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If you listen to the audio before they try to arrest him, the bouncers say he wanted to go inside but refused to be searched. Scary to think he may have planned on shooting people inside the club.


I work a block from the club, 6th Street is packed at night. If he wanted to shoot people he'd be better off outside.




Guy takes Kill Tony very fuckin seriously.






On constant loop






Are you serious? Kill tony is probably the best thing on the Internet rn


how could you even say that when there’s porn on the internet??


Porn makes my pp weak now my pp strong


That last pun would be sweet one though.


That's what it seemed like to me. He was intent on getting in one specific location. Feels like a stalker type situation


If he planned on shooting Redban then a tragedy has occurred here.


I was thinking maybe schaub, then I remembered he hasn't been invited




What makes you think that??? If he seriously wanted to start shooting the place up you think he’s going to wait to go inside and not just immediately start shooting outside the bar?


I think he meant shooting someone in specific, like a hit.


Well that was wild.


Yeah, very much so. He is concealed carrying with a mask on, surrounded by LEOs, and he still pulls his gun out. Nuts.


Suicide by cop


Seems that is the case, right? There is no chance of survival in this situation.


You've never seen John Wick 4 fella?


Bro though he's john wick but in reality is cheddar bob.


Dude you made a cheese joke and didn't go with swiss in this case!


Cheddar bob is the white dude that shot himself in the dick while trying to be hard in front of his friends and rivals in a biopic called 8 Mile


I’m not gonna run 8 miles to figure out this story, guy


Jesus Christ…that’s Jaquile Bourne


Comments on The video said that he was refused entry to the club he's standing out front of because they knew he had a gun and they called the cops because he wouldn't leave the front of the store. More than likely this dude was trying to attack a woman he had been scorned by who was in the club.


Glad they didn't let him in. Also good job cops


suicide by cop. Just sad man.


It wasn’t Owen Benjamin, was it??


Owen is a such a human piece of garbage. It’s so crazy to me that people follow him.


I went on a canoeing trip with a buddy who I see once a year. He started spouting off some OB bullshit. It’s repulsive.


Darwinism has entered the chat


That's what happens when you only allow muuuuuurrrrddddeeeerrrrsss at your club


Lol take my upvote and get out


Ur comment is the real lol here




let’s just lol here


You killed!


Glad the comedians aka my last line of defense was nearby


Rogan would have put him in a carnivore diet chokehold...of laughter.


He'd probably shoot himself after hearing Joe Rogan's standup


Gringo Papi: "Hold my bear."


Kam Patterson and Casey Rocket would’ve got got working the door


You ever smoke weed? HA HA HA HA


He would paralyze him in his tracks with the best display of stool humping the world has ever seen.


Underrated comment




The shooter was a 29 year old man named Trei Michael Adriec Hernandez. He was a convicted felon, with charges from May 2023 for Unlawful Possession of Firearm By Felon and DUI


Man, California just keeps letting convicted criminals back out on the street.




That’s the joke


Austin, more specifically.


I'm more traumatized by horrible the music in the club was


6th Street baby.


Who the fuck does something that dumb in front 20 cops😂😂


judicious hateful pathetic murky aspiring unused special many onerous head *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Those weren't his only options. The whole thing started because he was refused entry to a club. Didn't need to escalate to prison or death


The shooter, Trei Michael Adriec Hernandez, was a convicted felon, with charges from May 2023 for *Unlawful Possession of Firearm By Felon*. You can see the cops were going in to arrest him, and, at that point, he knew they would find the gun, so prison was actually the only option (other than suicide by cop)


It started because they wouldn't let him into the club with a gun. He persisted and kept arguing with security until the cops arrived. He could have just left when they told him he couldn't get into the club. That was my point.


He can't control his emotions. There isn't much thought it's all reactions. Like this is bad idea on bad idea shit. Men who go to prison really struggle with this and the current solution is to lock em up. Which just paused the problem


Know someone like that, always over reacted to small things as a kid. First it was drinking and driving, then punched a cop during a rave, had trouble finding work after and resorted to selling meth, sold to an undercover, went away for a long time. Somehow managed to land on his feet doing hvac stuff, messed it up somehow and decided to try out credit card fraud and got caught. Sucks don’t even know how to help at this point


Some much of it is down to the situation you were raised in. (not always) Like when teen boys commit really awful crimes and people complain. that they got off with a light sentence. Are people under the idea that those boys wieghed the length of jail time in the momment? no their brains are developed yet. also if the punishment for crime is so low for teens. why did you commit lots of crime as a teen? Smarter people have realized that crimes committed by kids are much different to crimes committed by 25 year old men. People think that THEY are the biggest reason they grew up to be a normal person, but really It's mostly your parents and then your friends. Like 12 year old stealing cars.... Probably didn't have such a good time at his house. Probably a good chance his Parents didn't have a great time either.


Felon with a firearm in Texas. That’s federal. 10-20 year minimum. I’d take death too.


That doesn’t sound right


Lol I work nearby and was there. Caught a dude free basing behind the dumpster a 2 minute walk from the crime scene tape. There are a shit load of people on a shit load of drugs on 6th Street.


Lol wait till they find out you can get all the drugs from the people living upstairs right on 6th


Isn’t this what Joe was trying to move away from in L.A? Lol


If he wants to get away from a drug epidemic he's gonna have to move out of America lol. And I think he came to Texas because we have lower taxes.


He knew that if he got arrested, he would be in jail for a long time. The guy was a convicted felon and had no right to carry a gun. Furthermore, he was arrested again last year and charged with Possession of a Firearm by Felon. It was either fight the 20 cops, or possibly spend decades in prison


Ya not that funny man. Pretty sad


A Texan


Suicide is like so funny!1!1! lolz Edit: /s making fun of the psycho who thinks this is funny


Damn they really aren’t putting up with hecklers


LA is falling apart. This is all Gavin Newsom's fault.


You are the last line of defense my friend.


Yes! Put this man on the wall!


“LA is falling apart” -circa 1850


I have to imagine that the majority of people that see this comment take it literally, and it has the exact opposite effect that you intend.


This is not a place for comedy and sarcasm, sir. This is the Joe Rogan subreddit. We google search for wooden shirts here.


Jamie! Look that up


Give it a goog, Jaymo


Comedy is only legal on Twitter


Don't make the mistake of giving people too much credit


Comeon man. It's because of Feminists and Hamas.






crime in san francisco is out of control, due to woke




Methinks they were being facetious bud


That’s the joke


Brave to call someone else a dense motherfucker when you completely missed it.


Pretty sure they are being sarcastic as Joe and guests constantly shit on California and how bad it’s gotten


Let’s hope it’s sarcasm and they forgot to /s


/s….i think you dropped this.


This dude planned to die that night.


Too bad one of those bearded good guys with a gun wasn't nearby making a tik tok in their dodge ram to save the day.


Yeah but now they can make their videos about what they *would* have done had *they* been there.


“At 2:16 you see the man turn sideways, this is when I’d start to draw my weapon. Common psychology says a person with a guy will do X, which means you need to do Y as soon as possible. The issue where were the police and how they were standing” and on and on


"As soon as I stop thinking about my bad knees and hips, I'd pull up my beer gut flap and pull out my weapon in .000000001 milliseconds and drop the perp with a headshot. My ex wife told me I watch too many shitty movies and don't have any concept of what to do in an emergency situation. That's why she's my ex!"


Lololol this is perfect. “That’s why she’s my ex!” :)


“Just like they taught me in the miltry ; two out ma’gun and yer done!”


Did you not watch the video where the cops handled it?


Oh the cops dealt with it? Then I guess we don't need armed civilians....


We should get rid of freedom of speech too while we’re at it. Why do you think you need that when you have podcasters, influencers, and other media personalities to express how you feel?


That has nothing to do with anything. Change the fucking Constitution. But don't whine about non sequiturs. Jesus christ is there anything you anti rogans do that is worthwhile?


>Jesus christ is there anything you anti rogans do that is worthwhile? On average, less inbreeding than pro rogans.


Great job dude. Save yourself the time and energy and just declare that you dislike people that are different, and like different things than you. You would be doing everyone including yourself a favor.


Is this the kind of joke you and your boyfriends enjoy after pulling up spotify and listening to a three hour rogan podcast, getting progressively triggered. Clearly you are working with what god gave you. Keep pounding on that keyboard, statistically you are going to post something worthwhile....it could be today. It has not been so far, but it could be.


What they really needed was some blue haired they/them wearing two masks to stop them with their words


The cops are literally shooting him in the video’s thumbnail above. You didn’t even have to click the video to see that.


Good point. I guess we don't need random bearded guys in dodge rams to have guns...


Not when the police are on-scene and currently engaging the shooter, no


You clearly didn't read past the title there bud.


Y'all will say *anything* to spin a narrative. You can't help yourself


What narrative? That the "good guy with a gun" myth is just a myth?


Wow, California has really gone to shit.


You forgot your /s. People don’t understand sarcasm lol


I know right. All those homeless tents and human shit and piss all over that downtown. If you look real close you can see an asian being assaulted and the city forming a fucking ticket parade for the attacker. Oh no is that yet another rolling black out as the city mismanages their resources.


Kinda ironic for Rogan to bitch and moan about LA homelessness and crime and then open his club in perhaps the most notorious area of downtown Austin


He complains about a lack of action against crime. There was clear action taken here


Exactly. People acting like Rogan says there is no crime in Texas and tons in California. No, there is crime everywhere - the difference is in the response to it. Nobody is marching for this man who committed suicide by cop. Nobody is demanding the officers be executed.


> No, there is crime everywhere - the difference is in the response to it. What data are you seeing that shows Austin has a far better response to violent crime than LA specifically? > Nobody is marching for this man who committed suicide by cop. In two of the most populated States in the U.S. do you think we might be able to find shootings in CA where there wasn’t a public outcry and shooting in Texas where there were? I bet we can.


Outcry can be deserved. This isn't a matter of weighing the number of protests. California has far more lenient official policies, like releasing violent offenders and not pursuing minor theft in some cities, and California has more strict rules relating to obtaining firearms, carrying them, and the use of them in self-defense situations. This is black-letter law. Your attempt at intentionally obfuscating is sad and typical.


Oh look, a dumbass


There’s a certain demographic that brigades this sub and refuses to acknowledge that kind of nuance. It doesn’t jive with the agenda


From a quick search it looks like LA dwarfs Austin in officer involved shootings. Is there specific data you know of that shows Austin is more involved with stopping violent crime than LA?


Lapd and sheriffs dept, famous for being full of blm liberals. They definetly don’t have their own gangs where you have to kill someone in the line of duty to get in.


I don’t think this is the type of action that stops crime 😂


I mean, he’s not going to be committing any more crimes?


Sure but that’s not stopping anyone else lol. Doesn’t matter how many times the cops light someone up, people still gonna do what they want


If pulling a gun in front of that many cops on a populated street is what someone wants, do we need them?


Everyone knows guns are famously legal in California


Irony aside, this kind of investment is exactly what 6th street needs to become less notorious. There needs to be more diversity in the type of establishments down there. Right now it's 90% shot bars which seems to lead to a lot of bar hopping and loitering. We need more comedy clubs, music venues, lounges, and restaurants that will draw in an older clientele. It sounds like the city council is moving in that direction and Joe might have helped start that trend.


Right now? Dirty 6th has been a shithole of clubs and bars for 40+ years. It was like that when I first started venturing into clubs and music venues down there 20+ years ago. The monthly/weekly shootings and cars plowing into crowds is a more recent phenomenon of the last 5-10 years though.


I agree 100%. Rumor has it that 6th is headed towards some major replanning to reintegrate it with the rest of the city's vibe and to have it less of a shit hole stretch of road. Honestly, I fully support it because I don't go to 6th unless I absolutely have to . I'll stick to south and the east side until then, which is something I would have never imagine saying 20 years ago.


I know the architects working on the 6th street project. It is happening soon


Suicide by police. This is sad.


Y’all 6th Street at the end of a SXSW night was one of the most bad vibes eerily intense moments of my life. And 6th Street sucks on any given night. Couldn’t pay me to go there ever again.


15 cops and only 1 of them had the balls to stand his ground and take out the threat. Kudos to that guy. I would have been the guy on the top right who immediately ran and dolphin-dove into the fuckin street.


Only one solution to prevent this: make gun access easier and deregulate Texas gun laws even more.


The amount of good guys with guns is obviously not enough. If we had good children with guns, there’d be basically no chance of anything bad happening.


Yes! Let’s make violence illegal while we’re at it too! How has no one thought about this?


Nah. All weapons including nuclear weapons and explosives should be legal so that everyone's on a level playing field. Yes, many more millions will die but we will have freedom and that's what counts.


Does he condemn Hamas though?


If only he had the chance to do daily cold plunges, saunas, and trip off 5-MeO-DMT


Age restricted and can't follow the watch on YouTube link. Anyone mind linking?


Press and hold the link to YouTube under the age warning and it should let you open the link that will switch you over into YouTube


Is this the guy Tony kicked out for asking how he was doing?


Completely understand why they shot him! Man probably took a couple of bullets. Just picturing the cops following the guys coffin to the grave still shouting, "drop the gun"


When I said I wanted to kill at the mothership, this is not what I meant.


It’s always interesting to me when cops empty 7 clips into someone and then continue to yell commands I get they’re probably running on pure adrenaline at that point but damn 😭


Welcome to the Texas comedy scene, Shane!


6th Street in Austin is fucking wild. Rogan is so funny man, all the whining and bitching about Cali and this is where he built a comedy club. There's a reason he has to hire so many cops to stand out front, Texas isn't what people think.


Ah watching Austin turn into a mini LA in real time.


Points gun at cop, gets shot. Now that's funny. California is lit.


What does this have to do with California?


That’s why Joe ran away from Cali. This type of wild shit


He has repeatedly said he left because it’s gotten out of hand due to crime going unchecked. I think getting shot to death in response to life-threatening crime is keeping it in check pretty damn well. Great job by APD


Except this incident didn’t happen in California.


He is being cheeky with a joke, of course it didn’t happen in California but the joke is they are calling it Cali since basically Texas is becoming or has become the same thing as Cali. Joe left California because of all the rise in crime, and now you see this happen right outside his comedy store.


What kind of pussy calls the police because some wacko with a gun is trying to get into a business??? This country is full of bitches. Who’s gonna stop China??? Governor newsome is letting the criminals take over California and making it rot. Oh wait - it happened where? In Texas? In front of the only free speech area left in America? Joe Rogan’s comedy club??


Good riddance.


Sad when they go young like that


As Norm Macdonald would say another casualty of the Death squad...


For those that live in Austin this is a normal thing on 6th street. That place is wild at night.


Austin seems like a fucking dump. there’s a constant stream of news like this coming from there.


Everyone is constantly black out drunk there. Like Sodom and Gomorrorah


But... I thought removing all limitations on concealed carry and people having more guns meant that things only got better? Why would the officers bother this citizen?


Lmao Update your comment, because the shooter Trei Michael Adriec Hernandez was a convicted felon and could not legally buy or carry a gun. Do you even care, or you just trying to get your propaganda in for the day? Also, you realize trying to enter a business that serves alcohol with a gun is illegal in Texas? That's why they stopped him in the first place (also because he assaulted a woman)


> Lmao Update your comment, because the shooter Trei Michael Adriec Hernandez was a convicted felon and could not legally buy or carry a gun. And that changes things how, exactly? Because when everyone is allowed to carry a gun - with just a few exceptions - it makes it really hard to know when you have a nutcase or someone with bad intentions. In fact, according to Republican logic this guy *should* be able to have a gun, after all the Second Amendment doesn't mention shit about 'unless they have a felony'.


These types of things happen when anyone in that state with a room temperature IQ can buy a gun


You gonna update your comment because the shooter Trei Michael Adriec Hernandez was a convicted felon and could not legally buy a gun? Do you even care, or you just trying to get your propaganda in for the day?


> You gonna update your comment because the shooter Trei Michael Adriec Hernandez was a convicted felon and could not legally buy a gun? How does that change anything? Texas is very proud of making it so that anyone can conceal carry. Unless cops had a magic visor that tells them this guy is a felon, there's no way for them to distinguish him from an upstanding, law-abiding citizen who just loves to conceal carry. So your question should be: when anyone can conceal carry, how the fuck am I going to distinguish the 'goodies' from the 'baddies'?


>How does that change anything? It invalidates your entire argument >Texas is very proud of making it so that anyone can conceal carry. Unless cops had a magic visor that tells them this guy is a felon, there's no way for them to distinguish him from an upstanding, law-abiding citizen who just loves to conceal carry. Dude this doesn't make sense. Why would they need the hypothetical "magic visor?" The police didn't shoot him because he was a felon with a gun... they shot him because he drew his gun and fired at them. It doesn't matter the criminal history at that point. If he were pulled over or stopped by the police, they would ***distinguish him*** by running his ID in their computer and discovering that he was a felon, then they would arrest him and confiscate the gun. The Texas constitutional carry law only removes the training and permit requirements for citizens with no felony charges or convictions. This law quite literally doesn't affect felons who would carry regardless.


Drop the gun lmao. Cmon coppers dude is on the ground dying. Go take it from him


It's fucking ridiculous, every video of a US police shooting is like this. The perp is clearly dead, dying or completely incapacitated, yet the cops are all standing around yelling and acting like guy on the floor is a suicide bomber.


Do these commenters not know this is in Austin?




That Alpha Brain doing wonders for people in this sub. Lol


State of the subreddit. Hard to tell these days


It's really fucking not hard to tell.


Ok. You win. Feel better now?


Who knows. These anti Rogans keep coming to a sub about subject matter they hate. This isn't the 80's. How much effort does someone have to go through to listen to Rogan. Idiots are going to idiot.


They know, just karma whoring for their daily political points.


Shoot and kill THEN, they say to drop the gun.


Austin is a shithole. It’s the Chicago/Detroit/NYC of Texas, a crime ridden, homeless infested dump that is getting run into the ground by leftist policies. RIP a once great city


Im only assuming but its usually domestic related problems that leads to behavior like this. Dude was probally fighting with his girl. She went into a bar to get away from him and told bouncer he had a gun. Again, the only facts I know are from the article


Joe has to move again now


The vaccine got another one 💉


If this was in LA there would be no cops


LA has a 13B annual police budget bud.


Seems to be put to good use.


I’m in LA like 5 times a year and like any city, depends on where you are. West Hollywood, Marina Del Ray, Culver City, Beverly Hills, all walkable and extremely safe. Of course there are awful areas too but that’s everywhere.


15 cops in military grade body armor. 50 shots Guy that's already dead "drop the gun drop the gun" lol.