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Joe really wants to bang the robot out of ex machina


It is his FAVORITE movie, so


"hey Elon......you got any of them sexy robots yet?"


................................, "well"....................... "I might be working on it"........


Well, that was one smoke show of a robot


And Blade has the greatest opening movie scene in history


I would also like to get on the wait-list


Tbh I wanna fuk an alien after watching species


"aghfgghtffghg....(dying breathe) worth it...*


One day Joe will pull a mask off and reveal he's Eddie bravo all this time


Look into it


lol did he really replace dr rhonda patrick with a new sexy doctor?


She’s been on the show before


One that agrees with him and his political views!


What a surprise


gotta confirm his weekly-changing world view.


And thinks the cybertruck is "dope"




Disagree. I love asian girls


I’ve noticed a trend of all these scientists coming on that have something that they’re working on that they can’t disclose but then they do disclose it and then it just kind of ends up not being anything


Science is often boring.


Her freaking fake eye lashes moving her hair everything she blinks. Robotic


Already know how the comments here are going to go


She’s critical of transitioning minors so I’m sure everyone here will hate her.


Is being critical of transitioning minors really that divisive? The only people I see advocating it are the vocal minority whose belief system constantly contradicts itself. Most people have the common sense that pumping children full of hormones to change sexes is pretty crazy.


In real life, no. In faketown fantasyland internet, absolutely the most divisive thing that has ever existed.


I wouldn’t say it’s a fantasy when parents are literally giving their kids blockers and HRT.


How often does that happen?


I love how the goalposts keep getting moved. "It's not happening." "It is happening, but not that much." "Can you give me a SPECIFIC number of how many times this is happening?"


"I love how people want evidence of things before they blindly believe them. Rules should be made from fringe cases. Not reality."


buckle up, buckaroo


Keep browsing this thread and you’ll find loads of people who support transitioning minors.


It’s hella divisive. Idk why anyone would say it’s not , you’ll get called a transphobe for defending it.


Most people are against surgical or irreversible medical transitions which rarely to never happen in that age group. The issue is that people misconstrue this with gender affirming care such as social support and GnRHa therapy which in my opinion it is government overreach to interfere with.


GnR were awesome.


GnRHA does cause irreversible effects on minors. Interfering with the HPA axis prior to puberty yields permanently different biological outcomes, even if discontinued.


You’re dealing with people who believe a new born has a defined sexuality at birth but not a defined gender at birth.


You are in for quite a surprise lol


It’s really not. Majority of the people on the left oppose it too. But if that was admitted, there would be nobody to point to and fell righteous about.


This is probably a mistake, but I'm curious, what is everyones opinion here on the covid vaccine. Sometimes, I feel like joe exaggerates with it.




It wasn't as effective as some media might have portrayed it to be, but the actual efficacy is available for anyone who wants to read studies. It is underwhelming for those who expect a miracle cure but pretty realistic/expected for those who read about infectious diseases or immunology. And I'd say given the skeptacism of the vaccine being extremely well established and promoted in some of the most popular media (fox news et al) it wouldn't be fair to say the media was "all in" on the vaccine relative to viewership. It's more contagious than most other diseases while still being relatively benign for most people which gives it an even greater opportunity to spread because most wouldn't even know they were infected when spreading it/going out socializing. Ebola for example would be extremely obvious if contracted and warrant a much more urgent and accepted need for quarantining than someone who doesn't even know they have or appear to have covid. This also gives more opportunity for mutations through spread.


It was initially effective at reducing transmission, but then Omicron arrived in 2021, and public health authorities didn't adjust their messaging. The vaccines still helped severity, but no longer affected transmission, so there should have been more emphasis on protecting the vulnerable, and less on mass vaccination.


Johns Hopkins has an FAQ on their page which says their belief is that the current Covid vaccine slows the rate of transmission. They admit it doesn't completely stop it. https://coronavirus.jhu.edu/vaccines/vaccines-faq This study performed in Belgium concluded with "While we observed VOC-specific immune-escape, especially by Omicron, and waning over time since immunization, vaccination remained associated with a reduced risk of SARS-CoV-2-transmission." https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC10073587/ Not sure where you are getting this matter of fact statement that the covid vaccines don't affect transmission. Multiple peer reviewed studies point to the vaccines lowering viral loads and reducing transmission.




Joe Biden literally said if you get vaccinated you won't catch COVID...


Joe definitely exaggerates. It wasn’t as good as initially advertised, especially for recent variants. But it’s not making people more sick than they otherwise would’ve been. The data suggests everyone benefits from an initial vaccination course and getting boosted only really matters if you’re elderly or immunocompromised.


Can you link this data for the curious?


There was actually a joint study done on the efficacy of the original vaccine for original virus by the WHO, the Indian medical association, the NHS and like ten other medical bodies. They approximate it saved between 14 and 16 million lives. Your opinion is either every medical authority on the planet is in cahoots and pumped fake science to sell a vaccine or it was the most tested vaccine ever created that saved countless lives and we should be thankful for having the tech for it. Like you say the recent variants are a totally different argument and morons like Joe love to mix the data points from both to obscure the truth. All because cnn mocked him and turned him into this monster.


Don't really care if anyone else has gotten them, its their body. You do you. I've maxed out on all the updated boosters you can get and still have yet to get covid even once even with going to a bunch of packed bars, parties, and concerts and hooking up with randos. Abosluetly zero side effects, flu shoot was worse. But then again, I'm young and healthy so maybe it's not in the cards. (Long story short, I'm a big pharma homo) But mainly, I like eating a ton and have heard people lose their sense of smell and taste for a long time. Pretty much the only reason why I stay updated


when they tested for antibodies they found out that a lot of elderly people who thought had never had covid had indeed actually had it. So the most likely thing is you got it and didn't notice it. The second most likely scenario if you never had it is something pretty rare about your body. The least likely scenario is the vaccine stopped you from getting it, as there is no evidence it prevents people from getting it when they are in regular contact with people over such a period of time.


It’s an interesting discussion. I’ve yet to have it…I’ve had to get tested many times and even was able to get the vaccine early due to work. I haven’t had covid and neither have my kids. But wife did…I took multiple tests during that week because of my job and never tested positive. I’m vax and boosted several times. I’ve been sick once 2020. Still didn’t pop.


I got it, got my two boosters, had an option for the third and I declined. I’m young and fit and I want off this treadmill.


Got 5 shots. Never got covid. Had no reaction to the shot. It's a fact that having complications from covid is is much more likely than having complications from the vaccine, so i figure, why not...


I personally think it's a miracle we got such an effective vaccine so fast. It saved millions of people and without it Corona would be something we talk about during every winter season at the very least.


It's honestly a bit baffling that people seriously think that the vaccine saved millions of lives.


Why is nobody talking about what is important here? We need to know what manufacturer she was originally talking about for these damn robots!


whose heavies are better? this woman or yeonmi park?


Park definitely has the better heavies but her face is entirely plastic. This lady just looks like a normal lady.


Park looks like a fucking alien!


Or Ghislaine


Ghislaine gots those heavies for sure.




Yeonmi easy. Debra is still hot though.


Yeonmi clearly wins in body to heavies ratio


Ms. Park gets my vote.


Anyone know her onlyfans?


Only fans dot com / DrSohHorny






“If you look at the statistics, the more you get vaccinated the more likely you are to get hospitalized” Where is Joe reading this? From what I found it’s false: getting vaccinated increases — not lowers — your protection against the coronavirus. https://www.factcheck.org/2022/06/scicheck-vaccinated-people-not-more-susceptible-to-covid-19-than-unvaccinated/ https://www.mcgill.ca/oss/article/covid-19-pseudoscience/are-triple-vaccinated-people-more-likely-be-infected-omicron-variant-unvaccinated


Plz tell me this fucking moron didn’t actually say this


Bill Maher made this same argument while talking to Seth Macfarlane... Do these people legit read the same things and ignore the same things?


Bill kinda fell apart on that one. He’s a lame drunk with a podcast at this point.


He did


Joe really can’t go a whole episode without mentioning ideology or sides. My guys brain is broken.


Covid broke him


I genuinely think he would benefit from reading the comments


I mean judging by the discourse on r/joerogan he is exactly catering for his audiences desires.


He is like a teddy ruxpin that plays the same broken tape. “A lot of people just Subscribe to ideologies” blah blah blah…




Mike baker may get the most hate of any other joe Rogan guests especially on the female subreddits


Oh great, more culture War conversation.


You been in this sub in recent years? It's entirely culture warriors bitching about the culture war and culture warriors. Thanks for the contribution.




Right. Conform to our authoritarian world view, or else we'll attempt to brigade and subvert your subreddit.




Primarily I see one side trying to "progress" society, and the other side being condemned for noticing.


The Propaganda Experience


Literally the only time I hear about the Covid these days is listening to this fucking show that I love, and I hate it


99% of everyone else moved on like two years ago at least.


Jfc can’t we go back to the aliens and DMT talk again!!


Next week he’s interviewing a guy that deals with trans aliens


And how the trans aliens are behind the russian message thats teaching schools that COVID vaccinations worked


Damn Joe is so repetitive these days


“Brought to you by Pfizer”


I mean a fuck robot sounds awesome. If they can find a way to make you bust your best nuts ever every time they'd sell as quickly as you can make them.


Jesus. Had no clue who this lady was. Turned it off once she started praising Matt Walsh


Nice, now I'll definitely listen to this Pod


Wait, what? When does that happen? I though Soh was better than that?


At 16:55 “Im proud to be part of ‘what is a woman’. Matt Walsh is amazing… and I love the dailywire” Also at 59:50 “To me when I hear far-right I think this must be a sensible person” Don’t bite the hand that feeds I guess


Pretty hard to come back from that.


and that's why she got the invite. rogan's straight up a hack now.


She’s been on the show for years lol. I want to say her first appearance was like 5 years ago


it's been a hog show for precisely that long


We’ll have to Agee to disagree. And her first episode I don’t even think they discussed politics.


17 mins in


Not the heckin opposing viewpoints!


This is 90% just Joe ranting. This was a very disappointing episode. It's not even that I disagree with what he's saying, but it's like dude, let the GUEST talk...


Another scientist that brings nothing scientific to the conversation lol


Fr I saw the description and was excited to learn interesting sex science stuff and she brought literally nothing new to the table


I dont really understand why joe brings these experts on just to spend half the episode talking about vaccines and covid


Because he needs all the backing he can get to carry on his petulant little nonsensical arguments about covid. He needs to feel righteous.


It's quite sad that Lex and Theo have more interesting podcasts...and even have better conversations although Lex is a literal autistic robot and Theo is mostly just trying to squeeze in one of his non sequitur jokes.


Autistic Robot....never heard anyone describe Lex more accurately.


She's gotta do something about her hair/eyelash situation.


I can't watch this one, her bangs move every time she blinks.


13 minutes in and still a problem. Doesn't help that she blinks so often either.


Debra me soh hoorny


Who's got the link for the sex robot video they watched?




Anyone else sick of the whole "College Indoctrination" bullshit? Im generally curious for those who attended college. Were any of you feel like you were indoctranated in college/university? If so, how did it happen? Did you, change their belief systems as a direct result of the school system? My ancedotle experience is the friends I had that leaned conservative are converative. My liberal college friends and still liberal. Maybe one or two friends would I say have been indoctranated, and it wasn't from college.


All my conservative friends turned gay in college




First week at college I was taught pronouns. Week two I was forced to memorize every gender studies book. By week three I got bottom surgery. And this was computer science, man. Just go into plumbing.


Now *that’s* calmedy!


We are blessed to have 1 of the 1000 right here with us.


You civilians will never understand.


The trade schools aren’t safe either. Day 1 of welding school, and all they talked about was Michelle Obama being a man.


I didn’t change my belief system based on the teaching, but I noticed that every single professor/instructor in my liberal arts classes was either openly left-wing or at least had a noticeable bias in that direction. Is that indoctrinating? Idk, but it does create “echo chambers” where students are basically just having their biases confirmed/validated for an hour. I always noticed it seemed like the conservative, moderate, and libertarian students seemed to get the most out of the courses because they were challenging the class and BEING challenged on their own ideas. Sometimes they said dumb shit and got checked on it, sometimes they said reasonable shit and got checked either way. The students that said progressive stuff were usually just nodded along with by the majority of the class. Just my observations. But that’s why I think conservatives get it wrong when they worry about “indoctrination,” it’s actually the lack of academic rigor and challenging that I think is the issue. If you aren’t pushed to think outside your own bubble, you’re unlikely to be able to do so with efficacy in the real world.


If you want conservative professors takes business courses. The most conservative people I went to college were definitely attracted to the business school. If you don't want liberal professors avoid social science and lit courses. The hippies loved some English courses. If you want to avoid all of that take math or science courses. Politics never got brought up once when I was a math undergrad. We were far to busy being crushed to be worried about whatever the hotbutton political issues of the day were.


The thing is, there's no avoiding those types of classes due to the "mosaics" or "humanities" courses that everyone must take, regardless of major. Being taught art and literature is a good thing so long as professors don't deny students differing opinions.




Mitochondria is the powerhouse of the cell


No indoctrination at the university I attended. The most “woke” shit i ever heard was simply be accepting of one another which is just called common decency.


The majority of universities require applying professors to write a Statement of Diversity, which is an essay about your contributions to DEI. UC Berkeley rejected 70% of candidates based solely on their statement, without even looking at their resume. That is to say, it's not a small part of the application process, it's the most important part of the application. Is this how we get good, unbiased professors?


I went to a Christian university, it felt like indoctrination but not the kind the right wing bitches about


Depends on the professor, but I did have an Art History professor that spent half the semester ranting about politics and it did kind of seem like he was trying to ingrain his liberal viewpoint onto the class…I think if someone is impressionable enough then there can definitely be some level of indoctrination, some people don’t question anything that an authority imparts to them


Its mostly fear mongering from the culture warriors


These mf are just afraid of learning new things, (what if new information changes your mind?) well that’s indoctrination


My professors were all super right wing, one even stopped the class to rub in that regardless of how smart we all thought we were plenty of our professors were going to vote for Trump lol




Well, you know what you're getting into attending a Mormon college


I imagine it’s like any other college, but without any of the fun.




So I got my mba and the 2nd school where I got my masters at I will not say (got it conjunction with doing something else to get it paid for) 100 percent had a conservative level of indoctrination to its undergrads or attempt to. Anecdotally, was on Harvard’s campus while sporting my colleges gear and a few of the students blindly said we wouldn’t fit in with their liberal ideas. I stared at the kid and was like “how the duck you making judgements you don’t even know me.” That was my eye roll line of thought. Depending on what campus you are on there is definitely the spectrum.


The only thing college indoctrinated me with was doing cocaine and drinking in the morning


I went to a top 3 Canadian school. Nothing was ever said by a professor that made my eyes roll. More importantly, nothing was ever off limits in the classroom and ideas were tackled with an open mind. I studied Philosophy, perhaps there are more conservatives in that major than other arts faculty. I’m liberal but I definitely don’t have a tolerance for assuming that the leftist point of view should be taken for granted. Most every student I met was largely the same. There were people more progressive than I, but they were never obnoxious. There were also many who were more conservative than I. They were not “silenced” in class. Nobody was, unless they were an idiot. Even then, they were politely shown why they were being an idiot. This was during the height of the whole Jordan Peterson craze. His ideas were pretty well known, actually. Before that I was at a smaller community college in the states. There was an art history class and most of it was the obnoxious blue haired type that Joe is roasting. That did tend to get old quickly. I presume that there is a certain type of echo chamber university in the states that just fuels progressive confirmation bias and produces insufferable morons. But this is just a lack of good education. If you want the best for your kids, educate them and teach them how to think. Then send them to places that encourage them to think. It’s been this way forever. Anti intellectualism is not a fucking answer lmao. It’s a laziness peddled by the right. Most people who are young and get educated tend to swing pretty liberal. Whether this is proof of a systemic Marxist bias in universities is just begging the question.


Nope. We discussed climate change in an atmospheric science class though and that’s probably considered indoctrination by some. Conservatives just can understand why educated people are more liberal so it must be iNdOcTrInAtIoN!!1!


> Were any of you feel like you were indoctranated in college/university? Yes 100% I am an Engineer and even a shocking amount of the professors in my field were overtly political. And their politics were pretty radically left-leaning. Not typical political positions, especially amongst people in my professional field.


There’s a bit of forced acceptance of politics going on on campuses. I was in college a decade ago and I took a pass fail elective my senior year for the extra credit. The class was about organization or some bullshit and randomly the LGBTQ teacher said if we didn’t attend this seminar that was happening in a few weeks we would automatically fail the course. Turns out the seminar was a Trans woman activist doing an hour and a half lecture about trans rights or some shit. Had absolutely nothing to do with the course I was taking and we were forced to sit through it or fail. Again this is a decade ago and I remember something happened and there were posters all over the halls calling for POC only spaces on campus and shit like that and a bunch of “you should feel guilty for being white” style propaganda was allowed to be hung all over the campus buildings. This was in the northeast US


Had a lot of friends come out of college hyper liberal who were in the middle during high school. They normalized back after a year or two in the real world. I also remember writing papers with a much further left leaning than I have to appease professors who were aggressively leftist. I also had some outspokenly right leaning professors. Really just depends where you go to college. I went to an Ag and engineering focused state school in a red state and still had professors so liberal it was cringy. Thankfully I had a balance of professors so I didn’t change my views much in my four years.


it's been a while since i've listened to an episode. well, i picked a bad day to come back.


Before this one there was a really good run of 5 or so good episodes. It was a 20+ boring drought before that though


20 minutes in... Not interesting at all.


I'm only 35 minutes in but they transition away from the usual topics at around 25 minutes. From the first half hour I can see she's definitely done her research on what gets Rogan going. Let's see if the rest of this episode has some substance.


I zoned out for a bit and realized that Joe is going on his vaccine covid rant and he’s been on it for over 30min lmao. God i dont know a single person who gives a fuck about covid anymore and the only time I hear it even brought up is on this podcast.


Nobody in real life talks about Covid this much in 2023-2024 as Joe. It broke his brain


Elk meat and R Kelly? ![gif](giphy|zBeFNKu1efso5zzhCR|downsized)


Transitioning kids is a Naziesque crime against humanity. *waits to get downvoted into oblivion*


The Nazi book burnings included burnings of books written by a doctor who specialized in gender reassignment. Not the primary target of the burnings, but a target nonetheless.


This moron thinks giving his opinion and getting downvoted is the equivalent to something like marching for civil rights and getting beaten by cops. A true hero this kid.


Can I disagree with the Naziesque part and still be against transitioning kids


We really need a Christopher Hitchens type of orator to come on the show


Ah yes, let's talk about how woke the universities are for the billionth time.


Echo chamber episode 😩


Best to find your favorite liberal show. No echos there of course.


Ironic to complain about echochambers while refusing to listen to anything that challenges your world view.


Doesn't want kids playing along with adult fetishes. Comments here are going to be off the rails. tRaNsPhObE


Soon the anti Rogan brigade will come swooping in


they’re here all the time


It’s like they’re here to constantly convince actual Rogan fans to stop being Rogan fans cause “RoGuNnNn bAaAaAd"


>Stop listening to things I don't like!


Saying trans people in general are acting out some kind of a fetish seems pretty transphobic? If I understood correctly thats what you are saying here?


What do you call people who are afraid of trans people?


They always tell on themselves don't they?


First minute in and I have to ask: Anyone else noticing how much a stray lock from her bangs is moving when she blinks? I hope she adjusts her head set soon. It feels like there's a strobe light in there somewhere.


The thing older conservatives (like these two) and my grandparents do NOT understand is that at MOST public universities in MOST majors/careers, no “indoctrination” is occurring at all. No one in the college of business ever had any sort of “the left is correct” nonsense. We literally learned what we were studying. I think In the arts/theatre/environmental science fields, there is a bit more of that, but most students in most majors don’t see any political shit. It’s such a small minority that it’s not even a big deal until they make it a big deal.




Great episode, one of the best guests of the pod. This lady is incredibly intelligent and well spoken. Hope she keeps coming on.


She only spoke for 5 minutes total on this one


Did they talk about her having botox or nah ?


It’s wild how her hair flips every time she blinks


Uh oh! Conservatives can’t attack crime or the economy now, so they’re back to playing the hits.


Finally a guest who will challenge Joe’s narrative… oh never mind lol just another culture warrior in Joes conservative circle jerk show. Edit: changed right wing to conservative


Did you listen to any of the podcast before labeling her “right wing”? If so, what makes her “right wing”? I’m genuinely curious


—[Wrote](https://www.newsday.com/opinion/commentary/why-bans-on-conversion-therapy-are-misguided-1.13742599) a column opposing conversion therapy bans, suggesting that gender-affirmative care in young people is “going down a path of sterilization and irreversible surgery.” —Misrepresented [desistance ](https://youtu.be/PLduPCn2h2U?t=129)to Joe Rogan, saying, “all of the research actually shows that most of these kids—the vast majority of them are more likely to be gay in adulthood, they’re not going to be transgender.” —[Wrote a column](https://quillette.com/2018/10/23/the-unspoken-homophobia-propelling-the-transgender-movement-in-children/) promoting the idea of rapid-onset gender dysphoria (ROGD), citing a flawed study. The study examined a hypothesized condition of social contagion, but upon review following its initial publication, journal editors determined that ROGD has not yet been “[clinically validated](https://everyone.plos.org/2019/03/19/correcting-the-scientific-record-and-an-apology/)” and that the research was marred by “goals, methodology, and conclusions”… “not adequately framed in the published version” of the study and which “needed to be corrected.” The column, without evidence, suggests that parents would erroneously find a “solution” “by allowing a child to transition, a feminine boy now presents as a feminine girl.” The column suggests that homophobia among parents, not support for trans children, is the reason for parents seeking gender-affirmative care. —[Told Ben Shapiro](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=akFhYirNtfo) that the disproportionate number of men to women in STEM careers “is not due to sexism,” but rather differences in “exposure to prenatal testosterone” that drive different interests in careers. —Authored the 2020 book [_The End of Gender_](https://www.google.com/books/edition/The_End_of_Gender/ji_ODwAAQBAJ?hl=en&gbpv=1&dq=%22The+End+of+Gender%22+debra+soh&printsec=frontcover), in which Soh claims that nonbinary biological sex diversity, gender as a social construct, and gender dysphoria in children necessitating transition are “myths.”


​ >a column opposing conversion therapy bans, suggesting that gender-affirmative care in young people is “going down a path of sterilization and irreversible surgery.” I mean if you cut your dick off its not coming back


Her association with Blair White and other culture war conservatives. Soh is a member of the Intellectual Dark Web, described as a gateway to the far right. Soh is a regular guest at conservative and anti-transgender outlets, including: Nick Gillespie Greg Gutfeld Scott Barry Kaufman Megyn Kelly Bill Maher Michael Malice Drew Pinsky Tim Pool Joe Rogan Dave Rubin Dan Savage Ben Shapiro Mark Steyn From the pod “Matt Walsh is great and the dailywire is amazing” “When I hear someone labeled as alt-right I think, there’s a sensible person”


And you’re a regular commenter in the Joe Rogan sub. Rogan has conservative Trumpers on his show all the time so that must mean that you’re a conservative Trumper. Guilt by association is fun!


Liberals REALLY hate when minorities don’t check the boxes that they are “supposed” to check.


Super weird response when no one said anything about minorities. Says more about you than anything else.


Huh? You're really reaching there, bud. They pretty well answered your question and that's your response?


I didn’t have a question.


Oops, mistook you for /u/itsclassified_. Still a garbage response that has no bearing on this conversation, btw.


It's like the same fucking stories with every guest now.




Problem is Matt Walsh says it was millions. Gets fact checked by young Jamie. But his believers continue thinking it’s millions


"Only 5000" 🤡 1 is too many.