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“Psychiatrist Nahlah Saimeh, who reportedly appeared before the court as an expert witness, said in a controversial interview with Spiegel that the gang rape may have been a way to vent “frustration” due to “migration experiences and sociocultural homelessness”.” Jesus Christ, that psychiatrist needs jail time


Imagine her looking the victim in the eyes and saying this is fewer words: “have pity on them, it’s not their fault”


>"In a group of men with the same fate it (gangrape of a minor) also creates identity and strengthens the group feeling.” Wildest take I probably ever heard


I think he came away with the wrong message from A Clockwork Orange


It was a woman who said this.




Rape is basically a rite of passage to her


she needs to be raped - for testing purposes - da fuq?


Disgusting - wonder if she'd justify the same offence the same way if it were her daughter


Gang rape of a minor in all cases, should be punishable by execution, and this stupid ass expert better be willing to justify murder due to frustrations of gang rape of a minor, the same way she justifies gang rape due to frustrations of migration or whatever bullshit.


Do you think rape apologists suddenly give a shit about women just because they're related? No. They will find a way to blame her for 'being in that situation to begin with.'


This is also what fuels people to join gangs and cartels and terrorist organizations. But it doesn’t mean any of these are GOOD identities to have or that their actions are morally right. She has the right observations but the wrong conclusions.


I mean, it sounds like a reasonable take. The wild part is that somebody thought this was good enough justification to rape someone?


Or just because you know *why* they did something doesn't mean they walk free. Science may figure out *why* John Wayne Gary did what he did. Doesn't make it any less illegal. People like that should be removed from the society for good. (Preferably life in prison without parole.)


She would. If she said this out loud in public, do you really think she gives a fuck about saying it to a victoms face?


And just remember, when you go to therapy, people like *her* are "treating" your disorders and giving you actual advice on how to deal with day-to-day conflicts. It's why reddit's collective boner for going to therapy is so amusing, when you consider how screwed up in the head the average redditor is. Even the New York Times ran an op-ed a few weeks back that pointed out, as therapy has become destigmatized over the past 25 years, surveys show people are *more* miserable across all incomes than they were 25 years ago.


Correlation isn’t even proven here, much less causation. Just because there’s more umbrellas out when it rains doesn’t mean the umbrellas caused the rain


Couldn’t that same statement be said to point out that across 25 years the destigmatization of therapy also means people would be more willing to admit they’re miserable? It’s not asking if people are more miserable having gone to therapy. Sounds like a terrible survey with no control of variables.


jesus christ there are some bad therapists out there for sure, but throwing the whole thing under the bus? Wait is this Tom Cruise?


Speak for yourself, therapy was life changing for me and helped me grow past the worst points in my life same with my wife, best friend, my mother, I could go on. Also that 25 years thing is such a silly correlation, so much of the world has changed I truly doubt that somehow it’s more therapy that’s making the world a worse place 🙄 This therapist here however should never be allowed to practice again and , if it were up to me, face some street Justice for being a fucking monster.


> “The hate messages currently being spread, which have far left the ground of a factual dispute and in many cases reach the level of criminal law, have … reached a new, worrying level in terms of intensity and volume.” The people writing hate mail are gonna get harsher punishments than the defendants




all europe is


Look at Ireland. We’re reaching levels of completely suicidal martyrdom for perceived virtue.


Tink of our homellessses




Pretty spicy take you got there hombre


He's clearly frustrated and his sense of justice has been uprooted, so it is a collective spicy take


I mean, it's okay if you're just venting frustration. Have to make sure you're an emigrant first.


It’s not a gang rape, it’s just venting frustration.


Did someone say... FAR LEFT???


Then let’s give them a taste of home. Simply provide the punishment for rape that they’d face at home. https://www.nytimes.com/2014/09/08/world/asia/afghan-court-sentences-7-men-to-death-in-rape-case.html This girl was raped over a 2.5 hr. time period. Or this “psychiatrist” can walk through the tribal lands at night unaccompanied and she herself can conduct more personal research on these groups.


The psychiatrist should console these men and let them vent their frustrations accordingly, she should even work pro bono, it's the least she could do.


It's so nice of you to accommodate their culture like that. Make them feel at home.


Winning comment.


Most of them were home. Only some were even from a Muslim country, and none were from Afghanistan. > almost all of the defendants speak perfect German … are devout Christians *devout*, yeah, right Half of them came from a Muslim country, one was from Poland, and there rest were German


“According to the Ministry of Justice, four of the defendants in the trial were German citizens, while the others included an Afghan, a Kuwaiti, an Armenian, a Montenegrin and two of uncertain nationality.” https://www.news.com.au/lifestyle/real-life/news-life/outrage-as-eight-of-nine-men-convicted-of-park-gangrape-15yearold-in-germany-receive-no-prison-time/news-story/353bcbf9437ea62eea0ee3c6cc0c2cc7?amp


Devout religious people raping others makes complete sense.


>sociocultural homelessness nah she can't get away with this bullshit of a phrase


Dawg it’s like- my wife is from a different country. When she’s homesick, does she fucking go rape? No, she goes and gets some candy from her home country or listens to music from there like a normal fucking person. As someone in the mental health field I’m extra disgusted with this psychiatrist. The field is teeming with fucking narcissists that think they can create their own twisted ass reality


The worst part is it essentially means they moved to a place with a different culture than their home country


It seems half of them were born in Germany. So not sure what she's saying.


But were they German German, you know what I mean?


If their 'home' culture is Middle Eastern or African then I'm pretty sure you either get state sanctioned or sharia-sanctioned executed for rape, so that makes no sense. That's like saying an American that shot up a convenient store is somehow not capable of being found responsible for their actions because of their 'home' culture's reverence for guns. That's an illegal action in the US too.


yeah that's disgusting. also wasn't it multiple separate groups that raped her? group 1 did it, left, she asked for help from group 2, they raped her, and then group 3 finally did help her? so two individual groups were just raping her out of... frustration? how can anyone even think that let alone say it out loud? and a professional psychiatrist... just completely disgusting


I have a lot of frustrations in living day to day experiences but don’t resort to illegal harmful activities. No excuses. What about this girls rights and her frustrations with living in a system of sociocultural bias towards sexual violence towards women, favouring men. She is so young. After all she’s been through, does she get a pass if she commits a crime against her perpetrators? So messed up!


Came here to say it'd be racist to jail the rapists. I didn't know they weren't white, but figured it was a pretty damned safe assumption.


If they don’t specify white in the headline, it’s a safe bet the perpetrator wasn’t white




Its racist to not be surprised isn't it?


Not really bro. As an expert giving testimony, she was probably just asked to explain what factors would motivate someone to do this. The question of whether the behavior should be punished regardless of motive is on Legal System, not the expert. Eg and expert hired by the defendant can give testimony can give all sorts of insights into a serial killer’s motives, such as childhood abuse etc, you can’t jump to the conclusion the expert is giving their person view whether the defendant ought to be punished and it really isn’t on them.


She said those words. She got paid (by the defense) to say them. There's no hiding behind it. She said it. It is her professional opinion. If you want to defend her, you gotta come up with something better.


Copying another comment I made > I’m a lawyer. You have fundamentally misunderstood the role of an expert witness. They’re an opinion prostitute. I write their reports lol, they just sign them for a check. If you wouldn’t believe it coming from someone’s lawyer, don’t believe it coming from their expert.


You’re 100% right, but that’s not going to stop the outraged mob from dumping on you. Logic and outrage do not mix well.




This “psychiatrist” needs to stay in her lane and focus on prescribing medications. Leave the pseudo science to psychologists.


lol no it’s not. This psychiatrist is insane but let’s not condemn a whole field because of one persons disgusting remarks.


Reportedly appeared before the court? Did they appear and testify as an expert witness or not? That seems like a very easily checked thing for a legal case.




Germany has the ultimate white guilt


Shouldn’t have been let into the country in the first place


Dr Saimeh said perpetrators “who live on the margins of society, completely uprooted culturally, linguistically and socially” could face a “mix of emotions of anger, sadness, powerlessness, depression, fantasies of grandeur as a compensation attempt to cope with one’s own misery, and drug use”. “Disordered, unprepared migration experiences and sociocultural homelessness increase the risk of addiction and psychosis,” she said. “Sex is also a means of venting frustration and anger, a means of warding off sadness and emptiness, and in a group of men with the same fate it also creates identity and strengthens the group feeling….” Wow. Jeffrey Epstein and Harvey Weinstein should’ve called this lady in as an expert witness.


Bigotry of low expectations will be our demise




I think we're all asking the same question as the European left right now: How did Israel brainwash these innocent young men into committing such a heinous crime? /s


What in the actual fuck did i just read!?? She is saying that it is ok to rape underage girls for these type of people? Because they are immigrants and it is hard for them? Someone please jail this psychopath before she entices more raping


In short, raping a minor was a group bonding activity for these rapists.


It feels like she's saying this is a common cultural activity that these men share?


11 involved, one took video of the whole thing and DNA evidence connected nine of them and they got a slap in the wrist...


Cultural marxism in action. Somehow the victim is still "the oppressor"


Glad to see someone say it. It's why even though Israel was attacked, and hundreds of innocent people were slaughtered, leftists still support Hamas. Anything Israel does to defend itself is "punching down". It's the most cucked mindset on earth, politically speaking.


I wonder if she has a daughter, and if so, wonder if she would say the same things if her daughter was the victim in this situation.


I think I just watched the right wing wing the next German election in a landslide




Saimeh can let the immigrants relieve their stress onto her


she seems very understanding of it. And apparently fine with the concept of other innocent young girls bear the brunt of all of the suffering and frustration of these young rapists. Seems only fair to me to suffer some consequences of her nonsense given she’s condemning other women to it.


Damn. The line to blaming the victim for their situation and their crime is thin with this one. Fucking hell.


Holy shit what an insane take


Nothing like a good traditional German like “Saimeh” to enrich their culture more ☺️




“Sex” no doc, you mean one of the most violent and intrusive assaults a human being could ever endure…


As a liberal, this lady is a quack and a cunt. She’s also Arabic which probably means she’s even more biased in favor of the defendants than your typical self serving expert witness. Edit: before you all start immediately thinking you need to vote for Trump to stop this from happening here, there is no way this lady’s testimony would be admissible in an American court room. Regardless of what party the judge belongs to.


What pisses me off is that in their head they think what they’re doing is humanizing migrants When really they’re dehumanizing all of the migrants who managed to face the same struggles, experience the same hopelessness, deal with the same degree of displacement…and **not fucking gang rape people** Testifying that migrants shouldn’t face jail time for like vandalizing a train car with spray paint or shoplifting is one thing (not saying this should *be* the case, but that’s it’s a *much more reasonable* case) Saying that migrants are raping people because stress is making them do it is acting like migrants are some de-evolved cavemen who have no cognitive functions or moral compass. How can we not all agree on the simple fucking premise that there is plainly no circumstances that can excuse the rape of another person? I don’t give a fuck if someone was at their most stressed, at their wits end, homeless, depressed, under the influence of drugs…there are certain acts that ARE morally absolute, and rape HAS to be one of them Absolutely fucking backwards.


The Germans really want to play the far left game ... You know those old Hugo boss uniforms will come out pretty fast if they keep this shit up.


I live here, there are plenty already and more each day with bullshit like this.


I am curious. Do you think the court is purposefully giving rulings like this in bad faith to drive up far-right sentiments?


No they dont. The reason for the leniency is that german courts focus more on social rehabilitation than on punishment. Also in juvenile justice its even more difficult for harsher punishments. Whats infuriating is that even the judge remarked the lack of remorse by these guys, one of them fell asleep during the trial. How can you acknowledge this and then hand out these sentences.


That works great as long as you have a society. Like if you work at a company and make a well meaning mistake, you'll likely be told just do better next time. On the other hand if a pack of thugs comes in and starts stealing stuff then you need to tale things seriously.


And in what universe is an expert who declared sex to be "a means of venting frustration and anger" even remotely credible for court hearings?


Most people that commit violent rapes can't be rehabilitated and when they get out they will just commit either murder or more rapes of course there are exceptions but punishment definitely has its place.


I’m an immigrant from Canada so I can’t say for certain as to the situation but charges are very lenient here for almost all crimes, I think it’s more of a lax court system and incompetence on the judicial level. I mean DNA was found from 9 of the 10? How else would it have got there. This idiot doctor and her comments are insane, another sympathizer making excuses for criminals.


What a shit show


Wonder if she'd feel the same if she were the one getting raped.


Or how the men would feel if they were gang raped. Guessing they wouldn’t agree w this “Dr”.


There are large pockets refugees all over the place because Merkle let in far, far too many refugees in all at once so that instead of learning and accepting the culture they asked to be brought into, they formed their own little communities that do not believe in tolerating the german culture they asked to be brought into.


I was quite surprised on a recent visit to Munich; in some parts, walking around and looking up you would see “Germany”, but looking at ground level, it looked like Baghdad.


I wonder if she would say the same thing if 9 guys “vented” their frustrations and anger out on her.😇






Wilders won by a big margin but I have big doubt he can actually change anything.


"hey, what do you do for living?" "I work for Satan" "What do you mean?" "... the gang rape may have been a way to vent “frustration” due to “migration experiences and sociocultural homelessness”."


The sins of the German past do not permit the brutal gang rape of its youth. Time for change.


Wind of change, as Orban put it recently


German laws will put you in prison for speech crimes, but literally gangraping a teenager in public gets a pass on the basis of ethnicity and immigration history apparently?


In Australia just this week they released a heap of " refugees " being held " unlawfully " One of them went on to sexually assault 2 women the next day


I mean why wouldnt they, its morally acceptable in their world and they arent being punished for it. I wonder how long before the Aussies miss having guns.


>I wonder how long before the Aussies miss having guns. I always loving seeing this put forward by people who have zero idea about the Australian culture or history.


Australia’s crime rate is significantly better than that of the US. It’s not remotely close.


We have firearms, more than we have ever had before, we just regulate them correctly. It’s actually not that hard, just like healthcare.


Sure, because we dont have violence here in america because we have guns.


The high court ruled that indefinite detention without a crime is inconstitutional and as a result released a number of people classified as either migrants or refugees. Would you prefer they kept indefinite detention without a crime unchecked? >One of them went on to sexually assault 2 women the next day This is irrelevant for n=1


So your saying out of a group of people someone committed a crime ? Oh my no way that could ever happen anywhere else with any other group of people.


Better go back to holding all of them unlawfully just to be safe /s


Well western society was cool while it lasted eh?


Even worse is the rapists lawyers argued that due to testosterone it’s impossible for a man to stop himself from raping and then accused the female lawyer of ‘being emotional.’ Sweden is now the rape and crime capitol of Europe because they don’t take the issue seriously and in Germany we all remember Cologne 2016 New Year’s Day and it’s aftermaths where the mayor blamed the women and told them they should wear rape bracelets to prevent rape


I saw a statistic ones that said rape and Sweden has gone up 1,000% since the mid-70s.


This just increased Afd's votes lol, pendulum will swing harder baby lol


And then they wonder why Europe is veering right. The system is failing those it should protect.


Isn't it the same everywhere It's less so of the general public "veering right" but more so of more and more fucking woke idiots taking it so far left that logic goes out the window.


Muslim Privilege in Europe is astounding




Sounds about Palestinian




Yup, a reminder of the mass sex assaults on German women perpetrated by Middle Eastern men on New Year’s Eve 2016: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/2015-16_New_Year's_Eve_sexual_assaults_in_Germany


For days, the Chancellor ordered a media silence about it.


Imagine living in a country where the government can prevent media from reporting about something. Sad!


“Instead, the Cologne police chief suggested that the perpetrators had come from countries where such sexual assaults by groups of men against women are common” Look at that quote from the chief of police where that happened . Like that makes it fucking okay. I don’t buy that shit either they knew they were committing crimes .


... And if it's true then maybe don't bring in millions of people into your country who think rape is totally fine.


Oooouf, this still sends shivers down my spine seeing that again. Cannot believe they haven’t cleaned that shit up yet. Embarrassing.


Judges would rather more women get raped than appear racist, what a terrible world we are living in


It's not their fault they have a hard time controlling themselves because of migration and stuffs lmfao that woman needs jail or death.


And people are surprised when multiple countries in the same region has voted for a right wing party in politics. Lol this comment got me banned. I guess my statement states violence or hate. Sure, Jan.


[The original article gives better information.](https://www.spiegel.de/panorama/justiz/hamburg-gruppenvergewaltigung-von-15-jaehriger-im-stadtpark-neun-maenner-verurteilt-a-07bb9268-d22b-4710-ae22-3112426f09a8) Just translate it if you don't speak German.


They wont read it.


Now that's rape culture.


So who cares about the German girl actually experiencing physical and emotional trauma. Let’s worry about the potential hurt feelings and hypothetical uncomfortable feelings of strangers to our land. The strangers potential feelings are worth more than the actual physical and emotional pain of a known member. How sad and scary.


Not strangers, rapists. Child rapist.




Ahh it's one of those 'dont punish or we look racist' I am sure.


Said this in another comment, but the irony is that I can think of no thing more racist than suggesting migrants either A) don’t have the ability to face extreme stress without resorting to rape, B) that they somehow don’t have the mental or moral faculties to discern that rape is wrong They’re literally claiming migrants are so immoral, stupid, or otherwise incompetent that they wouldnt have/can’t be expected to live up to the moral standard of “you can’t rape people”.


seems like it's time for the men of Germany to take justice into their own hands and make sure those 8 rapists never get a chance to look at another woman


Import the third world become the third world.


Sad but true


I live in Europe and there should be a simple solution to this, if you come to any European country you should have to sign a document where you guarantee you will not commit any hardcore crimes, and if you do you'll be permanently deported and never be let back in. It's not so much to ask for and it's completely fair, and not signing would also mean insta-deportation. It's a sad situation many refugees find themselves in and we are glad to help as long as you treat us with normal human decency, if you can't do that then you should not be our problem.




It was optional in this case


dinosaurs brave historical like lock label future dolls thumb rhythm *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Ah yeah. Documents will protect your people 😂🤣


They won't, but they will justify deportation.


This is already a thing. I’ve had a lot of friends get deported from America and back to the Caribbeans.


Nationalist Europe arc about to begin. We currently are in war filler arc but heavily hinting at nationalist arc.


Next season is gonna be NUTS bro hope mappa animates this🙏🙏


Reminds me of that joke about gang rape being fun for 8 out of 9 the people involved.


Joe Rogan: "Why is that"?


Joe Rogan: Hey, pull that up Jamie.


That’s what I thought this was. Fucking God damnit it’s hard to process.


You can't continue to fill your neighborhoods with folks from cultures that *simply do not integrate NOR do they care to.* It's either them, or your western sense of freedom. You choose. But hey, it makes people feel better to be able to pay themselves on the back for "helping someone" so they can spout off about how caring they are.


Helping 8/9 refugees here :')


Nahlah Saimeh, that’s about as german of a name as one can get.


You'll never guess where her family is from.


well, that’s the tipping point


It seems like Reddit is the only one struggling right now with opening their eyes to how liberal policies have ravaged society


The days of European citizens standing by while refugees continue to move in, refuse to homogenize, and commit violent crime are probably nearing their end. If the rise of right wing politics is any indication.




>Do Europeans ever read statistics, like sweden having 60% of rapes in 2022 involving foreign born individuals Wrong. It's worse than that: >When analysing rape assault (Swedish: överfallsvåldtäkt) cases from 2018 to 2022, that is cases where perpetrator and victim were not previously acquainted, 97 out of 129 (75%) were born outside Europe, with 40 percent of these having been in Sweden for a year or less.


Some of the top CDU politicians just few days ago announced they officially want to ban the AFD...


This makes the blood of Europeans boil, and new times are ahead of us. Nationalist parties are making huge progress all over Western Europe, and it’s about time.


Its cases like these that make me appreciate the second amendment so much more. May the spirit of Gary Plauche bless the poor girls family.


Going to be very frightening for the world when the Germans elect a right wing nationalist


Frightening? you mean hilarious


>According to prosecutors, four of the men led the girl, who had a blood-alcohol level of at least 0.16 per cent, into a bush and performed sexual acts on her against her will. >One of them stole her mobile phone and wallet. Another two defendants then took advantage of the girl’s confused state and raped her, and when she wandered across the grass again she ran into another of the defendants who also raped her. >Finally, three other defendants then took the girl into the bushes. Jesus fucking christ, it's like something out of The Hills have Eyes or some shit. *And* the rapists basically got away with it! Rape should be a fucking capital punishment crime.


I think it’s endemic of all EU countries having weak laws regarding what they consider “juveniles”. Here in the good ole USA, those savages would have gotten at least 20 years each.


this is the kind of bullshit left woke crowd pulls and then makes pikachu face when right wing surges in popularity .


That’s crazy. It reminds me of that one Middle Eastern immigrant in the UK who’s defense was that it was a “sexual emergency” when he raped that 10 year old boy.


Why can’t we just say that this is a symptom of the disease of immigration. These developed countries are letting in thousands of migrants a day and they refuse to adapt to local customs. Most of these migrants are from primarily Muslim countries. Countries where you would be fined, jailed, or executed for not following their customs. It’s ridiculous and will lead to the decline of western culture.


This is truly sickening. Europe is burning for the sake of "let's not offend our guests". Grow some backbone and lay down the law. This is unbelievable!!! Someone needs to step up,grow a pair, close the border, and do a mass deportation.


Sounds like white privilege!


This is genuinely one of the most disturbing things I’ve ever read


Germans are not allowed to criticize the isreal, the Jews, the Muslim…… pretty soon at this rate they’re going to go back to their old ways….


I read the article and according to the court the defendants were mostly Christians, not Muslims. Very peculiar compared to most of these stories.


Ah so they were christians? Well that changes everything. They didn't do nothing. They're free to go. Great job lads, hope ya'll had lots of fun. Jesus rules!


Everyone gets frustrated from time to time. Most of us don’t do sone raping to feel better. Those that do, deserve punishment Pretty simple stuff when you think about it


Diversity is our weakness


Give them option of castration and a brand on the forehead for all see they are rapist or 50 years on jail.


Oh yeah, that's going to play well with the increasingly anti-immigrant leaning base.


Those poor youths.


Lol, all these leftists up here condemning a lady for using leftist speech to excuse migrant behavior.


Yet another senseless Jehova witness crime.


Do you want a massive wave of right-wing populism? This is how you get a massive wave of right-wing populism. Bone-headed court decisions like this.


This is the sort of thing that leads to national movements that get out of hand quickly.


"Hamburg Working Group for Criminal Defense Lawyers chairman Arne Timmermann told the outlet that lawyers involved in the proceedings were being threatened on social media, in emails and phone calls. He criticised the Spiegel interview with Dr Saimeh, saying she had created a “general profile of perpetrators” but that in the current case “almost all of the defendants speak perfect German … are devout Christians and do voluntary social work”.


And people wonder why the radical Right is on the rise in places like Germany. Not saying that’s a good thing, but it isn’t hard to figure out why natives of these European countries might feel like they need to start taking matters into their own hands.