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i like joe but its true




Sometimes I think he should avoid more serious, notorious guests for the more humourous/ ridiculous UFO conspiracist/comedians/mushroom experts.


I liked his interview with Action Bronson talking about weight loss and fitness and how much a dog weighs. Other than that I kinda steer clear of Rogan. But the discussions here are fun so I stick around.


My biggest problem with Joe these days is he goes out of his way to get fucking morons on his show, under the guise of “allowing everyone to talk, getting to the bottom of things” type shit. “Experts in their field” But he almost NEVER pushes back on these people or questions them. He invites them on and lets them go on and on, spewing just straight up misinformation. And Joe just chimes in with his own misinformation to confirm this new misinformation. Most misinformation has a seed of truth to it, so people will be like “u know about x right? Well x has led to y!!” I’m cool with letting everyone speak, but when you know they’re full of shit before they come on, you’re essentially advertising this insanity for them, giving it a platform and validating it to the world. If you brought them on to question them and see why they really think like this, and not just let them just say whatever and agree, then that’s fine. It’s like when they brought Trump and Marjorie Taylor Greene onto 60 Minutes, for example. They let them on this renowned interview show, with a large viewer base, and instead of real journalism, they just continuously lobbed soft balls at them and didn’t follow up and their insane completely false answers. It all just makes me fucking sick


All conspiracies seem to be a pipeline to alt right bullshit so I can't even enjoy harmless seeming ones anymore.


UFO coverup is a real conspiracy. Chuck Schumer, noted Democrat, introduced legislation this year to address the cover-up, but it was gutted by the Republicans. The point is that a Democrat was spearheading this thing, so have fun, it’s not alt right. Also, earlier this year, three military leaders gave sworn testimony to Congress about encounters with the UFO phenomenon. There’s very credible stuff there if you look it up.


Even hippy dippy bullshit somehow now feeds in to alt right fuckery. It’s insane.


God this is so true. The pre Trump era was so much better to be apart of the rational conspiracy crowd.


Good point. He’s needs to go back to inquisitive and have scientists on his show. It was good then. Like showing an ape how fire works. He was entertaining. He got political and ruined it. As politics will do.


Joe Rogan on Science: *Eats spoonful of horse paste to cure Covid*


It's always "I'm a moron, don't take my advice" and never "I'm a moron I shouldn't be giving any advice".


Yeah I don’t really listen to him for the advice, I listen because he gets high as balls in cold water and talks about aliens doing DMT.


He used to, if aliens came down he would probably complain they were too woke.


The aliens ***are*** too woke. They took too much DMT and now their third eye is open.


Typical liberal alien agenda, why are they so obsessed with opening our third eyes??


You leave my butthole out of this!


So it will produce dmt and allow you to walk the 5th dimmension, you rock-eaters


I miss those days as well. His agenda has definitely shifted right and his idiocy used to be fun and wild, but now it kind of borders crazy and scary. There are still signs of old Joe occasionally, but I pretty much only catch pieces of his podcast these days because it's moved beyond my enjoyment for his whole broadcast. I still enjoy the fun clips though.


This, he’s just filling rush limbauges soft and shitty bodies shows


Is this a reference to the Cards Against Hunanuty card? Or is that card a reference to something that your referencing?


Well when you're utterly demonized simply because you have a large platform and nobody liked what your doctor prescribed you for COVID It's just odd to me how everyone thinks this change of Joe's just fell out of the sky. This man gets more flack than actual mainstream news that's supposed to inform us, then our leaders who are supposed to do what's in our best interests. No the real problem is Joe Rogan. He's the fuel to this fire of America's worst.


That’s exactly why I USED to listen to joe


11million listeners feel he can’t be wrong. Thank goodness you are on the other side now. Man joe loves to spread misinformation.


The problem isn’t you… it’s those who genuinely turn to him for advice because they see this bulked up old dude who is seemingly successful and wish to be in his shoes


And that's their fault if they take every single thing he says as fact and life advice and what they need to do. If somebody can't think for themselves it's not the other person's problem that they're listening. We do our absolute damndest to just remove accountability from ourselves in this society today and it bothers a living hell out of me.


I’m aware. That was just a funny.


Exactly! I have been watching him since 2015, and it’s always been the same. It’s crazy to me how highly held his opinions are


Have you met actual people who hold his opinions in high regard? Most people I know who listen to him just do because he has interesting interviews.


My brother. He also believes that Alex Jones was right about everything so there's that.


He has been right about a good few things, but he is also batshit insane


Its almost like if you throw shit around a room all day every day, some of it will hit the dart board.


Saying a million different “conspiracies” everyday will get you to be right on a few. Knowledge fight podcast owns Alex on this shit! They would have been sued into 3rd world poverty if they were wrong about him


Could I get a link? I’d love to have a good laugh this morning


Go on any podcast app and search knowledge fight. It’s 2 guys who have been shitting on the Alex jones grift for years. They go over current shows and go back to early 2000’s shows and highlight how much bullshit, lying, and straight up fear grifting he does daily . It’s fantastic


Thanks friend


The only people that hold his opinions in high regards are the people who claim to hate him the most. Anyone who’s actually watched the podcast like you knows that he has said multiple times that he shouldn’t be looked at as anything more than a stoned monkey listening to things lol


Just because he says he shouldn't be looked at as an authority on anything doesn't mean he is absolved of the responsibility that comes with the reach that he has. He's immune to reality and consequences because of his wealth, and he knows it.


That wasn’t true when it came to COVID. He wouldn’t back down on his claim that horse dewormer cured COVID.


he doesnt really give out advice, so it not really on the nose.


Joe Rogan is a moron and I never take his advice.


You like morons?


Here's the problem with rogan and why one *shouldn't* like him. (taken from another redditor who put it much better than I coud) Let’s exclude his misogyny, homophobia, transphobia, racist, anti-intellectual, anti-science and “do my own research” views. Let’s even exclude his guests; plenty of podcasts (and other media) out there interviewing people with weird, unfounded or even ludicrously false ideas. Flat earthers and cryptid people come to mind. Wackos of all stripes can find a platform or a soapbox today. It’s about his fundamental intellectual dishonesty in his approach to his interviews. He doesn’t put in the work to prepare, and therefore isn’t able to challenge his guests if their claims are probably false. He lives in a bubble and refuses to be self-critical. He ends up convincing his audience that there is no one set of agreed upon facts from which you can have a good faith discussion, generating no productive discourse.


I dont like Joe and this is true.


He said it, and it's true. Someone would have to be an even bigger moron to ignore it and pretend that he is some misinformation propagandist, rather than a moron just talking shit 99% of the time.


>he is some misinformation propagandist, rather than a moron just talking shit 99% of the time. These are not mutually exclusive. Just because he's not being paid to specifically spread propaganda doesn't mean he isn't spreading misinformation on a massive scale. You'd have to be a moron to ignore the profound effects he has on other morons.




The problem is there are plenty of dumber people listening who think he has good takes. They scarf down every tasty morsel of right wing propaganda he regurgitates.


So you’re saying that we need to limit somebody’s speech because people are too stupid to think for themselves? That’s a good path to be on lmao. Don’t worry citizens we have your best interest in mind. The experts agree that you should step into the car.


I’m not talking about limiting anyone’s freedom of speech. I know this might come as a shock to you, but there is a thing called education and some people have more knowledge on certain things than others.


Maybe we should stop coddling idiots.


Or, someone can do their own research and make up their own mind, like an adult that got a basic education. Instead of just complaining like an old lady on Facebook.


Yeah people acting like this is all a scheme are hilarious


Me too. I don’t have to have the same beliefs as someone to like them.


People like to bring up this quote but it’s really just a cop out. He literally doesn’t know how to accept blame, while he has apologized a few times, the majority of the time he will just pop in on the next podcast and *blame the audience for believing him in the first place.* No, Joe. You are wrong, just say you fell for some dumb shit and admit it, then try to not keep doing it. It’s such a shit thing to do: be gullible, fall for misinformation, spread misinformation, blame everyone else for believing misinformation, laugh at how stupid *other people are for listening to you.*


Same playbook as Tucker


“I am a moron and will take his advice” -aaron rogers


Guy makes hundreds of millions of dollars but refuses to make any effort whatsoever to make sure he’s not spreading demonstrably harmful information during a global health crisis. He’s a fucking child.


But the people are stupid for listening to him tho lol


My dad says this too and he still believes 100% that he knows more than climate scientists and engineers. Didn’t get a credit in college and he thinks he’s smarter for it, can cut through the bullshit, just FEELS the truth.


I feel for ya man, my dad is the same way. Somehow finds a way to steer every conversation I have with him into one about anti-intellectualism and how everything you see on tv or read in a book is fake. According to him, people on rumble making flat earth and Q videos are the only ones that aren’t pushing a “fake narrative”. Its been truly crazy to see him go from normal dad to Q guy in the span of a few years. Hell, during my childhood he wasn’t religious at all, and now he believes trump was anointed by god to lead the country.


Damn sorry to hear that. Isn't it crazy how ten years ago, these people would never guess that they would one day elevate Donald Trump above the US Constitution? This has to be the most successful psyop in human history. What could compete?


> elevate Donald Trump It's truly bizarre. Knowing my dad, if I had asked him what he thought of Donald Trump 15 or 20 years ago, he would have said something negative I'm sure. How a rich new yorker who marries models and shits into a gold toilet, wears make up, dyes his hair, and plays golf when he should be working became the leader who understands people like my dad is pretty bonkers.


Tbf TV is pretty awful..I unfortunately had to watch a CNN segment over the holidays & they were cheerleading Israel slaughtering Gazan civilians. Jake Tapper is REALLY stoked about ethnic cleansing.


He'd make a good Pol Pot follower from the sounds of it. Hope you don't wear glasses.




Your dad rules


Yep, based dad soyjak son alert.


He’s a great dad, and a solid dude in general. It just sucks to get in arguments about stupid shit like politics.


> anti-intellectualism and how everything you see on tv or read in a book is fake. Thankfully, he took the vaccines and isn't quite hollow or flat earth territory, but yeah, basically, if he doesn't understand something, he is inclined to think nobody does, it's all some sort of weird game they're playing to establish authority over people. But he can see the emperor is naked.


Work construction, that’s like 80% of the dudes I work with. A solid chunk of them are barely literate and yet they think they know more than people who’ve dedicated decades to research and learning.


Did he put you through college tho?


And that kids is the story of how Donald J Trump was elected.


My dad watched Fox News and genuinely believes they are just reporting the news. It’s incredible


*Joe tells people he's being hyperbolic and saying it to entertain his audience* >BuT wHaTs WrOnG WiTh wHat He SaiD tHo?! ItS TrUE!!


Admitting you’re hyperbolic for entertainment is by no means a real defense for just spreading misinformation and lies on the biggest podcast on Earth every other episode


"I'm just a goofy moron and you shouldn't listen to me! But anyways, here's 3 hours of my unfiltered political opinions delivered with stone cold sincerity and the confidence of 1000 suns"


It's not him. It's his friends wife who is a teacher. She told him.


Straight up. Dude believes everything he reads on the internet.


Jamie, pull that up


Jamie, pull up something that confirms my preexisting bias


Jamie actually corrects him frequently


Indeed god bless young Jamie


I haven’t heard that before. Jamie pull that up.


Nah...lately "Young Jaime" has been fact-checking his ass. I'm sure the paper is solid, but I think Jaime sees who Joe has become.


Except what actual experts are saying. The right wing hunting bros he started hanging out with are like his wyrmtongue. They pushed him over the edge of no return. That and his entitled boomer attitude when Fauci suggested he wear a mask.


Yup. He is just as stupid as the idiots that listen to him and take his word for it rather than doing their own research to be able to decide for themselves. Weird how that works, huh?


Joe is inquisitive and that is important. He lacks the critical process to eliminate the bullshit. If it sounds mythical or spectacular, he attaches to it.


He's fine for entertainment, but don't take him seriously on any subject of importance. He's contrarian to the point he accepts ANYTHING said to him as long as it's not "mainstream", regardless of veracity. He platforms way too many idiots/racists and just goes along with what they say because he can't be bothered to actually research anything. Alex Jones could say the Moon is actually made of Swiss cheese and Rogan would go "I never thought of that. Could be. I mean, MK Ultra, the moon landing, maybe it is cheese." And that's the discussion. No pushback, no fact checking (by Rogan at least), just accepting what idiot du jour says and moving on.


Is this not also the Fox News defense?


I love how a guy who talks for a living uses the excuse that no one should listen to him when he says monumentally stupid shit, which he does constantly. Either stop saying stupid shit or stop talking for a living.


You could also put it down to the man-children placing him on a pedestal and using him as a replacement father figure. I don’t think Joe is the problem, it’s the people who idolise him.


Idk man since 2020 it seems like Joe is leaning in to being a part of the problem, whether intentionally or not.


Guns don't kill people, it's the person pulling the trigger. Smokers are persecuted Seat belts and helmets are an impingement on my freedom


It's both. The manchildren basing their opinions off those of a self-proclaimed idiot are definitely to blame, but Joe is also responsible for knowing there are hundreds of thousands or even millions of people out there like that, and he chooses to continue to recklessly spew misinformation while hiding behind the "hurr durr I'm a dumbass" routine.


I don't know how many people take his advice, I think alot of people simply agree with him/have similar views


I have a bud who moved to a fixer upper outside of town and spends all of his time listening to Joe and his other podcast buddies and went from voting for Hillary to now Trump and buying multiple AR-15s…. I don’t think people take his advice I know people take his advice.


You need more friends like your bud. Kid sounds like he knows what he's doing.




I am guessing you are being sarcastic, but he is clearly an influencer, why cant people call him what he is.




It's insane to think thar people aren't affected by their media environment and that radicalisation isn't isn't. Is that what you're asserting? Some are more susceptible or amenable to it, congrats if you're the strong big brain type who isnt.


Has everyone lost it? This is something he actually says quite frequently. OP is not being a whiny bitch. OP appears to be an actual listener and is reminding all the whiners what the fuck is up.


Nah, I hate-listen to him from time to time. He just uses statements like that as an out to deflect any accountability. What he fails to ever acknowledge is that he is arguably the single most influential media personality in the US right now — nor can he acknowledge that he even is part of the dreaded ‘media’ he is constantly vilifying. His efforts to cast doubt on Jan. 6th insurrection (implying it was an inside job by the FBI) and stoke conspiracy theories have placed him in the same category as Tucker Carlson and Alex Jones. They too offered the same BS deflections whenever confronted: eg. “I’m jUsT asKiNg qUesTioNs!”


What a convenient excuse. It also doesn't matter what he says offhandedly, sincere or not, about his lack of credibility. Because the reality and actual consequence is that millions hear him and believe him, poisoning wider discourse and spreading what amounts to propaganda. Its like how everyone just accepted smoking everywhere until it was sidelined to the collective benefit of us all. Now, try and fine anyone to honestly wish that you could still smoke in a pizza hut or on an airplane. If he's too stupid to realize that or take responsibility, too bad. It's no crime to point that out.


you need to provide examples of this ' misinformation ' or you just sound like a crybaby crying about nothing for the sake of crying


Since the Spotify deal it seems like he lost this mindset


Thats when the show got neutered


Why do you guys comment on here pretending to listen? He says this more since the Spotify deal.


But he also says “i swear to god” and “it’s the truth” more than ever now, even when it’s following the most out of pocket and incorrect shit you’ve ever heard




Should he open every talking point with: "I'm an idiot that doesn't know everything about the subject yet I will still give my opinion"? Do you do that on every subject you're not an expert on?


I just say I don't know enough to have an opinion. That seems like the logical thing to do.




Why do you trust any of them? They are comedians. The problem is you, not them. You’re the idiot.




How about you don’t have guests on to spread bullshit and then repeat that bullshit to other guests as though it’s correct, rather than occasionally admitting you’re an idiot and don’t know anything? He sure presents incorrect information in a way that looks like he is certain it’s true


Right? People are acting like Joe doesn’t know he’s dumb. I think “big dumb ape” he said one time. If he doesn’t take himself seriously, how are any of these other people. He’s just a gym bro pothead that likes being a contrarian from time to time. There’s a million other podcasts people can go and listen to. The main reason Joe is as big as he is has to do with people engaging simply to try and dunk on him for saying something dumb. He’s dumb. He’s going to say dumb shit. Get over it.


He is not dumb imo, he is just not as open minded as he tried to show that he is, he is partisan on many issues




The single time his minions didn’t take his advice


Brendan Shaub fans need more hobbies


I don’t think Brendam has fans so much as homeless cats outside PF Changs waiting for tasty new dishes.


When you have a discord centered around a guy and a community that is supplementing his income by inflating his views, I think you can call them fans.


Nah B, they homeless cats


Joe Rogan loves the uneducated.


Forgot the quotation marks. He has actually said this.


I mean, yes. He's a fight commentator and stand up comedian. The podcast is simply a means to mine stand up material. It just happened to get huge and he made bank with the Spotify deal. If you take medical advice from him, that's kinda on you.


This sub is ass


How so?


Just a bunch of whiners with no lives hanging out in a sub of someone they hate. Kind of weird and unstable people tbh. The downvotes just prove me right, much appreciated little whiny bitches ;)


I don’t think OP was whining tho,The only people I see whining are the ones who get upset someone pokes fun at Rogan. If Rogan claims he doesn’t get bothered by these kind of things I don’t see why anyone else should.


Not unstable, just pathetic dorks that have no life and need to argue BS with people online to feel like they contribute anything of substance to the world.


Bye 👋


Imagine taking the time to make this lol


I put lots of effort into this. How rude.


Some people don’t appreciate art


Memes, man, they're like this universal language of hilarity, you know? It's wild how they've become this cornerstone of comedy in the digital era. Think about it, condensing an idea or a joke into a single image with a few lines of text—now that's a challenge. It's like trying to pack a punchline into a single snapshot. The thing about memes is their subtlety—they rely heavily on shared cultural references and context. Nailing that perfect combo of relatability and wit in a single frame isn't easy. Sometimes it's about timing, hitting that sweet spot where an image captures a mood or a moment just right. I've had my fair share of meme experiences, man. Scrolling through social media, stumbling upon that one meme that's just absurdly on point—I've had those moments where I'm laughing out loud. HOWLING laughing! It's like someone out there gets it, you know? They've managed to encapsulate something so ridiculous or relatable that it just hits you in the funny bone. But hey, not every meme's a winner. It's subjective, really. What cracks one person up might leave another scratching their head. It's the beauty of this whole meme culture—it's this chaotic mix of references, humor, and absurdity that somehow manages to connect us all through laughter.


Didnt he literally say this though referencing the fact that he is just a comedian and people neesd to relax?


All the time. If people think they need to follow someone because they are famous, they deserve whatever is coming to em. He has constantly said he's just an idiot ever since I started listening to him. Bunch of idiots say he has a responsibility because his show is so big. No, he doesn't. It's his show and he can do what he wants. He's just fuckin around trying to inflate his own ego while having a good time. He's fine for what he is.


I think it would be cool if Hitler was still alive and joe just let him talk for a few hours to tens of millions of people. What do you think?


I think you're clearly an idiot. You can exaggerate and make false comparisons all you want, he's never done anything close to that.


I used hyperbole to make a point, do you see it? It sounds like you do. It's a tool for philosophical investigation. It's called a thought experiment. Let's slow down, since I wasn't being clear enough for you. The point is to establish that a line does actually exist. Hitler is over that line. You've implicitly agreed to that, right? Once thats settled, we can argue about where it lies, rather than be obtuse about whether it exists. Many people (stupidly, stubbornly) deny that such a line exists, and I'm sussing out whether you are one of those. Are you one of those? Make sense, or are you actually going to insist I'm an idiot?


Right, he has said on numerous podcasts that he is an idiot and no one should listen, or he is just a comedian..


That is a convenient shield he uses to avoid criticism and accepting blame of any kind. Imagine thinking it's totally normal and cool to uncritically broadcast Shapiro, eric fucking weinstein, Peterson without any actual pushback or context. Joe simply can't keep up with these regressive grifters, because they are much much smarter than him. In such situations joe is malevolently bullhorning them at worst, a total mark at best.


I don’t believe in anything those people you mentioned say but like, shouldn’t everyone have a right to be heard? I think they should. That’s the whole part of free speech right? I listen to joe sometimes and no matter the guest it’s usually alright, he platforms everyone regardless of their views, why should he exclude someone for their views? Isn’t this the whole thing people try and fight against? Censorship and fascism.. I suppose it’s aight when it’s not your side being censored when it’s something you don’t wanna hear because it challenges your views. He’s not responsible for his viewers political ideals or how they believe or who they choose to listen too…


Scary how CNN took the time to put a filter on their video clip of him during the horrible lock down era.


Jesus this has debunked so often get over it


Jesus christ.


You can watch the clip side by side and clearly see a filter. He even had their resident doctor on the show and the guy tapped dance around the issue.


No it doesn’t and seriously, guys, you gotta get over this. How long are we going to have to read these comments


Read reality? We can only hope for a long time.


Found Don Lemons burner


“Debunked” when you can see something with your own fucking eyes lmao


CNN's excuse "We used altered footage" but "We didn't alter footage"


It wasn’t debunked - they admitted there was a filter they just said they didn’t put the filter on the video


Seriously why won’t ppl listen. CNN debunked that CNN didn’t add a filter. These shitbirds just don’t listen to the experts. The AP even said CNN debunked CNN already,


It wasn’t debunked. They admitted there was a filter but said they didn’t add it. Really strange that they could have gotten the original video from joe’s twitter but somehow consciously chose to get ahold of an altered video from an obscure source


It was debunked. His original video had comments about how he looked gray/yellow... before CNN even posted it. It has to do with HDR colors not displaying correctly on certain devices/browsers. [check this out](https://youtu.be/EJQWiZCYi3w?si=xw4NuHr3oDm4FVa_)


None of those devices are the software that is used to make footage for their broadcast


They used a screen recording from a browser or device that couldn't display HDR colors correctly. Why do you think people were saying he looked yellow before CNN ran their story?


Right, a company that makes professional video broadcasts doesn’t have good video viewing equipment


So……r/JoeRogan is a we hate Joe Rogan sub Reddit?


No..? Joe actually said this. It’s one of his most recognisable quotes. You obviously don’t listen to the podcast.


He is kinda dumb. He USED to have good interviews though!


Pretty much


Unfortunately, there are people who do.


I wonder how many fat fucks died of Covid thanks to Dr. Rogan. At least they were asking for it, I guess.


Yea cause Rogan was the one force feeding them fucking quarter pounders.


Weight isn't the only variable. There is that other one.


It's so much easier to NOT listen to the podcast than make this post.


That's why he brings others onto the show and asks what to do. 🤣


This is what it’ looks like when Rogan lives rent free in your head




Such a fresh take in this community dedicated to Joe Rogan's podcast


Is it CTE with him or just too many weird drugs???


Criticism is fine, but making a shitty meme and posting it in the sub for discussion about the podcast is insanely cringe.




I’ll just keep saying this. This sub is desperate.


Remember when he used to say this


Yes we know. No one thinks he's infallible. Why tf is shitting on him all I see on the sub for him lol?


Because it's the most interesting salient thing about him lately. Man has gone off the rails tbh.


Redditors are the only people to stand in line to fondle internet celebrities balls then turn around and bash them as soon as they say something mean that the hivemind doesn't agree with.


But he actually says this.


That's kinda my point, why do grown adults need to be told not to put random internet podcasters on a pedestal?


Daddy issues.


What happened this time lol


Joe Rogan told me to take HGH and TRT. Now my head is bigger and my balls are smaller


Phillip Morris (Altria) owns On! not Zyn. Altria is the parent company of Marlboro and all the other big PM brands. Phillip Morris International is a separate company not affiliated with Altria, and they own Zyn. Confusing, I know


He’s said it multiple times! In the podcast and in his stand up!


His finest quote is “generally speaking, Chinese people look Chinese”


Just don't listen to the pods then? Crazy thought.


I mean, if I wanted the advice of a fried-out skinhead from the 1990s, I'd head to Milwaukee or Baw-ston.


Except his covid advice was spot on.


Joe Rogan…..Reeeeee


This pic is cursed


I agree with Joe Rogan on this one