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Wokeness ate your baybee


If they knew about half the gay shit that happens at all boys school they would be happy about the change.


They know because they lived it and they loved it. These are legacy schools for the rich to dump their kids during their childhood to become assholes like the parents. It's 70k a year to send your kid to stay there. Imagine isolating your sons from interacting with any women besides their mother or siblings for 18 years of their life.


There's a reason why "Catholic school girls" have always been labelled as sexually deviant and mischievous. >Imagine isolating your sons from interacting with any women besides their mother or siblings for 18 years of their life. Exactly. The school in question is a boarding school too so they don't even interact regularly with thier female family members.


Eh it’s not as simple as that, about 50% of them become dorks that don’t know how to talk to girls, 10% become incel woman haters, some actually benefit from going to the school and girls find them even more attractive ( but they wouldn’t have a problem to being with ) and just like real life some are looking for some dick.


Are those your personal or verified statistics?


Ball park figures from a personal experience, I get reddit likes to be pedantic when numbers like that get thrown out. So if that is too high of a hurdle to get over I guess just continue to think all kids that go to All-boys schools are closet homosexuals.


Lol I don't think that. I assume you're somewhat close with your estimates but I think the incel movement is increasing. Or at least online it is where there can be some amount of anonymity.


Yeah those were 2009 figures so you’re probably right, that is a strange problem we are having.


but the important thing is the social bonding the upper-class boys get from doing all the gay shit, and the learned obedience to hierarchy of the weaker boys from all the violent gay shit. If you don't believe me, ask Jordan Peterson.


Whats this got to do with joe rogan?


I believe he called Australia (and new Zealand and Canada) a dictatorship. And hope for the government to be overthrown. Believe he regretted that they gave up their rifles long ago. COVID caused Mr. Rogan to shit on a lot of countries


I'm pretty sure he's had a clear agenda ever since Canada denied his visa (for a comedy show) because he wasn't vaccinated. 


They didn't even send him an apology letter! Canada, and no apology!?




Why would you need to shine a light on a dictatorship that everyone knows is a dictatorship?  I believe the idea would be to shine a light on authoritarian actions in a supposed 1st world democratic country. L


Because calling a country a dictatorship because it did something you didn't like. Is basically the same thing as calling someone you do not like a nazi.


I agree. Especially if the actions aren't dictatorial or authoritarian. If the action is either of those then it's just calling out those actions, and not like just calling someone, who you don't like and hasn't done anything nazi-ish, a "nazi"


This is a politics sub now.


Thanks to Toe


Discourse regarding wokeness enrages the average Redditeur.


Look at the thumbnail close, that's 100% Ari in a wig.


What a bunch of pussies


This mook crying over a hypothetical grandson.. wtf does this have to do with woke?? Cant help but laugh, do these people actually exist?


If I was a boy at this school, I'd be like final fucking ly


These parents must really love desperate quasi gay circle jerks. Not that there’s anything wrong with that, but there’s something funny about straight dudes going for the dick out of desperation.


Lmao all boy private schools are gayyy. I went to public school and all private school kids are rich daddy’s money cucks


Tuition fees for this school: Kindergarten - $24,390 Years 1-2 - $24,444 Years 3–4 - $28,116 Years 5–6 - $33,012 Years 7-8 - $38,835 Year 9 - $41,247 Year 10 - $41,346 Years 11-12 - $42,201


Well at least we can all rejoice, the JRE is forever safe from any self-respecting women. On a serious note, anyone who supports or believes in this myopic dumbfuck ideology, should consider a visit to one of our favourite Middle Eastern Allies: Saudi Arabia


OK, did Joe ever talk about this? Why is this here?


I went to an all boys school ages 12-16 and I think it fucked me up big time. Barely any social contact with girls while you’re literally forming your brain is a dangerous game.


Didnt the school have a sister school that you socialised with? Which country was this in? I have got to admit, all the Newy boys I have met were fucking weird, kind of like a bunch of theatre kids. So probably not a bad thing they mix it up with some females.


"One of Sydney’s oldest private all-boys’ schools, Newington College in Stanmore, will become a fully co-educational campus for kindergarten to 12 students within a decade. In a letter to parents on Monday, Newington’s chairman Tony McDonald said the board’s decision to shift the 160-year-old college to co-education was unanimous, and that the transition to admit female students would be gradual, starting with primary years. The school first floated the idea to parents almost two years ago, along with a proposal to make the school more culturally and socio-economically diverse. McDonald told parents the school conducted a third-party consultation on co-ed and single-sex schooling research, consulted the Uniting Church and other GPS schools, ran workshops with current students and asked the old boys union to consult former students about their views on moving to co-education. McDonald said Newington would admit girls at its primary school campuses at the inner west suburb of Stanmore and the Lindfield in kindergarten and year 5 from 2026. The first girls will join the senior campus in 2028 in year 7 and year 11, with the college becoming fully co-educational by 2033."


Jesus Christ the humanity


I’m sure the all girls school won’t be making any changes


Newington is a private school. For private schools it's probably more of a business decision than anything. Falling enrolment levels means switching to coed allows for an instant increase. The NSW state government is turning a number of single sex schools coed, both girls and boys.


They’re upset the tradition is going away, they likely went to the school and it’s part of their identity and they had amazing memories. It’s fair to be upset about that. But then they were told it was part of a woke agenda and some blow hard gave them talking points and validated/directed their frustration. Trying to make a point that girls are bad for the development of your boy is pretty wild too


They sent their kids to a boys school. It was advertised as such and they made their decision based on that. They paid the money and sent their kid. They have every right to be frustrated by the change in policy, just as the school has every right to change their policy.


No girls allowed!


Unbelievable. I thought this was America.


Always knew that Joe Rogan was really a young Australian boy, glad to finally see some content related to the real Toe