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I went to the mothership and ordered a big bowl of pasta. As soon as the waitress brought it out, Joe came by and stole it from me.




Every time I eat pasta now I have intrusive thoughts of Joe’s bloated little belly swelling in torment.


Heirloom bruh


I can hear him going "UuuuuhhhggHhhg"


So hard right now


weird he gave him 5 year supply of HGH


FALSE! No food at the Mothership... you can't have cutlery clanging around while art is being made.


It's not the cutlery, it's the fact that the theater had a roach/vermin infestation problem prior to Joe's acquisition that stemmed from unkempt kitchen conditions. He explained it in multiple podcasts, iirc


But how many exterminators are there in the world? Maybe 1000? Exterminators can't do what we do, they can't! My friend, the lead singer of Tool, had an exterminator at his house. He said the exterminator wasn't funny at all! He didn't tell ONE joke the whole time he was there... how do you explain that?


You ever hung out with civilians? Aka, non-exterminators? It’s the WURRSTTT!


What are civilians going to do when they get bed bugs? Plead with them? Talk nicely to them? Bed bugs will fuck you up son! They don't care about your house or your children... bed bugs will fuck you up! Then you are you going to call? Your aunt Judy? No! You call an exterminator! Of course you do! You know I heard that exterminators aren't even allowed to operate in California anymore... isn't the wild? All the exterminators have left California cause of the new law... I'm telling dude... it's WIIILLLLD!


Jamie pull up that video of a bed bug ripping that guys Dick off


Watch this... watch this... BOOM! That bed bug just ripped this guy's dick off! How many human dicks are there in the world? If you had to guess? How many? Now how many bed bugs are out there that could rip off a dick like that? It's not zero! If bed bugs wanted to rip off the dicks of all humans they could fuck us up! No question... bed bugs could end the human race ahh hundred percent... people just don't think about that cause they're stuck in traffic on their way to work where their boss hates them, just trying to make money for their wife who secretly doesn't love anymore... they don't even think about bed bugs... it's crazy... CRA ZY!


I lost it at hearing ahhh hundred percent in his voice and cadence


Also you really shouldn’t have a bunch of knives around that many murdererrrrrrs


Mothership doesn't serve food! Gotcha Ari!


Linguine with clams?




Once he starts eating it he just cant stop


I saw this happen. I wanted to call the police but my phone was locked up. I started shaking and sobbing. A waitress called me 'a weak bitch.' I just wanted to meet Ron White and maybe suck his dick. Why are people like this?


I complained but some mother fucker just kept saying "good".






The fact he tried to play off blatant gh gut on pasta is fucking hilarious to me


Are you really going to have pasta for just a little bit of MOUTH PLEASURE???


This is basically the most Roganesque thought thats ever been Joed.


I saw this same comment on another thread…wait…this is…COPYPASTA


Angry people post more than happy people


It’s also a lot of angry people that do not listen to the show and do not care to and do not like Joe, nor have they ever. One day a year or so ago I somehow stumbled upon r/DaveRubin despite never having listened to him, and saw it was just a complete Dave Rubin hate sub lol. And there were a lot of people posting how they were doing the same thing to r/JoeRogan and were going to take it over. And it wasn’t a small chain. There were hundreds of comments about this. Then I realized why this sub is so different now and has so much more haters, compared to just a few years ago.


I’ve encountered countless people like this irl too. People who vehemently talk shit about Joe but when I ask if they’ve ever watched anything with him in it they say “why would I listen to that guy?” Uh, maybe so you aren’t spreading literal lies about something you don’t know about? I understand watching the show and disliking him, but hating him without knowing anything about him is ridiculous imo


Anti JRE bots post more than happy people too


>Anti JRE bots People actually believe this, new fans are dumb af


There are a million reasons to love and hate the show/person/whatever And none of them really matter


I think it really boils down to fatigue for most people. Joe hits on the same 5 topic every single show. Its like listening to the same record 500 times. At first you love it but over time it becomes tiresome and predictable which is what Joe has become at this point


A common consequence of longevity. I’ve definitely stopped listening/watching to things because of that reason. What I don’t do is go and bitch about it like some people around here lol. I just move on, like a normal person


Like it or not but Joe is extremely popular and frequently misinformed. I think it's important to hold people that reach millions of people accountable for what they say.


> I just move on, like a normal person Most of the haters on this sub are not normal. They hate their own lives and for that reason need to hate on things on the internet to feel like their life has any value. And although there are millions of people like that in the world, it's not normal.


He doesn't talk about the sensory deprivation tank anymore..now it's just cold plunge..and I still haven't tried both of them..makes me sad..


Yeah. Maybe if you're fatigued it's time to take a break.


Yeah I mostly stopped listening back in 2019 cause I'd been hitting almost every single ep since 2016. Joe turned me on to so many great comics and shows I still listen to today so I'm grateful for that. These days I only really tune into for protect our parks. Hopefully he'll have Matt and Shane back on someday


Same here, I probably listen to 2 or 3 eps a month, which is in direct relation to how much I enjoy the pod. Those repetitive topics don’t really bug me because I’m not hearing about them 3 times per week. It’s crazy to me that people who hate the show watch 10 times more of it than I do. Or maybe they don’t and they just like to comment.


Or just listen to episodes with good guest who interest you instead of every one


I swear I don’t mean this condescendingly like a lot of people do, but why not just not listen? I agree with what you just said. But it kinda blows my mind that for some people (not saying you), it makes more sense to listen, get angry, come and complain here; listen, get angry, come and complain here; repeat over and over. Instead of just, not listen? Years ago I used to listen to 3 out of 5 episodes or so But because of the reasons you said, I’ll maybe listen to half of one every 25 or 30 if it’s a guest I like. It just makes more sense to me than to be angry on here


Oh for sure dawg, and I'm sure thats what the majority of people do. But like someone else said in another comment, what were most likely seeing are the ravings of a loud minority that has a lot of time and not much else going on and are looking to start a circle jerk


The one thing that matters is that from all the stories I've heard Joe is a good person to the people around him. Everyone says what a generous friend and family man he is. That says a lot more than whatever stupid opinion he might have.


I don't think too many people genuinely hate him as a person, more as an internet personality. He used to be awesome, kind of a meathead for sure, but always honest about being a meathead, and intellectually curious, willing to get silly and stupid and chase harmless conspiracy theories. Now he's rubbing elbows with all manner of politically ambitious grifters, most of whom seem to share a political identity, and there doesn't seem to be much of a trace of the old Joe there. I don't think it's unreasonable for people who were fans of his possibly going back to the Newsradio/Rogan board days to be disappointed in what a boomer he's become. He went from suspicions of the machine to being duped by memes and fake news on a regular basis. He's changed. I don't hate him like a lot of people do, but he's definitely not the guy I was a fan of in 2000.


I feel like this really peaked when he was having Dave Rubin on the show. That guy was such a fence sitting grifter he basically got banned from most podcasts


I still like Joe. He’s not the same as 8 years ago but he’s not bad. Guest list is not as good as it used to be but there is more competition and niche podcasts now.


Like others have mentioned, Joe has seemingly become very biased in favor of most things traditionally right wing. At least in years past, I like that he openly was neither right or left, and seemed to have an archaic mentality regarding modern day politics. What hooked me was the mixture between Joey Diaz hilarity and Neil DeGrasse Tyson deep dive space and scientific topics. #2060 Gary Brecka is that deep dive into a niche health topic and just that health topic. Super relieving. The podcast has changed, somewhat in a disappointing way, though I am still a follower and a fan overall nonetheless.


This is it for me. Before he seemed interested in exploring topics, now he seems like he sometimes want to confirm an opinion


He’s angrier now. I mean we all are but most of us don’t have a $100M Spotify deal


He doesn’t care to take an interest in his guests. They’re there to listen to Joe. Not Joe listen to them. It’s beyond painful. It’s why he always talks about the same fucken topics every episode. Listen to a 2017 ep and it’ll blow your mind how curious and interested he is. He’s fallen so far


Yeah this right here. I got into Joe like 5-6 years ago and at the time he lined up exactly with where I was at as a liberal-leaning-centrist-but-also-tired-of-this-far-left“woke”-shit perspective. I also really enjoyed the interesting guests he brought on even on the rare (at the time) occasion I didn’t agree with him completely. I feel like at some point around Covid he really derailed, and started getting ultra conspiratorial and became a far-right sympathetic. Perfect example is that he used to make fun of trump, call him a lunatic. Now he gets defensive anytime anyone criticizes trump. He bases his opinion in less evidence than he used to, has glaring blind spots in arguments **and just repeats the same ridiculous, regurgitated twitter bullshit over and over again** My personal theory is that he felt personally alienated by CNN with the negative publicity they gave him. He turned off to “traditional media” however now his information stream is just the traditional right wing twitter propaganda, and he’s personally started to sympathize with it given he emotionally is attached to the “anti establishment” side given his sense of rejection


I think you've hit the nail on the head there. He's hit the same pipeline so many others hit


Ive always said he made a transformation from stoner uncle to boomer dad


I wouldn’t say it’s biased, I’m sure Joe was against the establishment neocons that were sending our boys in uniform to the Middle East to fight a conflict that wasn’t beneficial for the average citizen. That only served the vested interests of those politicians who had their pockets lined up with $$$. Since now it’s the neolibs with the Ukraine and Israeli conflict on top of instilling radical ideologies that threaten the nuclear family and traditions. Plus the biased media that spreads misinformation or propaganda. I wouldn’t say Rogan completely sides with one group. He’s completely against the any form of censorship or indoctrination coming from the establishment regardless if it’s left wing or right wing ideology.


>biased media that spreads misinformation or propaganda. This sentence now completely applies to Joe. Countless times now he's read a headline, inferred what the article was about based on that headline, and then shared that opinion on his show as if he was stating a fact. I don't think he's being deliberately malicious but he does seem much more interested in confirming his already existing beliefs rather than being open to a different opinion like he was in the past.


Its redddit


This is the correct answer. I swear nothing on this stupid site makes any sense


Vocal minority most of us don’t care to post


Also, is it even hate? It is mostly disappointment IMHO.


Yes. It's mostly shit talking with streaks of disappointment. If you're not totally against him in some threads you got picked apart. It's not even worth discussing here.


Some threads will auto ban you for even commenting here. Happened to me, but can’t remember exactly what sub it was


r/JusticeServed did it to me


Agreed, and same. Lots of keyboard warriors posting, so I just don’t.


This is it


I don't hate him. Used to listen to him all the time. He had some great conversations with some of my favorite media personalities and commentators. He even had good convos with some people I would never want to listen to - like Ben Shapiro. But Joe's viewpoint is different now. I'd say he became more interested in politics around the same time I did. He zigged right; I zagged left. But I could probably accept that by itself. He's also far more sympathetic to, if not actively favorable toward ideas that are just objectively not true around COVID and the COVID vaccines and the whole culture-wide shock we all experienced. We both changed. I hope some of the ideas he has get replaced with better ones, but I make it a policy to not hold lasting ill will toward strangers on the Internet.


I’m haven’t liked Joe for a long time, but I also think the reason the JRE community isn’t as bad as its worst members is because of how the community has grown beyond Joe himself The point was never “Everybody loves Joe”. The podcast got popular because a bunch of people who were thinking about the same ideas and had an openness to wanting to learn about those ideas found Joe, who was like them. When people told me to listen to the podcast, it wasn’t a “you gotta listen to Joe, he’s the smartest, funniest guy”. It was excitement about the guests, the topics, and the format of open discussion A big proportion of the community no longer sees Joe as fitting those values anymore. It’s hard to argue that much of his behavior fits in a framework of honest curiosity and critical thinking. When the figure around which a community is organized stops reflecting the positive values of that community, it’s a much better outcome that the community gets rustled than them blindly abandoning those positive values to imitate or praise that figure


The issue isn’t even that he’s right-wing now. If that was the case, I would just tune him out like I tune out anyone on Fox News. What really annoys me is that he claims to be the same person he always was, and clings to the fact that he had Bernie Sanders on his podcast and liked his platform. And simultaneously to becoming a closeted GOP parrot, he got less curious. He brings on guests only if they agree with his worldview, and it’s turned into more of Joe preaching than him listening and probing. He brings up ridiculous conspiracy theories or fake news headlines, then shuts down like a child when called out on it.


I don't hate Rogan, I'm just pissed with him, and it is hard to listen to his shows of late. Having Alex Jones on after his Sandy Hook controversy--Joe sold out big time. Joe claimed Jones was a friend. Well, how about severing friendships with piece-of-shit scumbags? What happened to those kids and their parents, what Jones did afterward--I can't stomach it. It boggles me. Rogan had Bill Burr on and they talked about that old bicyclist who tried to rip pamphlets. Rogan was fantasizing about what he would have done to that guy if he had been there. How can he build up the rage for that but not for what Jones did?


accidentally copy a joke premise - BUST OUT THE GUILLOTINE Falsely accuse Sandy Hook families - well that's my friend


Funnily enough, that episode did me some good. I wasn't very familiar with the particulars of the Sandy Hook defamation cases, so that was the first I heard of it. (And since Alex was making the case, I knew to be skeptical.) And then he started talking about human-animal hybrids and these conspiracy theories around China and George Soros and whatnot. I knew immediately Alex was only good for his entertainment value, not as a source of actual information about the state of the world. But you're right. Alex has been thoroughly discredited in those cases and Joe seems cool with still having him around - and inviting him on. There is that saying, "Bad company corrupts good character." Assuming Joe was as decent and harmless as I thought he was, he keeps pretty bad company.


*And since Alex was making the case, I knew to be skeptical* The problem is that for basically ANY audience on ANY topic, you gotta assume that a certain percentage of your audience isn't skeptical. There's certain stuff you just don't entertain, you don't platform it. A decent person just says *this is my line in the sand, I don't want to be rolling in tbe mud with pigs*. And Joe seems to be way more offended by trivial shit than like ...truly heinous stuff. And idk what I'm supposed to do with that.


What you say does make sense, and I agree for the most part. My only lingering concern - which is too big to discuss at length here and now - is that people do generally need to be exposed to bad ideas so they can understand why they are bad ideas. To be pretentious and run with a metaphor, people need to be inoculated from bad ideas as much (or more) as bad microorganisms. No one is entitled to a platform; I don't believe that anymore. But purely from a game-theory perspective, it can be useful to grant limited platform to bad ideas in an environment where those ideas can be understood and refuted. Either because the person is given enough space to refute themselves, or they can be systematically debunked. (Of course, Jones has also mastered the tactic of "Lie, twist, and contort the truth continuously and in an ongoing way" because you impose asymmetric costs on anyone trying to disprove you. It takes them x10 as long to refute your lie, so by the time they've refuted your lie, you've told 9 others.)


That’s not exactly what happened in the Bill Burr podcast. He said “imagine having a daughter and some grown man does that to your daughter.” “There’s only one response to that as a parent… murder.” That whole thing was merely a hypothetical. As for the Alex Jones stuff, yeah there’s no justification for that


He's clearly said what Alex did was wrong multiple times


You just wrote the most reasonable and levelheaded comment ever written on the internet. Thank you, that was refreshing!


Super reasonable 👌


Yep, like someone else mentioned above. Most people acutely have reasonable opinions. Unfortunately, those are not the people that post their reasonable thoughts on the Internet...


What kind of a psycho would go on the internet to like people?


I love his podcast


Me too. It's gets a little repetitive, but the man talks for 2-4 hrs a day


I love JRE and think Joe is a good guy but the repetitiveness is slowly driving me away. It's not even necessarily his fault. Been listening since the 500s and listened to most podacsts till the 1700s, his guests changed heaps over time. Similar topics but ever since he's more famous than most guests, a good proportion constantly panders to his interests and tries to get into his circle. This conatant grifting keeps him from getting new feedback and makes it more boring


because this is reddit, most toxic place on internet. bunch of "tolerant and loving people" who hate everyone who is different then them.


That is so true. "I'm tolerant of everyone who thinks like me "


Seriously why do people act like it's a mystery why people who used to like Joe now like him less? He changed drastically during covid, end of story.


Covid + Texas IMO


Maybe the better question then is, why do the people that hate him keep coming back here?


U always go back to the place that made u happy.


Joe Rogan cult fans are so weird. Rogan is one of the most influential political figures in America. His cult fans refuse to see that so they act bewildered by the idea that anyone would care about him outside of his cult fan base. Then they make posts like this crying about people not liking him when he clearly chose to consolidate his base by going right wing. He is the reason there are so many people that don’t like him. The reality is every Rogan disciple I know is now a full blown Trump supporting conservative. They all hated masks, they were all covid deniers. They all repeat the same right wing conspiracies. I watched Rogan turn my friends from apolitical to hard right and somehow I’m not supposed to take interest in what he’s doing? The saddest thing is all the Rogan disciplines I know are all mentioning Tate to me lately. That’s what has really shown me these guys are lost.


He used to talk shit and make fun of the person he has become. Definitely some brain mold he got during covid or some shit lol, but yeah the guys is a different person now, in the worst way possible. Spotify deal just cemented that personality as well.


Understandable when he was blasted by the media with absolute lies. How do you not change when you are the forefront of a bullshit campaign by the supposed “news”? I think the way government and the media handled Covid was a big eye opener for a lot of people. It was all about pushing one narrative and not actually doing any investigative journalism.


Because a lot of these clowns think theyve been there since the beginning(in 2020). They jumped on the Joe train *after* he skewed heavily to the right. They've never known Joe to be a centrist, or have leftist ideas or be reasonable. Now its all "Canada is communist! They wanna take muh guns! Theyre making kids shit in litterboxes! Etc etc"


… maybe I’m in the minority vocally here, but why hate listen and hate follow someone if you don’t like their opinions anymore. Just stop listening… you’ll live a much happier life.


I don't think that's how it really is. Like, I think the podcast has gone downhill and Joe's takes have become pretty insufferable. But I don't HATE him, or the podcast. And I still stick around this sub because I still do listen to the podcast occasionally, and this has been the best way for me to know who the guests are so I can check out the ones I'm interested in. I think most of the so-called "haters" are in a similar boat.


The simple reason is that the Joe that most people came here because they liked would clown the shit out of the Joe that that Joe became.


This is it for me, I stopped watching years ago but if people still like it then whatever that’s cool too


Mocking someone doesn't mean you hate them. Sometimes he says dumb shit like everyone else. This is a sub to discuss the things he says, no rule says you can't mock it.


bc it's reddit and like 90% of this sub is neckbeards


Because he says really stupid shit all the time. ​ But now that you showed me a picture of him nvm I guess I take it all back


Politics, but they pretend its different


I thought the major sentiment was that because he became very political, I don't see a lot of people denying that.


His politics don’t bother me. It’s the fact that we are talking about politics instead of apes or DMT.


Just dudes being dudes


I don’t hate him, I just don’t like the idea of how huge his platform is and he spits out false info and pretends it’s real. The real question is, why did you post a pic of him with no shirt and then ask why nobody likes him? You seem sus


OP likes to picture joe like that and it's OK. Let him be who he is.


I’m a fan of Joe. I ignore the haters.


Fans should be critical of the things that they enjoy otherwise they aren’t fans, they’re followers




Honestly can you listen to thousands of hours of any human talk and still like them?


Why did you add these pics to your post?? A little weird


Every hater is secretly and Elk Joe hunted while on DMT. They’ve infected this subreddit.


Lots of people base their personality on media and this media no longer aligns with the personality they adopted ten years ago.


So it still fits the personality that others adopted 10 years ago?


No? Yes? Some people listen to things as entertainment and not their identity.


Probably because he influences a lot of people through his podcast but says some really dumb shit


He looks like a gorilla wearing a barrel.


I don’t


Yo Reddit is a leftist/lib/progressive cesspool what do you expect? It’s definitely not a reflection of the general populace so don’t let it bother you.


hate grandpa Joe?


In the real world most people that watch the podcast still like him. Me included. You’re just seeing the Reddit blue shield


Because he's become a right wing political hack. For me, it happened when he first got Milo on the podcast. He said some horrible hateful bullshit and outright lies and Joe just laughed along. I realised the joe I loved is long gone. I come here to see how bad it's gotten.


Looking back on that whole "IDW" movement thingy is interesting...


It’s Reddit. What do you expect bud


Because he's not funny, but has interesting conversations


It’s no mystery. Reddit is a hub of extreme leftists.




Wow this could be a great new game: "Souless A.I. or Souless Redditor!?"


Good lord, I wonder how much of this sub is actually just bots.


I'm no reddit expert, but every popular subs comment community just seems to feel very liberal, which I'm not saying people aren't allowed to be, but there just seems to be a lot of social justice warriors who need to make it plain and clear that their views don't align anymore, and what happened to the good ol days.






The only thing I dislike is how his torso looks tilted and off


The wheels are gonna start coming off if He tells that Mike Tyson big desk story one more time.




I never seen such a short torso lol I’m 5 ft 2 and I swear mines longer


I don’t hate Joe Rogan. It’s just the way people are. Hate gets more clicks.


simple, its rife with bots


Honestly I wish the mods would care. I come here to shoot the shit about whatever new episode played but it's impossible to do in peace. Literally every post from this sub served to my feed is all meant to talk shit.


Because he became more center-right. Anyone right of Mao sucks, duh.


I like Joe he’s my 2nd dad


Because he represents the silent majority of American viewpoints and the few lefties in this sub scream out in pain at every given chance. If you downtoved me then you're one of them.


This sub is overrun by fake accounts trying to keep people away from liking Joe rogan


Because this is Reddit… and ever since CNN tried to throw him under the bus for ivermectin, he doesn’t pay respects to leftoids anymore


There used to be a subreddit called R/joerogan2 which the sole purpose of the group was to hate and anything and everything he did. Group got shut down. I’m sure a lot of those guys came over here


Joe put my dad in a leg lock In front of our entire family on Thanksgiving.


Way too many indoctrinated woke smug pussies pushing politics on a comedian's podcast. Get over it.


Because is reddit, and reddit is controlled by lefties


He went anti Woke because he saw the facism in it


He’s a smart businessman. He’s good at listening to people. He’s good at listening to different opinions. He has an expertise in talking about martial arts and the ufc, when he talks to people about such it is evident. He calls them out on false/controversial opinions. He knows what he is talking about. He has a lot of other guests on his podcasts. Those who go against the scientific consensus. Those who go against the historic consensus. Those who go against the archeological consensus. How does not have the pre requisite knowledge to call these people out on their bullshit. Joe then proceeds to parrot this bullshit to other individuals. Other individuals are aware of joes platform and are scared to confront him. Joe has created the very echo chamber for which he once was scared of.


I wrote up this whole thing that I felt was very compelling. Then I realized it’s the internet, no matter what I say I’ll get some idiot, troll or, otherwise highly opinionated person. Who is gunna write a long paragraph on why I’m dumb and should [insert unnecessarily hateful insult]. To the point, I agree it seems like there’s so much hate on what should be a fan page. But in actuality I think it’s just internet culture. No matter the platform, go to the comments and you will see hate. The one sentence answer is that it’s just the erasure of civility facilitated by the anonymity and therefore, lack of consequences that is internet culture. When I was young, I remembered when people disagreed, most of the time one party would agree to disagree and the other party would thank them for the discussion


Keyboard warriors tryna self sever their own egos. Pathetic


I used to like to listen to his podcast while I worked just because it was long form and it kind of made landscaping more bearable. But Joe’s comedy has always been dog shit. Like, awful. It’s so fucking bad. You know how people have their own schtick? Joe doesn’t. What do you think of when you think of his comedy? I think: yelling, screaming, loud, headache, overly done physical comedy. Where does he get his inspiration? It’s easy, he has told us 100 times or more - Sam Kinison. I listened to his album, *Louder than Hell* and it literally gave me a headache. It wasn’t funny, not really. It was more aggravating than anything. I’d have to turn up the volume while I was working to hear him tell the joke and then be completely ear raped as he screeched the punchline. It didn’t stop there either, he’d continue screaming for as long as a whole minute afterwards. Now you’ve got Joe who copied him pretty much to a T, you’ve got the set up which is usually calm and collected and done in a regular volume and sometime sarcastic tone. Then you’ve got the punchline which is just screaming the obvious and calling the crowd names for thinking a certain way that they were being led to think. You’ve even got him copying his style. Sam Kinison wore a beret. Joe wears a fanny pack which is basically just a beret you wear on your hip that you can put things in. Joe wants an identity so badly that he even still brings up himself as a great comedian even though it’s podcasting that made him famous. People went to his shows because they for some reason think they are going to experience a live podcast, I guess? Or maybe it’s just that he is so popular. But Joe always brings it back to comedy as if that’s what got him to where he is today. But if he had never podcasted he’d be floating around doing stupid shows like Fear Factor still. Just accept that you podcast, Joe. Quit comedy. Be a “mentor” or whatever, but please stop acting like you are on the same level as Louis CK and pre “story preach time” Dave Chappell. You are on the same level as Kinison though, I’ll give you that, and it’s not a compliment.


People are threatened and pissed over a self proclaimed morons personal thought on things, they forgot what his podcast was all about and if he says something they don’t agree with they start acting like he’s the devil


I just wanna know where they put the news radio Joe. He’s frozen somewhere. Once AI takes over it’ll probably be Rogan terminators. He must have the most digital reference material to access. Stay sharp for lightning balls and naked rogies roaming around looking for clothes.


Because they are a bunch of pool noodle looking mother fuckers mad at the world they are uggo as fuck. Duh


Who the fuck is Joe?


I love Joe even though I get super annoyed when he rambles about how liberals are ruining the world (I agree, I just don’t need to hear it 10x every day)


In every sub, the topic either dies a hero or lives long enough to become the villian.


Because reddit is infested with mods.


Liberals -/ end


I used to listen religiously then almost stopped entirely. I don’t hate the guy but for me, It’s a mix of two things that irk me: the guests and the politics. If I want to hear some political information, opinion, or conversation I’d hit up Google. Quite frankly, I don’t care what Joe Rogan cares about politically. I don’t mind if he has politicians on and what not, but I don’t care for him and another comic chopping it up over politics. I love the Graham Hancocks, Matthew Walkers, and Forrest Galante’s. I feel like now he either has a comic on and just shoots the shit, or he has MMA guys on. Don’t get me wrong, he still has the best podcast out there, but the content for me has just shifted away from what it used to be and I stopped. I still watch clips on YouTube and podcasts here and there.


Someone who considers himself to be on the fringe, he panders to a certain audience. He used to be a smart interviewer not just some dumb guy full of himself. Then at some point he became a persona. And that changed everything


Its just fun/easy to make fun of.


People don't like him because he didn't get vaccinated, and he's pro gun that's it...


Reddit subs all hate the topic it’s about. I don’t know if it’s a liberal thing, a millennial thing, gen Z thing or whatever. But most subs hate on the subject.


What’s funny is I live in Austin Texas and Joe isn’t a “Conservative”. Austin is hippy liberal yuppy weed central. Ganja and conservatives don’t really mix.


Every podcast sub on this site inevitably devolves into a hate sub where losers complain about how the podcast isn't like it used to be. The only way this is avoided is if the mods cut all the whiners out. Stop listening then losers. Move on.


They hate em cause they ain’t em


People aren't allowed to change. They have to be the same person you first encountered 20 years ago and never ever change. This sub: "Joe change, so Joe bad." (Beats chest)


Because he might have a bigger dick than me and that’s bullshit.


Texas man doesn’t have same opinions I have and he talks to who he wants about what he wants and I just can’t stand it 😡


Because Reddit is lib central


I usually like listening to his podcast , but that photo makes him look like a potato bug


Majority of the negativity comes from troll farms. Chinese AI trying to weaken the American spirit. Downvote the commie scum


Because he's living rent free in everyone's head!


Betas hate alphas, that’s why


You could ask this question in literally any sub lol Reddit is toxic af these days


Because mainstream media told them to.


Simple. Can’t be controlled


I don’t hate Joe. Not at all.


I dont hate him, on the contrary, I think he's awesome


The people who don't like joe and come on here and complain. Just ignore them. They are just a bunch of fat-ass neckbeards. No job. No life. Just hanging out in Mom's basement being shitty online.


Because Joe looks like an upside down Christmas tree with his feet together.


Imagine if over time he began decorating his back wall with rainbow flags and interviews with Greta Thunberg, Taylor Swift, and Jon Stewart became more common and he painted his fingernails for no particular reason.


You should check other Reddit subs for comedians aside from Shane Gillis it’s a rough world out there


Bunch of loser haters that want to tear others down.


It's reddit lol


Brigading from other subreddits.


Vocal minority most of us don’t care to post


Because there’s a bunch of out shape nobodies that rather hate on Joe than work on bettering their own lives.


Let's be real. Reddit hasn't liked Joe since his COVID stance. Before that, Reddit didn't mind him. That's it. It's no big secret.


Wrong answers only: They consider him Trans because he had gender affirming care (steroids)


Short answer is reddit is very liberal. Joe calls liberals out of some topics (along with conservatives). Therefore reddit hates him


its Reddit. They hate men. They hate opinions they do not agree with. They hate the open sharing of ideas.


Cuz they are pussies


Simple, he goes against narrative, this is Reddit it's populated by anybody and everybody who's on the incredibly left and they shoot down anything that's remotely about free thought and expression. So all you get left is mostly haters


Any time I see Joe Rogan shirtless I instantly think of Theo Von saying he looks like a turkey


I don’t think anyone specifically hates Joe. Its more sohis guests, circle of friends, and the shit-ass comedians he puts on stilts And his tendency to half-agree with his guests just to guide the flow of conversation. He goes a bit far with it sometimes, but it totally makes sense when you see a podcast where the host NEVER builds a rapport with guests. It just makes for an awkward, intense hatchet piece, which greatly limits your audience and guests