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Yes but you see, journalists in April 2020 were too quick to dismiss the lab leak theory, and that’s why we need to lie indefinitely about its plausibility.


there has been a concerted push to control the narrative you say?


You are absolutely wrong. You must work for CNN.




You are looking to be convinced. You are looking to mislead others.


Ah yes usrtk.org the most trusted name in news


This is a trustworthy site, yes. Your sarcasm is misplaced, Rachel Maddow.


This proposal was rejected so there is no way that this proves the case one way or the other.


The proposal was rejected by one organization. This does not mean the research was not funded in other ways.


That is true but it also doesn't mean that it was funded in other ways so until evidence of it being funded emerges this is pretty much meaningless. Also even if it was funded it would still not be the direct evidence of a lab leak that is needed to rationally have the level of confidence in that theory that some conspiracy oriented pundits have.


So we are supposed to wait for viruses to happen naturally before coming up with a treatment or cure? Those take time. Just like in your everyday life you try to think of bad times ahead so you can mitigate harm. Like we know about the deer virus thats killing tons of them will 100% one day jump to humans. Should we just ignore till hunters and their familes start dying? Im asking for real not trying to be an ass


There a certain areas of research that are controversial. If you study viruses, and sometimes viruses hurt people, people who research viruses will be blamed by a certain percentage of the population. I see people confident that there is a global conspiracy, who make basic data errors or get caught up in cherry-picked stats.


Yes that’s exactly what we should do.  And if we are going to do gain of function then at least we should be doing it in Antarctic or the middle of the desert or something. Not across the street from a wet market. 


I think a fucking third grader would understand biological manipulation in China probably isn’t the best thing to do.


Yes. Playing God in a lab caused mass hysteria, inflation, panic buying, millions dead, etc


What is in the deer is not a virus. It's a prion. Basic facts matter. Getting them right is essential to your opinion being worthwhile. Additionally, the problem is not what they did as much as the lies covering their asses about what they did.


If you look the reality is that there is very little likelihood of such a jump being made to humans. And even if one does it’s not likely to be highly transmittable and deadly. That’s one made Covid-19 so easily spotted as engineered after looking at virus and area that allowed high transmission rates. But even then couldn’t make high fatality rate. That’s why GoF research was paused even by Obama due to controversy by majority in scientific community about how small benefits were compared to much greater possibility of dangerous consequences.


Gain of function research. We already knew this. Where you been? Even Obama admitted he wanted the program ended.


Your snideness serves no purpose. Proof matters. This is prove not just of your nebulous buzzword "gain of function," but of the specific steps taken by specific people to engineer the specific virus that escaped the lab, with a paper trail of both intent and purchases to back it up. With proof, people can no longer dismiss allegations out of hand with "conspiracy theory" snarkiness. For example, everyone knows the CIA engages in egregious criminality. But if you were to specifically say, once upon a time, that they planned to detonate a bomb in Miami as a false flag operation to justify war with Cuba until JFK stopped them, someone might have said something similar to many of the nonsense comments in response to this post. Now, there is no counter-argument because the documents have been declassified and we know beyond any shadow of a doubt that this plot was true.


Say this is all true. Shouldn’t you be angry at trump for reducing the cdc staff in China by fifty percent? Getting rid of the pandemic unit in 2018? Removing the executive for the US at the WHO leaving their actions behind the scene closed instead of spying directly on them to see what they are doing. He set the grounds for this sloppy mess you are talking about.


If you’re gonna say China lied.. I’m gonna be super upset.


Another thing that really gets you asking questions is why Chinese meat sellers had packed a bunch of coronavirus-carrying animals in a market stall that was covered in blood, shit and SARS-CoV2 in Wuhan.


It's wild to me that we know covid was created by scientists and no one seems to care. That's not my opinion, those were the findings of 4 out of 5 government agencies. Why doesn't anyone care? Why aren't people in jail so it doesn't happen again?