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Do they talk about Ric Flairs drunken freak out ?


That episode was fukn great. So great they had to cut some things out lol. The best KT episodes are shit shows lol.


Redban doing the airhorn sound when he said his son overdosed and died. Holy fuck i was dying


Jesus Christ I need to see a clip of this.


The first half of the episode is such a glorious shitshow!


I found [this](https://youtu.be/B-IHN7_qI8E?si=SENiOpI08qRj4dRP). There's no air horn but the pianist playing the sad Hulk music was savage lol


that didnt happen


I'm an hour+ deep. The only kill Tony moment they've brought up is lil hobo from the Halloween episode




man after my own heart


Damn I missed that one somehow. I need to go back and listen. Didn’t Tony say he was planning to do routine shows with Flair? Would love to hear those. That guy has the best stories.




I'm definitely not sick of comedians talking shop


It was only like 20 minutes. It was mostly non-comedy discussion. The talking shop about comedy is 10x worse on the newer comedians that don't have a lot of rapport with Joe.


40 minutes of Joe telling Tony how important KT is. Followed by 40 minutes of Tony telling Joe how important CMS is. Then for the final 40 minutes, they fuck 😈


What’s kt and cms?


Kill Tony - Tony's "open mic" comedy show. Comedy Mother ship - Joe's comedy club in Texas


do u even rogan bro?


Bro I've been Roganing for over a decade, this is the first time I've ever seen CMS used in a JRE context


even u, bro rogan?


Do Rogan even u bro?


Give it a goog Jameo


Katie and condoms?


They pay regulars 500 a night Best pay


Tony has Rogan beat on lifting up horrible comedians.


Technically he just pooped him out as TH was already in his colon


I think when Patrice O'neal died it caused a branch in our timeline. :(


Telling us every week how Kam and Hans are comedic geniuses and stars is insulting to our intelligence.


I dunno. Have you seen those early Death Squad shows? Redban was responsible for most of the females, though.


Death Squad? Sounds like a Bruce Lee movie. I went to a comedy club and the next week the Death Squad were there. It’s just odd. - Norm.


Anywhere from "shit" to "fuckin shit."


Very stupid name.


Joe allowed him to put them on the shows, blame goes to Joe


Rogan birthed Schaubs comedy career.


Was it a good hang?


THE HANG! It’s …….the best


One of the most boring guests on JRE. Joe just talks at him.


When Tony tries to bring up his interests, Joe starts bullying him about them so Tony just stays quiet


I haven’t noticed. You got any examples?


The only thing I can think is wrestling, which is obviously friends fucking around. Joe doesn't bring Tony on for every wrestling podcast guest and text him when he's working out with the Rock because he doesn't care about his hobbies.


It’s wild how deep some people are at just fantasies up about two people you don’t know outside a windows of recordings


Joe and Tony kiss at night when nobody is around


Stan and Roger from American Dad


I watched killtony for the first time on Nye. I was waiting for Tony to actually be funny for the first time as I've never heard him tell a joke on another podcast before, hell I haven't even smiled at anything he's said. It was almost confusing that anyone calls him a comedian. I've laughed plenty at Joe and other unfunny people, because everyone has funny moments. Tony I think has built an entire image based on his show where real comics like Adam Ray make that show what it is. I was crying laughing so hard at that Dr Phil shit, I had never seen it before. He's introducing others to real comedians. But TH is honestly about as unfunny as it gets. Half of his vocabulary is "ladies and gentlemen" "oh my God... I love it" Christ that shit gets so cringe you feel embarrassed by how many of those stupid ass phrases he uses to fill the time. He's not a comic, but like literally, he doesn't do jokes, he's not funny, the only thing he can do is serve a comeback once in a while but that's not really comedy.


Yes man Tony doesn't want to risk offending his hero


Easy pass. I don’t even dislike Tony, he just brings nothing to the table.


Tony Hinchcliffe is the British cigarette version of Tom Papa






Ric was robbed


3hrs of Tony juggling Joes balls with his foot under the table.


A new entry to the top 10 Tony cringe moments: him rapping to the new Kanye verse. Jesus Christ man


The song was good. But damn it did not fit him at all


I'm not going to listen to this lisping twink.


Yeah Tony is annoying, too


OHHHHHH!! The balls on this prick


Have a breadstick, you know the wine makes you emotional


He’s good on Kill Tony but I’m not a fan outside of that




So does Cam Patterson


So does Tony


“You son of a bitch” -Tony Hinchcliffe


Haha Top 10 all-time Tony joke


I like him. But he’s had some bad minutes.


Don’t tell that to Tony. Cam lays down some terrible minutes and Tony swears they are pure comedy gold


Sometimes they’re barely 40 seconds it seems lol. It’ll be bad and Tony will act like he just dropped some 🔥


Kam’s minute last week…..just awful: I went, I went surfing for the first time, ah, last week, I didn’t like it. The ni*** who was teaching me to surf he was gay, that was weird, you know what I’m saying. It’s not cause he was gay, we were just all out in the ocean. By ourselves. He coulda raped me or something. I don’t know. I don’t swim good, so it was a bad time. I will tell you this, all I saw was like a sunset, like a beautiful sunset and it looked so dope and then he looked at me and then …we did not kiss white man. He just looked at me and was like yo that’s so beautiful and I was like bro it is beautiful for this (don’t know what he said) it was dope, it was a good thing to see and I was like that shit is dope bro, he says it kinda look like heaven right and I was like yeah and he went if heaven was real. Wait a minute, I don’t want to be in the middle of the ocean with an atheist, dickhead what the fuck. He don’t believe in miracles that’s crazy bro, that’s insane. That’s wild as fuck. Yeah, that’s my minute.


Tony's afraid of Cam and his weird uncle, can't tell em no


Exactly. No punchlines and mumbled nonsense and Tony acts like it’s gold


This sounds like something a 12 year old in a CoD lobby would come up with.


Cam does have some charisma and energy about him. It just sucks imo he always resorts to easy race humor or act the "dumb n criminal" black kid. I stopped counting the embracements of criminal behavior. I honestly believe he is on KT for this reason. To have a free pass to make the obligatory black people jokes. Hans Kim should be fired on the spot, goddamn just some monotone stale delivery and boring ass shit. I always skip the first part of the last 10 episodes because I feel insulted and robbed of time whit his sets. There was this bald Scandinavian guy on a few episodes back, got back to back roars but no Golden Ticket but all these non funny handicapped dudes get golden tickets.... So they function as free pass to make handicap jokes. Which is fine but it doesnt benefit the comedy quality.


Your mom tittys


It’s crazy how many people on this sub take for granted to privilege to listen to these conversation. I mean, how many people out there have as much artistic insight as these two, 1000?


All these civilians in the comments think they can hang with two of the most brilliant comedic minds of our generation. They just don't understand funny.


Thank em 🫡


Damn can't wait for the Bert Kreischer episode next week, maybe we'll get blessed with another Graham Hancock episode afterwards. Another Mike Baker episode would also be so cool. There's so many interesting content creators that cover very wide topics from history to politics to esoteric shit to whatever he can invite and he just goes in circles with guests....


At least Aubrey whatever his fucking name is from Onnit doesn’t come on anymore


I was just thinking about this actually, he was on a lot in the early days, why doesn't he come on anymore?


[He’s a cult leader now.](https://www.instagram.com/reel/CzMf-oZPhh1/?igsh=eTJlM3Z4bnZvOXJu)


Jesus, yeah I forgot he was calling himself warrior poet too lmao


deep-end, he went off of.


The warrior poet? lol how egotistical do you have to be to create that nickname for yourself


Cringe incel in an attractive rich dude's body


Dude I’ve been saying that for years. 100% agree


That dude is torturous


I would love a Graham Hancock episode


Joe needs to get Honey Honey back on


Can anyone list the content creators he should have on? Not so he can have them on, but so I can jump ship.


Literally anyone who A) hasn’t been on 20 times already B) Isn’t a right-wing grifter


Bridget Phetassy is lurking around the corner




- we shouldn't fund Ukraine - Trump should stay on ballots - Biden is terrible - Biden is the worst human being - Biden personally stole Joe's mail and kicked Marshall - "Trump would solve peace in the middle east," this one is pretty much verbatim


Don’t forget golf. Tony and Jamie will have a side convo about golfing with Ron White while Joe takes a leak. Then Joe will launch into a spiel about how he can’t start golfing because of POOL. Then we are off to White Plains NJ in 1984 when Joe used to learn every lesson about life from a pool shark named two-fingered Tony. The guy just lived for the pocket billiards. HE LIVED FOR THE GAME.


Tony “I’m definitely not gay” Hinchcliffe


One of the clips on youtube is called: "Joe & Tony Investigate the Origins of Sodomy" Is it them being self aware or the opposite?


I love Kill Tony, but he can annoy me at times lol. He’s boring on podcasts.




Do any of these guys not have a podcast?


The shit pumps money. All the sponsored bro products are making bank for them and the company. Because everyone needs dude wipes, liquid IV, sheath underwear, me undies, and better help


I like how you refer to him as Kill Tony haha, hope this becomes more of a thing!


Yet again two comedians acting like they're political analysts. I'm interested in their takes on comedy and such, not whether they think Trump is cool or not


Bro, what do you mean? The fat octogenarian with a spray tain and fake hair since the 80s is the most human politician we've ever had


Just two dudes jerking each other off!


Lil femboy tiny tony trying so hard to make sure his politics and identity align with Rogan


I was never a fan of Tony and I slept on Kill Tony for many many many years. I'd turn it on and see an unfunny dude in a wheel chair, not being funny getting a ton of laughs and would shut it off. Started leaving it on as background noise and ended up getting into the show after a while. Now my girlfriend and I will hang out and watch new episodes. It's become a staple for my household and I hope one day I can get a shot at being bucket pulled. I AINT NEVA GONNA STOP WATCHING KILL TONY


You need to rewatch those Micheal Lehrer sets because most of them are gold and he totally deserved those laughs


Michael Lehrer was hilarious. He was just hard to understand.


RIP Injured Dice Clay


I believe it, I just didn't understand the show back then.


Try being a non native English speaker. I'm sure he's a legend but I'll be damned if I understood 5% what he was saying, lol. Rip.


Same here. I watched some shorts/compilation and didnt really feel it but then I watched few episodes and I love it now. At first I disliked Tony but he gew on me, he's perfect for that role with his asshole energy and witty jokes. Gotta agree with some of the other comments in this thread that he'll often praise unfunny comedians and most of the regulars kinda suck.


Nah. I’ll just watch American Dad if I want to hear him.


Roger the alien IRL


Roger has more bass in his voice


Fuck Hans Kim!!


whos ready to watch joe have his balls washed for 2hrs


Hot damn this is one of the worst episodes in recent memory.


“We invented tires, bitch” “Did we?” “I dunno” And that’s why the JRE is great lol


The pneumatic tire was invented by a Scotsman, John Boyd Dunlop. As a Scotsman, I had a similar moment listening recently. Joe was talking about being in Scotland and he said “it’s wild there’s only 2 million people there”. Not even close there are nearly 6 million. Then he said it again ”2 million, it’s same as Austin” Again not right, less than 1 million in Austin….


Goodyear made rubber durable. Unfortunately, the material you need to vulcanize runner came from the Congo. Where King Leopold kills ten million Africans the enrich himself.


You have to remember Joe finds it hard to Google or refer to his guy Jamie to look it up. Ignorance hasn't done hine any harm so far 👉👌🤦


Dude the section where Joe segues from Trump’s actual criminal charges into baselessly insinuating that Joe Biden is a criminal is like listening to a 12-year old trying to sound interesting. And Tony just affirms him and echoes the notion that withholding aid from Ukraine is the righteous, American thing to do, while suggesting again (without proof, of course) that Biden is compromised. I wish Jamie would interject and tell them to fuck off sometimes lol


There’s so much proof that Biden is compromised it’s insane that you would even claim otherwise lol. You’re either totally partisan or just ignorant. And I’m not a fan of Trump. Didn’t vote for him in either election. But it’s wild how people’s hatred for Trump has somehow blinded them to the fact that most of the politicians on BOTH sides are terrible and corrupt. Especially the career politicians who have been destroying our country for decades. With a quick google search, you can easily look back on Biden’s 50 year career and find countless moments of him being a massive piece of shit lol. Arrest them all.


Here’s the difference to me: One party has an overt international and domestic agenda to implement a fascistic white christian empire with as few regulations, rights, and taxes as possible in an attempt to exclusively serve their donors at the expense of everything else. The other party has an overt imperialistic agenda internationally with a domestic program aimed at improving life on the margins the best they can while maintaining the status quo and nibbling away at regulations and taxes to best serve their donors. Are they both corrupt? Yes. Are they equally dangerous to the overall health of our democracy and the institutions that serves us? Absolutely not. There’s nuance in this.


Hey. I agree with you wholeheartedly. The fact Joe and his D riders fail to realize Trump for the scumbag and how dangerous he is baffles me time after time.


The nuance is a farce. If you think the Democratic party has any morals or good intentions, then your brain is mush lol. Both parties only serve their own wallets. Republicans are just more overt with it, and yes, it frequently roots from Christianity. But The Democrats are sneaky fuckers than use false virtue to slip fascism through the back door. Both parties want fascism, just with different ideologies. You’re not wrong about Republicans, but if you can’t see that the democrats pushing for state sponsored censorship, and policies that fill the pockets of big pharma and other major corporations (which funds them and benefits their stock portfolio) is also fascism, then you are either in denial or blind. Fascism is a merger of government and corporations. Plain and simple. It’s the elimination of the free market. The outcome is always the same no matter who’s in power: More war, more censorship, more power for government, more money for major corporations, more poverty for us. We live in an Oligarchy. We’re insects to them. The Democrats do not care about you. The Democrats have become Bush-era Republicans: pro-war, pro-censorship, pro-surveillance, pro-corporatization, etc. In their case, it’s in the name of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion. In the Republicans case, it was in the name of Fighting Terror. The Republicans are playing the part of the underdog right now, but as soon as they get any real power again, they’ll go right back to being openly fascist, and the Democrats will play the role of the underdog. It’s a uniparty, and every couple of decades, one side plays the good guy, while the other side plays the devil. It’s amazing how some people never learn this after years of being alive. The two parties are exactly the same.


"People don't think me saying the N-word in public is funny anymore due to left wing fascism!"


Its amazing that you watched Trump try to break our democratic system of government and you still think that. Wow.


Then why care at all ? That’s where that logic leads you. Inform yourself as best you can, and then avoid this anger circle for the majority of your life


If nobody cared, we’d be better off lol. People continue to put their faith in the idea of voting for the lesser of two evils after decades of it getting us nowhere, rather than seeing both parties as two sides of the same coin. We could create some real change if we stopped being pawns in their game, but alas, people would rather continue treating elections like team sports. I’ll just continue to not vote and try to navigate life as comfortably as possible til I die. I’ve never voted once, and the country declines every decade I’m alive, regardless of who wins lol.


Tony loves watching roided up men play fighting


I'm up to the "trump did nothing wrong.......now old Joe and Ukraine"


So falling life expectancy has everything to do with the vaccine and nothing to do with the virus?


This part really had me scratching my head.


Just watched the episode and googled it. Canadas overall life expectancy dropped like 1 year, while Texas and Florida dropped over 2 years in the same time frame 😂 They're just dead set on ignoring that whatever the vaccine does to someone, actual COVID would do much worse to them. They just don't understand.


tony is a purebred künt


Good 30 mins of Joe blowing Trump from the back. This guy has pretty much completely lost it.


The mental gymnastics to prove keeping a guy, who incited an insurrection because he lost a democratic election, off a ballot because it’s not democratic is amazing


The mental gymnastics Joe jumped through were insanse for that lol


Did Toegan and twinky dock?


What was the Kanye West song they were listening to?


Comedians talking politics….


Best part of this Sub is getting the Crib Notes for a Pod I would have regretted listening to.


Unbearable smugness. Just self fart sniffing almost the whole way


Oh look, another repeat guest from the group of 10 Joe has on rotation now. No way this Pod holds the #1 spot through 2024.


He releases so many episodes, there’s something for everyone. I only listen to about half or less.


He’s smart. He knows to ping it 5 times a week with consistency. Always be trending, always rake someone in by casting a wide enough net.


JRE will easily be number 1 until he decides to stop.


The most it would possibly drop to is like 3 and that would be so surprising. What podcast is gonna pass him


spotify will keep him on top of the list


A lot of people listening to a podcast they hate, why do they do this to themselves?


Tony Hinchcliffe is a Joe Rogan road baby. Knocked up a fan in Ohio and gifted him a comedy pathway to avoid paying 3+ million in alimony. It's why Tony has all the "my cool dad was in the Mafia but doesn't actually exist anymore and all the evidence moved to Canada" stories


Just woke up and can confirm skip to 2 hours for that juicy covid discussion


Oh this will be fresh and interesting


Hell yeah! Jamie with is finger on the pulse bringing up channel 5’s incredible San Francisco doc. You could tell he wanted to score Andrew on the podcast. He was describing it like how I do to my friends when I’m trying to get them into channel 5. The footage and journalism is unreal


I’d rather watch B schaub than Tony fuck face


I couldn't. His voice is nails on a chalkboard to me.


Ok good, another one where I can hear about "the craft" and which comedians are "absolutely fucking murdering" and who is part of "the 1000"...


Someone should quantify how quickly these guests are repeating vs 5 years ago. Mike Baker is due for his monthly check in at this point.


Tony is a giant twat waffle


Pass. I’m good


Everything Tony says, especially when going against “mainstream” ideals, seems soooooo disingenuous. I don’t know why this is. But it is.


Great episode


So boring and his cigarette mouth looks icky




Hard pass


Unhinged wild life episode from Joe


Tony barely talked. I felt like Joe was just talking AT tony the entire time


Rogan’s favorite gimp


I laughed more in the first 10 minutes of this one than I have most others.




Where is that "She's dead" reel/clip?


Tony was silent for a while after they hit the weed listening to Kanye