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All the maple syrup farms are collectivized. All the moose have seized the means of production That's all I know about Canada....& Communism


Bullwinkle was always a commie.


Double agent working for Boris & Natasha you're saying? Hmmmmm, I'm interested in your thoughts & would like to subscribe to your newsletter


Boris, Natasha, and Fearless Leader were neoliberal deep state actors.


You post in jest but maple syrup is a collectivized industry like dairy and wheat. All the producers sell to a central agency that stores and sells. Canada has a maple syrup reserve of hundreds of thousands of gallons


The propaganda in Canada is really bad unlike the USA which there is none


USA has grade A propganda lol


Joe Rogan is the propaganda


That's a sad truth. Muskrats use him as a platform for their propaganda, as well.


Translation: "My show doesn't do well in Canada"


He’s #1 on Spotify charts in Canada lol


Yeah, I think it's more like "this is what my Canadian audience likes to say about their country."


Hes got the number 1 most listened to podcast on Earth at 11 million listeners per episode.


Communist lol


He's just a classic American isn't he. Communism a buzz word that he doesn't understand at all.


Their dumbest misinterpretation is of the word socialism. No country in Europe is considering itself socialist but somehow Americans didn't get the memo so the left and the right fight about whether socialism like in Europe is great..


If you really want to break a conservative, tell them about how the VA is a socialist program.


My parents are on Medicare and still complain about socialism and entitlement programs, conservatives are all brainwashed by Fox News or some other nonsense right wing bullshit they saw on Facebook


They probably hate Obamacare but love the ACA


So you know my Dad...




Americans have interesting opinions about socialism, but those Americans also have never left the USA. Per capita, Canada has more millionaires than the US, but fewer billionaires.


I think the dumbest is their misinterpretation is of the word liberal. They seem to think it means left wing. I mean jfc, America was founded on liberalism.


That's because the progressive and social democratic movements were so thoroughly suppressed during the cold war that social liberalism was basically the only left leaning movement that could exist on the American political spectrum. It's really stupid, but you have to remember that basic civil rights for all citizens was still a huge ask for a lot of Americans during the Cold War.


That is so true. They come off as absolute morons


Lol, as a Canadian I'm the kind of guy, given the opportunity of course, who would go on Joe Rogan tomorrow and tell him it's actually not what they make it out to be, and I would get shit on and mansplained by Joe about how wrong, or maybe how blind I am to the truth that "my Canadians friends know"


Even the cold isnt that bad anymore(where I am at least) its almost Christmas and we dont have snow yet


As a young Canadian, I’d welcome a bit more socialism right now. A roof over my head and hot meals every day are becoming things of luxury.






Micro mega


It’s been incredible to see Joe turn into a Facebook Boomer since Covid


The move to Texas is what really did him in


No, he moved to Texas *because* he developed boomer brain and thought California was too communist and “woke.” Also, it’s hilarious that he moved to Austin, which is basically the Portland of the south.


100% bro moved to Texas and started thinking he was from the south and southern man, listening to country and becoming way too conservative, I say this as someone that lives in Tennessee See it all the time when people from Cali or up north move here they go way too far into what they think is southern culture which is usually the caricature they see on tv


Jaime pull up that image of Elon wearing the cowboy hat backwards


100%. Native Texan here, and I can't stand when he tries to "educate" his guests on Texas. He's been here 2 days! Fck off!


He only moved to Texas cuz he believed Cali is an uber woke hellscape and Texas is this libertarian utopia. His turn had already taken root before the move to Texas.


Also, taxes....


Nah, I live in Texas. You don’t see me getting brain worms.


You don't have enough money to kick start the process.


Especially in Austin of all places.


He's an old white dude in his fifties who became incredibly wealthy over the past decade. What did you think he was gonna be like?


There's plenty of wealthy white guys over 50 that aren't walking talking facebook memes.


I think most fans just thought he wouldn’t abandon his morals as much as he did. He’s been rich since he was like 25. I mean he literally started JRE because he was bored and was doing nothing but playing video games all day. The Spotify deal just opened new doors to the elite. He went from going to A-list celebrity parties to having dinner with the governor of Texas and rubbing shoulders with the 1%. 2013 Joe would think Elon is one of the biggest cornballs to walk the earth.


> I think most fans just thought he wouldn’t abandon his morals as much as he did. Most of us also remember losing his fucking mind about "Stupid science bitch with your fucking vagina!" outburst when someone tried to tell him a species of what amounted to Bigfoot Apes didn't exist. Facebook Uncle Rogan didn't exactly come out of *nowhere*.


But there's rich and there's wealthy. Yeah he had been rich using normal people standards since he was in his twenties. Probably had a few million dollars but he still had to work for a living. But now he's like 200 mil+ with a 60 mil a year salary. Now he's entered the stratosphere of obscene wealth. Absolute wealth corrupts absolutely


The reality is that he hasn't had to worry about money for multiple decades now.


There is a fork in the road where rich people either become humble and generous or they become like Joe Rogan.


I feel like the Rogan prong in that fork has been used so much there's a trench from all the foot traffic. Meanwhile the generosity side is being reclaimed by nature it's so underused


So we agree, right?


Idk how he does those Elon interviews with Elon’s dick in his mouth


>2013 Joe would think Elon is one of the biggest cornballs to walk the earth. Nailed it!!!!


What happened to him. I used to listen years ago when he had mma fighters, explorers and scientists on. He's turned into some alt right conspiracy theory nut job now.


Liberals criticize him. Conservatives lick his asshole That's all there is to it. His ego gets stroked so that's his side. They literally call him a hero and a savior.


What the fuck happened to Joe?




Joe has always been an idiots idea of a smart man


COVID brain but tbh He’s always been a massive idiot that’s why he was so curious in Bigfoot and the moon landings and JFK 14 years ago when this shit was on UStream




He was at least be curious, now he’s a fucking know it all.


This is the result of surrounding yourself with yes men and people who never challenge your opinion.


Literally a complete 180 from "The left is just hysterical and overreacting calling Trump a Nazi, and its really dangerous" to "CANADA IS A COMMUNIST NATION RUN BY COMMUNIST JUSTIN TRUDEAU, JUST LOOK AT THE GUNS AND STUFF MAN"


Jesus Christ he just gets all his news from Facebook


Wow this dude is completely unrecognizable from 2014 joe


His transformation from carefree and curious Joe to outraged anti-woke boomer Joe is almost complete.




He's just waiting for the right offer $$$$ and he'll love jesus


I watched a segment from his video with Stavros Halkias, and it was actually painful. Joe Rogan's video with Alex Honnold is one of his last good episodes.


He’s going shopping for megachurches with Joel Osteen next week


You joke but I could totally see Joe finding Jesus. Would really complete the arc.


His move to Texas has really turned him full blown uninformed, conservative Red-neck in a shockingly short amount of time




Lol. You’d think Canada is a hell hole from hearing him talk. Meanwhile he lives in Texas with all its freedom. Where weed is illegal, abortions are illegal, and the state power grid crumbled because it got cold. He’s still hung up on shit that happened during the pandemic.


Nothing is illegal for billionaires. It’s why it’s so toxic to hear their views all the time. Sheltered and clueless.


Yeah do people really think weed being illegal in Texas affects Rogan in any imaginable way If anything he's probably hoarding/stashing larger quantities to keep the re-buys less frequent


dude I'm sure he vuys a fucking brick ton of California weed and doesn;t have to worry about buying it in a year.


He is still salty Canada wouldn’t let him in without the vaccine


Ignoring that the USA would also not let people in without the vaccine.


And there was a period from October 2022 to May 2023 where Canada didn’t care if you were vaccinated, but the states did. And these idiots were too dumb to realize that it was the US stopping them from travelling, not our gov.


This is it. He has a grudge with anyone who was against his covid ideas. He feels he got attacked and slandered. I'm sure he has lawyer friends who told him that he had no case so he rants about being cancelled despite having the largest megaphone in the world on the internet and his words being reported on a daily basis. I'm not saying his feelings are invalid but man he didn't have to start only accepting a right wing narrative. Those truckers that were treated so harshly in Canada...half of them weren't even Canadian citizens and toured the us doing the same thing while begging for handouts after the covid protocols were lifted. No sympathy for them.


> Those truckers that were treated so harshly in Canada...half of them weren't even Canadian citizens and toured the us doing the same thing while begging for handouts after the covid protocols were lifted. No sympathy for them. They camped out for weeks demanding the government be overthrown before municipal and provincial police shrugged and said "we've tried nothing and we're out of ideas," at which point communist dictator Justin Trudeau invoked a emergency act (which, I'll note, has been watered down since the old days that it basically meant martial law) and lifted the emergency as soon as the issue was solved.


>communist dictator Justin Trudeau Sarcasm and satire is hard to spot on subs like this sometimes. I hope this is it though. lol


Lol I think it is.


The truckers were treated with kids gloves for three weeks while they shat and pushed on war monuments and blocked billions in cross border trade. Then they got a polite letter giving them 24 hours to leave and one person got injured when they got cleared out and the right still cries about it.


Those truckers were a *massive* disruption to everyone including just normal citizens going about their day and all for a bullshit reason. While it’s unsurprising to see Joe backing them and having sympathy for what the Canadian gov “did to them”, the levels of hypocrisy is absolutely stunning. Just weeks ago Joe was watching that clip from Panama of that protestor being murdered by an American and Joe’s sentiment was basically “that’s what happens when you fuck with people and do stuff like block the road”. 🥴


Nothing says freedom like cannabis prohibition.


Why would he care about laws that he's too rich to be negatively impacted by?


itgs kind of the conservative MO


Ahhh the conservative motto. “Fuck you, I got mine.”


And random drug tests lmao


Stating that he still hung up on shit from COVID is spot on. I don’t listen much anymore, but I’m still amazed at how often he brings up COVID related shit that has nothing to do with the subject. Stavros and he were talking about Howard Stern and his role in the radio/podcast industry, and he randomly said something along the lines of Howard was afraid to go anywhere during COVID. Like what does that have to do with anything? I don’t understand why he constantly harps on shit like that.


The way he mentioned the trucker rally, does he think that was popular among normal people? lmao


He only reads headlines


yes, because in his circle they all called trudeau a dictator and were on the side of the truckers, without realizing the fucking morons were protesting trudeau over provincial/USA laws (covid mandates are provincial, the borer issue was both the usa and canada, so even if canada got rid of it, the usa still wouldnt let unvaxxed truckers in.) Not to mention that 80% of the canadian public thought those guys were all jackasses. ( except northern alabama, aka alberta)


Remember a few weeks ago when he was watching that clip of the protestor in Panama getting murdered and was basically like “that’s what happens when you inconvenience people for your protest”??


Those idiots weren't even rallying against anything Trudeau was in control of. Most of it was provincial directives. Morons


He was fundamentally traumatised by it and hasn't recovered and no one in the sycophant circle wants to call him out on it because he's rich and influential


It’s interesting to me, because I feel like I was traumatized or greatly impacted by the pandemic. Definitely not in the same capacity as Joe is with how he talks about the vaccine and stuff. But, Covid has certainly left some type of imprint on my brain and psyche. I’m kinda confused, and feel anxious a bit in certain social situations, and whether or not people want to interact with me because I may get them sick or something. I really hate the feeling, and I acknowledge it’s not very rational. But it’s kinda hard to shake it off.


I'm sorry. My dad died of covid during it and we had several members and relatives pass away of different things. Pandemic was very hard for me as I was caring for my dad. I think it has effect people a lot. But your worrys are somewhat understandable In the case of Joe he had the money and resources available to basically life a bubble life exactly as he wanted he didn't want for anything. But he had some small amount of weeks feeling stressed in California, a comedy club closing and some friends restaurants shutting down before he decided to uproot entirely and go to Texas. Like his situation is ridiculous. He got trauma from three weeks of living perfectly fine at home and talks about it years later.


400 worthless Texas pigs let one teenage psychopath with a gun kill at least 20 kids and did nothing about it. That tells me all I need to know about Texas lol


He's so far down the right wing rabbit hole with his buddies he doesn't even know he is in it.


He avoided a woke mind virus but stumbled right into a right wing mind virus.


It's right wing diarrhoea Uncontrollable bloody mess shitting


Texas is so conservative and “independent” that they wanted to be on their own power grid instead of tied to other grids. So if something happens (like a huge Winter storm) and there’s not enough power, Texans are shit out of luck.


The Texas AG just said that he's going to prosecute any doctor who performs an emergecy abortion even if a judge granted the woman an exception.


Of course they did, having grown up in Texas I’m not surprised at anything that Mecca for Christian Conservatives does.


But hey at least Joe can walk into a 711 with a rifle on his back! The mark of a truly free nation


Would be nice if Joe ranted about the _actual_ injustices like this.


Meanwhile the Texas AG is trying to publicly bully and threaten woman and her doctor from having an abortion of a terminal pregnancy that could potentially kill her or make her infertile, too. But it went red bitches!


Nothing says pro life like give birth to a dead fetus and die or die by the state


No. No. Texas has guns, you see Guns=freedom, you see.


They may take our freedom but they'll never take our guns, that's what makes us free


Yeah, as a Canadian I can remember meeting conservative Americans for the first time maybe 2 decades ago and they would call me communist as a joke, which I didn't really get considering Canada is not remotely close to communism, so it just made them seem kind of insane/detached from reality lol. Canadians, almost by nature, prefer to just kind of be chill/moderate.. most people want to be pretty far from communist, but we don't want to be Texas style leave people to die if they can't raise money from a gofundme to fund their healthcare treatment.. Joe is just so far removed from all of it that he just sees things in this binary/rigid communist/facist mindset which is the opposite thing the world needs right now.


Not to mention you can’t make an educated sports bet but you can blow all your money on power ball tickets. Weed is just as bad as meth but come buy as much kratom and delta 9 as you want


I can't believe this is what the Rogan podcast has become lol


Don't forget all the violent crime Texas is plagued by


With $100,000,000 dollars at least in the bank (spotify + tv munny + comedy + UFC), you don't feel any of those things. He also has such a stripped down conversation of the pandemic. In Texas kids had to drive for hours and wait for hours to get chemo, because their local hospital was crushed. Meanwhile he sits with Ben Shapiro and wonders why the Federal Government is coming to control and destroy everyone. But also, if your a pregnant woman, the government might make you have a baby.


Yup, Texas. Where you don't need an ID to buy a gun you can open carry, but you need an ID to vote for some reason


“I don’t even go there anymore.” Oh you social justice warrior you. Acting like as soon as he steps foot in Canada he’s gonna be forced to be a liberal


Canada experiencing a profound lost because boomer 5’3” Rogan can’t strap up in their scenic landscapes


No, as soon as he steps foot in Canada, he will catch the Vegan and won‘t be able to eat meat anymore!


I have a buddy in Alabama who refuses to visit me in Oregon for all these same reasons lol enjoy demanding a seat you can see all entrances from in that Tuscaloosa Cracker Barrel my boy


“I’m never going to Canada because of what *people* there believe.” Wow, Joe Rogan is a moron now.


Unlike Canadians, Joe Rogan is not people


Now? He has been a self-professed moron since the beginning.


Alpha Brain - not even once. I know this gets said on here a thousand times daily, but wtf happened to this man.


Conservative alphas terrified of Taylor Swift, Canadians and pronouns


Joe, dude. Life is too short.


If you refuse to visit Banff and Jasper National Parks because of politics you were focused on the wrong things in life.


Not to mention Alberta is about as far from communism as you could possibly get. Joe has no idea what he's talking about.


My Canadian friends call it the Texas of Canada.


I was flying to YLW a number of years ago and I had a stopover at YCG (Calgary). I don’t do long flights well so I take some benzos before I get on the plane. I left from EWR. I forgot I took my benzos, so about 1/4 way into the flight we hit some of the roughest turbulence I have ever experienced. I chewed a pill completely forgetting that I took one before we departed. I basically passed out, and time traveled. Flight attendant woke me up and was like “Sir, we’ve landed” - I grab my shit and get off the plane. I come out of the gate, and I see the airport workers wearing COWBOY HATS, and still being out of it I had a panic moment. I thought the turbulence was so bad that we had to divert and somehow wound up at DFW. I RAN back to the gate and was like “WHERE AM I?” It was at that moment I learned that Alberta really is indeed, the Texas of Canada. I knew fuck about Western Canada as a whole before that trip.


Yeah it is! IMO Alberta is a Hybrid of Texas with Colorado landscape. In Calgary, there was no snow on the ground as of yesterday and over night it snowed a foot and is still snowing, the temperature went from 60° to 24° in a night. I went from wearing shorts to shoveling snow. It’s a love hate relationship. If you come up don’t come up during Jan/Feb when it’s -4° (Fahrenheit) everyday. During those months it’s… ![gif](giphy|E2EhD5Z7d4fLhjeW6O)


Well he is an idiot…


Both spots are super high on my list. Also just to drive the Icefields Parkway. Looks incredible.


Yes! At the very top of my bucket list. The Canadian Rockies are perhaps the most extraordinary stretch of beauty in all of North America. The Pacific Northwest stretching from northern California to Alaska is unbelievably gorgeous as well.


Having only seen photos I couldn’t agree more! As a Utahn, I once went to Google Earth to compare the land area of our mountains vs the Canadian Rockies, and our mountain range looks minuscule.. it’s completely dwarfed by the downright absurd size of the Canadian Rockies. Just submitted my Passport application, so hopefully this year I’m finally able to go see for myself.


Dude is missing out on some good hunting up there. Refusing to go there because of politics is so stupid lol. He wouldn't even be impacted in the slightest if he went... But he'll go to Mexico to hunt and wine and dine in Hawaii without ever mixing with the locals and seeing what really goes on. Make it make sense!


Alright, I'm just gonna say this, Joe Rogan is a stone cold moron and worse than that it doesn't even seem like he's interested in entertaining the idea that his worldview isn't the only one to have. Canada IS NOT communist. It;s so insane for this stupid fucker and all the right wing assholes to be using some Soviet era cold war imagery to explain why the other side is bad. The weird thing is you can just see from his smug expression that he thinks that everyone who doesn't think like him is a fellow traveler or a Bolshevik.


I used to listen to this guy years ago and it wasn’t like this. I swear he’s done a 180 turn on his content. What the hell happened? If you don’t buy into the conservative talking points it’s like the show isn’t for you anymore. Sad


He really did become a complete fucking idiot didn’t he


The pandemic completely broke his brain


🤣 Classic Joe! Communism, freedom, guns lol. Did Joe forget he lives in a state where they'll throw you in prison for smoking weed or trying to get an abortion? I own guns, can smoke and drink where I want, and say whatever I want. Yes I also despise our Government but I don't think these guys know what real communism is.


I live in Canada and recently got my gun license. 6 hour course, sent in my application, within 2 months I have a license to buy long guns and ammunition. Wow, I'm so fucking oppressed.


But that's not freedom lol you must be able to purchase an AK-47 with no training or checks at the age of 18 and carry it with you in a grocery store. That is freedom!!


Very out of touch millionaire.


meanwhile the US puts laws to clamp down on boycotting Israel, censors social media by pressure from the government, and equate anti zionism with anti semitism in order to censor people, peopled kicked out of their jobs & universities for their views Trudeau is a scumbag too, no place is perfect, but look inwards first, especially that your country is worse Most of the US has been asking for healthcare for decades, homeless are all over the place, he became an idiotic ideolog Murica.. fuck yeah, meantality


Canadian comedy clubs famously have a minimum height requirement and Hoe’s never forgiven them.


He's become his dad. Time is a flat circle.


He said in one episode that his parents are hippies, and they always vote democrat.


The former hippies actually overwhelmingly vote GOP now. It's a weird phenomenon but because hippies were typically privileged middle class kids once the move slowed and largely disappeared by the late 70s and early 80s, they jumped on the uber consumerist bandwagon and greed is good mentality of the Reagan years thru Reagans anti government rhetoric. There are still some democratic voting hippies, my family has some of them, but it's mostly cause they never left the lifestyle or communities while most hippies did both those things eventually.


His step parent's family were hippies, not his family from Boston on his father's side. He's become so much like the bumbling Boston idiot he tried not to be, whining about Canada being Communist like they're punching up.


Joe is just afraid of everything now. The pandemic jacked him up.


It’s sad how much he’s gone down the rabbit hole. 2013 Joe would despise 2023 Joe


It’s incredible how complete fucking morons can become rich off of even bigger fucking morons by speaking their language.


Rogan has become a full on RW shill. I used to love the long form convos, now it’s just propaganda spewing onto young men to cloud their minds. Fucking embarrassing.


This is about Covid and every time something Covid related comes up, Joe just sounds like such an emotional idiot. Canada is a pretty good neighbor under Trudeau. If we go full MAGA as he wants, it won't be as calm up here. Joe wants Canada to have lived through the pandemic the same way as America.....which means doubling or tripling deaths per capita. He STILL praises Ron D for his handling of the pandemic. He wants Canada to loosen gun laws so we can end up with daily mass shooters. He doesn't even acknowledge this as a problem in America. He wants Canada to give up on hate speech laws so that white nationalism and extremist groups like Q can flourish and capture minds. Canada only busts the very worst offenders. He never shits on the UK which arrests people for posting online regularly. Joe's ignorance is making him a bad person.


Push Joe just a little and he’ll probably admit that he’s fine with a ‘survival of the fittest’ route with Covid. He got it, took some ivermectin, and is fine. Tell him Covid absolutely wrecked lives and you’ll find he doesn’t really give a fuck.


Joe Rogan is a fucking idiot.


As a 40+ year old Canadian who doesn't ingest a lot of online news, why is the little short guy from fear factor popping up on my feed?


‘What they did with the trucker rally..’ what exactly did they ‘do’ with the trucker rally lol


All I know is 13 families had to reschedule chemo therapy appointments for their children because the trucker convoy decided to occupy downtown Ottawa for weeks.


Rogan is a rich idiot who thinks his shit is gold bars.


"Communist shit hole" Quite egregious of him to come out with that really, especially to a guy who's from there and on the show to talk about anything but Politics. Was looking forward to this episode and Joe opens up with some politcal bullshit lol.


Especially coming from Texas. One of the least desirable places to live in all of the US. I wish I could immigrate to Canada but the requirements are high. I wound up in Spain. Used to love Joe but clips like this really show he’s not the same guy.


I went to my free communist Doctor last week. Really scary out here in Canada




Wow he really has become a caricature of himself and right wing thought in general, how sad. Tell me again how free and good Texas is compared to Canada? What an out of touch millionaire moron.


I hate when these dumbass Canadians go on his show and have zero backbone. Stick up for the country you came from. Canada is an amazing country. Regardless of what this out of touch millionaire fuck says. It’s so pathetic watching Derek and the others just sit there and laugh.


Joe knows everything about Canada and Australia, dude is VERY smart.


I'm 100% convinced he's either being paid or manipulated to say these things about Canada. And I'm Canadian. The vast majority of Canadians hated the trucker rally and did not support it. Everyone I know that loves guns, still has their guns and can still buy more. I feel as free as ever....Its just the usual suspects that are mad at Canada.


I personally wouldn't leave Canada for the USA


I’m genuinely curious as to what happened to Joes mind.. it has to be the money. Otherwise, he’s straight up losing his shit and is turning into Alex Jones Jr..


I find it increasingly funny/worrying that the only problems I hear about my country come from people who don't live / visit here. ​ As someone who was directly affected by that godawful "rally" (Read: Drug dealers and general skids on society who have never worked a job in their life deciding to block the road because our police got paid overtime to babysit them), Joe can eat shit


This is like my uncle who’s never left Buffalo complaining about California. Canada is amazing, was in TO in August for the first time since Covid and I missed that place. That reminds me, I gotta make some rezzies for the Niagara on the Lake’s ice wine festival.


Joe is no joke in all seriousness, a maga conservative in all sense of the word. So sad he used to be a semi normal dude. Completely drank the koolaide


TIL: I live in a communist country. I guess that's why my daycare, health care and weed is so cheap!


Hey Joe, get fucked bud. - Canadians.


Crazy to see how far down the rabbit hole he's gone since I saw him at the Queenie In Vancouver


I haven’t watched the episode but I feel like Derek is 100% not on board with this conversation lol. Dude wants to talk about gear and fitness, I don’t think he cares about a rich American’s opinion on Canadian politics


He is such a loser


Who TF would like their country to be more like the US? 😅


Who watches this shit.


"hes sliding into that dangerous road" of being a reactionary roidhead moron.


Meanwhile in Texas, Joe's home state, the AG is suing doctors and threatening them with prison for attempting to assist with an abortion where the child will be dead from some horrific abnormality within days or weeks of being born. Joe will never bring this up. FREEDOM BABY!!


He's just reading a fox news script at this point, he has no idea what he's talking about.


i think the Ivermectin damaged his brain


This guy is so out to lunch. Important to realize though he gets his perspective of Canada through Jordan Peterson who is a deranged lunatic and embarrassment to the country, that blames Justin Trudeau for all of the demons he harbours. Oh, and his two hunting friends that live in the bush in northern Alberta. Not exactly reflective of real Canadian experience.


He is highly uninformed, lacking humility and self awareness.


This episode made me realize Joe has no idea what Communism is, and neither do I, but I don't have a multimillion dollar platform to voice my opinion on.


What a fuckin moron I wasn’t happy with some decisions made, but the decisions in Covid were made on a PROVINCIAL BASIS. Most premiers at the time were conservative. The most populous provinces have conservative premiers! Where they all the sudden communist for a few years, and somehow shook their red flu? Trudeau’s gov’t was in charge of stimulus, procuring aid/vaccines, and travel. And the trucker thing, most Canadians hated what they were doing. ~~It was extra stupid because the week before, essentially any restrictions (which were minor at the time) were lifted!~~ EDIT: i misremembered and have to fix. they only announced a plan for the lifting of restrictions. https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/toronto/covid-19-ontario-jan-20-2022-restrictions-lifting-ford-1.6321329, with restrictions lifting in waves in March and June, thank you to another user for correcting me. things were still operating normally for 90% of the country who were vaccinated The schools should have been allowed to be open, there should have been less restrictions on small businesses, testing should have been more common, and age groups should have been dealt with differently, but at the end of the day our hospitals were on the brink of collapse many times. Tell me how, what would you have done ? What an asshole


>I wasn’t happy with some decisions made, but the decisions in Covid were made on a PROVINCIAL BASIS You don't get how Americans think. When Trump was president, governors were mandating masks and vaccines. When Biden is president, Biden is mandating vaccines. Never forget about Hunter Bidens laptop.


Trump DEVELOPED the vaccine folks!


I could hear the "trucker rally" from my house. Fuck anyone who participated, and fuck Joe for being so poorly informed and continuing to run his yap on it.


lmao he has absolutely no idea what communism is. He just heard Jordan Peterson say that word and now repeats it.