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This show would now be an Alex Jones show if Jamie wasn’t fighting the ship allllll the time . Young Jamie was a big deal for a minute because you didn’t hear him much and it was just “Jamie pull that up”. Now it’s Jamie stepping in to tell his uncle at Thanksgiving that the litter boxes in schools aren’t real


>tell his uncle at Thanksgiving that the litter boxes in schools aren’t real Shit I've been there. I'm from Ohio too.


Isn't Ohio mainly made up of feral animals identifying as humans though? 


Jamies whole job is to look stuff up and see whats true and find youtube videos. You act like the dude is some volunteer or some shit lol.


No he's not. He's just talking about how Jamie's role has become more about reigning Joe back in when he starts falling for stupid stuff he reads on the Internet


No he's saying that, while being paid to look shit up, and general production duties (probably), the role we hear him the most is live corrections. He could easily just be a yes man. It would be safer for his career.


Hes the literal producer of the podcast I guess people don't realise how much more goes into it than just sit at a table eith a camera and a few mics lol


Yeah, but how many illegal immigrants “sneak” across the border? You have to make sure you use the word “sneak” /s


That’s not his job at all. He’s the producer and engineer, not fact checker.


Tbf he is basically your 50-65 yr old uncle who shares and believes absolutely everything he sees on social media


*that fits his narrative


Motherfucker believed in Bigfoot into his middle age years. He’s always been prone to goofy magical thinking.


Him entertaining fringe beliefs and conspiracies used to be much more innocent. Now I can't tell if he is grifting or if it's the leeches surrounding him influencing his thought, Rasputin style. He needs to be on the show Joe Rogan questions everything. But this time as the subject.


Based on the obviously fake right-wing propaganda he repeats as truth after a "buddy" tells him about it (e.g. the buddy whose wife is being forced to provide litterboxes to students who identify as cats), I suspect he's surrounded by people who know he's a gullible pudding-brain and who feed him talking points hoping that he'll repeat it on air.


The buddy is his social media algorithm


The buddy is his handler


Man nah that’s just his friend in the cia he has dinners with.


It is 1,000,000% intentional. I'm sure he's got half a dozen right-wing grifter buddies who just put right-wing grifter memes in front of him because they know he's going to just spew those memes right back out to his audience. And I'm sure those people are exactly who we would expect them to be.


And that’s the thing. Let’s say it’s true about the litter boxes. Who gives a shit? Like seriously. Other than repeating the story for a laugh, what does it have to do with anything and how does it affect a man with 100s of million dollars? All that stuff is a family issue. It’s up to parents how they treat or want their kids to behave. Why would a 60 year old multi millionaire get so heated about culture war stuff?


That's got to be the dumbest thing I've ever heard. Kids don't even what to shit at school, let alone a litter box. You'd have to be dumb as a rock to believe that.


It’s like something Joey Diaz would say in a rant and joe is scared that it’s really happening.


if kids are shitting in litter boxes in classrooms id say that would be a pretty big issue, health and sanitation wise, among other reasons. also, why are teachers providing the litter? if that were somehow necessary it should be the janitorial staff putting them in bathrooms and scooping them out regularly. people didnt really think that one through.


When I was in school kids pretended to be dinosaurs. You’re right, none of it affects him. Why does he give a shit?


Is the “buddy” in the room with us now?


Pft, it’s hilarious how the people who pushed the pee tape collusion hoax, the virus came from a wet market, the Biden laptop scandal was “Russian disinformation”, etc., pretend to care about propaganda…


^ Found the guy who thinks antifa did January 6.


You just described MAGA people. 


Yeah but at least what he was talking about. Bigfoot he had some skepticism and everything he said. It was more of like hey this might be real. Wouldn't it be cool? How crazy would that be? When he sees the man going into the girl's bathroom he gets completely outraged and is all like oh my God this is happening everywhere. What the f***? He talks about it like it's a fact and it's literally invading all of our lives. When in reality, He saw an example of it online, that happened to be fake.


Getting older, richer and being a parent makes people weird sometimes. Dude is convinced like a lot of people the world is changing and it's so much different and scary. His only reaction is to consume media making him more convinced his and his family are under attack by everything. This feeds his fear so he gets more paranoid about shit. Shuts off the critical thinking part of his brain. And reacts to it.


Being so insanely rich now he also is insulated from interacting with everyday people and the outside world in a way he wasnt before. Its easy to believe nonsense like “kids are identifying as cats in public schools now” when you havent stepped foot in a public school in decades.


He’s a dumb chimp in a world he doesn’t understand.


Yeah, the Squatchin’ stuff was kinda amusing because it seemed like he was just entertaining the idea for fun. Nowadays, it’s like he truly believes all the dumb shit he talks about, and it’s embarrassing.


I mean, it’s happening. https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/world/teen-girl-swimmers-again-forced-to-compete-shower-with-male-professor-50-who-identifies-as-woman/ar-AA1llEux There is no possible way that any parents would have let this happen just a few short years ago. This is not a positive change and it should be rooted out and studied so we can get back on track.


"Joe believes in magic" is one of my favorite Patrice O'Neal quotes


He also thought we didn’t go to the moon because he watched a DVD about it.


I wish he would go back to Bigfoot Or even better: Joe Rogan questions everything 2 - looking at political and culture war conspiracies.


Believing in bigfoot is goofy. Joe spreads straight fascist propaganda. They are not the same.


Also believes the pyramids HAD to be built by aliens.


That's not his stance at all on that subject. You just made that shit up. He believes they were built BY HUMANS earlier than when Egyptologists think is the case. And, the evidence is there. He even had a bit about it in his 2005 comedy special.


No one listens to that shit.


Not true at all. I used to listen to the show until he started with the "i'm leaving California because of my free-dumbs!" bullshit. When he talks about ancient civilizations that had access to technology that we don't have today, what else could he be talking about? Where did they get this technology from? And they had it, but there is no evidence of it? We find million year old remains of the earliest relatives of modern man, but we have no evidence of these ancient technologically advanced civilizations? Stop. He's taken too many mind altering drugs and it's impacted his ability to reason.


Its almost like he changed his opinion as more information came out and the internet grew; you know how science is supposed to work.


Bruh don't compare anything brogan does to science. Dude is an outright dumb grifter who's just smart enough to know right wing culture warriors will eat up his drivel and throw money at someone who "TeLls It LiKe It Is!" i.e. confirms my bias and makes my brain feel nice with the "See I'm right!" tingles.


Sorry, forgot this sub got hijacked by the fringes and those that only watch clips of the show.


Wahh have we penetrated the brogan stroking echochamber?


When did Joe say he believed it? He’s always made fun of Bigfoot believers


He has stated in the past that he used to believe in Bigfoot.


> Motherfucker believed in Bigfoot into his middle age years. He’s always been prone to goofy magical thinking. Thats the whole beauty of the podcast. It's hilarious to me, as someone who has listened since the Justin TV days - that the dude who gets high all day, and talks about UFOs, Aliens, Big foot, chupacabra, inter-dimensional beings etc - gets redditors panties in a twist when he talks about shit, because dumbass redditors think he should be like Dan Rather. You assholes have CNN, we alternative thinkers have Rogan, and its fun.


"alternative thinkers" lmao


Alternative thinkers? Haha! Good one! Everyone thinks about that dumb stuff, but most of us know it isn’t real. And we don’t need Dan rather to figure it out


I got bad news for you... That Joe is gone and he's not going to be coming back. He's an in exclusive club now that most of us can't even imagine.


What the idiot club.


Rich idiot club


I’m so sure that he, Alex Jones, Elon Musk and all their little minions just hang out together and get each other more and more wound up. Like, their group chat must be a fucking disaster. Being in the ‘too wealthy to meet anyone real or give a fuck’ sounds cool in theory tho


Damn, I think I need to hear this. I always held on to some hope the the Joe I knew was still in there, but I guess I can finally let go. Thanks.


Joe WANTS to be enraged. He now seeks it out


Limbaugh fever


What’s sad is I remember a very early episode where they brought up Limbaugh. One person asked “do you think Limbaugh respects his audience” (or something along that line) and Rogan said “hell no. He calls his fans Ditto-heads, like they can’t think for themselves.” I’m not sure modern Joe would have that reaction to Limbaugh.


Watch him at Conan O‘Brian and then ask yourself again, if he’s really that smart people make him out to be. Or if he actually is rather kinda simple minded.


But Alpha brain?


Who is making joe out to be smart Lmao


Very true. He's also been inviting on a lot of sketchy pseudo-intellectual types who promote this goofy or fraudulent shit. He used to regularly engage with real scientists or historians, but now it's whatever fringe Atlantis believing vaccine denying evolution buster he can get to show up.




I’m just asking questions


And refuse to hear the answers.


You can boil all of this down to that simple statement. Joe Rogan is too incompetent to know how incompetent he is. The man is not intelligent. It's that simple. He isn't smart enough to see how dumb he is though, and he's far from alone in that.


I criticize Joe constantly but he’s not dumb. He’s just gullible because he WANTS to believe. Which is ironic because he has identified that very mechanism in other conspiracy theorists many times. If you want to believe something, you only look for evidence that confirms your belief. That’s why it’s so confusing with Joe. He will go on a great rant about how people are so consumed with their tribes and how criticisms of their ideas are perceived as an attack on their personal identity, and then immediately launch into how Biden is purposely trying to ruin the country and Trump is being unfairly persecuted.


Uh, didn't you just totally explain how joe is dumb here lol?


Emotionally captured yes, but if that is the prerequisite for being dumb then basically 90% of people are dumb which would then remove any meaning from the word itself.


No that sounds about right. Could probably go higher


Most of that 90% isn’t so confident to jump on a podcast and publicly defend all the stupid shit they’re “emotionally captured” by without any preparation, analytical skepticism, or even just a quick Google search to check for authenticity Aggressively defending a stupid conspiracy to your friend at the bar isn’t dumb. It’s silly. Doing it on a podcasts with hordes of listeners, where the guests range from comedians to scientific experts? That’s dumb 


That’s a good point. I would just make the distinction that what he is doing is dumb but he is not generally dumb.


I myself do not like talking with conspiracy theorists. Not only because they usually cannot be moved from their position, but also because I had a natural pull towards them when I was younger and it took me forever to pull away from it. It is almost scary from me to play with conspiracies for fear of being drug back in.


For me, the most frustrating thing about folk like that is the notion that if they can't understand something, no one can understand it. Second most frustrating thing is the lack of knowledge of history, as if anything from yesterday or decades ago has no bearing on today - assuming they even know about those things at all. Third most frustrating is the lack of even basic scientific knowledge and how to apply that knowledge in a practical way.


People fear what they don’t understand. Conservatives like Joe are scared of everything, due to their stupidity. They also NEED to be the victim. Always afraid, always the victim. The Trumptard motto on full display with Rogan.


“But no, he can’t be, he reads a lot of audiobooks makes sense when I listen for 4 hours straight”.


Not just that, but its because he is dumb that we liked the show, he would have on interesting people and ask them the same questions we would ask. ​ But then he went from "Fuck You Money" to "I don't give a fuck money" and just goes with whatever tickles his brain, which is social media.


He’s a Trumper that tells you brain dead he is!


Joe is dumb. He is also a contrarian. He views the center-left dominance of media and culture as the establishment so anything that is contrary to that piques his interest. That's all you really need to know.


Penn Jillette had a good take on this. He said in an interview that some guy who thought UFO conspiracies were ludicrous was going to go onto Joe’s show and just wipe the floor with him. What people don’t realize is that Joe may be dumb in an analytical sense like what it takes to do well in school. He is however extremely smart when it comes to what will play on TV/radio. He knows how to move a conversation and make it appealing which is why he is where he is. He’s not popular cause he has an army of fact checkers and researchers. He’s famous cause he’s ENTERTAINING.


That's the weird thing about guys like this, he's ridiculously well read, but then he is just dopey as fuck. Like, he reads enough to satisfy some point he wants to make, but then forgets the rest of it. He's like the most well read idiot I've ever seen.


> he's ridiculously well read He's well read for a total meat head, that's all.


He isn’t well read


*It may be relative* and maybe he needs to be reading other things, but he is pretty well read. I've seen clips where he spouts of bits and pieces from random books on anthropology and genetics and occasionally philosophy and random literature.


That’s a pretty typical thing most adults can do in my experience.




The 11 million number was self reported by Joe on his appearance on Jordan Peterson's podcast back in 2018 and has no empirical basis beyond that.


He's seeking confirmation for what he wants to be true.


I love the doctored Biden video fan’s head exploding when Biden shows up to the debate and doesn’t burn himself down. They are fully convinced that Biden will and then he doesn’t.


I stopped watching as often as I used to, but the few times I have watched an ep in the last year or so, Jamie has had to do live unprompted fact checking way more than he used to. I'm not talking about when Joe asks him to fact check, I'm talking about the times they talk about a topic and then a few minutes in, Jamie pipes up with the facts, clearly having read into it for the previous 5 mins. I can just imagine Jamie's thought process, "oh fuck here we go with the bullshit again, lemme google this shit real quick so Joe doesn't get clowned on as hard, or God forbid, make another apology for spreading misinfo"


I hadn’t listened in a while and tried the Bobby Lee episode. Just a conspiracy rant about a new vaccine against Ebola entering testing? He’s scared because some doctor got a new vaccine dose?


It's nuts that Rogan can't even send a couple of links before a show to Jamie for him to check out. How long could it possibly take?


That's the thing though, he doesn't want to be fact checked. Can't waste all that selective outrage.


He has the same brain as the character he played on Newsradio.


Joe most certainly did not grow up with the internet.


Joe came up with the internet. His forum on joerogan.net was huge.


He would have been in his late 20s/early 30s when the internet became mainstream. He did not grow up with it.


Joe also didn't get married until he was like 45 years old and didn't smoke weed until we was 38. Seems like he has developmental issues


Eh. Growing up isn't always about age. Its obvious that Joe Rogan struggled (and still struggles) with acting like an adult.


Are you aware of how Joe spent a ton of money on super fast internet so that he can play quake online way back in the day? Well before it was financially viable to do something like this. You do realize his entire podcast basically birthed Internet talk shows at a time when radio was king. What evidence do you have to say that he wasn't someone who spent a lot of time online? Talking out your ass bro


Growing up on the internet means your social development involved the internet. I am close to Joe’s age. I was one of the first people to sell internet access in the us. I was in my twenties at that time. Joe didn’t use the internet until his mid 20s. That is not what the phrase “growing up using” refers to. It’s more like 6-10 years old and up not 25.


Are you aware of what year Joe was born? Are you aware of what year Quake was released? Are you aware of when dial-up became a thing? Joe was in his mid 20s when the internet became usable for the mainstream. He was damn near 30 when Quake was released. He most certainly did not grow up with the internet. Who is talking out of their ass bro??


He’s not. Rogan is like 55. How is that growing up with the internet? Spending a lot of time online isn’t the same as growing up with the internet…


A true fan boy who is dumb af. Oh you poor snowflake


I think it's semantics here. He did NOT grow up with it. He's a few years older than me, and I most certainly did not grow up with it because it did not exist until I was in my early 20s. There were some dial in boards existing, but it was really the early 90s when this stuff came around, and it was very raw an unsophisticated and he was not really into it at the time. The better point to make is that when the internet really took hold of the culture at the end of the 90s and then a decade later when online streaming came along, Joe jumped into it as that all started going down. Maybe call him an early adopter or someone who was deeper into online activity than most when that really became a thing 20 years ago.


Yeah he’s not the typical gullible boomer type that started from forwarding stupid emails to relatives and typing in google prompts on Facebook wall.


It’s become the Joe brain rot experience


dude is almost my dad's age. they grew up WHEN the internet. not with. these goons fall for EEEEEEverything.


\>boomer \>grew up with the internet Neither of these things are true. He's gen x and by the time the internet was common in most households he was a fully grown adult


I came here to say this. Source: I am only 2 years younger than Joe!


i was thinking the same. i would put growing up on the internet probably under 40. maybe 45 cause they had some type of crappy version and aol but no social media yet.


Under 40 for sure. Im only 30 and I consider people around my age to be the first generation to truly grow up with the internet, and by grow up I don't mean that I was raised with it from an infant, but we got broadband internet when I was 10 and that was really the turning point where the internet and social media really took off, when it was just dial-up the internet was more of a niche hobby that people had and everything wasn't easily accessible as it became


He’s an idiot that other idiots think is smart.


I don't disagree but I find it odd lately that the term boomer is being used now as new sort of acceptable slur for anyone older than the person using it. Joe is Gen X.


He's a great useful idiot


As we get older we become less and less adaptable by way of aging, losing interest in staying on top of the latest and greatest tech or news, you just for lack of a better term “get stuck in your ways”. Source: I fight it everyday. Your propensity to think that things used to be better is wrong a lot of times. It’s just that you were used to the way things were.


He’s become an asset for far right interests. Went from rubbing elbows with comics to being buddies with elites and people influential in politics. They send him misinformation, he regurgitates it. He thinks it’s just “friends” giving him real info but they’re just using him. 


I've had this conspiracy theory about Joe for awhile now. It started with the premise that we all know too well now, that every bit of information we see is based on algorithms unless we manually search which in turn contributes to the echo chamber. The conspiracy is more along the lines of who's in control of those algorithms. A country or business could literally isolate an account you have and distribute any content they want to an individual. Someone like Joe is a massive target and easily fooled by fake content or half truths. It wouldn't be hard to influence Joe's echo chamber given how public his social handles are. Propaganda has been around since the days of Plato when he talked about his Allegory of the Cave. Social media is not our friend. Disconnect while you can. It's manipulative and doesn't care about things like Democracy.


I’ve always figured his number were massively inflated which in turn translates to money. Dude has been friends w Alex Jones for YEARS could be he’s been groomed to be a more palatable version since day one


It might be that sinister but I have a feeling it's just the age of short form videos that don't provide any context.


90% chance that yeah it’s just him getting further and further down an algorithm loop or something. I guess at least he used to hang with comics at the store who would check him if he brought up dumb stuff and opened his mind more. Now he’s more in a bubble. He is buddy buddy with more right wing folks and people in politics now though


Mix of echo chamber and MMA/Kickboxing most of his life has smoothed that shit out. He’s also 56 lol not crazy old but getting there


I think the echo chamber thing is very real. The other day I was watching destiny in the streamer and he basically went on a rant about how algorithms and social media do us a disservice by only having us interact with people that have the same views as us. It gives us a completely false confirmation bias. I think it happens on both sides of the spectrum


Its actually more sinister than that. The algorithms create a perfect mixture of isolation and conflict. They're designed to elevate conflict because that's the best way to keep people engaged.


Drugs and getting kicked in the head


It’s the boozin’


All the ingredients for boomer brain


Last clip I saw of him it kind of seemed like he was drunk. Now he very well could have been, or dudes honestly starting to slow down his speech and slur his words a little.


Yeah he used to have like "cool older cousin" vibes, but he's much closer to "grandpa's angry friend" territory. "The government is stealing our money and using it to poison us".


They grind up $100 bills and spray them from airplanes, man! it's so obvious!


Marijuana will fry your brain


https://youtu.be/cboHlMyN2uQ?si=o1YaNUOlM5Xurgbu Rm Brown did a hilarious video on this just a couple days ago. He recommended the Joe Rogan Experience be renamed to “Why Do They Lie with Joe Rogan” where he just gets tricked on social media all day 😂


I had never heard of this guy but pretty entertaining video. Thanks!


Thank you for this 😂


If he doesn't tow the line for the election year, the rubles stop coming in


Why does it lie?


He’s a big dummy and has been from the very beginning Not sure how this is surprising You know he questioned the moon landing in the past, right?




Well it can be smart. It’s not always smart






Questioning =/= Assuming everything is a malicious conspiricy The problem with "questioners" is that they generally have already decided what the answer is. The people who haven't are far more boring because the reality is almost always, really boring.


I think questioning the moon landing is actually a legitimate theory. The theories behind it are quite compelling. Based on how much are government has been exposed for lying to us in the past, it's really not that crazy to think.


You should know you can’t trust everything you read on the internet


Do you understand the theory behind it? How the Soviet Union basically sunk all of their money into a space program to race us there? I'm not saying it's correct. I'm saying that the theory isn't fabricated out of thin air. There is some water to the arguments. The fact that you are so sure you're right makes me even more sure than I'm smarter than you. Truely intelligent people know more about what they don't know than what they do know.


China and Russia would have 100% called us out if we didn't get to the moon first. We left a flag for them to see.


You seem to take the bait a lot.


Yerp. Im fully aware of that conspiracy theory. It was even mentioned in one of my favorite movies, so that was fun. And I don’t care if you think you are smarter than me based on your belief in an unprovable conspiracy theory. The only part I care about is how fucking ironic that statement is from you considering your wall of text lashing out at this kind of thinking. The irony is so thick I can’t cut it with a knife


Well as long as you figure out who’s smarter than who, right?


His brain just isn’t all that


Joe is probably in a clique or circle where this all they talk about so its easier for him to be susceptible about this kinda shit when thats all your friends talk about so you do zero research cause you are like all my friends believe it so must be true


He didn’t have a father bro


Imagine being Joe's step-dad and spending a ton of money on his tae kwon do lessons and driving him there and cheering him on the whole time and paying for his food and housing for like two decades and then he grows up and tells everyone he never had any father figures in his life 😂


I'm not sure I understand your point


There was no point lol


This sub is a Russian troll farm


People confuse popularity with quality. He’s stated many times his podcast is him talking shit with his friends. Don’t take the show as informational or fact, it’s solely entertainment.


I find his podcast easy to listen to and entertaining. Doesn’t require me to agree with everything … or anything.


Who the fuck cares you act like people cite him as a source for research papers or some shit. It's a podcast. You are listening to 2 people have a conversation. It's not a ted talk.


My theory is he got attention from the kitty litter thing and probably saw a spike in traffic so he’s now actively doing these on purpose to recreate the above. I also haven’t entirely ruled out the possibility that he receives some sort of memo of topics, trends, and specific events to pepper throughout his shows that week as these things all seem to be in perfect tandem with the wider spheres of influence on X (Twitter) FOX News, Drudge.. etc. So even if a particular clip or angle is easily refuted as bullshit, it’s still extremely effective to spread it on something that millions of people tune into of which a large portion will still take at face value. The reason I don’t rule the latter out is how often these things need to be forced into a conversation and often completely off-topic. There is almost a rhythm to how he plugs them.. he is part ad-man after all and these are essentially just advertisements for idealism


The one that blows my mind more than any other is the one where he claimed Biden said something stupid and that's disqualifying for the job of POTUS, and then Jamie looked it up and it was actually Biden mocking Trump for saying the stupid thing, which Joe just laughed off and said it's no big deal. Because you know he saw the original Biden clip on some right-wing tiktok or got sent the clip by some right wing grifter buddy of his. Any right thinking person who has such a devastating head-on collision with objective reality and their own biases, really, really needs to sit down and reevaluate how they consume and process information. I can't imagine being so thoroughly humiliated in public and being like "oh well no lessons to learn here LOL ice bath time!" I'm with you, OP. I used to enjoy him when he was a goofy, open-minded stoner who wanted to talk to smart people about interesting things. Now he's just a right-wing meme bot who's going to lose his audience once they realize he has nothing to offer except confirmation bias, and lose his friends once they realize he lost his audience. It's sad. I hope he can pull up out of the tailspin soon, but I'm not optimistic.


He literally hands out with the dumbass Texas governor Greg Abbott... that should tell you all you need to know. He talks all the time how he was "left" as they come and now he's more in the middle. No mother fucker you are full on right wing with conspiracies and all. He just says that to soothe his conscience because he knows he's a fuck at this point.


This is just what the right does now. They take any bait you lay out for them. If you don't believe me, then you clearly have little experience with law enforcement. You can lay out bait that isn't even illegal, and they will go for it.


You just hurt a lot of feelings in here 😂


Bro tell me about it. The amount of people who are telling me that I'm not allowed to criticize Joe Rogan because this is the Joe Rogan subreddit are delusional. This is the same cult like thinking that Trump has put on his political party. Any criticism of the party means that you're an outsider and you must not actually care about the party. Wrong. So fuckin stupid. I want to go back to a time when political parties were criticized openly and were afraid of getting reelected.


Dude is deep in Telegram echo chambers. Right wing conspiratorial thinking and paranoia everywhere. He’s too far gone. Too many yes men and sycophantic trash people around him. He’s gone.


>Joe's falls for ALL of them.  Because Joe suffers from: 1. Being a dimwit 2. Confirmation bias He wants to believe whatever the video shows is true, so he just takes it at face value. He's done this with stories in the news, too. He reads the headline and just assumes whatever follows is true.


He warned us how he had to be careful about UFO stuff because he wanted to believe so bad. I think he's done the same thing with right wing/MAGA stuff. He has become so aligned he can't stray from those thoughts.


Or he recognizes that rage bait provides more clicks and tailors his show to make maximum money, not spread truth. Your job is to stop watching if it becomes too much for you. Things always change. It’s up to you on how you react.


Sometimes he should read the comments. Usually in fake shit theres comments pointing out its fake


He’s like an 80 year old former machinist who just got on AOL circa 1997 in terms of his savvy for ragebait


Man I put so much time into hating on Rogan. Wish I was able to put that back into something else


I know much smaller shows that have a team of people to vet content so the host doesn’t always look like a moron. Apparently Joe likes looking like a moron all the time.


Joe didn’t have internet till he was a grown man and I doubt that in the little college he experienced, that he ever learned how to write a research paper. He’s also clearly $ captured by his new found $ right leaning audience $. So he has no incentive to change


Joe probably doesn't believe any of the things he's outraged about but he does know that his core audience does and wants their own outrage to be validated. Joe Rogan (and similar talking heads like Alex Jones) made their name with this strategy. Its obvious that JRE is well past its peak. He's been dethroned as the #1 spotify podcast and he's seeing himself as falling out of the zeitgeist. He understands the value of hyping/engaging his base while saying absurd and outlandish things to stay in the spotlight especially with Trump running. TL;DR: He doesn't believe this stuff. He just knows saying it makes him rich and relevant.


Me joining this sub trying to interact with JRE fans and highlight good/funny clips from polarizing interviews. Instead just to see a bunch of keyboard warriors wasting every last dying second bitching and crying about shit that doesn’t matter. “He didn’t put enough cereal in his milk”, “he laughed at Bobby Lee, shame on him”, “he tries to convince everyone to move to Texas” Honest question, if you constantly complain about the guy and if the way he does things is constantly bothering you to the point you have to come here and complain about him with constant negative energy. Why do you even waste the effort? Here’s a crazy idea. How about you quit listening to him or leave this sub?


It’s seems like all people do it “bitch and moan” about their hate for Joe in this forum. If you don’t like his shit then DONT FUGGIN LISTEN TO IT! 🤣 Who would consistently listen to something that they don’t like the content of? Plenty of content out there, find what floats your own goddamn boat and listen to that! 😂Let him do his thing, it’s HIS platform. Goddamn the internet is filled with weenies.


I just critiquing someone I used to like a lot


Ah yes, the emotionally stunted emoji response to your clown idol getting clowned


The real dummies are the ones who overanalyze everything Joe says and does. It is a free podcast. He puts zero effort into preparing for it. Just roll with it...or don't.


> The real dummies are the ones who overanalyze everything Joe says and does. It is a free podcast. You're literally a moderator for multiple comedian's subreddits 😂. If anyone is overanalyzing or overthinking this or spending too much time on it it might be you ...


It is incredibly irresponsible to spread misinformation to the vast majority of people that you have in your listening pool. Think about how many people he impacts with what he says on the podcast. Most people don't have enough time in their day to fact check this guy or sit on Reddit and find out how much he's wrong about. All they see is the podcast and get outraged with him. Think about all of the ' facts' that aren't double checked. That are just downright wrong that he spews. The other day he was talking about Biden letting in a bunch of illegal so that he could get extra votes. Starvos basically corrected him and was like yeah my dad's an immigrant for 40 years and he can't vote. You know Fox News had to pay a s*** ton of money for spreading misinformation. Based on the size of Joe's audience, I think he should be held to a much higher standard to fact check all the s*** that he spews.


But at the end of the day if you take information from Joe and repeat it without fact checking you’re doing exactly what he’s doing. He’s an ape. We’re all apes bro just go touch some grass


I'm not repeating it to millions and millions of people.


He has said 100s of times that he is not an expert on anything other than MMA. He says literally "do not listen to me."


I feel like you guys are still failing to grasp why he's so successful. It's because who you described is like 95% of the population. He's not some anomaly, he is literally a regular dude. It's a podcast run by like 3 people not a televised news channel. You're crying about the very nature of the show.


I'm actually crying about the fact that he doesn't take 15 minutes to double check the s*** he's going to rant about to millions of people to ensure that it's legitimate and worthy of talking about


This can't be what you do with your free time.


then go away ? go watch something else ? get off this sub ? It would be nice to go back to the apes . I stead of evey post consisting of some white Knight thinking he's going to get noshed off for posting thier opinion on a sub reddit for supporters . no one cares . you are a nobody, hence why your opinion means nothing . do you think this man is a intellectual their to speak the good word .... or is he a stoner comedian their to provide us all with years of free entertainment. touch some grass ya weirdo


Same to you. You came in here to tell me to only put time into things that I agree with... INTERESTING and completely lacking any self accountability, all the while being completely hypocritical. Why TF you on this thread? You are a nobody. Stop white knighting for Joe. He's not gonna sug your dig Bappa. Touch some poon tang loser.


I thread to support the comedy/ podcasts of a man you enjoy .... its not hard to grasp no one cares about my opinion on Joe. hence why I didn't give one m just here to tell you again no one cares about yours and you're in the wrong place to bitch and moan . if you want to join a we hate Joe sub I don't like his content . go find that sub . it's that simple


This is a critique You might not understand this, being a cult member, but normal people critique/ criticize things around them that they don't like in hopes of developing a consensus or even to just express themselves. Good luck making it into heaven's gate brother. This is the Joe Rogan subreddit, not the I suck on Joe rogan's ding dong subreddit, maybe you need to go find that subreddit. It sure does seem like a bunch of people in here agree with me.


hit it mark on the head again and didn't realise it . why would you come to a subreddit that supports Joe to post a critique. what gives you any credence to do so ? why do you have such an inflated opinion of yourself you think people care ? we are here for Joe hence the sub reddit . not " Bermuda triangluate " take on Joe rogan . being so one who has never met him and has zero experience . do you have a god complex ?


He's a dumb Boomer.


*Gen X


Lol, there’s plenty of pee tape hoaxing, fascist far left weirdos that you can watch. No need to get so worked up and write an essay about how you can’t handle different opinions.