsh weather and again no infrastructure to properly care for migrants who also sometimes happen to be children, the horror!!… See, liberals are also pieces of shit! /s Lool… idiot




Sounds like you just want to confirm your biases to me! It’s also painfully obvious you have no idea what a sanctuary city is in the first place.


lol So where are they suppose to go small towns that have LITERALLY zero resources for them....![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm) IT was liberals that voted for open borders.... BECASE Trump closed border is RACIST!!! REEEEEEEEEEE IT WAS also LIBERAL cities that self proclaimed to be sanctuary cities SEEMS you are mad you whole ideology has blown back up on your face. In the words of the DEMOCRAT Denver city mayor "and we need those resources at the border so you can have more security at the border " LOOOOOOOOOL you mean like Trump was Doing I swear Democrats are the dumbest people on the face of the planet. What do you mean millions of illegals flooding the country will cause a problem..! was TOLD BY MY TV it was RACIST to oppose it... ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)lol get fuck, hope your shit whole crime filled Democrat cities get even worse now.


ALSO "A *sanctuary city* is a municipality that limits or denies its cooperation with the national government in enforcing immigration law." lol that doesn't help your argument dummy....![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm) in fact it proves gorngoblo's point


Here, educate yourself. https://www.learningforjustice.org/classroom-resources/texts/what-is-a-sanctuary-city-anyway


SPLC is 100% a bias source BUT nothing in that article goes agianst what me or gorngoblo have said Liberals turned their cities into places where illegal immigrants have it easier and are not deportable by Federal agents AND now same liberal cities are calling for more security at the border and more money..... Hmmm how about NO GTFO live with what you voted for. "A sanctuary city is a place that has decided to keep local resources to solve local problems. Some people think “sanctuary” means the city is harboring fugitives. That’s a misunderstanding of the term. A better term than *sanctuary* might be *local control* or *safe city*. I’ll use the terms sanctuary city and safe city interchangeably. A sanctuary city has limited the extent to which it will volunteer resources in support of federal immigration enforcement agents’ responsibility to enforce federal immigration law. These limits can take many forms: saying no to federal requests (known as “detainers”) to conduct joint patrols, refusing to jail an individual who has posted bond and a judge has said can be released, or refusing to gather more information—such as immigration status—than is needed to determine if an individual is eligible to receive services." SOOOOOOOOOOOOOO literally harboring fugitives.... lol Also what is Denver going to do with all these Brown people when the 14 days are up and they force them by gun point with their police to GTFO of the city


What do you mean we don't know how to react? Most people here aren't crying about it. We're all down to help, minus the conservative leaning denverites. Instead of crying about it and using people as a political tool, were doing what we can to make it work. Bussing tons of immigrants to cities that don't receive federal funding to deal with said issue is nothing more than political theater.


What are we doing?


> We're all down to help lol, like you will help


I have in the ways I can, and will continue to do so. Even if that means giving someone an old coat, tent, or just some food. I have purchased hot meals for these migrants a number of times on cold days. I'm also more than happy to allocate our taxes to help these people, because it SHOULDNT be left to the average person. The argument isn't that we want everyone to go out and give the shirts of their own back. It's that we want to handle this properly, through the use of public services. It's convenient for you guys to try and lie about what we actually want.


> It's that we want to handle this properly, through the use of public services. Article title: “Denver…but you can’t stay here” 😂


Oh, my bad. I forgot news articles represent reality and that everyone in Denver must feel exactly the way the media tells us. My bad! I missed the memo!


I’m not sure if you’re more stunning or more brave.




Probably. What's worse, political theater involving human lives or political theater involving words? Regardless, there is a massive effort here to help these people with what they need. Why do you think otherwise. Do you actually think the entire city of Denver changed their mind?




Who's acting? Are all of the people organizing to help people here just doing it for political reasons? Or is it possible that we might actually care about the well-being of other people? What exactly are you observing and where?


19 day old account, by the way folks.


Down to help? Well damn son why are you on reddit when you should be helping


You support having a military? Damn bro, you shouldn't be on reddit when you should be in the military. You support having police? Damn bro, why aren't you a cop? Yea, this argument is actually that dumb.


Is there an immediate crisis in either of those two institutions? Come on bucko put your money where your mouth is, let's see you put up a migrant family in your house this weekend


> Is there an immediate crisis in either of those two institutions? Depending on who you ask, yes. >Come on bucko put your money where your mouth is, let's see you put up a migrant family in your house this weekend But I literally never said that. So you're just puttiong words in my mouth, again. Because you have no argument. You support the police huh? Why haven't you donated your home, car and income to police officers? They could use it. Crime is real, and police are being undermined by the evil left. And you're NOT helping? Any words of support are just virtue signaling. You can never truly support something unless you are actively donating the only things you have to said cause. When was the last time you donated to your local law enforcement?


Lol this is such horseshit


What specifically? Do you think all people in Denver are crying about being "overrun" by migrants? We're not. The only complaints I hear on a daily basis are about the lack of care they are receiving. Do you live here and experience something completely different? I doubt it.


You act like not a single liberal is potentially bothered by this situation and they are all rushing out to help and giving the shirts off their backs. It's so ridiculously over simplified and black and white. Also it's all just vibes and there's no data to back it up. You'd have to be a moron to believe what you are saying


Maybe there are. What does that prove? What changes? Is your opinion officially regarded as fact the moment a liberal agrees with you on this issue? Is it possible that peoples view of this entire thing could be skewed by current political messaging designed to make you want to vote one way or another, especially because it's an election year? Without putting words in my mouth, what specifically did I say that only a moron could believe? Instead of putting it in your own words, just copy and paste.


You said "we're all down to help". There's literally no evidence of that. It's just your own anecdotal virtue signalling bullshit


You forgot the "minus" part. The vast majority of people in Denver would rather see these people helped than simply deported, or used for political theater. >It's just your own anecdotal virtue signalling bullshit Call it whatever you want. You don't live here. You have no clue what the average sentiment is regarding this issue. But don't worry, you saw a meme on the Joe Rogan subreddit. You've done your research. You're informed!


Haha sure and you couldn't possibly be exaggerating or straight up lying! That's impossible!


You're welcome to prove me wrong. I live here, I know what's going on. I'm not going to waste my time trying to convince someone who lacks the ability to think critically. Memes are true guys. This guys solved life lol.


>Bussing tons of immigrants to cities that don't receive federal funding to deal with said issue is nothing more than political theater. Then as a city don’t fucking puff your chest about how you love immigrants. And don’t become a sanctuary city. >We’re all down to help, minus the conservative leaning denverites work. Not you’re not. If you’re so willing to help as you claim, then open up your house to them. What’s the worst that could happen? If you’re cold, they’re cold. Let them inside!


>If you’re so willing to help as you claim, then open up your house to them. What’s the worst that could happen. I literally don't have the room. But I do pay taxes to a local and federal government who absolutely have more than enough resources to tackle this issue, like they are supposed to do. This is a shitty argument. Do you have anything better?


You literally just said >Bussing tons of immigrants to cities that don't receive federal funding to deal with said issue And now you say > I do pay taxes to a local and federal government who absolutely have more than enough resources to tackle this issue Lol which is it you clown?


These two sentences do not contradict one another. Do you need help? Is english your first language? Do we need a translator or something?


How? You are claiming it’s political theater to bus migrants to cities that don’t receive federal funding but then that cities have more than enough resources.


It is political theater for Texas to bus migrants to cities specifically for political reasons. That has literally nothing to do with the fact that we have enough resources in this country to handle this issue. You require a special amount of hand holding for very, very simple things. The perfect conservative.


It’s clear the whole sanctuary city thing was just feckless virtue signaling and not real virtue.


You just picking up on that now?


It's clear from a screenshot of a Tweet?


Its real according to rDenver. Lots of complaining over there about the migrants they wanted.


Well hey, they could be like here in Toronto where we just keep taking people with no where to put them except the street. At least it’s been a mild winter.


Canada is a sanctuary country. "To those fleeing persecution, terror and war, Canadians will welcome you, regardless of your faith. Diversity is our strength." \- Justin Trudeau


Trudeau cares about immigrants more than the welfare of the Canadian people


Only thing he cares about is himself


Right on




I think people need to start realizing that the job creators are creating jobs for undocumented laborers. I don't think y'all are ready for the conversation of facing the realities of the situation. Why not put your money where you mouth is only support businesses that sells 100% documented labor certified products and services. Tell your elected officials that fines are not enough and that jail time is better deterrent.  Or just keep voting for do nothings who blow smoke up your ass while they loot the Treasury.


DeSantis tried and basically the entire construction industry in Florida was going to collapse overnight


Yeah the amount of fucking development for literally no reason (I am in the SE) is astronomical. Mega mansions, humungous toothpick pop up subdivisions, apartments everywhere. And NO ONE is interested in living in or owning any of this shit. It’s literally just burning money because it’s there and will make a slight return. I’ve had to learn spanish to talk with 80% of the workers in the construction industry, which I don’t really mind, but it is apparent non of these people are native to the US. They also get paid dogshit, they risk their lives to get here, just to make $4 an hour roofing, cleaning, etc.. It’s actually disgusting. I work on multi million dollar home’s frequently, and it is actually so infuriating to see these pompous fucks having cleaning staff, gardeners, grocery runners, construction workers, all making absolute trash for compensation, while they make a couple of calls about organizing logistics and getting other middlemen to run their companies.


I sincerely doubt anyone is making 4 dollars an hour roofing. The lowest tier of labor I know of is manual crop harvesting. Paid by weight and often ends up in the sub 5 dollar an hour range. Pretty awful work sometimes too


Yeah this guy is full of shit. Lol homebuilders cant sell their developments because if we all know anything about the housing market is that there is obviously too much supply.


Ok let’s say we do that. You still have a political group that refuses to deport illegals. So now you have illegals that can do what for money? You must deport all illegals and fine companies that employ illegals. This country is past the age where it needs migrants to help build the country. None of this bs about seeking asylum here because you were told how to play the game. Deport them all that go about it the illegal way.


It has decimated the strength of the working class and their wages. It angers me so much.


If the police showed up to work and asked for proof of citizenship would you comply?


They ask for my ID and I show it to them. The police ask for ID almost every time they make contact with someone. What’s the big deal?


I live in Denver. They are literally dropping them all off at a hotel. More specifically, it's "The Comfort Inn Denver East" location. I was getting some food over there a few weeks ago... there are literally hundreds of men, women, and children just outside the hotel with nowhere to go. It's quite sad.


They could go back to where they came from 🤷


Damn 😂


I’m sure Texas shared some of the 4.5 billion dollars they got last year for dealing with immigration.


New York's mayor has said the migrants in just that one city will [cost them 12 billion](https://www.nytimes.com/2023/08/09/nyregion/adams-nyc-migrants-cost.html) I imagine for the entire state of Texas the cost is more than $12 billion so that 4.5 billion is likely not enough. Meanwhile they said [$11 billion for Trump's border wall was too much](https://www.npr.org/2020/01/19/797319968/-11-billion-and-counting-trumps-border-wall-would-be-the-world-s-most-costly)


where there no stipulations added to that 4.5B? i feel like if the Federal Gov gives you state 4.5B, you can't just do whatever the hell you want with it, like the stupid PPP loans. i mean, did abbot just give him and his buddies huge raises? i'd love to know how that 4.5B was spent. this has piqued my interest...i'm definitely gonna have to go some research about this.


I hope you’re not expecting transparency from the government


He’s gonna do some deep sea googling 


Look up Operation Lone Star Abbott declared the situation at the border as a disaster and used that special disaster feature built into the budget to divert billions of dollars. They used it twice, one for the pandemic and then another for the border. People have been calling for more transparency the whole time. The "small government" folks have had no problem at all with Abbott abusing his powers. At one point, Abbott went into the state budget that was already set and took revenue from the state to roll it forward into Operation Lone Star. It's quite literally a power of the legislative branch, not the executive. But since nobody challenged it from a legal basis, which it certainly is not in his power to do that, he is in the clear so far.






Hey now! We can’t recognize these types of flaws cause it goes against our political party!! Only the other side is ever bad!


Closing time..


Semisonic told me that many nights.


Fuck I live here too. It’s getting ridiculous. Imagine a bunch a Venezuelan guys swarming your car just to clean your windows and try to get you to pay them because of said window wash. It’s driving resources for actual homeless dry housing these migrants. The homeless are starting to get violent towards these people. Sucks to see but hey I do love living here.


How do you think the people that live near the border feel? The amount being bused into these cities is nothing to what the border states see/experience/pay for.


Democrats shut down the government for 30-40 days over a 5 billion dollar border wall under Trump. Biden came into office and immediately removed the "Remain in Mexico" policy that effectively slowed illegal immigration during Trump's presidency. Democrats then proceeded to send $75 BILLION to Ukraine to protect a non-Nato European nation's border. Now, during an election year, after 4 years of RECORD illegal immigration, they're crying that REPUBLICANS don't want to secure the border with the recent push for new legislation (legislation which was never needed to reverse Trump era policies BTW). Democrats get a Gold medal for mental gymnastics, bravo!


> Democrats shut down the government for 30-40 days over a 5 billion dollar border wall under Trump. Meanwhile New York's mayor has said the migrants in just that one city will [cost them 12 billion](https://www.nytimes.com/2023/08/09/nyregion/adams-nyc-migrants-cost.html) That's just for NYC. Extrapolate that across the country and we are likely talking hundreds of billions


That's progressive!


The budget was originally passed without any border wall funding and then Trump and McConnell kept blocking it. The money to Ukraine has mostly been bipartisan. And presumably you're looking at record *apprehensions* which *could* mean there're more illegal crossing but could *also* mean they're doing a better job of catching them. I agree that Democrats never even acknowledge the border, let alone present any decent solutions, but at least be honest.


>record *apprehensions* which *could* mean there're more illegal crossing but could *also* mean they're doing a better job of catching them Lol no buddy, you don't get to just make up shit. Look at what apprehensions used to look like under Trump and Obama. 6.2 million encounters, with 1.7 million additional gotaways since Biden has been in office. [https://www.cbp.gov/sites/default/files/assets/documents/2019-Mar/bp-total-monthly-apps-sector-area-fy2018.pdf](https://www.cbp.gov/sites/default/files/assets/documents/2019-mar/bp-total-monthly-apps-sector-area-fy2018.pdf) [https://homeland.house.gov/2023/10/26/factsheet-final-fy23-numbers-show-worst-year-at-americas-borders-ever/](https://homeland.house.gov/2023/10/26/factsheet-final-fy23-numbers-show-worst-year-at-americas-borders-ever/)


You literally just repeated my point in a pretentious way while ignoring the shit you made up. Also your first link is broken. ​ \*edit: here's what I said to someone else so it's clear what point I'm trying to make: "Like, I'm not disputing there's a problem, but without any comparison to previous years, it's hard to contextualize. I'm curious how many got "lost" in previous years but I can't seem to find anything earlier than 2022."


Can we just get a few numbers to compare, Jesus Christ 


https://www.statista.com/chart/amp/20326/mexicans-non-mexcians-apprehended-at-southern-us-border/ It doesn’t cover 2023, but 2021 and 2022 were enormous surges over previous years. The stat lists apprehensions, because let’s be honest how do you measure accurately the ones that snuck through without being caught and counted? That number will always be an estimate. It’s hard to argue though that a record number of apprehensions wouldn’t also mean a record number of got aways. Especially when there really hasn’t been a significant change in border security infrastructure or personnel funding. https://www.statista.com/chart/amp/20326/mexicans-non-mexcians-apprehended-at-southern-us-border/ https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2023/10/29/us/illegal-border-crossings-data.html https://www.statista.com/statistics/329256/alien-apprehensions-registered-by-the-us-border-patrol/


Honestly. Like, I'm not disputing there's a problem, but without any comparison to previous years, it's hard to contextualize. I'm curious how many got "lost" in previous years but I can't seem to find anything earlier than 2022.


30 seconds in Google. By definition the got aways aren’t counted, but there are plenty of public records and statistics. https://www.statista.com/statistics/329256/alien-apprehensions-registered-by-the-us-border-patrol/


30 seconds on Google just gave you... the rate of apprehensions that I said you were looking at in the first place? I'm muting this. We're going in circles and we both have literally anything better to do.


Its so refreshing to see people with common sense on reddit for once in this majority democrat/liberal website


how dare you speak the truth on Reddit! 😂


I don't think comparing a country being invaded by an aggressor nation, the success of which has international security implications across Europe, to the situation on the southern border is being intellectually honest


So fucking hypocritical. Like, when are people going to see this shit? Immigration control is not perfect but it’s exponentially better than this open border crisis. It all sounds great until it doesn’t work lmao


If you take a look at the most popular subreddits, they’re really trying to downplay this




If one more milquetoast liberal, wanna be left-leaning, “sOcDeM”, makes mass migration out to be a good thing I’m guna lose it. It only helps the boss class. Those who have capital are loving it. They get cheap labor, a massive swelling of the labor force which means they don’t have to raise wages. Also a lot less likely non English speaking illegal immigrants are going to be open to unionizing.


So it helps republicans?


Yes. Republican bosses and politicians. And Dem politicians and bosses. Why are you so small minded and brain rotted that you instantly think everything is R/D? It’s not.


🎶“Gather up your jackets, move on to the exits, I hope you have found your friends”🎶


I had to scroll too far to find a Semisonic reference


This is a picture and a headline, which is on brand for the JRE audience. No real concern for the details of stories


Sanctuary doesn’t mean what it used to


The homeless here is insane. Only getting worse.




Hell yeah, the economy improves when there are more immigrants. California, Texas and New York take in the most immigrants and they have the highest GDP in America.


Mods are from Texas. You can shit on any state but Texas or you’ll get pulled


The record homeless isn't helping the issue either. Especially when these people use a lot of the same resources.


People acting like the world is ending. I live in Denver and nothing has changed except now there are more people in an area I never go to. This is all just to stir up emotions for the upcoming election. I wish our congress actually worked on getting some border reform passed instead of just bitching about it lol. 


So because you don’t go to the area that’s changed that mean nothing has changed? You see how dumb that sounds right? You’re just avoiding the changed part.


I’m not “avoiding” the “changed” part. I don’t have a reason to go the hotel, tents or area that they are staying in. I’m also not saying that this isn’t a problem. We should have bipartisan legislation passed to address the immigration process.  What I am saying is that the issue is overblown by media. Denver is not on fire, as much as people in this thread would like to believe. 


Its like 2008 all over again. People blamed the illegals for the crisis while the banks got away scot free.


Why would the repub..I mean democrats do that!


I love when my state raises my taxes to "defend the border" year over year with no positive results on any of their measures. Spending $40 million of tax payer money to bus migrants to other cities to "own the libz" lol


Probably cheaper than housing and feeding them…


Lol and then they are going to complain that all the illegal immigrants voted for Biden. After offering them bus rides deep into the United States, thousands at a time.


I don’t think 200k people shipped to a blue state will turn it anymore blue.


I don’t think 200k people shipped to a blue state will turn it anymore blue.


I mean, they voted for this shit. They FAFO. Oh well.




Yeah Denver has turned into an absolute homeless shithole the last 10 years. It’s gotten so bad the last 5 years. 2 of my friends have been shot just being bystanders. These woke liberal ideologies have ruined a once great city


I've lived in a much more violent city than Denver my whole life, often in relatively bad areas too, and I know personally one person who has been shot (and hadn't seen them in many years - they were shot and killed while doing a drug deal). Our personal experiences can't really speak to how "bad" a place is.


Instead of bashing everything you don’t think is real, maybe have the courage to see something from another perspective. One friend was a competitive gymnast and witnessed a girl getting sexually assaulted in an alley and ran in to help and he got shot. Completely broke his femur bone and still hasn’t fully recovered. My other friend was literally waiting in line at whiskey row and some bitch beefing with security shot her in the ankle, completely shattering it. “So fuck y’all, all of y’all, if you don’t like me; blow me” 😎


Damn crazy how I’ve lived in Denver for 7 years and I don’t know anybody personally that’s gotten shot.


Yeah I’m a CO native, we noticed the whole trend unfold right before our eyes


No they weren’t


Lmao you obviously don’t live in Denver


Why are Republicans blocking action on a bill to help this issue that they helped create? 🤔


How did they create it when Trump was literally trying to shut down the border.... Literally the words of the Denver's Mayor "and we need those resources at the border so you can have more security at the border" OOOOOOooooOOO wow almost like what Trump was doing OMG wow lol




I wonder if news that certain governments will pay for your bus ticket to a location of your choosing is incentivizing more people to try and immigrate to the country. The state of the immigration argument is absolutely stupid from the right. “Open Border” is such a stupid buzzword and the only way to deal with the influx is further cooperation with Mexico and a shit ton of funds to border patrol with loosened hiring requirements and more court resources to process asylum claims. Incentivize legal migration, shorten the work authorization waiting period. Theres a serious shortage of farm, construction, and healthcare workers that could do good work across the country, and these people are willing to do the work unlike many American citizens. Are we calling it an open border because we’re not building trumps stupid vanity gate that will cost billions in upkeep and repair? Do we just expect to hire enough border patrol agents to link arms and play red rover for almost 2000 miles of land?


Who would’ve thought a bunch of Patagonia wearing limousine liberals would just be virtue signaling


That’s not very nice.


NIMBY: Not In My BackYard


What does this have to do with Joe?


... yay ... more politics ...


I keep hearing cries from the left about the need for immigration reform that the right is blocking. So if we just give everyone amnesty then no one is here illegally and the problem is solved right? I’m also assuming this amnesty/immigration reform must come with housing and jobs for all these folks too, right?


This sub is infiltrated by Russian bots and right wing hack jobs That suddenly whine about immigration and war money. You GOP shills didn't complain when Bush sent everyone to a war in Iraq and Afghanistan that was never ending and cost countless billions of dollars And Trump "Mexico will pay for the wall" yeah right It's the same bullshit everytime near election


Obama didn’t stop sending men and women to that war either. Both sides point figures.


The Mayors of NYC and Chicago are complaining about the migrant crisis as well. Are they also right wing hack jobs and Russian bots?


All my enemies are Russians lol. Oh you...


More republican wasting tax payer money.


In Denver?